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为了研究白毛调控基因KIT不同基因型对仔猪初生重的影响,试验采用限制性内切酶片段长度多态性分析(RFLP)的方法,分析基因KIT不同基因型(Ⅱ、Ii、ii)对仔猪初生重的影响.结果表明:携带隐性基因i的猪初生重比携带显性基因I的猪重,且差异显著(P<0.05);不同基因型间断奶重差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

通过同源性比较设计引物,分别扩增羊驼KIT基因exon18~19和intron18,并利用PCR-SScP技术对我国现有羊驼KIT基因intron18进行多态性分析.结果表明:羊驼KIT基因exon18~19长225 bp,包括54 bp的exon18(全长112 bp)、108 bp的intron18和63 bp的exon19.从测序结果看,intron18与exon18和exon19交际处有GT-AG规则,符合分子遗传学理论.而用另1对引物扩增不同毛色羊驼Intron18所得的核苷酸序列与exon18~ex-on19中测得的intron18序列完全相同,未发现"AGTT/TGGA/TTAG"缺失突变现象和核苷酸片段大小差异,即不存在多态性.因此推测在同一品种内,KIT基因对毛色影响的原因不一定是由于KIT基因intron18缺失4个碱基导致K1T基因表达失调而致.  相似文献   

仔猪初生重对断奶窝重的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高猪的增重速度首先要从仔猪初生重、断奶重抓起 ,要取得仔猪窝重高的结果 ,除了抓好泌乳母猪的饲养管理、发挥母猪良好的泌乳性能外 ,做好仔猪补料、抓旺食、过好断奶关及疾病的预防工作是关键。1 试验材料与方法1 .1 试验猪随机选用 1 8窝“杜长上”初生仔猪 ,饲养 3 5日龄断奶。泌乳母猪、仔猪分别用申兰集团饲料厂生产的泌乳母猪料和乳猪料。母猪产前一周进产房待产 ,母猪采用高床单体限位栏 ,两侧为仔猪活动空间并配有保暖小间。1 .2 试验猪的饲养管理1 .2 .1 对临产前母猪后躯、乳房部位及分娩床面用0 .1 %高锰酸钾溶液擦拭消毒…  相似文献   

仔猪初生重对后期生长发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
据报道,初生重低于0.9kg的仔猪死亡率可达%呢,初生重在1.35-1.552g范围死亡率可下降至18%,1.8kg以上存活率可88%。另外,初生重低50%的仔猪断乳重低16.62%。本文旨在通过分析不同品种初生重的仔猪后期生长发育情况,探讨初生重大小对断奶重、60日龄重的影响规律,并对不同品种仔猪的生长发育进行比较。1背景资料和研究方法1.1本研究资料选自某种猪场1993-1996年长白和杜洛克母猪产仔哺育记录。1.2该种猪场按照工厂化生产工艺流程组织生产,猪舍按空怀一妊娠舍、分娩一保育舍、出售猪舍顺序排列,根据其生产特点与要求,分…  相似文献   

本文对某原种猪场2007~2009年大约克、长白、杜洛克第一胎产仔情况进行分析,结果表明,出生重与品种有关。  相似文献   

本文研究了雌激素受体基因和骨调素基因对苏钟猪生长繁殖性能的影响.41头母猪120多窝产仔数记录用来分析雌激素受体和骨调素基因型对仔猪初生重、母猪乳头个数和仔猪乳头个数的影响.在母猪乳头个数方面,骨调素142/152和168/170、142/168基因型之间差异显著(P<0.05);在经产胎次中,仔猪初生重140/152和168/170、164/168、142/168、142/152基因型之间差异显著(P<0.05).母猪乳头个数雌激素受体AA型和AB型之间差异显著(P<0.05).  相似文献   

影响猪场生产指标和经济效益的主要因素是仔猪成活率,其与仔猪初生重及断奶重密切相关,因此探究仔猪初生重及断奶重与成活率之间的关系,对猪场淘汰仔猪具有参考价值。本研究以四川阆中大北农桥楼猪场二元母猪所产500头仔猪为试验对象,记录、整理和分析仔猪初生重、21日龄断奶重、21日龄成活率及70日龄成活率。结果表明:仔猪初生重呈正态分布,体重过小、过大的数量较少;体重≤1.0kg的仔猪21日龄成活率较低,体重>1.3kg的仔猪21日龄成活率均在95%以上;21日龄断奶重较大仔猪的70日龄成活率较高,5.5~6.0kg的仔猪最为理想。因此,建议四川阆中大北农桥楼猪场适当淘汰初生重≤1.0kg的仔猪,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

仔猪初生重对21日龄断奶重的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究初生重对21日龄断奶重的影响。做了两个重复试验,共统计了655头仔猪,每个试验根据初生重分为4个阶段(0.70~1.00,1.10~1.30,1.31~1.60,1.61~2.10)。结果表明,初生重在1.3kg以下,21日龄重达不到平均重。初生重在1.3kg以上,21日龄重超过平均重。  相似文献   

初生仔猪均匀度常用窝初生个体均重的标准偏差及变异系数表示,是反映母猪孕期繁殖效率的重要指标之一。为了研究不同胎次及产仔数对初生仔猪均匀度的影响,研究对1011窝广东小耳花猪的历史分娩数据进行分析。结果表明:窝初生个体均重为0.67 kg,窝初生个体均重的标准偏差为0.13 kg,窝初生个体均重的变异系数为19%;窝初生个体均重与窝初生个体均重标准偏差的相关系数是0.296,呈极显著正相关(P约0.01);窝初生个体均重变异系数与总产仔数的相关系数是0.028,与产活仔数的相关系数为0.024,均呈现弱正相关。研究建议在地方猪开发利用中,合理调整群体胎龄结构,改善饲养管理方式,合理调整孕期母猪营养水平,进一步提高群体初生仔猪均匀度。  相似文献   

毛色是猪的一个重要形态特征,KIT基因是控制猪毛色的主效基因。本研究利用PCR和PCR-SSCP方法,分析了军牧1号白猪、杜洛克猪、西藏小型猪和大白猪的KIT基因拷贝数和第17、18内含子突变位点的基因型,结果显示:军牧1号白猪和大白猪均为多拷贝,而西藏小型猪和杜洛克猪的KIT基因则为单拷贝;军牧1号白猪和大白猪的第17、18内含子突变位点上均检测到突变,而杜洛克猪和西藏小型猪均没有检测到突变。  相似文献   

文章探讨了能量补充对低出生体重仔猪的死亡率、断奶体重、日增重及初乳摄入量的影响。处理组选择22头母猪所产的306头活仔猪,其中极低出生体重(<1 kg)72头,低出生体重(1~1.2 kg)77头,分别于出生时和出生后8~12 h口服能量补充剂。对照组选择24头母猪所产的340头活仔猪,其中极低出生体重81头,低出生体重74头。结果显示:能量补充较对照组显著降低了极低出生重仔猪哺乳3 d的死亡率(P <0.05),有降低低出生重仔猪死亡率的趋势(P=0.07)。总的来说,能量补充剂有降低仔猪哺乳3 d死亡率的趋势(P=0.06)。能量补充较对照组对极低出生重仔猪哺乳7和21 d存活优势率显著提高了4.04和3.59倍(P <0.05)。对照组较处理组显著提高了仔猪的断奶重(P <0.05)。对照组与处理组对仔猪的日增重、初乳摄入量及出生产量的影响均无显著差异(P> 0.05)。处理组母猪初乳产量在数值上比对照组低(P> 0.05),但处理组母猪初乳产量均匀性在数值上较对照组好。综上所述,能量补充通过为极低出生体重仔猪直接提供能量而不是通过提高初乳的摄入量来降低其断奶前的死亡率。  相似文献   

Insulin‐like growth factor‐binding protein‐3 (IGFBP‐3) is a protein that binds the majority of insulin‐like growth factors in circulation for regulation of its action on growth and metabolism of the animals. Animals belonging to Hariana, Holstein‐Friesian (HF) and their crossbreds (HF × Hariana) were studied using polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism and nucleotide sequencing of the IGFBP‐3 gene. A 651‐bp fragment of the IGFBP‐3 gene spanning over a part of exon 2, complete intron 2, exon 3 and a part of intron 3 was amplified and digested with HaeIII restriction enzyme. Three patterns of restriction fragments were observed in HF and crossbred cattle revealing polymorphism in both the populations. The frequency of AA, AB and BB genotypes was 0.65, 0.32 and 0.03 in crossbreds and 0.29, 0.65 and 0.06 in HF respectively. The allelic frequency of the A and B allele was 0.81 and 0.19 in crossbreds and 0.62 and 0.38 in HF cattle respectively. Only one restriction pattern (AA genotype) was observed in all the animals of Hariana breed of Bos indicus showing the absence of polymorphism. Nucleotide sequencing revealed a C → A mutation in the intron 2 region of the IGFBP‐3 gene as the cause of the polymorphism. Least squares analysis revealed a significant effect (p < 0.05) of genotypes on birth weight and body weight (weight at 12, 18 and 24 months of age) of the animals. Animals of AB genotype showed higher birth weight and body weight than the animals possessing AA genotype.  相似文献   

为了检测陆川猪种群的纯度,本研究以4个华南地方猪种(莆田黑猪、粤东黑猪、大花白猪、巴马香猪)和3个外来猪种(杜洛克猪、大白猪、长白猪)作为对照,利用PCR测序法对陆川猪群体56个样本的MC1R和KIT基因进行基因型鉴定。测序结果表明,大白猪和长白猪KIT基因内含子17的第1个碱基发生G>A剪接突变,而陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种,以及杜洛克猪中KIT基因型一样,均为野生型的GG基因型;MC1R基因编码区分析表明,以海南野猪MC1R基因型作为参考序列,陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种在MC1R基因编码区存在95Val > Met和102Leu > Pro两个错义突变;MC1R基因非编码区分析表明,与大白猪、长白猪和杜洛克猪相比,陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种MC1R基因的5'UTR分别存在5~6个SNPs,3'UTR存在1个A碱基的缺失。另外,试验对一窝毛色异常的陆川猪仔猪及其亲本的KIT和MC1R基因进行测序分析,结果表明,仔猪及其亲本的KIT基因型均为GG野生型,仔猪和母本的MC1R基因均存在ED1和Ep两种不同的基因型,父本的MC1R基因型为ED1,因Ep对应于皮特兰猪的斑块表型,所以初步判定母本渗入了外来猪种的血统。本研究通过检测陆川猪等8个猪种的毛色相关基因KIT和MC1R基因的基因型,证实了中外猪种间在毛色遗传上的分子差异,为今后深入研究猪毛色遗传的分子调控机理提供参考。  相似文献   

Based on earlier studies with mice and pigs, the possible pleiotropic effects of the individual porcine Dominant White/KIT genotypes on the size, histological parameters, and surface features of the ovaries; on the size, histological characteristics, and volume of the testes; and on the occurrence of abnormal epididymal sperm cells were studied in two F2 generations of an intercross between Hampshire boars and Hungarian Large White sows. The KIT genotypes were determined by a PCR-RFLP method. The ovarian diameters of gilts of various KIT genotypes did not differ significantly (P=0.292), and the II pigs had the smallest diameters. The proportion of the investigated follicular types among the different KIT genotypes did not differ significantly (P=0.329-0.919), and the highest numbers of degenerated and atretic follicles were found in the ovaries of II genotype pigs, which also exhibited the highest proportion of primary follicles. The testis volume in the II homozygote white genotype boars (249.5 cm(3)) was significantly (P<0.01) larger than in the Ii (205.4 cm(3)) and ii (197.5 cm(3)) boars. Bodyweight and age significantly (P<0.01) affected testicular volume. KIT genotypes had no profound effect on the proportion of the various epididymal sperm abnormalities, and ii type boars showed the highest (nonsignificant) numbers of primary abnormalities. The changes in abnormal sperm cell frequency were linear to the changes in bodyweight and testis volume. We were unable to demonstrate disadvantageous effects of the KIT genotypes on the investigated ovarian, testicular, and epididymal sperm characteristics. Therefore the reproductive traits of white colored pigs examined in this study are no worse than those of pigmented breeds.  相似文献   

In order to assess the purity of Luchuan pig populations, four South Chinese local pig breeds including Putian Black pig, Yuedong Black pig, Dahuabai pig, Bama miniature pig and three foreign pig breeds including Duroc pig, Yorkshire pig and Landrace pig were studied as controls by sequencing of PCR products, MC1R and KIT genotypes in 56 Luchuan pigs were analyzed in this study. Sequencing results indicated that a splicing mutation (G>A) was presented in the first base in intron 17 of KIT gene in both Yorkshire pig and Landrace pig, in contrast, the wildtype GG of KIT gene was presented in Luchuan pig, four south Chinese local pig breeds and Duroc pig.Compared with Hainan wild boar, South Chinese local pig breeds had two missense mutations 95Val > Met and 102Leu > Pro in the coding region of MC1R gene;Compared with Yorkshire pig, Landrace pig and Duroc pig, South Chinese local pig breeds had 5 to 6 SNPs in MC1R gene 5'UTR, and in addtion, an A base deletion in MC1R gene 3'UTR. Furthermore, we found one litter of Luchuan pig with abnormal coat color.The results showed that the presentation of two distinct MC1R genotypes ED1 and Ep in both litters and the sow,but only ED1 in the boar. Considering Ep was derived from Pietrain pig, we preliminarily considered that the genome of the sow might be infiltrated with foreign pig breeds. In summary, we detected the genotypes of the coat color genes KIT and MC1R in eight pig breeds, confirmed the molecular differences of coat color between Chinese local pig breeds and foreign pig breeds, which could be useful for the further investigation of the molecular mechanism of pig coat color.  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (PAGE)对 37头甘肃黑猪合成系猪的转铁蛋白 (Tf)、前白蛋白 (Pa)、脂酶 (Es)、淀粉酶 1 (Am1 )、淀粉酶 2(Am2 ) 5个蛋白质基因座的多态性进行了检测。并运用通用线性模型分析了这 5个蛋白质基因座的共 1 7种基因型对初生重、 45日龄内平均日增重的相关效应。结果表明Am1AA型具有显著提高初生重的效应 ,PaAA型具有显著提高 45日龄内平均日增重的效应。因此这 2个位点可望用于标记辅助选择。  相似文献   

Blood estrone sulfate (E1S), estrone (E1), estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) in newborn piglets were measured to clarify the relationships among birth and placental weight, vitality of offspring and litter size. First, the association between vital status (normal, weak and stillborn) from 165 newborn piglets of 18 litters and steroid concentrations; second, steroid concentrations from 152 newborn normal piglets and litter size; and third, steroid content in fetal placenta from 50 newborn normal piglets of six litters and litter size, were investigated. In the normal group, the birth and placental weight were significantly higher than those in the other groups. Blood E1S levels in the stillborn group were significantly lower, whereas E1, E2 and P4 were significantly higher compared to the normal group. Blood and placental E1S levels in the small litter group were significantly higher than those in the other groups. However, there was no significant difference among the three litter size groups in the levels of steroid hormones in maternal blood. These results indicate that vitality of newborn piglets is related to E1S concentration of neonate, to birth weight and placental weight. However, steroid hormone concentrations of newborn piglets were greatly affected by the number of littermates.  相似文献   

Here, we report the variability in the KIT tyrosine kinase receptor and its ligand KITLG genes by determining single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 384 individuals including 11 pig breeds, two synthetic-line cross pigs, two cross breeds, and one Japanese wild boar. SNPs and indels within the coding sequence regions of KITLG and KIT and their 5'-flanking regions were detected by aligning sequences from eight pigs, and subsequently the SNPs were genotyped using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF-MS). Principal component analysis using allele frequencies in the SNP locus showed a distant relationship between Asian and Euro-American pig groups, except for Berkshire and Tokyo X breeds. These breeds were located within the mid-portion of the distribution in the first principal component. The Hampshire breed was distant from the other pig groups on the axis of the second principal component. Haplotype frequencies that were deduced using non-synonymous substitutions of the KIT gene revealed the uniqueness of Landrace, Large White, Middle White, and three-way cross pigs (LWD) and of the Hampshire breed. On the other hand, the haplotypes of KITLG and KIT detected in the Berkshire breed were prevalent in Asian pig groups. This tendency is different from that observed in other Euro-American pig breeds.  相似文献   

猪窝产活仔数与初生窝重及断奶窝重的相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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