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《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(5):801-804
Durum breeding programs need to identify raw material traits capable of predicting whole wheat spaghetti quality. Nineteen durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum ) cultivars and 17 breeding lines were collected from 19 different environments in North Dakota and were evaluated for physical and cooking qualities of whole wheat spaghetti. Raw material traits evaluated included grain, semolina, and whole wheat flour characteristics. Similar to traditional spaghetti, grain protein content had a significant positive correlation with cooking quality of whole wheat spaghetti. Stepwise multiple regressions showed grain protein content, mixogram break time, and wet gluten were the predominant characteristics in predicting cooked firmness of whole wheat spaghetti.  相似文献   

Morphological, physical, and chemical properties of grain and flour of 20 chalky rice mutants were compared with those of a translucent parental cultivar, Koshihikari. Compound starch granules were loosely packed and single starch granules were observed in chalky parts of mutant endosperm. Chalky mutant lines were classified into milky‐white and white‐core lines based on the degree of endosperm chalkiness. Physical and chemical characteristics also suggest a division of chalky mutant lines into two groups, consistent with the classification made based on morphological characteristics. Milky‐white mutant lines showed significantly lower grain weight, decreased starch content, and lower grain hardness than white‐core mutants and Koshihikari. Rice flour prepared from milky‐white mutants by dry milling showed less starch damage and finer mean particle size than white‐core mutants and the parent. These results indicated that a loosely packed structure in chalky endosperm was responsible for fragile grain and that it yielded fine flour with lower damaged starch contents. Decreased starch contents of chalky mutant lines correlated to lower RVA viscosities. Milky‐white mutant lines were expected to be useful to produce fine flour, which undergoes less starch damage during dry milling processing.  相似文献   

稻米蒸煮特性和感官食味品质是稻米品质的重要评价指标,其遗传复杂.为挖掘与利用优异的稻米品质基因,本研究利用籼稻昌恢121为受体亲本和优质粳稻越光为供体亲本构建的一套染色体片段置换系(CSSL),对稻米的吸水率(WA)、延伸率(CRE)和膨胀率(VE)3个蒸煮特性进行QTL定位.共检测到4个QTL,分布于第8和第11号染...  相似文献   

Flavored rice cakes are produced commercially by spraying a flavor coating on the cake surface. This study describes a method of making a flavored coating that is applied to individual rice grains before puffing and results in a more uniform flavor distribution. Rice was coated at 5% or 10% levels with coating materials made of jet‐cooked (JC) starch or starch cooked in a water bath (WB), corn starch powder, salt, and a flavor compound. The viscosity of coating materials made with WB starch was twice that of coatings made of JC starch. Rice coated at 10% level had decreased specific density of rice cakes. Rice cakes made from coated grain were similar in appearance to cakes made from uncoated rice but had higher flexural strength. Retention of flavor volatiles after puffing the coated grain was 82.8–56.8% for apple, 72.5–40.3% for anise, and 52.5–24.8% for onion flavor. The flavor volatiles measured in the rice cakes decreased during a three‐month storage period to 49.3% for apple, 25.8% for anise, and 10.1% for onion flavor. Slightly higher retention of flavor volatiles was observed in cakes made with WB starch than in cakes made with JC starch. The difference in retention of flavor volatiles between starch slurry or starch‐oil emulsion treatments was small.  相似文献   

Whole grain oats are widely regarded as conferring significant health benefits. Composite flour of whole grain oat flour, wheat flour, and tapioca starch in the ratio 1:1:0.16 was formulated to make oat noodles with the addition of gluten at various levels. The influence of gluten on pasting and gelling properties of composite flour, and on cooking, textural, and sensory properties of salted oat noodles was evaluated. Addition of gluten decreased the paste viscosity, reduced hardness and springiness of gel, reduced cooking yield, cooking loss, and broken ratio during cooking, and increased the tensile strength and firmness of cooked noodles. Scanning electron microscopy showed that gluten tightened the network of protein in the noodles by forming oriented fibrils. Addition of gluten had little effect on the color of raw and cooked oat noodles, which were somewhat yellow. Sensory evaluation indicated that addition of gluten could enhance the overall acceptability of cooked oat noodles. This study may stimulate further interest in using functional whole grain cereal ingredients in developing healthy staple foods.  相似文献   

The effect of hydration level on processing properties and the effects of hydration level, concentration of buckwheat bran flour and drying temperature on the physical and cooking quality of spaghetti were determined. Specific mechanical energy transferred to the dough during extrusion decreased 69% for semolina and 79% for semolina containing 30%, w/w, buckwheat bran flour, as hydration level increased 29–32% absorption. Little or no postdrier checking occurred in spaghetti made from semolina or spaghetti containing buckwheat bran flour when dried at high (70°C) or ultrahigh temperature (90°C). When dried at low temperature (40°C), tolerance to postdrier checking of spaghetti decreased as buckwheat bran flour increased 0–30% (w/w). Hydration level before extrusion did not affect cooking loss of spaghetti made from semolina. However, cooking loss was greater from spaghetti made with semolinabuckwheat bran flour that was hydrated to 32% compared with 29–31% absorption. Cooked firmness of spaghetti containing buckwheat bran flour decreased from 0.588–0.471 Nm as hydration increased from 29–32% absorption. Cooking loss was lower and cooked firmness was greater when spaghetti containing buckwheat bran flour was dried at ultrahigh than at low temperature.  相似文献   

Whole wheat pasta offers improved nutritional value compared with regular pasta but lacks appeal to many consumers owing to its negative organoleptic properties, such as texture and taste. Various approaches have been studied to improve these properties in whole wheat products. Optimizing bran particle size showed its potential in noodles, but studies of its effects in pasta are scarce. Therefore, we produced spaghetti enriched with bran fractions similar in chemical composition but with varying median particle sizes of 90, 160, 370, and 440 µm. The effect of bran particles and their median size on dried and cooked pasta was studied by light microscopy and three‐dimensional magnetic resonance imaging. In general, bran particle size did not influence the macrostructure in cooked spaghetti. However, larger bran particles created a more heterogeneous microstructure in contrast to smaller particles and affected starch granule swelling. Sensory analysis indicated a preference for pasta containing smaller particles. Our results give new insight into the microstructural features responsible for the negative consumer appeal, and they could be used to guide future efforts in designing improved pasta formulations.  相似文献   

Vacuum drying was employed with a vacuum impregnation technique in a semidry state to enrich rice with antioxidants of beetroot juice. The properties of the vacuum‐dried raw and cooked rice grains were characterized. The various raw rice grains (three varieties and two storage time periods) exhibited a significant absorption of beetroot juice, which was evident from the red‐violet beetroot color of the rice, as distinguished from the white color of the control. The color increase (ΔE= 20−40) was linear with the juice content (R2 = 0.96−0.99). Their total phenolic (TP) contents and 2,2‐diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) scavenging activities were enhanced (ΔTP = 21−260 mg of gallic acid equivalents/100 g of rice db and ΔDPPH = 22−64 mg of vitamin C equivalents/100 g of rice db). Their grain integrity was reduced (Δforce = −1 to −63), which was potentially associated with the formation of grain surface cracks (linear relationship of %crack and %juice with R2 = 0.94−0.98). After cooking, the enriched rice grains were linearly elongated with added juice (R2 = 0.88−0.97, up to 1.6‐, 2.0‐, and 2.0‐fold for Sanpatong 1, Khao Dawk Mali 105, and Chainart 1 rice samples, respectively), and the overall volume of the cooked rice was increased (likely not linear, up to 3.2‐, 4.3‐, and 4.8‐fold for Sanpatong 1, Khao Dawk Mali 105, and Chainart 1 rice samples, respectively). Such improvements in cooking qualities were obtained by this simple vacuum‐drying technique, in comparison to existing rice‐aging processes that are more time consuming. The sensorial scores of the resultant rice products were excellent. Vacuum drying is an effective tool to improve the antioxidant value of rice as well as its cooking quality, and the raw quality remains appreciable. It is a simple and rapid process that could be practical for manufacturing healthy rice products.  相似文献   

The effects of cultivar on dough properties of ground whole wheat durum, and the effects of cultivar and drying temperature on the physical and cooking quality of spaghetti made from semolina and whole wheat were evaluated. Rankings of cultivars based on dough properties were similar for whole wheat and semolina. Dough made from whole wheat was weak and had poor stability. Whole wheat spaghetti had a rough reddish brown surface compared with the very smooth, translucent yellow color of spaghetti made from semolina. The reddish brown color of whole wheat spaghetti was enhanced by high‐temperature drying (70°C). Mechanical strength and cooking quality of spaghetti made from ground whole wheat or semolina varied with cultivar and with drying temperature. Compared with spaghetti made from semolina, whole wheat spaghetti had lower mechanical strength and cooked firmness and had greater cooking loss. Mechanical strength of whole wheat spaghetti was lower when dried at high temperature (70°C) than at low temperature (40°C). Conversely, the mechanical strength of spaghetti made from semolina was greater when dried at high temperature than at low temperature. Whole wheat and traditional spaghetti dried at high temperature had lower cooking losses than spaghetti dried at low temperature. When overcooked 6 min, firmness of spaghetti made from semolina or whole wheat was greater when dried at high temperature than at low temperature.  相似文献   

Variations in physical and compositional bran characteristics among different sources and classes of wheat and their association with bread‐baking quality of whole grain wheat flour (WWF) were investigated with bran obtained from Quadrumat milling of 12 U.S. wheat varieties and Bühler milling of six Korean wheat varieties. Bran was characterized for composition including protein, fat, ash, dietary fiber, phenolics, and phytate. U.S. soft and club wheat brans were lower in insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) and phytate content (40.7–44.7% and 10.3–17.1 mg of phytate/g of bran, respectively) compared with U.S. hard wheat bran (46.0–51.3% and 16.5–22.2 mg of phytate/g of bran, respectively). Bran of various wheat varieties was blended with a hard red spring wheat flour at a ratio of 1:4 to prepare WWFs for determination of dough properties and bread‐baking quality. WWFs with U.S. hard wheat bran generally exhibited higher dough water absorption and longer dough mixing time, and they produced smaller loaf volume of bread than WWFs of U.S. soft and club wheat bran. WWFs of two U.S. hard wheat varieties (ID3735 and Scarlet) produced much smaller loaves of bread (<573 mL) than those of other U.S. hard wheat varieties (>625 mL). IDF content, phytate content, and water retention capacity of bran exhibited significant relationships with loaf volume of WWF bread, whereas no relationship was observed between protein content of bran and loaf volume of bread. It appears that U.S. soft and club wheat bran, probably owing to relatively low IDF and phytate contents, has smaller negative effects on mixing properties of WWF dough and loaf volume of bread than U.S. hard wheat bran.  相似文献   

During storage, the milling, physicochemical properties, and eating quality of rice change, which is generally termed “aging.” Aged rice is preferred by processors because of better processing characteristics, and therefore there are attempts to develop accelerated aging processes. In this study, the effects of various heat treatments and their influences on the milling, physicochemical, and cooking properties of two long‐grain rice cultivars during storage were investigated with a randomized complete block design with an 8 × 5 × 2 full‐factorial treatment design. Two long‐grain rice cultivars, Wells and XP723, were treated with eight different heat treatments, including two levels of UV irradiation, two levels of autoclaving, three levels of convection oven heating, and one control, and then stored for 180 days at room temperature. The heat treatments significantly influenced all properties, including head rice yield (HRY), surface lipid content, peak gelatinization temperature, pasting properties, and cooked rice texture. All properties except HRY exhibited a significant two‐way interaction of cultivar and heat treatment. The severe autoclaving treatment resulted in rice of significantly different protein compositions when compared with the control. Storage impacted all properties except HRY and peak gelatinization temperature. Autoclaving (particularly severe autoclaving) produced samples with more distinct characteristics for most properties. Cooked rice hardness and stickiness exhibited not only significant main effects but also significant two‐ and three‐factor interactions.  相似文献   

The in vitro bile acid binding by rice, oat, wheat, and corn brans was determined using a mixture of bile acids normally secreted in human bile at a physiological pH of 6.3. The objective of the study was to relate bile acid binding of cereal brans to health promoting properties. Three experiments were conducted testing substrates on an equal weight (dry matter) basis, an equal total dietary fiber (TDF) basis, and an equal TDF and equal fat basis. Each experiment was repeated to validate the results (for a total of six experiments). The relative in vitro bile acid binding of the cereal brans on an equal TDF basis considering cholestyramine as 100% bound was rice bran 51%, wheat bran 31%, oat bran 26%, and corn bran 5%. The data suggest that cholesterol lowering by rice bran appears to be related to bile acid binding. The primary mechanism of cholesterol lowering by oat bran may not be due to bile acid binding by soluble fiber. Bile acid binding did not appear to be proportional to the soluble fiber content of the cereal brans tested. Bile acid binding by wheat bran may contribute to cancer prevention and other healthful properties.  相似文献   

Wild rice (Zizania spp.) grows in shallow waters of North America and is distinct from brown and white rice (Oryza spp.). The recent trends toward gluten‐free foods and ancient grains present an opportunity for increased interest in the health benefits of wild rice. Wild rice is classified as a whole grain and typically contains 75% carbohydrate, 6.2% dietary fiber, 14.7% protein, and 1.1% lipids. Wild rice is a good source of dietary fiber and has nearly double the amount of protein of white rice. The lipid content is low; however, most of the lipids are essential omega‐6 (35.0–37.8%) and omega‐3 (20.0–31.5%) fatty acids. In addition to macronutrient content, wild rice contains phytosterol levels several times higher than white rice. Furthermore, the antioxidant activity of wild rice is 10–15 times higher than white rice. A series of rat studies in which wild rice was added to a high fat, high cholesterol diet found significant attenuation of serum free fatty acids, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels while maintaining higher high‐density lipoprotein levels compared with a control diet. The exact explanation of the protective mechanism of wild rice is uncertain, but the dietary fiber, phytosterol, or antioxidant capacity of wild rice may be the reason for it. Current interest in whole grains and gluten‐free diets, as well as antioxidants and phytochemicals, makes wild rice an attractive grain addition to the diet.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess the influence of wheat bran addition on the rheological properties of dough and on subsequent wheat bread volume and texture. Two types of bioprocessed bran (fermentation with yeast or with yeast plus enzymes) were studied in breadmaking at a substitution level of 20% (sufficient to deliver 6 g of dietary fiber per 100 g of product, the minimum for the European Food Safety Authority high‐fiber nutrition claim). Fermentation activated endogenous enzymes of bran, which together with exogenous enzymes modified the state of fiber in bran, resulting in solubilization of arabinoxylans and slight degradation of the insoluble fiber. Fermentation and enzyme treatment of bran compensated for the increased hardness (+100%) and the volume‐decreasing (–21%) effect observed with untreated bran. Analysis with partial least squares regression suggested the efficacy of bioprocessing to be based on solubilization of arabinoxylans, smaller particle size of bran, lower pasting viscosity of starch, improved resistance to extension, and accelerated CO2 production.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(3):464-470
The effect of extruded brown rice flour (EBR) contents (0–50%) on antioxidant activity, phenolics, in vitro digestibility, color, and cooking quality of noodles containing mixtures of wheat and EBR was investigated. The antioxidant activity and phenolic content increased, especially ferulic and coumaric acids in bound forms, whereas the in vitro glycemic index, optimal cooking time, water absorption, hardness, and color were diminished in noodles with the addition of EBR; cooking loss increased as a function of the EBR percentage. The partial replacement of wheat flour with EBR can be favorably used in the wheat noodle formulation. The results provide the basis for the development of staple foods with nutritional characteristics for today's functional food markets.  相似文献   

Phytochemicals such as phenolics and flavonoids, which are present in rice grains, are associated with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. The phenolic and flavonoid compounds in rice grains also contribute to the antioxidant activity. Biofortification of rice grain by conventional breeding is one way to improve nutritional quality to combat nutritional deficiency. For improvement of the phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity, we must understand the genetic bases of the related traits. In the present study, mapping of quantitative trait locus (QTL) for five color parameters, phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity was completed using a composite interval mapping approach using a doubled haploid (DH) population. Correlation analysis showed that the five color parameters lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*), chroma (C), and hue angle (H°) were intercorrelated. The phenolic content was positively correlated with the flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity (P < 0.001), whereas the flavonoid content had no relationship with antioxidant capacity, but it was positively correlated with color parameters L* and H° (P < 0.05). A total of 21 putative QTL were detected for the eight traits with at least one QTL and as many as four QTL for different traits. Three QTL at the same interval of GA285 and CT580 on chromosome 2 were significant for color parameters L*, b*, and C; the latter two traits also shared another QTL region on chromosome 8. Two QTL on chromosome 2, qPH‐2 and qFL‐2‐1, flanked by CT87 and G1234, were identified for phenolic and flavonoid content with large additive effects, explaining 16.91 and 12.71%, respectively, of the total phenotypic variation. Three QTL located at the same interval of G379A and CT360 on chromosome 7 were detected for color parameters a* and H°, and antioxidant capacity, which might be allelic to the Rd gene that is responsible for the production of the pigment in brown rice. The results of the present study may provide new opportunities for rice breeders with potential markers to improve nutritional quality by marker‐assisted selection approach.  相似文献   

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