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为研究配合饲料条件下循环水养殖系统(RAS)中养殖密度对松江鲈生长的影响,选取体长为(2.97±0.12)cm、体质量为(0.26±0.03)g的松江鲈,分别按40尾/m2(A组)、80尾/m2(B组)和120尾/m2(C组)共3个养殖密度,在RAS中进行了为期240 d的养殖试验。试验结果显示:A组鱼的终末体质量、终末体长、体质量日增长量、存活率等均显著高于其他两组,A组鱼的体长日增长量显著高于C组(P<0.05);不同密度组间鱼体肥满度无显著性差异(P>0.05)。试验组单位面积产量由高到低依次为:C组(2.83 kg/m2)、B组(2.51 kg/m2)、A组(1.72 kg/m2)。试验组鱼体质量与体长均呈幂函数相关(m=aLb,a=0.007 6~0.008 9,b=3.123 6~3.209 4),体长、体质量生长均以三次函数拟合较好。各组间的鱼体长、体质量变异系数均差异显著(P<0.05),其中B组最小...  相似文献   

为验证淡水池塘嵌入式集装槽循环水养殖系统设计的应用效果,使用该系统进行了革胡子鲶、罗非鱼、彭泽鲫和赣昌鲤鲫四种鱼类的养殖试验。经过99d的养殖,四种鱼类养殖过程中均未出现大面积死亡现象和病害发生的情况,革胡子鲶、罗非鱼、彭泽鲫和赣昌鲤鲫养殖产量分别达到了43.81kg/m3,17.40kg/m3,17.96kg/m3和11.65kg/m3。养殖过程中,养殖水质保持稳定,未向外排放养殖尾水,未使用渔药。养殖试验表明:淡水池塘嵌入式集装槽循环水养殖系统可以用来养殖以上四种鱼类,而且能够达到环保高效的养殖目的。  相似文献   

为研究大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)在工厂化循环水养殖条件下不同放养密度的生长规律,本研究选取规格一致[平均体长(6.70±0.64) cm,平均体质量(4.38±1.40) g]的大口黑鲈幼鱼分别按80 ind/m3(D1组)、96 ind/m3(D2组)、112 ind/m3(D3组)、128 ind/m3(D4组)放养密度饲养在16个2.5m3工厂化循环水养殖桶中,每个密度组设4个平行,根据不同生长阶段投喂不同口径的大口黑鲈专用配合饲料,实验时间为160 d。结果显示:4组大口黑鲈终末体长和体质量生长指标均较为接近,无显著差异;平均成活率82.50%~85.63%,组间成活率差异不显著;平均饵料系数(FCR)是1.5,最高是D4组1.74,最低是D1组1.34,各密度组FCR随放养密度的增大而显著增大,D1组与D3组、D1组与D4组和D2与D4组差异显著,其他组间无显著差异;4组大口黑鲈体长、体质量变异系数无显著性差异;体长(L)与日龄(t)均呈线...  相似文献   

本研究拟通过养殖实验确定厚颌鲂(Megalobrama pellegrini)幼鱼最适养殖密度;同时,利用酶学和分子生物学手段分析养殖密度对厚颌鲂幼鱼肠道抗氧化酶活性及氧化应激相关基因表达的影响。实验设计5个密度处理组,分别为0.15 kg/m3 (50尾/桶)、0.24 kg/m3 (80尾/桶)、0.34 kg/m3 (110尾/桶)、0.42 kg/m3 (140尾/桶)和0.50 kg/m3 (170尾/桶),每组设置3个平行,实验周期为42 d。结果显示,当养殖密度从0.15 kg/m3 逐渐升高到0.50 kg/m3 时,厚颌鲂幼鱼生长(增重率和特定生长率)呈先上升后下降的趋势,且在最大密度时(0.50 kg/m3 )增重率和特定生长率显著低于0.34 kg/m3 密度实验组(P<0.05)。同时,最高养殖密度处理组(0.50 kg/m3 )饲料系数显著高于中低密度实验组(0.15、0.24和0.34 kg/m3 )(P<0.05),说明过高养殖密度不利于厚颌鲂幼鱼的生长和饲料利用。实验表明,提高养殖密度并未影响厚颌鲂幼鱼成活率(P>0.05),各组存活率均较高(>97%)。当养殖密度为0.34 kg/m3 时,厚颌鲂幼鱼全鱼粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量显著高于其他各密度实验组(P<0.05)。厚颌鲂幼鱼肠道抗氧化应激相关指标受到养殖密度的显著影响,其中,0.24和0.34 kg/m3 密度处理组鱼体肠道总抗氧化能力显著高于最低密度组(0.15 kg/m3 )和高密度组(0.42、0.50 kg/m3 )(P<0.05);最高密度实验组(0.50 kg/m3 )肠道超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性最低,而丙二醛(MDA)含量最高(P<0.05);谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量最高值出现在0.34 kg/m3 处理组,显著高于其他各实验组(P<0.05)。最低密度实验组(0.15 kg/m3 )厚颌鲂幼鱼肠道细胞色素P450(CYP1 A)基因相对表达量显著低于较高密度实验组(0.42 kg/m3 )(P<0.05);最高养殖密度组(0.50 kg/m3 )鱼体肠道转录因子NF-E2相关因子2(Nrf2)基因相对表达量最高,而锰超氧化物歧化酶基因(MnSOD)相对表达量最低,与0.34 kg/m3 密度处理组间有显著性差异(P<0.05),说明养殖密度过高时能引起鱼体的氧化应激反应。研究表明,体重为0.45~1.36 g的厚颌鲂幼鱼最适养殖密度为0.34 kg/m3 ,该结果可为提高厚颌鲂苗种培育效率,促进其种质资源恢复提供理论基础。  相似文献   

根据鲆鲽类海水鱼的生理生态特点,整合双排水、多级物理过滤、臭氧消毒杀菌、纯氧混合增氧等关键的水质调控技术,构建了低能耗、低成本、高效益的半封闭循环水养殖系统,以大菱鲆为试验对象,通过试运行探讨了其可行性和实用性。养殖试验分3个阶段,对期间各项水质指标的动态变化进行了监测。结果表明:在日换水率为50 %时,各项水质指标均保持在鲆鲽类生长的适宜范围内;大菱鲆生长情况良好,成活率92 %,平均养殖密度达18.4 kg·m-3;与流水养殖模式比较,养鱼污水经过循环利用,每生产1 kg鱼节约能耗24 %,节水85 %。该鲆鲽类半封闭循环水养殖系统的可行性和经济性良好,适宜于在山东、河北、辽宁等北方沿海地区大力推广应用。  相似文献   

利用山区小水库水位深、水质优良的特点,结合工程化循环水养殖系统生态、环保、高效的优势,开展工程化循环水养殖罗非鱼试验,在水槽中放养平均规格100 g/尾的罗非鱼1.7万尾,放养密度170尾/m2,养殖4个月,平均规格达0.85 kg/尾,平均单产138.72 kg/m2,水库的年纯收入为7.32万元,投入产出比1∶1.23。  相似文献   

通过将小型池塘(1.2×667m2)改造成养鱼区和水质处理区的方式设计了一套新型“洁水循环”系统—“陆基分区”养殖系统。并验证了该系统的养殖效果,光唇鱼经过330d的养殖成活率为84.8%,饵料系数为1.59,单位产量为10.6kg/m3;加州鲈经过180d的养殖成活率为85.33%,饵料系数为1.37,单位产量为12.19kg/m3。结果表明该系统能够实现水体循环养殖,达到低占地面积、低排污的养殖效果,但还需要进一步探讨其养殖技术,提高养殖单位产量。  相似文献   

为探索生态化水产养殖新模式,提高淡水鱼蛋白产量,满足市场需求。开展了工程化循环水养殖鱼类试验,初选湘云鲫、黄颡鱼、加州鲈3种经济鱼类进行高密度养殖。经过5~7个月的养殖试验,常规水质指标正常,藻相稳定,最终起捕单位面积产量为湘云鲫109.3kg/m2、黄颡鱼68.6kg/m2、加州鲈63.3kg/m2,利润均为5万余元,取得了不错的试验效果,为广大养殖户利用工程化循环水渔业设施进行鱼类高密度养殖提供了较好的经验,具有参考与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为探究七彩神仙鱼工厂化养殖技术,在水温28~30℃的室内水泥池中开展了七彩神仙鱼养殖试验,放养的幼鱼全长1.5~2.0 cm,放养密度为200尾/m3。经过约120 d养殖,试验鱼全长达9.0~10.0 cm,达到商品规格。结果表明,七彩神仙鱼每年可养殖3茬,平均成活率达87.8%,平均单位水体产出达175.6尾/m3。工厂化养殖系统可全年生产运转,水质相对稳定,单位水体养殖密度较高。  相似文献   

为减少高温对蚂蟥的应激伤害,延长其有效养殖周期,开展了蚂蟥大棚水槽双茬高效养殖试验。大棚两侧开设侧窗,棚顶安装遮阳网,通过大棚侧窗的开启和遮阳网来控制棚内的水温和光照。6月中旬至10月份养殖头茬苗,放养密度为70尾/m2;头茬苗养成收获后放养二茬苗,养殖密度为0.5 kg/m2,12月初收获。养殖期间水槽水温在15.0~35.0℃。试验结果显示,头茬苗平均产量为1.16 kg/m2,平均成活率为76.90%;二茬苗平均产量为0.85 kg/m2,平均成活率为92.36%;头茬苗和二茬苗的投入产出比分别为1∶4.37和1∶1.68。试验结果表明,采用蚂蟥大棚水槽养殖模式可以较好地控制养殖水温,一年可养殖两茬蚂蟥,养殖效益较高。  相似文献   

The impact of stocking density on growth performance, physiological indicators, and body composition of juvenile blunt snout bream in recirculating aquaculture system was investigated in this study. Juvenile blunt snout bream were raised at stocking densities of 75, 150, 225, 300, and 450 fish/m3 for 12 wk with three replicate tanks at each density. All treatment tanks were supplied with water from the same recirculating system to ensure uniformity of water quality across groups. This study has shown that higher stocking densities had a negative effect on individual growth performance. Final body mass, specific growth rate (SGR), and weight gain decreased significantly as stocking density increased. Individual body mass as well as body length were more uniform in fish stocked at densities of 75 and 150 fish/m3 than in other groups. Stocking densities of 225 and 300 fish/m3 resulted in significant increases in serum total protein, triglyceride, lactate, and cholesterol levels, whereas blood glucose concentrations decreased significantly. In addition, decreased body lipid content and increased body moisture content were observed at stocking densities of 300 and 450 fish/m3. Overall, a density of 150 fish/m3 resulted in higher SGR and more uniform size among juvenile blunt snout bream.  相似文献   

Culture density in excess of a critical threshold can result in a negative relationship between stocking density and fish production. This study was conducted to evaluate production characteristics of juvenile cobia, Rachycentron canadum, reared to market size in production‐scale recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) at three different densities. Cobia (322 ± 69 g initial weight) were reared for 119 d at densities to attain a final in‐tank biomass of 10, 20, or 30 kg/m3. The specific objective was to determine the effects of in‐tank crowding resulting from higher biomass per unit rearing volume independent of system loading rates. Survival was ≥96% among all treatments. Mean final weight ranged from 2.13 to 2.15 kg with feed conversion efficiencies of 65–66%. No significant differences were detected in growth rate, survival, feed efficiency, or body composition. This study demonstrates that cobia can be reared to >2 kg final weight at densities ≤30 kg/m3 under suitable environmental conditions without detrimental effects on production.  相似文献   

将初始体重为(580.9±44.65)g的大菱鲆成鱼按照低密度A组14.30 kg/m2、中密度B组20.49 kg/m2、高密度C组31.32 kg/m2的标准分为3个不同养殖密度组,并放养于循环水养殖系统中120 d,同时对大菱鲆成活率、体重差异、饵料系数、溶菌酶水平及养殖水体中总氨氮(TAN)、亚硝酸氮(NO2--N)、COD浓度的变化进行测定。研究表明,实验结束时A、B、C三组大菱鲆养殖密度分别达到30.09、41.30、60.07 kg/m2,各实验组成活率都在95%以上。大菱鲆养殖密度对增重率的影响主要体现在研究前期,并且随着养殖密度的增加,各实验组体重差异度出现显著变化(P0.01)。大菱鲆A、B、C组的饵料系数分别为0.73、0.75、0.82,与养殖密度呈正相关。研究开始第5天,高密度组大菱鲆溶菌酶水平升高,20 d后血液溶菌酶水平逐渐降低,40 d之后显著低于低密度组。研究期间系统运行稳定,循环水养殖大菱鲆的不同密度对系统各项水质指标总氨氮(TAN)、亚硝酸氮(NO2--N)、COD浓度的变化有显著影响(P0.05)。研究结果显示,随着养殖密度的升高,各项水质指标显著升高,但高密度组各项水质指标均未超过渔业水质标准所规定的浓度。  相似文献   

为研究陆基圆池循环水养殖条件下大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)适宜的养殖密度,设置55、65、75、85、95尾/m2等5种养殖密度(分别标记为A1、A2、A3、A4、A5组),进行了63 d的大口黑鲈养殖试验,通过测定和分析试验鱼的体质量日增长率、体长日增长率、饲料系数、体质量均匀度和单位面积产量等指标,评价不同养殖密度对大口黑鲈生长和主要养殖效能的影响。结果显示:(1)从次低密度的A2组(65尾/m2)至密度最高的A5组(95尾/m2),试验鱼的体长日增长率基本上随着养殖密度的提高而下降,最高的A2组比A3、A4和A5组分别高了31.6%、82.9%和92.3%,并且差异显著(P<0.05);(2)从A2组至A5组,试验鱼的体质量日增长率和特定生长率均随着养殖密度的提高而下降;(3)A2组的饲料系数比A1、A3、A4和A5组分别降低了16.7%、28.6%、55.4%和56.9%;(4)单位面积产量和产品均匀度均在A2组达到最高。基于生长性能及养殖效能的综合评价,陆基圆池循环水养殖条件下大口黑鲈成鱼养殖阶段较适宜的养殖密度为65尾/m2。  相似文献   

Welfare in farmed fish got particular attention during the last decades from both governmental and public sides. In aquaculture context, welfare concerns are mainly related to handling procedures, water quality and stoking densities. In Europe, authorities had to clarify the threshold limits of stocking densities to maintain fish good welfare, including for organics aquaculture through the EC regulation 710/2009. However, effects of stocking density on fish welfare are complex and sometimes contradictory. Moreover, there is a lack of knowledge about the impact of density on fish welfare in organic aquaculture. Thus, the aim of the study is to asses welfare state of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at two initial stocking densities (low density, LD: 12 kg/m3 and high density, HD: 17 kg/m3) fed using organic feed by combining the monitoring of growth performances, behaviour (swimming activity) and physiological indicators (i.e. cortisol, glucose, lactate, hematocrit, red blood cellule count and lysozyme). At the end of experiment, the stocking density reached 21 kg/m3 and 30 kg/m3 for the LD and HD respectively. Overall, growth performances, swimming activity and level of physiological indicators of stress and welfare were similar between HD and LD over the experiment duration. To conclude, we observed no alteration of fish welfare between the two stocking densities monitored. This study suggests that a final stocking density of 30 kg/m3 can be considered for organic aquaculture of rainbow trout respecting welfare.  相似文献   

The first step for rearing the newly produced hybrid of Asp, Leuciscus aspius ♀, × Caspian Kutum, Rutilus frisii ♂ (so‐called “Aspikutum”) is to understand essential production requirements such as stocking density. For this purpose, fish (60.4 g) were held at five stocking densities of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 kg/m3 in circular concrete tanks (603 L) for a period of 56 d. The culture system was maintained at natural temperature and photoperiod. Fish were fed thrice a day using a commercial diet. At the end of the trial, growth indices, including final mean weight, weight gain, and specific growth rate, were significantly higher at the density of 10 kg/m3 compared with 2 kg/m3 (P< 0.05). Feed intake was significantly greater at 10 kg/m3 compared with 2 kg/m3 (P< 0.05); however, feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, protein productive value, and hepatosomatic index remained unchanged among the stocking densities (P> 0.05). Increased stocking density caused significant increase in body protein and fat contents (P< 0.05). Condition factor in higher densities (8 and 10 kg/m3) was significantly higher compared with 2 kg/m3 (P< 0.05). The results indicated that rearing this hybrid in the studied weight range at high density of 10 kg/m3 or more is possible without negative impacts on growth performance and body composition.  相似文献   

The feeding trial was conducted in 80 days to assess the effects of stoking densities on growth, digestive enzymes activities, serum biochemical parameters and antioxidant status of juvenile genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT, Oreochromis niloticus) reared in in‐pond raceway recirculating culture system (IPRS). Fish (initial body weight: 6.25 ± 0.32g ) were randomly allotted to six in‐pond raceways (22 × 5 × 2.5 m) stocked at three different stocking densities: low stocking density (LSD, 0.28 kg/m3), medium stocking density (MSD, 0.57kg /m3) and high stocking density (HSD, 0.85 kg /m3). The results indicated that no significant differences were observed in final body weight, weight gain and specific growth rate of GIFT reared at different stocking densities on day 20 (p > 0.05). Fish reared in the HSD group showed poor growth than those reared in the LSD and MSD groups on day 50, but fish reared in the MSD and HSD groups showed poor growth than those reared in the LSD group on day 80. There were no significant differences found in digestive enzyme activities, serum cortisol, lysozyme and superoxide dismutase (SOD) content, hepatic catalase (CAT), total SOD, total antioxidant capacity (T‐AOC) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) content among fish reared at different densities treatments (p > 0.05). Fish reared in the HSD group exhibited significant higher red blood cell number, haematocrit and glucose (GLU) contents on day 80 (p < 0.05). In brief, under this trial conditions, high stocking densities (0.57 kg/m3) resulted in decrease in growth, and GIFT might have an adaptation capability to crowding stress without a change in antioxidant activity, some physiological and immune parameters.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the stocking density of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) on shrimp and tilapia growth and nutrient conversion in an integrated closed recirculating system both with and without Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). A 2 × 3 factorial design involving tilapia presence/absence and shrimp stocking densities of 40, 80 and 120 m?2 was applied, using a tilapia:shrimp ratio of 0.025. There were no significant interactions between tilapia presence and shrimp stocking density in terms of shrimp growth performance or feed utilization. The presence of tilapia had no effect on the shrimp growth rate, survival rate or total weight gain (%). Shrimp growth declined significantly with increased shrimp stocking density, but the growth of tilapia was not significantly different among the three shrimp densities tested. The conversion of feed nitrogen and phosphorus into total harvested animal biomass was significantly higher in the presence than in the absence of tilapia. The nutrient conversion rate at the lowest shrimp density (40 m?2) was significantly higher than at the highest density tested (120 m?2).  相似文献   

The influence of three different initial stocking densities (low stocking density [LSD] = 1.5 kg/m2; medium stocking density [MSD] = 3 kg/m2; and high stocking density [HSD] = 6 kg/m2) in flow‐through systems was evaluated on growth and welfare in beluga, Huso huso, and ship sturgeon, Acipenser nudiventris, juveniles for 2 mo. Fish were kept in 18 concrete square tanks (2.0 × 1.0 × 1.2 m3) at 22.3 ± 0.4 C and under a natural photoperiod. In both species, the growth performance in terms of final body weight, weight gain, specific growth rate, and feed intake significantly decreased with increasing stocking density (P < 0.05). In both species, the percent of neutrophils increased after 60 d of trial (P < 0.05). Moreover, hematocrit and white blood cell counts increased after 60 d of trial in ship sturgeon (P < 0.05). Plasma immunoglobulin significantly decreased with increasing stocking density in both species. Plasma insulin‐like growth factor I decreased with increasing stocking density in beluga; however, it was not affected in ship sturgeon. Overall, these results showed that the LSD group in both species demonstrated more homogeneous and higher growth rate than the MSD and HSD groups.  相似文献   

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