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Two species of the parasitic genus Striga, S. hermonthica (Del.) Benth. and S. gesnerioides Willd., cause severe damage to graminaceous and leguminous crops, respectively, in tropical and semi tropical areas. Striga seed germination requires the presence of germination stimulants exuded by the roots of host plants. After attachment to the host root, the young parasite exhibits a subterranean stage of development during which it already induces considerable damage in the crop. Then, the parasite emerges from the soil, develops chlorophyllous shoots and, after flowering, produces a large number of minute seeds. Many field experiments performed in the USA to control another species (S. asiatica) have shown that application of chlorthaldimethyl, di camba or dinitroanilines prevented Striga emergence. Nevertheless the phenological stages of the parasite which are sensitive to the herbicides, as well as the mode of action of these products, are still unknown. Our experiments, performed in vitro, clearly show that chlorthal-dimethyl, dicamba or pendimethalin inhibit germination of S. hermonthica and S. gesnerioides seeds in the presence of natural germination stimulants. Moreover dicamba, clopyralid and linuron are able to induce the germination of S. gesnerioides seeds in the absence of stimulants (suicidal germination). Even if the mode of action of these herbicides in inhibition or induction of Striga seed germination has yet to be studied, such products can be useful to control Striga before attachment, thus preventing the crop from suffering the early damaging effect of the parasite. Moreover bromoxynil, ioxynil, bentazone and pyridate are potent inhibitors of photosynthesis in S. hermonthica, while they do not affect the hosts (maize and sorghum). Linuron also inhibits photosynthesis in the parasite, but it may affect these crops according to the rate applied. All these inhibitors of photosystem II could be used to control S. hermonthica after emergence, thus preventing seed production. Nouvelle approche expérimentale pour la recherche de méthodes de lutte chimique contre les Striga: utilisation de modelès simplifiés in vitro Les Striga sont des Scrophulariacées hémi-parasites de racine. Deux espèces, S. hermonth-ica (Del.) Benth. et S. gesnerioides Willd. provoquent des pertes de rendement très importantes respectivement dans les céréales et les légumineuses, notamment dans la zone inter tropicale de l'Afrique. La germination des graines de Striga nécessite la présence de stimulants de germination exsudés par les racines de l'hôte. Après fixation sur les racines de son hôte, le jeune parasite présente une phase de vie souterraine hétérotrophe au cours de laquelle il inflige déjà de sévères dommages à la culture. Après émergence le parasite développe un ap-pareil aérien chlorophyllien fleurit et fructifie, produisant des milliers de graines minuscules. De nombreux essais, réalisés en plein champ aux USA pour lutter contre une autre espèce (S. asiatica) ont montré que l'application de chlorthal-diméthyle, de dicamba ou de diverses dinitroanilines inhibe partiellement l'émergence du parasite. Le stade phénologique du parasite sur lequel ces produits agissent, de même que leur mode d'action sont inconnus. Nos expériences, réalisées in vitro, montrent chlorthal-diméthyle, le dicamba et la pendiméthaline inhibent la germination des graines de S. hermonthica et S. gesnerioides en présence des stimulants de germination. En outre, le dicamba, le clopyralid, et surtout le linuron, sont capables d'induire la germination des graines de S. gesnerioides en l'absence des stimulants (germination suicide). Tous ces produits, dont le mode d'action dans l'inhibition ou l'induction de la germination reste èétudier, ouvrent des perspectives prometteuses pour la lutte préventive—la plus efficace—contre les Striga. En outre le bromoxynil, l'ioxynil, la bentazone et le pyridate, sélectifs du Maïs et du Sorgho, sont d'excellents inhibiteurs de la photosynthèse de S. hermonthica. Le linuron inhibe également la photosynthèse du parasite, mais il est moins sélectif des céréales. Ces herbicides inhibiteurs du photosystème II pourraient être utilisés dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte pour détruire S. hermonthica après émergence, empêchant ainsi la production des graines.  相似文献   


Two hundred and thirty seven chemicals were tested to determine their effect on the germination of Orobanche aegyptiaca and Striga hermontheca. From their activity in these tests and a knowledge of their general properties the following are regarded as being the most promising for the pre-em. control of (1) Orobanche — oryzalin, dichlobenil, chlorthiamid, nitralin and chloramben. (2) Striga — 2, 4-D, MCPA and a range of other phenoxy compounds, chlorfenac, with MON 097, prynachlor, PH 40–21, PRB-8, RU 12068 and U 27658 showing the most interesting activity among the newer compounds.  相似文献   

Summary Six inhibitors acting at different stages of gibberellin biosynthesis, applied during conditioning of Orobanche ramosa seeds, reduced subsequent germination in the presence of GR24 (a strigol analogue). Ethylene seems to be involved in the induction of germination of conditioned seeds by GR24, as inhibitors of its synthesis or action, applied to conditioned seeds, also strongly reduced induction of germination by GR24. Exogenous ethylene did not induce germination of conditioned seeds, but 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid was able to do so. When inhibitors of gibberellin biosynthesis were applied to conditioned seeds in the presence of GR24, they inhibited germination. These same inhibitors also strongly inhibited germination of conditioned Striga hermonthica seeds in response to GR24; this inhibitory effect was reversed by the addition of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. The effect of these inhibitors on S. hermonthica , in which ethylene is a necessary mediator of germination induction by GR24, strongly suggests that ethylene synthesis is also required for the induction of O. ramosa seed germination by GR24. These growth regulators, which inhibit the two steps of germination in O. ramosa , could be useful for the development of methods for early season control of this parasite.  相似文献   

A total of 188 fungal isolates was obtained from the rhizosphere of Vicia faba grown in an Egyptian soil heavily infested with Orobanche species. Agar cultures of 58 isolates inhibited the germination of conditioned seed of Orobanche crenata exposed to the germination stimulant, GR24. Filtrates of inhibitory fungi grown in liquid medium for 9–15 days were also assayed and those of five isolates, which were morphologically similar, inhibited germination even when diluted 16-fold. The fungus was identified as Myrothecium verrucaria (Alb. & Schwein.) Ditmar by its morphology and the nucleotide sequence of the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the ribosomal repeat unit. Purification of the inhibitor to homogeneity was accomplished by solvent partitioning, flash chromatography on silica gel, semi-preparative HPLC on a reversed phase C18 column, solid phase extraction and tlc on silica gel. The inhibitor was identified as verrucarin A by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and comparison of the spectra with those of an authentic sample of the compound. A preliminary experiment demonstrated that infection of V. faba by O. crenata could be prevented by addition of spores of the fungus to soil infested by the parasite.  相似文献   

Quantitative determinations of chlorophyll showed that Cuscuta hyalina and Striga hermonthica possess chlorophyll. No trace of chlorophyll was found in Orobanche ramosa. Autoradiographic evidence showed that both radiocarbon and radiophosphorous moved from host to parasite in alt three species. Photosynthesis occurs in S. hermonthica when the parasite is isolated from its host. The adventitious roots of S. hermonthica and O. ramosa appear to be functional in absorbing a proportion of the required inorganic substances and water. S. hermonthica is a hemiparasite, O. ramosa is a holoparasite but C. hyalina is best described as a partial parasite.  相似文献   


A bio-economic model of Striga control is developed and applied to Mali's Mourdiah Zone. Various constraints are added, and optimal production practices identified based on Striga infestation levels, rainfall levels, and economic parameters. Model optimization suggests efforts to suppress Striga with nitrogen applications are both expensive and risky. The efficacy of hand-pulling Striga in reducing the Striga seedbank depends on Striga infestation levels and climatic conditions, as does the profitability of hiring labour to expand cultivated acreage. Under all climatic conditions and infestation levels considered, millet in a pure stand generated greater expected net returns than a millet - groundnut or millet - cowpea association. Under conditions of low rainfall, the model suggests planting millet at a density of 0.5 hills m?2. With average or higher rainfall, the model suggests planting millet at a density of 3.5 hills m?2. Estimates of Striga-induced net revenue losses also vary with climatic conditions, ranging from 6% to 85%. Model results are encouraged to be used as a guide in the design and evaluation of research and extension programmes aimed at identifying long-run Striga control strategies and promoting their adoption.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a destructive parasite of cereal crops in the semi‐arid tropical zone. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted at Kamboinsé, Burkina Faso, to investigate the effect of inoculum substrate and location of Striga seeds on the ability of 14 indigenous Fusarium isolates to control the parasite. In Expt 1, Fusarium isolates reduced emerged Striga number, Striga vigour and dry biomass. As a result, sorghum dry biomass and grain yield were enhanced. Inoculum substrate did not influence the ability of Fusarium isolates to control Striga. In Expt 2, Fusarium isolates, substrate and their interaction significantly influenced germination of Striga seeds at both 35 and 50 days after sowing. Isolates grown on compost were more effective at reducing germination of Striga seeds than those grown on chopped sorghum straw. The per cent germination of seeds 50 days after sowing, buried at 5 cm depth, was significantly lower than that of seeds buried at 10 cm. At 10 cm depth, Fusarium isolates still reduced Striga seed germination with respect to the control; horizontal planting distance, 5 or 10 cm from sorghum hills, had no effect.  相似文献   

Under glasshouse conditions, the ability of Fusarium oxysporum isolate Foxy 2, a fungal pathogen isolated from Striga hermonthica, to control S. asiatica and S. gesnerioides, was investigated on potted plants. In the experiment, the target weed of the fungus, S. hermonthica, was included as a standard. In the present study, S. asiatica was the only species that, besides S. hermonthica showed high susceptibility to Foxy 2. This susceptibility was demonstrated by almost complete prevention of emergence of the parasite. In contrast, S. gesnerioides did not show any susceptibility at all. The susceptibility of two Striga species to the fungus provides an opportunity for simultaneous control of both parasites in those regions where they are co‐existing (e.g. Tanzania and Kenya).  相似文献   

A newly isolated Fusarium oxysporum strain was investigated for its biocontrol potential against the root parasitic weed Orobanche ramosa (branched broomrape). The fungus was found to affect all developmental stages of the parasite. Orobanche seed germination was reduced by 40% in the presence of fungal conidia in vitro . The number of underground tubercles and shoots of the weed was reduced by the fungus by 55% compared with the control and 92% of tubercles were recorded as diseased in root chambers. In pot experiments, soil application of a granular formulation of the fungus resulted in a reduction of number and dry matter of Orobanche shoots by more than 90%. Spraying of a conidial suspension on aboveground Orobanche shoots caused the death of 75% of them within 2 weeks. Data from initial host-range experiments indicate that the isolate is very host-specific, not even attacking shoots of other Orobanche species. Because of these promising results, we conclude that the fungal isolate should be investigated under field conditions and be compared with other Fusarium isolates proposed for biocontrol of O. ramosa .  相似文献   

Oospores, the only overwintering structures of Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of grapevine downy mildew, are the unique source of inoculum for primary infections in vineyards. We show that their germination dynamics depend on both climatic and endogenous factors. In particular, overwintering in controlled conditions suggests that low temperatures prolong the oospore germinability, while constant or gradually alternating water availability increases germination rates. However, wide fluctuations in germination percentage, observed both in naturally overwintered oospores, and under controlled conditions, indicate an important role for endogenous factors in the germination frequency. Ad hoc experimental assays and microscopic observations highlight an important role for calcium in the germination process. However, for a profound understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying oospore germination, mathematical models of the germination dynamics are needed. But, classical differential models of germination dynamics are, with current knowledge, prohibitive due both to the complexity of the underlying processes and knowledge incompleteness. Then, we propose a hybrid method derived from the integration of qualitative differential models and fuzzy systems.  相似文献   

Seeds of Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze required 7 and 14 days at 30°C to become conditioned when they were immersed in water and 10?8m dl-strigol, respectively. At least 80% of seeds so conditioned germinated with 10?8m dl-strigol as a terminal stimulation treatment. Seeds that were first immersed in water for 2 days, then subjected to one to three drying periods of 2 days each, either separately or continuously, required only 2 days of water immersion to become conditioned. Seeds first immersed in 10?8m dl-strigol, then subjected to one or two drying periods, required only 3–4 days of water immersion as compared to a 14 days’requirement without drying treatments. The seeds first immersed in water or 10?8m dl-strigol and then dried, plus one or two 10?8m dl-strigol immersions, required 4 days of water immersion to become conditioned. However, the seeds immersed in various combinations of water or 10?8m dl-strigol solutions plus one, two or three drying periods of 2 days each required 6 days of water immersion to become conditioned. The results indicate that the interaction of prolonged drying treatments and dl-strigol immersions delay conditioning processes in the seeds. Both water immersion and short drying treatments, however, seem to enhance certain required processes that occur during conditioning, thereby reducing the time required for the seeds to become conditioned when re-immersed in water.  相似文献   

Ethylene dibromide effectively controlled Orobanche crenata Forsk. and O. cernua Loefl. but was not effective against O. aegyptiaca Pers. and O. mutelii F. Schultz. Chloropicrin was considerably less effective than ethylene dibromide. Mixtures of both compounds did not result in improved broomrape control but nonetheless had a positive effect on crop yield. Destruction des Orobanches avec du dibromure d'ethylène et de la chloropicrine Le dibromure d'éthylène a été efficace contre Orobanche crenata Forsk et O. Cernua Loefl, mais non efficace contre O. aegyptiaca Pers, et O. mutelii F. Schultz. La chloropicrine est beaucoup moins efficace que le dibromure d'ethylène. Les mélanges des deux matières actives n'ont pas amélioré l'efficacité sur orobanches mais néanmoins ont eu un effet positif sur le rendement de la culture. Bekämpfung von Orobanche-Arten mit Ethylendi-bromid und Chlorpikrin Mit Ethylendibromid konnten Orobanche crenata Forsk. und O. cernua Loefl., aber nicht O. aegyptica Pers. und O. mutelii F. Schultz bekämpft werden. Chlorpikrin war beträchtlich weniger wirksam. Mischungen der beiden Wirkstoffe ergaben keine bessere Wirkung, beeinflussten aber den Ertrag der Kulturpflanzen positiv.  相似文献   

Striga aspera and Striga hermonthica are recognized as separate species, but their close morphological similarity causes difficulty in distinguishing between them in areas where they coexist in Africa. In this study, crosses between the species were made using randomly selected morphologically typical parental plants collected from different locations in Nigeria. Genetic analysis of both species and their reciprocal F1 hybrids were determined using cluster analysis of DNA profiles derived from genetic polymorphism (RAPD)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers. Principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses were used to separate parental and hybrid populations based on 13 morphological characteristics. Morphological data from wild samples of both species were compared with the hand-pollinated parental, F1 and F2 hybrids, and back-crosses. Results showed that S. aspera and S. hermonthica were genetically and morphologically distinct. Morphological and genetic analyses revealed two major clusters: a S. aspera cluster and a S. hermonthica cluster. Genetically, the F1 hybrids showed closer affinity to their maternal parents, while morphologically, the F1 hybrids formed distinct clusters intermediate to the parents. Most F2 plants and back-crosses were morphologically similar to S. hermonthica . Comparative morphological analysis of wild and hand-pollinated populations showed some samples from the wild clustered with the hybrids, suggesting that hybrids may exist in nature.  相似文献   

Native fungi of West Africa were evaluated as a means to control Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth., a troublesome parasitic weed of several gramineous crops. An isolate of Fusarium oxysporum, grown on sorghum straw and incorporated into pots, successfully prevented all emergence of S. hermonthica, and resulted in a 400% increase of sorghum dry weight. The fungus inhibited germination and attachment of S. hermonthica to sorghum roots in Plexiglas root chambers. Several crop species, including sorghum, inoculated with the fungus showed neither any disease symptoms nor any reduction in biomass.  相似文献   

Seedbank density is an important aspect that determines the amount of damage that the parasitic weed, purple witchweed (Striga hermonthica; hereafter, called “Striga”), causes on its crop hosts. The seedbank depletion of Striga was measured in Mali and Niger during the 2004 rainy season under the host crops, pearl millet and sorghum, the non‐host crops, cowpea and sesame, the intercrops of pearl millet or sorghum with cowpea or sesame, and fallow with or without weeding. Two methods were used and compared; namely, a seed bag method and a soil‐sampling method. The fate of the seeds was assessed by a seed press test. Seed germination, as determined by the presence of empty seed coats, contributed most to the seedbank depletion of Striga under a variety of crop covers and fallow. The highest seedbank depletion was found under the monocultures of the host crops. The intercrops of the host and non‐host crops caused less seedbank depletion, followed by the monocultures of the non‐host crops, fallow, and bare soil. The seed bag method and the soil‐sampling method yielded similar percentages of seedbank depletion, while the former allowed for distinguishing between the germinated and diseased seeds. The results suggest that, although all the tested crop species can cause the seed germination and seedbank depletion of Striga, management by using host cereal crops causes the highest amount of germination and has the highest potential to deplete the soil seed bank, provided that seed production is prevented.  相似文献   

The influences of alternated or combined fungicide treatments on the development of fungicide resistance in pathogens were compared. Mathematical deduction indicated the importance of the decreasing activity of the spray residue in the periods between two treatments. It is suggested that with similar fungicide protection, resistance will usually develop more slowly with combined than with alternated treatments in the case of fast-growing pathogens, and also when shortlived fungicides are applied in a poor spray cover. In other circumstances both methods of treatment proved to be equally effective in the prevention of resistance.  相似文献   

A herbicide with a new mode of action has not been commercialized for more than 30 years. A recent paper describes a novel genomic approach to herbicide and herbicide mode of action discovery. Analysis of a microbial gene cluster revealed that it encodes genes for both the biosynthetic pathway for production of the sesquiterpene aspterric acid and an aspterric acid‐resistant form of dihydroxy acid dehydratase (DHAD), its target enzyme. Aspterric acid is weak compared with commercial synthetic herbicides, and whether DHAD is a good herbicide target is unclear from this study. Nevertheless, this genomic approach provides a novel strategy for the discovery of herbicides with new modes action. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Eight experiments were carried out in Denmark to determine the yield loss of spring barley due to Cirsium arvense in farmers' fields and to suggest and evaluate a novel approach for quantifying C. arvense infestation in large plots. Literature about the competitive ability of C. arvense is old, scattered and inconclusive, and existing models for estimating crop yield loss are based on data from North America. This study showed that C. arvense coverage could be quantified from unmanned aerial vehicle imagery using a manual image analysis procedure. This gave similar results as scoring the coverage. Yield loss of spring barley due to C. arvense infestation assessed at harvest was given by Y = 100·(1−exp(−0.00170·X)) where Y is the percentage of crop yield loss and X is the percentage of C. arvense coverage. The yield loss was much lower than estimates from models that have been developed in North America. It is speculated that the main reason for this is the later emergence of C. arvense than the crop due to lower soil temperatures in spring. Grain moisture increased linearly with C. arvense coverage: M = 0.0310·X where M is the proportional (%) increase in grain moisture and X is the proportion (%) of C. arvense coverage. Automated image analysis procedures are needed to estimate C. arvense coverage on field scales, and further experiments are needed to reveal whether the low competitive ability of C. arvense found in this study is representative for Northern Europe.  相似文献   

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