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通过对三山公园次生林的植物调查,发现次生林受开发建设和绿化的影响,植物多样性呈现出乡土植物减少、外来栽培植物增多、草本和木质藤本大幅度减少等趋势,这些变化与城市植物区系和城市植被的典型特征相符。为避免发生这些变化,分别在园林绿化建设和管理的技术层面,提出了对策。    相似文献   

高光谱遥感森林叶面积指数估测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
叶面积指数(LAI)是反映植物叶片数量、冠层结构变化、植物群落生命活力及其环境效应的重要参数,其定义为植株所有叶片单面面积总和与植株所占的土地面积的比值。文中总结国内外利用高光谱遥感数据估测森林叶面积指数的研究进展,并对众多的估测方法进行比较,最后分析了高光谱遥感森林叶面积指数估测研究的发展趋势。    相似文献   

突显校园生态文化——安徽大学新校区植物景观设计   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
根据安徽大学新校区南实验楼——笃行南楼的现状与特点,以安徽大学校训"至诚至坚,博学笃行"为规划构想,对文化内涵、环境空间和植物配置进行细致分析,在保持对称风格的基础上,提出了"体现景观特色,营造文化家园"的设计思想,将中西空间理念相结合,遵循自然式植物配置原则,在相似的空间环境中,展现不同的景观效果,体现环境宜人,独具特色的校园风貌。    相似文献   

植物精气研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
随着植物精气概念的提出以及植物精气研究的深入,将为森林植物的深度开发利用打开一个新的领域——植物精气的开发利用。    相似文献   

城市绿地植物多样性现状及其发展途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
植物作为城市园林的主题和基础,人们对其的应用直接影响到城市的景观效果和生态稳定。文章在对植物多样性概述的基础上探讨了城市植物多样性的应用现状、存在问题及其根源,并提出了提高城市绿地植物多样性的途径,为丰富城市绿化植物树种提供理论基础。    相似文献   

植物造景作为有生命的景观元素集合,是公园景观的核心,运用景观生态学、地植物学原理,以石峰公园为例,探讨了植物专类园的设计方法,并提出了植物造景对策。    相似文献   

水系周边植物的组成和结构对城市森林的生态功能和景观效果的发挥产生重要的影响。本文通过对沈阳市城市环城水系风景区植物配置现状的调查,提出了以生态建设为核心,兼顾景观效果的植物配置方案。    相似文献   

不同环境中植物与空气负离子关系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
空气负离子被誉为"空气维生素",它的存在可以有效地提高森林、城市或是室内的空气质量,而植物又是产生负离子的影响因素之一。文章从室内外两种环境出发,总结探讨了不同环境中植物同空气负离子的关系,得知:空气离子在森林环境中,与植物群落的类型、结构和树种组成相关,在室内环境中,与植物的种类、叶形和植物精气相关。    相似文献   

采用野外调查方法,研究了上海市郊绿地建设中的色叶植物种类、类型和造景方式,结果表明上海市目前绿地中应用的色叶植物有72种;类型上以季节型为主,占60%以上;色彩上以紫红、鲜红和红色为第一大色彩;丛植、色块和基础种植是色叶植物造景的主要方式;城区与郊区、新建居民区与旧居民区之间色叶植物应用发展不平衡。    相似文献   

在对邢台市公园环境现状分析的基础上,依据城市绿地规划理论,以及植物造景知识,提出了集景观欣赏、休闲娱乐和科学文化于一体的综合公园规划方案。园区突出以生态游憩为主的造景理论,突出自然生态的特点,根据不同功能分区来构造不同的植被配置,使景色与植物达到协调一致,以满足不同人群的需求。其总体规划可归纳为"四多一结合",即,乡土树种多、传统绿化树种多、造景方式多,自然式和规则式相结合,是一所集休闲和娱乐于一体的综合性公园。    相似文献   

本文以南宁市嘉和城苗圃为对象,通过对植物外部形态进行感观鉴定,对植物的叶、芽、枝、整株等的生长指标、组织褐变等进行观察,把园林植物受寒冻害程度划分为五个等级,然后根据等级评价标准,对2011年苗圃园林植物受寒冻害情况进行调查与数据收集分析。结果表明,持续低温给苗圃园林植物造成明显寒冻害,热带植物种类抗寒性差,受寒冻害严重,甚至整株死亡,多为IV-V级。合理选择植物品种、做好寒冻害来之前的防寒措施和植物受冻后的及时补救措施是避免园林植物大面积受寒冻害的关键措施。  相似文献   

深圳梅林山公园乡土植物群落景观设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
合理应用乡土观赏植物,营造"近自然"植物群落景观,是当今园林绿化的发展趋势。深圳市梅林山公园具有丰富的植被类型和植物资源,绿化设计根据现有植被类型的不同特点,提出相应的改造和恢复方法。对于生态和景观效益好的沟谷季雨林、低地常绿季雨林、山地常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶混交林,采用封山育林的策略,促进其自然演替;对于人工林、果林、灌草丛、防火林和采石场,有针对性的选取优良乡土植物进行改造和恢复;对于景区和登山路的绿化设计,采用乡土和园林植物相结合,营造自然、美观、保健和生态的群落景观。  相似文献   

通过对广州市车陂涌河岸带人为干扰较少的 5 个河段的草本植物群落特征进行调查,分析河 岸带的物种多样性和影响河岸带植被分布的主要因素,总结适宜广州河岸带生态护岸的草本植物。经统 计,河岸带样方内共有草本植物 57 种,隶属于 23 科 51 属,禾本科与菊科植物最多,分别占 10 种和 8 种。本土植物 47 种,外来入侵植物 10 种,存在外来生物潜在入侵危险。群落结构复杂,物种组成繁多。 结合生态护岸原则和调查结果,最终筛选出节节草 Commelina diffusa、柔枝莠竹 Microstegium vimineum、 红尾翎 Digitaria radicosa 等 10 种本土植物作为生态护岸植物进行推广。  相似文献   

通过对云南湿地外来入侵植物的实地调查,确定云南湿地外来入侵植物共有70种,隶属于24科54属;来源于5大洲,其中来源于美洲的植物种类最多,共47种,占67.1%;入侵途径以人为传入为主,占95.7%。按水分生态类型分,以中生植物为主;按生活型分,以草本为主;按繁殖方式分,以种子繁殖为主,但以无性繁殖为主的入侵物种扩散速度快,危害性大。外来入侵植物在云南省16个地州(市)129个县(区)的湿地均有分布,其中全省范围分布的有43种,占61.5%。  相似文献   

Plants respond to insect attack by emission of volatile organic compounds, which recruit natural enemies of the attacking herbivore, constituting an indirect plant defence strategy. In this context, the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis is attracted by oviposition-induced plant volatiles emitted by Vicia faba plants as a consequence of feeding and oviposition by the pentatomid host Nezara viridula. However, this local tritrophic web could be affected by the recent invasion by the alien pentatomid bug Halyomorpha halys, an herbivore that shares the same environments as native pentatomid pests. Therefore, we investigated in laboratory conditions the possible impact of H. halys on the plant volatile-mediated signalling in the local tritrophic web V. fabaN. viridulaT. basalis. We found that T. basalis wasps were not attracted by volatiles induced in the plants by feeding and oviposition activities of H. halys, indicating specificity in the wasps’ response. However, the parasitoid attraction towards plant volatiles emitted as a consequence of feeding and oviposition by the associated host was disrupted when host, N. viridula, and non-associated host, H. halys, were concurrently present on the same plant, indicating that invasion by the alien herbivore interferes with established semiochemical webs. These outcomes are discussed in a context of multiple herbivory by evaluating the possible influences of alien insects on local parasitoid foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

园林植物叶面积指数研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对园林植物叶面积指数(LAI)研究的进展进行了综述,详细介绍了LAI的定义、LAI的主要测定方法、LAI与枝干的相关关系、LAI的应用现状,并对园林植物叶面积指数的研究前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The joint and independent effects of dominant tree species, forest patch spatial attributes, and forest structure and management as drivers of plant species richness and composition in small forest patches scattered within an intensive agricultural landscape were addressed.In a landscape with scattered urban and intensive dairy agricultural areas in north-west Portugal, within which small forest patches (dominated by pines, eucalypts, or both) represent semi-natural habitat islands, 50 small forest patches, with areas ranging between 0.3 and 3 ha, were selected and surveyed for vascular plant diversity, within dairy farming landscape mosaics dominated by annual forage crops. Explanatory variables were composed of three datasets derived either from GIS mapping or field observations: forest type (dominant tree species), forest patch spatial attributes (patch area and shape index), and measures of forest management and structure (diameter at breast height, tree density per hectare, and percentage cover of vegetation strata). Variations in these forest patch attributes were assessed across forest types, and related to measures of plant diversity (total, native, alien, woody, and herbaceous species richness). Redundancy analysis with variance partitioning was applied to evaluate the joint and independent effects of the three sets of variables on species assemblages. The recent shift in canopy dominance from pine to eucalypt observed in the region appears to be related to a (nonsignificant) tendency for the increase of patch area and to the decrease of patch complexity, as well as several changes in forest structure and management, expressed as a trend to denser tree canopies and lower cover of understory plants. Dominant tree species and attributes related to forest structure and management were the most important factors determining plant diversity. The joint effect of the dominant tree species and forest structure and management resulted in lower levels of plant species richness in eucalypt plantations. These were also more prone to invasion by alien species, probably due to decreased biotic resistance from unsaturated native plant assemblages. Our results draw attention to the importance of dominant tree species and management practices for the maintenance of plant diversity levels (species richness and composition) in dairy landscape mosaics, highlighting the importance of the remnants of semi-natural forests as refuges for plant diversity in the landscape context. Nonetheless, forest plant diversity could further be fostered by promoting naturalness of pine stands and the regeneration of native oak woodlands in some forest areas. This would also diversify the range of ecosystem services that could be provided by forest areas in these peri-urban farmlands.  相似文献   

以凤翔湿地公园为研究对象,分析了其植物景观多样性,采用样方调查法,依据公园空间类型将其划分为园路空间、地形空间和广场空间三种类型.抽样选取12块(20×20 m2)包含空间类型的标准样方,计算了样方绿地的均匀性指数、优势性指数及多样性指数等量化指标.结果表明:①凤翔湿地公园的绿地空间植物景观多样性相对较低,园内植物种类...  相似文献   

园林植物引种是历史悠久且永恒的主题,也直接导致了外来植物的比例升高;与此同时,气候变化和土地利用方式的改变又致弱了生态系统韧性,加剧了生物入侵风险。文章在介绍引种和入侵基本概念的基础上,阐述城市生境的可入侵性和外来植物的入侵能力,并提出了预防、控制和利用入侵植物的具体措施,旨在为增加城市生物多样性及有效防止入侵提供对策。  相似文献   

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