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Aims. To evaluate the potential for the direct transmission of tuberculosis from possums to alpacas, and vice versa.

Methods. A field study was conducted on an alpaca farm in Northland, New Zealand on 7 January 1999. Observations were recorded on the interaction of one group of male alpacas with a simulated dead possum, one male and one female alpaca group with a simulated terminally tuberculous possum, and one group of male alpacas with a normal possum in an enclosure from which the animals could not escape. The possum was sedated with ketamine as hydrochloride to simulate death (inactive; no movement), and terminal illness (active, into-ordinated movement around the paddock). The observations were based on the focal animal sampling technique, they were un-replicated, and recorded visually and manually with intermittent still photography.

Results. Both male and female alpacas showed strongly inquisitive interaction with the possum. They clustered around the possum (focal animal) very soon after it was observed by the first member of the group. The interest of the majority of both sex groups remained high for the observation periods of approximately 30 minutes, and most individuals remained within 5 metres of the possum for that time. Approximately 50% of the alpacas were within possible aerosol transmission distance of 2 metres from the sedated, erratically mobile possum with their heads towards it for approximately 50% of the two observation periods. Aggressive behaviour was recorded for a young male with stamping on the moving possum. Similar, but more vigorous and prolonged stamping behaviour was recorded for a female with a young (<1 week) offspring (cria).The stamping behaviour was accompanied by very close nose to nose contact of the alpaca and possum. At one point the female threw the possum approximately 1.5 metres in the air with her teeth. The group of male alpacas placed in an enclosure with an unsedated normal possum generally moved away from the possum during its rapid active attempts to escape. When it became inactive their approaches were cautious and only once elicited a defence reaction from the possum, from which they recoiled. One male made one attempt to stamp on the active possum. Soon after the possum became inactive in a small loose hay pile, the alpacas lost interest in it.

Conclusions. The alpaca / possum behavioural interactions show there is potential for direct aerosol transmission of tuberculosis from possums to alpacas, but probably not from alpacas to possums.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate the response of cattle and deer to ferrets which were sedated so they behaved like terminally tuberculous animals, and to compare this with the response of cattle, deer and sheep to sedated possums. Six groups of deer and two groups of cattle were exposed to a sedated ferret and to a sedated possum. Both livestock species showed interest in the possum by sniffing and licking it, but they only briefly touched the ferret and no licking or extended investigation was observed. The proportion of available time spent in physical contact with the possum by cattle was 7.7 times as high as for the ferret, and for the deer was 5.7 times as high. The behavioural response of three groups of sheep to a sedated possum was investigated, and sheep showed limited interest beyond viewing the possum from a distance. The amount of time spent by sheep investigating the possum was very low and the intensity of exploration was also low. For possums, at least one deer was within 1.5 m (an estimate of the distance that tuberculosis can be transmitted by aerosol) for 50.9% of observation time, and in physical contact with the possum for 9.5% of time. The figures for cattle were 69.3% and 17.3%, while those for sheep were 6.9% and 0.3%. In interactions with ferrets, the equivalent figures were 29.8% within 1.5 m and 2.2% in physical contact for cattle, and 20.8% and 1.1% for deer. Tuberculous possums commonly and tuberculous ferrets less commonly have lung lesions and/or discharging sinuses, and may excrete Mycobacterium bovis intermittently or continuously in aerosols or discharges. The exploratory behaviour of deer and cattle in this study would provide opportunities for them to become infected with M. bovis if they had contact with infectious possums, and less probably with ferrets. The response of sheep to possums suggests that they would be much less likely to contract the disease.  相似文献   

Supplementing three alpacas with Cu as cupric sulphate (10 mg Cu/kg liveweight) as a single oral dose resulted in no change in the mean plasma Cu concentrations over 30 days while a single oral dose of cupric oxide needles (2.5 g) given to three alpacas caused a small but significant increase in the mean plasma Cu concentrations during days 10-30 following treatment. The mean plasma Cu concentrations of four untreated animals ranged from 4.2 to 5.9 micromol/l over the study. The Cu as cupric sulphate was excreted in the faeces within 5 days while the cupric oxide needles significantly elevated the faecal excretion for over 30 days.  相似文献   

Vaccination of alpacas (Lama pacos) with heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) in oil adjuvant produces an immune response that is able to be measured in vitro. Lymphocyte transformation was present 2 weeks after boosting while antibody as measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was present 4-6 weeks after primary vaccination. Two vaccinated animals were positive to the intradermal skin test at the conclusion of the experiment and showed signs of systemic inflammation 72 hours after the skin test, while the controls remained negative for all tests. The BCG vaccine studies showed that these laboratory tests can also identify M. bovis-specific reactivity, so the technique has potential for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in alpacas. Apart from diagnosing M. bovis-specific reactivity, the blood test for tuberculosis may also be used to diagnose non-specific mycobacterial sensitisation in farmed New Zealand alpacas.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine natural transmission of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis infection) in captive brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and to determine if this mode of transmission could be employed to challenge possums in vaccination studies. METHODS: Three experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, 11 pairs of possums were housed together in cages, one of the pair having been experimentally infected with M. bovis. Of the in-contact possums 5/11 had been vaccinated with bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG). In Experiment 2, three susceptible possums were placed in a colony of 19 possums that had been experimentally infected with M. bovis. In Experiment 3, the four most socially active possums in each of two colonies (24 possums in one colony and 23 in the other) were experimentally infected with M. bovis, and 10 of the remaining possums in each colony were vaccinated with BCG. RESULTS: In Experiment 1, transmission of M. bovis infection occurred in only 1/11 pairs. In Experiment 2, none of the three in-contact possums became infected. In Experiment 3, infection was transmitted to 5/20 in-contact possums in one colony and 12/19 in-contact possums in the other. The possums that became infected by natural transmission were significantly more socially interactive than those that remained free of infection (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: When susceptible and infected possums were randomly mixed, the rate of transmission of M. bovis was low, but when highly sociable possums were infected the rate of transmission increased markedly. The risk of transmission was dependent on the close proximity of infected and susceptible possums and the frequency and duration of their social interactions. Natural transmission from experimentally infected to incontact possums in a colony would be a useful way of studying the pathogenesis of tuberculosis in this species, and the social behaviour of the possums studied should be taken into account. The high degree of variation in the rate of natural transmission of M. bovis infection between possums makes this mode of transmission unreliable for assessing vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

Summary A trial was carried out in alpacas(Lama pacos) to determine the economic benefit of controlling both external and internal parasites using ivermectin (Ivomec, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme). After four months the treated male alpacas had gained on average 3·1kg more than the untreated males and their fleece weighed 0·36kg more. Treated females gained 1·9kg more than the controls but their fleece weighed 0·03kg less. This resulted in a net financial benefit to the farmer of US$3·54 for each male alpaca and US$1·36 for each female.
Resumen Se Ilevó a cabo una investigación en alpacas para determinar el beneficio económico del control de parásitos internos y externos, mediante el uso de “Ivomec” (Ivermectin, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme). Después de 4 meses las alpacas machos tratadas habian ganado un promedio de 3·1kg. mas que aquellas que no fueron tratadas y su vellón pesó 0·36kg más. Las alpacas hembras tratadas ganaron 1·9kg mas que los controles, pero su vellón pesó 0·03kg menos. Este tratamiento dio una ganancia neta al ganadero de US$3·54 por cada alpaca macho y $1·36 por cada alpaca hembra.

Résumé Un essai a été mené sur des alpacas(Lama pacos) pour déterminer le bénéfice économique réalisé par la lutte contre les parasites internes et externes à l'aide de l'ivomec (Ivermectine, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme). Après 4 mois de traitement, le gain de poids pour les males a été d'environ 3,1kg et de 0,36kg pour leur toison par rapport aux non traités. Les femelles avaient gagné 1,9kg en poids vif mais leur toison avait perdu 0,03kg toujours par rapport aux non traités. Cette thérapeutique procure un bénéfice financier net pour le fermier de 3,54$US par male et de 1,36$US par femelle.

After the diagnosis sarcoptic mange in four alpaca's (Lama pacos) we have tried to control this infection. Despite three treatments with doramectin, three with ivermectin, four with amitraz and two with diazinon we were unable to get the animals free of Sarcoptes mites and their condition deteriorated. One animal died six month after the first treatment. The three remaining animals were euthanized one month thereafter.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the clinical and pathological features of a neurological disease syndrome in a free-living possum population in New Zealand and to compare this syndrome with wobbly possum disease. METHODS: An outbreak of a neurological disease in possums in the Rotorua district was investigated in 1994. A variety of tissues was collected and investigated microbiologically and histopathologically. Tissues stored from clinically affected possums were homogenised, clarified and inoculated into healthy possums by the intra-peritoneal route. The clinical signs and histopathological lesions in naturally-infected and in experimentally-inoculated possums were assessed and compared with those of possums affected with wobbly possum disease. RESULTS: Histopathological investigation of three of the naturally-affected possums revealed non-suppurative encephalitis with perivascular cuffing, diffuse non-suppurative meningitis and focal non-suppurative myocarditis. These lesions were suggestive of a viral infection. No pathogenic bacteria were recovered and no viruses were isolated in tissue culture. A neurological disease, indistinguishable from wobbly possum disease, was reproduced in five out of the eight experimentally inoculated possums. In two experimental cases the clinical signs were very mild and, in most cases of the natural and experimental disease, histopathological lesions in the central nervous system were mild in comparison with wobbly possum disease. Possums which did not develop clinical signs of neurological disease or have lesions in the central nervous system did have infiltrations of mononuclear inflammatory cells in the liver and kidney. CONCLUSIONS: This neurological disease, reported for the first time in a free-living population, closely resembles and may be the same as wobbly possum disease. The milder nature of this disease could suggest there may be more than one strain of the aetiological agent.  相似文献   

Sera of an experimentally Neospora caninum infected llama and a non-infected control llama were used to establish an immunoblot, an ELISA and an IFAT to detect antibodies against N. caninum tachyzoites. Subsequently, serum samples collected from a total of 871 South American Camelids (SAC: Lama glama, Lama pacos, Lama vicugna) of two farms in Peru and from 32 SAC of a farm in central Germany were examined for antibodies against N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. Based on the recognition of specific bands in the immunoblot, sera of SAC from Peru were differentiated into N. caninum-positive (n = 18) and T. gondii-positive (n = 30) samples and into samples negative or inconclusive for both parasites. Using the immunoblot results as the reference, a modified version of the p38-ELISA and the IFAT were evaluated for detecting N. caninum antibodies in SAC sera. Applying a cut-off as determined by two graph-receiver operating characteristic analysis both, the ELISA and the IFAT, exhibited a sensitivity and specificity of about 95% in the SAC sera from Peru. Serological testing confirmed that SAC may become infected with N. caninum under field conditions in Peru. In addition to alpacas and llamas also 114 wild living vicunas had been examined for antibodies against N. caninum. However, only the alpacas and llamas but no vicunas were found N. caninum-positive. In contrast, T. gondii-seropositive animals were detected in all three SAC species. The lack of N. caninum-seropositive vicunas indicates that in the study area in Peru wild canids might not serve as definitive hosts of N. caninum while for T. gondii a life cycle including wild felids is likely. On the German farm no N. caninum- but only T. gondii-seropositive SAC (n = 14) were detected. The seroprevalence of T. gondii infection was significantly higher in adult SAC (alpacas in Peru, llamas in Germany) than in crias (i.e. < 12 months old foals) indicating that the predominant route of infection is post natal. Since the present study was restricted to a few farms, the seroprevalences determined are not representative. However, our results confirm natural infections with N. caninum and T. gondii in SAC. Whether these infections are linked to any disease, e.g. reproductive losses, has to be clarified in further studies.  相似文献   

AIM: To quantify the duration of survival of possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) infected with Mycobacterium bovis, and identify aspects of their behaviour which may influence the likelihood of disease transmission to domestic stock or wildlife. METHODS: Capture and den locations of 14 naturally infected tuberculous possums, eight possums experimentally infected with M. bovis and eight non-infected possums were recorded between May 1998 and February 2000 at a study site near Castlepoint on the Wairarapa coast of the North Island in New Zealand. Denning behaviour was observed weekly using radiotelemetry, and possums were captured, examined and released bi-monthly. Data were used to estimate survival period; create denning, activity, and total ranges; and to identify extended forays by possums as individuals and groups. RESULTS: Seventeen tuberculous possum carcasses were recovered, of which 14 (82%) were close to or within their activity range. Denning ranges were known for 10/17 possums that died. Four tuberculous possums were found dead within their denning range. Three possums made extended forays in the 3 weeks before death. Twelve possums were found dead in dense scrub, three in long grass in open woodland and two on pasture. Mean duration of survival of naturally infected possums following detection of clinical signs was 3.4 months (95% CI=2.1-5.4) and the instantaneous mortality rate was 0.293 per month (95% CI=0.184-0.470). Signs of disease were obvious for about 3 weeks prior to death. Tuberculous possums were commonly trapped on only part of the area where the total non-infected population was trapped. CONCLUSION: Most tuberculous possums died within their activity range and in scrub, representing a risk of transmission of M. bovis to wildlife and livestock that forage in scrub. Smaller proportions dying on pasture represent a less frequent, but highly visible risk. Tuberculous possums were clustered on the study site, and localised possum control operations would be more effective if focussed on such areas.  相似文献   

通过同源性比较设计引物,分别扩增羊驼KIT基因exon18~19和intron18,并利用PCR-SScP技术对我国现有羊驼KIT基因intron18进行多态性分析.结果表明:羊驼KIT基因exon18~19长225 bp,包括54 bp的exon18(全长112 bp)、108 bp的intron18和63 bp的exon19.从测序结果看,intron18与exon18和exon19交际处有GT-AG规则,符合分子遗传学理论.而用另1对引物扩增不同毛色羊驼Intron18所得的核苷酸序列与exon18~ex-on19中测得的intron18序列完全相同,未发现"AGTT/TGGA/TTAG"缺失突变现象和核苷酸片段大小差异,即不存在多态性.因此推测在同一品种内,KIT基因对毛色影响的原因不一定是由于KIT基因intron18缺失4个碱基导致K1T基因表达失调而致.  相似文献   

As part of a study to assess whether endoparasites could assist in the biological control of brushtail possums in New Zealand, we investigated the composition and distribution of possum endoparasites in the South Island. Possums were collected near five of the original release areas in the South Island : Banks Peninsula, Hokitika, Nelson, Dunedin and Invercargill. Among the nematodes, those most frequently encountered were Trichostrongylus spp., which were present in possums from all five study areas. Trichostrongylus species from possums in the Invercargill area comprised 4.5% T. colubriformis, 0.9% T. vitrinus and 11.3% T. retortaeformis. Paraustrostnmgylus trichosuri and Parastrongyloides trichosuri were found only in the Invercargill area, where they infected 1.4% and 14% of possums respectively. The cestode Bertiella trichosuri was present in possums from all locations except Dunedin. The protozoan Eimeria spp. occurred in all areas. These are the first records of Parastrongyloides trichosuri, Paraustrostrongylus trichosuri, T. vitrinus, T. retortaeformis and Eimeria spp. in South Island possums. The prevalence of endoparasites and the intensity of infection was very low compared to the lower North Island of New Zealand. Endoparasites at the existing levels in the South Island probably have very little effect on possum populations.  相似文献   

As part of a study to assess whether endoparasites could assist in the biological control of brushtail possums in New Zealand, we investigated the composition and distribution of possum endoparasites in the South Island. Possums were collected near five of the original release areas in the South Island: Banks Peninsula, Hokitika, Nelson, Dunedin and Invercargill.

Among the nematodes, those most frequently encountered were Trichostrongylus spp., which were present in possums from all five study areas. Trichostrongylus species from possums in the Invercargill area comprised 4.5% T. colubriformis, 0.9% T. vitrinus and 11.3% T. retortaeformis. Paraustrostrongylus trichosuri and Parastrongyloides trichosuri were found only in the Invercargill area, where they infected 1.4% and 14% of possums respectively. The cestode Bertiella trichosuri was present in possums from all locations except Dunedin. The protozoan Eimeria spp. occurred in all areas.

These are the first records of Parastrongyloides trichosuri, Paraustrostrongylus trichosuri, T. vitrinus, T. retortaeformis and Eimeria spp. in South Island possums.

The prevalence of endoparasites and the intensity of infection was very low compared to the lower North Island of New Zealand. Endoparasites at the existing levels in the South Island probably have very little effect on possum populations.  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify species that scavenge carcasses in pastoral habitats in New Zealand; to determine whether there were interspecific or intraspecific differences in scavenging behaviour and; to document any interspecific or intraspecific interactions occurring at carcasses. METHODS: Scavenging by ferrets (Mustela furo), feral cats (Felis domesticus), possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) and harrier hawks (Circus approximans) was studied from autumn to midwinter on pastoral farmland near Palmerston (45S, 170E), Otago, New Zealand. Time-lapse video recorders and camera lens mounted with infra-red light illumination were used to monitor carcasses of 10 ferrets, 12 possums, 2 hedgehogs and 7 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) until they were totally scavenged. RESULTS: Ferrets scavenged 5/8 ferret carcasses, 8/9 possum carcasses and 6/7 rabbit carcasses encountered. Feral cats scavenged 3/8 ferret carcasses, 5/7 rabbit carcasses, and 3/8 possum carcasses encountered. Possums scavenged 1/2 ferret carcasses and 3/4 rabbit carcasses encountered. The proportion of encounters resulting in feeding on ferret carcasses differed between ferrets (45.7%) and possums (6.3%), and between possums and cats (29.7%). Similarly, for possum carcasses, differences were found between ferrets (76.6%) and possums (0%), ferrets and cats (60.6%) and possums and cats. No interspecific differences were found in the proportion of encounters that resulted in feeding on rabbit carcasses between ferrets (85.2%), possums (75%) and cats (73.1%). In 8/12 instances of ferrets coming into contact with other ferrets whilst feeding, ferrets fed together at the carcass. On 1 occasion, 4 ferrets were recorded feeding together. In 7/8 instances where cats and ferrets came into contact over carrion, ferrets maintained possession or displaced the cat from the carcass. CONCLUSIONS: Communal carrion feeding by ferrets may facilitate intraspecific and interspecific transmission of bovine tuberculosis (caused by Mycobacterium bovis) by the consumption of contaminated carrion, fighting, or close-contact activities. Cannibalism may be one mechanism by which tuberculosis is transmitted within ferret populations. Our results also suggest that possums may acquire infection from carrion, despite being mainly herbivorous.  相似文献   

As part of a search for pathogens that might be useful agents for biological control of possums, the three largest offshore islands of New Zealand that still have possums were surveyed to determine the pathogens present in these isolated populations. Brushtail possums from Kawau Island (n = 158), Chatham Island (n = 214) and Stewart Island (n = 194) were examined for internal parasites.

Possums from Kawau Island were infected with Eimeria spp. (16.7%), Bertiella trichosuri (5.2%) and Parastrongyloides trichosuri (15.5%). No Paraustrostrongylus trichosuri or Trichostrongylus spp. were found. Possums from Chatham Island were infected with Eimeria spp. (10.9%). Bertiella trichosuri (3.6%), T. colubriformis (6.6%), T. retortaeformis (1%) and T. vitrinus (0.5%). No Parastrongyloides or Paraustrostrongylus spp. were found. Possums from Stewart Island were infected only with Eimeria spp. (4.6%).

Because of their paucity of some parasites, the opportunity exists to use these offshore islands to study the introduction and spread of a parasite into a possum population, and what technology would be required to bring it to hyperendemicity.  相似文献   

As part of a search for pathogens that might be useful agents for biological control of possums, the three largest offshore islands of New Zealand that still have possums were surveyed to determine the pathogens present in these isolated populations. Brushtail possums from Kawau Island (n = 158), Chatham Island (n = 214) and Stewart Island (n = 194) were examined for internal parasites. Possums from Kawau Island were infected with Eimeria spp. (16.7%), Bertiella trichosuri (5.2%) and Purustrongyloides trichosuri (15.5%). No Paraustrostrongylus trichosuri or Trichostrongylus spp. were found. Possums from Chatham Island were infected with Eimeria spp. (10.9%). Bertiella trichosuri (3.6%), T colubriformis (6.6%), T retortaeformis (1%) and T. vitrinus (0.5%). No Parastrongyloides or Paraustrostrongylus spp. were found. Possums from Stewart Island were infected only with Eimeria spp. (4.6%). Because of their paucity of some parasites, the opportunity exists to use these offshore islands to study the introduction and spread of a parasite into a possum population, and what technology would be required to bring it to hyperendemicity.  相似文献   

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