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厦门海域赤潮现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈国斌 《中国水产》2012,(10):27-29
厦门地处我国东南沿海——福建省东南部、九龙江入海处,西部与漳州毗邻,北接泉州,东南与金门岛隔海相望.厦门海域环绕厦门岛,主要由同安湾、西海域、东部海域组成,其中同安湾与厦门西海域由高集海堤隔开,并通过一闸口相连.近五年来,发生在厦门海域的赤潮呈多元化的趋势,以前从来没有出现过的冬季赤潮接连发生,引起赤潮的赤潮生物种类也不断出现以前未引起过赤潮的种类. 厦门海域的赤潮研究已有较多报道,但近五年来有关赤潮的研究报道较少,特别是没有较系统介绍近几年赤潮现状的报道.本文通过近五年厦门海域赤潮的发生情况,详细地分析赤潮现状并提出对策,以期为实现厦门海域赤潮研究和控制,海洋保护和管理,改善海洋环境提供科学依据.  相似文献   

厦门海域一次冬季血红哈卡藻赤潮的初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈国斌 《福建水产》2012,34(5):392-397
本文根据2009年1—2月厦门海域一次冬季血红哈卡藻赤潮的调查数据,分析本次赤潮的变化特点,并对血红哈卡藻与环境因子的关系进行初步分析。结果表明:本次赤潮是厦门海域有记载的赤潮中,发生时间最早、持续时间最长的赤潮。赤潮中血红哈卡藻比中肋条藻更具竞争优势,对水温变化的适应性很强。盐度对血红哈卡藻的繁殖具有刺激作用。在无机磷限制环境中,血红哈卡藻更具竞争优势,而无机氮含量高有利于血红哈卡藻的生长。  相似文献   

福建定海湾一次东海原甲藻与夜光藻双相赤潮浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李正华 《福建水产》2016,(2):132-136
通过对2010年6月7—13日发生在福建定海湾的一次东海原甲藻与夜光藻双相赤潮进行跟踪监测,分析并探讨了该次双相赤潮生消过程。本次赤潮暴发时海区表层水温范围为22.8~23.2℃,盐度范围为28.24~28.36;本次赤潮暴发后,监测结果显示该海区表层水体中夜光藻的大量存在对东海原甲藻的快速增长无摄食压力,而且在夜光藻大量存在的表层水体中活性磷酸盐及氨氮含量与正常海区相比均明显偏高,另外海区表层水体中东海原甲藻在赤潮暴发后仍能快速生长。  相似文献   

厦门海域血红哈卡藻赤潮的环流形势和水文气象条件分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2008年3月和2009年2月,厦门海域发生了以血红哈卡藻为优势藻种的赤潮,两次赤潮具有发生时间早、持续时间长的特点。针对近两年厦门海域两次在冬季爆发血红哈卡藻赤潮的现象,本文分析了赤潮期间的环流形势和水文气象条件。结果表明,厦门海域血红哈卡藻赤潮发生前后,1000hPa环流形势表现为西南地区的倒槽或者气旋,并随着冷空气的北退而向内陆地区延伸,台湾海峡的气流多为东南到西南向,气温和水温持续回升、风速偏弱、相对湿度偏高,盐度长时间维持较低水平,此种环流形势和水文气象条件促使了厦门海域冬季赤潮的发生。  相似文献   

厦门海域赤潮发生规律初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文根据历史资料及2004~2005年厦门海域赤潮的监测结果和相关资料,对赤潮多发性规律及其与自然环境关系进行初步探讨.资料显示,太阳黑子活动峰年的前后3年是赤潮的多发年份、5~7月是多发季节、多发月份的中小潮期是多发日期.赤潮生物具有适应和利用自然环境变化的本能,同时也反映了太阳黑子活动、季节变化、引潮力变化和气象条件能够通过生物的、物理的或化学的过程影响赤潮的发生和发展.  相似文献   

油的比重小于水,又难溶于水中,进入海洋后就在海面上迅速扩散,形成油膜。油膜由于风的吹动而扩散,并顺着风和表面流的方向移动。其漂流速度大约为风速的3.3%左右。同时波浪、海流以及涡流可加速油向平面或垂直方向扩散。在通常情况下,油的扩散速度为每小时100—300米。  相似文献   

福建长乐海区一次东海原甲藻赤潮生消过程分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李正华 《福建水产》2012,34(3):196-202
本文通过对2010年5月2—10日发生在福建长乐海区的一次东海原甲藻赤潮进行跟踪监测,分析并探讨了该赤潮生消过程。结果表明:东海原甲藻可在光照较强的气象条件下发生赤潮;本次赤潮暴发后东海原甲藻仍能快速增长并聚集,且主要利用硝酸氮作为氮营养成分;该赤潮生物在赤潮过程中承受低磷贫瘠环境胁迫的能力较强。对监测过程中海区各环境因子主成分分析也表明,本次赤潮限制因子有:硝酸氮、亚硝酸氮、水温以及盐度等。  相似文献   

厦门湾沉积物中甲藻孢囊的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
方琦 《水产学报》2003,27(2):137-142
描述了厦门湾沉积物中的13种甲藻孢囊的形态与丰度、分布特征。初步研究结果表明,厦门湾沉积物中甲藻孢囊的平均丰度为3360粒·kg-1湿重;其中有2种有毒甲藻:塔玛亚历山大藻和小型亚历山大藻,有2种有害甲藻:具刺膝沟藻和锥状斯氏藻的孢囊,且数量较为丰富。这4种有害有毒甲藻孢囊在环境条件适合时将可能引发赤潮,对厦门湾水产养殖和人体健康产生危害。  相似文献   

孙伟  王诗成 《齐鲁渔业》2008,25(4):58-60
赤潮,国际上称之为有害藻华(Harmful Algal Blooms,HAB’s),是在一定环境条件下,海洋中某些微小生物(浮游植物、原生动物或细菌等)短时间内暴发性繁殖或高密度聚集,在单位水体中达到一定生物量且引起水色异常的一种现象。  相似文献   

有害赤潮对近岸捕捞及观光旅游业直接灾害经济损失评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江天久  李支薇  江涛  吴锋  佟蒙蒙 《水产学报》2011,35(10):1582-1588
以广东省珠海市2009年10—11月双胞旋沟藻赤潮期的现场调查数据为基础,研究了赤潮灾害发生期近岸捕捞及旅游观光业直接经济损失的构成,并依据在该海域从事生产活动船只吨位的大小及经营的方式,分别构建了赤潮灾害对近岸捕捞及观光旅游业直接经济损失的评估模式。评估结果显示,这次赤潮造成以近岸捕捞为主的小型船只直接经济损失约为54万元,以旅游观光兼捕捞的中型船只直接经济损失约101万元,以捕捞为主的大型船只直接经济损失约61万元,上述经济损失合计约216万元。本文建立的评估方法填补了我国在有害赤潮对近岸捕捞及观光旅游业直接灾害经济损失精确评估的空白,对近海其它海洋灾害经济损失的评估也具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Fish are frequently exposed to paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) derived from harmful algal blooms (HAB). PSTs are potent neurotoxins with strong effects on fish at multiple trophic levels. Here, we examine the historical and contemporary mass mortality events combining with the available data on response of fish to PSTs' exposure. The data show that fish are negatively affected by these natural toxins on a recurring basis. Transient effects of PSTs have also been observed in fish and although difficult to quantify, these sublethal effects can affect foraging and predation avoidance. Additionally, the spatiotemporal overlapping of fish spawning and HAB can also be critical for fish survival and fisheries recruitment. Exposure of fish in their early life stages to dissolved toxins in the water column has also been identified as a risk factor for fish survival. In the context of global climate change, where PSTs are likely to become increasingly important, new insights and a synthesis of up‐to‐date information on fish response to PSTs and the risk associated with toxic dinoflagellate blooms are presented.  相似文献   




This study was conducted to gain insight into the characteristics of algal blooms in relation to the marine environment of Gamak Bay. From the first known occurrence of algal blooms in 1984 until 2006, 23 causal species have been identified, the most common ones being Prorocentrum sp., Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Chaetoceros sp., Skeletonema costatum, and Heterosigma akashiwo. A principal component analysis indicated that blooms of these species develop under different conditions in terms of water temperature, salinity, precipitation, and insolation. Field data showed Cochlodinium polykrikoides to be favored by high temperatures and to be euryhaline, whereas Skeletonema costatum appeared to be eurythermal and euryhaline. Prorocentrum sp. and Chaetoceros sp. appeared to be stenothermal and stenohaline. Finally, Heterosigma akashiwo appeared at the lowest temperature and highest salinity of the five species and was classified here as stenothermal and stenohaline.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that large quantities of ammonia may be released into the water of a fish pond following the collapse of an algal bloom. Some blue-green algae are thought to release toxins. This paper puts forward another explanation for this occurrence. A review of the disease known as Infectious Dropsy of Carp (IDC) based on the findings of this paper shows it to be caused by ammonia. Various methods to counteract this disease are described. Particular emphasis is placed on the policy concerning the addition of fertilizers. It is shown that dense blooms of nitrogen-fixing algae can be controlled by manipulation of the nitrogen: phosphorus balance of ponds. Determination of the aetiology of carp dropsy will probably lead to a better understanding of other diseases of fish which are manifested by similar symptoms. The disease of trout known as Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (VHS) is discussed in this context. For clarification it is proposed that infectious dropsy of carp be renamed Environmental Ammonotelic Syndrome (EAS).  相似文献   

为探讨大亚湾海域水体和沉积物中石油烃的含量及其分布特征,2015年4月(春季)、8月(夏季)、10月(秋季)和12月(冬季)对大亚湾海域的石油烃进行了4个季度调查。结果显示,大亚湾表层水体石油烃质量浓度为0.005~0.268 mg·L–1,均值为0.067 mg·L–1,水质为国家三类海水,平均污染指数(Pi)为1.34,水体已经受到石油烃的污染。水体中石油烃的分布主要受湾内顺时针方向水平环流的影响,春季石油烃的高值区位于湾内东部海域,夏季位于湾内南部海域,秋季位于湾内西南部海域,冬季则位于湾内北部海域。表层沉积物中石油烃质量分数为7~559 mg·kg–1,均值为183.4 mg·kg–1,平均Pi为0.367,表明大亚湾表层沉积物除了A9站位受污染之外,整体未受石油烃污染。表层沉积物中石油烃呈点源分布,高值区位于中央列岛区、南澳镇东北海域以及大辣甲东面海域,主要分布于石化排污区、进港航道和油码头附近。  相似文献   

  1. During this study, the effects of epiphytic filamentous algae on the survival of demersal spawned fish eggs were investigated in one of the most important spawning grounds of herring in the western Baltic Sea, which is subject to intense and ongoing eutrophication.
  2. In coastal marine ecosystems all over the world, eutrophication is a primary water quality issue, often resulting in mass developments of bloom‐forming algae. Macro‐algal blooms have immense ecological effects, as they alter the structure and the function of an ecosystem. Numerous fish species are affected, as they depend on those coastal areas for spawning and as juvenile habitats.
  3. A comparison of the survival of herring eggs on two natural spawning beds re‐vealed an immense impact of a filamentous algal bloom. The mortality rate reached nearly 100% in the area with massive occurrence of filamentous brown algae.
  4. Hypothesizing that the presence of filamentous algae facilitates herring egg mortality, field and laboratory experiments were conducted and revealed particular effects of distinct algal species. The survival rate of artificially spawned eggs on algal substrates and control substrates was compared. Whereas filamentous forms of the green alga Ulva intestinalis induced no immediate effect, significantly higher egg mortality was documented in experiments with the filamentous brown alga Pylaiella littoralis.
  5. Considering the ecological and economical importance of herring and other coastal spawners on the one hand and the persisting and increasing effects of eutrophication and climate change on the other hand, the results of our study clearly underpin the necessity to increase global efforts to reduce nutrient loads in coastal waters.

根据 2016 年春、秋季在厦门湾海域进行的渔业资源底拖网调查, 使用种类组成更替率、相对重要性指数、 相对资源量指数、物种多样性指数和多元统计分析等指标及方法对该海域鱼类种类组成、群落结构和多样性进行研究。结果表明, 厦门湾海域春、秋季共捕获鱼类 100 种, 隶属于 2 纲 13 目 46 科 74 属; 湾内鱼类春、秋季种类组成更替率为 59.60%, 优势种组成的变化主要由鱼类洄游导致, 短吻鲾(Leiognathus brevirostris)、皮氏叫姑鱼 (Johnius belengerii)和孔虾虎鱼(Trypauchen vagina)为春、秋季共有优势种; 春季平均网获质量和平均网获数量分别为 1744.24 g/h 和 160.51 ind/h, 秋季分别为 3086.18 g/h 和 153.30 ind/h, 鱼类相对资源量存在明显的季节变化; Margalef 种类丰富度指数(D)变化范围为 0.46~4.07, Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H′)变化范围为 0.61~2.73, Pielou 均匀度指数(J′)变化范围为 0.44~0.89; Pielou 均匀度指数(J′)春季高于秋季, Margalef 种类丰富度指数(D)和 ShannonWiener 多样性指数(H′)秋季高于春季; 等级聚类(CLUSTER)和非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS)表明, 春、秋季厦门湾鱼类群落均可大致划分为东北部和南部两个站位组群。厦门湾春、秋季鱼类群落空间结构具有明显季节差异。  相似文献   

Abstract. A sharp rise in the concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus antl a marked decrease in the level of nitrate were associated with intermittent thermal stratification and localized de-oxygenation in Coldingham Loch (Berwickshire, Scotland) in summer. These conditions apparently favoured plunktonic blue-green ‘algae’ (Cyanobacteria) such asAphani-zomenon, which grew to bloom proportions and threatened the trout angling fishery for which the loch is managed. Various measures for ameliorating the situation are discussed and two bubble-gun units were installed in the deepest part of the loch (ca 12m), to distribute compressed air and mix the column. The installation was operated continuously during the periods May-September of 1984 and 1985. Temperature and chlorophyll measurements indicated good vertical and horizontal mixing. In spite of virtually no effect on rates of release of phosphorus from the sediments, mixing prevented surface bloom formations of Aphanizomenon and reduced its biomass; maxima of 17 and 52m filament 1?1 in 1984 and 1985 respectively contrast markedly with peaks of 130 and 630m 1?1 recorded in 1983. Total phytoplankton abundance was also lower. In 1984, the main difference occurred at the ‘critical’ late-summer period with chlorophyll concentrations of ca 20 μg 1?1 being only one-half of those measured at the same time in 1983, and Secchi disc transparencies of ca 3·0 m compared to values of ≤ l·5min 1983. An even greater response was recorded in 1985; throughout May to September, chlorophyll levels rarely exceeded 13μg 1?1 while water transparency usually exceeded 3·0m.  相似文献   

Scallop settlements were examined over a 16 month period using collectors placed in the sea at 28 day intervals near Torre la Sal Beach, Castellón, Eastern Spain in the western Mediterranean. Collectors were set over depths of 20 m and five species, Flexopecten flexuosus, Chlamys varia, Aequipecten opercularis, Pecten jacobaeus and Palliolum incomparabile, were collected. The most frequent species, F. flexuosus, had peak settlements in August 1992 and in July 1993. C. varia had peaks in April and July 1992 and in June 1993. Both of these species settled throughout the year, except in winter. A. opercularis settled predominantly from February to June and in October, but with a few settlements during the rest of the year. Pecten jacobaeus had a small peak in February and another peak from April to July. P. incomparabile spat were rare. Settlements were studied in relation to chlorophyll a, suspended particulate and sea temperature data in the area of study.  相似文献   

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