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本文主要对苍南县和平阳县的集各菜场的水产品市场进行了较详细的现场调查,介绍了水产品人市和销售情况以及家庭消费水产品的习惯。  相似文献   

中国水产品生产长期存在着明显的地域性,所以导致了各地消费习惯和消费偏好的差异,中西部地区水产品消费水平与东部沿海地区差距较大,但随着社会经济的不断发展和居民消费水平的变化,中部、西部居民对水产品的需求不断增加。  相似文献   

中国西南地区幅员辽阔,高山丘陵众多,受自然条件、饮食习惯、经济社会发展水平等因素的影响,不同地区居民的生活习惯和消费偏好都有所区别,导致了水产品消费特征和消费水平存在区域性差异。以云南楚雄和大理两市为例,通过问卷调研与实地调研相结合的方式,对居民水产品消费特征包括消费频率、消费场所、购买渠道、消费种类、消费形态等进行比较分析,在此基础上,就提高西南地区不同类型城市居民水产品消费水平提出相应的对策和建议,以期为西南地区水产行业健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

美国是水产品消费大国,也是中国水产品主要出口市场之一。对美国水产品消费现状和演变趋势进行分析,发现其水产品消费规模随着经济发展和人口增长持续扩大,占肉类消费的比重缓慢提升,产品供应越来越依赖进口,消费品种结构趋于丰富和多样化,新鲜、冷冻类产品消费量明显增加,主要消费渠道为餐饮消费。参考美国经验,中国应在稳定拓展对外水产品贸易市场的同时,积极通过持续提高居民收入、提升水产品供给质量和加快餐饮业转型升级来增强水产品国内大循环内生动力。  相似文献   

正在我们日常生活中,水产品是很常见的食材。那么,我们经常食用的鱼虾蟹贝,具有怎样的营养价值?是如何对身体产生好处的?近日,记者采访了中山大学生命科学学院副教授牛津,了解水产品对人类生命健康的作用,包括解析其营养成分、原理、作用机制等,并对人们消费水产品的习惯提出一些建议。  相似文献   

“我认为,十年以后,人们会普遍吃水产加工品,对活鱼的消费会极大减少。”近日,中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所研究员陈胜军向《海洋与渔业》记者说,目前我国的水产品加工还处于比较初级的阶段,随着后疫情时代的到来,人们对水产品的消费习惯和产品形式会发生改变,对更便捷的水产加工品的消费需求将会不断增加,消费者选择营养、健康、方便的水产加工品将逐渐成为一种趋势。  相似文献   

我国城镇居民水产品消费特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,随着我国居民可支配收入的增加,消费结构不断升级,水产品消费发生显著变化,研究其消费特征具有理论价值和实际意义。文章在分析我国城镇居民水产品消费数量及其变化的基础上,运用变弹性模型测算了水产品需求收入弹性,对城镇居民水产品消费的变化进行实证研究。结果表明,随着可支配收入的增加,城镇居民水产品需求旺盛,水产品消费遵循着高品质的消费规律;相关结果有助于理解我国水产品对外贸易的变化。现阶段我国应从产品和企业两条线促进贸易增长,实现水产品贸易的平衡和渔业经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>影响鱼价的因素主要是两点:一是市场需求量,也就是水产品的消费量。二是市场供应量。需要注意的是,供应量并不等同于产量,在水产养殖产品达到上市规格后,受养殖户的销售意愿和销售条件等影响,会存在推迟上市。正是以上这些因素的共同作用,导致了水产品价格行情很难精准预测。对于2015年的市场总体需求,从大层面看,主要受消费者的消费能力,常规水产品的主要消费人群是普通的老百姓,大众消费需求不会显著下降,对水产品的整体消费能力基本能  相似文献   

中国水产频道报道,影响鱼价的因素主要是两点:一是市场需求量,也就是水产品的消费量。二是市场供应量。需要注意的是,供应量并不等同于产量,在水产养殖产品达到上市规格后,受养殖户的销售意愿和销售条件等影响,会存在推迟上市。正是以上这些因素的共同作用,导致了水产品价格行情很难精准预测。对于2015年的市场总体需求,从大层面看,主要受消费者的消费能力,常规水产品的主要消费人群是普通的老百姓,大众消费需求不会显著下降,对水产品的整体消费能力基本能保持在2014年的水平。基于此,对不同品种成鱼2015年行情进行预  相似文献   

中国水产品消费市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是一个渔业生产大国,产量位居世界第一。但由于中国人口众多,水产品人均占有量仍然较少,仅接近世界平均水平,加之水产品出口贸易、工业原料和直接作为鲜饲料的用量较大,水产品人均实际消费量更低。 一、水产品消费现状及构成形式 目前,中国水产品消费主要由以下几个方面构成。一是城乡居民家庭消费。城乡居民家庭消费是中国水产品消费的主要构成部分,1994年全国城乡居民家庭消费水产品547万吨,折合原料水产品为685万吨,人均5.7公斤。二是出口贸易。据海关统计,1994年全国出口水产品为63万吨,加上部分海上贸易及边境口岸易物交易等,约100万吨,折合原料水产品约170万吨。三是  相似文献   


This paper discusses fish consumption and preference patterns for fish species by income groups, and by urban/rural divide in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The analysis is based on primary data collected by the WorldFish Center and its partner institutes by means of a survey of 5,931 households in the selected countries. The FAO database and other published materials were also used to analyze trends in fish consumption. Freshwater fish species constitute a major share in total per capita fish consumption in most of these countries. Pelagic and demersal marine fish are the main contributor to per capita total fish consumption in the countries with longer coastal boundaries (such as Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand), and in the coastal regions within each country. Results suggest that fish contributes between 15% and 53% of the total animal protein intake in these countries. Fish consumption varies widely with economic position of the households, in terms of both per capita consumption and type of fish species. Per capita fish consumption increases with increase in income. The share of fish protein in total animal protein expenditure is higher for lower income groups, demonstrating their dependence on fish as a source of animal protein. Poor people consume mostly low-price fish and rich people spend a significant portion of their fish budget on expensive fish. Per capita fish consumption is substantially higher in rural areas than in urban areas.  相似文献   

政府介入农地流转具有一定的优势和积极意义。在农村社会保障体系缺失背景下进行的农地集体流转能否增加农民的收入,缩小城乡之间的收入差距是农地集体流转过程中必须回答的现实问题。本文以成都已有的农地集体流转模式为研究对象,立足于农业生产和农村内部分化的客观现实,对政府主导下的农地集体流转的收入增长效应的实现条件进行了规范研究。  相似文献   

Economic contribution of fish culture to farm income in Southeast Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Rural aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms with extensive and semi-intensive husbandry practised by small-scale rural households for their consumption and income. From a field survey in Southeast Vietnam, using enterprise budget analysis and nonparametric tests with indices of change, adoption, and agreement, this study justifies that rural aquaculture is a good option for rural development, making an important contribution to farm income with a high adoption rate among poor farmers. Fish farmers have gained an increased level of satisfaction by means of fish culture production growth along with corresponding economic gains. This enterprise continues to play an increasing important role in their livelihoods and has potential to develop further in the area.  相似文献   

本文通过调研水产品在流通、加工、贮藏和零售四个产业链环节的损耗情况,对不同类型水产品损耗原因和差异进行分析,提出降低我国水产品产业链损耗的建议措施.单一水产品品种的损耗率数据通过调研直接获得,水产品(整体)及各品类产业链损耗率基于2008-2019年水产品品类及品种产量结构加权计算所得.结果显示:2008-2019年,...  相似文献   

市民农园是社区支持农业的重要载体,也是经济发达国家统筹城乡发展的一条有益经验。发展与市民农园相结合的乡村市民社区,不仅可以切实提高农民收入,对于解决城乡和谐发展中的诸多问题都有好处。本文提出了乡村市民社区的一种构思以及与之相关的研究课题和政策建议。  相似文献   


The Brazilian aquaculture sector faces many challenges involving internal consumption; Brazil’s per capita fish consumption is lower than its production capacity. In this study, the dataset used the Pearson correlation coefficients and ordered logit models and their odd ratios to identify relationships and estimate the probabilities of the main determinants and barriers for fish purchasing on consumption frequency levels. A sample of 1509 participants was surveyed to examine Brazil’s main consumption frequencies, determinants, and habits of aquaculture species. The study confirmed that aquaculture fishes are mainly consumed occasionally during Easter and supermarkets are the main retail channel. Tambaqui, tilapia, and white leg shrimp are the species mostly consumed amongst the sample. The results indicated that the highest probability for a consumer to increase their consumption frequency levels for tilapia is related to availability on shelves. Nutritional value is a significant determinant relating to the increased consumption frequency of grouper. Lack of desired species, not trusting the health quality of the product, and culinary options are essential determinants for consuming shrimp. Similarly, for catfish, high prices, variety in culinary options and difficulty in preparation are the main determinist affect consumption frequency levels. Also, the results indicated that income and education influence the probability of moving to a higher consumption frequency level of all species, except for tambaqui. The findings provide valuable information, especially for producers and organizations in terms of marketing and policy analysis. Marketing strategies and campaigns are recommended to promote the habit of eating fish throughout the year.


Abstract. The influence of macro-economic factors on production and consumption of aquatic products in the world was evaluated. World aquaculture production and its growth were analysed in terms of commodities, species, countries and regions. Special attention was given to interpreting the consequences of the results obtained on policy and planning of future aquaculture development.
The consumption of both aquafood and meat increased significantly with income on a per caput basis in the world. The ratio aquafood:meat decreased with increasing per caput income, stressing the relative importance of aquafood in low-income countries. A significant correlation between the consumption of aquafood and aquaculture production was found for Asia, Europe and on a world-wide scale and it is therefore argued that fisheries pave the way for aquaculture development. Growth of finfish culture tends to correlate with agricultural growth. Africa and Latin America have low aquaculture productions compared with their aquafood consumption. These regions offer the highest probability for rapid growth in aquaculture production in the near future.  相似文献   

水产品真空冷冻干燥技术的研究现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
随着生活水平的提高,人们对水产品品质提出了更高的要求,因此开发新的加工技术势在必行。冻干食品以其优良的营养品质,易流通、贮藏和方便食用,迎合了这一发展趋势。本文综述了水产品真空冷冻干燥过程中前处理工艺(切片处理、超声波处理、浸渍处理、涂膜处理等)、冻干工艺参数(预冻工艺参数、干燥条件等)、品质变化(感官、质构、营养、风味、滋味、复水性)和品质预测模型的研究现状,并重点探讨水产品真空冷冻干燥技术今后的研发趋势,为水产真空冷冻干燥制品的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

本文首先就社会保障制度对启动居民消费的作用机制进行理论剖析,进而指出当前农村社会保障存在的问题严重制约着农村居民的消费,通过借鉴四川成都社会保障城乡统筹试点的成功模式,最后提出完善农村社会保障制度的对策建议,以提振农村居民的消费需求,推动经济的增长。  相似文献   

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