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Closure phase is a number measured by triplets of Michelson interferometers that is completely independent of certain types of otherwise severe instrumental errors. In the 30 years since closure phase was invented, it has been applied to a diverse number of different problems in astronomical imaging. Methods based on the closure phase now allow imaging of complex objects in the presence of severe aberrations and are vital to the success of modern, high-resolution astronomical imaging both at radio and at optical wavelengths. Over the past 10 to 15 years, the concept of closure phase has been extended and generalized. One of the most important advances has been the development of automatic or self-calibration techniques. This article reviews closure phase methods and some of the many spin-offs and related ideas.  相似文献   

A challenge in machine vision is to develop algorithms for detecting a substance with an amorphous shape when measured responses of both the substance and the underlying target have similar characteristics. The challenge is exacerbated when responses for targets are highly variable both across and within discrete target units. An example of this problem is the detection of fecal contamination on apples. Feces on apples can be detected using differential fluorescence responses of contaminated and uncontaminated apple surfaces to UV excitation. However, responses of both feces and apples are due to the presence of chlorophyll-related compounds, and the response of apples varies within and between apples due to natural variation in the distribution of these compounds. We present a technique for normalizing the variability of intensity responses among targets based on a priori knowledge of the image dimensions and the approximate target size. Using this information, a linear equation is derived based on the approximate median intensities of the background and of the target. The median intensities are estimated by calculating a cumulative intensity histogram and using a priori estimates of the percentage of the area in the image occupied by the background and by a generic target. The image is scaled for uniform intensity power using this linear transformation. The benefits of using this technique are demonstrated using hyperspectral fluorescence responses to UV excitation of 48 Golden Delicious and 48 Red Delicious apples artificially contaminated with dilutions of cow feces. Results show that the uniform power transformation normalizes the intensity distributions of apple images and increases the contrast between contaminated and uncontaminated areas on apple surfaces; the coefficients of variation for the average intensities of uncontaminated apple surfaces at 668 nm for Golden and Red Delicious apples were reduced from 39 and 55%, respectively, to 5% for both varieties.  相似文献   

邓玮  银燕  石立新  段英  吴志会 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(35):17578-17583
通过对2008年4月21日河北省正定1次飞机探测气溶胶垂直分布和云微物理结构的资料进行分析,结果表明:探测的气溶胶数浓度为10^2~10^3个/cm^3,平均直径为0.19~0.70μm;云滴数浓度为10^0~10^2/cm^3,云滴平均直径为4~15μm。边界层是气溶胶和云凝结核(CCN)最密集处,云区为1176~2465m,云底云滴数浓度低,蒸发释放核膜态粒子使得气溶胶进入云层后数浓度减少幅度较小,另云滴对CCN有消耗作用。气溶胶平均谱基本为双峰型,高层云区云滴增加促使气溶胶由核膜态向积聚模态、粗模态转变。云滴谱较复杂,具有单峰型和双峰型,云顸平均谱最宽。  相似文献   

To detect various common defects on oranges, a hyperspectral imaging system has been built for acquiring reflectance images from orange samples in the spectral region between 400 and 1000 nm. Oranges with insect damage, wind scarring, thrips scarring, scale infestation, canker spot, copper burn, phytotoxicity, heterochromatic stripe, and normal surface were studied. Hyperspectral images of samples were evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA) with the goal of selecting several wavelengths that could potentially be used in an in-line multispectral imaging system. The third principal component images using six wavelengths (630, 691, 769, 786, 810 and 875 nm) in the visible spectral (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) regions, or the second principal component images using two wavelengths (691 and 769 nm) in VIS region gave better identification results under investigation. However, the stem-ends were easily confused with defective areas. In order to solve this problem, representative regions of interest (ROIs) reflectance spectra of samples with different types of skin conditions were visually analyzed. The researches revealed that a two-band ratio (R875/R691) image could be used to differentiate stem-ends from defects effectively. Finally, the detection algorithm of defects was developed based on PCA and band ratio coupled with a simple thresholding method. For the investigated independent test samples, accuracies of 91.5% and 93.7% with no false positives were achieved for both sets of selected wavelengths using proposed method, respectively. The disadvantage of this algorithm is that it could not discriminate between different types of defects.  相似文献   

A brief history of seed size   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Improved phylogenies and the accumulation of broad comparative data sets have opened the way for phylogenetic analyses to trace trait evolution in major groups of organisms. We arrayed seed mass data for 12,987 species on the seed plant phylogeny and show the history of seed size from the emergence of the angiosperms through to the present day. The largest single contributor to the present-day spread of seed mass was the divergence between angiosperms and gymnosperms, whereas the widest divergence was between Celastraceae and Parnassiaceae. Wide divergences in seed size were more often associated with divergences in growth form than with divergences in dispersal syndrome or latitude. Cross-species studies and evolutionary theory are consistent with this evidence that growth form and seed size evolve in a coordinated manner.  相似文献   

轮状病毒是人和动物急性腹泻的重要病原,对轮状病毒进行快速、准确的检测对于疾病监测和疫情控制极为重要。总结了轮状病毒检测技术的发展概况,综述了经典检测技术、免疫技术、PCR及其衍生技术等分子生物学新方法的研究进展,并探讨了其在病毒检测中的优缺点及发展趋势。  相似文献   

【目的】运用高光谱成像技术检测成熟期酿酒葡萄果皮的花色苷含量。【方法】利用900~1 700 nm近红外高光谱成像和多元回归模型对多品种酿酒葡萄成熟期不同阶段果皮花色苷含量进行预测建模。采集成熟期4~5个阶段的6个品种共75组酿酒葡萄样本的高光谱图像,运用不同预处理方法对光谱数据进行处理。基于主成分分析(PCA)和连续投影法(SPA)降维,将化学方法测量结果作为花色苷含量的参考值,采用支持向量回归(SVR)建立花色苷含量预测模型。【结果】SPA-SVR模型性能优于其他模型,其预测决定系数(R_p~2)为0.869 1,均方根误差(RMSEp)为0.135 9。【结论】将近红外高光谱成像技术应用于多品种成熟期酿酒葡萄果皮的花色苷含量的快速无损检测具有良好的可行性。  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are the toxic metabolites of certain filamentous fungi and have been demonstrated to cause various health problems in humans, including immunosuppression and cancer. Among them, the aflatoxins have received greater attention because they are potent carcinogens and are responsible for many human deaths per annum, mostly in non-industrialized countries. Various regulatory agencies have enforced limits on the concentrations of these toxins in foods and feeds involved in international commerce. Hyperspectral and multispectral imaging are becoming increasingly important for rapid and nondestructive testing for the presence of such contaminants. However, the high number of spectral bands needed may render such image acquisition systems too complex, expensive and slow. Moreover, they tend to generate overwhelming amount of data, making effective processing of this information in real time difficult. In this study, a two-dimensional local discriminant bases algorithm was developed to detect the location of the discriminative features in the multispectral data space. The algorithm identifies the optimal passband width and center frequencies of optical filters to be used for a multispectral imaging system. This was applied to a multispectral imaging system used to detect aflatoxin-contaminated hazelnut kernels and red chili peppers. Classification accuracies of 92.3% and 80% were achieved for aflatoxin-contaminated and uncontaminated hazelnuts and red chili peppers, respectively. The aflatoxin concentrations were decreased from 608 to 0.84 ppb for tested hazelnuts and from 38.26 to 22.85 ppb for red chili peppers by removal of the nuts/peppers that were classified as aflatoxin-contaminated. The algorithm was also used to classify fungal contaminated and uncontaminated hazelnut kernels, and an accuracy of 95.6% was achieved for this broader classification.  相似文献   

Lee C  Wei X  Kysar JW  Hone J 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,321(5887):385-388
We measured the elastic properties and intrinsic breaking strength of free-standing monolayer graphene membranes by nanoindentation in an atomic force microscope. The force-displacement behavior is interpreted within a framework of nonlinear elastic stress-strain response, and yields second- and third-order elastic stiffnesses of 340 newtons per meter (N m(-1)) and -690 Nm(-1), respectively. The breaking strength is 42 N m(-1) and represents the intrinsic strength of a defect-free sheet. These quantities correspond to a Young's modulus of E = 1.0 terapascals, third-order elastic stiffness of D = -2.0 terapascals, and intrinsic strength of sigma(int) = 130 gigapascals for bulk graphite. These experiments establish graphene as the strongest material ever measured, and show that atomically perfect nanoscale materials can be mechanically tested to deformations well beyond the linear regime.  相似文献   

苹果潜隐病毒快速检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以优系短枝富士为主要试材,采用木本指示植物和间接酶联免疫(PAS-ELISA)两种方法,对苹果褪绿叶斑病毒(CLSV)、苹果茎沟病毒(SGV)和苹果茎痘病毒(SPV)进行了检测.试验表明,俄罗斯苹果R12740-7A、司派227和弗吉尼亚小苹果3种指示植物可作为上述3种潜在病毒的鉴定植物.植物生长状况对鉴定结果有重大影响.间接酶联免疫检测速度快,准确度高.该试验所用最佳抗体工作浓度CLSV:第一抗体1/6000,第二抗体1/2000;SGV:第一抗体1/5000,第二抗体1/3000.  相似文献   

基于ADAMS水平圆旋振筛振幅影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对旋振筛进行受力分析,利用CATIA和ADAMS建立参数化的旋振筛模型;然后通过对振动电机转速,激振块质量、夹角以及振动体质心位置等参数进行仿真,求出旋振筛振幅的影响因子.结果表明,激振块质量对旋振筛振幅影响最大,而激振块夹角、振动体质心位置、振动电机转速对振幅的影响次之.  相似文献   

根据两年多点大田和小区试验结果,认为“稳群体壮个体攻大穗”是浙江省小麦高产稳产的有效栽培途径。栽培上应在一定穗数的前提下,主攻单穗重,减少基础群体,控制群体发展,促进个体发育健壮,提高分蘖成穗率是增加单穗生产力的重要条件;施肥上应减少基、苗肥比例,相应增加孕穗肥以满足高产小麦中后期旺盛生长对养分的需求,改善穗分化的营养条件,增大后期绿叶面积持续期和光合生产量。本文还提出了本省当前栽培的几个品种的高产栽培优化方案。  相似文献   

空肠弯曲杆菌PCR-ELISA检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对空肠弯曲杆菌(Campylobacter jejuni)旋转酶基因(gyrA gene)设计特异性引物和探针,将生物素和地高辛分别标记上游引物5'端和核酸探针3 '端,并对反应条件进行优化,建立空肠弯曲杆菌PCR-ELISA检测方法.结果表明:该方法能特异的检测空肠弯曲杆菌基因组DNA,检测阈值为2fg,敏感性是常规PCR的10倍.对模拟泄殖腔样本进行检测,检测限为50 cfu/mL.对100份临床样品进行检测,PCR和PCR-ELISA方法阳性检出率分别为60%和69%.  相似文献   

根据纤维蛋白原在凝血酶的催化下转化为纤维蛋白的反应原理,建立一种新的凝血酶活性的检测方法.利用紫外扫描仪将此反应的反应物与生成物进行全波长扫描,取二者吸光度的最大差异处波长(250.0nm),在此波长下,绘制不同比活的凝血酶与纤维蛋白原的反应时间与吸光度的变化曲线,根据其变化规律,选择吸光度为0.800时的反应时间为初凝时间,进而拟合出凝血酶活性标准曲线.利用紫外法建立的凝血酶活性检测标准曲线,其线性相关系数(R2)可达0.9987.该法操作快速简便,可广泛应用于凝血酶活性的检测.  相似文献   

以卵磷脂水解试验为基础 ,根据α毒素在被抗毒素完全中和后将出现水解抑制这一原理 ,建立了测定家兔血清抗α毒素水平的卵磷脂水解抑制试验方法。结果显示 ,卵磷脂水解抑制试验可用于测定不同血清样品的抗α毒素水平 ,抗血清完全中和单位剂量α毒素时 ,水解抑制试验结果明显。所能测定出的最小血清抗体量相当于中和 1/ 6 4MLD毒素的量 ,最适毒素中和时间为 30min ,其敏感性和精确性优于小鼠毒素中和试验 ,且操作简单 ,取材经济 ,易于推广应用  相似文献   

历代农税改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古代的农业财税改革目的明确,是为了增加国家的财政收入,解决纳税不均和逃税等问题。历次改革基本是顺应社会、经济的发展。而且所制定的农业正税政策,都是遵循“什一而税”的标准,从不逾越。历代农民负担重的原因,不是正税,而是苛捐杂税、纳税不均和地租重等问题。  相似文献   


Early and accurate diagnosis is a critical first step in mitigating losses caused by plant diseases. An incorrect diagnosis can lead to improper management decisions, such as selection of the wrong chemical application that could potentially result in further reduced crop health and yield. In tomato, initial disease symptoms may be similar even if caused by different pathogens, for example early lesions of target spot (TS) caused by the fungus Corynespora cassicola and bacterial spot (BS) caused by Xanthomonas perforans. In this study, hyperspectral imaging (380–1020 nm) was utilized in laboratory and field (collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle; UAV) settings to detect both diseases. Tomato leaves were classified into four categories: healthy, asymptomatic, early and late disease development stages. Thirty-five spectral vegetation indices (VIs) were calculated to select an optimum set of indices for disease detection and identification. Two classification methods were utilized: (i) multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP), and (ii) stepwise discriminant analysis (STDA). Best wavebands selection was considered in blue (408–420 nm), red (630–650 nm) and red edge (730–750 nm). The most significant VIs that could distinguish between healthy leaves and diseased leaves were the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) for both diseases, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI850) for BS in all stages, and the triangular vegetation index (TVI), NDVI850 and chlorophyll index green (Chl green) for TS asymptomatic, TS early and TS late disease stage respectively. The MLP classification method had an accuracy of 99%, for both BS and TS, under field (UAV-based) and laboratory conditions.


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