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对于高职学生来说,不仅要有扎实的理论知识,很强的实际操作技能,而且还要具有能在生产一线随时解决生产中出现的技术问题的能力、稳定的心理素质和团队协作精神。所以,作为高职院校的一名教师,如何在专业教学中研究对高职学生的职业道德教育是非常必要的。下面是我院通过不断研究在这方面取得的一些经验,希望带给其他高职院校的教师们一些启发。  相似文献   

医药行业与人的生命、健康息息相关,医药类专业学生是未来医药行业的主要源泉,他们的医药职业道德素质直接关系到整个社会的稳定和发展。因此,加强高职院校医药类学生职业道德教育,分析医药类学生职业道德教育中存在的问题,提高学生职业道德素养,对于高职院校培养具备良好职业道德的医药人才具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

我国各教学型院校的人才培养目标是培养能够满足社会需求的高素质应用型人才,在该院校中小学教育专业是一门具有代表性的应用型专业,在注重专业知识教学的同时,必须要加强对学生的实践教学.文章主要针对小学教育专业实践教学体系创新改革进行分析阐述,构建一种以实践教学为目标科学合理的教学体系.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法 ,对近两届体育教育专业学生的教学实习能力培养的现状,从实习全过程进行了多个角度分析,认为,实习生实习准备总体充分度较高,实习态度较好,但实习生对课程了解程度和教学常规了解程度了解不够;实习生编写教案能力强,但是实习生的课堂组织能力以及讲解示范能力都有所欠缺并有部分实习生认为教学效果差;在新的中小学体育教学新形势下,体育教育专业学生的教学实习能力有待全面提高,以适应新的体育教学实习环境,切实提高体育教学实习的质量和效果。  相似文献   

2013年作者在加拿大北阿尔伯塔理工学院(Northern Albeaa Institute of Technology,NAIT)进行了为期2个月的学习访问,时间虽然不是很长,但获益匪浅。将此次所学的知识与自身授课结合起来,期望在教学中有新的突破,达到学有所用。  相似文献   

1 执业兽医职业道德建设意义 兽医是维护兽医行业诚信与尊严的主体,兽医执业人员必须通过每个人模范的从业行为才能切实维护兽医行业的优良传统和荣誉,从而获得全社会的认可与尊重.  相似文献   

教育教学是关乎中国现当代文学学科健康发展的头等大事.自从20世纪90年代以来,高校教师们就不断提出本学科教育教学诸环节面临的问题,这些问题概括而言就在于:(1)人文教育特点不强;(2)本科教育不能适应高等教育大众化的新形势.这两个方面应该是此后一段时间内本学科教育教学改革的焦点.另外,虽然教师们提出了本学科教育教学面临的问题,但是在全社会的科学主义语境中,高校中仍然存在重科研、轻教学的倾向,这就妨碍了教改的进一步深入开展.  相似文献   

近20年来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,社会工作专业教育在中国大陆获得了快速发展。在简单回顾社会工作教育在中国的发展历程的基础上,剖析了社会工作教育在发展中的主要问题,提出了几点不太成熟的看法和建议。  相似文献   

当前,我国经济社会发展进入新常态。创业教育与专业教育的互动融合为高校培养应用型、实践型、复合型人才提供了重要的思路。地方高校人才培养目标、专业优势、以理工学科为基础的交叉学科与创新创业教育有着深度的契合。为此,地方高校应深化嵌入式人才培养模式、构建创业教育与专业教育融合的课程体系、加强"双师型"教师队伍建设,提升大学生实践能力、增强大学生创新创业能力,发挥地方高校服务地方经济社会发展的功能。  相似文献   

教学思维是支配教学行为的深层系统,对教学思维的研究应该是教学研究的重要内容。但目前的教学研究较为关注教学信念、理念、模式、方法等方面,对教学思维的研究颇少。这也说明对教师教育专业学生教学思维培养的研究亟待开展。在回顾已有的教学思维研究的基础上,提出了教师教育专业学生教学思维培养研究的内容与方法,以期为进一步开展相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Teaching veterinary students about animal welfare science, ethics, and law has been identified as a priority of the veterinary curriculum. Suggested content for such a course, the stage at which it should be taught, and possible methods of teaching and assessing the subject have been outlined. Critically, such a course needs to address the quantification of the impact of humans on animals (welfare science), the analysis of our moral obligations (welfare ethics), and knowledge of minimum welfare standards (welfare legislation). A mixture of both teaching methods and assessment techniques is needed to ensure that sufficient skills and knowledge and a deeper understanding are achieved.  相似文献   

During the last decade, 'medical professionalism' has been scrutinized as a consequence of pressures from within and outside the health sciences professions. In response, professional organizations have reviewed ethical principles and developed explicit guidelines for the behavior of their members. Medical educators have revised undergraduate curricula with a view to supporting the development and maintenance of these essential professional behaviors. This article outlines perspectives on professionalism before describing the evolution of personal and professional development curricula in undergraduate health science education. While the bulk of data on personal and professional development in the health sciences has come from human medicine, the principles are being recognized as applying to the breadth of the health professions. In the veterinary profession, the dyad of the physician-patient relationship of human medicine is expanded to the triad of the veterinarian-patient-client relationship, and this brings with it an added set of professional relationships and responsibilities. In order to be faithful to the primary literature and not expand beyond the various authors' data and conclusions, this article is presented principally in the terms of human medical education. For those in veterinary education, it is hoped that the inferences and applications will be readily apparent. In this article, challenges associated with defining content and educational methods are outlined, as well as selection criteria for medical school and promoting the value of PPD to students. Approaches to assessment, implementation, and evaluation of PPD curricula are also discussed. Two case studies are presented. The article concludes with suggestions for curriculum development.  相似文献   

Veterinary teaching hospitals (VTHs) are experiencing case-load trends that have negatively affected efforts to prepare students for entry-level veterinary practice, particularly in the area of technical skills training. This article examines the clinical training available to veterinary students through a variety of collaborative shelter models. Benefits and potential problems related to initiating a collaborative shelter clinical training program are reviewed. Collaborative efforts between animal shelters and veterinary schools can provide crucial opportunities for outreach teaching initiatives, particularly for teaching medical and surgical skills.  相似文献   

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