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In six mature, environmentally stressed sugar maple (Acer saccharum) populations totalling 350 trees, genetic structures were studied within stands. Genetic variation was electrophoretically analyzed for 12 enzyme systems. The populations revealed Hardy-Weinberg proportions for all 11 polymorphic loci. Observed and conditional heterozygosity were. 141 and 899, respectively. Analysis of fixation indices indicated a slight heterozygote deficiency compared to panmictic conditions. Population differentiation was weak (F ST =.017). Between healthy and declining subpopulations no significant differences were detected in terms of allozyme variation. However in healthy trees, conditional heterozygosity (H c) and relative genotypic multiplicity (M rel) were higher in five out of six populations.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,33(3):338-349
Although the area under cultivation of genetically modified plants (GMPs) has substantially increased during the last decade, the effects of transgenic organisms on ecosystem processes (such as litter decomposition and nutrient cycling) largely remain unknown. In this study, the decomposition of leaf litter from transgenic birch trees (Betula pendula) expressing sugar beet chitinase IV gene was studied in a field experiment. Eight chitinase transgenic lines and a non-transgenic control were included in the study. The decomposition of these litters was investigated by studying: (i) litter mass loss, (ii) fungal (litter ergosterol content) and total microbial biomass (SIR) and their activity (basal respiration), and (iii) the effects of transgenic litter on microbial-feeding soil fauna (number of nematodes and abundance of different functional groups). At the end of the study (8 and 11 months after establishment) mass loss of chitinase transgenic leaf litter did not differ from that of non-transgenic control trees. Similarly, no differences in either the fungal or total microbial biomass between the treatments were recorded. A single transgenic line showing high chitinase IV expression differed significantly from the controls in the mean number of nematodes. The nematode populations in this litter showed distinct temporal dynamics compared to the controls, thus indirectly indicating microbial differences in the litter. The results of this study indicate that conceivable changes, possibly derived from pleiotropic effects due to gene modification, in the litter quality due to gene transformation are either absent or too weak to affect the decomposability of the litter in the soil.  相似文献   

Relationships between environmental conditions and persistence of populations at edges of ranges should be useful for predicting consequences of climate change. We characterized environmental conditions of six disjunct sites in Mexico and Guatemala that contain all known relict populations of the most southern subspecies of sugar maple, cloud forest sugar maple (Acer saccharum subsp. skutchii). We also sampled abundance and basal area of all tree species, recording 164 species, 92 genera (61% tropical), and 54 families at these sites. Temperate genera decreased in number from north to south, but mixtures of temperate and tropical species were co-dominant with cloud forest sugar maple at all sites. For all species, basal area was 24–52 m2 ha?1 and density was 990–2986 trees/ha at the six sites. Cloud forest sugar maple comprised 7–43% of total basal area and 1–16% of total densities at each site. Populations of cloud forest sugar maple currently are vulnerable to environmental change. Anthropogenic disturbance is negatively affecting four populations, and regeneration is successfully occurring in only two sites. As a result, densities and basal area are much reduced compared to more northern temperate populations. NMS-ordination indicated that elevation and hurricane frequency are major environmental constraints related to abundance. Maple recruitment is associated with short hurricane return intervals that maintain higher elevation cloud forests in states conducive for regeneration. We establish the conservation status of cloud forest sugar maple at the southern end of its range relative to expected climate change and propose this subspecies be included in the IUCN-Red List.  相似文献   

The occurrence of biologically active compounds identified for the first time in the lipophilic extracts of yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.) foliage led to the quantification of the seasonal variation of their concentrations. Yellow birch foliage was collected from late June until late September 2003 in two different regions of Quebec. The extraction yields using hexane as a solvent were determined, and the extracts were analyzed by GC-MS to identify their molecular composition. In terms of both extraction yields and the concentration of the targeted molecules present in the extracts, mid-September has been determined as the best time to collect foliage samples. A total of 14 constituents were identified in these extracts. This is the first report of the presence of all of these constituents in yellow birch foliage and of some of them in the genus Betula. The most important compounds identified in yellow birch foliage extracts are triterpene squalene and aliphatic hydrocarbon tetracosan, aliphatic alcohol phytol, fatty acids hexadecanoic and octadecanoic, pentacyclic triterpenes alpha- and beta-amyrin, and phytosterol stigmast-5-en-3-ol.  相似文献   

To examine the role of a community of soil animals in N-mineralization and C fluxes in dead organic matter, we established a microcosm system with substrates composed of: (a) birch leaf litter; (b) raw coniferous humus; and (c) litter on humus. Every 3–4 wks the substrates were irrigated with distilled water, and the amounts of NO5-N, NH4-N, total-N and total-C (as well as humic substances at one recording) in the leachates were analyzed. At the end of the experiment, water-soluble and exchangeable forms of N were measured in the test materials.

The differences in the release of N were clear both between the replicates with and without soil animals and between the different forms of N. From wk 10 onwards the fauna enhanced significantly the leaching of total-N and NH4-N from the humus alone. The release of total-N from the litter alone was also increased by the fauna. The presence of animals did not significantly affect any form of K.CIextractable N.

The amounts of total C in the leachates increased significantly in almost all samples when the fauna was involved. In addition, the fauna affected the humification process positively in the litter + humus and in humus alone, i.e. relatively more humic substances than total C were liberated from the materials in the presence of animals.  相似文献   

The water- and acid-insoluble fractions of a chestnut ( Castanea sativa L.) leaf litter sample and their complexes with Cu(II), Fe(III), and Mn(II) prepared in the laboratory were characterized by major elemental analysis, total Cu, Fe, and Mn content, infrared (IR), and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The IR spectra revealed a broad typology of functional groups (particularly carboxyls) in the solid litter, whereas the ESR spectra showed the existence of indigenous organic free radical species, inner-sphere Fe3+ complexes, and outer-sphere Mn2+ complexes. The litter exhibited a high residual binding capacity for Cu, Fe, and Mn in chemical forms of differing stability against water leaching and proton exchange. The ESR spectra of the metal complexes prepared in the laboratory indicated that Fe3+ and Cu2+ formed highly water-stable, inner-sphere complexes, whereas Mn2+ formed water-labile, outer-sphere complexes. Oxygen ligands of the litter were involved in metal complexation in all cases. The litter showed the highest affinity for Cu2+, followed by Fe3+ and Mn2+, when it was reacted with a single metal, whereas it complexed Fe3+ preferentially in the presence of both Cu2+ and Fe3+. Only a limited portion of the metal ions retained at the pH of distilled water remained bound in stable forms by the litter when the pH was lowered. Thus, variations of pH in forest soils will significantly affect micronutrient metal content and mobility in leaf litter.  相似文献   

We tested whether straw could induce higher N release from decomposing salal leaf litter, which ostensibly interferes with mineralization of N. We mixed forest floor material from two forest types with 15N-enriched salal leaf litter, and incubated the mixtures 3 years with and without straw amendments. The amounts of N, as well as the relative amounts of 15N, extracted in five fractions were, respectively, 29-93 and 25-82% lower in straw-amended forest floor. Results suggest that straw diverted microbial decomposition activity away from the more recalcitrant litter fractions. Previous reports of higher mineral-N availability in straw-amended forest floors are best explained by a fertilizer effect of straw as opposed to a ‘priming effect’.  相似文献   

The aim was to characterize dissolved organic matter in soils under different tree species. Molecular size distribution and chemical composition of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen were determined in water extracts from humus layers and mineral soils taken from silver birch ( Betula pendula Roth.), Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. Concentrations of tannins and 15 phenolic acids in the humus layers were measured. Per unit of organic matter, the concentrations of dissolved organic C and N were larger in birch and spruce humus layers than in the pine humus layer. In the underlying mineral soil, the concentrations of dissolved organic C were similar at all sites, but the concentration of dissolved organic N was greater in spruce and pine soils than in birch soil. In all soils, the 10–100 kDa fraction was the most abundant molecular size group and hydrophobic acids the most abundant chemical group of dissolved organic C. In all humus layers, hydrophobic acids and hydrophilic bases were the major components of dissolved organic N. There were only minor differences in the concentrations of total tannins in the humus layers under different tree species. Small-molecule tannins (about < 0.5 kDa) were most abundant in the birch humus, and large-molecule tannins in the pine humus. Coniferous humus contained more ferulic and p -coumaric acids than did the birch humus. The concentrations of 3,4 and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid were similar in all soils.  相似文献   

Due to current predictions for Central Europe that forecast higher frequencies of hot and dry summers, Mediterranean drought-tolerant oak species are being evaluated as future forest trees for German forest sites that are becoming increasingly damaged by water deficit. As a result of planting foreign tree species, the leaf litter composition and thus the food resources of native saprophagous macroarthropods will change, possibly altering primary decomposition processes. Therefore, experiments concerning the acceptance and palatability of introduced versus native litter for native isopods were undertaken. Consumption rates of four native isopod species (Porcellio scaber, Oniscus asellus, Trachelipus rathkii, Trachelipus ratzeburgii) were investigated in laboratory choice tests with introduced (Quercus pubescens, Quercus frainetto, Quercus ilex) and comparable native (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur) leaf litter. Litter was characterized by measurement of C/N-ratios and lignin content. Although species-specific preferences of isopods could be observed in the experiments, Mediterranean oak litter was consumed by all investigated species. Furthermore, two isopod species even preferred the leaf litter of the introduced Q. ilex. Compared to native beech or oak litter, litter from these introduced tree species thus apparently do not negatively influence the consumption rates of terrestrial isopods. Possible reasons for the determined preferences are discussed.  相似文献   

The production of nonmethane volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by soil microbes is likely to have an important influence on soil ecology and terrestrial biogeochemistry. However, soil VOC production has received relatively little attention, and we do not know how the emissions of microbially-produced VOCs vary across soil and litter types. We collected 40 root-free soil and litter samples from a diverse array of ecosystem types and conducted laboratory incubations in order to compare the types and quantities of VOCs emitted. VOC production rates were higher in litter samples than in soil samples, and the rates were correlated with microbial biomass and CO2 production levels. On average, the litter samples produced more types of VOCs than the soil samples with litters emitting a number of VOCs (including terpenoids) that were not generally emitted from the soil samples. Across all of the samples, we identified 100 VOCs, and more than 70% of these compounds could not be positively identified by GC/MS analyses. Of those VOCs that could be identified, furfural and similar furan compounds were noteworthy in that they were emitted in large amounts from nearly every sample examined. Other identifiable VOCs produced across a range of soil and litter samples included propanoic and butanoic acids, which are known products of microbial fermentation. Together these results suggest a need for additional research examining the specific factors influencing VOC emissions from soil and the identification of specific VOCs emitted from soil and litter as many of these compounds are likely to have important effects on belowground ecology.  相似文献   

In many Japanese forests, the forest understory is largely dominated by dwarf bamboo (Sasa) species, which compete with overstory vegetation for soil nutrients. We studied the rate of leaf litterfall, and decomposition and mineralization of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) from various components (leaf, root, wood, and rhizome) of overstory and understory vegetation in a young Betula ermanii forest from 2002 to 2004. Total litterfall was 377 g m−2 year−1, of which the overstory vegetation contributed about two thirds. A litter decomposition experiment conducted for 770 days indicated that mass loss of different litter components varied significantly, except for Sasa kurilensis wood and rhizome. Relative decomposition rates were significantly greater in the first growth period (June to October) than the dormant period (November to May) in most cases. Rainfall was the most important abiotic variable, explaining 75–80% of the variability in mass loss rates. Concentrations of ethanol soluble substances and N were significantly positively correlated (r=0.77 to 0.97, P<0.05) with mass loss at an early stage (41 days). The ratios of lignin/N and C/N were found to be negatively correlated with mass loss rates at all stages of litter decomposition. C stock loss was similar to that of mass loss, whereas N stock loss was slower, except for S. kurilensis fine root litter. The evergreen understory species S. kurilensis exhibited greater N use efficiency than B. ermanii, suggesting better competitive ability that might favor the production of a high biomass and invasion under tree species like B. ermanii.  相似文献   

Biodegradable composites from sugar beet pulp and poly(lactic acid)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sugar beet pulp and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) composites were prepared by compression-heating. The resultant thermoplastics had a lower density, but they had tensile strength similar to that of pure PLA specimens as well as the same geometric properties. Tensile properties depended on the initial water content of sugar beet pulp and the process by which composites were manufactured. In comparison with sugar beet pulp, the composite showed improved water resistance. This can be attributed to the hydrophobic character of PLA and pulp-matrix interactions. The composite thermoplastics showed suitable properties for potential use as lightweight construction materials.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope ratio mass spectrometry (delta13C IRMS) was used to detect maple syrup adulteration by exogenous sugar addition (beet and cane sugar). Malic acid present in maple syrup is proposed as an isotopic internal standard to improve actual adulteration detection levels. A lead precipitation method has been modified to isolate quantitatively malic acid from maple syrup using preparative reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The stable carbon isotopic ratio of malic acid isolated from this procedure shows an excellent accuracy and repeatability of 0.01 and 0.1 per thousand respectively, confirming that the modified lead precipitation method is an isotopic fractionation-free process. A new approach is proposed to detect adulteration based on the correlation existing between the delta13Cmalic acid and the delta13Csugars-delta13Cmalic acid (r = 0.704). This technique has been tested on a set of 56 authentic maple syrup samples. Additionally, authentic samples were spiked with exogeneous sugars. The mean theoretical detection level was statistically lowered using this technique in comparison with the usual two-standard deviation approach, especially when maple syrup is adulterated with beet sugar : 24 +/- 12% of adulteration detection versus 48 +/- 20% (t-test, p = 7.3 x 10-15). The method was also applied to published data for pineapple juices and honey with the same improvement.  相似文献   

The seeds of the main Italian carob varieties, Latinissima and Tantillo, and those of two selected accessions of Latinissima were evaluated in terms of yield, rheological properties, and sugar composition of the endosperm (LBG). The separation of the seed components in Latinissima and its seedlings yielded meanly 52.2% gum, 17.4% germ, and 30.5% tegument, whereas Tantillo furnished a lower gum yield (38.5%) and a higher yield of tegument (45.8%). The viscosity of 1% LBG aqueous solutions was measured at different shear rates (3-60 rpm), pH values (3.0-6.0), and temperatures (10-60 degrees C). The best results were shown by Latinissima, whereas Tantillo provided always the poorest thickening capacity. The content of free simple sugars and sucrose in the raw flours, the total monosaccharide residues after acidic hydrolysis, the mannose/galactose ratio, and the distribution of polysaccharides by size exclusion chromatography accounted for the observed viscosities. The seeds of Latinissima showed the highest technological potential.  相似文献   

A preliminary antimicrobial disk assay of chloroform, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol extracts of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) leaf extracts showed that the n-butanol fraction exhibited the most significant antimicrobial activities against seven bacteria species, four yeasts, and four molds. Eight phenolic compounds were isolated from the n-butanol soluble fraction of artichoke leaf extracts. On the basis of high-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, the structures of the isolated compounds were determined as the four caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, chlorogenic acid (1), cynarin (2), 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (3), and 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (4), and the four flavonoids, luteolin-7-rutinoside (5), cynaroside (6), apigenin-7-rutinoside (7), and apigenin-7-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (8), respectively. The isolated compounds were examined for their antimicrobial activities on the above microorganisms, indicating that all eight phenolic compounds showed activity against most of the tested organisms. Among them, chlorogenic acid, cynarin, luteolin-7-rutinoside, and cynaroside exhibited a relatively higher activity than other compounds; in addition, they were more effective against fungi than bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of these compounds were between 50 and 200 microg/mL.  相似文献   


Poultry litter (PL) is a cheap alternative to conventional fertilizers. The use of PL in this way also reduces the environmental problems normally associated with its disposal. The residual effect of PL may reduce the amount of fertilizer (especially N fertilizer) required by subsequent crops. This study examines the residual effects of PL (with and without additional mineral fertilizer) on the properties of a volcanic ash soil and on silage maize (Zea mays) yields in central Chile. Poultry litter and mineral fertilizer were applied in 2002–2003 and their residual effects were determined in 2004–2006. The dry matter (DM) yield, nutrient balance and apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency (ANRE) of the silage maize were determined for each season, and the soil properties were analyzed at three depths (0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm) at the end of the third season. Crop yield showed a positive response to all fertilizer treatments. The residual effect, the nutrient balance, N uptake and ANRE also improved with fertilizer treatment, especially with the PL treatments. The average DM yield for the PL treatments was higher than that observed using mineral fertilizer by 2.8 and 1.2 Mg ha?1 in the third and fourth years, respectively. The ANRE was generally higher in the PL treatments, although it decreased over time (12.4 and 1.7% for the last 2 years, respectively). The mean ANREs for the mineral fertilizer treatment were 4.1 and 1.6% for the same years. The results suggest that the PL treatments had an important positive residual effect in terms of N supply. This should be taken into account when planning the next crop. After two annual applications of PL, slight increases were observed in soil NO3-N at a depth of 0–20 cm, and extractable P at depths of 20–40 cm and 40–60 cm. No other soil variables were significantly affected by any of the treatments. An additional source of K was found to be necessary to maintain an adequate soil K level.  相似文献   

Yellow plums (Prunus domestica L) conventionally and organically grown in the same farm were selected to study the influence of different agronomic practices on antioxidant vitamins (ascorbic acid, vitamin E, beta-carotene) and phenolics (total polyphenols, phenolic acids, flavonols) concentration. Conventional plums were grown on tilled soil. Three organic cultivations were performed: tilled soil, soil covered with trifolium, and soil covered with natural meadow. Differences in macronutrients were marginal, whereas antioxidant vitamins and phenolic compounds concentration markedly differed among cultivations. Ascorbic acid, alpha-, gamma-tocopherols, and beta-carotene were higher in organic plums grown on soil covered with natural meadow. The highest phenolic acids content was detected in plums grown on soil covered with trifolium. Total polyphenols content was higher in conventional plums. Quercetin was higher in conventional plums, but myrecitin and kaempferol were higher in organic plums. Under the same cultivar and climate conditions, the type of soil management turned out of primary importance in influencing the concentration of health-promoting compounds.  相似文献   

Betaxanthins, the yellow-orange water-soluble pigments from yellow beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris cv. Bejo Zaden) and cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica cv. Gialla) have been investigated using an HPLC system compatible with mass spectrometry. Five novel betaxanthins were found and characterized as the immonium adducts of betalamic acid with serine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, valine, isoleucine, and phenylalanine. To enable concentration of betalain samples, desalting was performed by solid-phase extraction. With this technique, betacyanins could be separated from the betaxanthins using the pH-dependent retention characteristics of red and yellow betalains. The betaxanthin fraction was taken for the preparation of betalamic acid as a precursor for semisynthetic standards. The HPLC method was applied to yellow beet and cactus pear, revealing a more complex betalain profile than described earlier, thus proving its suitability for screening of betaxanthin-containing plants as potential sources for natural food colors.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of slug (Arion rufus L.) mucus and cast material on litter decomposition, nutrient mobilization, and microbial activity in two laboratory experiments: (1) Slug mucus and cast material was added to beech leaf litter (Fagus sylvatica L.), and leaching of N and P and CO2 production in microcosm systems were measured during 77 days of incubation; (2) mucus was added to beech leaf litter, and basal respiration, microbial biomass (substrate-induced respiration), specific respiration (qO2), microbial growth ability after C, CN, CP, and CNP amendment, and lag time (time between CNP addition and start of exponential increase in respiration rate) were measured during 120 days of incubation. Leaching of N and P from beech leaf litter was significantly increased in treatments with mucus or faecal material of A. rufus. Following day 3, slug mucus increased nitrification processes. Mucus addition to beech leaf litter also increased basal respiration and microbial biomass significantly. In contrast, specific respiration was not significantly affected by mucus addition, and generally declined until day 60 but then increased until day 120. Nutrient amendments indicated that between days 1 and 30, N was available for microbial growth in litter with mucus but not in control litter. Generally, the lag time in beech leaf litter with added mucus was shorter than in control litter. Lag times generally increased with age, indicating dominance of slow-growing microbial populations at later stages as a consequence of depletion of easily available C resources and nutrients. We conclude that C, N, and P cycling is accelerated by slug activity.  相似文献   

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