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Abstract The present paper examines the impact of hydraulic engineering on fish production potential in Bangladesh by comparing the population dynamics of six species sampled from floodplains inside and outside the Pabna Irrigation and Rural Development Project (PIRDP) during 1995 and 1996. All the sampled populations were dominated by a single cohort for most of the year. Recruitment occurred both inside and outside the flood control scheme, coinciding with floodplain inundation. The growth of all the six species was rapid and strongly seasonal, and all species reached sexual maturity by the end of their first year. With only one exception, growth rates, condition and fecundity were either significantly higher inside the scheme, or not significantly different between the two sampling locations. Differences in growth performance were explained by fish density. No significant differences between sampling locations were detected in the length at maturity (Lm50), spawning period or instantaneous total mortality rate (Z). Estimates of Z were very high for all six species ranging from Z = 3.2 year?1 to Z = 4.7 year?1, equivalent to only 4% and 1% survival year?1, respectively. It was concluded that the production potential of individual fish is at least as high inside as outside the PIRDP and that the 38–51% lower yields per unit area recorded inside the scheme reflect its partial inaccessibility to migrant species.  相似文献   

碧流河水库底栖动物及其鱼产力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先后对碧流河水库的5个断面、10个采样点的底栖动物进行调察,采到寡毛类3种,水生昆虫2种。底栖动物的平均密度为335.6个/m2,平均生物量为2.013 g/m2。寡毛类的数量最多,软体动物贫乏。克拉泊水丝蚓和羽摇蚊幼虫是该库的2个优势种。底栖动物种群结构简单、种类单一。还对底栖动物的鱼产潜力进行了估算,其值为8.1 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - Ontogeny of the digestive tract and its accessory organs and their further development in the Indian walking catfish (Clarias magur) were examined in larvae,...  相似文献   

鲟鱼在英国、古罗马和中国古代的皇室都被视为珍品,故有“皇帝鱼”之称。鲟鱼籽酱位列世界三大珍味之一,价格奇高不下,被称为“黑色黄金”。杂交  相似文献   

条纹鲈又称条纹石鳍,原产于美国东海岸,是一种大型的肉食性鱼类,利用条纹鲈(♀)与白鲈(♂)杂交,产生的子一代为杂交条纹鲈,杂交条纹鲈与其亲本相比具有个体大、生长快、抗病力强、成活率高等优势,因而生产上把杂交条纹鲈作为主要的养殖对象。我们于1998年进行了杂交条纹鲈的一系列养殖及繁殖方面的探索,试验表明,杂交条纹鲈与我国现有鲈科养殖品种相比,具有外观美、肉质好,  相似文献   

Length–weight relationship (LWR) of 661 numbers of hatchery‐produced magur, Clarias magur of all the life stages such as hatchlings, fry, fingerlings, juveniles and adults, was studied. The LWR of all the life stages of magur was estimated and the equations are as follows, hatchlings W = 0.0052*L1.282 (r2 = 0.8784), fry W = 0.0088*L3.028 (r2 = 0.8113), fingerlings W = 0.0065*L3.226 (r2 = 0.8906), juveniles W = 0.0028*L3.420 (r2 = 0.8175) and adults W = 0.0017*L3.491 (r2 = 0.8310). A positive allometric growth (b > 3) was observed in all the life stages except hatchlings. The annual growth rate of magur was observed with the body length and weight of 24 ± 1 cm and 115 ± 17 g, respectively, under the commercial production system. This is the first kind of study that describes about the LWR and growth performance of all the life stages of hatchery‐produced C. magur catfish from hatchlings to adults under commercial production system. This study will be more useful to the hatchery managers and fish growers to optimize the resources and husbandry practices to improve the growth, survival, and biomass production.  相似文献   


Thai koi farming is relatively new in the aquaculture industry of Bangladesh. Costly industrial feed pellets is the main factor influencing the productivity of Thai koi (Anabas testudineus). Two types of feed, namely, floating and sinking, are commercially available in the country. The ingredients of both types of feed are more or less the same. Floating feed requires high technology, high pressure and temperature and hence is more expensive than sinking feed. Most of the Thai koi farmers use either floating or sinking feed, while some farmers use a mix of both types of feed. This article investigated the effects of these three feed types on Thai koi productivity using primary data collected from the Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. The performance of different feed types on productivity was investigated using the Cobb-Douglas production function and propensity score matching (PSM) methods. Floating feed led to the highest daily mean weight gain of fish, feed conversion ratios, and net returns. The regression and PSM results revealed that farmers using floating feed produced significantly higher quantity of fish per unit compared to those using the other feed types. The cost of feed per hectare was higher in the farms using the floating feed, but these farms earned extra return from the additional investment, compared with the farms that use the other feed types. Thai koi farmers are advised to use floating feed to reap higher production and returns on investment.  相似文献   

Rice field‐based fish seed production (RFFSP) has become established in parts of Northwest Bangladesh (NWB) as part of promoting improved rice‐based livelihoods. The impact of RFFSP on adopting households in terms of interactions of assets and other activities was assessed in a comparison of seed‐producing (RF; n = 60) and non‐seed‐producing (NRF; n = 58) households that were sampled randomly and ranked as poor, intermediate and better‐off. Adoption of RFFSP was not constrained by illiteracy of the household head, the size or ownership status of ponds, or lack of ownership of land or an irrigation pump. Poorer and intermediate households had smaller RF plots and lower production of fingerlings (kg per household) compared with the better‐off, although production efficiency (kg ha?1) was higher. Restocking of fingerlings in RF household ponds increased productivity by 60% over NRF. Fish consumption of better‐off RF households exceeded NFR by 50%. Among the poor, seasonal benefits of income from sales and subsistence consumption of fingerlings were significant. Rice production in irrigated, and income in both irrigated and rain‐fed seasons was higher, and production costs lower, in riceplots producing fish than in rice‐only plots. Implications for supporting the innovation networks promoting and establishing RFFSP among rice growers, are discussed.  相似文献   

An integrated aquaculture of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and self‐recruiting small fish mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) was conducted in farmers' rice fields at Mymensingh, Bangladesh. There were four treatments with three replications. Four stocking densities, 10 000, 15 000, 20 000 and 25 000 ha?1, of freshwater prawn were applied. The stocking density of mola was the same (20 000 ha?1) in all treatments. During land preparation, triple super phosphate (TSP) and murate of potash (MP) were applied at the rate of 150 and 75 kg ha?1 respectively. Urea was applied at the rate of 200 kg ha?1 in equally distributed three installments after 16, 45 and 65 days of rice plantation. Prawns were fed with commercial pelleted feed at 3–8% body weight. All water quality parameters were found to be within the suitable range for freshwater prawn culture. There was a homogenous abundance of plankton communities in all treatments. The results of a 4‐month culture period showed that the average production of prawn ranged from 222 to 388 kg ha?1, mola 51 to 68 kg ha?1 and rice 2 880 to 3 710 kg ha?1. Significantly higher production of both prawn and mola was recorded in the plots where the freshwater prawn stocking density was 15 000 ha?1. This treatment resulted in a net profit of USD 1100 ha?1.  相似文献   


Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) is a unique approach that offers total control to culture a wide variety of aquatic species. As capital investment is higher for setting up RAS, it is necessary to conduct an economic feasibility analysis based on real data. A structured questionnaire was used to collect all economic and technical data on two catfish species, viz., Pabda (Ompok pabda) and Shing (Heteropneustes fossilis), cultured in an RAS farm. The ultimate objective was to estimate net cash flow, net present value (NPV), profitability index (PI), payback period, discounted payback period, internal rate of return (IRR), and sensitivity analysis to find out the best profitability indicators. The analysis revealed that the IRR were 4% and 16% for Pabda and Shing production, respectively. However, for Pabda and Shing productions, the payback periods were 15 years and 4 months and 6 years and 2 months, respectively. The NPV value was positive for Shing production and negative for Pabda. On the other hand, the PI was lower than one for Pabda production and higher than one for Shing production. Therefore, the results showed that the Shing production in the RAS facility could be economically feasible; however, Pabda production may not be viable in RAS due to lower production and longer culture period. This study may suggest that by increasing the production capacity of the farm and market price of the product through the proper supply chain and by decreasing the initial investment, cost of fingerlings and feed, profitability can be achieved in RAS in Bangladesh.


中国林蛙的生物学及其养殖潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国林蛙俗称哈什蚂、黄蛤蟆、油蛤蟆、田鸡,是国家二级保护动物,也是一种经济价值极高,享誉国内外,集药用、食补、美容于一体的珍稀两栖类动物。一、中国林蛙的生物学和生态学中国林蛙(RanachensinensisDavid)隶属两栖纲、无尾目、蛙科、蛙属。1.形态构造中国林蛙成体体长范围为40mm~70mm,平均54mm。头略高,头宽约等于或小于头长;皮肤较平滑,背部及体侧有分散的圆疣或长疣,有时在肩上的疣粒排列呈“八”字形;生活时多数背面浅灰褐色或土黄色,一般在疣上散有深色斑点。雄蛙腹面大多数是乳白色,雌蛙腹面一般为红棕色;雄蛙前臂略粗壮,第一指…  相似文献   

Dual-purpose reservoirs for field irrigation and fish culture are characterized by the simultaneous (a) increase in standing crop biomass and feeds during the fish culture period and (b) decrease of water level due to irrigation. This management practice affects stratification, which in turn affects water quality and may affect the fish stocked. To study the limnology of dual-purpose reservoirs, an extensive sampling programme including automatic continuous recording and manual water sampling in deep and shallow reservoirs was carried out. This paper describes limnological changes during the week in which a 3 month long seasonal stratification ended and fish kills occurred. Management implications of stratification are also discussed. The data presented are the first continuous records of this process in this particular type of water body.  相似文献   

The application of trichlorfon, diflubenzuron, or fenthion to fertilized culture ponds stocked with 5-day-old, reciprocal-cross, hybrid striped bass fry resulted in an initial reduction in the concentration of rotifers and longer-term alteration of zooplankton successional stages, including changes in concentrations of rotifers, cladocerans, and copepods. Culture ponds without applied chemicals had the highest concentrations of small rotifers when fry were stocked, followed by high concentrations of cladocerans, copepod nauplii, and adult copepods. Fry survival in untreated ponds was higher than in chemically-treated ponds. Initial high concentrations of copepods in some ponds corresponded with low fry survival. Untreated ponds that were filled at the time of broodfish spawning, and stocked with fry 5 days later, had the highest fry survival rates, corresponding with peak rotifer concentrations, followed by a typical zooplankton succession.  相似文献   

Genetically improved farmed tilapia is increasingly getting popular in Bangladesh. It has high production potential. Its dominant production technology ranges from extensive to improved extensive particularly in the rural areas. This study estimates levels and determinants of farm-level technical efficiency of tilapia farmers of Bangladesh using stochastic frontier production function involving a model for technical inefficiency effects. Data from fifty tilapia farmers of Jessore district are used in the analysis. The mean technical efficiency level of the tilapia farmers is 78%, and thus, the farmers operate 22% below the frontier production. Inefficiency effect is significant, and age, education, income, culture length, pond age, pond depth, water colour and pond tenure, as a group, are significant determinants of technical inefficiency. By operating at full technical efficiency levels, tilapia yield can be improved from the current level of 7.36–8.96?tons per hectare. The decision to add or not to add inputs is sometimes taken arbitrarily and not based on technology requirement. There is a lack of understanding of the technology practices. Fisheries extension efforts are required for proper understanding of the technology practices, further adoption and spread. For promotion of tilapia production, quality feed and seed at affordable price needs to be ensured.  相似文献   

益生素及其在鱼类养殖中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了益生素的概念 ,益生素在鱼体内的作用机理及特点 ,益生素在鱼类养殖业中的应用 ,使用益生素应注意的问题  相似文献   

香鱼苗种繁育及养成技术   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
香鱼 (Pleccoglossusaltivelis)是我国重要的小型名贵经济鱼类 ,地方名有 :西瓜鱼 (丽水 )、八月香 (青田 )、海胎鱼 (山海关 )、鲇 (日本 )。其肉质细嫩 ,清香无腥 ,用火焙干后呈金黄色 ,色、香、味俱佳 ,有它独特的风味 ,因而自明朝迄今一直被视为食用鱼中之珍鱼。近几年由于江河水利设施日益增多和工业废水污染以及酷捕等原因 ,香鱼资源日趋减少。随着人们生活水平提高 ,旅游业发展及国外对香鱼的需求 ,香鱼的养殖业发展势在必行。本研究的目的就是通过人工繁殖 ,苗种培育和成鱼养殖摸索出一套实用的香鱼养殖技术…  相似文献   

A total of 5488 ha of oxbow lakes in Bangladesh has recently gained importance as a potential fishery resource. The growing need to utilize this resource to a fuller potential requires consideration of cage culture by resource-poor fishing communities as a compliment to existing stock enhancement programmes. In the present study, the existing management systems of eight lakes are reviewed. Water quality was analysed with reference to the largest lake, i.e. Lake Baluhar. During the present study, > 100 cm transparency indicated the suitability of a lake for cage culture. Other water quality parameters, especially dissolved oxygen, ammonia and nitrite concentrations, also indicated suitability for cage culture. Non-fisheries activities, such as the use of agricultural pesticides in the lake catchment and jute retting in its basin, were identified as the most harmful to fish by the majority of the fishermen. An integrated pest management programme using rice–fish based rearing systems in the lake catchment is recommended. It is further recommended that a unified management system should replace the existing dispersed systems under different management bodies.  相似文献   

There are approximately a dozen species of commercially interesting barnacles worldwide, some of which have been cultured on a semi‐industrial scale. These species are listed and information is provided with regard to geographical distribution, landings and prices. Traditionally, ‘goose’ barnacles (four species) are considered to be the most important for consumption. World production already stands at 500 tonnes year?1, but this species has not been cultured to date. Some ‘acorn’ barnacles are also consumed (seven species), with harvest levels per species that do not exceed 200 tonnes year?1 and selling prices that can reach US$17/kg. ‘Acorn’ barnacle culture on a world scale is still developing. Nevertheless, production has occurred on a semi‐industrial scale; specifically, spat have been collected from the wild and grown in suspended systems. Farming trials have focused on two species of acorn barnacles: Austromegabalanus psittacus (Molina 1782) ‘picoroco’ in Chile and Megabalanus azoricus (Pilsbry 1916) ‘craca’ in Portugal. The large‐scale production of these crustaceans will depend on the optimization of spat collection from the wild and/or the parallel development of mass production technologies for larvae (hatcheries). In addition, further development will be achieved by opening up new markets for commercialization.  相似文献   

梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)学名为三疣梭子蟹,是大型海产食用蟹类。20世纪80年代初,我国山东沿海进行了土池育肥和蓄养试验,并取得了初步成功,目前我国的南北沿海池塘养殖及蓄养再度兴起,梭子蟹也成为虾池综合养殖的种类之一。一、梭子蟹的生物学特性1.形态特征梭子蟹属  相似文献   

In spite of the long history of tilapia, introduced to Bangladesh in 1954, its culture has yet to become well established because of socioeconomic, technological, institutional, and marketing constraints. Nevertheless, a considerable number of farmers are involved in tilapia farming in the Mymensingh area of north-central Bangladesh. Almost all the tilapias produced are marketed internally for domestic consumption. The marketing chain from farmers to consumers encompasses primary, wholesale, and retail markets. Although the tilapia marketing system is traditional, it plays a vital role in connecting producers with consumers and thus contributes significantly in the value-adding process. Evidence from this study suggests that tilapia marketing could play a greater role in increasing food supply. However, sustainable development of tilapia marketing is essential, if tilapia is to become a more important component of food supplies in the country.  相似文献   

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