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采用参与式评估(PRA)和生态保护知识KAP研究方法,对佛坪自然保护区周边社区社会经济状况和居民的野生动物保护意识进行调查。结果表明:保护区周边社区经济结构单一,对自然资源依赖性高;社区居民文化水平较低,自然保护知识匮乏,野生动物保护意识不强,不良传统习俗和生活习惯等是威胁保护区野生动物保护的主要因子。  相似文献   

就保护区与社区间的协调发展问题对广西弄岗、十万大山2个国家级自然保护区周边社区居民进行问卷调查.运用SPSS15.0对调查问卷中的11个指标进行因子分析,确定出4个公共因子,即:周边社区居民对保护区生态效益的认识,保护区相关制度与周边社区相互影响,保护区对周边社区发展的经济影响,社区共管.并从这4个方面对2个保护区与社区间的协调发展情况进行分析,找出发展过程中存在的矛盾,藉此提出提高社区居民对保护区的认识水平,解决社区居民在能源需求、经济发展等方面的实际问题,增强社区共管力度等国家级自然保护区与周边社区协调发展对策和建议.  相似文献   

云岭自然保护区及周边社区社会经济现状与发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对云岭自然保护区及周边社区进行实地调查并整理相关资料,分析社区经济发展现状。结果表明,社区居民主要依靠种植业、畜牧业、森林小产品和外出务工等收入维持生活,经济条件低于全县平均水平。制约保护区及周边社区发展的因素主要是人口压力大、经济结构单一、对自然资源依附性大、资源利用方式传统、农林产品缺乏深加工等。建议通过培训、引进科学技术和合作项目、开展薪炭林及自用林基地建设等途径推动社区经济发展,引导社区群众主动参与到保护区管理中,最终实现自然保护区与社区协调发展的目标。  相似文献   

我国自然保护区大多分布在经济水平相对较落后、自然资源相对丰富的地方,自然保护区与社区的关系问题一直是人们密切关注的问题。应用问卷调查、实地访问和资料调查的方法对河北大海陀自然保护区内及周边社区进行了调查和分析,从社区的经济状况、社区居民对保护区的态度以及参与管理情况方面分析了自然保护区与社区的关系。结果认为,相关社区居民经济收入水平低,收入来源以农牧业为主,保护区内居民收入还略低于保护区外;有约1/3居民参与过保护区相关工作,但都是简单的工作;社区居民希望加强社区共管工作。  相似文献   

自然保护区周边社区对保护区发展有着巨大的影响。通过对广东连山笔架山省级自然保护区及周边社区社会经济状况的调查研究,针对当地的经济发展与生物多样性保护存在的突出矛盾,提出实施社区共管、合理生态补偿、加大宣传教育、发展特色经济和改变生活能源模式等5项建议,促进社区与保护区共同发展。  相似文献   

对广西省林业系统11个自然保护区周边社区的自然保护宣传教育情况进行了调查研究,结果表明:社区居民对保护区宣传教育的看法受自然保护区级别、保护区所处地域、保护类型、管理机构以及社区居民的性别、婚姻、年龄、受教育程度、家庭经济地位、家庭主要经济来源等的综合影响,且受保护区和社区居民个体差异的影响.并提出了相应建议.  相似文献   

自然保护区周边社区居民对保护区依赖与态度的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广西林业系统自然保护区周边社区居民对保护区依赖情况与态度调查,结果显示,社区居民对保护区的依赖程度并不是很高,目前保护区周边社区居民对保护区的支持率较高。但不同的保护区的周边社区居民对保护区的支持率存在明显差异。社区居民对保护区资源的依赖与态度呈现出明显的负相关性,即随着社区居民对保护区资源直接依赖程度的降低,其对保护区态度越积极。  相似文献   

通过对驾车自然保护区生物多样性调查,分析了保护和拯救天然华山松母树林、珍稀野生动物及其栖息地和周边社区的发展需要。在有利于保护区自然资源和生态环境的前提下,结合保护区范围内及周边社区分布的实际情况,分析了保护区生态保护中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策和建议,以期实现自然保护区与当地经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

阿姆山自然保护区社区共管情况调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阿姆山自然保护区生物多样性极其丰富。采用参与式农村评估方法,对保护区社区共管进行了调查,分析周边社区对保护区构成的威胁,阐述保护区开展社区共管实践中取得的成效,从社区共管机制化、引进资金和技术、提供激励机制、加强自身发展能力等几方面对进一步开展社区共管的措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

该文通过对周边社区的详细调查 ,摸清社区影响保护区资源保护的方式 ,分析了保护区与社区产生矛盾的根源并提出解决对策和方法  相似文献   


The strong trend in indigenous societies toward market integration often results in loss of traditional cultural elements and changes in livelihood systems. This comparative study of three Asháninka villages located at different distances to market had two objectives: (a) to describe and analyze the current livelihood system of the three villages in terms of their goals, activities, and resources; and (b) to analyze the livelihood system in relation to market integration at both village and household levels. Two variables were used to measure market integration: (a) quantification of the value of Western goods at the household level, and (b) area under cultivation per household designated to both household subsistence and external market. We found that although walking time to market was inversely proportional to market integration and directly proportional to traditional practices at the village level, two different trends of market integration were found at the household level: (a) basic market integration, clearly apparent in households at all three villages; and (b) high market integration, found solely in the two villages closest in time to market. The existence of market–integrated, less traditional households side by side with minimally integrated, traditional households appeared to be linked to differences in household goals and strategies and perhaps availability of male labor. Market integration increased workloads on productive activities oriented to the market for both genders, but only men marketed these products for sale.  相似文献   

Trees within the homestead area provide many functions to rural households. However, within the semi-arid regions of southern Africa, there has been only limited examination of the correlates between the socio-economic attributes of rural households and the density, species richness and types of trees they keep. This paper reports on a multivariate analysis of household attributes in relation to homestead tree holdings from six rural villages in South Africa. In terms of density of trees per household, gender of the household head was the only significant correlate, with female-headed households having significantly fewer trees than their male-headed counterparts. This was especially so for the density of indigenous trees. With respect to species richness, a number of interrelated correlates were identified through Principle Components Analysis, the most prominent ones being relative wealth, village location, homestead size and gender. Most species were common between both male- and female-headed households, although there were differences between them for six of the species held by at least five percent of households. However, the differences were not related to species uses or income generation potential. These results indicate that support programmes should be conscious of the differential needs and responses of households according to their different characteristics and circumstances.  相似文献   

Despite their socio-economic and ecological role, many studies have shown that the parklands are degrading very rapidly. Therefore, there is a need to undertake restoration actions for both production and environmental services. To do so, there is a need to identify factors that are affecting the dynamics of parkland systems. The present study aimed at characterizing and quantifying tree diversity of parkland systems taking into consideration the household’s wealth status, land uses, market access and the type of farming system (cereal based on the “Plateau Central” and cotton based in “Boucle du Mouhoun”). Six villages (Kienfangué, Ipelcé, and Kuizili with easy access to the market and, Karang-Tanghin, Nionsna and Targho with poor access to the market) in the “Plateau Central” and six villages (Bondoukuy, Ouahabou and Yaho with easy access to the market and, Dora, Fakéna and Mamou with poor access to the market) in “Boucle du Mouhoun” were studied. In each village, the Participatory Analysis of Poverty and Livelihood Dynamics method was used by rural farmers to rank farmer households of their communities and that gave three groups of wealth status that are poor, fairly well-off and well-off. Five households representing each of the three wealth groups in each village, giving a total of 15 households per village, were randomly selected by wealth group. Tree/shrub inventories were conducted in all land use types (house fields, village fields and bush fields) of the 180 selected households for the 12 studied sites. The number of species in the different land use types ranged from 96 to 102, but the majority of species were represented by less than 10 individuals. This indicates the selection effect made by the farmers to the parklands. Land use and farming system showed a clear effect on tree diversity in parklands. The effect of accessibility to market was evident in some cases whereas wealth status did not show any effect. Despite the statistical significant effect of farming system and land use type, the ANOVA models accounted for relatively little variation, indicating that other factors may contribute to tree diversity in parkland systems. The most threatened species were Adansonia digitata, Afzelia africana, Bombax costatum, Celtis integrifolia, Ficus asperifolia, Ficus iteophylla, Lannea velutina, and Parkia biglobosa. These species were represented in the largest diameter class (≥80 cm) or showed very few individuals in the different diameter classes. Due to the increasing degradation of the parklands, a domestication and conservation strategy of key threatened species needs to be developed and implemented with the participation of local communities.  相似文献   

Abaca (Musa textilis) is a plant related to the banana, the leaves of which provide some of the strongest natural fibres used by man. It is indigenous to the Philippines, and grows well particularly in the provinces of Bicol, Samar and Leyte. Abaca is also one of the few cash crops that can grow with relatively little input compared to other crops, in steep forest areas. For this reason, it is often the crop of choice of households living in villages at the forest edge. The role of abaca in the household economy of villagers in Leyte is described. The study shows that abaca is both an important secondary income source of households with lowland farms, and frequently the only source of cash income of the poorest households in the community. The implications of abaca’s niche in the village economy, on increasing production of the crop, are discussed.  相似文献   

Households and wood processing businesses in the provinces of Son La, Dien Bien and Lai Chau in the Northwest of Vietnam were surveyed to determine patterns of local wood demand and supply, changes in species utilized over time, and whether timber from planted trees might substitute for species previously harvested from local natural forests. In each province, 5–6 sawmills and 4–6 villages representing 3 main ethnic groups were selected for investigation. Managers of selected sawmills and 3–4 randomly selected households in each village were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. There was high and uniform household demand for fuelwood in the surveyed villages, making fuelwood the dominant use, in terms of wood volume. Use of sawn timber for furniture, home repair and construction consumed less wood but required logs of acceptable species. Sawmills surveyed were small, with input capacity ranging from <15 to 500 m3 of logs per year, suggesting a total log requirement of about 30,000 m3/year for the 192 known wood processing businesses in the three provinces. Most sawmills still used wood from natural forests, sourced locally or imported from Laos. A trend of switching from prized timber species from natural forests, now effectively unavailable, to alternatives from natural and planted forests was reported by both sawmills and households. Some planted species grown on short-medium rotations appear able to substitute for local sawn timber requirements.  相似文献   

为了将集体林生态退化区域阔叶化改造的责任主体落实到农户,解决集体林区阔叶化实施难的问题。本文针对集体林区特点,建立县、乡(镇)、村三级联动组织实施体系,并以稳定的山林经营权为依据,分别探讨了村集体统一实施、农民家庭实施、村户合作实施、招标承包实施和国有林场实施五种模式的具体做法,将农民的愿望与国家生态建设的要求统一起来,推动了集体林区阔叶化进程。  相似文献   

Multistoried village gardens in the vicinity of Bogor (West Java, Indonesia) have long been essential multi-purpose production systems for low-income households. However they are being subjected to important conversion processes linked to socio-economic changes presently found in overcrowded semi-urban zones. Determining factors in their development are a high population increase and the rise of a market economy. Some gardens tend to specialize in commercial growing of fruits or of export crops, others are colonized by houses and associated home-gardens. Traditional gardens gradually lose their earlier ecological and economic features but also become a major asset for the modernization of village economy and society. In addition they bring socio-professional changes to villagers and play a determining role in the search for a new balance in the relationship between cities and villages.  相似文献   

在乡村振兴推动下,富含特定民族文化的乡村生态宜居景观规划设计尤为重要,本文基于黔东南地区的广西程阳八寨、西江千户苗寨两个村景观改造案例的实地调研,拍摄现场照片、村民问卷调查,总结出每个乡村的景观营造特点,对他们居住条件整治、公共环境治理、乡村风貌改造等方面的可取之处借鉴,总结出3个规划策略:保护生态环境策略、村民生活环境整治策略、人文景观保护策略。  相似文献   

There is much debate about the way conservation and development are best integrated to reduce the encroachment pressures of poor rural communities on the biodiversity resources of protected areas in the tropics. One frequently recommended instrument is to intensify farming systems in the adjacent areas, so as to decrease the need to harvest resources from national parks. This study examined this issue by analyzing the effects of different household land uses in villages near a national park on their propensity to harvest resources from the park. In the northern part of the Kerinci Seblat National Park (Sumatra Island, Indonesia) the park buffer zone is comprised largely of community or village forests and human settlements. The village forests were formerly managed as production forests and provided significant cash income to the village. They were converted into farmland, particularly to mixed-tree gardens or agroforests. Natural forest coverage has now declined to 10% of the former area within village forest land. We analyzed the characteristics of the mixed gardens and village forests, and their practical contribution to reducing farmers' dependence on the adjacent national park resources. Households with farms that were more diversified were found to have much less dependency on the national park resources. Households that farmed only wetland rice fields registered the highest value of forest products obtained from inside the park. Households that farmed only mixed gardens had an intermediate level of park resource extraction, while those that had farms composed of both components (i.e. wetland rice fields and mixed gardens) had a dramatically lower level of economic dependency on park resources than households in either of the other two categories.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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