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The effect of different rates of potassium (K+) on shoot water potential, photosynthesis and carbon movement (using 14C) at the V3/4 growth stages was studied in mungbean ( Vigna radiata L. Wilczek), a drought-susceptible legume, and cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), a drought-tolerant legume, grown under low- and high-irrigation regimes under controlled conditions. Soil moisture and K+ affected all measured parameters in the two species. The rate of photosynthesis was higher at reduced water stress when K+ was applied. The impact was greater in cowpea, which had an inherently high rate of carbon assimilation. Mungbean and to a lesser extent cowpea allocated greater quantities of carbon to roots under dry conditions, especially with added K+. The distribution of 14C into other plant parts was also increased at higher rates of K+ application under both soil moisture regimes. Thus, application of K+ seems to have a beneficial effect in overcoming soil moisture stress and increasing physiological parameters and carbon partitioning in these two important tropical food legumes.  相似文献   

Cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is an important food legume grown under rainfed conditions in the tropics. However, the yield of this crop varies widely in most tropical ecosystems due to crop and environmental factors. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of seed characteristics, soil moisture at planting and the season of crop establishment on growth and yield parameters of cowpea as these influence the productivity of the crop. Growth and yield of cowpea plants grown from small seeds with a high conductivity of their lea-chates were significantly lower than those grown from large seeds. Root growth of seedlings was most prominent under moderate soil moisture levels. Low soil moisture retarded root growth by reducing dry weights and suppressing the development of laterals. Shoot growth was more sensitive to increasing soil moisture stress than root growth. Planting cowpea in the wet season produced the highest yields. Within a season, growth and yield were higher when the crop was planted early. Establishment of the crop later in the season produced better quality seeds measured in terms of germination after controlled deterioration.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken using open‐top chambers to study the effect of CO2 enrichment on crop growth and to assess the variation related to the time of CO2 exposure. In general, enriched CO2 conditions (600 ± 50 p.p.m.) in the chamber positively affected the growth and development of mungbean (Vigna radiata), a short‐duration (60–65 days) summer pulse crop. However, there was significant variability in the effect of the crop stage/time of CO2 exposure. It was observed that high CO2 exposure at an early growth stage [0–20 days after germination (DAG)] had a larger effect than that at a later growth stage (21–40 DAG). The experiment also provided a means of assessing the short‐ and long‐term effects of elevated CO2 on the carbon exchange rate at both stages of exposure. The study revealed that the sensitivity of plants to high CO2 was more pronounced with respect to net photosynthetic rate. The overall photosynthetic activity gave greater growth and development of plants under high CO2.  相似文献   

The influence of different weed types (grass, broadleaved and sedge species) on growth and yield parameters of mungbean ( Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) was evaluated under field conditions. The presence of all types of weeks had the most significant effect on growth and yields of mungbean. Broadleaved species alone had a greater adverse effect than grasses, and the influence of sedges was the lowest. The adverse effect of weeds was most prominent on vegetative growth. The influence on yield components reduced with time. However, the adverse impact of weeds on yields was similar to that on vegetative growth. A significant correlation between weed biomass and yield loss was observed. The study indicated the critical competitive period to be in the vegetative phase. Some possible implications for selective weeding are presented.  相似文献   

Mungbean grown as intercrop suffers shading stress form companion crop at different growth stages. Grain filling stage, which appears to be very much sensitive to light conditions, needs special attention to deal with, in order to maximize the benefit from intercropping systems. Growth and yield response of mungbean to different shading conditions imposed at the onset of pod formation stage was evaluated. Shading nets were used to cut down the incident photosynthetic active rediation by 15 %, 45 % and 75 %. There was almost no difference between the control and 15 % shaded plants for all the parameters studied. Total dry weight was found to decrease with increase in shading intensity and this phenomenon continued till the maturity of the crop. The crop growth rate, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate decreased due to shading. Lower specific leaf weight and higher chlorophyll content were due to increased shading. Decreased photosynthetic active radiation caused significant reduction in pods per plant and thus there was a significant decrease in seed yield per plant. In order to avoid yield loss due to shading at grain filling stage, agronomic manipulation and selection of suitable genotypes are necessary.  相似文献   

Foliar application of benzyladenine at preanthesis stage retarded leaf senescence in mungbean. Chemical spray increased leaf chlorophyll, soluble protein, specific leaf weight, net photosynthetic rate and nitrate reductase activity. Number of pods, grain yield, harvest index and 100-seed weight were significantly improved by benzyladenine treatment. The possibility of higher pod-filling and thus, yield by chemical regulation of leaf senescence is evident in mungbean.  相似文献   

Increased cadmium (Cd) uptake from contaminated soils damages plant metabolism. The purpose of this study was to determine Cd‐induced time‐related changes in some shoot growth and physiological attributes, and their interrelationships in Cd‐tolerant (NM‐98) and sensitive (NM‐28) mungbean varieties. Shoot Cd and leaf chlorosis increased with a concomitant reduction in shoot dry weight, leaf area, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative leaf expansion rate. Reduction in transpiration rate (E) and stomatal conductance (gs) and increase in substomatal CO2 level (Ci), indicated that Cd reduced net photosynthesis (Pn) by reducing CO2 fixation by Rubisco, albeit these changes were less pronounced in NM‐98. A positive correlation of chlorosis with shoot Cd, and negative relationships of chlorosis and shoot Cd with Pn revealed that Cd damages the photosynthetic apparatus in mungbean. Time course decrease in in vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and an increase in soluble nitrate in NM‐28 revealed that Cd markedly hampers nitrogen assimilation. Positive correlations of RGR and NAR with Pn and NRA and negative ones with chlorosis, shoot dry weight, shoot Cd and Ci in NM‐98 suggested that mungbean sensitivity to Cd is due to perturbed C and N assimilation.  相似文献   

The development of an extensive root system enables plants to overcome water stress. However, there is little information on the response of food legumes to soil moisture, especially during early growth, which determines crop establishment. Thus, an experiment was conducted under controlled conditions to identify the effect of soil moisture and fertilizer potassium on root and shoot growth of french beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings. The seedlings were grown in a sand medium under a high and low soil moisture regime and with 0.1, 0.8 or 3.0 mM potassium.
Root lengths, dry weights and numbers of root hairs were greater under low soil moisture conditions. Potassium increased root growth irrespective of soil moisture regimes. The impact of potassium on root length was more pronounced under a high soil moisture regime. In contrast, potassium increased root dry weights and root hairs to a greater extent when plants were grown under dry conditions. The lack of adequate soil moisture increased specific leaf weights, and this phenomenon was reduced by the application of potassium. Shoot:root ratios also showed a similar phenomenon. The development of an extensive root system by french bean seedlings under dry conditions to extract a greater quantity of available soil moisture fur establishment and plant growth and the ability of potassium to promote this phenomenon is presented in this study.  相似文献   

As water for irrigation purposes becomes increasingly scarce because of climate change and population growth, there is growing interest in regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) as a way to improve efficiency of water usage and farm productivity in arid and semi‐arid areas. Salinity is also becoming an important problem in these same regions. Experiments were performed to investigate the effects of RDI and salt stress on two legumes crops, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek); previous work showed contrasting responses to RDI by these two crops under field conditions. The seed and biomass yields of both crops were reduced as a result of increasing water deficit stress; however, mungbean was able to maintain the same proportion of its biomass in reproductive structures and maintain its harvest index under stress, whereas common bean’s decreased. In addition, photosynthesis in mungbean was higher than in common bean and higher at the same levels of transpiration. Finally, salinity stress did not affect the water potential, harvest index or the specific leaf weight of either crop. There were no interactions between salinity and crops or RDI levels, which suggest that the two crops do not differ in their response to salinity stress, and that RDI levels do not modify this response.  相似文献   

R.S. Sangwan  G.P. Lodhi 《Euphytica》1998,102(2):191-193
Inheritance of flower colour and pod colour in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) has followed a qualitative pattern. Purple flower colour is dominant over white flower colour, whereas black pod colour is partially dominant over white pod colour. A segregation ratio of 3 purple:1 white flowers in F2 generations of two crosses indicated that white flower colour is controlled by a single recessive. Segregation ratio of F2 1 white:2 light black:1 black indicated that black pod colour is partially dominant over white pod colour and is governed by one gene. These results were further confirmed by backcross generations. White flower and pod colour are controlled by single recessive genes on separate chromosome. Gene symbols were assigned. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out both in the semi-controlled environment and in the field to evaluate the influence of nitrogen and carbofuran in the growth, dry matter partitioning and yield of mungbean. Both nitrogen and carbofuran increased leaf area, leaf N content, NAR, dry matter, most of the yield attributes, and grain yield. Dry matter accumulation during the reproductive phase was significantly influenced by nitrogen and carbofuran, and method of N application. Plants treated with nitrogen fertilizer and carbofuran produced higher amount of dry matter after flowering; but gave low harvest index values compared to control. The results suggest that mungbean yield can be substantially increased through efficient dry matter partitioning employing agronomic manipulations.  相似文献   

The effect of water stress and its subsequent recovery on the photosynthesis, productivity and water status, was examined in three mungbean varieties ( Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) i.e. PS 16, P 105 and Pusa Baisakhi. The variety P 105 was found relatively less susceptible to water stress compared to high susceptibility in Pusa Baisakhi and PS 16. The adverse effect of stress was comparatively higher at the post-flowering and pod development stages. It was observed that variety P 105 had inherently maintained higher water status by retaining higher water potential and water content under water stress condition, thereby effectively reducing the water loss. The higher transpiration rate in this variety regulates the flow of water within the plant. This type of regulation of water flow and maintenance of high water status in P 105 helped to resist the adverse effect of water stress on photosynthesis and productivity. Such adaptation mechanism was not observed in varieties PS 16 and Pusa Baisakhi. The recover) mechanism was, however, operated efficiently in susceptible varieties PS 16 and Pusa Baisakhi particularly for recouping the vegetative growth, but its effect could not be retained for reproductive characters, wherein also variety P 105 due to its efficient partitioning system yielded better than other cultivars.  相似文献   

The F2 and backcrosses of a cross between two vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) varieties with contrasting characteristics were evaluated for pod yield and its components, with the aim of understanding the genetic basis of these characteristics. A four-parameter model incorporating the additive, dominance and additive × additive genetic components fitted the data for pod yield and clusters per plant. The additive and additive × additive effects were positive and were larger than the dominance component. The relatively large additive and the predominantly positive dominant effects suggest that selection would be effective. Pod weight had high broad (84%) and narrow sense heritability (75%) and can be effectively selected for in the early generations. The study suggested that vegetable cowpea improvement programs should focus on selecting for clusters per plant and average pod weight in the early generations, while selection for dry pod yield could be delayed to later generations. It was concluded that pods per plant may be a useful selection criterion in multi-location trials aimed at selecting for stability of yield. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of seed size on germination and seedling growth was assessed using cultivars of greengram and blackgram. Significant positive correlation was noticed between seed size and germination, seedling height, root length, primary leaf size and seedling weight. The possible advantages of choosing cultivars with heavier seeds for attaining better crop stand especially under rainfed situation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis has several advantages over traditional methods of genetic linkage mapping, one of these being the starting point for map-based cloning. The recent development of an RFLP map of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) has allowed the investigation of associations between genes of interest and RFLP markers. A cross between an aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) resistant cultivated cowpea, TT84S-2246-4, and an aphid susceptible wild cowpea, NI 963, was screened for both aphid phenotype and RFLP marker segregation. One RFLP marker, bg4D9b, was found to be tightly linked to the aphid resistance gene (Rac 1) and several flanking markers in the same linkage group (linkage group 1) were also identified. The close association of Rac 1 and RFLP bg4D9b presents a real potential for cloning this insect resistance gene.  相似文献   

Yellow mosaic disease (YMD) is one of the major diseases affecting mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). In this study, we report the mapping of the quantitative trait locus (QTL) for mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV) resistance in mungbean. An F8 recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population was generated in Thailand from a cross between NM10-12-1 (MYMIV resistance) and KPS2 (MYMIV susceptible). One hundred and twenty-two RILs and their parents were evaluated for MYMIV resistance in infested fields in India and Pakistan. A genetic linkage map was developed for the RIL population using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Composite interval mapping identified five QTLs for MYMIV resistance: three QTLs for India (qYMIV1, qYMIV2 and qYMIV3) and two QTLs for Pakistan (qYMIV4 and qYMIV5). qYMIV1, qYMIV2, qYMIV3, qYMIV4 and qYMIV5 explained 9.33%, 10.61%, 12.55%, 21.93% and 6.24% of variation in disease responses, respectively. qYMIV1 and qYMIV4 appeared to be the same locus and were common to a major QTL for MYMIV resistance in India identified previously using a different resistant mungbean.  相似文献   

F1 and F2 data from crosses of cowpea accessions with three different growth forms showed that the inheritance of growth habit is governed by two allelic pairs, AA and BB. The genetic ratio obtained implicated a modifier gene interaction in which the genotype A-B- has the decumbent growth habit; the genotype aaB- has the climbing and aabb has the bushy habit. While the decumbent growth habit was dominant and epistatic over the climbing habit, the decumbent and the climbing growth forms were each monogenically dominant over the bushy habit.  相似文献   

Three crosses of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp) were used to assess the effectiveness of two selection procedures in cowpea. The selection procedures were pedigree selection (PD) and single seed descent selection (SSD). Lines developed through each procedure were yield tested and selected at F6 and F7 for PD and SSD, respectively. The selected lines for both procedures were compared at F8 for grain yield per plant (YLD), number of pods per plant (NPO), and pod development period (PDP), in two locations. Lines developed through both procedures differed more in their population means than in the performance of their top 10% or highest yielding lines. There was no consistent relationship between magnitude of genetic variability and percentage of superior lines obtained from each procedure. Both procedures have been effective in producing superior genotypes for yield and number of pods. The PD method produced superior transgressive segregants in two out of the three crosses for PDP. SSD allowed a more rapid generation than PD.  相似文献   

Yellow mosaic disease (YMD) caused by mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) is the most important disease of mungbean, causing great yield loss. The present investigation was carried out to study the inheritance and identify molecular markers linked with MYMV resistance gene by using F1, F2 and 167 F2 : 8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from the cross ‘TM‐99‐37’ (resistant) × Mulmarada (susceptible). The F1 was susceptible, F2 segregated in 3S:1R phenotypic ratio and RILs segregated in 1S:1R ratio in the field screening indicating that the MYMV resistance gene is governed by a single recessive gene. Of the 140 RAPD primers, 45 primers showing polymorphism in parents were screened using bulked segregant analysis. Three primers amplified specific polymorphic fragments viz. OPB‐07600, OPC‐061750 and OPB‐12820. The marker OPB‐07600 was more closely linked (6.8 cM) with a MYMV resistance gene as compared to OPC‐061750 (22.8 cM) and OPB‐12820 (25.2 cM). The resistance‐specific fragment OPB‐07600 was cloned, sequenced and converted into a sequence‐characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker and validated in twenty genotypes with different genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Extensive branching patterns of roots and the maintenance of adequate water within shoots enables plants to overcome water stress. However, information on the relationship between fertilizer potassium, root branching patterns and shoot water potentials of food legumes grown under different soil moisture regimes is scarce. Thus, an experiment was conducted in a phytotron to ascertain the effect of fertilizer potassium on root branching patterns and shoot water potentials of a popular tropical food legumes (Frenchbeans Phaseolus vulgaris L). The plants were grown in a sand medium with 0.1, 0.8 or 3.0 mM of potassium under a suboptimal and optima) soil moisture regime.
Root lengths and dry weights were enhanced by potassium, especially under a suboptimal soil moisture regime. The branching patterns changed due to potassium, where the numbers of second and third order roots increased under both soil moisture regimes, although the impact was greater in plants grown with low soil moisture. Plant water contents measured in terms of shoot water potential, relative water contents, rurgid weight: dry weight ratio and water uptake capacity were also increased by potassium. A positive relationship was observed between root branching patterns and water potentials with increasing potassium levels especially in plants grown under suboptimal soil moisture conditions. Shoot growth and nodulation was also promoted by potassium. The ability of plants to develop a more extensive branching pattern of roots by inducing a greater number of second and third order roots and changing the root branching habit from a herringbone to a dichotomous type to maintain a greater shoot water potential especially under low soil moisture regimes is presented.  相似文献   

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