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A comparison has been made of the effects of some protective and systemic fungicides, and an eradicant fungicide, on the growth, metabolic activity and nitrogen-fixing capacity of Rhizobium trifolii. Effects on the bacterium grown in vitro with a combined nitrogen source were not necessarily reflected in the nitrogen-fixing capacity of excised nodulated roots of white clover. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation was affected by thiram, oxycarboxin and “Ethylan CP”, but was unchanged by benomyl, captan, carbendazim, carboxin, dodine, dimethirimol, ethirimol, tridemorph, triforine or thiophanate-methyl. None of the fungicides tested altered the leghaemoglobin content of the root nodules.  相似文献   

Ramet of eight clones of cultivar S.100 white clover were infected with white clover mosaic virus (WCMV) and compared with uninfected ramets. Infection reduced herbage yield over two cuts by between 25 and 75%, with a mean of 40% at both. Petiole length was reduced significantly by 8% at the first cut, but not at the second. There was an overall reduction of about 6% in mid-rib length. The mean length of the longest stolon was reduced by about 20% at both cuts, but this did not reflect the reaction of whole plants as total stolon length was reduced by a mean of 43%, within a range of 25–75%. The mean dry weight of stolon was reduced by 47%, while stolon specific weight (weight per unit length) was reduced by 7%. The reduced leaf yield in WCMV-infected plants was caused mainly by a reduction in stolon growth and not by a reduction in leaf size. Virus infection reduced the total number of growing points per plant by over 30%, but the number per metre of stolon was increased by over 20%. The total acid-soluble carbohydrate content of stolons was unaffected.
For all growth parameters measured, there was considerable variation between the eight clones in their reaction to WCMV infection, most clones being affected detrimentally. In one clone, however, leaf dry weight yield of infected plants at the first cut was double that of healthy plants. At the second cut, both leaf and total stolon dry weights were greater by 40%, the total number of growing points by 80%, and the growing points per metre of stolon by 30%.  相似文献   

农业景观复杂性对昆虫种群的影响是目前昆虫生态学研究的热点。新疆兵团和地方在土地利用模式及作物景观上存在着明显的差异,这可能影响昆虫种群动态及其管理策略。在兵团和地方的不同试验点,应用智能测报灯、杀虫灯诱集监测在地区尺度和区域尺度旋幽夜蛾Scotogramma trifolii种群动态,结合各样点作物种类及面积调查,分析旋幽夜蛾种群动态与景观复杂性之间的关系,研究结果表明:(1)在地区尺度上,简单景观条件下旋幽夜蛾诱集量小于复杂景观,不同调查半径下旋幽夜蛾诱集量与景观多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener)呈显著正相关(P0.05);(2)在区域尺度上,兵团作物体系内,南疆的旋幽夜蛾诱集量小于北疆,并且存在显著性差异;地方作物体系内南疆的旋幽夜蛾诱集量大于北疆,同样存在显著性差异;在南疆地区,兵团和对应地方的诱蛾量均呈现显著性差异(P0.05),在北疆地区,兵团与对应的地方之间无显著性差异(P0.05),这可能与北疆地区兵团和地方在土地利用模式及其作物布局趋于一致有关。  相似文献   

旋幽夜蛾各虫态的过冷却点测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的] 探明旋幽夜蛾(Scotogramma trifolii Rottemberg)各虫态的耐寒性。[方法]利用过冷却点测定仪对旋幽夜蛾1~5龄幼虫、蛹(滞育、非滞育)和雌雄成虫分别进行过冷却点和结冰点测定。[结果]各龄幼虫过冷却点随龄期的增加逐渐升高,1龄幼虫(-13.63 ℃)<2龄幼虫(-12.50 ℃)<3龄幼虫(-11.08 ℃)<4龄幼虫(-11.05 ℃)<5龄幼虫(-10.04 ℃)。相邻龄期幼虫的过冷却点均未呈现出显著性差异,但低龄幼虫和高龄幼虫间存在显著性差异。其余虫态过冷却点滞育蛹(-24.94 ℃)显著低于非滞育蛹(-21.91 ℃),雌蛹(-23.84 ℃)<雄蛹(-23.52 ℃),雌成虫(-15.75 ℃)<雄成虫(-15.44 ℃),但雌雄蛹和雌雄成虫之间均未呈现显著性差异。[结论] 旋幽夜蛾各虫态过冷却点变化为蛹(-23.67 ℃)<成虫(-15.60 ℃)<幼虫(-11.48 ℃),三者之间有显著性差异。研究结果为旋幽夜蛾的越冬区划提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

昆明市白车轴草上蓟马种群动态调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对昆明市白车轴草上蓟马种类及其周年种群动态进行了调查。白车轴草上蓟马主要有西花蓟马(Fran-kliniella occidentalis)、丽花蓟马(F.intonsa)、八节黄蓟马(Thrips flavidulus)、端大蓟马(Megalurothrips distalis)、稻单管蓟马(Haplothrips aculeatus)和烟蓟马(T.tabaci),有时会出现黄胸蓟马(T.hawaiiensis)、玉米黄呆蓟马(Anaphothrips obscurus)、苏丹呆蓟马(A.sudanensis)和云南纹蓟马(Aeolothrips yunnanensis)。本文分析了前6种蓟马的周年种群动态,重点阐述了外来有害生物西花蓟马,该虫主要在3~6月发生,是此期间白车轴草上的蓟马优势种。  相似文献   

Samenvatting In deze publikatie worden de resultaten vermeld van een onderzoek naar de galmugfauna van rode en witte klaver in Nederland. Laboratoriumproeven en veldwaarnemingen hebben uitgewezen, datDasyneura gentneri Pritchard,D. leguminicola (Lintner) enTricholaba trifolii Rübs. zich voeden ten koste van het zich ontwikkelende klaverzaad. Hun optreden is echter niet van economische betekenis voor de teelt van klaverzaad in Nederland. Dasyneura trifolii (F. Loew) verwekt bladgallen op witte klaver, maar door deze aantasting worden de planten niet in hun normale groei belemmerd. De larven vanLestodiplosis pallidicornis Kieffer en vanPhaenobremia aphidivora (Rübs.) zijn roofvijanden; zij voeden zich respectivevelijk met larven van allerlei andere galmugsoorten en met bladluizen, die op rode en witte klaver leven. De soortenAmetrodiplosis sp.,Clinodiplosis sp. enIsodiplosis deutera Milne f.n.sp. leven in de bloemhoofdjes van rode klaver, maar hun juiste levenswijze is nog niet bekend.Milne (1960) enBarnes (1946) vermelden van witte en rode klaver in Engeland nog de soortenBrachyneura squamigera (Winnertz),Campylomyza ormerodi (Kieffer),Clinodiplosis leguminicola Milne enGiardomyia britannica Milne. Deze soorten werden door ons in Nederland tijdens het onderzoek niet gevonden.Deze publikatie vermeldt verder bijzonderheden inzake de levenswijze, de morfologie en de ontwikkelingscyclus van de behandelde galmugsoorten, terwijl ook aandacht is besteed aan hun economische betekenis voor de teelt van witte en rode klaver in Nederland.  相似文献   

In pots containing soil fumigated with DD before planting the growth of white clover was considerably better than in untreated pots. A similar effect was obtained both with cis- or trans-1,3-dichloropropene. Some other components of DD, including 1,2-dichloropropane, had no influence on clover growth in the concentration at which they occur in DD. Of the compounds not associated with DD, EN 18,133 and sugar showed a favourable effect on clover growth, but X 323 had no influence. In the untreated pots with poorly growing clover many roots had died. On the places where dead lateral roots had been attached many fungi were present in the tissue, especiallyRhizoctonia sp. andFusarium spp. These pots contained also more clover cyst nematodes and more springtails (Collembola). In one of the pot experiments poor growth could probably be attributed to an attack by the clover cyst nematode (Heterodera trifolii Goffart). The nematode level above which damage to the plants occurred was calculated at 1000–3000 eggs (larvae inclusive) per 100 ml of soil. In the other pot experiment, however, poor growth could not be explained by cyst nematodes only. In field experiments clover growth was promoted by soil fumigation with DD, also when only a few cyst nematodes were present. These observations increase the evidence that attack of white clover by pathogens is a complex phenomenon in which nematodes as well as fungi and perhaps insects too are involved. Apart from a small increase in growth at the beginning, soil fumigation with DD did not raise the yield of perennial rye grass.In this article the name DD is used as abbreviation for the trade name Shell D-D.  相似文献   

The molluscicide N-tritylmorpholine (FRESCON,
  • 1 FRESCON is a Shell trade mark.
  • trifenmorph) is used for the control of the intermediate snail hosts of fascioliasis in livestock. Laboratory and field studies have been undertaken to establish the fate of the compound following its use on pasture. Radiochemical techniques have been used under laboratory conditions to identify the potential degradation products. The major one has been shown to be triphenylcarbinol. Triphenylcarbinol was detected on pastures treated at 0.4 to 0.5 kg/ha under practical conditions but the residues of it and of the parent molluscicide were generally below 0.3 mg/kg within 8 weeks of the application. On the pasture grass half of the initial deposit of N-tritylmorpholine was lost within 1 to 3 weeks and on soils it was lost within 1 to 4 weeks. Residues could not be detected in the tissues of sheep feeding on the treated pasture. Whilst small residues (0.023 mg/kg or less) were detected in the milk of some cows feeding on the pasture soon after application they were absent (below 0.002 mg/kg) in the milk at 10 days or more from treatment.  相似文献   

    正旋幽夜蛾Scotogramma trifolii又名旋歧夜蛾、三叶草夜蛾等,属鳞翅目夜蛾科,于20世纪90年代在新疆维吾尔自治区(简称新疆)棉区均有不同程度发生(于江南等,1997)。该虫寄主广泛,可为害多种作物和杂草。赵琦(2011)报道旋幽夜蛾对不同寄主植物有选择偏好,产卵最偏好灰藜,其次是甜菜、小白菜;取食也最偏好灰藜,其次是甜菜、油菜。在新疆,棉  相似文献   

    广昌白莲田蜘蛛资源、群落结构特征及利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
    江西广昌白莲田有蜘蛛13科24属33种。其中江西新记录种7种,未确定种4种。蜘蛛资源丰富,生态结构合理且稳定,自然形成了一个立体防虫网络。研究、保护及利用它就成为当务之急。  相似文献   

    White clover mosaic virus was isolated from glasshouse-grown sweet pea plants with conspicuous flower 'break' symptoms. Plant growth was severely affected. The virus was transmissible by sap inoculation to sweet pea and other leguminous species. It was found naturally in Trifolium repens growing nearby. No natural vector is known.  相似文献   

    Investigations during 1967 in a part of an experimental orchard where no insecticides were applied, showed that parasitism of larvae of the first generation ofStigmella malella byCirrospilus vittatus, which is by far the most numerous parasite of this leaf miner in The Netherlands, was low and that parasitism of larvae of the second generation was much higher. It is concluded that the capacity of increase of the parasite is much larger than that of its host and that the parasite is an important potential factor in the natural control of the leaf miner. The factors that may be responsible for the discrepancy between the high population density of the parasite in autumn and the low density in spring are discussed.Samenvatting Cirrosspilus vittatus is in Nederland verreweg de talrijkste parasiet van de appelbladmineerderStigmella malella (Tabel 1).In de proefboomgaard Thedinghsweert bij Tiel werd het verloop van de populatiedichtheid van de imagines van mineerder en parasiet (Fig. 1) en van de mineerderrupsen, benevens hun parasitering (Fig. 2), gedurende 1967 wekelijks nagegaan. Het bleek dat de tweede generatie van de mineerderrupsen, hoewel veel talrijker dan de eerste, voor een veel hoger percentage beparasiteerd werd. Daaruit wordt geconcludeerd dat de vermeerderingscapaciteit van de parasiet belangrijk groter moet zijn dan die van haar gastheer en dat de parasiet een belangrijke potentiële factor is in de natuurlijke beheersing van de mineerderpopulatie.De factoren die verantwoordelijk kunnen zijn voor het grote verschil in de populatiedichtheid van de parasiet aan het einde en aan het begin van het seizoen, worden besproken.  相似文献   

    In order to understand the degradation of different residual pesticides of white clover silage and their influence on silage quality, three commonly used orchard pesticides with different concentrations were added to the white clover and fermented for 90 days. The results showed that the degradation rate of cypermethrin and its toxic degradation product 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA) was the highest after silage, at different concentrations, both were 100%. The degradation rate of Tebuconazole and chloropyridine was 72.47–80.27% and 47.76–64.82%, of which 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP) content, poisonous toxic degradation product, increased 0.0525–0.253 mg·kg−1. The residues of beta-cypermethrin and tebuconazole had reached safety standards after silage. As compared with the control, the contents of lactic acid, acetic acid, and propionic acid increased in the treated samples. The higher concentrations of three pesticides all significantly reduced the lactic acid content of silage (p<0.05). Pesticides had different effects on the nutritional components of white clover silage. Conclusively, silage is a potential way to expand the utilization of covering plants in orchards.  相似文献   

    以牡丹江32为试材,研究密度和插秧株数对水稻群体茎蘖数动态、最大叶面积指数、干物重积累及产量的影响,研究发现,为保证水稻较高群体茎蘖数需提高增加每穴插秧株数至4~6株,较小的每穴占地面积有利于群体茎蘖数的提高,最佳行距×株距为36 cm×12 cm,这与常规栽培方式一致。增加每穴插秧株数可显著增加最大叶面积指数,这种增加作用主要是通过增加每平方米茎蘖数实现的,而增加每穴占地面积对最大叶面积指数有降低作用。成熟期干物重与每穴插秧株数及每穴面积相关性不显著,通径分析表明,增加每穴插秧株数有增加干物重的趋势,而扩大每穴面积会减小干物重。每平方米茎蘖数、成熟期干物重、最大叶面积指数与产量呈显著或极显著正相关。对于牡丹江32水稻品种,插秧规格40 cm×10 cm或30 cm×12 cm,每穴插秧4~6株,产量可达到8 635.4、8 634.0 kg·hm-2,二者差异不大,显著或极显著大于其他处理。  相似文献   

    No proof was found that Collembola prefer white clover to grass in sandy soils of leys and grasslands. The same springtail species can be found on both. However, in greenhouses they definitely preferred the white clover. Here,Folsomia quadrioculata especially, and during the summer monthsSminthurinus trinotatus, were found. In winter,Onychiurus bicampatus or a related species was also identified.Folsomia quadrioculata is able to feed on white clover roots. In doing so, invasion spots are prepared for weakly parasitic soil fungi. Addition of these fungi to the soil, however, did not result in an infestation of the roots followed by death and disappearance of the white clover, forFolsomia then preferred to feed on the fungi rather than on the roots.  相似文献   

    通过对蒙城县植保站27a黏虫资料的研究分析,可以看出一代黏虫多年雌虫率的平均值应是最佳雌虫率。一代黏虫种群的雌虫率愈接近最佳雌虫率,其下代种群数量趋势指数则越高;反之,则较低。  相似文献   

    Summary By means of the exchange of antisera a qualitative relationship could be established among a Dutch, some American, a Canadian and a German isolate of the white clover mosaic virus (fig. 1). An exact comparison of two isolates, viz. the Dutch W.K.V. and the American W.C.M.V. (ofBancroft), with a number of different antisera (table 1), and in a cross-absorption test (table 2), revealed no quantitative differences between these isolates. For such quantitative tests the exchange of virus isolates is inevitable.Samenvatting Door middel van de uitwisseling van antisera kon een kwalitatieve verwantschap worden aangetoond tussen een Nederlandse, enige Amerikaanse, een Canadese en een Duitse isolatie van het witte-klavermozaïekvirus. Een nauwkeurige vergelijking van twee isolaties, te weten het Nederlandse W.K.V. en het Amerikaanse W.C.M.V. (vanBancroft), met behulp van een aantal verschillende antisera (tabel 1) en in een proef, waarbij de antisera met wederzijdse virussen werden verzadigd (tabel 2), bracht geen kwantitatieve verschillen (stam-verschillen) aan het licht. Voor dergelijke kwantitatieve proeven is de uitwisseling van virusisolaties onvermijdelijk.Journal Paper No. 1559 of the Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

    In a growth-cabinet experiment, Aphanomyces euteiches caused more severe root disease and greater reductions in root and shoot weights of subterranean clover cv. Mount Barker than Phytophthora clandestina in pasteurized sandy loam flooded with water for a 24-h period each week. A. euteiches also reduced plant growth more than P. clandestina in untreated sandy loam. In a similar experiment, both fungi caused the same amount of disease and reduction in growth of cv. Yarloop in pasteurized clay loam flooded for 24 h each week, and P. clandestina caused more disease and a greater decrease in plant growth than A. euteiches when the soil was flooded for 4 h each week. The pathogens did not interact positively in either soil. In an irrigated pasture, soil drenches with the fungicides metalaxyl and fenaminosulf together reduced both root rots to low levels and increased subterranean clover dry matter by 1 96, 0.50 and 1 20 t/ha in the autumn, winter and spring of 1985, respectively, and by 0.59 t/ha in the autumn of 1986. Results suggest that P. clandestina caused most of these losses in yield.  相似文献   

    Control of perennial weeds, such as Elymus repens, generally requires herbicides or intensive tillage. Alternative methods, such as mowing and competition from subsidiary crops, provide less efficient control. Fragmenting the rhizomes, with minimal soil disturbance and damage to the main crop, could potentially increase the efficacy and consistency of such control methods. This study's aim was to investigate whether fragmenting the rhizomes and mowing enhance the control of E. repens in a white clover sward. Six field experiments were conducted in 2012 and 2013 in Uppsala, Sweden, and Ås, Norway. The effect of cutting slits in the soil using a flat spade in a 10 × 10 cm or 20 × 20 cm grid and the effect of repeated mowing were investigated. Treatments were performed either during summer in a spring‐sown white clover sward (three experiments) or during autumn, post‐cereal harvest, in an under‐sown white clover sward (three experiments). When performed in autumn, rhizome fragmentation and mowing reduced E. repens shoot biomass, but not rhizome biomass or shoot number. In contrast, when performed in early summer, rhizome fragmentation also reduced the E. repens rhizome biomass by up to 60%, and repeated mowing reduced it by up to 95%. The combination of the two factors appeared to be additive. Seasonal differences in treatment effects may be due to rhizomes having fewer stored resources in spring than in early autumn. We conclude that rhizome fragmentation in a growing white clover sward could reduce the amount of E. repens rhizomes and that repeated mowing is an effective control method, but that great seasonal variation exists.  相似文献   

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