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In the Netherlands in 1961 three new field races were found ofPuccinia striiformis, the causal fungus of yellow rust on wheat. Two of these, viz. the Falco race and the Opal race, together with the already known Etoile de Choisy race, constitute the so-called Nord-group of races, which is now clearly distinguished from the so-called Rubis-group. Most dangerous and interesting is the third of the new races. This so-called Cleo race proved to be the first to break both resistance to the Nord-group and resistance to the Rubis-group. On wheat seedlings in the greenhouse all three new races behaved like green-house race W(ageningen) 8=B(raunschweig) 55.Samenvatting Er zijn van de schimmelPuccinia striiformis Westend., de veroorzaker van de gele roest van tarwe, in Nederland in 1961 drie nieuwe veldfysio's gevonden. Dit zijn het Falco-fysio, het Opal-fysio en het Cleo-fysio. De eerste twee bleken met het reeds bekende Etoile de Choisy-fysio een groep te vormen, de z.g. Nord-groep, die zich duidelijk onderscheidt van de reeds beter bekende Rubis-groep van fysio's. Eerstgenoemde groep kenmerkt zich o.a. door de aantasting van het tarweras Nord, de laatstgenoemde door de aantasting van Rubis (zie tabel 1). Het belangrijkst en het gevaarlijkst is het Cleo-fysio. Dit bleek voor zover bekend het eerste en enige fysio te zijn dat zowel de resistentie tegen de Rubis-groep als die tegen de Nord-groep doorbreekt. Het heeft zodoende een zeer breed aantastingsspectrum. Van de tarwerassen die voorkomen in de 39ste Nederlandse Rassenlijst voor Landbouwgewassen (1964) zijn de volgende negen rassen vatbaar voor het Cleo-fysio met een aantastingsgraad van 6 tot 9 (Internationale Schaal): Cleo, Cappelle Desprez, Heine's VII, Hector, Stella, Sambo, Mado, Wodan en Jufy I. Bovendien bleek het Cleo-fysio in vergelijking met de andere veldfysio's goed te overwinteren en in 1964 reeds op vele plaatsen in Nederland aanwezig te zijn. Het Cleo-fysio maakt het des te noodzakelijker bij de selectie op resistentie tegen gele roest te werken op een brede genetische basis. Bij toetsing op tarwekiemplanten in de kas gedroegen de drie nieuwe fysio's zich alle als het kasfysio W(ageningen) 8 =B(raunschweig) 55 (zie tabel 2).  相似文献   

Over a period of 12 months new and old cysts ofGlobodera pallida were hatched in potato root diffusate according to a novel nematode-response hatching protocol. In this protocol, cysts were set to hatch at the beginning of autumn and then left to indicate when their hatching ability was exhausted (when less than 100 juveniles/replicate/week emerged) before another batch of cysts was set to hatch. At any time of the year for the 12 months this experiment was conducted there were cysts hatching. After 12 months of hatching, eight hatching curves were obtained. Based on the hatching curves of the new and old cysts, diapause was shown to be present in new cysts in autumn, winter and early spring. However, diapause was absent in late spring and summer.Infectivity assays to distinguish between juveniles obtained in the periods when cysts were in diapause and when cysts had overcome their diapause failed to show any significant difference in their infectivity. There was no significant difference in the number of eggs in new and old cysts. Based on this observation, it was suggested that high emergence in old cysts may not be a result of few eggs in the cyst but rather due to absence of diapause. Also the presence of large numbers of eggs in old cysts even after being stored for 12 months outdoors in the soil does not support the theories of spontaneous hatching, micro-organism induced hatching or persistence of hatching factors in the soil.  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt-resistant Novada and wilt-susceptible Early Sam carnations were planted in soil infested withFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi, and their roots studied after five and ten weeks. Both in Novada and Early Sam, the extravascular tissue of undamaged young root parts were scarsely colonized. In roots of Novada, infected xylem vessels were usually occluded with gums and surrounded by phellem tissue. In mature parts of roots, the phellem surrounding occluded vessels often merged with the external phellem surrounding the vascular cylinder, after which the occluded vessels were shed from the roots. The phellem at the root surface appeared to be a strong barrier to fungal invasion. In roots of Early Sam carnations, as well as in a few roots of Novada carnations, the defence responses did not result in compartmentation of the fungus, and colonization and degradation of the vascular tissues followed. Diseased roots finally healthy. Shoots of Early Sam carnations, and eventually a few shoots of Novada carnations, were colonized and developed wilt symptoms.Samenvatting Resistente Novada en vatbare Early Sam anjers werden geplant in grond besmet metFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi. Na vijf en tien weken werden de wortels van de planten bestudeerd. De extravasculaire delen van onbeschadigde jonge wortelgedeelten waren in beide cultivars nauwelijks gekoloniseerd. In de wortels van Novada waren geïnfecteerde houtvaten meestal verstopt door gommen en omgeven door kurkweefsel. In oudere wortelgedeelten sloot het kurkweefsel rond verstopte vaten vaak aan op het kurkweefsel aan de buitenkant van het vaatweefsel, waarna de aangetaste vaten werden uitgestoten uit de wortel. Het kurkweefsel aan het worteloppervlak leek een belangrijke barrière te vormen tegen het binnendringen van de schimmel. In de wortels van Early Sam en in enkele wortels van Novada mislukte het afweerproces, en werd het vaatweefsel door de schimmel gekoloniseerd en vervolgens afgebroken. Aangetaste wortels werden na afloop van tijd hol. De bovengrondse delen van de meeste Novada anjers werden niet gekoloniseerd en bleven gezond. De bovengrondse delen van de Early Sam anjers, en op den duur die van enkele Novada anjers, werden gekoloniseerd en verwelkten.  相似文献   

A macroscopical, microscopical and SEM examination of wood samples, taken from diseased ash trees, was undertaken to probe into the cause of an ash wilt disease considered to be identical with dieback. The symptoms, particularly the obstruction of the vessels by tyloses and the occurrence of fungal hyphae in one specimen, bear a strong resemblance to those found in Dutch elm disease.Samenvatting Houtmonsters van zieke essen werden macroscopisch, microscopisch en met de SEM onderzocht om de oorzaak van de esseverwelkingsziekte op te sporen. Deze ziekte, ook wel aangeduid met essensterven, vertoont grote overeenkomsten met de in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika en in Groot-Brittanië al langer bekende ash dieback. De gevonden verschijnselen, in het bijzonder de verstopping van vaten door thyllen en het vóórkomen van schimmeldraden in een van de monsters, vertonen veel overeenkomsten met karakteristieke symptomen van de iepeziekte en van de eikeverwelking.  相似文献   

In an attempt to unravel the complexity of chrysanthemum virus B eight isolates were grafted onto the chrysanthemum indicator cultivars Fanfare, Good News, Mistletoe, and Pink Marble. Six symptomatologically different entities could be distinguished. However, withantisera prepared against two of the isolates, no serological differences were detected. It is concluded that chrysanthemum virus B consists of many strains and that the number of strains that can be distinguished depends on the number of indicator cultivars used. The Good News, Yellow Doty, Nightingale, Improved Bronze Daisy and September Morn, mosaic viruses described by Brierley and Smith (1958) as well as the vein mottle, dwarf mottle and necrotic mottle viruses named by Hollings and Stone (1967) should be considered as strains of chrysanthemum virus B.Samenvatting In een poging de complexiteit van het chrysantevirus B te ontrafelen werden acht isolaten geënt op de chrysante-indicatorrassen Fanfare, Good News, Mistletoe en Pink Marble. Zes symptomatologisch verschillende eenheden konden worden onderscheiden (Tabel 1; Fig. 1,2 en 3), die echter serologisch niet verschilden. De conclusie wordt getrokken dat van het virus vele stammen voorkomen en dat het anntal te onderscheiden stammen afhangt van het aantal indicatorrassen dat men gebruikt. Ook de vijf mozaïekvirussen van Brierley en Smith (1958) en de leden van het leaf mottling complex van Hollings en Stone (1967) dienen als stammen van het chrysantevirus B te worden beschouwd.Stationed at the Research Station for Floriculture, Aalsmeer.  相似文献   

Leptosphaeria maculans, the ascomycete fungus which causes blackleg disease of oilseed rape, has been considered for a long time as a single species divided into aggressive and non-aggressive pathogenicity groups which differ in their economic importance. However, the development of accurate biochemical and molecular characterisation methods has demonstrated that the world-wide L. maculans population actually comprises at least two species. The aim of this research was to assess the ability of rep (repetitive element based)-PCR genomic fingerprinting methods, initially developed for bacterial identification, to characterise a collection of 90 isolates of L. maculans from Poland, in comparison with reference isolates from the IBCN (International Blackleg of Crucifers Network) collection. REP (repetitive extragenic palindromic)-, ERIC (enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus)-, and BOX primers for rep-PCR genomic fingerprinting, and primers derived from LMR1, a L. maculans specific repeated element, were tested. Rep-PCR and LMR1-based analyses were able to discriminate the different components of the species complex and to evaluate the genetic diversity within each member of the complex. These analyses suggested that Polish populations of L. maculans mainly belong to the non-aggressive species, rather than the aggressive species which is prevalent in Western Europe, Canada and Australia.  相似文献   

Three isolates of tomato mosaic virus, A.8, SJ-64 and SLa, assumed to contain the pathogenic strains 1 and 2, were each subjected to selection pressure by passage through different hosts in concurrent series. The sub-isolated obtained were tested at intervals on differential tomato lines heterozygous for each of the resistance genes Tm-1 and Tm-2 and for the combination of Tm-1 and Tm-2.Three preliminary passages throughSolanum pennellii followed by 22 passages through the tomato line CStMW-18 (Tm-1/Tm-1) resulted for A.8, SJ-64 and SLa in sub-iolates, of strain 1. Three preliminary passages throughL. peruvianum P. I. 128655 followed by 22 passages through the tomato line Pérou-2 (Tm-2/Tm-2) resulted for A.8 and SLa in sub-isolates of strain 2 and for SJ-64 in a sub-isolate of strain 1.2. Twenty passages through Pérou-2, followed by two additional passages through the tomato line Craigella Tm-1/+Tm-2/+ resulted for SJ-64 and SLa in sub-isolates of strain 1.2 and for A.8 in a sub-isolate of strain 2.Samenvatting Op drie isolaten van het tomatemozaïekvirus, A.8, SJ-64 en SLa, die naar alle waarschijnlijkheid de pathogene stammen 1 en 2 bevatten, werd selectiedruk uitgeoefend door een herhaalde waardplantpassage. Voor de afscheiding van stam 1 onderging elk van de isolaten eerst driemaal een passage doorSolanum pennellii en vervolgens 22 maal door de tomaatselectie CStMW-18 (Tm-1/Tm-1). Voor stam 2 passeerde elk isolaat eerst driemaalLycopersicon peruvianum P.I. 128655 en vervolgens 22 maal de tomaatselectie Pérou-2 (Tm-2/Tm-2). Op gezette tijden werden de sub-isolaten, verkregen uit de gelijktijdig verlopende passageproeven, getoetst op een differentiële reeks tomaatselecties. Deze waren heterozygoot en homozygoot voor de resistentiegenen Tm-1 en Tm-2 en voor de combinatie van Tm-1 en Tm-2.Voor elk van de isolaten A.8, SJ-64 en SLa werden na passage door CStMW-18 sub-isolaten verkregen van stam 1. Terwijl voor A.8 en SLa na passage door Pérou-2 sub-isolaten van stam 2 werden verkregen, leverde dezelfde passage voor SJ-64 een sub-isolaat, op van stam 1.2. Voor SJ-64 en SLa gaven, twee passages door de tomaatselectie Craigella Tm-1/2 Tm-2/+ in aansluiting op 20 passages door Pérou-2 aanleiding tot de vorming van stam 1.2.In de discussie wordt op de mogelijke ontstaanswijze van stam 1.2 ingegaan.  相似文献   

Samenvatting In het voorjaar van 1968 vertoonde een aantal bomen op het onderstammen proefveld te Kraggenburg (N.O.P.) een slechte bladstand. Vóór januari 1969 waren alle bomen van de appelrassen Cox's Orange Pippin, James Grieve en Lombartscalville en één enkel geplante Stark Earliest, alle geënt op onderstam MM 104, afgestorven. Slechts de vijf bomen van het ras Golden Dilicious op MM 104 vertoonden een normale stand. Uit de aangetaste wortels konPhytophthora cactorum geïsoleerd worden. Vermoedelijk heeft het pathogeen door een hoge grondwaterstand gedurende de winter 1967/1968 de kans gekregen de onderstam MM 104 te infecteren. Doordat de vijf Golden Delicious bomen op MM 104 aan het windscherm grensden, waar het relatief droger is, zijn deze waarschijnlijk aan infectie ontsnapt.  相似文献   

Using a leaf disc method, 19 isolates of the poplar rust, Melampsora larici-populina , and one isolate of M.populnea from England were inoculated on to 25 poplar clones belonging to Populus nigra and P.trichocarpa, and hybrids between P. deltoides and P. nigra, P. deltoidesand P. trichocarpa, P.tacamahaca and P.trichocarpa, and P. alba and P. tremula. Disease was scored based on the pustule area and inoculum density. In terms of whether sporulating uredinia formed, the 19 isolates showed seven different patterns to the tested poplar clones. The majority of the rust isolates infected P. nigra P3090 and Vereecken, P.nigra×P. deltoides Casale and Tasman, P. tacamahaca×trichocarpa 36 and Balsam Spire, and P.trichocarpa Blom. Populus trichocarpa×P. deltoides 69039/4 was infected by only three isolates collected from southern England. No visible symptoms appeared on P. alba ×P. tremulaTower and P.trichcarpa×P. deltoides×P. deltoides76028/5 in inoculations with M. larici-populina isolates. Populus alba×P.tremula Tower was infected only by M. populnea. When M. larici-populina isolates were tested using AFLP, no differences were found either between isolates from different geographical regions or between those having narrow spectrum of virulence and those showing wide spectrum of virulence on the tested clones. The results suggest that the UK rust populations possess virulences which were found in races E1, E2, E3 and E4 in continental Europe and that rust having virulence patterns similar to race E4 has occurred in UK poplar plantations since 1996.  相似文献   

Small differences in activity between batches of purified beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) were observed in ELISA. A four-parameter modelled dose-response curve of purified BNYVV was used for the conversion of ELISA values to virus concentrations. Seedlings of the susceptible cultivar Regina and the partially resistant cultivars Nymphe and Rima were tested for resistance to BNYVV in a mixture of sand and infested soil. Plants were grown in a green-house with low nutrient supply and at temperatures below the optimum of both the vectorPolymyxa betae and BNYVV. Root systems were small and consisted mainly of lateral roots. Significant differences in average virus concentrations were found between cultivars, both when using the complete root systems and when using either the top or the bottom part of the root systems. Average virus concentrations in Regina were always significantly higher than in Rima and higher than in Nymphe on all occasions except one (P<0.05). Differences between Nymphe and Rima were less evident. Variation between plants was greatest within Rima. The test described in this paper can be used for the discrimination of different cultivars and for the identification of individual plants with resistance to BNYVV.  相似文献   

This review describes the discovery and identification of the pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs) from tobacco. In crude leaf extracts the PRs are distinguished from the proteins in uninfected plants by their solubility at pH 3, resistance to a range of proteases, and mobility in polyacrylamide gels upon electrophoresis (PAGE) in non-denaturing conditions. PAGE has been used as a qualitative and semi-quantitative assay for PRs, and their migration in gels made from different acrylamide concentrations has been used to identify charge and size isomers and electrophoretically identical PRs in different tobacco cultivars. The subunit composition and molecular weight (mol. wt) of the four PRs identified first in Xanthi-nc were determined by SDS-PAGE; staining the gels has shown that these same four proteins in Samsun NN did not contain carbohydrate, lipid or nucleic acid, nor were they isozymic forms of twenty five enzymes known to increase in activity following infection with TMV. Evidence suggests that most of the PRs in Xanthi-nc and Samsun NN are extracellular.The purification of several PRs from Xanthi-nc, Samsun NN and other tobaccos is described, as well as their mol. wt, subunit and amino acid composition. PRs 1a, b and c consist of a single polypeptide and have similar mol. wt and amino acid compositions. Antisera prepared against purified Xanthi-nc b1 protein have been used to determine serological relationships between PRs and form the basis of a very sensitive quantitative assay using ELISA. The regulation of synthesis of some PRs has been shown to involve translational control.  相似文献   

Various types of rose rootstocks were tested for their resistance to crown gall. The rootstock Iowa State University (ISU) 60–5 was the most resistant, followed by Brooks 48, Clarke 1957 and Welch. Rosa multiflora, R. noisettiana (Manetti) and Basye No. 3 were very susceptible. The inoculations were made with four isolates ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Townsend) Conn, respectively from aDahlia sp.,Rosa spp. andPrunus persica. It was found that the isolate fromDahlia was a different race to the isolates fromRosa andPrunus spp.Samenvatting Bij onderstammen van rozen, kunstmatig geïnoculeerd metAgrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Townsend) Conn., werden verschillen in resistentie tegen wortelknobbel gevonden. Het meest resistent was Iowa State University (ISU) 60–5, gevolgd door Brooks 48, Clarke 1957 en Welch, Zeer vatbaar warenRosa multiflora, R. noisettiana (Manetti) en Basye No. 3. De vier isolaten vanA. tumefaciens, gebruikt voor de inoculaties, waren respectievelijk afkomstig van eenDahlia sp.,Rosa spp. enPrunus persica. Het isolaat vanDahlia en de isolaten vanRosa enPrunus spp. behoorden tot twee verschillende fysiologische rassen. De vorming van tumoren was in sommige gevallen afhankelijk van de methode van inoculatie; inoculaties bij de stambasis waren meer succesvol dan in het midden van de stam.  相似文献   

In July 1998, a sudden wilt of Star Ruby grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) occurred in Israel in a region with a warm Mediterranean climate. The wilt of the middle and upper canopy of main limbs was accompanied by gum oozing from the affected branches. The bark of these branches attained a dark colour and the epidermis sloughed off easily revealing a mass of black powder, resulting from copious sporulation of dark conidia. Both the bark and the xylem were intensively colonized with mycelium. The fungus was identified as Scytalidium lignicola Pesante, based on the characteristic mixture of some colourless and dark conidia, produced in branched chains by conversion of the vegetative hyphae. Artificial inoculations induced typical disease symptoms and the fungus was reisolated, thus confirming Koch's postulates. Similar symptoms appeared in Star Ruby interim segments which had been cut and top grafted with various citrus cultivars. This is the first detailed report of pathogenicity of S. lignicola to citrus trees. It is postulated that the disease developed after predisposition of Star Ruby grapefruit trees by comprehensive pruning followed by extremely hot conditions.  相似文献   

Strains of Sphaerotheca fuliginea, one of the causal agents of powdery mildew of cucurbits, were examined for differences in virulence, mating type and DNA polymorphism. The 28 strains were chosen to be diverse according to host and geographic origin. Characterization of virulence phenotypes was based on the expression of symptoms on 4 species of cucurbits and 6 cultivars of melon. Two pathotypes, capable of attacking either cucumber cv. Marketer and melon cv. IranH and squash cv. Diamant or cucumber cv. Marketer and melon cv. IranH were observed. Tests on melon cultivars revealed 3 races. In tests of sexual compatibility with reference strains, heterothallism was observed for all isolates. Frequency of the two mating types differed significantly in the population. DNA polymorphism was determined both by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and 5.8S DNA amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). For any one of the 11 restriction enzymes tested all strains presented an identical pattern of ITS RFLP. RAPD analysis, using 22 primers which provided reproducible patterns, revealed a relatively low degree of polymorphism. Furthermore, cluster analysis based on RAPD data (152 markers) did not separate groups within the species S. fuliginea. No association could be found between virulence, mating type, geographical and host origin and RAPD patterns. The lack of association between phenotypic and molecular markers and the close fit to linkage equilibrium for the characters examined suggest that recombination may play a role in populations of S. fuliginea.  相似文献   

Two viruses, detected frequently in the Netherlands in pelargonium, were identified by serology and test plant reactions. Antisera were prepared and an ELISA procedure was developed to detect the viruses in pelargonium.One of the viruses, PFBV-N, proved to be pelargonium flower-break virus. With the antiserum to PFBV-N, it could be detected reliably throughout the year inPelargonium zonale Springtime Irene.The other virus, PLPV-N, was serologically closely related to pelargonium line pattern virus (PLPV) and to pelargonium ring pattern virus (PRPV), as were an old virus isolate from Saturnus, collected in the Netherlands in 1971 (L128), and PLPV isolates from Yugoslavia (PLPV-Y) and Denmark (PLPV-D). There were only minor differences in host-plant reactions between the virus isolates. Based on these tests, PLPV and PRPV are considered as isolates of the same virus, for which, for practical reasons, the name pelargonium line pattern virus is proposed.PLPV could be reliably detected by ELISA inP. zonale Springtime Irene and Amanda throughout the year with only a few exceptions. InPelargonium peltatum Tavira, however, reslts were erratic due to uneven distribution of virus in the plant. Best results were obtained when petioles of fully expanded leaves were tested.  相似文献   

Single-ascospore cultures ofCeratocystis ulmi from the progeny of a cross between a culture of compatibility type A from Belford, Massachusetts, U.S.A., and one of type B from Rotterdam, Netherlands, were morphologically heterogeneous and varied widely in virulence towards young elms inoculated in the greenhouse. Some cultures regularly caused typical wilt in callus cuttings ofUlmus hollandica Belgica (susceptible) but none in those ofU. carpinifolia Christine Buisman (resistant). Some cultures cuased wilt in trees of both clones; others in neither. All isolates produced abundant yeast-like cells in liquid culture. All isolated induced typical vascular discoloration except in the terminal inch of twigs. Similar progeny from a cross between cultures of types A and B, both from Naarden, Netherlands, however, were morphologically homogeneous and caused a fairly uniform level of symptoms in young trees ofU. hollandica Belgica (susceptible) and Commelin (moderately resistant), and in seedlings ofU. americana after inoculation in the nursery.Samenvatting Eén-ascosporecultures vanCeratocystis ulmi, verkregen uit de nakomelingen van een kruising tussen een cultuur van het compatibiliteitstype A uit Bedford, Massachusetts, V.S., en een type B uit Rotterdam, Nederland, waren morfologisch heterogeen en vertoonden grote verschillen in virulentie ten opzichte van jonge iepen, die in de kas waren geïnoculeerd. Enkele cultures veroorzaakten bij herhaling een typische verwelking bij callusstekken van de kloonUlmus hollandica Belgica (vatbaar), maar zij brachten geen verwelking teweeg bijUlmus carpinifolia Christine Buisman (resistent). Andere cultures veroorzaakten verwelking bij bomen van beide klonen, weer andere bij geen van beide. In alle gevallen ontstond na inoculatie de typische houtverkleuring, die echter uitbleef in de toppen van de twijgen (ca. 3cm). Alle cultures produceerden in een voedingsvloeistof een overvloed van gistachtige cellen.Eén-ascosporecultures, verkregen uit een kruising tussen de twee compatibiliteitstypen, beide afkomstig uit Naarden, Nederland, waren daarentegen morfologisch homogeen. Zij vertoonden bovendien vrijwel geen verschillen in virulentie na inoculatie in de kwekerij in jonge bomen vanU. hollandica Belgica en Commelin (respectivelijk vatbaar en matig resistent) en in zaailingen vanU. americana (vatbaar).A contribution of the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

In two pot experiments the pathotypes, AB and ABCD ofHeterodera rostochiensis multiplied at lower rates on the potato variety Libertas than pathotype A. Pathotype ABCD multiplied at the same rate on a variety resistant against pathotype A as pathotype A on Libertas. Pathotype AB multiplied at a lower rate on Libertas and a variety resistant against A than A on Libertas. In a third experiment with the pathotypes A and ABCD and five potato varieties susceptible to all pathotypes, two varieties resistant to A and AB and three resistant to A significant differences between the rate of reproduction of the same pathotype on different susceptible varieties were found. The rate of reproduction of the pathotype ABCD on the varieties tested tended to be slightly lower than that of pathotype A on varieties susceptible to that pathotype.Samenvatting In twee potproeven vermenigvuldigden de pathotypen AB en ABCD vanHeterodera rostochiensis zich minder sterk op het aardappelras Libertas dan pathotype A. Pathotype ABCD vermenigvuldigde zich even sterk op een tegen pathotype A resistenteS. andigenum-hybride als pathotype A op Libertas. Pathotype AB vermenigvuldigde zich minder sterk op Libertas en een tegen A resistente variëteit dan A op Libertas.In een derde proef met de pathotypen A en ABCD en vijf voor alle pathotypen vatbare aardappelrassen, twee tegen A en AB resistente en drie tegen A resistente rassen, werden significante verschillen aangetoond tussen de vermenigvuldiging van dezelfde pathotypen op verschillende daarvoor gevoelige aardappelrassen (Tabel 1 en 2). Tabel 3 geeft de indruk dat pathotype ABCD zich op de getoetste rassen minder sterk vermeerdert dan A op de daarvoor vatbare rassen.  相似文献   

Samenvatting In cowpea-planten die onvatbaar zijn voor het cowpea-mozaïekvirus (CPMV) kan dit virus, mits infectieus, infectie door vier andere, onderling geheel verschillende virussen remmen. Dit vermogen tot aspecifieke remming komt tot uiting in cowpea-planten met onvatbaarheid die bepaald wordt door één dominant gen, maar niet in planten met onvatbaarheid op basis van één recessief gen. De beide typen van onvatbaarheid laten dus in verschillende mate expressie van de genetische informatie van CPMV toe.  相似文献   

The reaction of two tomato varieties, Moneymaker (susceptible toFusarium) and Fortos (resistant toFusarium) to inoculation withMeloidogyne javanica, M. incognita andFusarium oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici race1 as well as to application of Ethrel (2 chloroethane phosphonic acid)—an ethylene releasing compound—was studied. With Moneymaker, Ethrel reduced wilt symptoms drastically and this was correlated with a reduction in the number of infected vascular bundles in the stem. Height of the stems was increased. Both nematode species counteracted the therapeutic effect of Ethrel by increasing the number of infected vascular bundles. Fortos remained resistant toFusarium in the presence of nematodes and/or Ethrel. Only, a slight tendency toward resistance-breaking by the nematode was observed. In this variety enhancement of the pathogenic effects of the nematodes by Ethrel was evidenced by increased gall size. Histological studies indicated no difference in xylem structure among the various treatments. These results support the evidence that plant growth regulators play a role in the pathogenicity of root-knot nematodes, theFusarium resistance of the plants, and the effect of nematodes on the severity ofFusarium wilt.Samenvatting Bestudeerd werd de reactie, van twee tomatecultivars, Moneymaker (gevoelig voorFusarium) en Fortos (resistent tegenFusarium) op inoculatie metMeloidogyne javanica, M. incognita enFusarium oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici ras 1, en op behandeling met Ethrel (2 chloorethaan fosfonzuur) een verbinding waaruit ethyleen vrijkomt. Bij Moneymaker resulteerde behandeling met Ethrel in een sterke afneming van verwelkingssymptomen gecorreleerd met een vermindering van metFusarium geinfecteerde vaatbundels in de stengel (Fig. 2 en 3) en een grotere lengte van de planten (Fig. 1). Beide aaltjessoorten hadden het omgekeerde effect en verhoogden het aantal metFusarium geïnfecteerde vaatbundels (Fig. 2 en 3).Bij Fortos was er slechts een zeer geringe mate van verlies van resistentie tegenFusarium onder invloed van de aanwezigheid van wortelknobbelaaltjes. Ethrel elimineerde de geringeFusarium infectie geheel. Bij deze cultivar werd het schadelijk effect van de aaltjes duidelijk versterkt door Ethrel in correlatie, met een sterke toeneming van de omvang der gallen (toeneming wortelgewicht, Fig. 4). Ethrel had geen rechtstreeks effect opFusarium in reincultures.Histologische waarnemingen gaven geen aanwijzingen voor het optreden van veranderingen in de structuur van het xyleem (thyllen) onder invloed, van de behandelingen.De resultaten ondersteunen de opvatting dat groeiregulatoren een rol spelen bij de pathogeniteit van wortelknobbelaaltjes, deFusarium-resistentie van de plant, en de invloed van aaltjes op de ontwikkeling van,Fusarium in de plant.  相似文献   

After inoculation of elms withCeratocystis ulmi tylose formation in vessels of the susceptible clone Belgica appeared to be delayed in comparison with tylose formation in the resistant clone 390. It is suggested that tylose formation may be a resistance mechanism in elms to Dutch elm disease.Samenvatting Na inoculatie van iepen metCeratocystis ulmi bleek de thyllenvorming te zijn vertraagd in de vaten van de vatbare kloon Belgica in vergelijking met de thyllenvorming in de resistente kloon 390 (Fig. 1). Thyllenvorming zou een resistentie mechanisme kunnen zijn tegen de iepziekte.  相似文献   

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