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Equine articular chondrocytes were isolated from explant cartilage cultures by digestion in a 0.075% collagenase solution for 15 to 19 hours. Cartilage from late-term fetal and neonatal foals resulted in mean chondrocyte yield of 51.99 x 10(6) cells/g of cartilage (wet weight), compared with a yield of 17.83 x 10(6) cells/g for foals 3 to 12 months old. Propagation of chondrocytes in monolayer and 3-dimensional culture was accomplished, using Ham's F-12 as the basal medium, with supplements of fetal bovine serum (10%), ascorbic acid, alpha-ketoglutarate, and L-glutamine. The medium was buffered with HEPES, and penicillin and streptomycin were added for microorganism control. In primary monolayer cultures of freshly isolated chondrocytes, the population doubling time was approximately 6 days. Dedifferentiation of chondrocytes toward a more fibroblastic-appearing cell was observed after the fifth passage (subculture), but was hastened by lower cell-plating density. Chondrocytes were frozen for periods of up to 9 months, using 10% dimethyl sulfoxide as the cryoprotectant. Cell viability of late-term fetal and neonatal foal chondrocytes after storage at -196 C decreased from 86% at 3 weeks to 31% at 12 weeks. Viability of cells derived from older foals and young adult horses was considerably better than that of cells from neonatal foals. Frozen chondrocytes can be stored for extended periods and thawed for immediate implantation or can be sustained in vitro in monolayer or 3-dimensional culture. Such cultures would be suitable for cartilage resurfacing experiments or in vitro assessment of various pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

Increases of plasma concentrations of neutrophil myeloperoxidase (MPO) can be used as markers of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) activation in pathological situations (sepsis, acute lung injury, acute inflammation). To develop an assay for measurement of plasma MPO in horses during the above-mentioned infectious and inflammatory conditions, MPO was purified from equine PMN isolated from blood anticoagulated with citrate. PMN were extracted in a saline milieu (0.2 M Na acetate, 1 M NaCl, pH 4.7) to eliminate most of cellular proteins. Pellets were then extracted in the same buffer containing cationic detergent (1% cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide). The supernatant was further purified by ion exchange chromatography (Hiload S Sepharose HP column 0.5 x 26 cm, equilibrated with 25 mM Na acetate, 0.2 M NaCl, pH 4.7) with a NaCl gradient (until 1 M). Most of the peroxidase activity of MPO (spectrophotometrically measured by the oxidation of orthodianisidine by hydrogen peroxide) was eluted at 0.65 M NaCl. MPO was further purified by gel filtration chromatography (Sephacryl S 200 column 2.6 x 42 cm with 25 mM Na acetate, 0.2 M NaCl, pH 4.7). MPO (specific activity: 74.3 U/mg) was obtained with a yield of 30% from the detergent extraction supernatant. Electrophoresis (non-reducing conditions) showed 3 bands identified, by comparison with human MPO, (i) the mature tetrameric enzyme (150 kDa) with 2 light and 2 heavy subunits, (ii) the precursor form (88 kDa) and (iii) a form of the heavy subunit without the prosthetic heme group (40 kDa). The mature enzyme and its precursor were glycosylated and possessed peroxidase activity. Equine MPO showed strong similarities with human and bovine MPO, with an absorption peak at 430 nm (Soret peak) characteristic of ferrimyeloperoxidase. Enzymatic activity was pH dependent (optimal value at pH 5.5).  相似文献   

Streptococcus equi infection in horses is characterised by intense infiltration of lymph nodes by polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) suggesting a potent chemotactic response to the organism or its products. Equine PMNs were separated using Ficoll-Hypaque medium and used in an assay of chemotaxis under agarose to study the components of S equi involved in this response. Results showed that complement-derived chemotactic factors generated by activation of the alternative complement pathway were important in chemotactic responses to S equi. Both whole bacteria and peptidoglycan preparations were potent complement activators, whereas purified M protein was less active. In contrast, S equi culture supernatant protein did not activate complement; instead it directly inhibited migration of PMNs. Moreover, PMNs, when incubated with culture supernatant of a non-haemolytic strain, showed signs of cellular degeneration suggesting the presence of a cytotoxin distinct from haemolysin.  相似文献   

Percoll gradients have been used to separate relatively pure populations of viable equine polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear (MN) cells. In preliminary studies, a continuous density gradient of 70% Percoll solution was used to separate two distinct leucocyte-rich bands. After measurement of the density of each band on the continuous gradient, discontinuous Percoll gradients, using 60% and 75% Percoll solutions, were used to provide a rapid means of separating PMN and MN cells. The yield of viable cells per ml of blood was 3.0×106 and 3.2×106 for MN and PMN cells, respectively. Corresponding values for recovery were 45% and 72%. The purity was 94% for PMNs and 99% for MNs.  相似文献   

Percoll gradients have been used to separate relatively pure populations of viable equine polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear (MN) cells. In preliminary studies, a continuous density gradient of 70% Percoll solution was used to separate two distinct leucocyte-rich bands. After measurement of the density of each band on the continuous gradient, discontinuous Percoll gradients, using 60% and 75% Percoll solutions, were used to provide a rapid means of separating PMN and MN cells. The yield of viable cells per ml of blood was 3.0 X 10(6) and 3.2 X 10(6) for MN and PMN cells, respectively. Corresponding values for recovery were 45% and 72%. The purity was 94% for PMNs and 99% for MNs.  相似文献   

Subpopulations of equine leucocytes, polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells, were separated from whole blood on a discontinuous Percoll gradient and used in studies of chemokinesis and chemotaxis. Polymorphonuclear cells responded to the chemo-attractant properties of zymosan-activated plasma in Boyden chamber and agarose microdroplet assays but they responded only slightly (Boyden chamber) or not at all (agarose microdroplet) to the peptide N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP). Equine mononuclear cell movement was increased by FMLP in both assay systems and these cells also responded to zymosan activated plasma in the Boyden chamber assay but not in the agarose microdroplet. It is concluded that factors controlling equine polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cell movements into inflammatory exudates may differ.  相似文献   

新疆地区一株马流感病毒的分离及鉴定   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
2007年10月,我国新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰地区富蕴县发现马匹出现呼吸道疾病,发病马表现出典型的流行性感冒症状。经过临床诊断、病原分离、电镜观察以及病毒基因序列分析,确定病原为马流行性感冒病毒,属于H3N8亚型,该株病毒与近年来马流行性感冒病毒北美洲流行株的同源性较高,命名为A/equine/xinjiangFuyun/3/2007(H3N8)。  相似文献   

Isolation and molecular characterisation of equine rotaviruses from Germany   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 26 rotavirus positive faecal samples of diarrhoeal foals, and 8 equine rotavirus isolates were examined. Viral RNA patterns were generated, G typing was performed by PCR, and a P[12]-specific DNA probe was developed for P typing. Furthermore, five equine rotavirus isolates were sequenced in the genomic regions coding for VP7 and part of VP4. Rotaviruses of genotype G3 P[12] were found in 22 faecal samples and G14 P[12] type could be found in 4 faecal samples. These findings confirm that in Germany G3 P[12] is the predominating type of equine rotaviruses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of the addition of enzyme scavengers and antioxidants to the cryopreservation extender on characteristics of equine spermatozoa after freezing and thawing. SAMPLE POPULATION: 2 ejaculates collected from each of 5 stallions. PROCEDURE: Equine spermatozoa were cryopreserved in freezing extender alone (control samples) or with the addition of catalase (200 U/mL), superoxide dismutase (200 U/mL), reduced glutathione (10 mM), ascorbic acid (10 mM), alpha-tocopherol (25, 50, 100, or 500 microM or 1 mM), or the vehicle for alpha-tocopherol (0.5% ethanol). After thawing, spermatozoal motility was assessed via computer-assisted analysis and DNA fragmentation was assessed via the comet assay. Spermatozoal mitochondrial membrane potential, acrosomal integrity, and viability were determined by use of various specific staining techniques and flow cytometry. RESULTS: The addition of enzyme scavengers or antioxidants to cryopreservation extender did not improve spermatozoal motility, DNA fragmentation, acrosomal integrity, viability, or mitochondrial membrane potential after thawing. Superoxide dismutase increased DNA fragmentation, likely because of the additional oxidative stress caused by the generation of hydrogen peroxide by this enzyme. Interestingly, the addition of the vehicle for alpha-tocopherol resulted in a significant decrease in live acrosome-intact spermatozoa. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The addition of antioxidants to the cryopreservation extender did not improve the quality of equine spermatozoa after thawing, which suggests that the role of oxidative stress in cryopreservation-induced damage of equine spermatozoa requires further investigation. Our data suggest that solubilizing alpha-tocopherol in ethanol may affect spermatozoal viability; consequently, water-soluble analogues of alpha-tocopherol may be preferred for future investigations.  相似文献   

通过Tryp LE消化马羊膜收集羊膜上皮细胞,经过传代培养后,用免疫荧光染色、RT-PCR及流式细胞技术(FACS)分析其干细胞特征。免疫荧光染色发现马羊膜上皮细胞表达SSEA-1、SSEA-3、SSEA-4、TRA-1-60和TRA-1-81,只有少量的半贴壁细胞表达Oct4;RTPCR进一步证实马羊膜上皮细胞表达Oct4、Nanog和Sox2,而不表达STAT-3;流式细胞技术分析显示马羊膜上皮细胞也表达CD44、CD90、CD105,但不表达CD45。马羊膜上皮细胞培养三代时,平均倍增时间为(1.25±0.17)d。研究结果表明,通过Tryp LE消化马羊膜上皮可以分离获得马羊膜上皮细胞。  相似文献   

The use of cultured tissue has not yet become widespread in research involving equine disease, and this may be attributable in part to the scarcity of published reports concerning tissue culture methods for this species. We report here the isolation of equine microvascular endothelium (EMVE) from fresh omental tissue of horses and ponies. Fresh donor tissue was minced, subjected to collagenase digestion, and filtered. Cells were layered on 5% bovine serum albumin for gravity sedimentation, the bottom layer was collected, and the cells were plated onto fibronectin-coated flasks. Medium consisted of Dulbecco modified Eagle medium with 10% whole fetal bovine serum (wFBS) and 20 micrograms of endothelial cell growth supplement/ml. The EMVE grew readily in culture, had the cobblestone morphologic feature at confluence, stained positively for factor VIII-related antigen, and metabolized acetylated low-density lipoprotein. Fibroblast and smooth muscle cell contamination was minimal in primary cell cultures, which were successfully passed and maintained in culture for 3 to 5 serial passages, using various media and substrates. Preliminary studies were undertaken to determine optimal growth conditions with a range of variables: serum concentration, extracellular matrix components, and growth factors, Optimal conditions were achieved with a minimum of 10% wFBS, and with either fibronectin or laminin as extracellular matrix substrates. The EMVE grew adequately in Dulbecco modified Eagle medium plus 10% wFBS, and the added growth factors or serum supplements did not appear necessary for growth of EMVE.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are able to differentiate into multi-lineage cells such as adipocytes, chondroblasts, and osteoblasts. Amniotic membrane from whole placenta is a good source of stem cells in humans. This membrane can potentially be used for wound healing and corneal surface reconstruction. Moreover, it can be easily obtained after delivery and is usually discarded as classified waste. In the present study, we successfully isolated and characterized equine amniotic membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells (eAM-MSCs) that were cultured and maintained in low glucose Dulbecco''s modified Eagle''s medium. The proliferation of eAM-MSCs was measured based on the cumulative population doubling level (CPDL). Immunophenotyping of eAM-MSCs by flow cytometry showed that the major population was of mesenchymal origin. To confirm differentiation potential, a multi-lineage differentiation assay was conducted. We found that under appropriate conditions, eAM-MSCs are capable of multi-lineage differentiation. Our results indicated that eAM-MSCs may be a good source of stem cells, making them potentially useful for veterinary regenerative medicine and cell-based therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To isolate and characterize bone marrow-derived equine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for possible future therapeutic applications in horses. SAMPLE POPULATION: Equine MSCs were isolated from bone marrow aspirates obtained from the sternum of 30 donor horses. PROCEDURES: Cells were cultured in medium (alpha-minimum essential medium) with a fetal calf serum content of 20%. Equine MSC features were analyzed to determine selfrenewing and differentiation capacity. For potential therapeutic applications, the migratory potential of equine MSCs was determined. An adenoviral vector was used to determine the transduction rate of equine MSCs. RESULTS: Equine MSCs can be culture-expanded. Equine MSCs undergo cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen without altering morphologic characteristics. Furthermore, equine MSCs maintain their ability to proliferate and differentiate after thawing. Immunocytochemically, the expression of the stem cell marker CD90 can be detected on equine MSCs. The multilineage differentiation potential of equine MSCs was revealed by their ability to undergo adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our data indicate that bone marrow-derived stromal cells of horses can be characterized as MSCs. Equine MSCs have a high transduction rate and migratory potential and adapt to scaffold material in culture. As an autologous cell population, equine MSCs can be regarded as a promising cell population for tissue engineering in lesions of the musculoskeletal system in horses.  相似文献   

With recent large-breed organization acceptance, the use of frozen semen is gaining more attention in the equine industry. However, cryopreserved stallion semen is commonly associated with poor quality and decreased pregnancy rates as compared with those produced during normal mating or with cooled semen techniques. Therefore our objective was to investigate a new unique freezing technique (UFT) with the intent of improving fertility outcomes. A series of experiments tested the UFT compared with traditional liquid nitrogen methodology in combination with influence of the extenders and stallions used. In Experiment 1, post-thaw motility results of UFT variations were compared with those from liquid nitrogen methods. The averaged post-thaw motility percentages of the 4 UFT treatments were similar when compared with the traditional liquid nitrogen control group (P = .845). In Experiment 2, 2 egg-yolk–based freezing extenders, Biladyl AB intended for bovine samples and Freezing Medium Test Yolk Buffer used for human samples, were compared. A significant difference in the average post-thaw motilities was found between Biladyl AB (17%) and Freezing Medium Test Yolk Buffer (25%) (P < .002). In the third experiment, we compared variability among stallions using the UFT with the intention of creating a more consistent outcome. Post-thaw motilities and percent of original motility returns among the 4 stallions were significantly different (P < .001). In a field trial using shipped semen from a regional stallion station, the UFT demonstrated very promising results.In conclusion, the UFT may potentially be used as an alterative freezing method to replace current liquid nitrogen methodology. However, further investigation is needed to refine techniques.  相似文献   

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