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世界对虾生产及其贸易特征分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
文章利用统计数据分析了近20年来世界对虾生产和贸易的主要特征。结果表明,随着对虾养殖业的迅猛发展,世界对虾生产出现了从捕捞到养殖的巨大变化,对虾贸易规模也呈现稳步增长的态势;对虾贸易具有典型的由发展中国家流向发达国家的特点,2006年从发展中国家向发达国家的对虾净出口额不低于98.7亿美元;出口商品结构以冷冻虾为主,制作保藏虾的比例稳步上升;对虾进口主要集中在欧盟、美国、日本3大市场,而对虾出口以东南亚和美洲国家为主,但出口国间的竞争优势差异较大,中国对虾出口竞争力较其它东南亚主要出口国明显要弱。  相似文献   

对虾养殖业进入微利阶段,风险仍然高,获利空间缩减,养殖对虾面临市场竞争力提升的挑战.本文从市场竞争力分析入手,探讨广东养殖对虾在价格竞争力、质量竞争力、生产效率竞争力等方面的优势和面临的局限,并提出了品牌建设、有效监管、提高生产效率等扩大利润空间的措施突破局限,以提高市场竞争力.  相似文献   

文章利用波特教授在《国家竞争优势》一书中提出的钻石模型,从生产要素、需求状况、相关与支持产业、企业战略、结构和同业竞争以及机遇和政府行为等方面分析了山东省水产品出口的竞争优势,并提出了培育山东省水产品竞争优势的对策。  相似文献   

渔业主推品种“凡纳滨对虾”的推广应用情况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正凡纳滨对虾是世界第一养殖虾类,约占全球养殖对虾产量的凡纳滨对虾养殖业产业是我国水产养殖的支柱性产业,同时又是我国水产品出口的第一大品种,出口数量占全球生产总量的以上。我国养殖凡纳滨对虾年产量超过万吨,占养殖对虾总产量超过,其中广东、广西、海南是我国凡纳滨对虾的主产区,产量接近全国海水养殖对虾总产量的。70%。1/3140 80%70%  相似文献   

广东水海深加工产品资源丰富,在国际市场上具有重要地位。但近年来广东水海深加工产品出口波动较大,严重影响水海深加工产品出口的经济效益。本文在对广东水海深加工产品出口贸易总体分析基础上,通过国l际市场占有率指标、出口单价、显示性比较优势、贸易竞争力指数等进行具体分析,认为广东水海深加工产品的比较优势并没有转化为出口竞争优势。因此,研究促进水海深加工产品出口贸易竞争力并制定相应的政策措施,对提高广东水海资源深加工产品出口经济效益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对虾在我国众多的出口水产品中名列前茅,每年为国家创汇十几亿美元。为此,分析影响对虾出口的关键因素,抓好对虾出口贸易,对支持对虾养殖、捕捞生产,对水产业的发展都具有重大意义。本文试图通过浅论对虾出口三要素,来说明对虾的收购、加工和出口贸易三者密切相关的联系。以促进对虾出口贸易工作。  相似文献   

广东省罗非鱼加工业分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
前言 罗非鱼是联合国粮农组织推荐养殖的优良品种。我国罗非鱼产量达80.6万吨,占世界产量近一半的份额。未来国际罗非鱼产量和产值将持续增长,预计到2010年将达到200万吨,销售额将达到40亿美元。作为中国最大的对虾生产和出口基地,广东去年对虾遭遇国际反倾销,罗非鱼生产及出口再次被提到更重要的地位。  相似文献   

广东2014年对虾产量占全国的36.46%,位居全国第一,成为全国最大的对虾出口省份。广东对虾价格的波动对我国对虾价格的影响是巨大的,把握对虾价格在纵向市场上的传导机制,对稳定对虾价格有着战略性的意义。在对虾纵向市场中,由于交易费用的存在,养殖户-分销商-消费者之间信息不对称,对虾中间品价格于纵向上下游主体传导明显失衡,不能反映对虾价格实际波动。为此,广东对虾产业的发展要建立价格干预预警机制、价格联动调控机制和优化水产品交易市场之路径,防止对虾价格传导失衡。  相似文献   

由广东省海洋与渔业局、湛江市人民政府主办,全国工商联承办的2007广东(湛江)国际对虾节水产食品安全论坛8月24日下午在湛江国际会展中心召开。本次论坛内容包括了与行业发展和企业生产、经营信息相关的水产品出口形势分析、水产食品质量安全管理、对虾健康养殖技术等内容。论坛邀请了广东检验检疫局黄伟民副局长、上海水产大学孙琛教授、中山大学生命科学院何建国博士生导师、  相似文献   

浙江省为加强对虾生产、收购、加工和出口管理工作的领导,最近由省政府发出《关于加强对虾收购和出口管理的通知》。其中规定:全省对虾出口由浙江水产进出口分公司负责经营,并承担对虾出口收汇任务,省粮油食品进出口分公司过去投资扶持养殖的对虾,仍由粮油食品进出口分公司经营出口,其他任何单位和个人未经省经贸厅同意,不得经营对虾出口业务;对虾收购由省水产养殖公司组织产地市、县水产养殖公司或委托的收购单位收购,签订收购合同,省粮油食品进出口公司经营出口的对虾,委托水产养殖公司代购,其他任何单位和个人均不得经营对  相似文献   

Thailand was second only to P.R.China in annual production of giant river prawn. This article briefly describes the seed production of giant river prawn technology in Thailand and notes that broodstock management has paid scant attention to genetic issues. There are, however, ongoing selective breeding programmes on giant river prawn aimed to improve growth and disease resistance. In the conventional culture technology, postlarvae are stocked at a high density and prawns are harvested partially. The cropping period is long and the practice has led to disease outbreaks and deteriorated pond bottoms that result in frequent detection of antibiotic residue. The improved culture technology involves manual sexing of the prawns at 3 months and restocking only the male prawns into new ponds at low density. The technique gives higher yield and reduces incidence of disease and thus the need for prophylactics. The constraints to giant river prawn culture business in Thailand include low yield and a limited export market. The article describes three ways to expand and sustain the business of giant river prawn farming in the country: development of more genetically improved strains; culture of all‐male stock, and new culture techniques.  相似文献   


During the 1990s the major producers of farmed shrimp in the world included countries such as Thailand, Ecuador, Indonesia, China and India. These countries exported shrimp products in frozen form. The major importers were Japan, the United States and European Union countries. This study reports changes in the trend of exported shrimp products of 10 countries by using the ‘revealed comparative advantage’ method. The selected producers were 10 shrimp exporters to the Japanese and US markets. The results of the study showed that there was a gradual increase in the export quantity of shrimp‐exporting countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and China. These countries have developed processing technology with the advantage of low production costs, as well as abundant and inexpensive labour.  相似文献   

A polyculture study was conducted in southwest Louisiana comparing production of Malaysian prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii , in monoculture and polyculture with Golden shiners, Notemigonus crysoleucas .
This test revealed stocking of shiners at 24.7/m2 with prawns at 4.4/m2 resulted in increased total pond production over monoculture of prawns at 4.4/m2 with equal prawn yields in both systems and little increase in labor. Feeding rates were based on prawn biomass. Food conversion ratios ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 in polyculture and 0.9 to 1.1 in monoculture when total production was considered. Prawn production averaged 640 kg/ha in polyculture and 629 kg/ha in monoculture. Mean size of prawns was 19 g in polyculture and 20 g in monoculture. The polyculture of shiners with prawns added an average of 307 kg/ha of the bait fish to pond production.
Shiners did not compete seriously with prawns when stocked at these rates. This practice could result in added revenues to producers culturing these species together.  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii was first introduced into mainland China by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences from Japan in 1976. It was cultured at the Guangdong Province Fishery Institute (now as Pearl River Fishery Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences). Following these early efforts, giant freshwater prawn culture has gradually spread to northern and inland areas. At this time (2011), China has become the largest producer of giant freshwater prawn in the world. Due to a preference of cooking with fresh aquatic products, Chinese retail markets have developed which have special live‐holding counters. From small rural shops to urban supermarkets and specialty restaurants, live seafoods are commonly available whereby customers pick out the products they wish to purchase and consume. Giant freshwater prawns are produced in over 35 countries throughout the world. They are usually sold either fresh, on‐ice, or frozen. What makes the Chinese prawn industry unique is its focus on a live transportation and marketing model. As a result, numerous innovative live‐transport technologies have been developed which have been key to the success of this expanding domestic industry. In this article, we would like to give a general overview of the giant freshwater prawn industry, its status in China, and the special role live‐transportation has for expanding production of giant freshwater prawns.  相似文献   

世界水产品贸易竞争力与产业内贸易分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对世界水产品贸易及中国在世界水产品贸易中的地位进行分析的同时运用比较优势系数和产业内贸易指标,对世界主要水产品出口国的水产品竞争力和产业内贸易分别进行了测算和分析。本文的结论是:世界和中国的水产品出口贸易规模均在不断扩大,中国各类水产品及水产品加工的国际比较优势也在不断提升,而且欧美发达国家普遍存在水产品的产业内贸易为中国水产品出口提供了机遇。  相似文献   

Production and population characteristics of monosex male (all‐male) giant river prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, were compared with a normal (mixed‐sex) population in separate studies in Mississippi and Kentucky (USA) under low and high density stocking conditions, respectively. In Study 1 (Mississippi), juvenile prawns were stocked into eight 0.05–0.06 ha ponds at 24,700/ha. The mean stocking weight of all‐male was 0.34 g and mixed‐sex was 0.39 g. Prawns were fed 23% crude protein “range cubes” and harvested after 120 d for the all‐male prawns and 112 d for mixed‐sex prawns. In Study 2 (Kentucky), juvenile prawns from each group were stocked into six 0.04 ha ponds at 60,000 juveniles per hectare. The mean stocking weight for all‐male was 0.38 g and for mixed‐sex juveniles was 0.34 g. Prawns were fed a commercial sinking pellet (33% protein) once daily at a standardized rate and harvested after 105 d. In both locations survival of mixed‐sex prawns and all‐male prawns was not significantly different and the final average weight of all‐male prawns was significantly greater than the average weight of mixed‐sex prawns. For the study in Kentucky, total production was not significantly different between treatments, whereas in Mississippi total production in the all‐male ponds was significantly higher than in the mixed‐sex ponds. For both studies, the production size index of all‐male prawns was significantly greater than that of mixed‐sex prawns. In terms of population structure, in all‐male ponds there was a significant increase in orange claw (OC) males compared with the mixed‐sex ponds both as a percent of sex and a percent of total population. The increase in OC numbers in all‐male populations may be due to a lack of females to stimulate the transition of males to the final, sexually mature, blue claw stage. As target weights increase from 20, 30, and 40 g, the all‐male populations were increasingly superior in terms of production (kg/ha) of those target sizes. The economic benefit of all‐male over mixed‐sex populations will be principally based on an examination of tradeoffs that primarily consider the cost difference of juveniles relative to the price differences for different final harvest weights.  相似文献   

Under production conditions freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii are supplied nutrients by a combination of prepared diets and natural pond organisms. For maximum production efficiency and profitability it is important that the nutritional contributions of natural foods be identified and quantified. In this study the relative importance of forage organisms previously identified as important natural foods for prawns in ponds were evaluated under controlled conditions. Juvenile prawns (average weight 1.80 ± 0.06 g) were stocked into 18 37.5-L aquaria at a density of 10 prawns per tank. The six dietary treatments tested were: 1) unfed (negative control); 2) commercially prepared diet (positive control); 3) oligo-chaetes; 4) chironomids; 5) zooplankton; and 6) a combination of the latter three. Each treatment was evaluated in triplicate aquaria for 7 wk. The growth rate of prawns in the unfed treatment was statistically lower than in fed treatments ( P < 0.05). There were no significant differences ( P > 0.05) between growth rates and survivals among prawns in the five fed treatments. Selective retention of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6), eicosapentanoic acid (22: 5n-3), and docosahexanenoic acid (22:6n-3) in unfed prawns likely indicates the relative nutritional importance of these fatty acids. Comparisons of whole-body fatty acid and amino acid concentrations of prawns and food organisms indicate that zooplankton and oligochaetes may have the most appropriate biochemical compositions as prawn food sources.  相似文献   

Policy analysis matrices are developed and used to derive domestic resource cost coefficients for different catfish farm production regions in the United States. The results show that U.S. catfish producers were losing their comparative advantage positions during the study period considered. An import tariff improves the industry's comparative advantage position, but may not increase its market profitability. Higher efficiency in feed usage, and higher market prices paid to producers through promotional efforts are essential to the U.S. catfish industry.  相似文献   

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