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农业生产系统存在秸秆养分释放与作物生长需求匹配程度低等问题,拟通过腐熟剂用量调节还田小麦秸秆腐解及养分释放率,使之与作物生长需求相吻合,进而提升夏玉米产量。以人元腐熟剂为供试腐熟剂,小麦秸秆为供试秸秆,郑单958为供试玉米品种。采用完全随机区组试验设计,设置4种腐熟剂施用量:30 kg/hm2(T1)、45 kg/hm2(T2)、60 kg/hm2(T3)、75 kg/hm2(T4),以不施腐熟剂为对照(CK)。测定秸秆腐解率、养分释放率、夏玉米关键生育期的株高、茎粗、生物量和作物产量,通过回归分析探究秸秆养分阶段性释放如何调控夏玉米生长及籽粒产量形成。腐熟剂用量为45 kg/hm2时,秸秆最终腐解率可达69.28%。腐熟剂用量对不同养分释放的调控效果不同,其中,氮和有机碳的释放率呈线性变化,磷和钾的释放率呈阶段性变化。腐熟剂施用对抽雄期(VT)各养分释放率均有显著的促进效应。三叶期(V3)较CK而言,T2和T4处理氮、磷释放率增幅分别达到203.67%、187.05%和17....  相似文献   

为探究适宜于黑龙江垦区大豆-玉米轮作体系下最优的施肥模式,在黑龙江省九三管局鹤山农场科技园区进行田间定位试验,以大豆-玉米轮作体系作为研究对象,为保证一个轮作周期施肥总量不变,于大豆茬口实施减氮增磷方案,玉米茬口实施增氮减磷方案,来研究不同氮磷调控处理对大豆-玉米轮作体系作物生长、养分累积量、土壤收支平衡及经济效益的影...  相似文献   

The Penman—Monteith equation for transpiration from a uniform stand of vegetation is extended to take account of the response of stomata to the saturation deficit (SD) of air in the canopy. The main assumption is that stomatal conductance throughout the canopy decreases linearly with a value of the SD calculated from the SD at a reference height adjusted to allow for vertical gradients of temperature and vapour pressure. In most circumstances, stomata can achieve an equilibrium conductance satisfying both the physics and the physiology of the system. In others, equilibrium is unachievable: stomata cannot remain open because air within the canopy becomes drier as they close — a microclimatic form of feedback.Calculations for an arable crop and for deciduous and coniferous forest show the extent to which transpiration rate is overestimated (a) when the response of stomata to SD is ignored; and (b) when the vertical gradient of SD is ignored. Large errors are associated with (a), and (b) is important when stomatal conductance is small because of drought.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa) in Asia is typically grown on submerged soils in intensive cropping systems with only a brief interval between harvest of one crop and planting of the next. Incorporation of crop residues can be challenging because the fallow period between crops is often too short to allow sufficient decomposition. During early stages of anaerobic residue decomposition in flooded soils, plant growth may be inhibited by nutrient immobilization or by the production of potentially toxic organic acids. Straw from a brittle stem mutant of rice (Oryza sativa L. var. IR68) was tested in a 30-d incubation experiment under continuously flooded conditions in a greenhouse to determine if it would decompose more rapidly than the non-brittle phenotype, thereby allowing shorter fallow time between crops. Brittle straw decomposed faster, as indicated by 51% total C loss as CO2 or CH4 within 3 weeks of incorporation, compared with 28% for non-brittle straw. However, brittle straw also produced a significantly higher (P<0.0001) amount of formic, acetic, aconitic, propionic, and butyric acids than non-brittle straw. There was no difference in soil N immobilization pattern between the two straw types, or in P or K availability in the soil, perhaps due to the short duration of the experiment. To maximize the potential advantage of faster decomposition of brittle straw in intensive rice cropping systems, it may be helpful to manage water for sufficient soil aeration to mitigate the negative organic acid and methane production effects.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Ultraviolet (UV) radiation plays an important role in litter decomposition, but the direction and magnitude of its effect remain inconsistent. To determine the...  相似文献   

We used oligotrophic, P-limited herbaceous wetlands of northern Belize as a model system, on which to document and explain how changes in nutrient content along a salinity gradient affect activities of extracellular enzymes involved in macrophyte decomposition. To determine what is more important for decomposition, the initial litter quality, or site differences, we used reciprocal litter placement in a combined “site quality” and “litter quality” experiment running from August 2003 to April 2004. The experiment was set up in long-term control and nutrient addition plots (P, N, and NP) established in 2001 in 15 limestone-based inland marshes with a wide range of water conductivities (200-6000 μS) and a uniform pH (7.0-7.7) dominated by emergent macrophytes, Eleocharis spp. There were no differences among the plots in total sediment N and water NH4-N, but total and KCl-extractable sediment P and water PO4-P were significantly higher in P and NP plots throughout the duration of the experiment. The initial litter N content was slightly but significantly different between control and N plots versus P and NP plots (5.7 and 7.1 mg g−1, respectively). The difference was much bigger for litter P content, 0.1 and 0.7 mg g−1, respectively. Enzyme activities of alkaline phosphatase, leucine-aminopeptidase, arylsulfatase, and β-glucosidase were measured fluorometrically in Eleocharis litter in both the litterbag experiment and the naturally decomposing material. Total phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) content in litter samples was used as a measure of microbial biomass present. Phosphatase always exhibited the highest activity of the enzymes studied, followed by leucine-aminopeptidase, arylsulfatase and β-glucosidase. There were no significant differences between enzyme activities from litterbags and the unconfined litter. Phosphatase activity was significantly suppressed in P-addition plots under all salinity levels while the activities of the remaining enzymes were significantly higher in P-enriched plots. There was a strong correlation between decomposition coefficient k-values and most of the enzymes as well as between the amount of PLFA and enzyme activities. PLFA, arylsulfatase, and litter C/P were the best predictors of k-values.  相似文献   

探讨绿肥用油菜还田时期对干物质腐解与养分释放规律的影响,以期为华北地区油菜用作绿肥及后茬作物减氮增效提供理论依据。采用尼龙网袋埋田法研究了绿肥油菜初花期(G1)、盛花期(G2)和角果成熟期(G3)还田的干物质腐解与养分释放规律。结果表明,G1 处理油菜还田干物质量比G2 和G3 处理显著减少45.43% 和46.87%;G1 和G2 处理还田时碳含量低于G3 处理,G1 处理氮和磷含量最高,分别为28.17 和5.21 g/kg,钾含量表现为G1>G2>G3,G1 与G3 处理差异显著。绿肥油菜还田后分快速、中速和慢速腐解3 个阶段,持续期分别为还田后0 ~ 17、18 ~ 45 和46 ~ 123 d,阶段内累积腐解率分别达44.27% ~ 66.87%、12.56% ~ 29.18% 和4.49% ~ 13.81%,最终累积腐解率达60.53% ~ 91.87%;G1 和G2 处理间腐解率无显著差异,但显著高于G3 处理。绿肥油菜还田后碳、氮、磷和钾释放率与腐解率对应亦表现为前期快速释放、中期缓慢释放、后期趋于平稳的规律,且养分累积释放率均表现为钾> 碳> 氮> 磷。经腐解,G1 处理碳、氮、磷和钾累积释放率分别为94.70%、92.97%、88.76% 和93.26%,G2 处理分别为84.25%、86.32%、86.51% 和92.52%,G3 处理分别为72.52%、59.97%、68.54%和87.67%;G2 处理氮、磷和钾释放量最高,分别为125.15、22.88 和50.42 kg/hm2,且G2 处理氮、磷释放量显著高于G1 和G3 处理,G2 处理的钾释放量与G3 处理无明显差异。综上所述,华北地区绿肥油菜在盛花期还田干物质量大且氮、磷、钾释放量最高,是最适宜的还田时期,可为下茬作物减施化肥提供技术支撑与理论依据。  相似文献   

首次将土壤养分状况系统分析法应用于盐渍化土壤冬小麦最佳施肥推荐研究.结果表明,除对钾素养分的判定外,土壤固定吸附分析和盆栽试验同大田试验结果间有较高的一致性.在NPK大量元素基础上,合理增施S、Mn和Zn肥具有一定的增产潜力.尽管土壤含硫较高,但增施硫肥仍然显效.小麦施用硫肥可增加穗粒数,达到增产效果.  相似文献   

Soil and soil solution nutrient concentrations were evaluated over a 30-mo period to determine the impact of simulated acidic precipitation (70:30 equivalent basis H2SO4: HNO3) at pH values of 5.7, 4.5, 4.0, and 3.5 on forest. microcosms. Soil nutrient analysis indicated significantly lower concentrations of exchangeable Ca and Mg in the top 3.5 cm of the mineral soil after 30 mo of pH 3.5 treatment. Leachate collected from the pH 4.5, 4.0, and 3.5 treatments at the 25 cm depth (below the Å.: horizon) exhibited significant increases in Cl, NH4, PO4, K, and SO4 concentrations compared to the pH 5.7 treatment. At the 50 cm depth (mid-profile) all leachate element concentrations except NH4 increased significantly in response to treatment. At the 100 cm depth (profile bottom), no significant effects of treatment on leachate chemistry were observed. The elevated base cation concentration values found in the 50 cm soil solution samples support at least partially the described reduction in Ca and Mg in the surface soil horizon. The 100 cm concentration data indicate that cations mobilized out of the Å.: and upper B horizon in response to treatment were immobilized before reaching the bottom of the soil profile. Evaluation of nutrient flux out of the microcosm at the 100 cm depth did not indicate any statistically significant response to the treatment. Nitrate rather than SO4 was found to be the dominant anion leaving the microcosm by an average factor of ~7 to 1.  相似文献   

High soil pH causes leaf nutrient deficiencies and reduces sugarcane yield. Soil pH in Florida histosols has been increasing as these soils subside and depth to limestone is decreased. A factorial experiment of four sulfur (S) rates and three added calcium carbonate (CaCO3) levels in soil was designed to determine S-amendment effectiveness in reducing pH and increasing nutrient availability in sugarcane as calcium (Ca) carbonate levels were increased. Sulfur-amendment and increased CaCO3 level had limited effects on yield and leaf nutrient concentrations during the growing season. Most leaf nutrients were within optimum range except nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn). Unexpected increases in Mn concentrations with added CaCO3 were associated with reducing conditions due to increased soil bulk density. High soil pH caused Mn deficiencies in the plants. Soil pH, P and Mn concentrations were important factors in predicting sugarcane yield.  相似文献   

Fern leaf lavender (Lavandula multifida L.) is a perennial shrub native to Almería with known medicinal properties, which grows in saline soils that are increasingly present in the Mediterranean region. However, the effects of salinity on the mineral nutrition and physiology of L. multifida are unknown. In the present study, we evaluated the salt resistance of this species and compared it with other members of the Lamiaceae . Plants of L. multifida were grown in pots in a mixture of sphagnum peat‐moss and Perlite, and treated with five different NaCl concentrations [10 (control), 30, 60, 100, and 200 mM NaCl] over a period of 60 d. The effects of different levels of salinity on mineral nutrient and osmolyte concentrations and on biomass were evaluated. Our results show that L. multifida plants were able to grow with 60 mM NaCl without significant biomass reduction. Na+ and Cl were the main contributors to the osmotic potential in both roots and leaves, whereas total soluble sugars (TSS) and proline made only a small contribution. The concentrations of TSS and proline showed different trends in the different organs: in roots, both showed the highest concentrations at 60 mM NaCl, whereas in leaves TSS increased and proline decreased with increasing salt stress. To survive salinity, L. multifida plants increased salt excretion (Na+ and Cl) by leaves at 100 and 200 mM NaCl and leaf succulence at 60, 100, and 200 mM NaCl. Excessive accumulation of Na+ and Cl was avoided by shedding leaves. Our results indicate that L. multifida is better adapted to salinity compared to other members of the Lamiaceae ¸ a consideration that is particularly relevant for their growth in arid saline areas.  相似文献   

试验研究复合营养调控剂活力王 (HLW )对小麦叶片结构与功能的影响结果表明 ,小麦孕穗期叶面喷施 1次活力王可有效改善叶片结构与功能 ,旗叶面积扩大 3.2 % ,倒 2叶和倒 3叶面积减小 1.8%~ 7.1% ;小麦旗叶叶绿素含量增加 19.17% ,蛋白质含量增加 5 1.7%。光合强度增加 75 .79%。小麦代谢活力的提高延缓了叶片衰老进程。  相似文献   

The litter decomposition, nutrient patterns, as well as nutrient release and soil nutrient contents were determined in response to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) addition and drought treatments following long-term vegetation recovery. The litter decomposition rate decreased with vegetation recovery, due to changes in litter quality, soil nutrient availability, and soil enzyme activity. Nitrogen addition promoted litter decomposition in the early recovery stages but inhibited decomposition in the later stages, indicating a shift in the nutrient limitations to litter decomposition with succession. Neither N nor P addition had any effect on the release of litter carbon (C), whereas N addition inhibited litter N release. In addition, drought decreased litter decomposition and nutrient release during the vegetation recovery process. Our findings suggest that litter quality, soil nutrient availability, and moisture at different vegetation recovery stages should be considered when modeling the C cycle and nutrient dynamics in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

氮素形态对油菜秸秆腐解及养分释放规律的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用尼龙网袋研究法,研究了不同形态氮素对油菜秸秆腐解及养分释放规律的影响,以期为农业秸秆循环利用和改善秸秆还田效果提供理论依据。试验设置4个处理:不添加氮素(CK)、添加尿素(PU)、添加尿素硝酸铵(UAN)和添加石灰氮(CaCN2),周期120 d。结果表明,油菜秸秆腐解表现为前期快(0~30 d)、后期慢(30~120 d)的特征。120 d时,油菜秸秆累积腐解率为46.08%~52.34%,碳、氮、磷和钾的释放率分别为44.25%~51.52%、51.19%~54.87%、52.82%~58.45%和96.61%~97.46%。添加氮素可以显著促进油菜秸秆腐解。120 d时,添加氮素处理较CK处理油菜秸秆的累积腐解率提高10.80%~13.59%。不同形态氮素对秸秆的腐解特征和碳氮磷钾释放速率的效应不同。其中,PU处理秸秆腐解过程分两个阶段,快速腐解(0~30 d)和缓慢腐解(30~120 d);30 d时油菜秸秆的腐解率达40.39%,30 d后腐解速率逐渐趋于稳定,120 d时腐解率达51.06%。UAN处理腐解过程分3个阶段,快速腐解(0~30 d)、腐解减缓(30~60 d)和缓慢腐解(30~120 d);30 d时腐解率达40.67%,30~60 d腐解率上升7.54%,120 d时腐解率为51.63%。CaCN2处理的秸秆腐解过程分两个阶段,快速腐解(0~30 d)和缓慢腐解(30~120 d);其促进腐解作用主要表现在60 d后,60 d时油菜秸秆腐解率达44.37%,120 d时腐解率为52.34%。与不施氮处理相比,120 d时UAN处理秸秆累积腐解率提高12.04%,碳、氮和磷累积释放率分别提高9.33%、7.19%和6.97%。各处理对秸秆钾的释放率影响不显著。综合来看,以UAN促进油菜秸秆腐解的效果较为显著。  相似文献   


In our experiments, carbonated water (CW) modified the equilibria in soil. Application of CW decreased the soil pH about 1.5 units one hour after irrigation ended. Minimal, though well defined, differences in soil pH were observed between the two carbonated treatments. The same relationship between the treatments was not found in pH levels of the leachate. This seems strictly related to the temporal and spatial changes in the carbon dioxide (CO2) acidifying effect caused by chemical and biological factors as water descended the soil column. The temporary reduction in soil pH in the CW treatment induced the highest nutrient mobility for most of the elements.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine and compare the Al tolerance of selected citrus rootstocks. Six‐month‐old seedlings of five citrus rootstocks were grown for 60 days in nutrient solutions. The solutions contained 7 levels of Al ranging from 4 to 1655 μM and similar P concentration of 28 μM. The nutrient solution pH was maintained at 4.0±0.1 and the temperature at 25±1°C. At high Al treatment levels, plants had thickened root tips and root caps covered with black gelatinous material. At high levels of Al treatments, seedlings of some rootstocks had yellow, mottled, and withered new leaves near end of experiment. New‐growth root lengths and shoot height responded differently to Al concentrations in the nutrient solution. New‐growth fresh weight of whole plants appeared to be the most sensitive indicator of Al tolerance. Based on response of fresh weight of whole plants to Al concentrations, relative Al tolerances of the rootstocks were Cleopatra mandarin > rough lemon > sour orange > Swingle citramelo > Carrizo citrange. The neutral or dividing Al concentrations in solution between beneficial and toxic effects were 371, 193, 189, 178, and < 100 μM Al, respectively, for the above rootstocks. Concentrations below or above the neutral Al levels caused either beneficial or toxic effects, respectively. The apparent optimum Al concentrations for the growth of whole plants were 163, 93, 89, 85, and <50 μM, respectively.  相似文献   

In tropical ecosystems, access to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) limits the decomposition rate of leaf-litter. Leaf-litter ants are abundant in this microhabitat and present a wide variety of diets. Our aim was to study the response of various ant trophic groups to an increased nutrient availability which boosts the decomposition of their habitat and selectively affects the abundance of their prey.A 6-month nutrient addition experiment (CN, CNP) was performed in a tropical montane forest of the Ecuadorian Andes. The density of ants, of other predators (e.g. arachnids, beetles) and of their potential prey (mesofauna, ranging from 0.1 to 2 mm) was measured in treatments and control plots.The litter volume in fertilized plots decreased significantly. Collembola and total mesofauna density were enhanced by the CNP addition. Ants responded differentially according to their trophic group: despite increased prey availability, predatory species in general and collembolan hunters in particular were negatively affected by both treatments. Other ant trophic group densities did not change. By contrast, the density of Dermaptera increased with the treatments. A complementary isotopic approach allowed us to trace carbon fluxes through the food web.Our results suggest that the nutrient input enhanced the litter decomposition rate, leading to reduction of habitat size. They also suggest that predatory ants in tropical leaf-litter food webs are limited by habitat size rather than by prey availability, and that these ants are more affected by habitat loss than their prey, other ant trophic groups and other macrofauna taxa.  相似文献   

通过水培试验研究了“两优培九”及其亲本在不同氮素水平下的生物学特性及生理指标。结果表明,“两优培九”及其亲本各生物学性状在不同氮素水平下存在显著差异, 且均受氮素水平、品种及品种和氮素水平互作的影响, 表现为品种因素>氮素水平因素>两因素互作; 各生物学性状中除最长根长外, 均随着氮素水平的上升而增加; 地上部和根系的干重、氮素积累量、叶绿素含量、光合速率均随氮素水平的上升而增加; 在各氮素处理中,“两优培九”的株高、根系体积、干重、氮素积累量、叶绿素含量和光合速率均处于最高水平,表现出明显的超亲优势; 随着氮素水平的提高,水稻植株吸氮量相应增加, 但植株体内的氮素利用率呈现下降趋势;“两优培九”及其亲本的各项生理指标对氮素的响应趋势基本一致, 但地上部和地下部对氮素的响应在品种间呈现较大差异。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine relations between Al effects and mineral concentrations in citrus seedlings. Six‐month‐old seedlings of five citrus rootstocks were grown for 60 days in supernatant nutrient solutions of Al, P, and other nutrients. The solutions contained seven levels of Al ranging from 4 to 1655 μM. Al and similar P concentrations of 28 μM P. Aluminum concentrations in roots and shoots increased with increasing Al concentration in the nutrient solution. Aluminum concentrations in roots of Al‐tolerant rootstocks were higher than those of Al‐sensitive rootstocks. When Al concentrations in nutrient solution increased from 4 to 178 μM, the K, Mg, and P concentrations in roots and the K and P levels in shoots increased. Conversely, Ca, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe in the roots and Ca, Mg, Cu, and Fe in the shoots decreased. The more tolerant rootstocks contained higher Fe concentrations in their roots than did the less tolerant ones when Al concentrations in solution were lower than 308 μM. Concentrations of other elements (Ca, K, P, Mg, Zn, and Mn) in roots or shoots exhibited no apparent relationship to the Al tolerance for root or shoot growth of the rootstocks. Calcium, K, Zn, Mn, and Fe concentrations in roots and Mg and K concentrations in shoots of all five rootstocks seedlings had significant negative correlations with Al concentrations in corresponding roots or shoots.  相似文献   

Biostimulants are substances promoting plant growth, quality and stress resistance. The present work aimed to investigate whether soluble hydrolysates from biowaste performed as biostimulants. Hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos L. subsp. palustris) plants were subjected to four treatments: standard fertilization, low fertilization (LF), and LF with added soluble digestate or soluble compost. Plant performance indicators were biomass accumulation, biometric parameters, leaf gaseous exchanges and elemental composition, and nitrogen (N)-use efficiency. LF negatively affected most of the investigated parameters. However, plants treated with biowaste-derived products performed better than untreated low-fertilized plants (+21 to 145% for biomass accumulation and biometric parameters, and carbon assimilation rate) and for many parameters reached values comparable to those showed by standard-fertilized plants or even higher, as in the case of Potassium (K), Silicon (Si), and Molybdenum (Mo) leaf content, and N use efficiency. Therefore, the tested soluble hydrolysates demonstrated to have biostimulant properties in hibiscus grown under nutritional stress.  相似文献   

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