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向日葵茎溃疡病菌(Diaporthe helianthi)是我国进境植物检疫性病原真菌.本研究针对D.helianthi的cal基因保守序列设计特异性引物,建立该病菌的重组酶聚合酶扩增检测技术(RPA)方法,并对其特异性、灵敏度及适用性进行评价.结果 显示,建立的RPA方法特异性强,只有3个D.helianthi样品能...  相似文献   

以向日葵锈菌330生理小种为材料,研究了夏孢子萌发的适宜条件和培养载体。向日葵锈菌夏孢子萌发适宜温度范围10~25℃,最适温度15℃。15℃下在琼脂薄膜上1h即可萌发,12h达到萌发高峰,萌发率最高可达97%。孢子在无菌水中萌发最适浓度为20mg/L,萌发率随浓度增大而降低。光照在前5h均抑制夏孢子萌发,但7h后光照对夏孢子总萌发率基本无影响。新鲜夏孢子萌发率较高,在室温放置270d后基本丧失萌发能力。最适条件下,在供试的6种不同萌发载体上,夏孢子萌发率、芽管长度及萌发形态显著不同,琼脂薄膜载玻片、尼龙纱网、玻璃纸较适宜夏孢子萌发,萌发率超过90%;在PVDF膜和亲水滤膜上可观测到芽管内部黄色物质转移和特殊结构的形成。  相似文献   

A system was elaborated to estimate the dynamics of primary inoculum of Venturia inaequalis in apple orchards. It separates the primary inoculum season into five periods with different risks: absent (ascospores not yet mature); potential (ascospores mature but not yet ready to be discharged); actual (ascospores can be discharged when favourable conditions occur); present (ascospores are airborne); exhausted (all ascospores have been ejected). These periods were determined by two mathematical models, which use meteorological parameters as driving variables. The first model estimates the development stage of the overwintering pseudothecia and then determines when the first pseudothecia contain pigmented and mature ascospores. A threshold of mature ascospores inside pseudothecia defines when the ascospores become ready for discharge. The second model estimates the proportion of the season's ascospores that are airborne on each discharging event, using temperature and leaf wetness, expressed as the degrees accumulated daily in the hours when leaves are wet. Estimates of absent and potential risk were verified by collecting data on the first ascospore discharge in the period 1991/1998 at Bologna and Modena (northern Italy), and they were always found to be accurate. To verify the estimates of actual, present and exhausted risk, the model outputs were compared with data collected by spore samplers at Modena and Bologna in 1997 and 1998: they were sufficiently accurate because the greatest part of the records from the spore sampler fell inside the confidence limits of the model.  相似文献   

A model simulating the progress of Puccinia recondita severity, expressed as a percentage of rusted leaf area (both as average and its 95% confidence interval) on individual wheat leaves over the course of a growing season, with a time step of one day, was elaborated using laboratory and field data from literature. Data on the stages of each infection cycle (uredospore germination, penetration, latency, uredium eruption and infectiousness) were transformed into model parameters by curve fitting, Montecarlo stochastic procedures, corrections and empirical assumptions. Data on host growth, like the timing of all phenological stages, the dynamic of the green area of each leaf from appearance to complete senescence, and tillering were obtained from a specific sub-model. Model validation was performed on actual data not used in model building and representing a wide range of conditions (several winter wheat cultivars grown at eight locations in northern Italy between 1990 and 1994) by using subjective, non-parametric and parametric tests: it revealed a satisfactory agreement between the data simulated by the model and actual data.  相似文献   

Since 1989, tomato plants showing symptoms of stolbur disease have been sporadically noticed at the ‘Stuard Experimental Farm for Agriculture’in the Province of Parma, Emilia‐Romagna region (north Italy). In this farm, one of the largest in Italy for tomato plantation, more than 36 commercial tomato lines have been comparatively evaluated for suitability for processing into diced or crushed tomato products. Recently, among these lines, some plants of two hybrids (Perfect Peel, TI 991) showed the typical symptoms of ‘stolbur’infection (yellowing and reduction of leaves, sterility or fruit alterations, stunting of the plants). In order to protect these plants, as Perfect Peel is one of the most important commercial hybrids, transmission electron microscopy was used to identify the pathogens responsible for the disease and to study the alterations caused in cells. Phytoplasmas were observed in the phloem cells of leaf and stem tissues of the two tomato hybrids and also in Catharanthus roseus used as test plant. This is the first report of identification, by electron microscopy, of stolbur phytoplasma affecting economically important tomato crops in Emilia‐Romagna region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Development of 108 epidemics of Fusarium wilt of chickpea caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris were studied on cvs. P-2245 and PV-61 in field microplots artificially infested with races 0 and 5 of F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceris in 1986 to 1989. Disease progression data were fitted to the Richards model using nonlinear regression. The shape parameter was influenced primarily by date of sowing and, to a lesser extent, by chick-pea cultivars and races of F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceris. Fusarium wilt reduced chickpea yield by decreasing both seed yield and seed weight. These effects were related to sowing date, chickpea cultivar, and virulence of the prevalent F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceris race. Regression models were developed to relate chickpea yield to Fusarium wilt disease intensity with the following independent variables: time to initial symptoms (t(is)), time to inflection point (t(ip)) of the disease intensity index (DII) progress curve, final DII (DII(final)), standardized area under DII progress curve (SAUDPC), and the Richards weighted mean absolute rate of disease progression (rho). Irrespective of the chickpea cultivar x pathogen race combination, the absolute and relative seed yields decreased primarily by delayed sowing. The relative seed yield increased with the delay in t(is) and t(ip) and decreased with increasing DII(final), SAUDPC, and rho. A response surface as developed in which seed yield loss decreased in a linear relationship with the delay in t(is) and increased exponentially with the increase of rho.  相似文献   

A survey of the present status of warning services for plant protection in Italy shows the lack of a national project, so that the different regional governments approach the question in different ways. In spite of this, some common characters are present: (1) most of the regions manage the warning service directly; (2) everywhere, the warning service interacts with research institutes, farmers’ associations, agrometeorological networks and other warning services; (3)‘indirect warning’ is the prevalent model of organization; geographical areas are divided into homogeneous subareas, where information useful for producing advice is collected and elaborated; warnings are then disseminated by different means of communication, and farmers comply with them autonomously; (4) warnings are usually prepared by a team of advisers, who meet periodically, analyse available information and elaborate suggestions for crop protection; (5) available information comes from field monitoring, weather stations, insect and spore traps, forecasting models for pests and diseases; unfortunately, forecasting models are not widespread; (6) the content of warnings is rather uniform, including information on crops, pests and diseases, suggestions for control strategies and, frequently, meteorological conditions and forecasts; (7) different means are used to disseminate warnings to farmers; usually several methods co‐exist: bulletins published in local newspapers, sent by mail or fax, displayed on notice boards or available via the Internet; placards; telephone messages; surveys on local TV or radio.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity-related traits of biotrophic plant pathogens are usually measured on the individual host plant, at the scale of a single pathogen life cycle, whereas epidemic development in the field encompasses a succession of cycles. It remains unclear which traits make the greatest contribution to pathogen fitness in the field and to epidemic severity. The objective of this study was to determine the contributions of elementary pathogenicity traits to epidemic development in field conditions. We challenged a set of wheat cultivars with three different leaf rust isolates, under both controlled and field conditions, in 3 consecutive years. Infection efficiency, latent period, lesion size, spore production per lesion and spore production capacity were measured in the greenhouse, whereas disease severity was measured in the field. Most, but not all, of the pathogenicity traits were related to each other. All traits contributed to epidemic development in the field, but to different extents. Surprisingly, lesion size and spore production per lesion were inversely correlated with epidemic severity. Conversely, there was a strong positive correlation between spore production capacity and pathogen fitness in the field, in accordance with the concept of propagule pressure as a strong determinant of invasion success. Severe epidemics were mostly associated with small lesions with a high spore production capacity, high infection efficiency and a short latent period.  相似文献   

基于MAXENT的大豆南北方茎溃疡病菌在中国适生区的预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用MAXENT生态位模型和GIS系统,对大豆南北方茎溃疡病菌在我国的适生区进行预测.模型分析结果表明,这两种病菌在我国的潜在适生区域广泛.大豆北方茎溃疡病菌除了我国的宁夏、海南省外,其它省市均有该菌的适生分布区,其中适生等级高的地区主要在江苏、安徽、浙江、上海、江西和湖北6省.大豆南方茎溃疡病菌除了宁夏、青海、西藏外,我国的其它地区均为该菌的潜在适生区域,其中适生等级高的地区主要集中在江西、上海、江苏、安徽、浙江、河南以及陕西南部、四川东部和重庆的部分地区.  相似文献   

A CLIMEX model for Diabrotica virgiferavirgifera (western corn rootworm), was initially fitted to the known range of this pest in the USA and Mexico under rain‐fed agricultural situations. When this model was projected into Europe, it became clear that soil moisture thresholds for irrigation differed markedly between Central Europe and the USA. A second model was fitted using soil moisture parameters derived from theoretical expectations, and was found to fit the known distribution of all North American locations well, and all the European distribution records perfectly. Globally, the modelled potential range of D. v. virgifera covers approximately 64% of the global area of maize production. The highest nascent biosecurity risks to maize‐producing areas posed by the western corn rootworm are China, Japan, Argentina, South Africa and Australia. Biosecurity agencies concerned with managing D. v. virgifera invasion risks to Asia should adopt a regional approach to the problem, attempting to slow its spread through Eurasia. The sensitivity of D. v. virgifera’s modelled potential distribution to the inclusion of irrigated sites in the model training dataset highlighted the importance of carefully exploring the implications of land‐use factors that might be practised in different ways in the model training area and the area of concern.  相似文献   

Epidemics of the splash-dispersed pathogenic fungus Diaporthe adunca on its host, the perennial herb Plantago lanceolata , were followed during two consecutive years in transects at roadsides in the Netherlands. Epidemics of D. adunca were also studied on clones of a susceptible and a partially resistant genotype of P. lanceolata grown either in a pure stand or in a 1:1 mixture in small plots in the garden. The epidemics in the natural and experimental populations could be adequately described by logistic and Gompertz models, but large differences were found in final disease levels and relative growth rates. The effect of partial resistance on the epidemic in the mixture was less than in a pure stand, probably due to the provision of inoculum from the highly diseased susceptible genotype to the partially resistant genotype. In the garden focal and wind-direction effects were seen. In the natural populations the epidemics developed from numerous primary infected scapes making foci and wind-directions effects less conspicuous.  相似文献   

To improve sampling efficiency and precision in the assessment of white mould (caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) disease incidence on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), the spatial characteristics of epidemics were characterized in 54 linear transects in 18 bean fields during 2008–2010 in northern Tasmania, Australia. The incidence of diseased pods and plants was assessed prior to harvest. Distributional and correlation‐based analyses indicated the incidence of diseased pods was characterized by a largely random pattern at the individual plant scale, with some patches of similar disease levels on pods occurring at a scale of 1·5 m or greater. Collectively, these results suggested epidemics may be dominated by localized sources of inoculum. Sequential sampling approaches were developed to estimate or classify disease incidence above or below provisional thresholds of 3, 5 and 15% incidence on pods near harvest. Achieving prespecified levels of precision by sequential estimation was possible only when disease incidence on pods was greater than approximately 4% and sampling was relatively intense (i.e. 10 pods evaluated on each of at least 64 plants). Using sequential classification, correct decisions on disease status were made in at least 95% of independent validation datasets after assessment of only 10·1–15 plants, depending on classification threshold and error rates. Outcomes of this research provide the basis for implementing more efficient sampling and management strategies for this disease in Australian fields.  相似文献   

Six male sterile sunflower lines were crossed with seven restorers in a factorial mating design. The 13 inbred lines and their 42 F1 hybrids were planted in a randomized block design with three replicates. Each replicate consisted of two rows, 5 m long (30–35 plants per replicate). Resistance to natural Phomopsis infection, presented as the percentage of plants with no encircling necrosis lesions of the fungus on the main stem, was determined at physiological maturity. Analysis of variance showed that female and male general combining abilities (GCA) and specific combining abilities (SCA) of F1 hybrids were significant. The ratio of additive variance to total variance was 0.662, a high value which indicates prevailing additive effects. The additive variance due to females was more important than that of males, probably because of the existence of maternal effects or more effective genes for resistance in the female lines used in this experiment. The estimates of GCA were significant and positive for LC1004A, KO549A, 50KD8 and LC1064C inbred lines. These lines should be considered in developing hybrids with improved resistance to Phomopsis in sunflower breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora cryptogea and Phytophthora nicotianae were isolated from tomato plants with symptoms of crown and root rot in plastic‐house crops in Sicilia and Calabria (southern Italy). The species were identified primarily on the basis of morphological and cultural characteristics. The identification was confirmed using molecular methods, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of mycelial proteins and polymorphism of DNA sequences amplified by polymerase chain reaction using random primers (RAPD‐PCR). P. capsici caused significant losses in tomato crops that had succeeded capsicum crops. P. cryptogea was found to be the most frequent species causing basal stem rot of tomato, a disease of increasing importance in commercial tomato crops in plastic houses in Sicilia. P. nicotianae was common in plastic houses where poor drainage resulted in standing water.  相似文献   

大豆茎溃疡病是为害大豆的重要病害,世界上十大大豆生产国中已有7个国家发现大豆茎溃疡病菌的分布,对当地农业造成严重威胁[1]。该病是我国进境植物检疫性有害生物[2],目前没有发生为害的报道。大豆茎溃疡病菌以菌丝和子囊壳在大豆植株及其残体上越冬,子囊壳在干燥35 d  相似文献   

An account is given of strain‐specific diagnostic methods currently adopted in Italy to detect alfalfa mosaic alfamovirus (AMV), cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) and tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV). These viruses are highly detrimental to tomato crops as the introduction of new virus strains has deeply changed the population structure of resident viruses. RT‐PCR coupled with restriction analysis of amplicons proved suitable for differentiating CMV and AMV strains whereas single‐stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) was used for the identification of TSWV isolates. Application of strain‐specific diagnostic methods to phytosanitary inspection of plant propagules is suggested as a powerful tool for timely identification of new virus strains  相似文献   

To reduce the use of pesticides, innovative studies have been developed to introduce the plant as the centre of the crop protection system. The aim of this paper is to explain how architectural traits of plants and canopies induce a more or less severe epidemic and how they may be modified in order to reduce disease development. In particular, it focuses on three key questions: i) which processes linked to epidemics can be influenced by architecture ii) how can architecture be characterized relative to these modes of action, and iii) how can these effects be explored and exploited? The roles of plant/canopy architecture on inoculum interception, on epidemic development via the microclimate and on tissue receptivity are discussed. In addition, the concepts of disease avoidance, canopy porosity and an ideotype unfavourable for disease development are described. This paper shows that many advances have already been made, but progress is still required in four main fields: microclimatology, mathematical modelling of plants, molecular genetics and ideotype conception.  相似文献   

为明确柑橘黑点病菌Diaporthe citri对嘧菌酯的敏感性以及嘧菌酯在我国柑橘黑点病防治中的应用潜力,分别采用菌丝生长抑制法和孢子萌发抑制法测定了来自浙江、湖南、江西、贵州4个主要柑橘产区的66个柑橘黑点病菌菌株对嘧菌酯的敏感性,并建立了其种群对嘧菌酯的敏感性基线。结果显示:嘧菌酯对柑橘黑点病菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发的EC50平均值分别为(0.228 5±0.113 8)μg/mL和(0.025 6±0.006 9)μg/mL,种群对嘧菌酯的敏感性频次分布曲线为连续的单峰型,符合正态分布。因此可将嘧菌酯对这66个菌株的菌丝生长和孢子萌发的平均EC50作为柑橘黑点病菌对嘧菌酯的敏感性基线,该敏感性基线可作为监测田间柑橘黑点病菌对嘧菌酯敏感性变化的参考,对指导今后科学用药具有现实意义。同时,本研究所使用的66个菌株对嘧菌酯敏感性均较高,没有抗性菌株出现,表明未来可以将嘧菌酯用于柑橘黑点病的防治,作为黑点病防治主打药剂代森锰锌的一种补充。  相似文献   

依据出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 3174-2012,对新疆口岸进境的哈萨克斯坦油葵中的向日葵黑茎病菌进行检疫鉴定。挑取油葵样品中的可疑病种子和植株残体作为实验材料,分别提取其DNA,用向日葵黑茎病菌特异性检测引物LEPB/LEPF对挑取的样品进行PCR检测初筛,初筛结果阳性者,进行病原分离培养。对分离获得的阳性纯培养菌株的菌落、孢子形态进行观察,PCR检测及致病性测定,最终确定其为向日葵黑茎病菌。本研究从进境哈萨克斯坦油葵中分离到检疫性病原菌,新疆周边口岸应进一步加强疫情监测与调查。  相似文献   

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