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产harpin的成团泛菌工程菌的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 梨火疫病菌(Erwinia amylovora)产生的胞外蛋白harpin是引发其非寄主植物过敏反应的因子。harpin蛋白还具有诱导植物抗性的功能。成团泛菌(Pantoea agglomerans)308R对链格胞属(Alternaria)的真菌具有拮抗活性,是一株抗利福霉素的自发突变株,对壮观霉素敏感。本文通过电击转化法将带有梨火疫病菌hrp基因簇的重组质粒pCPP430导入308R。所得转化子具有pCPP430的壮观霉素抗药性标记,在番茄上引起过敏反应;从转化子中提取到与pCPP430大小一样的质粒,其酶切物理图谱也与pCPP430完全相同;用地高辛标记的harpin的结构基因hrpN为探针对转化子中的质粒进行Southern blotting分析,结果在转化子中得到信号明显的杂交片段,而受体菌308R中未出现杂交信号;提取细菌的外壁的蛋白质进行PAGE分析,在大约44 kd的位置上308R(pCPP430)比308R明显多出1条带。这些结果表明成团泛菌能够表达梨火疫病菌的hrp基因簇,所产harpin蛋白也是有活性的。  相似文献   

北京地区蔬菜软腐细菌病原的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 近年来京郊蔬菜软腐病害有所增加.经对夏季各类主要蔬菜和窖藏后期的大白菜研究鉴定,欧氏软腐细菌为害大白菜、蕃茄、青椒、马铃薯、黄瓜、冬瓜、南瓜和丝瓜等。经过形态、生理生化特性、致病性等一系列的测定,发现蔬菜上腐烂细菌的种类有所变化,窖藏后期大白菜腐烂主要病原是假单孢杆菌(Pseudomonas spp)夏季蔬菜上主要是胡萝卜软腐欧氏杆菌胡萝卜软腐致病型(Erwinia carotovora pv.carotovora),在蕃茄和丝瓜上还发现有胡萝卜软腐欧氏菌马铃薯黑胫病致病型(Erwinia carotovora pv.atroseptica).  相似文献   

软腐欧氏杆菌的蛋白酶与致病作用的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 胡罗卜软腐欧氏杆菌(Erwinia carotovora var.carotovora Dyc)在合成培养基MS中产生两种蛋白酶,但在无细胞滤液中测不到果胶裂解酶和果胶水解酶的活性。用等电聚焦电泳测得这两种蛋白酶都是碱性蛋白酶,等电点分别为8.3和8.9。变性温度为49-50℃,对酸或碱具有较高的稳定性。纯化的蛋白酶单独作用马铃薯块、能使其变软,切片观察表明细胞壁被明显降解。通过滤膜结合法,将供体菌1830/pJB4J1::Tn5的转座子转入到野生型StEcc-12中,从2000个接合子中获得了11个缺少产蛋白酶能力的突变体。这些突变体的分泌性蛋白质等电聚焦图谱与野生型菌株明显不同,其中一个变突体蛋白酶带完全缺失,另外一个则出现8条新的蛋白带,其他5个属部分缺失。这些突变体对马铃薯块组织离析、腐烂的能力都有不同程度的减弱。研究结果认为在由胡罗卜软腐欧氏杆菌引起的软腐病程中蛋白酶和果胶酶是协同作用的,果胶酶降解植物细胞间和胞壁中的果胶质,而蛋白酶则降解植物细胞壁和膜中的蛋白质。  相似文献   

胡萝卜软腐欧氏杆菌胡萝卜亚种游动性突变体的筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 用转座子Tn5对胡萝卜软腐欧氏杆菌胡萝卜亚种(Erwinia carotovora subsp.carotovora,Ecc)进行诱变,获得9个游动性改变了的突变体。M432游动性变大;M143、M451和M574游动性完全丧失;M43、M49、M330、M725和M726游动性较野生型变小。这9个突变体在大白菜叶柄上的致病力均减弱。游动性变小或丧失的突变体鞭毛数目减少或未发现有鞭毛。  相似文献   

 用3种试验方法测定了大白菜细菌凝集素(Agin-SD60)和软腐欧氏杆菌脂多精(LPS),在双方接触识别中的作用。在吸附抑制试验中,来自大白菜和马铃曾的Agin-SD60显示约98%的吸附抑制效应,另3种植物的Agin-SD60及大白菜外源凝集素(lectin)和细咆壁蛋白质(CWP)无明显作用;同时用不同种类的7个菌侏的LPS作测定,只有病菌的LPS吸附抑制作用明显(93.37%),其胞外多糖(EPS)也无作用。在菌体凝集试验中,也只有大白菜和马铃薯的Agin-SD60表现50%~100%的凝集活性。在琼脂双扩散试验中,寄主Agin-SD60可与病菌菌体及其LPS发生免疫沉淀。这些结果说明,Agin-SD60和菌体LPS在大白菜与软幅欧氏杆菌接触识别中分别作为植物识别子(cognor)和细菌识别子(cognon)起作用。  相似文献   

荧光假单胞菌Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24是根围促生细菌(PGPR),具有Ⅲ型分泌系统(T3SS)。为了在2P24中表达植物过敏反应激发子harpin,赋予生防菌诱导抗病性能力,本文选择可在2P24中表达的来自Pseudomonas syringae pv.tomato DC3000的avrPto1基因启动子与水稻细菌性条斑病菌Xanthomonasoryzae pv.oryzicola harpin蛋白编码基因hpa1进行融合,实现了harpin蛋白在2P24的表达。重组菌株通过T3SS分泌harpin蛋白,可激发烟草产生过敏反应(HR),激活HR途径的HIN1基因和HRS203J基因以及病程相关蛋白PR1a基因的转录表达。harpin重组菌株与2P24一样,对小麦赤霉病菌Fusarium graminearum和棉花枯萎病菌F.oxysporum f.sp.vasinfectum具有抑制作用。这为利用植物-病原物互作中激发植物产生抗病性的激发子来遗传改良生防微生物奠定了理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

新疆加工型辣椒细菌性斑点病的发生和病原鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 新疆加工型辣椒主要产区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州发生了一种严重危害辣椒的细菌性病害。从发病辣椒叶片中分离细菌,通过烟草过敏性反应、马铃薯软腐试验和接种辣椒等致病性测定,确定了13个致病菌株,各菌株之间致病力无明显差异。通过菌体形态、培养性状观察、生理生化反应、寄主范围测定,结合16S rDNA和rpoD基因扩增、序列测定和系统发育分析,将病原菌鉴定为丁香假单胞菌丁香致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae)。病原菌人工接种还能侵染番茄、茄子、马铃薯及黄瓜、四季豆、白菜、萝卜、芹菜等植物。P. syringae pv. syringae引起加工型辣椒细菌性斑点病在国内属首次报道。  相似文献   

水稻基腐病细菌和玉米茎腐病细菌的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 对水稻基腐病细菌(18个菌株)、玉米茎腐病细菌和菊欧氏杆菌的6个致病变种的标准菌株及胡萝卜软腐欧氏杆菌的两个致病变种(Erwinia carotovora pv.carotovora和E.c.pv.atroseptica)进行了58项生化试验的比较。结果水稻菌株在生化性状上与玉米菌株十分相似,最接近菊欧氏杆菌玉米致病变种(E.chrysanthemi pv.zeae),但水稻基腐病细菌在兰色素产生,丙二酸、酒石酸钠利用,产氨和过氧化氢酶活性等项上与玉米致病变种不同。在致病性比较中,水稻菌株比玉米菌株致病力强,寄主范围广。可能是一个独特的致病变种。全细胞蛋白聚丙烯酰胺圆盘电泳的研究表明水稻菌株的蛋白电泳带数与玉米菌株相同,均为16条,但电泳带的迁移率互不相同。血清学研究表明水稻基腐病细菌和玉米致病变种没有共同抗原。  相似文献   

 马铃薯粉痂菌(Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea)是引起马铃薯粉痂病的病原。本研究根据粉痂菌内部转录间隔区和线粒体DNA的保守区域,分别设计了2对适用于普通PCR的引物A5/A9、C3/C8和1对适用于荧光定量PCR的引物QF/QR,用于检测块茎和土壤样品中的粉痂菌。特异性检测结果表明:引物对A5/A9和C3/C8,以马铃薯粉痂菌DNA为模板,能分别扩增出264和367 bp大小的单一条带,而对其他非靶标DNA无扩增;引物对QF/QR对马铃薯粉痂菌有单一的熔解峰,说明三对引物特异性良好。灵敏性检测结果表明:荧光定量PCR灵敏度为13.8 fg·μL-1,是普通PCR灵敏度的1 000倍。进一步建立循环域值(Ct)与质粒DNA含量的曲线关系,获得标准曲线y=-3.893 9 x+35.228,R2 = 0.9966,呈良好线性关系。通过对不同地区采集的18份带菌种薯和18份带菌土壤进行普通PCR和荧光定量PCR检测,引物A5/A9、C3/C8和QF/QR对带菌种薯检测率均为100%,对带菌土壤的检测率分别为44.44%、66.67%和100%。本研究建立的马铃薯粉痂病菌快速检测方法,能及时、准确地检测带菌种薯和土壤,为马铃薯粉痂病的早期诊断和防治提供依据。  相似文献   

水稻细菌性基腐病的侵染规律和病理解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 水稻细菌性基腐病是近年来发现并日趋严重的水稻病害.经鉴定,病原菌的细菌学性状与菊欧氏杆菌玉米致病变种(Erwinia chrysanthemi PV.Zeal)相似。本文通过接种实验和扫描电镜观察,证明基腐病细菌可从叶片上的水孔、伤口、受伤的叶鞘和根系侵入,引起不同类型的症状,而以根系侵入为主.首次报导该病原菌侵入后主要在根、茎的气腔中作系统侵染.  相似文献   

Soft rot erwiniae are a group of notorious plant pathogens for which currently available detection methods are inadequate. Based on the polymerase chain reaction, specific and sensitive detection of Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica and E. chrysanthemi in potato tubers has been achieved. The composition of the PCR primers used in two specific detection systems is based on identification of the consensus of sequences of metalloprotease-coding genes present in soft rot erwiniae. Bacterial DNA was extracted from the potato tuber matrix by differential centrifugation in order to avoid interference of potato-derived compounds with the performance of the PCR assay. The PCR assay jjerformed with the E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica specific primer set was found to be capable of distinguishing E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica from all other Erwinia species and the closely related subspecies E. carotovora subsp. carotovora. With the E. chrysanthemi specific primer set, agarose gel electrophoresis is required for unequivocal differentiation between E. chrysanthemi and other erwiniae. Combined with the efficient extraction procedure, the assay allowed specific detection of less than 103 culturable erwiniae per tuber. The specificity and sensitivity of the assay were not reduced in the presence of a 100-fold excess of DNA from both related and unrelated bacteria. This PCR-based method for detection of erwiniae in potato tubers provides a relatively fast and sensitive alternative to routinely applied serological methods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Late blight (Phytophthora infestans), pink rot (Phytophthora erythroseptica), leak (Pythium ultimum), dry rot (Fusarium sambucinum), and soft rot (Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora and subsp. atroseptica) are particularly damaging diseases of stored potato tubers worldwide. In this study, we present a methodology to detect and quantify the causal agents of the five aforementioned diseases from whole potato tubers, using real-time quantitative-polymerase chain reaction. Six primer pairs were designed to amplify targets smaller than 150-bp DNA in single copy protein-coding gene targets of each of the pathogens and the potato host. Using a large collection of pure culture DNA samples, all primer pairs specifically detected the DNA target in the intended pathogenic species. Amplification efficiencies over a five-log dilution series ranged between 95 and 100% and were unaffected by the presence of large amounts of host DNA. The detection level of the primers reached 0.5 pg of target DNA. Pathogens were detected in 100 pg of total DNA extracted from 170 to 250 g of tubers, 4 days after inoculation, regardless of the presence of symptoms. The presence of P. erythroseptica, Pythium ultimum, or E. carotovora was also detected in 1 ng of DNA extracted from potato tubers collected from a commercial storage facility. This study provides the first step in a methodology to predict the storability of potato tubers following harvest.  相似文献   

The variability within a collection of 100 isolates of Erwinia collected from various potato cultivars and locations in Algeria was studied using physiological, biochemical and molecular tests. The comparison of their biochemical characteristics with those of the type isolates CFBP 1526 ( E. carotovora ssp. atroseptica ), CFBP 2046 ( E. carotovora ssp. carotovora ) and CFBP 2048 ( E. chrysanthemi ) indicated that all the isolates collected in Algeria belonged to the species E . carotovora . They included 40 typical E. carotovora ssp. carotovora and 14 E. carotovora ssp. atroseptica ; the remaining 46 isolates could not be classified as E. carotovora ssp. atroseptica or ssp. carotovora , even though they were true Erwinia. Amplification of total genomic DNA with the primers Y1 and Y2, specific for E. carotovora , yielded an amplified fragment of the expected size in 99 isolates. The primers Y45 and Y46 specifically amplified a 439-bp DNA fragment in all E. carotovora ssp. atroseptica isolates tested, but not in isolates of the other E. carotovora subspecies or in atypical isolates, as expected from the characteristics of these primers . The digestion patterns of the 99 amplified products with the restriction enzymes Alu I, Hae II, Hpa II and Sau3A I yielded 12 RFLP groups, three of which were undescribed. The 14 isolates of E. carotovora ssp. atroseptica shared a single restriction pattern (RFLP group 1), while the typical isolates of E. carotovora ssp. carotovora and the atypical isolates composed the remaining groups (3, 4, 8–10, 12, 14, 22 and 25–27), reflecting the heterogeneity among these isolates.  相似文献   

In Israel field infections of potato plants by Erwinia chrysanthemi are characterized by wilting of the leaves followed by total desiccation of the plants. These symptoms are indistinguishable from those caused by Verticillium dahliae or those that develop during the normal process of plant senescence. Diagnosis of E. chrysanthemi in the spring-sown (February) crop in Israel is difficult because all three conditions often appear at approximately the same time, late in the growing season in May when the air temperature exceeds 25°C. The symptoms of E. chrysanthemi infection were reproduced in the field when potato seed tubers, tested and found to be contaminated at a low level with E. carotovora pv. carotovora , were inoculated with a strain of E. chrysanthemi isolated from a diseased potato plant. When plants in a growth cabinet at 30°C were stem-inoculated with E. chrysanthemi , similar symptoms developed when the relative humidity was low ( c . 80%). Presence of the disease only on plants grown from seed contaminated with E. chrysanthemi and not from uncontaminated seed suggests that the bacterium is seed borne, as is E. carotovora pv. atroseptica , the blackleg pathogen.  相似文献   

彩色马蹄莲欧文氏菌PCR检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术检测彩色马蹄莲欧文氏菌纯培养和彩色马蹄莲样品,并用分离培养技术加以验证。结果表明,PCR能特异地检测出所有10个彩色马蹄莲欧文氏菌菌株,并证实了昆明地区侵染彩色马蹄莲的细菌为胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌(Erwiniacarotovora subsp.carotovora)。PCR与分离培养技术检测结果基本一致,但总体上PCR检测阳性率稍高于分离培养检测的发病率。接种马铃薯、大白菜24h后接种点处均出现明显软腐症状。该项技术具有更高的灵敏度,适用于彩色马蹄莲种苗的检测和病害流行学研究。  相似文献   

采用Echandi方法,测定了从国内不同植物上分离,经鉴定的3个种和亚种的软腐欧氏杆菌(Erwiniacarotovora var.carotovora Dye,E.carotovora var.otroseptica Dye,E.chrysanthemi Burkholder.etal.)的224个菌株产生细菌素的能力。指示菌为代表3个不同种的菌株。测定结果表明:224个试验菌株中能产细菌素的有97个,占总数的43.3%。经测定产生细菌素的专化性有所不同,约各有1/3菌株分别对3种、2种、1种指示菌有抑制作用。有些广谱的细菌素甚至对其它属的植物病原细菌也有抑制作用。少数种内专化的产细菌素菌株可望用于软腐欧氏杆菌种鉴定的辅助手段。电镜观察初步表明,这些细菌素可能是分子大小不同的两种类型的细菌素:小分子细菌素在电镜下不可见,大分子细菌素具有短杆状结构,颇似无头壳的噬菌体的尾部。  相似文献   

Erwinia amylovora is the bacterium responsible for fire blight, a necrotic disease affecting many rosaceous plants and especially pear tree and apple tree. A protein named harpin, secreted through the Hrp secretion pathway and able to elicit an hypersensitive reaction (HR) on tobacco has recently been isolated. Mutants inhrpN, the gene encoding harpin were described as non pathogenic on immature pear fruit and unable to elicit an HR on tobacco [Weiet al., 1992; Wei and Beer, 1993]. In this paper, the phenotype on plant ofhrpN mutants was carefully determined.hrpN mutants expressed a weak but significant virulence on host plants. Furthermore, when infiltrated into tobacco leaf mesophyll, thehrpN mutants elicited varied responses that fluctuated from null reaction to full necrosis of the infiltrated area. These results show that harpin is not absolutely required neither for pathogenicity on host plant nor for elicitation of an hypersensitive reaction on tobacco. Furthermore, in all the tests performed, mutant blocked in harpin secretion remained non pathogenic and unable to elicit an HR on tobacco. This suggests that factor(s), different from harpin, involved both in pathogenicity and HR eliciting ability is (are) secreted through the Hrp secretion pathway.Abbreviations HR hypersensitive reaction - NSI necrosis severity index - CFU colonie forming units  相似文献   

In this study, the reliability and efficiency of three procedures for verification of IFC-positive colonies of Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica were compared: (1) PCR amplification, (2) reisolation on a non-selective medium (trypticase soy agar) followed by direct immunodiffusion (TSA-DID), developed for isolation of target and cross-reacting bacteria, and (3) reisolation on a selective medium (crystal-violet pectate) and characterization of selected isolates with Ouchterlony double diffusion (DLCVP-ODD), developed for isolation of pectinolytic Erwinia spp. The reliability of a PCR amplification procedure for characterization of E.c. atroseptica was evaluated. Specific amplification products could be produced from DNA of all 187 European strains of the bacterium, while no amplification products were obtained from DNA of four distinctive serological groups of bacteria cross-reacting with antibodies against E.c. atroseptica , nor from DNA of randomly selected saprophytic bacteria isolated from potato peel extracts. All 60 immunofluorescent-positive target colonies from a potato peel extract with added E.c. atroseptica tested were positive by PCR compared with 68 and 72% successful determinations by TSA-DID and DLCVP-ODD, respectively. PCR enabled verification of fluorescent colonies from IFC preparations of naturally infected seed lots with an efficiency of 93%, compared with 48 and 71% successful determinations by TSA-DID and DLCVP-ODD, respectively. It is concluded that PCR is useful for routine confirmation of the identity of fluorescent colonies in IFC.  相似文献   

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