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Partial carcass dissection data from 1,031 finished crossbred beef steers were used to calculate heritabilities and genetic correlations among subcutaneous, intermuscular, and body cavity fat percentage and marbling score adjusted to slaughter age-, HCW-, fat depth-, and marbling score-constant endpoints. Genetic correlations were also calculated among these fat partitions with live growth and ultrasound traits evaluated in yearling beef bulls (n = 2,172) and steer carcass measurements. Heritabilities of the different fat partitions ranged from 0.22 (marbling score-constant body cavity fat) to 0.46 (HCW-constant marbling score). Genetic correlations between subcutaneous fat and intermuscular fat (rg = 0.16 to 0.32) and between intermuscular fat and body cavity fat (rg = 0.38 to 0.50) were more highly associated than subcutaneous fat and body cavity fat (rg = -0.08 to 0.05), indicating that fat depots are not under identical genetic control. Adjusting fat depots to different end points affected the magnitude but usually not the sign of the genetic correlations. Bull postweaning gain was associated with intermuscular (-0.24 to -0.35), body cavity (-0.24 to -0.29), and marbling fat (-0.24 to -0.39) in steers. Bull hip height was associated with body cavity (-0.20 to -0.29) and marbling fat (-0.20 to -0.47) in steers. Bull ultrasound fat depth was associated with subcutaneous (0.11 to 0.29), intermuscular (0.05 to 0.36), body cavity (0.27 to 0.49), and marbling fat (0.27 to 0.73) in steers. Bull ultrasound intramuscular fat percentage was associated with subcutaneous (-0.22 to -0.44) and intermuscular fat (-0.06 to 0.31) in steers. Bull ultrasound LM area was associated with body cavity (-0.25 to -0.31) and marbling fat (-0.25 to -0.30) in steers. Ultrasound LM width measurements were negatively correlated with subcutaneous fat (rg = -0.09 to -0.18), intermuscular fat (rg = -0.53 to -0.61), body cavity fat (rg = -0.63 to -0.69), and marbling score (rg = -0.75 to -0.87) at slaughter age-, HCW-, and fat depth-constant endpoints; correlations were generally lower at a marbling score-constant end point (rg = 0.07 to -0.49). Ultrasound indicator traits measured in seedstock may be useful in altering fat partitioning in commercial beef carcasses.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to estimate genetic parameters for carcass traits and evaluate the influence of slaughter end point on estimated breeding values (BV). Data provided by the American Simmental Association were divided into three sets: 1) 9,604 records of hot carcass weight (CW) and percentage retail cuts (PRC), 2) 6,429 records of CW, PRC, and marbling score (MS), and 3) 1,780 records of CW, PRC, MS, fat thickness (FT), and longissimus muscle area (LMA). Weaning weights (WW) from animals with carcass data and from their weaning contemporaries were used. Data were analyzed with a multiple-trait animal model and REML procedures to estimate genetic parameters and BV on an age-, CW-, MS-, or FT-constant basis. The model for carcass traits included fixed contemporary group and covariates for breed, heterozygosity, and slaughter end point and random additive direct genetic and residual effects. Weaning weight was preadjusted for founder effects, direct and maternal heterosis, age of dam, and age of calf. The model for WW included fixed contemporary group and random additive direct genetic, maternal genetic, maternal permanent environment, and residual effects. Heritabilities from data set 1 were 0.34 for CW and 0.25 for PRC on an age-constant basis and 0.25 for PRC on a CW end point. Heritabilities for data set 2 were 0.35, 0.24, and 0.36 for CW, PRC, and MS, respectively, on an age-constant basis. Data set 2 heritabilities were 0.25 for PRC and 0.34 for MS on a CW-constant basis and 0.33 for CW and 0.25 for PRC at a constant MS end point. Heritabilities on an age-constant basis for data set 3 were as follows: CW, 0.32; PRC, 0.09; MS, 0.12; FT, 0.10; and LMA, 0.26. Heritability estimates for data set 3 on a CW-, MS-, and FT-constant basis were similar to those on an age-constant basis. Heritabilities were 0.12 for PRC, 0.12 for MS, 0.14 for FT, and 0.22 for LMA on a CW-constant basis; 0.30 for CW, 0.09 for PRC, 0.10 for FT, and 0.28 for LMA at a constant MS end point; and 0.33, 0.17, 0.13, and 0.29 for CW, PRC, MS, LMA on a FT-constant basis. Genetic correlations among traits varied across groups and end points but suggested that it should be possible to select for improved lean yield without sacrificing quality grade. Correlations were calculated among BV computed at different end points. Adjustment to various end points resulted in some changes in BV and reranking of sires, especially for PRC; however, the number of records available had a larger influence than slaughter end point.  相似文献   

Carcass measurements from 1,664 steers from the Germ Plasm Utilization project at U.S. Meat Animal Research Center were used to estimate heritabilities (h(2)) of, and genetic correlations (r(g)) among, 14 carcass traits adjusted to different endpoints (age, carcass weight, and fat thickness): HCW (kg), dressing percent (DP), adjusted fat thickness (AFT, cm), LM area (LMA, cm(2)), KPH (%), marbling score (MS), yield grade (YG), predicted percentage of retail product (PRP), retail product weight (RPW, kg), fat weight (FW, kg), bone weight (BNW, kg), actual percentage retail product (RPP), fat percent (FP), and bone percent. Fixed effects in the model included breed group, feed energy level, dam age, birth year, significant (P < 0.05) interactions, covariate for days on feed, and the appropriate covariate for endpoint nested (except age) within breed group. Random effects in the model were additive genetic effect of animal and total maternal effect of dam. Parameters were estimated by REML. For some traits, estimates of h(2) and phenotypic variance changed with different endpoints. Estimates of h(2) for HCW, DP, RPW, and BNW at constant age, weight, or fat thickness were 0.27, -, and 0.41; 0.19, 0.26, and 0.18; 0.42, 0.32, and 0.50; and 0.43, 0.32, and 0.48, respectively. Magnitude and/or sign of r(g) also changed across endpoints for 54 of the 91 trait pairs. Estimates for HCW-LMA, AFT-RPW, LMA-YG, LMA-PRP, LMA-FW, LMA-RPP, and LMA-FP at constant age, weight, or fat thickness were 0.32, -, and 0.51; -0.26, -0.77, and -; -0.71, -0.89, and -0.66; 0.68, 0.85, and 0.63; -0.16, -0.51, and 0.22; 0.47, 0.57, and 0.27; and -0.44, -0.43, and -0.18, respectively. Fat thickness was highly correlated with YG (0.86 and 0.85 for common age and weight) and PRP (-0.85 and -0.82 for common age and weight), indicating that selection for decreased fat thickness would improve YG and PRP. Carcass quality, however, would be affected negatively because of moderate r(g) (0.34 and 0.35 for common age and weight) between MS and AFT. Estimates of h(2) and phenotypic variance indicate that enough genetic variation exists to change measures of carcass merit by direct selection. For some carcass traits, however, magnitude of change would depend on effect of endpoint on h(2) and phenotypic variance. Correlated responses to selection would differ depending on endpoint.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between reproduction traits in ewes and carcass and meat quality traits in Merino rams were obtained using restricted maximum likelihood procedures. The carcass data were from 5870 Merino rams slaughtered at approximately 18 months of age that were the progeny of 543 sires from three research resource flocks over 7 years. The carcass traits included ultrasound scan fat and eye muscle depth (EMDUS) measured on live animals, dressing percentage and carcass tissue depth (at the GR site FATGR and C site FATC), eye muscle depth, width and area and the meat quality indicator traits of muscle final pH and colour (L*, a*, b*). The reproduction data consisted of 13 464 ewe joining records for number of lambs born and weaned and 9015 records for LS. The genetic correlations between reproduction and fat measurements were negative (range ?0.06 ± 0.12 to ?0.37 ± 0.12), with smaller correlations for live measurement than carcass traits. There were small favourable genetic correlations between reproduction traits and muscle depth in live rams (EMDUS, 0.10 ± 0.12 to 0.20 ± 0.12), although those with carcass muscle traits were close to zero. The reproduction traits were independent of meat colour L* (relative brightness), but tended to be favourably correlated with meat colour a* (relative redness, 0.12 ± 0.17 to 0.19 ± 0.16). There was a tendency for meat final pH to have small negative favourable genetic correlations with reproduction traits (0.05 ± 0.11 to ?0.17 ± 0.12). This study indicates that there is no antagonism between reproduction traits and carcass and meat quality indicator traits, with scope for joint improvement of reproduction, carcass and meat quality traits in Merino sheep.  相似文献   

The influence of different levels of adjusted fat thickness (AFT) and HCW slaughter end points (covariates) on estimates of breed and retained heterosis effects was studied for 14 carcass traits from serially slaughtered purebred and composite steers from the US Meat Animal Research Center (MARC). Contrasts among breed solutions were estimated at 0.7, 1.1, and 1.5 cm of AFT, and at 295.1, 340.5, and 385.9 kg of HCW. For constant slaughter age, contrasts were adjusted to the overall mean (432.5 d). Breed effects for Red Poll, Hereford, Limousin, Braunvieh, Pinzgauer, Gelbvieh, Simmental, Charolais, MARC I, MARC II, and MARC III were estimated as deviations from Angus. In addition, purebreds were pooled into 3 groups based on lean-to-fat ratio, and then differences were estimated among groups. Retention of combined individual and maternal heterosis was estimated for each composite. Mean retained heterosis for the 3 composites also was estimated. Breed rankings and expression of heterosis varied within and among end points. For example, Charolais had greater (P < 0.05) dressing percentages than Angus at the 2 largest levels of AFT and smaller (P < 0.01) percentages at the 2 largest levels of HCW, whereas the 2 breeds did not differ (P > or = 0.05) at a constant age. The MARC III composite produced 9.7 kg more (P < 0.01) fat than Angus at AFT of 0.7 cm, but 7.9 kg less (P < 0.05) at AFT of 1.5 cm. For MARC III, the estimate of retained heterosis for HCW was significant (P < 0.05) at the lowest level of AFT, but at the intermediate and greatest levels estimates were nil. The pattern was the same for MARC I and MARC III for LM area. Adjustment for age resulted in near zero estimates of retained heterosis for AFT, and similarly, adjustment for HCW resulted in nil estimates of retained heterosis for LM area. For actual retail product as a percentage of HCW, the estimate of retained heterosis for MARC III was negative (-1.27%; P < 0.05) at 0.7 cm but was significantly positive (2.55%; P < 0.05) at 1.5 cm of AFT. Furthermore, for MARC III, estimates of heterosis for some traits (fat as a percentage of HCW as another example) also doubled in magnitude depending on different levels of AFT end point. Rational exploitation of breeds requires special attention to use of different end points and levels of those end points, mainly for fat thickness.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic correlations between 2 purebred Duroc pig populations (P1 and P2) and their terminal crossbreds [C1 = P1 x (Landrace x Large White) and C2 = P2 x (Landrace x Large White)] raised in different production environments. The traits analyzed were backfat (BF), muscle depth (MD), BW at slaughter (WGT), and weight per day of age (WDA). Data sets from P1, P2, C1, and C2 included 26,674, 8,266, 16,806, and 12,350 animals, respectively. Two-trait models (nucleus and commercial crossbreds) for each group included fixed (contemporary group, sex, weight, and age), random additive (animal for P1 and P2 and sire for C1 and C2), random litter, and random dam (C1 and C2 only) effects. Heritability estimates (+/-SE) for BF were 0.46 +/- 0.04, 0.38 +/- 0.02, 0.32 +/- 0.02, and 0.33 +/- 0.02 for P1, P2, C1, and C2, respectively. Heritability estimates for MD were 0.31 +/- 0.01, 0.23 +/- 0.02, 0.19 +/- 0.01, and 0.12 +/- 0.01 for P1, P2, C1, and C2, respectively. The estimates for WGT and WDA were 0.31 +/- 0.01, 0.21 +/- 0.02, 0.16 +/- 0.01, and 0.18 +/- 0.01 and 0.32 +/- 0.01, 0.22 +/- 0.02, 0.16 +/- 0.01, and 0.19 +/- 0.01, respectively. Genetic correlations between purebreds and crossbreds for BF were 0.83 +/- 0.09 (P1 x C1) and 0.89 +/- 0.05 (P2 x C2), for MD 0.78 +/- 0.05 (P1 x C1) and 0.80 +/- 0.08 (P2 x C2). For WGT and WDA, the correlations were 0.53 +/- 0.08 (P1 x C1), 0.80 +/- 0.10 (P2 x C2), and 0.60 +/- 0.07 (P1 x C1) and 0.79 +/- 0.09 (P2 x C2), respectively. (Co)variances in crossbreds were adjusted to a live BW scale. Compared with purebreds, the genetic variances in crossbreds were lower, and the residual variances were greater. Sire variances in crossbreds were approximately 20 to 30% of the animal variances in purebreds for BF and MD but were 13 to 25% for WGT and WDA. The efficiency of purebred selection on crossbreds, assessed by EBV prediction weights, ranged from 0.43 to 0.91 for line 1 and 0.70 to 0.92 for line 2. When nucleus and commercial environments differ substantially, the efficiency of selection varies by line and traits, and selection strategies that include crossbred data from typical production environments may therefore be desirable.  相似文献   

Data from the first four cycles of the Germplasm Evaluation Program at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) were used to investigate genetic relationships between mature weight (MW, n = 37,710), mature weight adjusted for body condition score (AMW, n = 37,676), mature height (HT, n = 37,123), and BCS (n = 37,676) from 4- to 8-yr old cows (n = 1,800) and carcass traits (n = 4,027) measured on their crossbred paternal half-sib steers. Covariance components among traits were estimated using REML. Carcass traits were adjusted for age at slaughter. Estimates of heritability for hot carcass weight (HCWT); percentage of retail product; percentage of fat; percentage of bone; longissimus muscle area; fat thickness adjusted visually; estimated kidney, pelvic, and heart fat percentage; marbling score; Warner-Bratzler shear force; and taste panel tenderness measured on steers were moderate to high (0.26 to 0.65), suggesting that selection for carcass and meat traits could be effective. Estimates of heritability for taste panel flavor and taste panel juiciness were low and negligible (0.05 and 0.01, respectively). Estimates of heritability from cow data over all ages and seasons were high for MW, AMW, and HT (0.52, 0.57, 0.71; respectively) and relatively low for BCS (0.16). Pairwise analyses for each female mature trait with each carcass trait were done with bivariate animal models. Estimates of genetic correlations between cow mature size and carcass composition or meat quality traits, with the exception of HCWT, were relatively low. Selection for cow mature size (weight and/or height) could be effective and would not be expected to result in much, if any, correlated changes in carcass and meat composition traits. However, genetic correlations of cow traits, with the possible exception of BCS, with HCWT may be too large to ignore. Selection for steers with greater HCWT would lead to larger cows.  相似文献   

Carcass and growth measurements of finished crossbred steers (n = 843) and yearling ultrasound and growth measurements of purebred bulls (n = 5,654) of 11 breeds were analyzed to estimate genetic parameters. Multiple-trait restricted maximum likelihood (REML) was used to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations between finished steer carcass measurements and yearling bull ultrasound measurements. Separate analyses were conducted to examine the effect of adjustment to three different end points: age, backfat thickness, and weight at measurement. Age-constant heritability estimates from finished steer measurements of hot carcass weight, carcass longissimus muscle area, carcass marbling score, carcass backfat, and average daily feedlot gain were 0.47, 0.45, 0.35, 0.41, and 0.30, respectively. Age-constant heritability estimates from yearling bull measurements of ultrasound longissimus muscle area, ultrasound percentage of intramuscular fat, ultrasound backfat, and average daily postweaning gain were 0.48, 0.23, 0.52, and 0.46, respectively. Similar estimates were found for backfat and weight-constant traits. Age-constant genetic correlation estimates between steer carcass longissimus muscle area and bull ultrasound longissimus muscle area, steer carcass backfat and bull ultrasound backfat, steer carcass marbling and bull ultrasound intramuscular fat, and steer average daily gain and bull average daily gain were 0.66, 0.88, 0.80, and 0.72, respectively. The strong, positive genetic correlation estimates between bull ultrasound measurements and corresponding steer carcass measurements suggest that genetic improvement for steer carcass traits can be achieved by using yearling bull ultrasound measurements as selection criteria.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate breed-specific genetic correlations between lean growth and litter traits for four U.S. swine breeds. Records for lean growth and litter traits on Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, and Landrace pigs collected between 1990 and April 2000 in herds on the National Swine Registry Swine Testing and Genetic Evaluation System were analyzed. A bivariate animal model and restricted maximum likelihood procedures were used to estimate genetic and environmental correlations between lean growth rate, days to 113.5 kg, backfat, and loin muscle area with litter traits of number born alive, litter weight at 21 d, and number weaned. Most genetic correlation estimates between lean growth and litter traits were small in magnitude and consistent across breeds. Backfat had the largest within-breed genetic correlations with number born alive (0.18 to 0.20) and litter weight at 21 d (-0.27 to -0.30). Estimates of genetic correlations between lean growth traits and number weaned were very small. Estimates of the environmental correlations between lean growth and litter traits also were very small for all traits and for all four breeds. Results indicate that selection for lean growth traits could have a long-term effect on litter traits. Including lean growth traits in a maternal-line evaluation using a multiple-trait model could increase the accuracy of the genetic evaluation for litter traits.  相似文献   

Data from 970 feedlot steers and bulls were used to evaluate effects of different age end points on the accuracy of prediction models for percentage of retail product, retail product weight, and hot carcass weight. Cattle were ultrasonically scanned three to five times for fat thickness, longissimus muscle area, and percentage of intramuscular fat. Live animal measures of body weight and hip height were also taken during some of the scan sessions. Before development of prediction equations, live and ultrasound data were adjusted to four age end points using individual animal regressions. Age end points represented mean age at slaughter (448 d), mean age at the second-to-last scan before slaughter (414 d), mean age at the third-to-last scan before slaughter (382 d), and an age end point of 365 d. Ultrasound and live animal measures accounted for a large proportion of the variation in the dependent variables regardless of the age end point considered. For all three traits, final models based on independent variables adjusted to earlier ages of 365 and 382 d showed better or at least similar model R2 and root mean square errors than those based on independent variables adjusted to a mean slaughter age of 448 d. Validation of the models using independent data from 282 steers resulted in a mean across-age rank correlation coefficient of .78, .88, and .83 between actual and predicted values of the percentage of retail product, hot carcass weight, and retail product weight, respectively. Mean across-age rank correlation of breeding values for the corresponding traits were .92, .89, and .82. The results of this study suggest that live and ultrasound traits measured as early as 365 d could be used to predict end product traits as accurately as similar measures made before slaughter at age 448 d.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the genetic control of pork quality traits and relationships among pork quality, growth, and carcass characteristics is required for American swine populations. Data from a 2 x 2 diallel mating system involving Landrace and Duroc pigs were used to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations among growth (ADG), real-time ultrasonic (US) measures of backfat thickness (BF) and longissimus muscle area (LMA), carcass characteristics, and various pork quality traits. Data were collected from 5,649 pigs, 960 carcasses, and 792 loin chops representing 65, 49, and 49 sires, respectively. Genetic parameters were estimated by REML assuming animal models. Heritability estimates were moderate to high for ADG, USBF, USLMA, carcass BF, and LMA, percentage of LM lipid (IMF), pork tenderness, and overall acceptability. Estimates were low to moderate for percentage of cooking loss, pH, shear force, percentage of LM water, water-holding capacity (WHC), pork flavor, and juiciness. Genetic correlations between US and carcass measures of BF and LMA indicate that selection based on US data will result in effective improvement in carcass characteristics. Selection for increased LMA and(or) decreased BF using US is, however, expected to result in decreased IMF and WHC, increased percentage of LM water and shear value, and in decreased juiciness, tenderness, and pork flavor. Average daily gain was favorably correlated with IMF and unfavorably correlated with shear force. Selection for increased ADG is expected to improve WHC but to decrease the percentage of LM water, with an associated decrease in juiciness. The results of this study suggest the feasibility of including meat quality in selection objectives to improve product quality. Favorable genetic correlations between IMF and eating quality traits suggest the possible merit of including IMF in the selection objective to improve, or restrict change in, pork eating quality.  相似文献   

Backfat thickness, carcass length, area of M. longissimus and carcass composition were determined for 253 Large White barrows and gilts to examine the genetic influence on the main characteristics of the carcass and the correlation of these traits with body measurements and fat characteristics at 8 d of age. Pigs were born to 32 sows mated to the same boar. At the age of 8 d, weight, body length and backfat thickness and cellularity were measured. Pigs were slaughtered at 95 and 145 kg live weight. Heritability and genetic correlations were estimated with dam component of variance. Higher adiposity of carcasses was noted for barrows than for gilts and for those animals slaughtered at the heavier vs at the lighter weight. High h2 values were observed for carcass length (.89 +/- .29), area of the M. longissimus (.67 +/- .26) and backfat thickness at the gluteus medius (.77 +/- .28). Percentage of commercial cuts also had high heritabilities. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between the characteristics at 8 d and backfat thickness, carcass length and M. longissimus area at slaughter were not statistically significant. However, significant phenotypic correlations were found between cellularity of the outer and inner layers at 8 d and percentage of major cuts (e.g., rp = .27 with total fat cuts); cellularity of the outer layer at 8 d also was correlated genetically with carcass composition (e.g., rg = .50 +/- .19 with total fat cuts). Genetic predisposition toward intensive fat deposition was more clearly predicted by cellularity than by thickness of adipose tissue in newborn pigs.  相似文献   

Meat quality characteristics of Bafra ram lambs slaughtered at different weights were investigated. A total of 24 lambs fattened intensively was slaughtered at four slaughter weights of 30, 35, 40, and 45 kg. Water-holding capacity, cooking loss, tenderness, color, as well as protein content did not vary significantly among the slaughter weight groups, although the 30-kg slaughter weight lambs displayed the greatest postmortem pH fall in musculus longissimus dorsi (P < 0.05). As slaughter weight increased, intramuscular fat of musculus longissimus dorsi showed an increasing nutritive value (P < 0.05), total unsaturated fatty acids/saturated fatty acids ratio (P < 0.05), and n6/n3 ratio (P < 0.05). However, atherogenic index and thrombogenic index values decreased with increasing slaughter weight, although this effect was not significant. The effect of slaughter weight on total cholesterol was not pronounced.  相似文献   

Data were collected in the course of a divergent selection experiment for residual feed intake (RFI) of Large White growing pigs. This data set was used to estimate (i) heritability for RFI and genetic correlations of RFI with growth and carcass traits within the three sexes (male, castrate and female) and (ii) genetic correlations between sexes for these traits. Individual feed intake of animals raised in collective pens was measured by single-place electronic feeders on 1121 males (candidates for selection), 508 females and 535 castrates (sibs of candidates). Variance components were estimated using the REML methodology applied to a multitrait animal model. Estimates of heritability for RFI were 0.16 ± 0.04, 0.16 ± 0.08 and 0.23 ± 0.10 for males, females and castrates, respectively. Estimates of genetic correlations between sexes for homologous traits were not significantly different from 1 (0.88 to 0.99 for RFI, 0.79 to 0.99 for growth traits and 0.65 to 0.99 for carcass composition traits). The relatively low genetic correlations between castrates and males or females for backfat thickness (0.65 and 0.69, respectively) suggest the presence of genotype by sex interactions for this trait.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for different precocious calving criteria and their relationship with reproductive, growth, carcass and feed efficiency in Nellore cattle using the single‐step genomic BLUP. The reproductive traits used were probability of precocious calving (PPC) at 24 (PPC24), 26 (PPC26), 28 (PPC28) and 30 (PPC30) months of age, stayability (STAY) and scrotal circumference at 455 days of age (SC455). Growth traits such as weights at 240 (W240) and 455 (W455) days of age and adult weight (AW) were used. Rib eye area (REA), subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT), rump fat thickness (RFT) and residual feed intake (RFI) were included in the analyses. The estimation of genetic parameters was performed using a bi‐trait threshold model including genomic information in a single‐step approach. Heritability for PPC traits was moderate to high (0.29–0.56) with highest estimates for PPC24 (0.56) and PPC26 (0.50). Genetic correlation estimates between PPC and STAY weakened as a function of calving age. Correlation with SC455, growth and carcass traits were low (0.25–0.31; ?0.22 to 0.04; ?0.09 to 0.18, respectively), the same occurs with RFI (?0.09 to 0.08), this suggests independence between female sexual precocity and feed efficiency traits. The results of this study encourage the use of PPC traits in Nellore cattle because the selection for such trait would not have a negative impact on reproductive, growth, carcass and feed efficiency indicator traits. Stayability for sexual precocious heifers (PPC24 and PPC26) must be redefined to avoid incorrectly phenotype assignment.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for carcass and meat quality traits of about 18-month-old Merino rams (n = 5870), the progeny of 543 sires from three research resource flocks, were estimated. The estimates of heritability for hot carcass weight (HCW) and the various fat and muscle dimension measurements were moderate and ranged from 0.20 to 0.37. The brightness of meat (colour L*, 0.18 +/- 0.03 standard error) and meat pH (0.22 +/- 0.03) also had moderate estimates of heritability, although meat relative redness (colour a*, 0.10 +/- 0.03) and relative yellowness (colour b*, 0.10 +/- 0.03) were lower. Heritability estimates for live weights were moderate and ranged from 0.29 to 0.41 with significant permanent maternal environmental effects (0.13 to 0.10). The heritability estimates for the hogget wool traits were moderate to high and ranged from 0.27 to 0.60. The ultrasound measurements of fat depth (FATUS) and eye muscle depth (EMDUS) on live animals were highly genetically correlated with the corresponding carcass measurements (0.69 +/- 0.09 FATC and 0.77 +/- 0.07 EMD). Carcass tissue depth (FATGR) had moderate to low genetic correlations with carcass muscle measurements [0.18 +/- 0.10 EMD and 0.05 +/- 0.10 eye muscle area (EMA)], while those with FATC were negative. The genetic correlation between EMD and eye muscle width (EMW) was 0.41 +/- 0.08, while EMA was highly correlated with EMD (0.89 +/- 0.0) and EMW (0.78 +/- 0.04). The genetic correlations for muscle colour with muscle measurements were moderately negative, while those with fat measurements were close to zero. Meat pH was positively correlated with muscle measurements (0.14 to 0.17) and negatively correlated with fat measurements (-0.06 to -0.18). EMDUS also showed a similar pattern of correlations to EMD with meat quality indicator traits, although FATUS had positive correlations with these traits which were generally smaller than their standard error. The genetic correlations among the meat colour traits were high and positive while those with meat pH were high and negative, which were all in the favourable direction. Generally, phenotypic correlations were similar or slightly lower than the corresponding genetic correlations. There were generally small to moderate negative genetic correlations between clean fleece weight (CFW) and carcass fat traits while those with muscle traits were close to zero. As the Merino is already a relatively lean breed, this implies that particular attention should be given to this relationship in Merino breeding programmes to prevent the reduction of fat reserves as a correlated response to selection for increased fleece weight. The ultrasound scan traits generally showed a similar pattern to the corresponding carcass fat and muscle traits. There was a small unfavourable genetic correlation between CFW and meat pH (0.19 +/- 0.07).  相似文献   

Blood sample and carcass trait data were collected from 841 and 3,219 fattening animals of an F(1) cross between Japanese Black sires and Holstein dams, respectively. Data on serum vitamin A and total cholesterol concentrations containing 582 to 739 records at 4 stages of beef-fattening production were used to estimate variance components and heritabilities for the 2 traits, based on fattening periods: less than 13 mo of age (stage 1), 14 to 18 mo of age (stage 2), 19 to 21 mo of age (stage 3), and greater than 22 mo of age (stage 4). Furthermore, the genetic correlations of serum vitamin A and total cholesterol concentrations with beef marbling standards, carcass weight, ribeye area, rib thickness, and subcutaneous fat thickness were estimated. The heritability estimates of serum vitamin A concentration were consistently and drastically decreased from 0.37 ± 0.15 to 0.07 ± 0.07 from stages 1 to 4 because of considerable decreases in sire variances, whereas the residual variances remained large and stable throughout all 4 stages. Serum total cholesterol concentration was moderately heritable (approximately 0.35 to 0.64) throughout all 4 stages. The genetic correlations among serum vitamin A concentrations and beef marbling standards were high and negative (-0.94) in stage 4. The genetic correlations between serum vitamin A concentration and carcass weight in stages 3 and 4 were moderate and positive (approximately 0.26 to 0.36). Moderate to high positive genetic correlations between serum vitamin A concentration and subcutaneous fat thickness were obtained throughout the stages (approximately 0.40 to 0.75). Genetic correlations of serum total cholesterol concentration with carcass weight and rib thickness were moderate and positive (approximately 0.29 to 0.46) in stages 2, 3, and 4. These results indicate serum vitamin A and total cholesterol concentrations could be effective physiological indicators for improving carcass traits.  相似文献   

We carried out a genetic association study between five nucleotide polymorphisms (5′UTR microsatellite ((TG)n), nt‐7(C>A), L24V, DelR242 and Intron 1 microsatellite) of the GHSR1a gene and growth and carcass traits in 1285 steers sired by 117 Japanese Black bulls in a progeny testing program. We report herein, a significant association between the 5′UTR microsatellite and nt‐7(C>A) loci and growth and carcass traits. We also propose a translational hypothesis that the association is due to differences in the secondary structure of GHSR1b mRNA (the non‐spliced type with the 5′UTR microsatellite) among the GHSR1a gene haplotypes. Furthermore, we predicted the potential increase in profitability due to increased carcass weight in cow‐calf fattening enterprises through planned matings based on DNA testing of the 5′UTR microsatellite. Statistical analysis revealed that the 5′UTR microsatellite locus had a significant additive effect on carcass weight (CW) and average daily gain (ADG), but not on beef marbling score (BMS). One of the four major microsatellite alleles (19‐TG allele) with an allele frequency of 0.145, had a significantly (P < 0.0007) desirable effect on CW and ADG. We concluded that the 19‐TG allele could potentially be economically useful nucleotide markers for growth and carcass traits in Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   

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