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A rock pigeon (Columba livia) caught in Akihabara, Tokyo, showed neurological symptoms, such as head tilt and circling. Pathological examinations revealed abundant Sarcocystic cysts in the skeletal muscle and myocardium with mild myositis, and numerous schizonts and sarcocysts with severe multifocal granulomatous T-lymphocytic infiltration in the central nervous system. A Sarcocystis calchasi-specific gene was detected in the muscle and brain. This case indicates S. calchasi was distributed in Japan and caused severe encephalitis to rock pigeons.  相似文献   

Studies on the in vitro excystation of Sarcocystis gigantea sporocysts revealed that pretreatment before exposure to trypsin and bile was an essential prerequisite. However, in contrast to Sarcocystis tenella and Sarcocystis capracanis, incubation in cysteine hydrochloride under CO2 was largely unsuccessful for excysting Sarcocystis gigantea: of the pretreatments tested, only exposure to sodium hypochlorite proved effective. Excystation from sodium hypochlorite-pretreated S. gigantea sporocysts took place in trypsin and bile between temperatures of 30 and 43 degrees C and occurred rapidly at 39 degrees C. While the presence of bile or bile salts was essential for this process, that of trypsin was not, although more sporocysts excysted in its presence than in its absence. Excystation occurred in the presence of all bile types tested but not when Tween 80 was substituted for bile. The highest levels of excystation were recorded when cattle or sheep bile or sodium taurocholate were used and the lowest when chicken or pig bile were employed. Neither the concentration of sheep bile above 2.5%, nor hydrogen ion concentration (pH range 5.0-10.0) appeared to have any marked effect on the level of excystation obtained.  相似文献   

A method for the mass recovery of S. gigantea sporocysts from cat faeces involving homogenisation and centrifugation in water, passage through 250- and 53-microns sieves and floatation in 1.2 SG NaCl solution, is described. An examination of the various processes involved in this procedure showed that the greatest yields were obtained when a proportion of faeces to floatation medium of 1:20 and centrifugation at 6000 X g for at least 5 min was used. Ninety-six per cent of the sporocysts recovered were obtained from the first centrifugation in aqueous NaCl solution (SG 1.2). Although neither sieving nor additional washing of homogenised samples prior to floatation significantly affected sporocyst recovery, both reduced the amount of debris present. A considerable reduction in the amount of debris resulted from feeding infected cats on tinned fish rather than tinned meat. The addition of CCl4 to the NaCl solution also improved sporocyst purity but with a marked reduction in the numbers recovered.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term storage on the viability and infectivity of Sarcocystis neurona sporocysts was investigated. S. neurona sporocysts were harvested from the small intestine of Virginia opossums from 1996 to 2002 and stored at 4 degrees C. Viability of sporocysts was assessed by propidium iodide (PI) exclusion assay, in vitro excystation and development in tissue cultures, and bioassay in gamma-interferon gene knockout (gamma-IFN-KO) mice. The rate of excystation was apparently unaffected by long-term storage; sporocysts retained their ability to excyst after 7 years of storage at 4 degrees C. However, the ability of sporocysts to exclude PI stain, to invade and proliferate in cells in vitro, and to cause disease and lesions in gamma-IFN-KO mice appeared to decline as sporocysts age. The results demonstrated that sporocysts of S. neurona were able to survive and maintain moderate to high viability for up to 7 years when stored in phosphate buffered saline and Hank's balanced salt solution containing antibiotic-antimycotic mixture at 4 degrees C.  相似文献   

Lesions of sarcocystosis were studied in 14 calves necropsied between seven and 110 days after inoculation with 5000 to 25 million sporocysts of Sarcocystis hirsuta from cats. Calves developed fever, anemia, and diarrhea between 11 and 30 days after inoculation. The development of first generation meronts in arteries of small intestine, mesentery, and mesenteric lymph nodes seven to 25 days after inoculation was associated with vascular occlusion and necrosis of associated tissues. The development of second generation meronts in capillaries of striated muscles 15 to 23 days after inoculation was associated with necrosis, edema, and nonsuppurative myositis in heart and other muscles. Sixty-two days after inoculation lesions were reduced to focal areas of granulomatous inflammation around degenerating sarcocysts in striated muscles, but not in the heart.  相似文献   

Sarcocystosis was studied in 37 sheep after oral inoculation with 10(4)-5 x 10(7) sporocysts of Sarcocystis tenella from canine feces. Two sheep inoculated with 2.5 x 10(7) and 5 x 10(7) sporocysts became moribund 16 and 19 days post-inoculation (DPI), respectively, due to occlusion of arteries of gut and mesentery by first generation meronts. Sheep inoculated with 10(7) sporocysts remained clinically normal until 21 DPI and those inoculated with 10(5)-10(6) became ill 24-28 DPI due to anemia coincident with maturation of second generation meronts. Inflammation, hepatitis and myocarditis were the main lesions of acute and subacute ovine sarcocystosis. Inflammation began to subside by the time (75 DPI) sarcocysts matured. Sarcocystis-induced encephalitis was distinguished from naturally occurring myelomalacia in sheep caused by an unidentified sporozoan.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a serious neurological disease of horses in Americans. Most cases are attributed to infection of the central nervous system with Sarcocystis neurona. Parasitemia has not been demonstrated in immunocompetent horses, but has been documented in one immunocompromised foal. The objective of this study was to isolate viable S. neurona from the blood of immunocompetent horses. Horses used in this study received orally administered S. neurona sporocysts (strain SN 37-R) daily for 112 days at the following doses: 100/day for 28 days, followed by 500/day for 28 days, followed by 1000/day for 56 days. On day 98 of the study, six yearling colts were selected for attempted culture of S. neurona from blood, two testing positive, two testing suspect and two testing negative for antibodies against S. neurona on day 84 of the study. Two 10 ml tubes with EDTA were filled from each horse by jugular venipuncture and the plasma fraction rich in mononuclear cells was pipetted onto confluent equine dermal cell cultures. The cultures were monitored weekly for parasite growth for 12 weeks. Merozoites grown from cultures were harvested and tested using S. neurona-specific PCR with RFLP to confirm species identity. PCR products were sequenced and compared to known strains of S. neurona. After 38 days of in vitro incubation, one cell culture from a horse testing positive for antibodies against S. neurona was positive for parasite growth while the five remaining cultures remained negative for parasite growth for all 12 weeks. The Sarcocystis isolate recovered from cell culture was confirmed to be S. neurona by PCR with RFLP. Gene sequence analysis revealed that the isolate was identical to the challenge strain SN-37R and differed from two known strains UCD1 and MIH1. To our knowledge this is the first report of parasitemia with S. neurona in an immunocompetent horse.  相似文献   

Pigeon protozoal encephalitis (PPE) is an emerging central-nervous disease of domestic pigeons (Columba livia f. domestica) reported in Germany and the United States. It is caused by the apicomplexan parasite Sarcocystis calchasi which is transmitted by Accipter hawks. In contrast to other members of the Apicomplexa such as Toxoplasma and Plasmodium, the knowledge about the pathophysiology and host manipulation of Sarcocystis is scarce and almost nothing is known about PPE. Here we show by mRNA expression profiling a significant down-modulation of the interleukin (IL)-12/IL-18/interferon (IFN)-γ axis in the brains of experimentally infected pigeons during the schizogonic phase of disease. Concomitantly, no cellular immune response was observed in histopathology while immunohistochemistry and nested PCR detected S. calchasi. In contrast, in the late central-nervous phase, IFN-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α-related cytokines were significantly up-modulated, which correlated with a prominent MHC-II protein expression in areas of mononuclear cell infiltration and necrosis. The mononuclear cell fraction was mainly composed of T-lymphocytes, fewer macrophages and B-lymphocytes. Surprisingly, the severity and composition of the immune cell response appears unrelated to the infectious dose, although the severity and onset of the central nervous signs clearly was dose-dependent. We identified no or only very few tissue cysts by immunohistochemistry in pigeons with severe encephalitis of which one pigeon repeatedly remained negative by PCR despite severe lesions. Taken together, these observations may suggest an immune evasion strategy of S. calchasi during the early phase and a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction as cause of the extensive cerebral lesions during the late neurological phase of disease.  相似文献   

In vivo studies on the excystation of Sarcocystis gigantea and S. tenella sporocysts indicated that this process was, as in vitro, a diphasic one involving both pretreatment and treatment phases. The studies also tended to support in vitro observations that the requirements for the excystation of these two species are quite different. The results suggested that for neither species was the pretreatment stimulus likely to be provided by conditions in the rumen alone. However, exposure to abomasal conditions only induced moderate levels of excystation in both when they were subsequently treated with trypsin and bile. For S. gigantea, 0.25 to 4 h abomasal exposure was most effective; for S. tenella, 24 hours. The stimuli necessary to complete the excystation process could, apparently, be provided by 1 h placement in the duodenum for S. gigantea but not for S. tenella.  相似文献   

Gamma-interferon knockout mice have become the model animal used for studies on Sarcocystis neurona. In order to determine the viability of S. neurona sporocysts and to evaluate the course of the disease in these mice, sporocysts were collected from opossums (Didelphis virginiana), processed, and stored for varying periods of time. Gamma-interferon knockout mice were then inoculated orally with different isolates at different doses. These animals were observed daily for clinical signs until they died or it appeared necessary to humanely euthanize them. 15 of 17 (88%) mice died or showed clinical signs consistent with neurologic disease. The clinical neurologic symptoms observed in these mice appeared to be similar to those observed in horses. 15 of 17 (88%) mice were euthanized or dead by day 35 and organisms were observed in the brains of 13 of 17 (77%) mice. Dose appeared not to effect clinical signs, but did effect the amount of time in which the course of disease was completed with some isolates. The minimum effective dose in this study was 500 orally inoculated sporocysts. Efforts to titrate to smaller doses were not attempted. Direct correlation can be made between molecularly characterized S. neurona sporocysts and their ability to cause neurologic disease in gamma-interferon knockout mice.  相似文献   

Faecal flotations prepared after dosing a lamb with 3.5 X 10(6) dog-derived Sarcocystis sporocysts proved infective for other lambs for at least 7 days post-dosing. This confirms observations suggesting faecal transfer of sporocysts from treated to control lambs.  相似文献   

A technique for determining the numbers of S. gigantea sporocysts in cat faeces using a concentration procedure and haemocytometer was evaluated. The results showed that it was more accurate than a modified McMaster method and had a mean recovery rate of 73% at four levels of infection ranging from about 2000 to over 20,000 sporocysts per gram of faeces.  相似文献   

Ten 75- to 105-day-pregnant does each were inoculated orally within 1 million (2 does), 10,000 (4 does), or 1,000 (4 does) sporocysts of Sarcocystis from coyote feces. Two does not inoculated with sporocysts served as controls. The 2 does inoculated with 1 million sporocysts died from acute sarcocystosis 21 and 22 days after inoculation (DAI), and each had 2 dead fetuses. The 4 does inoculated with 10,000 sporocysts were ill 19 to 33 DAI but survived; 1 aborted at 33 DAI, 1 had a live kid that died within 2 hours of birth 31 DAI, 1 aborted 2 dead fetuses 23 DAI, and 1 had a normal kid 56 DAI. The 4 does inoculated with 1,000 sporocysts and the 2 control does remained clinically normal and had normal kids. Does and their offspring were killed within 24 hours of parturition, and their tissues were examined histologically and microbiologically. Meronts of Sarcocystis were found in the maternal placenta of does inoculated with 1 million sporocysts. Sarcocystis was not found in the placenta, fetuses, or tissues of kids from does inoculated with 10,000 or 1,000 sporocysts, or from control does. Other abortifacient agents were not found in the placenta, fetuses, or kids from any does.  相似文献   

Half a million sporocysts of Sarcocystis levinei obtained from experimentally infected dogs were fed to a buffalo calf, and sarcocysts of this species were recovered from its oesophageal muscles when the animal was killed on the 62nd day of inoculation, thus establishing a buffalo-dog-buffalo cycle.  相似文献   

Gamma interferon knockout (KO) mice (n=74) were fed a lethal dose of approximately 1000 sporocysts of the SN15-OP isolate of Sarcocystis neurona. Groups of mice were given pelleted rodent feed containing 50ppm of diclazuril at different times before and after feeding sporocysts. All mice were examined at necropsy and their tissues were examined immunohistochemically for S. neurona infection. Twenty mice were fed sporocysts and given diclazuril starting 5 days before feeding sporocysts and continuing 30-39 days post-infection (p.i.). One mouse died of causes unrelated to S. neurona with no demonstrable parasites; the remaining 19 mice remained clinically normal and S. neurona organisms were not found in their tissues. Sarcocystis neurona organisms were not demonstrable by bioassay of the brains of these 19 mice in uninfected KO mice. Sarcocystis neurona organisms were not found in tissues of five mice treated with diclazuril, starting 7 days after feeding sporocysts and continuing up to 39 days p.i. Therapy was less efficient when diclazuril was given 10 days p.i. Sarcocystis neurona organisms were found in two of 19 mice treated with diclazuril starting 10 days after feeding sporocysts, in two of five mice starting therapy 12 days p.i., and in 10 of 10 mice when treatment was delayed until 15 days p.i. All 15 mice fed S. neurona, but not given diclazuril, developed neural sarcocystosis and were euthanized 22-30 days after feeding sporocysts. Six mice not fed S. neurona, but given diclazuril for 44 days, remained clinically normal. Results indicate that diclazuril can kill the early stages of S. neurona.  相似文献   

Four-week-old lambs at pasture were dosed with dog-derived Sarcocystis sporocysts. No difference in growth rates was apparent at a dose of 1 X 10(3) sporocysts per lamb. The minimum dose required to depress growth rate was 2.5 X 10(3) sporocysts per lamb: at 4 weeks post-inoculation (w.p.i.) the weight gain of lambs infected with this dose was 0.6 kg less than the non-infected controls (P less than 0.05). At 11 w.p.i. the difference was 0.7 kg, but this was not significant because of the greater average body weights of both groups. Lambs given 5 X 10(3) sporocysts showed significant depression of weight gain at both 4 and 11 w.p.i. Haematocrit levels at 4-5 weeks post-inoculation were depressed by doses as low as 1 X 10(3) sporocysts.  相似文献   

Sixteen pigs were each immunized by oral inoculation with 1000 sporocysts of Sarcocystis miescheriana at 8 weeks of age. Four equal groups were then challenged with 3 million sporocysts per animal at 40, 80, 120 or 160 days post-immunization (dpi). Host antibody responses were monitored using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the indirect fluorescent-antibody test (IFAT). When using class-specific ELISAs, dramatic increases in specific IgM-antibodies were observed at 21 dpi and increasing levels of IgG-antibodies were detected at 34 dpi. IgM-antibody titres dropped relatively quickly to insignificant levels, whereas IgG-antibody titres persisted at high levels until the end of the experiment. Following challenge, elevated levels of IgM-antibodies were detected, whereas IgG-antibody titres remained unchanged. The dynamics of the antibody titres detected by the IgG-IFAT closely corresponded to those detected by the IgG-ELISA. Despite the presence of specific antibodies at the time of challenge and the continued production of IgM-antibodies after challenge, the protective immunity decreased after 40 dpi and had disappeared by 120 dpi. Furthermore, none of the techniques used were suitable for the detection of specific antibodies during the early phase of acute sarcocystosis around 12 days after challenge.  相似文献   

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