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为明确猕猴桃灰霉病菌对常见杀菌剂的抗药性状况, 本试验于2016年-2018年调查统计了四川猕猴桃生产中防控灰霉病所用的药剂种类和施药频次, 并从四川8个猕猴桃主产区采集病叶?病花和病果, 经单孢分离获得122个灰葡萄孢 Botrytis cinerea 菌株, 采用最低抑制浓度法(MIC)测定其对4种化学药剂嘧霉胺?咯菌腈?腐霉利和异菌脲的抗药性?结果表明:用于四川猕猴桃灰霉病防控的药剂主要有8种, 其中嘧霉胺?异菌脲和腐霉利3种药剂施用频次最高; 猕猴桃灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺?咯菌腈?腐霉利和异菌脲的抗性频率分别达95.08%?86.07%?80.33%和5.74%, 且不同产区的灰霉病菌对药剂的抗药性频率不同; 所测菌株对4种杀菌剂的敏感性类型共有8种, 其中以Pyr RFlu RPcm RIpr S(对嘧霉胺?咯菌腈?腐霉利表现抗性, 对异菌脲表现敏感)类型为主, 该类型的菌株占65.57%, 对4种杀菌剂均表现抗性的菌株为7株?表明四川省猕猴桃灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺?咯菌腈?腐霉利和异菌脲已经产生了抗药性, 对异菌脲抗药性较低, 迫切需要筛选新的杀菌剂防治猕猴桃灰霉病?  相似文献   

湖南省草莓灰霉病菌对4种杀菌剂的抗药性检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确湖南省草莓灰霉病菌菌株的抗药性状况,2013-2015年从湖南省不同地区草莓灰霉病病果或病叶上经单孢分离获得草莓灰霉病菌454株,采用最小抑制浓度法(MIC)检测不同地区草莓灰霉病菌株对多菌灵、腐霉利、异菌脲、嘧霉胺的抗药性。结果表明:草莓灰霉病菌对多菌灵、腐霉利、异菌脲、嘧霉胺的抗性频率分别为55.73%,77.31%、3.52%和77.31%;所测菌株对4种杀菌剂的敏感性类型有Cbz~RPcm~RIpd~RPmt~R、CbzSPcm~RIpd~RPmt~R、Cbz~RPcm~RIpdSPmt~R、Cbz~SPcm~RIpdSPmt~S、Cbz~RPcm~SIpd~SPmt~R、Cbz~SPcm~RIpd~SPmt ~R等6种,其所占比例分别为33.26%、5.07%、41.41%、4.63%、3.96%、11.67%,未发现对4种杀菌剂均敏感的类型,表明湖南省草莓灰霉病菌已对多菌灵、腐霉利和嘧霉胺产生抗药性,对异菌脲的抗药性较低。  相似文献   

山东蓬莱葡萄灰霉菌对7种杀菌剂的抗药性检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确葡萄灰霉菌对啶酰菌胺、多菌灵、咯菌腈、异菌脲、腐霉利、嘧霉胺的抗药性和对抑霉唑的敏感性,本试验采用菌丝生长速率法和孢子萌发法检测了采自山东蓬莱地区的69株葡萄灰霉菌对上述前6种杀菌剂的抗药性、对抑霉唑的敏感性及抑霉唑与其他6种杀菌剂的交互抗性关系。结果表明,抑霉唑对这69株葡萄灰霉菌的EC50分布在0.403~28.76μg/mL之间,平均值为(9.34±10.34)μg/mL;葡萄灰霉菌菌株中抗啶酰菌胺(BosR)、多菌灵(CarR)、咯菌腈(FluR)、异菌脲(IprR)、嘧霉胺(PyrR)、腐霉利(ProR)的比例分别为100%、100%、9.47%、97.18%、100%、89.20%,测试菌株的抗药性均为多抗类型,没有单抗菌株,其中对3种杀菌剂(啶酰菌胺、多菌灵、嘧霉胺)、对4种杀菌剂(啶酰菌胺、多菌灵、异菌脲、嘧霉胺)、对5种杀菌剂(啶酰菌胺、多菌灵、异菌脲、嘧霉胺、腐霉利或啶酰菌胺、多菌灵、咯菌腈、异菌脲、嘧霉胺)和对6种杀菌剂(啶酰菌胺、多菌灵、咯菌腈、异菌脲、嘧霉胺、腐霉利)的抗性频率分别为2.33%、9.30%、79.07%、2.33%、6.97%,表明啶酰菌胺、多菌灵、嘧霉胺对测试葡萄菌株完全丧失防效,建议在该葡萄产区停止使用这些药剂,测试菌株对腐霉利、异菌脲的抗性频率高,建议采取限制使用、禁止单独使用等措施,测试菌株对咯菌腈的抗性频率较低,可以继续使用但需按照科学使用规则进行。抑霉唑与其他6种杀菌剂间不存在交互抗性关系,说明其可以和其他药剂同时使用但建议减少使用。  相似文献   

为明确黑龙江省和云南省葡萄灰霉病菌对多菌灵和异菌脲的抗性频率, 从两省分别采集?分离到葡萄灰霉病菌 Botrytis cinerea 39株和38株, 利用菌丝生长速率法测定其对多菌灵和异菌脲的敏感性, 并分别检测上述菌株两种药剂靶标基因 β-tubulin 和 Bos1 的突变情况?结果表明, 黑龙江省葡萄灰霉病菌对多菌灵和异菌脲的抗性频率以及对两种杀菌剂的多药抗性频率分别为100.0%?51.3%和51.3%; 云南省葡萄灰霉病菌对多菌灵和异菌脲的抗性频率以及对两种杀菌剂的多药抗性频率均为97.4%?两地区的多菌灵抗性菌株的 β-tubulin 基因上均发生了E198A或E198V突变?异菌脲抗性菌株的 Bos1 基因存在I365N?I365S?Q369P+N373和Q369P等4种突变类型?研究结果表明, 在上述两个地区不宜单独使用多菌灵和异菌脲防治葡萄灰霉病, 应使用其他作用机制不同且抑菌效果好的杀菌剂?  相似文献   

北京地区番茄灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗药性检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了检测北京地区番茄灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗药性,指导生产上科学用药,从北京12个区、县采集番茄灰霉病样150份,分离纯化获得109个番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)的单孢菌株,采用菌丝生长速率法测定了番茄灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺(pyrimethanil)的抗药性。所测菌株中嘧霉胺抗性菌株出现的比例高达82.57%,且以高抗菌株为主,占78.89%,抗性水平最高的菌株EC50是最敏感菌株的5 096倍;不同区县番茄灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗药性存在差异,门头沟区、密云县、延庆县、怀柔区和平谷区、大兴、通州和顺义8个区县的高抗菌株所占比例达66.67%~100%,海淀、朝阳和房山3个区未检测到高抗菌株。上述结果说明北京地区番茄灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗药性非常普遍,且以高抗菌株为主,生产上应替换新型杀菌剂防治番茄灰霉病。  相似文献   

为明确中国福建省番茄灰霉病菌对氟啶胺的敏感性及其与不同杀菌剂的交互抗性,采用菌丝生长速率法测定了106株采自福建省主要番茄产区的番茄灰霉病菌对氟啶胺的敏感性。结果表明,氟啶胺对福建省番茄灰霉病菌菌丝生长的EC50值在0.0037~0.0452 μg/mL之间,平均值为(0.0221 ±0.0098)μg/mL,其敏感性频率分布呈连续单峰曲线,符合正态分布,因此可将该EC50平均值(0.0221±0.0098)μg/mL作为福建省番茄灰霉病菌对氟啶胺的敏感基线,用于其田间抗药性监测。从106株菌株中选择15株对氟啶胺敏感性不同的菌株,测定了其对嘧霉胺、异菌脲、腐霉利和啶氧菌酯的敏感性。结果表明,供试5种杀菌剂对15株番茄灰霉病菌菌丝生长的平均抑制活性依次为氟啶胺 >异菌脲 >腐霉利 >啶氧菌酯 >嘧霉胺,氟啶胺与异菌脲、腐霉利、啶氧菌酯和嘧霉胺之间均不存在交互抗性。  相似文献   

设施蔬菜灰霉病菌对不同类型杀菌剂的抗性检测   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14  
为了明确设施蔬菜灰霉病菌Botryotinia fuckeliana的抗药性现状,采用菌丝生长速率法检测了20052006年采自浙江、江苏、山东和辽宁4省的144个菌株对6种常用防治药剂的敏感性。结果表明,灰霉病菌对百菌清已经产生了低水平的抗性,频率为5.56%,其对多菌灵的抗性非常严重,总的抗性频率为43.05%,高抗(HR)频率为27.08%;乙霉威的EC50值在0.137728.9μg/mL之间,平均为40.06μg/mL。其中多菌灵-乙霉威双抗频率为36.11%,且首次检测到了两种新的双抗类型。二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂在生产上已经应用近20年,但灰霉病菌对异菌脲和腐霉利只有频率为20%左右的低水平抗性,没有检测到高抗菌株;苯胺嘧啶类杀菌剂嘧霉胺虽然只应用几年时间,但已经产生了抗性,其抗性菌株频率为4.16%。研究表明,设施蔬菜灰霉病菌对常用的6种防治药剂均产生了不同程度的抗性。  相似文献   

采用菌丝生长速率法和孢子萌发法,分别测定了烟草灰霉病菌对多菌灵、嘧霉胺、异菌脲和丙环唑的敏感性,同时通过离体叶片法评估了这4种杀菌剂对烟草灰霉病的保护和治疗作用。结果表明:4种杀菌剂对烟草灰霉病菌的菌丝生长和孢子萌发均表现出了不同程度的抑制活性,并对灰霉病同时具有保护和治疗作用。其中多菌灵对菌丝生长的抑制活性最强,EC50平均值为0.06 mg/L,其次为丙环唑、嘧霉胺和异菌脲,EC50平均值分别为0.36、0.53和0.60 mg/L;异菌脲和丙环唑对烟草灰霉病菌孢子萌发的抑制活性较强,EC50平均值分别为2.05和2.21 mg/L,其次为嘧霉胺和多菌灵,EC50平均值分别为10.56和131.23 mg/L。异菌脲和多菌灵对灰霉病的保护作用和治疗作用均最强,当药剂质量浓度为200 mg/L时,其对离体叶片的保护和治疗作用防效分别为100%、100%和98.3%、91.8%。研究结果可为烟草灰霉病的科学防治提供依据。  相似文献   

为了明确灰霉病菌对新型杀菌剂啶菌恶唑的敏感性和该药剂与其它杀菌剂的交互抗性,采用菌丝生长速率法测定河北省不同地区的95个灰霉菌菌株对啶菌恶唑的敏感性,并测定11个相对敏感菌株和3个相对抗性菌株对啶菌恶唑、嘧霉胺、速克灵、多菌灵和苯醚甲环唑的敏感性.结果表明,灰霉菌菌株间对啶菌恶唑的敏感性差异显著,EC50值在0.0693~3.0578μg/mL之间,平均为0.2045μg/mL,其中3个灰霉菌株Ec50值分别为平均EC50值的7.97、13.06和14.95倍;啶菌恶唑与上述不同作用机制杀菌剂之间的相关系数很低,不存在交互抗性.在无药PDA培养基上继代培养11代后,3个相对抗性菌株的敏感性明显提高,表明其抗药性不能稳定遗传.  相似文献   

辽宁省蔬菜灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗药性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2006年从辽宁省不同地区采集蔬菜灰霉病果或病叶,经分离共获得灰霉病菌株86株。采用菌丝生长速率法测定了其对嘧霉胺的敏感性。试验结果表明,灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺产生中等水平抗药性,抗性频率为17.41%。经紫外、药剂联合诱导获得了高抗菌株,抗性倍数最高达62.78倍。嘧霉胺与多菌灵和腐霉利间不存在交互抗药性,苯胺基嘧啶类杀菌剂之间存在交互抗性。野生抗性菌株具有较好的遗传稳定性,连续转接9次后抗药性无明显下降。不同菌株的菌丝生长速度、鲜重和产孢量存在明显差异,但该差异与灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的敏感性无相关性。  相似文献   

北京地区番茄灰霉病菌的多重抗药性检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2009年12月-2010年5月,在北京12个郊区县采集番茄病标样150份,分离纯化得到109个灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)单孢菌株,用最低抑制浓度法(MIC)测定了其对苯并咪唑类(多菌灵)、二甲酰亚胺类(腐霉利)和氨基甲酸酯类(乙霉威)杀菌剂的抗药性。结果表明:番茄灰霉病菌对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威产生抗性菌株的频率分别为96.3%、80.7% 和58.7%;所测菌株对3类杀菌剂的抗性类型有BenRDicSNPCS、BenSDicSNPCR、BenRDicRNPCS和BenRDicRNPCR 4种,所占比例分别是19.3%、3.7%、21.1%和56.0%,表明北京地区番茄灰霉病菌对苯并咪唑类、二甲酰亚胺类和氨基甲酸酯类三类杀菌剂的抗药性严重,在生产中需慎用,应选择一些替代的新型杀菌剂和生物农药。  相似文献   

对采自浙江、湖北和安徽3省的蚕豆赤斑病样品进行了病原菌的分离和鉴定,采用菌丝生长速率法检测了引起赤斑病的2种病原菌——蚕豆葡萄孢Botrytis fabae和灰葡萄孢B.cinerea 的抗药性发生情况,并在离体条件下通过抗药性诱导试验比较了二者的抗药性风险。结果共分离得到153个菌株,其中蚕豆葡萄孢122株(占79.7%),灰葡萄孢31株(占20.3%)。共检测到37株多菌灵高水平抗药性菌株(其中蚕豆葡萄孢9株)和42株异菌脲低水平抗药性菌株(其中蚕豆葡萄孢17株);嘧霉胺对153个菌株的EC50值在0.01~5.13 μg/mL之间,平均EC50值为0.72±0.15 μg /mL;表明蚕豆赤斑病菌对常见杀菌剂已表现出一定的抗药性,且灰葡萄孢的抗药性问题比蚕豆葡萄孢要严重得多。抗药性诱导试验进一步证实,灰葡萄孢的抗药性风险明显高于蚕豆葡萄孢。  相似文献   

Y. ELAD 《Plant pathology》1992,41(1):47-54
Isolates of Botrytis cinerea having reduced sensitivity to the sterol biosynthesis-inhibiting (SBI) fungicides fenetrazole and fenethanil were obtained from one out of four sites from which isolates were tested. Reduced sensitivity was associated with poor disease control by fenetrazole, which had been applied with dichlofluanid. Conidial germination and hyphal growth of B. cinerea from the four sites were tested in vitro on media amended with the fungicides. Following fenetrazole or fenethanil treatment, at the site where control had failed, populations of B. cinerea were detected with higher EC50 and EC90 values than at the three other sites. Germination of conidia of B. cinerea was markedly inhibited by 1.0 μg/ml fenetrazole and 0.5–1.0 μg/ml fenethanil. The frequency of isolates insensitive to 1.0 μg/ml fenetrazole or to 0.5 μg/ml fenethanil was 3.4 and 1.8 times higher, respectively, at the site where control had failed, compared with another site where SBI fungicides had never been applied to control grey mould. Grey mould caused by selected isolates of B. cinerea which expressed the phenotype of low sensitivity to SBI fungicides in leaves of tomato, pepper and Senecio cineraria was not controlled by either fenetrazole or fenethanil (1 .5–3.0 μg/ml). However, up to 100% disease reduction was obtained when leaves infected by sensitive isolates were treated with the fungicides.  相似文献   

Production of sclerotia by isolates of three Botrytis spp. differing in resistance to benzimidazole and dicarboximide fungicides was compared in vitro. Sensitive isolates of B. cinerea and B. tulipae produced fewer sclerotia than benzimidazole-resistant isolates, but there were no differences in the size of sclerotia within each species. For B. elliptica, sclerotia of dicarboximide-resistant isolates were larger and less numerous than those of sensitive isolates. Sclerotia from fungicide-resistant and -sensitive isolates of B. elliptica. B. tulipae and B. cinerea were produced in vitro, placed in nylon bags, set in loam soil at soil depths of 0, 10 and 20 cm, and recovered periodically after 1-18 months. Sclerotial viability declined during the 18 months, and was lowest at the soil surface for sclerotia of B. cinerea and B. tulipae. For B. elliptica, sclerotial viability of fungicide-sensitive isolates was reduced to 50% after 18 months, compared to 21 % for dicarboximide-resistant isolates, when averaged over all depths. Sensitive isolates of B. tulipae maintained a trend of higher viability than benzimidazole-resistant ones, and fungicide-sensitive isolates showed greater viability at 18 months (49%) than did benzimidazole-resistant ones (27%). No differences in sclerotial viability were apparent between the fungicide-resistant and -sensitive isolates of B. cinerea, with an average viability of 77% after 18 months. After 18 months of field exposure, all isolates retained their original fungicide-resistance groupings, indicating the persistence of fungicide resistance in sclerotia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Stability of phenotypes of isolates of Botrytis cinerea that were sensitive or resistant to benzimidazole and dicarboximide fungicides was examined in the absence of fungicides in laboratory and growth room experiments. Twelve greenhouse isolates of B. cinerea were subcultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) for 20 generations and on geranium seedlings for 15 generations. Three isolates of each of the following four phenotypes were used: sensitive to the fungicides thiophanate-methy1 (a benzimidazole) and vinclozolin (a dicarboximide) (S(T)S(V)), resistant to both fungicides (R(T)R(V)), resistant to thiophanate-methy1 and sensitive to vinclozolin (R(T)S(V)), and sensitive to thiophanate-methy1 and resistant to vinclozolin (S(T)R(V)). In three trials on PDA, 36 populations were subcultured; 8 populations changed phenotypes by the end of 20 generations, as determined by conidium germination on fungicide-amended medium. Five of the eight initially were S(T)R(V); the resulting phenotypes were S(T)S(V), R(T)S(V), and R(T)R(V). Populations from eight other isolates exhibited temporary changes in phenotype during intermediate generations on PDA but reverted to initial phenotypes by the twentieth generation; five of these populations changed to phenotype R(T)R(V). In two geranium seedling trials, each of the 12 greenhouse isolates was inoculated onto a set of three seedlings for each generation, and diseased tissue that developed was used to initiate the next generation. Therefore, a total of 72 populations of B. cinerea were subcultured in the two trials; 5 of these populations changed phenotype at the end of 15 generations. Three of the five initially were S(T)R(V); these changed to phenotypes S(T)S(V) or R(T)R(V). In each of the two trials on geranium seedlings, a population subcultured from one S(T)S(V) isolate changed phenotype one to phenotype R(T)R(V) and one to phenotype R(T)S(V). In all trials, no population resistant to thiophanate-methy1 changed to a thiophanate-methy1-sensitive phenotype, and no population changed to phenotype S(T)R(V). Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints were generated with the 12 initial isolates and 49 isolates subcultured on PDA or geranium seedlings. Cluster analyses of RAPD markers showed that subcultured isolates exhibiting the same phenotype clustered together and that subcultured isolates derived from a common greenhouse isolate but with different phenotypes were in different clusters. Some populations that did not change phenotype exhibited considerable differences in RAPD marker patterns. The results of this study indicate that, in the absence of fungicides, sensitive populations of B. cinerea can develop resistance to thiophanate-methy1 and vinclozolin, and this resistance can be maintained in populations through multiple generations. Populations resistant only to vinclozolin (S(T)R(V)) exhibited a high frequency of phenotype change, and populations resistant to both fungicides (R(T)R(V)) were stable.  相似文献   

Kim YK  Xiao CL 《Phytopathology》2011,101(11):1385-1391
Phenotype stability, fitness, and competitive ability of pyraclostrobin- and boscalid-resistant isolates of Botrytis cinerea from apple were investigated. Stability of resistance was determined after consecutive transfers on potato dextrose agar (PDA) or being cycled on apple fruit. In vitro fitness components mycelial growth, osmotic sensitivity, conidial germination, and sporulation were evaluated on agar media. Pathogenicity, virulence and sporulation on apple fruit were evaluated at both 20 and 0°C. Competition between fungicide-resistant and -sensitive isolates on apple fruit also was evaluated. Resistance to the two fungicides was retained at levels similar to that of the initial generation after 20 and 10 transfers on PDA and five and three disease cycles on apple fruit at 20 and 0°C, respectively. Great variability in individual fitness components tested was observed among isolates within the same phenotype groups either sensitive or resistant to the fungicides but, when compared as phenotype groups, there were no significant differences in the mean values of these fitness components between resistant and sensitive phenotypes except that the phenotype resistant only to boscalid produced fewer conidia in vitro than sensitive isolates. Resistant isolates were as pathogenic and virulent on apple fruit as sensitive isolates. There was no significant correlation between the values of individual fitness components tested and the level of resistance to pyraclostrobin or boscalid, except that virulence at 20°C positively correlated with the level of resistance to the two fungicides. The final frequency of pyraclostrobin-resistant individuals in the populations was significantly decreased compared with the initial generation and no boscalid-resistant individuals were detected after four disease cycles on apple fruit inoculated with a pair mixture of a dual-sensitive isolate and one isolate each of the three phenotypes resistant to pyraclostrobin, boscalid, or both. The results suggest that resistance of B. cinerea to pyraclostrobin and boscalid was stable in the absence of the fungicides and that resistance to the two fungicides did not significantly impair individual fitness components tested. However, both pyraclostrobin- and boscalid-resistant isolates exhibited competitive disadvantage over the dual-sensitive isolate on apple fruit.  相似文献   

本文采用单孢分离法对四川汉源和山东烟台等地采集的樱桃果实进行了采后灰霉病的病原菌分离和鉴定;采用区分剂量法分别测定了菌株对苯并咪唑类杀菌剂甲基硫菌灵、乙霉威和二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂腐霉利的敏感性,并进一步分析了抗药性菌株的分子机制。结果表明,分离得到的54株樱桃采后灰霉病菌均为灰葡萄孢Botrytis cinerea,对甲基硫菌灵的总抗性频率高达79.6%,其中甲基硫菌灵抗性-乙霉威敏感 (BEN R1) 菌株频率为 25.9%;甲基硫菌灵-乙霉威双重抗性菌株 (BEN R2) 频率为53.7%;检测到腐霉利抗性菌株 (DCF R) 9 株,频率为16.7%。甲基硫菌灵抗性菌株在β-tubulin基因上的突变共有2种类型: BEN R1抗性菌株中,第198位密码子发生点突变 (GAG→GCG),编码氨基酸由Glu (E)突变成缬氨酸Ala (A);在BEN R2抗性菌株中,第198位密码子发生点突变 (GAG→GTG),编码氨基酸由Glu (E)突变成缬氨酸Val (V)。DCF R菌株在BcOS1的第365位密码子由ATC突变成AAC或AGC,导致编码的氨基酸由异亮氨酸Ile (I)突变成天冬酰胺Asn (N)或丝氨酸Ser (S)。本研究表明樱桃采后灰霉病菌对甲基硫菌灵和腐霉利存在不同程度抗性,应在加强抗药性监测的同时与其他类型杀菌剂交替使用,延缓抗药性发展。  相似文献   

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