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为明确小麦Triticum aestivum田新型除草剂砜吡草唑与嗪草酮复配应用于大豆Glycine max-玉米Zea mays带状复合种植田的可行性,在温室内采用Gowing法测定砜吡草唑与嗪草酮复配的联合作用类型,并通过盆栽法测定两者复配制剂80%砜吡·嗪草酮水分散粒剂(water dispersiblegranule,WDG)的杂草防除谱以及对大豆和玉米的安全性。结果显示,砜吡草唑与嗪草酮复配防除禾本科杂草马唐Digitaria sanguinalis和稗Echinochloa oryzicola的联合作用类型属于增效作用;对阔叶杂草苘麻Abutilon theophrasti和龙葵Solanum nigrum的联合作用类型属于加成作用。80%砜吡·嗪草酮WDG对6种禾本科杂草马唐、稗、牛筋草Eleusine indica、狗尾草Setaira viridis、虎尾草Chloris virgata、大狗尾草Setaira faberii和4种阔叶杂草马齿苋Portulaca oleracea、青葙Celosia argentea、铁苋菜Acalypha australis、反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus的防除效果均很好,其GR50在6.1~21.6 g (a.i.)/hm2之间,GR90在16.3~50.5 g (a.i.)/hm2之间,对苘麻和龙葵的防除效果略差,其GR50分别为53.3 g (a.i.)/hm2和25.4 g (a.i.)/hm2,GR90分别为282.1 g (a.i.)/hm2和96.7 g (a.i.)/hm2,低于其田间推荐剂量300~360 g (a.i.)/hm2,且该药剂对玉米和大豆的安全性都很高,在玉米与马唐、稗、牛筋草、马齿苋、青葙及铁苋菜这6种杂草之间的选择性指数均大于13.6,在大豆与这6种杂草之间的选择性指数均远大于28.5。表明砜吡草唑完全可与嗪草酮复配应用于大豆-玉米带状复合种植田的杂草防除。  相似文献   

利用盆栽法研究了嗪草酮对大豆叶片叶绿素荧光特性的影响。结果表明,在嗪草酮较低用量(有效用量630和945g/hm2)时,荧光参数NPQ增大,而Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、qP、ETR等参数及光能分配与空白对照差异不显著;嗪草酮较高有效用量(大于1 155g/hm2)时,会使NPQ变化趋势由上升变为下降,Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、qP、ETR、Y(Ⅱ)等较空白对照显著下降、Y(NO)、β/α-1迅速增加。说明较低用量嗪草酮对大豆叶片PSⅡ有一定的影响,但大豆通过自身的调节机制使叶片的光合能力下降不明显,而较高用量的嗪草酮会使大豆PSⅡ反应中心发生不可逆破坏,能量分配不平衡,光合能力下降,甚至丧失。随施药后时间的推移,嗪草酮对大豆主要功能叶片PSⅡ的影响逐渐减弱,至施药后50d,嗪草酮不同使用量之间大豆叶片的荧光参数无显著差异。  相似文献   

The deamination of metribuzin was studied in vitro in peroxisomes isolated from the leaves of soybean cultivars which were either metribuzin tolerant, intermediate, or sensitive. The deamination rate observed with peroxisomes from tolerant leaves was about twice the rate observed with peroxisomes from sensitive leaves. The intermediate group was also intermediate with respect to the in-vitro deamination rate. Tolerant and sensitive intact soybean plants were pulse-labeled with [14C]metribuzin via the roots for 5 h. The extractable radioactivity in roots, stems and leaves was measured and separated into metabolites after the 5 h pulse and after an additional 24 h growth in water. The level of DA (deaminated metribuzin) was always significantly higher in the stems and leaves of tolerant soybean plants (4.8–10.0% of the extracted radioactivity) than in sensitive stems and leaves (1.8–2.9%). Conjugates were rapidly formed in tolerant as well as in sensitive soybean tissues. More conjugates were found in the tolerant cultivars, especially after the 5 + 24 h incubation time. Labeled [14C]DA fed to soybean plants via the roots was conjugated two to four times faster than [14C]metribuzin. Tolerant soybean tissue conjugated [14C] DA two to three times faster than sensitive tissue. The results are interpreted as showing that, in tolerant soybean plants, metribuzin is metabolized via deamination and subsequent conjugation, in addition to the well-known direct conjugation of metribuzin parent compound.  相似文献   

Metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one] metabolism was studied in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. Tracy]. Pulse treatment studies with seedlings and excised mature leaves showed that [5-14C]metribuzin was absorbed rapidly and translocated acropetally. In seedlings, >97% of the root-absorbed 14C was present in foliar tissues after 24 hr. In excised leaves, 50–60% of the absorbed 14C remained as metribuzin 48 hr after pulse treatment, 12–20% was present as polar metabolites, and 20–30% was present as an insoluble residue. Metabolites were isolated by solvent partitioning, and were purified by adsorption, ion-exchange, thin-layer, and high-performance liquid chromatography. The major metabolite (I) was identified as a homoglutathione conjugate, 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-S-(γ-glutamyl-cysteinyl-β-alanine)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one. Metabolite identification was confirmed by qualitative analysis of amino acid hydrolysis products, fast atom bombardment (FAB), and chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry, and by comparison with a reference glutathione conjugate synthesized in vitro with a hepatic microsomal oxidase system from rat. Minor metabolites were identified as an intermediate N-glucoside conjugate (II), a malonyl N-glucoside conjugate (III), and 4-malonylamido-6-tert-butyl-1,2,4-triazin-3,5(2H,4H)-dione (N-malonyl DK, IV) by CI and FAB mass spectrometry. Alternative pathways of metribuzin metabolism are proposed.  相似文献   

KETEL  LOTZ 《Weed Research》1998,38(4):267-274
A new method for application of minimum lethal herbicide dose (MLHD) rates is based on the assumption that a MLHD for a photosystem (PS) II herbicide can be predicted for weeds when the developmental stage of seedlings, herbicide uptake and herbicide action are taken into account. Chenopodium album  相似文献   

The sulfonylurea herbicides chlorsulfuron (CS) and sulfometuron methyl (SM) inhibit the growth of soybean cells (Glycine max L. var. Amsoy 71) in suspension culture with 50% inhibition at 170 and 62 ppb, respectively, relative to the initial cell dry weight, and CS is not rapidly metabolized in these cultures. In Glycine max L. cv Merrill var. Mandarin, CS inhibits the growth by 50% at 4 ppm on the basis of initial cell dry weight. This inhibition is partially reversed by valine, leucine, or 2-ketoisovalerate, but not by pyruvate, isoleucine, or any other single amino acid. CS drastically reduces the content of free valine and leucine in soybean cells without significant effect on the amount of other free amino acids. Deoxyribonucleosides alleviate a portion of the CS growth inhibition in soybean cells in vivo, though CS and SM do not inhibit ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase in vitro. CS and SM are bacteriostats for Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium in minimal growth medium. E. coli growth is retarded at CS concentrations (100–300 μg/ml) that inhibit RNA and protein synthesis but not DNA synthesis. CS growth inhibition in E. coli is enhanced by cysteine and valine and partially alleviated by isoleucine and the aromatic amino acids, but not by leucine. The sulfonylureas appear to act in soybean by blocking the synthesis of valine and leucine between pyruvate and 2-ketoisovalerate and in E. coli by inhibiting isoleucine biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Plant residue and soil depth effects on metribuzin degradation were investigated. Dundee silt loam soil collected at depth increments of 0–10 cm (SUR) and 10–35 cm (SUB) was treated with labeled [5?14 C]metribuzin. Samples were assayed at several time points up to 140 days after treatment. Soybean residue was added to half of the SUR samples (RES), with remaining SUR unamended (NORES). None of the SUB samples were amended with soybean residue. Metribuzin mineralization to 14CO2 proceeded more slowly in RES and SUB than in NORES and SUR, respectively. Extractable components in SUR samples included polar metabolites, plus deaminated metribuzin (DA) in the RES, and parent metribuzin in the NORES. Deaminated diketometribuzin (DADK) and metribuzin comprised major 14C components extracted from SUB, while in SUR, faster degradation of metabolites resulted in metrizubin as the primary identifiable compound. Unextractable 14C increased until day 35 for both RES and NORES, after which it remained constant for NORES. but declined for RES. A corresponding rise in RES polar 14C suggested that as soybean residue decomposed, 14C bound in the residue was released as extractable polar material. Soil with soybean residue accumulation may alter metabolite degradation patterns, but does not impede initial metribuzin degradation. Depth differences in metribuzin degradation were attributed to reductions in microbial activity with increasing soil depth.  相似文献   

Metribuzin was hepatotoxic in mice when administered intraperitoneally (ip) at sublethal doses of 150 to 250 mg/kg. Four dose-dependent abnormalities were evident. Histopathological examination revealed a fulminant centrilobular hepatic necrosis. The serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity was elevated. The liver glutathione (GSH) content was almost completely depleted. There was extensive covalent binding of radiocarbon from [carbonyl-14C]metribuzin to liver proteins and also high blood levels of metribuzin fragments. Each of these four effects of metribuzin on the liver or blood was alleviated or blocked in mice pretreated with piperonyl butoxide (PB), which inhibits the cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase. PB also reduced the lethality of metribuzin by three-fold. In contrast, pretreatment with diethyl maleate to suppress the liver GSH content increased the lethality of metribuzin by twofold. The hepatotoxicity and acute lethality of metribuzin were probably due to reactive intermediates which are normally detoxified by GSH conjugation. The principal urinary metabolites of metribuzin in mice and rats are mercapturic acids, which arise via metribuzin sulfoxide or deaminometribuzin sulfoxide reacting with GSH. Sulfoxidation therefore appears to activate metribuzin to an electrophilic metabolite which, in the absence of GSH, binds to tissue proteins producing hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

T. T. LEE 《Weed Research》1980,20(6):365-369
Callus cultures or tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. While Gold and N. glauca-langsdorffii, a tumour-forming amphidiploid hybrid) and soybean Glycine max L., cv. Chippewa) were used lo study the effect of glyphosate [N-(phosphonnmethyl) glycine) un growth and interactions with growth hormones. Glyphosate inhibited growth both in the dark and light but showed a greater toxicity in the dark. This was contrary to its effect on chlorophyll degradation which was accelerated by light. The inhibition of growth was not reversed by simultaneous addition of aromatic amino acids to the medium. Thus the results suggest a multiple glyphosate action. The tobacco callus tissue was more sensitive to glyphosate than the soybean callus tissue, confirming a difference in tolerance between plant species. Despite the inhibitory effect of glyphosate. the treated tissue revived after being transferred to a glyphosate-free medium. The glyphosate-induced growth inhibition in soybean and tumour-forming tobacco callus cultures also was reversible by high levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), which itself was inhibitory Theglyphosate-IAA interaction in the tissues which were sensitive to IAA suggests that the inhibition of growth by glyphosate was related to auxin levels in these tissues.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll fluorescence induction was used as a probe to detect herbicide detoxification in tolerant or susceptible wheat cultivars. Experimental conditions have been carefully examined for establishing detoxification kinetics of chlorotoluron and metribuzin, two photosystem-II-inhibiting herbicides. After a root treatment, leaves were cut, placed in glass tubes and maintained in the dark. The fluorescence induction rise was examined repeatedly and detoxification kinetics were established from these data for the same position on the individual leaves. The herbicide-dependent fluorescence rise decreased within hours in chlorotoluron-tolerant but not in susceptible Triticum aestivum cultivars. In contrast, no significant reversion could be detected after metribuzin application in both tolerant and susceptible cultivars of Triticum durum. Near the fluorescence-determined half-inhibition of photosystem II, linear detoxification kinetics were obtained in individual leaves, thus providing an accurate measurement of relative detoxification rates.  相似文献   

The metabolism of [14C]phenoxyacetic acid (POA) was studied in cell suspension culture of soybean (Glycine max). POA was metabolized to 4-HO-POA, 4-HO-POA glucoside and 4-HO-POA glycosidic ester. A large part of the 4-HO-POA glucoside and small amounts of the glycosidic ester were recovered in the medium. POA was also converted to non-extractable residues bound to cell walls. Sequential extraction of cell-wall polymers showed that non-extractable residues, partly identified with 4-HO-POA and POA, were mainly associated with hemicelluloses and lignin. Comparison of the metabolism of [carboxy-14C]- and [phenyl-14C]POA revealed some degradation of the POA side-chain, followed in all probability by the incorporation of the aromatic moiety into cell walls. However, the sturdiness of the resulting bonds prevented precise identification of these bound aromatic structures. In summary, the degradation of POA in soybean cell culture provided a good model to study the formation of non-extractable residues of pesticides. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A novel method of Toxoplasma gondii cultivation in suspension cultures has been introduced using silicone-coated glass vessels (working volume 100 ml). The cells were kept in suspension by a magnetic impeller at 75 rpm at a temperature of 37 degrees C. HeLa cells grown on MEM with calf serum were used as host substrate. The HeLa cells were infected with zoites of Toxoplasma gondii virulent P strain. After seven days the host cells were destroyed by the toxoplasmas and the number of zoites was up to 24 x 10(6)/ml.  相似文献   

The residual activity of 4-ammo-6-tert-butyl-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazine-5-4(H)one (metribuzin) on indicator plants in Sassafras sandy loam soil was studied. Inhibition of coleoptile. radicle and primary root development were found at 1 ppm in oat (Avena sativa L., var. Beede) and at 5 ppm in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L., var. Pepino). At concentrations below 5 ppm, metribuzin stimulated the elongation of primary root and radicle in cucumber. After 46 days’ incubation. less than 1 ppm of the intact compound remained in soil without affecting the elongation of oat roots while its half life was approximately 6 days at 28deg;C incubation. L'activité résiduelle de la métribuzine dans le sol L'activité résiduelle de la 4-amino-6-t-butyl-3-(méthylthio)-1,2,4-tHazine-S-(4H)-one (métribuzine) a étéétudiée sur des plantes tests dans un sol sablo-limoneux de Sassafras. L'inhibition de la coléoptile, de la radicule et du développement de la racine primaire a été constatéà la dose de 1 ppm pour l'avoine (Avena sativa L. var. Beede) et à 5 ppm pour le concombre (Cucumis sativus L. var. Peplno). A des concentrations inférieures à 5 ppm, la métribuzine a stimulé l'élongation de la racine primaire et de la radicule du concomposé. Après 46 jours d'incubation, moins d'un ppm du composé intact restait dans le sol sans affecter l'élongation des racines d'avoine, alors que sa demi-vie a été approximativement de 6 jours à une température d'incubation de 28°C. Die Residualwirkung von Metribuzin im Boden Es wurde die Rcsidualwirkung von 4-Amino-6-tert,-butyl-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5-(4H)-one (Metribuzin) an Indikalorpflanzen in Sassafras-sandigem-Lehm untersucht. Bei 1 ppm war bei Hafer (Avena sativa L., Sorte Beede) die Entwicklung der Koleoptile, der Keim- und der Primär-wurzel gehemmt und bei 5 ppm desglcichen bei Gurke (Cucumis sativus L., Sorte Pepino). Bei Konzentrationen unter 5 ppm, förderte Metribuzin bei der Gurke die Streckung der Primär- und der Keimwurzel. Nach 46 Tagen Inkubation-szeit war weniger als 1 ppm der unveränderten Verbindung im Boden, was aber das Längenwachstum der Haferwurzeln nicht beeinträchtigte. Die Halbwertzeit betrug bei 28°C ungefahr 6 Tage.  相似文献   

The disappearance of linuron and metribuzin was studied during laboratory incubation of soil samples which had been taken from several depths at three sites, and treated with the pesticides. Temperature and water content of the soils were varied. There was a tendency for the rate of loss to be slower in soil taken from deeper horizons than in surface soil but the differences were not large. In only ten out of forty experiments did the value 1 for the apparent order of reaction fall within 95% confidence limits. In the remaining experiments the apparent reaction order was greater than 1 with eight values higher than 4. For one soil, the reaction order for linuron was markedly lower for incubation at 22°C compared with incubations at 10°C. The results could be explained on the basis that the systems were complex, involving consecutive or competing reactions. An alternative possibility is that the apparent complexities were artifacts brought about by the inherent limitations of the laboratory incubation system.  相似文献   

Due to the complex nature of pesticide transport, process-based models can be difficult to use. For example, pesticide transport can be effected by macropore flow, and can be further complicated by sorption, desorption and degradation occurring at different rates in different soil compartments. We have used the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) to investigate these phenomena with field data that included two management conditions (till and no-till) and metribuzin concentrations in percolate, runoff and soil. Metribuzin degradation and transport were simulated using three pesticide sorption models available in RZWQM: (a) instantaneous equilibrium-only (EO); (b) equilibrium-kinetic (EK, includes sites with slow desorption and no degradation); (c) equilibrium-bound (EB, includes irreversibly bound sites with relatively slow degradation). Site-specific RZWQM input included water retention curves from four soil depths, saturated hydraulic conductivity from four soil depths and the metribuzin partition coefficient. The calibrated parameters were macropore radius, surface crust saturated hydraulic conductivity, kinetic parameters, irreversible binding parameters and metribuzin half-life. The results indicate that (1) simulated metribuzin persistence was more accurate using the EK (root mean square error, RMSE = 0.03 kg ha(-1)) and EB (RMSE = 0.03 kg ha(-1)) sorption models compared to the EO (RMSE = 0.08 kg ha(-1)) model because of slowing metribuzin degradation rate with time and (2) simulating macropore flow resulted in prediction of metribuzin transport in percolate over the simulation period within a factor of two of that observed using all three pesticide sorption models. Moreover, little difference in simulated daily transport was observed between the three pesticide sorption models, except that the EB model substantially under-predicted metribuzin transport in runoff and percolate >30 days after application when transported concentrations were relatively low. This suggests that when macropore flow and hydrology are accurately simulated, metribuzin transport in the field may be adequately simulated using a relatively simple, equilibrium-only pesticide model.  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures of wheat and soybean were incubated with [14C]-1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT), [14C]-1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene (DDE), and [14C]-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)acetic acid (DDA) under standardized conditions. Polar metabolites were formed in yields of 1–2.5% in the cases of DDT and DDE, and of 56% in the case of DDA. A nonpolar metabolite was only observed in the case of DDT in soybean. This metabolite was identified as DDE on the basis of cochromatography and mass spectroscopy. By the same methods DDA was identified as a major polar DDT metabolite of both soybean and wheat. The further conversion of DDA to hexose esters was demonstrated by chromatographic and mass spectroscopic comparison with synthetic DDA-β-d-glucopyranosyl tetraacetate. These studies suggest the metabolic sequence, DDT → DDA → DDA-hexose ester.  相似文献   

The inheritance of tolerance to the herbicide metribuzin was studied in two durum wheat cultivars, one of which, 'Anton', is resistant and one, 'Nita', susceptible. Parents, F1, F2 and F3 of the crosses 'Anton' × 'Nita' and 'Nita' × 'Anton' were tested for herbicide response. The character evaluated was the increase in weight of plants treated with the herbicide. As there were no significant differences between progenies of reciprocal crosses, cytoplasm was not involved in tolerance. Tolerance was semi-dominant with means values of F1, F2 and F3 progenies in the range of mid-parent. The heritability of this trait estimated by regression of the average of progeny F3 in their parent F2 had a value of 0.23 ± 0.063 and a value of 0.52 ± 0.150 estimated by the relation V G/ V P for full-sib F2 families.  相似文献   

Maize “black Mexican sweet” (BMS) cell suspension cultures were used to study the effects of various cytochrome P450 monooxygenase inhibitors on the uptake and metabolism of the herbicide bentazon. Maize cells rapidly absorbed bentazon and metabolized it via aryl hydroxylation and glycosylation to a glycosyl conjugate of 6-hydroxybentazon. BMS cells accumulated bentazon to levels approximately 20-fold greater than those in the external medium. When BMS cells were incubated in an external medium containing 25 μM bentazon, the formation of the glycosyl conjugate (ca. 2 nmol/min/g fresh wt) was rate-limited by aryl hydroxylation. Tetcyclacis, a plant growth retardant, phenylhydrazine, a mechanism-based cytochrome P450 inhibitor, and piperonyl butoxide, an insecticide synergist, inhibited bentazon metabolism with I50 values of approximately 0.1, 1.0, and 1.0 μM, respectively. Other mechanism-based cytochrome P450 inhibitors, 3(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-1-propyne and aminobenzotriazole, also inhibited bentazon metabolism but were less effective. The results obtained with selected inhibitors are consistent with the hypothesis that aryl hydroxylation of bentazon is catalyzed by a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase.  相似文献   

The phytotoxic persistence and movement of metribuzin were studied by means of bioassays in sandy, clay and organic soils in Finland. The effects of metribuzin residues on soil micro-organisms were determined by assessment of nitrification and dehydrogenase activities. The phytotoxicity of metribuzin 0.7 kg a.i. ha?1 persisted in the surface layer of 0–5 cm for one growing season in sandy and clay soils, but only for some weeks in organic soils. A double dose may cause phytotoxic effects on other crops during the next growing season. Phytotoxic residues were seldom detected below the 5 cm layer, although chemical analyses have revealed residues down to 25 cm in all soil types. Growth stimulation in the test plants was observed generally in the 5–25-cm layers of sandy and clay soils from the first to the second autumn after treatment. Inhibitory or stimulatory effects on microbial activity were found up to the second autumn in sandy and clay soils. At least the inhibition of nitrification in clay during the first autumn and the next spring would be critical. Persistance d'activité et effets microbiologiques de la metribuzine dans differents sols La persistance d'activité et le mouvement de la métribuzine ont étéétudiés dans des essais bio-logiques dans des sols sableux, argileux et organiques de Finlande; Les effets des résidus de métribuzine sur les microorganismes du sol ont été déterminés par l'évaluation de la nitrification et de l'activité de la deshydrogenase. L'activité de la métribuzine à 0,7 kg m.a. h?1 a persisté dans la couche superficielle (0,5 cm) pendant une saison de croissance dans les sols sableux et argileux, mais seulement pendant quelques semaines dans les sols organiques. Une double dose peut causer des effets phytotoxiques sur d'autres cultures, la saison suivante. Des residus phytotoxiques ont été rarement détectés en dessous de 5 cm, bien que des analyses chimiques aient décelé généralement dans les couches 5–25 cm des sols sableux et argileux à partir du premier jusqu'au second automne après le traitement. Les effets inhibiteurs ou stimulant de l'activité microbiologique ont été trouvé jusqu'au 2éme automne dans les sols sableux et argileux. Au moins l'inhibition de la nitrification dans l'argile durant le premier automne et le printemps suivant serait critique. Die Persistenz der biologischen Aktivität und mikrobiologische Wirkungen von Metribuzin in verschiedenen Böden Die Inaktivierungszeiten und die Einwaschung von Metribuzin wurden mittels Biotests in Sand-, Ton- oder Humusböden untersucht. Der Einfluß von Metribuzin-Rückständen wurde durch Bes-timmung der Nitrifizierungsraten und der Dehy-drogenaseaktivität erfaßt. Die Phytotoxizitätvon 0,7 kg Metribuzin ha?1 war in der obersten Bodenschicht von 0 bis 5 cm in Sand- und Tonböden über eine Vegetationsperiode, in Humusböden nur einige Wochen nachweisbar. Es wird unterstellt, daβ der doppelte Aufwand bei Nachbaukulturen zu phytotoxischen Schäden führt. Unterhalb 5 cm wurden kaum phytotoxische Schäden festgestellt, obwohl Rückstandsanalysen Gehalte bis in Tiefen von 25 cm in allen Bodenarten nachweisen lieβen. Biotests mit Bodenproben aus 5 bis 25 cm Tiefe zeigten in allen Fällen in Sand-sowie Tonböden im ersten und folgenden Herbst nach der Behandlung eine Stimulation des Wachstums der Testpflanzen. Ebenso konnten in diesen Proben sowohl hemmende als auch stimulierende Effekte auf die untersuchten microbiologischen Parameter festgestellt werden, wobei eine Hemmung der Nitrifikation in Tonböden zu mindest im ersten Herbst und folgenden Frühjahr als kritisch angesehen wurde.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of metalaxyl in suspension cultures of Lactuca sativa has been investigated as a function of explant source, culture age, and nutrient medium quality. In all cases, the fungicide was the subject of diverse metabolic attack yielding products which arose from O- and N-dealkylation, alkyl and aryl hydroxylation, and ester hydrolysis. Substantial amounts of metabolites were found in the culture filtrates although products arising from aryl hydroxylation and combined O-/N-dealkylation accumulated exclusively as cellular conjugates. Cultures newly isolated from the cotyledon, hypocotyl, and root of seedlings displayed very little variation in the rate and qualitative nature of breakdown and in the relative distribution of metabolites among the polar conjugate fraction, unconjugated cellular fraction, and culture filtrate. Similarly, metabolism proceeded independently of changes in nutrient medium composition. A suspension culture initiated from 4-year-old hypocotyl callus produced less identifiable metabolites and had an impaired ability to perform alkyl hydroxylation, O-dealkylation, and ester hydrolysis. A greater proportion of metabolites occurred as polar conjugates in the 4-year-old hypocotyl cells than that in the newly isolated hypocotyl line. The metabolic profile seen in Vitis vinifera was similar to that in L. sativa and a time-course study indicated some interconversion of metabolites and a change in the ratio of two atropisomers formed by alkyl hydroxylation.  相似文献   

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