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Veterinarians are often asked to examine cattle for lameness. A good history, observation of stance and stride, and physical examination are critical to the diagnosis of lameness in cattle. Methods of examination, including observation of the animal at a distance and during movement, are described. Lameness grading systems and ancillary diagnostic tests are also discussed.  相似文献   

Detection of a case of BSE in slaughtered cattle causes considerable expenses. It seems therefore desirable to screen cattle before slaughtering and exclude suspect animals from slaughter. The object of this study was to determine the practicability of such screening under realistic conditions in a large slaughterhouse and to evaluate the specificity of the tests proposed by BRAUN et al. (1997). 949 cattle over 24 months old were examined in the Munich slaughterhouse. Spontaneous behaviour and the reaction to tactile, acoustic, and optical stimuli only could be tested. The evaluation of locomotion was not possible without interference with the routine processing of cattle before slaughter. The examination took about three minutes per animal. The results were evaluated using a modification of the scheme of BRAUN et al. (1997). The specificity of the classification "BSE very likely" was 97.8%. If all animals that exhibit any signs suggestive of BSE were to be excluded, the specificity would drop to 63.7%. This pre-slaughter clinical screening is not useful.  相似文献   

Ultrasound machines with 7.5 to 5.0MHz linear transducers are well suited for rapid and straightforward differentiation of soft tissue swelling in the musculoskeletal system of cattle; in proximal limb regions 3.5MHz convex scanners allow better imaging. The main indications for ultrasonography of the musculoskeletal system in cattle are suspected arthritis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, abscesses, haematomas, diagnosis of muscle and tendon lesions, and generally the evaluation of soft tissue swellings everywhere that cannot be diagnosed based on clinical examination. The examiner starts by obtaining a general overview of the affected region for orientation purposes. This is achieved by locating and identifying anatomical landmarks, thereafter one can search for pathological changes by examination of the region of interest in longitudinal and transverse planes from all sides. The ultrasonographic investigation should follow a standardised systematic protocol. Normal synovial cavities in cattle are difficult or impossible to visualize via ultrasonography because of the very small physiological amount of synovial fluid. Thus, effusion that is easily visualized usually indicates a pathological process like arthritis, tenosynovitis or bursitis. Ultrasonography provides accurate information about the location and size of lesions or fluid-filled cavities, the nature of the content and an exact measurement of the distance from pathologically altered structures to the skin surface. Targeted centesis of synovial or other cavities can be carried out after a preliminary ultrasonographic inspection. Characterization of the lesions and a thorough preoperative inspection of affected regions are of enormous benefit for planning surgery and treatment.  相似文献   

In the preceding pages, the various components of an examination have been described. Each clinician will formulate his own method of utilizing these components. The following are suggested steps in a practical approach to the diagnosis of lameness. Evaluate the conditions under which restraint of the animal is possible (corral, free stall, stanchion barn). Assess the temperament, physical strength, and general amenability of the animal to be examined. If the animal is at liberty, its movements can be studied. If it is standing quietly observe it. If the animal is tied up and it seems feasible to examine the animal while it is walking, observe the animal and take its history while it is still tied up. Aggressive and wild animals should be observed, but little beneficial information will be gained from a regional approach to evaluating movement at this stage. Even if the seat of lameness seems to be in the proximal limb, it is mandatory in every case to examine the hooves and interdigital space at some stage during the evaluation. However, if the probability of proximal lameness is high, the clinician may proceed to make a complete evaluation, which would include studying the quality of movement before checking that the distal extremity is normal in every way. If the clinician decides to proceed with an examination of the digital region and is unable to locate a causative lesion in the extremity, he would then evaluate movement and manipulate and palpate the proximal limb. If no cause of the lameness becomes apparent, the nerve supply to the extremity would then be blocked.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Optimal time postbreeding for pregnancy examination in dairy cattle   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between calving interval and the interval from artificial insemination to pregnancy examination. Cows examined for pregnancy at 30 or more days postbreeding were followed to determine the calving interval for cows examined at sequential intervals postbreeding (e.g. 42-44 days, 45-47 days postbreeding). Cows included in the study were from five large dairies in California, were presented for pregnancy examination from December of 1982 to April of 1983, and had a calving interval of from 290 to 530 days. All palpations were done by one of two experienced veterinarians. Calving intervals were significantly lower for cows pregnancy examined from 51-56 days postbreeding than for cows examined earlier or later.  相似文献   

We examined whether Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) was transmitted by rectal palpation using a common sleeve between a BLV-infected cow and BLV-negative steers. Three of four steers developed antibodies against BLV as determined by agar-gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test between 7 to 10 weeks after the first rectal palpation using common sleeves from BLV-infected cow. In the steers, BLV proviral DNA were detected by PCR 1 to 5 weeks earlier than detection of the antibodies by the AGID test. Our experiments demonstrated that rectal palpation is a potential cause of BLV spread in herds and that detection of BLV proviral DNA in cattle by PCR is useful screening test for early diagnosis of BLV infection.  相似文献   

猪伪狂犬病的流行情况和预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伪狂犬病是危害养猪业健康发展的主要疾病之一。但自 1 998年以来 ,本病已成为黄埔区母猪繁殖障碍常见的传染病之一。主要引起哺乳仔猪的大量死亡、母猪流产、死胎、木乃伊、不育。现将 1 998年 4月至 1 999年 6月几个猪场猪伪狂犬病的流行情况和防制措施报告如下。1 发病情况1 998年 4月至 1 999年 3月期间 ,黄埔区先后有 4个猪场发生类似情况 :几窝 2~ 3日龄哺乳仔猪有 3~ 5头突然表现震颤 ,不能吮乳 ,继而卧地不起 ,四肢作游泳状 ,2日之内全窝发病 ,病程 2~ 3天 ,全部死亡。随后的 1 5天内 ,发病和死亡集中在 3~ 1 4日龄阶段的仔猪 …  相似文献   

In this study diagnostic certainty of ultrasonography and rectal palpation concerning the detection of follicles and C.I. was compared by evaluation of the findings obtained with ultrasonography in waterbath and dissection of the ovaries after slaughter. Clinical examinations were performed on a total of 30 cows (transrectally and ultrasonographically, 5.0 mhz, linear) in slaughterhouse. In the laboratory ovaries were evaluated after slaughter both macroscopically and by ultrasonography in waterbath. Diagnostic reliabilities of these methods were compared. No difference between the methods was determined concerning the longitudinal measurements of corpora lutea (19.96 +/- 4.83 mm, 20.41 +/- 5.41 mm, 21.45 +/- 5.26 mm by ultrasonography, waterbath and macroscopy respectively). By means of determining the correct identification of corpora lutea, the error rate was 24.1% and 17.2% for rectal palpation and ultrasonography respectively. The comparison of rectal palpation and macroscopy showed that three small corpora lutea and two corpora lutea with small cavity were determined wrongly as small follicles and two corpora lutea were determined whereas they were not present actually. With ultrasonography four small C.I. could not be detected and one C.I. with cavity was wrongly determined as follicle. It was noticed that follicles bigger than 10 mm (F2 = 10-15 mm, F3 = 16-20 mm) could be determined more accurately by means of ultrasonography than by rectal palpation (with ultrasonography: F2 = 90.48%, F3 = 100.0%; with rectal palpation, F2 = 61.9%, F3 = 200.0%). The correlation of the findings of rectal palpation or ultrasonography and blood progesterone levels was 86.2% and 89.7% respectively. This accordance was 96.6% for progesterone levels and waterbath and macroscopic findings.  相似文献   

Bacterial contamination of the uterine lumen is common in cattle after parturition, often leading to infection and uterine disease. Clinical disease can be diagnosed and scored by examination of the vaginal mucus, which reflects the presence of pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Arcanobacterium pyogenes. Viruses may also cause uterine disease and bovine herpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) is tropic for endometrial cells, causing a rapid cytopathic effect. The elimination of pathogens by the innate immune system is dependent on pattern recognition receptors binding pathogen-associated molecules. Uterine epithelial and stromal cells express receptors such as Toll-like Receptor 4 that binds E. coli lipopolysaccharide. The infertility associated with uterine disease is caused by damage to the endometrium and disruption of ovarian cyclic activity. Bacteria modulate endometrial prostaglandin secretion, and perturb ovarian follicle growth and function. Understanding the molecular basis of uterine disease will lead to novel approaches to treating infertility.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography has proven its worth in both small animal and equine musculoskeletal work. It allows visualization of soft tissue that is not possible with anything barring magnetic resonance imaging. In bovine practice, ultrasound has been used to great effect in reproductive work and has also shown itself to be of value in the evaluation of the thorax, abdomen, and the udder. Ultrasound examination of the bovine limb is certainly feasible because of the availability of small portable and affordable equipment. The restraint necessary is dependent on the animal. Cattle, because of their size and inherent dislike of restraint, pose a challenge for ultrasonographic examination. However, if proper restraint is used, it seems possible that ultrasonography may become a helpful tool in the evaluation of soft tissue injuries. It should prove to provide valuable information that may be used to offer better advice with regard to treatment and prognosis.  相似文献   

Bacteraemia signifies invasion of the bloodstream by bacteria. In most systemic infections in man and animals, bacteria enter the blood at some stage during the infection and are rapidly distributed throughout the body. A wide variety of organisms have been associated with bacteraemia. Prompt detection of the aetiological agents of bacteraemia is of prime importance in clinical microbiology. There are no defined recommendations for blood cultures in animals but both conventional and improved methods are available for detection of bacteraemia in man. The consequences of bacteraemia are as diverse as the potential aetiological agents. Monoclonal antibodies to the core glycolipid (lipid A) seems very promising for the treatment of bacteraemia and septic shock caused by Gram-negative bacteria in man and animals.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonographic examination of the hip joint region and the pelvis was carried out in 7 cadavers, transcutaneous ultrasonography in 17 healthy young and adult cattle, and transrectal sonography was performed in 12 healthy cows in order to study the normal ultrasonographic appearance of these regions. 7.5 MHz linear-, 5.0 MHz and 3.5 MHz convex transducers and a 7.5 MHz rectal probe were used. The bone surfaces of the greater trochanter, the femoral neck and head, the acetabulum and the other pelvic bones were visualised as hyperechoic contours. The coxofemoral joint space was identified in all cadavers and live cattle. The joint pouch could not be visualised, neither in cadavers nor in live cattle. After experimental filling of the coxofemoral joint pouch by injection of 35-45 ml eosin-solution it appeared as a large anechoic zone between the articular surface and the echogenic joint capsule. The inner contours of the pelvic girdle, both iliosacral joint spaces, the abdominal aorta and the external iliac arteries were depicted clearly by transrectal ultrasonography. The practical application of diagnostic ultrasound in these regions is demonstrated in clinical patients suffering from a septic coxarthritis and a sequestration of a part of the tuber coxae following an open fracture. These results serve as reference data for ultrasonographic investigation of disorders of the hip joint and the pelvic region in cattle.  相似文献   

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