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The distribution and metabolic fate of [14C]-daminozide in silver maple and American sycamore seedlings were studied by use of autoradiography, ion-exchange chromatography, thin-layer chromatography (t.l.c.), and liquid scintillation spectrometry. Within one day after treatment with [14C]-daminozide, radioactivity was detected in all parts of the plant. The 14C concentrated in meristematic regions of the leaves. Ion-exchange and thin-layer chromatographic analyses of the 50% methanol extracts indicated that no detectable metabolites of daminozide were formed in any of the plant parts but approximately 20% of the applied 14C, most of it in the stem tissue, was not extractable by aqueous methanol.  相似文献   

The in vivo metabolism of acetamiprid was studied in the honeybee, Apis mellifera L. The distribution of acetamiprid and its metabolites was monitored over a 72-h period in six biological compartments: head, thorax, abdomen, haemolymph, midgut and rectum. Honeybees were treated orally with 100 microg [14C]-acetamiprid kg(-1) bee, a dose which is about 1500 times lower than the median lethal dose. After 72 h, only 40% of the total radioactivity was eliminated, suggesting that acetamiprid and its metabolites tended to persist in the honeybee. Acetamiprid was rapidly distributed in all compartments and metabolized. Just after administration, radioactivity was mainly localized in the abdomen and subsequently in the rectum. After 72 h, the maximum amount of radioactivity (about 20% of the ingested dose) was detected again in the abdomen, whereas the lowest level of total radioactivity was detected in the haemolymph. Radioactivity in the head did not exceed 7.6% of total ingested radioactivity. More than 50% of acetamiprid was metabolised in less than 30 min, indicating a very short half-life for the compound. During the first hours, acetamiprid was mainly detected in nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-rich tissues: abdomen, thorax and head. Of the seven metabolites detected, the major ones were 6-choronicotinic acid and an unknown metabolite called U1, which was present mainly in the rectum, the thorax and the head. Our results indicate that the low toxicity of acetamiprid may reflect its rapid metabolism.  相似文献   

When the petioles of detached tobacco leaves (10–17 cm2) were incubated in aqueous solutions containing [14C]metalaxyl, uptake of the fungicide was dependent on the temperature and photoperiod. Detached leaves took up 78% more [14C]metalaxyl at 26°C than at 16°C. The rate of uptake in the light at 21°C was linear, but after an additional 20h in the dark, there was only twice as much fungicide in the leaves. Different sized leaves contained the same amount of fungicide per cm2 area. Uptake by detached leaves of the 14C-labelled anilide lactones ofurace and RE-26940 [2-methoxy-N-(tetrahydro-2-oxo-3-thienyl)acet-2′,6′-xylidide] was similar to that of metalaxyl. At the concentration of metalaxyl (66 ng ml?1) that controlled blue mould (Peronospora tabacina) on detached tobacco leaves, the amount of fungicide in the leaves was found to be 7.25 ng. Autoradiography showed that the distribution of [14C]metalaxyl in detached leaves after incubation for 23h was uniform, although higher concentrations of the label were present in the smaller veins of the leaves.  相似文献   

The degradation and formation of major chlorinated metabolites of terbuthylazine and atrazine in three soils (loamy clay, calcareous clay and high clay) were studied in laboratory experiments using molecules labelled with 14C on the s-triazine ring. Soil microcosms were treated with the equivalent of 1 kg ha-1 of herbicide and incubated in the dark for 45 days at 20(±1)°C. The quantity of [14C]carbon dioxide evolved in the soils treated with atrazine was negligible and could not be attributed to mineralization of the parent molecule. The mineralization of terbuthylazine accounted for 0·9–1·2% of the initial radioactivity. In the soils studied, the extrapolated half-lives varied from 88 to 116 days for terbuthylazine and 66 to 105 days for atrazine, with no significant differences for the three soils and the two molecules. The deethyl metabolites of the two s-triazines and the deisopropyl-atrazine metabolite appeared during the incubation in the three soils. The completely dealkylated metabolite was not detected in any of the soils. After 45 days of incubation, the non-extractable soil residues for the high clay, loamy clay and calcareous clay soils represented for terbuthylazine, 33·5, 38·3 and 43·1% and for atrazine, 19·8, 20·8 and 22·3% of the initial radioactivity. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

Perfusion of 14C-(ring)-parathion or 14C-(ring)-paraoxon with blood through isolated, intact rat livers resulted in the rapid degradation of these insecticides. Degradation was negligible in the absence of rat liver (controls), thus demonstrating the capacity of the liver per se to effectively degrade these compounds. Of the total radiocarbon recovered after liver perfusion with [14C]parathion, 33 % could be attributed to unchanged [14C]parathion (similarly distributed between the liver and the blood) while 67.9 % was degraded to water soluble compounds and 2.5% was converted to organic soluble paraoxon and traces of p-nitrophenol. Nearly all of the [14C]paraoxon, however, was degraded by the intact rat liver, resulting in water soluble products that amounted to 98.5% of the total radiocarbon recovered. Unexplained losses of radiocarbon with the perfusion apparatus used were lower in the presence of rat liver which degraded the insecticides to more water soluble compounds. The water soluble degradation products produced from [14C]parathion and [14C]paraoxon were non-toxic to mosquito larvae (Aedes aegypti L.). These ring-labelled products were found to be conjugated p-nito-phenol. Nearly all of the water soluble radiocarbon was located in the perfused blood, while only small amounts (1.8 to 3.0% of recovered) were excreted via the bile or were associated with the liver tissue (1.3 to 1.8 % of recovered).  相似文献   

[14C]Imidacloprid was applied to pelleted seeds of sugar beet which were then grown in pots of field soil. Leaves, roots and soil were analysed at intervals up to 97 days after planting and the distributions of parent compound and of several metabolites were quantified. At the first sampling, 21 days after application, parent imidacloprid was the main compound found in the leaves and its concentration averaged 15·2 μg g-1 fresh weight. By the 25-leaf stage, 97 days after sowing, the concentration of parent compound in the leaves had fallen to an average of 0·5 μg g-1; the metabolites and parent compound in the leaves then represented respectively 44·5% and 4·5% of the total applied radioactivity. In the root at 97 days, parent imidacloprid and its metabolites together accounted for only 0·1% of the applied activity, whilst in the soil there was 23% of parent compound and 4% as metabolites. The persistence of both parent imidacloprid and the olefinic metabolite, which has recently been shown to have higher aphicidal activity than the parent imidacloprid, explains the prolonged control of aphids observed with imidacloprid in both glasshouse and field trials. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

Radiolabelled daminozide and maleic hydrazide (MH) were injected into American elm seedlings, kept in nutrient solution, to determine their translocation pattern and metabolic fate. Both compounds were rapidly translocated to all parts of the plant. After 21 days, 13% of the applied 14C was exuded into the nutrient solution from the roots of the plants treated with MH. Using gel-filtration and thin-layer chromatographic techniques, it was determined that daminozide did not form any metabolite, and that MH was converted into a MH-sugar complex. A significant amount of 14C was unextractable from the plant tissue.  相似文献   

Goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to 20 parts per billion [14C]photodieldrin in a static system absorbed 80% of the radioactivity within 20 hr. The absorbed radioactivity was eliminated slowly with a half-life of 3 weeks. Photodieldrin and a ketone derivative were the major form of the radiocarbon eliminated in water, accounting for, respectively, 59 and 10.4% of the eliminated radioactivity. The ketone derivative was characterized by cochromatography (thin-layer and gas chromatography, gc) and gc-mass spectrometry. Approximately, 15 other polar and nonpolar metabolites were detected in the aqueous medium. The radioactivity in the fish consisted of 13 metabolites along with photodieldrin. Photodieldrin and the ketone derivative were the most abundant residues in the fish, accounting for 77 and 5.4% of the radioactivity, respectively.  相似文献   

Intact mitochondria, isolated from red coxal muscle of the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana L.), were incubated in the presence of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chloro[14C]phenyl)ethane ([14C]DDT) to isolate a suspected binding site for DDT in the membrane sector of the mitochondrial ATPase. The requirements for the binding of DDT were compared with those for the binding of dicyclohexyl[14C]carbodi-imide([14C]DCCD), a potent inhibitory probe of mitochondrial ATPase activity. [14C]DDT appeared to bind to a proteolipid of the membrane sector, which also binds [14C]DCCD. Exchange experiments, with [14C]DCCD, [14C]DDT and unlabelled DDT at different concentrations, indicated that DDT and DCCD may be acting on a similar protein. This protein may act as the energy transducing protonophore required for the synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP in coupled mitochondria. Inhibition of mitochondrial ATPase activity may be a consequence of DDT and DCCD binding to this proteolipid protonophore, resulting in the disruption of energy transduction in muscle and nerve.  相似文献   

Bluegill absorbed 85% of 1 ppb of endrin from water within 48 hr under static exposure conditions. The absorbed radiocarbon was eliminated linearly with a half-life of about 4 weeks. Analyses of eliminated radioactivity revealed only conjugated metabolites. 12-anti-Hydroxyendrin and 12-syn-hydroxyendrin were tentatively identified by cochromatography using thin-layer chromatography/autoradiography and gas chromatography. These metabolites were also present as conjugates in the fish organs. Seventy-three percent of the absorbed radioactivity recovered from fish extracts was in the form of unchanged endrin.  相似文献   

Although glyphosate (N‐(phosphonomethyl)glycine) is one of the most frequently used herbicides, few controlled transport experiments in undisturbed soils have been carried out to date. The aim of this work was to study the influence of the sorption coefficient, soil‐glyphosate contact time, pH, phosphorus concentration and colloid‐facilitated transport on the transport of [14C]glyphosate in undisturbed top‐soil columns (20 cm height × 20 cm diameter) of a sandy loam soil and a sandy soil. Batch sorption experiments showed strong Freundlich‐type sorption to both soil materials. The mobility of glyphosate in the soil columns was strongly governed by macropore flow. Consequently, amounts of glyphosate leached from the macroporous sandy loam soil were 50–150 times larger than from the sandy soil. Leaching rates from the sandy soil were not affected by soil‐glyphosate contact time, whereas a contact time of 96 h strongly reduced the leaching rates from the sandy loam soil. The role of pH and phosphorus concentration in solution was relatively unimportant with respect to total glyphosate leaching. The contribution of colloid‐facilitated transport was <1 to 27% for the sandy loam and <1 to 52% for the sandy soil, depending on soil treatment. The risk for glyphosate leaching from the top‐soils seems to be limited to conditions where pronounced macropore flow occurs shortly after application. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Aqueous suspensions and oil emulsions of a commercial [14C]diflubenzuron (N-[[(4-chlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2,6-difluorobenzamide) formulation (Dimilin W-25) remained on the leaf surface of greenhouse-treated plant tissues. Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of the [14C]diflubenzuron were not significant. Less than 0.05% of the applied 14C was found in newly developed plant tissues 28 days after spray treatment. [14C]Diflubenzuron was degraded in soil. After 91 days, biometer flask studies showed that 28% of the 14C incorporated into the soil as [14C]diflubenzuron was recovered as 14CO2. Major dichloromethane-soluble soil residues were identified as unreacted [14C]diflubenzuron and [14C]4-chlorophenylurea. A minor unknown degradation product cochromatographed with 2,6-difluorobenzoic acid. Insoluble 14C-residues increased with time and represented 67.8% of the residual 14C in the soil 89 days after treatment. Cotton plants grown for 89 days in [14C]diflubenzuron-treated soil contained only 3% of the 14C applied to the soil. Small quantities of acetonitrile-soluble [14C]4-chlorophenylurea were isolated from the foliar tissues. Root tissues contained small amounts of [14C]diflubenzuron and trace quantities of a minor 14C-product that chromotographed similarly to 2,6-difluorobenzoic acid. Most of the 14C in the plant tissues (84–93%) was associated with an insoluble residue fraction 89 days after treatment.  相似文献   

The metabolism of [14C]asulam (methyl 4-aminophenylsulphonylcarbamate), [14C] aminotriazole (1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylamine) and [14C]glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) were assessed in Equisetum arvense L. (field horsetail). Following application of the test herbicides (4mg?0.3 °Ci herbicide/shoot) to the shoots of 2-year-old pot-grown plants, the total recovery of 14C-label after 1 week and 8 weeks was high for all three herbicides (>80-0% of applied radioactivity). Asulam was persistent (>69-7% of recovered radioactivity) in both shoots and rhizomes. Sulphanilamide, a hydrolysis product of asulam, accounted for the remainder of the recovered radioactivity. Aminotriazole showed evidence of conjugation in shoots and rhizomes. The principal 14C-labelled component in shoots was composed of high proportions of aminotriazole (>76-3%) together with the metabolites: X (ninhydrin positive), β-(3-amino-1,2,4-triazolyl-1-)α-alanine, Y (diazotization positive) and various unidentified compounds. Rhizomes generally contained lower proportions of intact aminotriazole (>59.4%) together with the metabolites X,Y and unidentified compounds. The proportion of aminotriazole did not decrease with time in shoots or rhizomes; however, the ratio of metabolite X: Y moved in favour of Y as the interval after treatment increased. Glyphosate was extensively metabolised in shoots and rhizomes to yield aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and various unidentified compounds. Differential metabolism appears to be one of the factors which may govern the persistence and toxicity of the test herbicides in E. arvense.  相似文献   

A rat, given a single oral dose of [14C] cymoxanil, 1-(2-cyano-2-methoxyimino-[2-14C]-acetyl)-3-ethylurea, eliminated 91% of the radioactivity within 72 h. The urine contained 71%, the faeces 11%, and the expired air about 7% of the radiolabel; no 14C residue was found in the internal organs. Greater than 70% of the radioactivity in the urine was identified. The major metabolite was characterised as glycine, both free and conjugated, as hippuric acid and phenylaceturic acid [N-(phenylacetyl)-glycine], and probably in the form of polypeptides of low molecular weight. The other metabolites identified included 2-cyano-2-methoxyiminoacetic acid, 2-cyano-2-hydroxyiminoacetic acid and 1-ethylimidazolidine-2, 4, 5-trione. The minor metabolites included succinic acid and 2-oxoglutaric acid which indicated reincorporation of metabolic 14C. Cymoxanil, as such, was not detected in the urine.  相似文献   

The distribution and metabolic fate of [14C]maleic hydrazide in white ash and black locust seedlings were studied using high-performance liquid chromatography in conjunction with thin-layer chromatography and liquid scintillation spectrometry. Most of the maleic hydrazide was translocated to the leaves and stems of the black locust seedlings within 1 day after treatment but in the case of the white ash seedlings it remained in the stem tissue. After 30 days, the 14C was concentrated in the leaves of the black locust seedlings, but only in the stem and at the injection point of the white ash seedlings. Approximately 40 and 10% of the applied 14C was found at the injection points of the white ash and black locust seedlings, respectively. Chromatographic analysis of extracts showed no detectable metabolite in the black locust seedlings but two metabolites were detected in the white ash seedlings.  相似文献   

Foliar-applied [14]cymoxanil, 1-(2-cyano-2-methoxyimino-[2-14C]acetyl)-3-ethylurea was rapidly metabolised in grapes, tomatoes and potatoes, Furthermore, the metabolism of this fungicide was unusual in that the metabolites were found to be naturally occurring compounds, with glycine as the major metabolite. Significant levels of radioactivity were found in other amino-acids, sugars, starch, fatty acids and lignin, indicating incorporation of carbon-14 via the various metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Several 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-sensitive plants have been modified by genetic engineering with tfdA gene to acquire 2,4-D tolerance. The expression product of this gene degrades 2,4-D to 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP), which is less phytotoxic but could cause a problem of food safety. After a comparison of 2,4-D and DCP metabolism in transgenic 2,4-D-tolerant and wild cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), a direct study of DCP metabolism in edible plants was performed. After petiolar uptake of a [U-phenyl-(14)C]-DCP solution followed by a 48 h water chase, aqueous extracts were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Metabolites were thereafter isolated and their structural identities were determined by enzymatic and chemical hydrolyses and mass spectrometry analyses. The metabolic fate of DCP was equivalent to 2,4-D metabolism in transgenic 2,4-D-tolerant cotton. In addition, DCP metabolism was similar in transgenic and wild cotton. The major terminal metabolites were DCP-saccharide conjugates in all species, essentially DCP-(6-O-malonyl)-glucoside or its precursor DCP-glucose. The significance of this metabolic pathway with regard to food safety is discussed.  相似文献   

The following are extended summaries based on posters presented at the 8th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry (IUPAC), held in Washington, DC, USA, 4–9 July 1994. They are entirely the responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board of Pesticide Science.  相似文献   

The uptake and translocation of [14C]asulam (methyl 4-aminophenyl-sulphonylcarbamate), [14C]aminotriazole (1-H-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylamine) and [14C]glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) were assessed in Equisetum arvense L. (field horsetail), a weed of mainly horticultural situations. Under controlled-environment conditions, 21°C day/18°C night and 70% r. h., the test herbicides were applied to 2-month-old and 2-year-old plants. Seven days following the application of 0.07-0.09 °Ci (1.14mg) of the test herbicides to young E. arvense, the accumulation of 14C-label (as percentage of applied radioactivity) in the treated shoots, untreated apical and basal shoots was as follows: [14C]asulam, 13.2, 0.18 and 1.02%; [14C] aminotriazole, 67.2, 3.65 and 1-91%; [14C]glyphosate, 35.9, 0.06 and 0.11%. The equivalent mean values for the accumulation of 14C-label in 2-year-old E. arvense were [14C]asulam, 12.0, 1-15 and 1.74%; [14C]aminotriazole, 58.6, 9.44 and 4.12%; [14C]glyphosate, 33.1, 0.79 and 2.32%. In the latter experiment, test plants received 0.25-0.30 °Ci (4mg) of herbicide, they were assessed after a 14-day period and the experiment was carried out at 3-week intervals between 2 June and 25 August on outdoor-grown plants. Irrespective of test herbicide or time of application, very low levels of 14C-label accumulated in the rhizome system. Only 0.2% of the applied radioactivity was recovered in 2-year-old plants and 0.4% in 2-month-old plants. In the young plants [14C]asulam accumulated greater amounts and concentrations of 14C-label in the rhizome apices and nodes than [14C]aminotriazole or [14C]glyphosate treatments. Inadequate control of E. arvense under field conditions may be due to limited basipetal translocation and accumulation of the test herbicides in the rhizome apices and nodes.  相似文献   

The bacterium Azospirillum lipoferum is able to survive in high concen-trations of the organochlorine acaricide dicofol [1,1-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethanol]. It accumulates this chemical in the cell envelope where it is protected against hydrolysis. We investigated the nature of cell envelope molecules with which [14C]dicofol is associated; no indication of [14C]dicofol–saccharide bonds was found. We concluded that about 80% of the total [14C]dicofol found in the cells was associated with lipids and the remaining 20% with proteins. Electrophoresis did not indicate any correlation of a specific protein band with [14C]dicofol radioactivity peaks. After Folch partition, [14C]dicofol distribution in TLC analysis showed 60% of [14C]dicofol–lipid bonds related to neutral lipids, 20% to phospholipids and the remaining 20% of the bonds associated with other lipids. Experimental results suggested that [14C]dicofol associates mainly with membrane domains near proteins and that this association influences membrane fluidity as well as enzymatic activity. © 1998 SCI  相似文献   

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