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Abstract. During three consecutive years (1993–1995) a split-plot design with three replications was used to study the biological and physical role of mulch in the improvement of crusted soil water balance and its productivity in the north of Burkina Faso. The main treatment was the use of an insecticide, to obtain plots with and without soil fauna (SF and NSF). The subsidiary treatment consisted of four mulch types randomly applied on subplots. These were straw of Pennisetum pedicellatum applied at 3 t ha−1, woody material of Pterocarpus lucens applied at 6 t ha−1 and composite (woody material and straw) treatments applied at 4 t ha−1. In addition there was a control, with no mulch (bare plot). Data on soil faunal activity, runoff, sediment accumulation from wind blown soil, vegetation cover and vegetation dry matter yield were collected on all plots.
The biological activity (mainly termites) in mulched plots was the key element in the efficacy of mulching to rehabilitate crusted soil. Water infiltration and dry matter yield were statistically lower on NSF plots than on SF plots and runoff and dry matter yield were not different from the values obtained on bare plots. A significant correlation was found between runoff, all vegetation data and termite-voids. Sediment accumulation due to the physical barrier of the mulch was not found to be a significant factor in the improvement of vegetation performance and the reduction of runoff.  相似文献   

采用田间和小面积模拟降水试验的方法,对小麦机械收获后残茬覆盖与不覆盖两种条件下免耕、翻耕和间隔深松3种土壤耕作方式夏玉米田的土壤物理性状和水分利用效率进行了研究。结果表明,残茬覆盖与深松相结合,可平衡和改善耕层土壤温度状况,在土壤温度较低时具有保温作用,在土壤温度较高时具有降温作用;可以增加土壤的蓄水和保水能力,模拟降水后24 h测定1 m土层含水量比免耕不盖多26.1 mm,全生育期平均耕层土壤含水量比免耕不覆盖高9.37%;土壤通透性也得到改善;最终水分利用效率比免耕不盖提高25.26%。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide fluxes from cyanobacteria crusted soils in the Kalahari   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The surface of dryland soils is frequently characterised by a biological crust comprising of various combinations of cyanobacteria, algae, moss and lichens. In the Kalahari of Botswana, soil crusts are predominantly made up of cyanobacteria, which when moist, are capable of fixing N and C. Many cyanobacteria also produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) which bind soil particles together and decrease erodibility. The physical integrity and metabolic activity of soil crusts is thus critical to ecological productivity, erodibility and CO2 fluxes in dryland regions. There are, however, few studies of the magnitude and controlling factors of soil CO2 flux within these systems.

Our aim was to quantify in situ soil CO2 flux during contrasting antecedent moisture conditions in the south west Kalahari of Botswana. We have designed a gas exchange chamber for field deployment coupled to a portable gas chromatograph, control and data logging instrumentation. The optical and active thermal control specifications of the chamber have been designed to permit photosynthesis and cope with the temperature extremes of the Kalahari whilst minimizing disturbance to the cyanobacteria soil crust. This approach has enabled CO2 fluxes to be monitored in situ with a high degree of precision for extended periods.

In August 2005, when the surface and subsoils were dry, the ambient CO2 efflux was negative and low during the daytime (−6.15 mg C m2 h−1). When 8 mm rainfall equivalent of water was added to the surface there was an immediate uptake of CO2 during the daytime at rates up to 75 mg C m2 h−1 demonstrating that rates of net photosynthesis are greatly enhanced by available moisture. In contrast, in May 2006 following a prolonged wet period when the subsoil was moist, there was a net positive efflux of CO2 from the soil at rates of up to 60 mg C m2 h−1 irrespective of whether the surface soil was moist or not. This is consistent with subsoil heterotrophic bacterial respiration becoming an important contributor to soil efflux.  相似文献   

不同覆盖绿肥养分特性及其对橡胶园土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为明确不同覆盖绿肥的养分特性,阐明其对云南开割橡胶园土壤理化性状的影响,采用田间试验结合室内分析,研究了10种豆科绿肥的养分特性与积累量,探讨了不同豆科绿肥覆盖对橡胶园土壤理化性质的影响作用。结果表明,10种供试豆科绿肥均富含氮,N含量范围为19.68~32.42g/kg,平均25.38 g/kg。灌木、亚灌木绿肥的干物质积累量高于草本和藤本绿肥,草本和藤本绿肥的氮、磷、钾含量则高于灌木、亚灌木绿肥。为取得最佳的覆盖效果,筛选绿肥时应考虑灌木、亚灌木与草本、藤本相结合。绿肥覆盖后胶园土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾较对照均有不同程度的提高,分别提高了0.71~2.99g/kg、0.01~0.16 g/kg、7.13~29.95mg/kg、14.81~38.82mg/kg;而土壤碱解氮含量和pH值变化不明显。绿肥覆盖对胶园土壤物理性状有一定的改善,但效果不明显。综合比较10种绿肥的养分特性和对土壤理化性状的影响,结合田间观测结果,初步筛选出距瓣豆、卵叶山蚂蝗、白花灰叶豆3种绿肥对云南山地胶园土壤肥力有一定的提升和维持作用,为云南开割胶园覆盖绿肥的筛选提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

地膜覆盖对农作物产量的影响   总被引:28,自引:31,他引:28  
综合考虑地膜覆盖技术对农作物产量的正面效应和地膜残留对农作物产量的负面影响,构建了地膜覆盖技术对农作物产量影响的评价模型,并以湖北省为例进行了评价。结果表明,湖北省在使用地膜覆盖技术36a后,残膜所造成的农作物减产率将大于由地膜覆盖技术引起的农作物增产率,残膜对农作物产量的负效应再持续16a则可以抵消由于地膜覆盖增温保墒使农作物增加的全部产量。由此可见,从长远来看,在现有残膜回收技术条件下使用地膜覆盖技术是不经济的。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine soil properties, limiting site deficiencies for agricultural production and degradation risks of some major soil groups of Bulgaria. Vertisols, Planosols, Chernozems and Luvisols were characterised based on soil analyses. Temporal waterlogging in combination with water erosion, soil compaction and chemical degradation limit the fertility of Vertisols and Planosols. Chernozems and Luvisols are partly compacted. To ensure soil productivity for coining generations and to protect soil and water resources, the evident soil degradation must be halted. Long‐term field studies of soil rehabilitation variants were conducted. Soil parameters and crop yield were the main indicators used to estimate soil quality. Pipe drainage in combination with subsoiling and the application of gypsum and limestone, respectively, are effective measures for site rehabilitation of degraded Vertisols and Planosols. Degraded Luvisols and Chernozems characterised by distinct and persistent subsoil compaction can be regenerated by subsoil loosening and following site‐adapted soil management practices.  相似文献   

The agricultural lands of typic tundra of the Yamal Peninsula in Russia are pastures for reindeer (Rangifer tarandus sibiricus Murr.) herds. Currently, degradation of tundra soil cover is mainly caused by mechanical impacts of tracked vehicles used in construction operations. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in morphological, micro-structural, and physical properties of Cryozems and Cryogenic peaty soils affected by these tracked vehicles. Soil samples were taken from the surface and underlying horizons before and 5 years after four and 100 passes of tracked vehicles. Surface horizons (0–10 cm) of the undisturbed Cryozems and Cryogenic peaty soils were organogenic. Passage of tracked vehicles caused mixing of these horizons with lower sandy loam and loam mineral horizons. Properties of the organomineral horizons formed in this way differed essentially from those of the surface horizons of the undisturbed soils. Microaggregates were completely disturbed, even after only four passes of tracked vehicles. Large inter-aggregate pores disappeared and thin pores or cracks formed as a result of vehicle-induced mechanical impacts. Humification of plant residues was observed to be faster in the compacted organomineral horizons of disturbed soils compared with undisturbed ones. The organic substances formed in the compacted organomineral horizons readily moved downward within the soil profile or were lost during runoff events. High correlation coefficients of organic carbon content with both specific surface area and water retention showed that the above-mentioned organic substances were hydrophilic. Specific surface area and water retention of the disturbed soils rose with increasing organic carbon content. The results obtained in this study demonstrated a high susceptibility of Cryozems and Cryogenic peaty soils to mechanical impacts.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites (Isoptera, Macrotermitinae) play an important role in tropical ecosystems in modifying soil physical properties. Most of the literature regarding the impact of termites on soil properties refers to termite epigeous mounds. In spite of their abundance and activity in African savannas, few studies deal with the properties of underground nest structures (fungus-comb chambers) built by subterranean Macrotermitinae termites. We tested whether these termites significantly modify the soil physico-chemical properties within their nests in a humid tropical savanna and whether these effects are different for two termite species with differing building behaviour. Termite-worked soil material was collected from fungus-comb chamber walls of two widespread species: Ancistrotermes cavithorax, which builds diffuse and ephemeral nests and Odontotermes nr pauperans, which most often builds concentrated and permanent nests for a comparatively much longer period of time. Neither species influenced soil pH but both significantly modified soil texture and C-N content in their nest structures. A strong impact on clay-particle size was also detected but no significant differences in clay mineralogy. Thus Odontotermes has a greater effect on soil properties, that could be explained by its building behaviour and the concentration in space of its nest units. Therefore, spatial pattern and life-span of fungus-comb chambers should be an important parameter to be considered in the functional role of subterranean Macrotermitinae termites in the savanna.  相似文献   

研究了覆盖不同厚度稻草(4、8 cm)以及加盖普通地膜和黑色地膜对免耕马铃薯农艺性状及品质的影响。结果表明:覆盖不同厚度稻草的影响效果具有显著的差异,与覆盖稻草4 cm相比,覆盖稻草8 cm可提高单株结薯数和产量,降低绿薯率,但降低出苗率和株数,其他品质参数差异不明显;在覆盖稻草4 cm的基础上加盖薄膜具有提高单薯重和产量的作用,但在覆盖稻草8 cm的基础上加盖薄膜则对出苗不利,降低了出苗率和株数,降低产量;加盖地膜能显著降低绿薯率,其中黑色地膜的效果优于普通地膜。  相似文献   

Termites are reported to improve soil physicochemical properties thereby enhance soil fertility of their mound and foraging areas. Empirical study pertaining to these effects is missing in Southwest Ethiopia. For this study, soil samples affected by termite activities were collected at 1 m interval within 0–3 m distance from the base of six termite mounds on gently sloping and sloping land and analyzed for physicochemical parameters. The result of the analysis depicted that soil bulk density (1.38–1.15 g cm?3) and moisture content (21.1–9.9%) decreased with increased distance from the mound base. While clay content decreased with increased distance from the mound base from72.0% to 45.5%, sand and silt contents increased from 8.0% to 21.3% and 19.3% to 28.5%, respectively. PH (6.23), organic carbon (3.85%), total nitrogen (0.4%), cation exchange capacity CEC (30.43 cmol kg?1), exchangeable Ca (13.73 cmol kg?1), Mg (3.15 cmol kg?1), and PBS (56.8%) were higher on termite mounds. While, electrical conductivity (0.03 dS m?1–0.06 dS m?1), exchangeable K (0.52–0.93 cmol kg?1) and Na (0.02–0.03 cmol kg?1) showed increasing trend with the distance from the mound base. Our results indicated that termite mounds are important sinks of organic matter and mineral nutrients, and hence contribute to the enhancement of soil fertility. Thus, for subsistent farmers the uses of termite mounds as a fertilizer present an opportunity to improve agricultural production.  相似文献   

Termites of the subfamily Macrotermitinae play an important role in tropical ecosystems: they modify the soil's physical properties and thereby make food available for other organisms. Clay is important in the architecture of Macrotermitinae termite nests, and it has been postulated that termites could modify the mineralogical properties of some clays. We have tested this hypothesis of clay transformation by termites in the laboratory under controlled conditions, using Odontotermes nr. pauperans termite species, one of the main fungus‐growing species at Lamto Research Station (Côte d'Ivoire). Soil handled by termites in nest building was saturated with SrCl2, glycol or KCl and afterwards heated at 250°C for X‐ray diffraction analyses. Termite handling led to an increase in the expandable layers of the component clay minerals. Heating and saturation by potassium of modified clays did not close the newly formed expandable clay layers. However, differences occurred between parts of the constructions built by termites, and the clays can be ranked according to their degree of alteration in the following order: unhandled soils < galleries < chamber walls. Consequently, termites can be seen as weathering agents of clay minerals, as previously shown for micro‐organisms and plants.  相似文献   

地膜作为温室固定保温幕效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究是在有活动式内保温幕的前提下,通过增加固定式内保温幕提高保温效果.结果表明这一措施是可行的,采用地膜作为固定幕材料,在3月中旬可提高幕内气温1.0~3.1℃,各部位平均提高1.4℃;凌晨最低温度可提高1.4℃,并且在低温条件下,表现出更好的保温性.幕内热量的传递方向主要是向南侧和周边.地膜作为固定式内保温幕成本低,节能效果好,易实施,但对室内光照产生一定不利影响.  相似文献   

Termites inhabit a large portion of land covered by temperate forests. Climate warming and urbanization will likely extend their range and increase their densities in these ecosystems but, compared to their tropical counterparts, little is known about their effects on soil properties and processes. If temperate termites have the strong ecosystem engineering effects of tropical termites, then knowledge of their ecology and impacts will be vital for predicting how temperate systems respond to environmental change. We investigated how feeding and tunneling by the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes, affected wood decomposition and soil properties under decaying wood. Twelve laboratory microcosms filled with mineral soil and with wood blocks of four common temperate tree species, received R. flavipes soldiers and workers at field densities, with an additional five termite-free microcosms serving as controls. After 25 weeks, the effects of termites on wood mass loss, and on carbon and nitrogen dynamics, differed across tree species, yet their effects on soil properties were consistent regardless of wood type. Microbially-available carbon in soil was 20% higher with termites and soil moisture content 20% lower. Soil pH was more acid with termites and their effects on soil microbial biomass were positive but non-significant. These soil responses were consistent regardless of the wood species, suggesting that termite effects on soil are dictated largely by their activity within the soil matrix and not by their feeding rate on specific wood substrates. These results are among the first to quantify the effects of temperate forest termite activity on soil properties, demonstrating the potential for these termites to shape biogeochemical cycling and plant communities through their alteration of the soil environment.  相似文献   

该研究是在有活动式内保温幕的前提下,通过增加固定式内保温幕提高保温效果。结果表明这一措施是可行的,采用地膜作为固定幕材料,在3月中旬可提高幕内气温1.0~3.1℃,各部位平均提高1.4℃;凌晨最低温度可提高1.4℃,并且在低温条件下,表现出更好的保温性。幕内热量的传递方向主要是向南侧和周边。地膜作为固定式内保温幕成本低,节能效果好,易实施,但对室内光照产生一定不利影响。  相似文献   

黄土高原区农田覆盖效应与前景分析   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
依据黄土高原区的水热条件,结合已有研究结果,简述了黄土高原地区农田不同覆盖类型,诸如秸秆覆盖、聚氯乙烯薄膜覆盖、生物覆盖等,分析了农田覆盖技术的生态环境效应和经济效应,农田覆盖可提高土壤含水率,增加土壤耕层温度改善土壤肥力状况,减少水土流失,促进作物生长,并指出生物覆盖、秸秆还田和聚氯乙烯薄膜覆盖技术在该区的应用前景。  相似文献   


This study was aimed at characterizing the effects of the activity of termites of the genus Nasutitermes on the physico‐chemical properties of the acid sandy soils of southern Nigeria. Selected morphological properties of the termite mounds were measured in the field. Outside portions of the termite mound and surface (0–15 cm) soil were collected and analyzed for some physical and chemical properties. Results obtained showed a density of 112 mounds ha‐1 with average height of 0.85 m. There were significantly higher proportions of clay, silt, and organic carbon, and higher pH, exchangeable potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), available phosphorus (P), effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation in the mounds of the Nasutitermes than in the surrounding topsoil. Mounds of Nasutitermes termites, if returned to the soil, could improve the properties of the soil in areas where termites occur in large numbers.  相似文献   

小麦高留茬覆盖的生态农业意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦高留茬覆盖栽培技术具有培肥地力,减少作物棵间蒸发和地表径流,防止土壤侵蚀,增加土壤贮水量,抑制杂草生长,提高产量,节约资源,减少环境污染等多种功效,应大力推广应用。  相似文献   

长期施肥和秸秆覆盖土壤活性有机质及碳库管理指数变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
【目的】研究长期施肥和秸秆覆盖对土壤活性有机质和碳库管理指数的影响,为渭北旱塬区秸秆覆盖模式的完善提供理论依据。 【方法】长期定位试验于1981年开始,布设于陕西省合阳县,设空白对照(CK)、氮磷肥配施(NP)、氮磷有机肥配施(NPM)、氮磷肥配施+秸秆覆盖(NP+FG)、氮磷有机肥配施+秸秆覆盖(NPM+FG)5个处理,测定28年后土壤有机质、不同活性组分有机质含量及土壤养分含量、酶活性,研究长期施肥和秸秆覆盖对土壤活性有机质、碳库管理指数的影响及其与土壤酶活性、养分含量的相关关系。 【结果】1)NP处理较CK处理显著提高了土壤高活性有机质含量48.7%,对其他活性组分影响不显著;NPM处理土壤总有机质含量提高了120.0%,高、中、低活性有机质含量分别提高了137.4%、136.3%和93.4%。2)以CK为参考土壤,NP处理土壤高活性、中活性和活性碳库管理指数分别提高了54.66、17.93和2.65;NPM处理分别提高了139.28、140.92和83.59。NP+FG处理土壤高、中、低活性碳库管理指数较NP处理分别提高75.01、191.43和122.90;NPM+FG处理较NPM处理分别提高了58.93、121.35和93.43。3)高活性有机质、高活性碳库管理指数与转化酶呈极显著相关,中、低活性碳库管理指数与转化酶呈显著相关。 【结论】NPM处理显著提高了土壤高、中、活性碳库管理指数;施肥基础上秸秆覆盖进一步提高了土壤的碳库管理指数,在氮磷肥配施基础上进行秸秆覆盖对碳库管理指数的提升作用大于氮磷有机肥配施基础上秸秆覆盖的作用;活性有机质与总有机质相比,更能反映土壤酶活性的变化,有机质的活性越高,对指示酶活性和土壤质量的变化越敏感。在渭北旱塬区,氮磷肥基础上秸秆覆盖表现出显著提高土壤碳库管理指数和培肥的优势。  相似文献   

Biochar is used as a soil amendment for improving soil quality and enhancing carbon sequestration. In this study, a loamy sand soil was amended at different rates (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% v/v) of biochar, and its physical and hydraulic properties were analyzed, including particle density, bulk density, porosity, infiltration, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and volumetric water content. The wilting rate of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) grown in soil amended with various levels of biochar was evaluated on a scale of 0–10. Statistical analyses were conducted using linear regression. The results showed that bulk density decreased linearly (R2 = 0.997) from 1.325 to 0.363 g cm?3 while the particle density decreased (R2 = 0.915) from 2.65 to 1.60 g cm?3 with increased biochar amendment, with porosity increasing (R2 = 0.994) from 0.500 to 0.773 cm3 cm?3. The mean volumetric water content ranged from 3.90 to 14.00 cm3 cm?3, while the wilting rate of tomato ranged from 4.67 to 9.50, respectively, for the non-amended soil and 100% biochar-amended soil. These results strongly suggest positive improvement of soil physical and hydraulic properties following addition of biochar amendment.  相似文献   

Different methods of fertilizer application-drip fertigation and conventional fertilizer application under drip, surface irrigation, and rainfed conditions were evaluated during 2009–2012 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Shimla, India. The experiment was arranged in randomized block design (RBD), replicated thrice. Results suggest that fertigation significantly increased growth parameters over conventional methods. Fruit yield was significantly higher under fertigation (13.7 t ha?1) over conventional fertilizer application with drip (11.6 t ha?1), surface irrigation (10.6 t ha?1), and under rainfed (8.6 t ha?1). Fruit quality parameters were also superior under fertigation. Fertigation maintained higher available nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) content in 0-30 cm soil layers. Available phosphorus (P) was higher in 0-20 cm soil depths in all the treatments. Fertigation with 80 and 100 percent recommended NPK dose registered statistically comparable results. In addition to higher productivity, fertigation resulted in 20 percent fertilizer savings over drip irrigation and 20 percent fertilizer besides 40 percent water savings over surface irrigation.  相似文献   

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