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为探讨致病性真菌感染在奶牛子宫内膜炎中的作用,试验选用产后7~10d子宫内膜炎患牛,通过真菌分离培养和套式PCR反应检测子宫真菌感染情况,并确定致病性真菌种类.结果表明:子宫内膜炎患牛真菌检出率一年四季均不同,春季为10.6%、夏季为15.2%、秋季为21.1%、冬季为18.1%,分离到的致病性真菌经鉴定为念珠球菌.说...  相似文献   

奶牛子宫内膜炎是危害畜牧业生产发展的主要产科疾病,每年在世界范围内造成巨大的直接损失和间接损失。迄今为止,对其研究已经有近百年的历史,但由于其病原不明确、病理学机制尚未阐述清楚等多方面的原因,导致此疾病的防控及治疗仍然没有有效的方法。本研究对奶牛子宫内膜炎真菌病原临床检测进行研究,采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)分析方法对吉林及黑龙江省奶牛子宫内的主要致病性真菌进行了流行病学调查。结果发现:一年四季真菌性子宫内膜炎均有发生,主要致病菌为念珠球菌属;在秋冬季节真菌性子宫内膜炎的发生比例最高;真菌性子宫内膜炎的平均空怀期更长。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨子宫内膜肥大细胞在牛子宫内膜炎中的作用.选用产后6~10 d健康及患急性化脓性子宫内膜炎的西门塔尔牛各10头,分别为对照组和试验组,通过ELISA法检测子宫内膜中SP、VIP、组胺浓度,透射电镜观察子宫内膜MC颗粒状态及荧先定量PCR法检测组胺受体H1和H2 mRNA表达情况.结果表明,试验组子宫内膜组织申组胺、SP、VIP含量分别为(80.305±4.002)μg/L、(1 258.06±128.88)ng/L、(615.73±70.50)ng/L,而对照组分别为(39.204±4.278)μg/L、(308.12±9.72)ng/L,(1 667.34±153.4)ng/L,试验组与对照组相比差异均极显著(P<0.01);试验组子宫内膜固有层MC颗粒数量战少、分布和浓度不均、有空泡形成,对照组子宫内膜固有层MC颗粒较多、分布均匀;试验组中组胺受体H1 mRNA水平显著低于正常组(P<0.05),组胺受体H2mRNA水平高于正常组,且差异板显著(P<0.01).结果显示子宫内膜炎时,在神经肽和炎症刺激下使子宫内膜固有层MC脱颗粒大量释放组胺,同时子宫内膜组胺受体H1和H2 mRNA表达失衡,使子宫局部淤血和迟缓,导致子宫免疫力下降,利于病原微生物的繁殖,促进子宫内膜炎的发生发展.  相似文献   

牛子宫内膜炎的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

奶牛产后子宫内膜炎分类及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
产后奶牛子宫经常受到细菌污染而导致炎症过程,严重的可造成奶牛不孕.然而以往对奶牛产后子宫炎性疾病的分类及描述缺乏统一的标准.本文通过回顾子宫复旧的细菌学进程及易感因素,为奶牛产后子宫炎性疾病提供一个清晰的分类,即产褥期子宫内膜炎、临床型子宫内膜炎、子宫积脓及隐性子宫内膜炎;同时总结其病理特征、诊断要点.  相似文献   

牛子宫内膜炎是养牛生产过程中的一种常见生殖系统疾病,主要由链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、化脓性棒状杆菌、致病性大肠埃希氏菌等感染所引起,病原可经生殖道侵入,也可通过菌血症途径内源性感染;根据临床发病缓急程度,本病分为急性型和慢性型2种,急性型表现全身症状和局部症状,慢性型则以局部症状为主;预防本病需重点做好配种和助产时的无菌操作,治疗时可对子宫进行冲洗,用广谱抗生素进行抗感染,慢性病例也可用中药进行治疗。  相似文献   

牛子宫内膜炎属于繁殖障碍性疾病,多发于母牛繁殖期,患牛会出现发情不正常、屡配不孕等现象,即怀孕也极易导致流产,给养殖场户造成损失,因此养殖人员要高度重视. 1发病原因 子宫内膜炎常见于产后母牛,其病原为链球菌、大肠杆菌以及葡萄球菌等.在分娩的过程中,如果母牛子宫遭受创伤,会导致细菌的入侵引发炎症.如果生产时所应用的器械...  相似文献   

牛子宫内膜炎是在母牛分娩时或产后由于微生物感染所引起的,是奶牛不孕的常见原因之一.根据病程可分为急性和慢性两种,临床上以慢性较为多见,常由急性未及时或未彻底治疗转化而来.本文主要针对牛子宫内膜炎的病因和症状,提出治疗方法.  相似文献   

中草药治疗牛子宫内膜炎   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
子宫内膜炎 (中兽医称带下症 )是母牛产后感染的一种常见疾病。若治疗不及时 ,则易导致周围组织发生炎症 ,并转为慢性经过 ,可使母牛屡配不孕 ,给养牛业带来严重经济损失。笔者采用中草药治疗该病 1 6例 ,治愈 1 4例 ,有效率为 87.5 % ,取得了满意效果。1 症状病畜拱背努责 ,从阴门流出多量粘性或化脓性恶臭分泌物 ,有的似豆腐渣样 ,子宫内膜损伤严重的 ,分泌物呈红色 ,气味难闻 ,性周期紊乱 ,多次输配不孕。2 治疗醋香附 40 g,醋元胡 40 g,盐故子 40 g,酒知母30 g,酒黄柏 30 g,芡实 40 g,黄芩 40 g,连翘 30 g,甘草 2 5 g。共为末 ,开水调…  相似文献   

辛学 《山东饲料》2006,(11):30-30
奶牛产后子宫内膜炎,通常是子宫黏膜发生黏液或化脓性炎症,为产后或流产最常见的一种生殖器官疾病。  相似文献   

通过研究奶牛产后急性子宫内膜炎致病微生物组成,揭示该病主要病原并为临床治疗提供依据。以产后6~10 d急性化脓性卡他性子宫内膜炎患牛80头为研究对象,对子宫内容物进行细菌和真菌的分离鉴定。共分离到195株细菌及真菌,其中35.4%具有溶血性,50.8%对试验动物有致病性;大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌分离率较高,为83.75%和62.5%,其次是奇异变形杆菌(36.25%)、白色念珠菌(20%)和肺炎克雷伯氏菌(17.5%)。该病的90%为混合感染,细菌混合感染(70%)主要由大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎克雷伯氏菌和奇异变形杆菌组成;真菌与细菌混合感染占20%,均有白色念珠菌存在;细菌单一感染占10%。结果表明,奶牛产后急性子宫内膜炎主要致病菌是大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎克雷伯氏菌、奇异变形杆菌,20%受试牛存在着以白色念珠菌为主的真菌感染。  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between the persistence of uterine bacterial infections with cytologically determined endometritis and ovarian function in 65 postpartum Holstein cows. Vaginal mucus discharges were collected, and endometrial smear samples (n = 130) were collected for cytological and bacteriological examinations from the cows at weeks 5 and 7 postpartum (pp). Blood samples were collected at weeks 3, 5 and 7 pp to determine plasma progesterone concentrations to monitor ovarian activity. According to the bacteriological examination, cows were classified into four groups. The first group (n = 32; 49%) comprised cows negative for bacteria at weeks 5 and 7 pp. The second group (n = 11; 17%) comprised cows with bacterial infections at week 5 pp but that were clear of infection at week 7 pp. The third group (n = 12; 19%) comprised cows without bacteria at week 5 pp but that acquired an infection by week 7 pp. The fourth group (n = 10; 15%) comprised cows with bacterial infections at weeks 5 and 7 pp (persistence of infection). A positive correlation (P < 0.001) was noted between the severity of cytologically determined endometritis, purulent vaginal discharge and the persistence of infection. Cows with persistent infections had a significantly (P < 0.01) prolonged luteal phase compared with cows without infection. In conclusion, the prevalence of cytologically determined endometritis and prolonged luteal phase were significantly increased in cows with persistent infections.  相似文献   

A certain level of endometrial bacterial infection and inflammation is involved in bovine uterine involution during the puerperal period. Factors that hamper normal uterine involution expose the uterine environment to pathological conditions, causing different endometritis levels. The lack of proper diagnostic tools extends the time to conception. Efforts have been made to elucidate the postpartum uterine environment, including bacterial flora, changes in transient endometrial inflammation, and the pathophysiology of endometritis, to improve bovine reproductive performance. E. coli and Trueperella pyogenes in the uterus are likely to cause persistent infection, and Mycoplasma bovigenitalium infection is associated with dystocia and cytological endometritis in postpartum dairy cows. Due to the widespread use of cytobrush as a diagnostic tool for bovine subclinical endometritis (SE) that enables quantification of the degree of inflammation, we found that endometritis at week 5 postpartum was associated with delayed first ovulation. Approximately 30% of open cows have SE during the postpartum period, and cows with low blood glucose during prepartum have a high risk of developing SE. Additionally, cows with purulent vaginal discharge do not always have endometritis but only vaginitis and/or cervicitis. Intrauterine infusion of polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine (PVP-I) improves fertility and promotes endometrial epithelial cell regeneration after inducing transient uterine inflammation, suggesting that PVP-I could be a good alternative to antibiotics. In conclusion, prepartum management to prevent glucose deficiency, prompt diagnosis to identify causative agents and intrauterine inflammation levels, and appropriate treatment to minimize antimicrobial resistance is beneficial for tackling endometritis and improving reproductive performance in bovine herds.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify the influence of Lactobacillus spp. on the degree of endometrial inflammation in the postpartum period and the relationship between Lactobacillus spp. and pathogenic bacteria in the endometrium of postpartum dairy cows. Endometrial samples were collected from 41 Holstein-Friesian cows at 4 and 8 weeks postpartum using cytobrushes for polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) count and bacterial culture to isolate Lactobacillus spp., Escherichiacoli, and Trueperella pyogenes. The 4-week samples were divided into four groups (E+L+), (E+L−), (E−L+), (E−L−) according to whether endometritis was diagnosed (E+) and Lactobacillus spp. was isolated (L+). The diagnostic criterion for cytological endometritis was > 18% PMN. The average PMN% in the E+L+ group was lower than that in the E+L-group (P < 0.05) at 8 weeks postpartum. There were no significant correlations between the number of colonies of Lactobacillus spp. and E. coli or between that of Lactobacillus spp. and T. pyogenes. Lactobacillus spp. could reduce PMN% in dairy cows with endometritis during the puerperal period. In conclusion, the intrauterine presence of Lactobacillus spp. may have a positive effect on uterine involution in postpartum dairy cows.  相似文献   

溶葡萄球菌酶是从Staphylococcus Simulans培养物中提取的一种肽链内切酶,在较低浓度下能迅速裂解葡萄球菌细胞壁而呈现较强的杀菌活性且不易产生耐药性。为探讨溶葡萄球菌酶在防治奶牛子宫内膜炎上的应用,本试验选择140头患子宫内膜炎的奶牛,通过子宫内灌注给药的方式,每次分别灌注400u、800u和1600u溶葡萄球菌酶,连续给药3次,并以1O%Y-霉素注射液为对照,进行临床治疗试验。结果显示,溶葡萄球菌酶高、中、低剂量的治愈率分别为90.0%、73.3%和36.7%,对照药物治愈率为70.0%;在繁殖性能方面,高、中剂量组的奶牛情期内受胎率和总受胎率等明显高于低剂量组。表明溶葡萄球菌酶是一种治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎效果良好的生物类药物。  相似文献   

Determining the immune responses to the development of endometritis during the peripartum period may assist in the development of more efficient reproductive management regimens for dairy herds. In this study, we compared the peripartum immune responses of dairy cows that develop endometritis by 4 weeks postpartum (n = 11) to cows that did not develop this disease (n = 19). Blood samples were collected 1 week before calving, just after or during calving, and then at weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 postpartum. Cows that developed endometriris had significantly higher total leukocyte, neutrophil, lymphocyte, and monocyte counts than the control cows (P < 0.05) at all time points. The leukocytes from cows that developed endometritis were significantly less phagocytic than those from control cows at all sampling time points (P < 0.01). The serum TNFalpha concentrations of the control cows decreased linearly from the prepartum time point (P = 0.0029), but the endometritis cows showed a different profile (P > 0.05). As a result, the serum TNFalpha concentrations were greater in the endometritis group (P < 0.01) than in the control group during the third and fourth weeks postpartum. The greater total leukocyte numbers and neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts, and the maintenance of elevated serum TNFalpha levels in the cows with endometritis may be due to infection in the postpartum period. Furthermore, the decreased phagocytic capacity of leukocytes during the peripartum period, including at the prepartum time point, makes cows more susceptible to postpartum endometritis.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors for postpartum endometritis by evaluating several reproductive factors in individual cows, and to determine the effect of endometritis on the subsequent reproductive performance in dairy herds in Korea. The data, including health status, parity and body condition score (BCS) of cows, and calving date, were collected from 320 cows in eight dairy herds calving from January 2001 to October 2002. We used logistic regression to evaluate the effects of these factors on endometritis. A stepwise procedure, used to obtain the appropriate model with alpha=0.05, revealed that retained placenta, metabolic disorders and parity are the important risk factors for endometritis. The mean intervals from calving to first service and conception were prolonged (P<0.01) by 23 and 36 days, respectively, in the endometritis group compared to the non-endometritis group. The first service conception rate was lower (P<0.05) in the endometritis group (47.6%) than in the non-endometritis group (62.6%). The number of services per conception was higher (P<0.05) in the endometritis group (1.9) than in the non-endometritis group (1.6). We conclude that retained placenta, metabolic disorders and cow parity are strongly correlated with the development of postpartum endometritis, which decreases reproductive performance in dairy herds in Korea.  相似文献   

为有效的治疗奶牛的产后急性子宫内膜炎,选用土霉素辅助新宫得康混悬剂对患急性子宫内膜炎的奶牛进行治疗.结果表明,从治疗效果和治疗成本综合考虑,用土霉素辅助新宫得康混悬剂的治疗方法优于单用土霉素或新宫得康混悬剂的治疗方法.  相似文献   

通过对不同种植时间、不同种植基质的香根草Vetiveria zizanioides分株苗、组培苗根际丛枝菌根(AM菌)感染检测,探讨了香根草对AM菌的感染特性.结果表明,在消过毒的森林泥炭土中,组培苗种植12个月感染率只有20.0%,感染强度低;种植22个月只有53.3%,感染强度为中.分株苗种植在自然土壤中,3个月就有AM菌感染,其感染率为56.7%;种植22个月感染率达到最高峰,为80.0%,感染强度为中等;种植时间为33个月时,感染率不再增加,但感染强度进一步增高.说明香根草根际AM菌的感染率和感染强度可能与苗源无关,而与种植基质密切相关.  相似文献   

选取东祁连山具有代表性的4类高寒草地样地珠芽蓼草地、禾草草地、沼泽草地和蒿草草地的优势牧草作为试验材料。采用组织培养分离方法,在9种优势植物根部分离得到28株真菌,经纯化、鉴定,19株分属于7个属,尚有9株待定。在已鉴定属中,镰孢菌为优势种,共8株,占28.57%;曲霉次之,共4株,占14.29%;青霉2株,占0.07%,其他属相对较少。草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis)根部入侵真菌较多,麻花艽(Gentiana straminea)和紫花针茅(Stipa purpurca)最少。  相似文献   

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