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Abstract –  Movement and habitat use by bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus ) was examined using radio telemetry in the Morice River watershed, north-western British Columbia, between April 2000 and November 2001. Bull trout principally utilised mainstem habitat. Throughout the watershed, little movement was observed during the winter months. From June to September, movement increased and was correlated with migration into tributaries. We directly observed spawning bull trout only in tributaries of the Morice River and never in the mainstem. Many of the fish ( N  = 48) migrated to the nearest potential spawning sites, but a few fish ( N  = 7) made extensive migrations to other regions of the watershed to spawn. Fish that spawned in both years of the study returned to the same spawning location. Variation in spatial and movement data, therefore, appears to be linked to availability of suitable habitat and not differences in life history that have been observed in large bull trout.  相似文献   

Quantifying fish movements in river networks helps identify critical habitat needs and how they change with environmental conditions. Some of the challenges in tracking fish movements can be overcome with the use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging and antennas. We used PIT technology to test predictions of movement behaviour for four fish species at a mainstem–tributary confluence zone in an arid‐land river system. Specifically, we focused on the McElmo Creek tributary confluence with the San Juan River in south‐western Utah, USA. We quantified variation in species occurrences at this confluence zone from May 2012 to December 2015 relative to temporal and environmental conditions. We considered occurrences among species relative to tagging origins (tributary versus mainstem), season and time of day. Generally, fishes tagged in the focal tributary were more likely to be detected compared to fish tagged in the mainstem river or other tributaries. Additionally, adults were most likely to be detected across multiple years compared to subadults. Based on a Random Forests model, the best performing environmental variables for predicting seasonal detections included mainstem discharge during run‐off season (razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus), tributary discharge during monsoon season (Colorado pikeminnow Ptychocheilus lucius) and mainstem water temperature (flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis and channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus). The variable responses by endemic and introduced fishes indicate tributary habitats provide several key functions within a fish community including spawning, rearing, foraging and refuge.  相似文献   

为探究乌江思林水电站鱼类增殖放流效果,2013年和2014年对思林(沙沱)鱼类增殖放流站放流的中华倒刺鲃(Barbodes sinensis)和白甲鱼(Varicorhinus simus)部分个体进行了荧光标记,共标记放流1.98万尾中华倒刺鲃和4.56万尾白甲鱼,并在2014年与2015年进行了2个周期的回捕调查。结果显示,回捕调查捕获鱼类12种,共计2687尾;其中,中华倒刺鲃和白甲鱼的渔获物占比分别为1.60%和0.71%,未见荧光标记个体。通过走访调查,收集到标记中华倒刺鲃7尾(2014年6尾,2015年1尾)、白甲鱼7尾(2014年4尾,2015年3尾),回捕率分别为0.013%~0.049%和0.009%~0.030%,回捕地点共7个,距离放流地点226~24 105 m。研究表明,思林(沙沱)鱼类增殖放流站的增殖放流活动可对中华倒刺鲃、白甲鱼等起到一定增殖效果。为取得更好的增殖放流效果,建议调整放流方法、放流地点、加强渔政管理和宣传教育。  相似文献   

  1. The spatial organization of fishes in a river system was investigated to evaluate the longitudinal distribution of uncommon species. It was anticipated that overall richness of the fish community would increase in a downstream direction together with habitat extent, but that more uncommon species would occur upstream owing to greater heterogeneity among sites.
  2. Fish were collected between 1995 and 2014 at 85 sites distributed throughout the Duck River Basin, Tennessee, USA. A site usually consisted of four habitat types: riffles, runs, pools and shoreline. Each habitat type was sampled with a multipass electrofishing protocol.
  3. In all, 136 native fish species were collected. Of these, 71% were classified as uncommon but represented only 16% of the total count of fish collected. As expected, overall species richness increased downstream, but contrary to expectation, uncommon species did too. Some uncommon species were restricted exclusively to tributaries and headwaters, some to tributaries and mainstem, many to mainstem only, but the largest fraction of uncommon species occurred throughout the basin, but even this last group increased in richness downstream.
  4. Conservation often focuses on uncommon species. This study suggests that a greater number of uncommon species can be conserved with an emphasis on large downstream reaches, which not only include more aquatic habitat to support larger concentrations of fish, but also shelter the uncommon species that tend to require the most protection.

The summer distribution of three juvenile anadromous salmonid species was compared in the mainstem sections and nine tributaries of the Upper South Umpqua River Basin, Oregon, USA. Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), was found at highest densities in the mainstem and mid-elevation tributaries. Coho salmon, O . kisutch (Walbaum), was essentially absent from the mainstem, but was found at high densities in the low-elevation tributaries. Steelhead trout, O . mykiss (Walbaum), was found in the mainstem and all nine tributaries; the highest densities of this species were in the upper mainstem reaches and high-elevation tributaries. No significant correlations were found between ranks of mainstem and tributary densities among the three species (Spearman's rs; P > 0.05). Observed spatial segregation of basin habitat by these species during summer indicated that protection provided at the level of the river basin will be necessary to assure the continued existence of all stocks.  相似文献   

Variations in space (geographical location) and time (year) of phenotypic traits linked to life-history (size, growth, condition and sexual maturation) were analysed within the population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) 1 + parr of Little Codroy River (southwest Newfoundland). The hydrographic system was divided into 10 zones: 4 for the mainstem and 6 for the tributaries. Despite the small size of the river studied, a highly significant spatial heterogeneity was observed. Within the mainstem, size, growth and rate of maturation of males tended to decrease when progressing upstream. When compared with the tributaries as a whole, the mainstem had smaller salmon juveniles, both at the end of the first winter (mainstem: 67.6 mm; tributaries: 73.3 mm) and at 1 + age (mainstem: 80.6 mm; tributaries: 88.3 mm), and the proportion of maturing fish among 1 + males was lower (mainstem: 48.6%; tributaries: 74.2%). According to the feature considered, from 20% to 70% of the spatial effect was due only to differences between the mainstem and the tributaries as a whole. A strong year effect was also revealed. Life-history traits seemed to fluctuate over time independently from one tributary to another, whereas patterns in their yearly variations were basically consistent among zones in the mainstem. The potential role of genetic and environmental factors in explaining changes in space and time of biological characteristics of parr is discussed. Within a small system such as Little Codroy River, spatio-temporal life-history variations of Atlantic salmon juveniles were most likely driven by environment.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Recent work demonstrates that tributary inputs are important community reorganisation points for river biota; however, no studies have examined the long-term effects of tributary inputs on fish population dynamics. This study examines nearly 40 years of young-of-year (yoy) paddlefish recruitment data to investigate the hypothesis that tributaries influence mainstem fish population dynamics. We generated hydrological variables from daily mean flow data (1965–2007) from an impounded reach of the mainstem Missouri River and from the Niobrara River, a relatively unaltered tributary, using Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration software. Three multiple regression models using natural-log transformed catch per unit effort (log cpue) as the response variable were created using (1) Missouri River-only flow variables, (2) Niobrara River-only flow variables and (3) Missouri River and Niobrara River flow variables. Flow variables from the Niobrara River explain a greater proportion of yoy paddlefish log cpue variability demonstrating that tributaries can positively impact fish population dynamics in altered rivers.  相似文献   

The planned removal of four dams on the Klamath River (anticipated 2024) will be the largest river restoration effort ever undertaken on the planet. Dam removal will restore access to >50 km of the Klamath River mainstem for coho salmon, but mainstem habitat may not be suitable for rearing juvenile coho salmon. Instead, small tributaries may provide most rearing habitat for reestablishing coho salmon. We used four approaches to evaluate six Klamath River tributaries above existing dams to assess their potential to support juvenile coho salmon: (1) We measured summer temperature regimes and evaluated thermal suitability. (2) We applied an Intrinsic Potential (IP) model to evaluate large-scale geomorphological constraints on coho salmon habitat. (3) We used the Habitat Limiting Factors Model (HLFM) to estimate rearing capacity for juveniles given current habitat conditions. (4) We developed an occupancy model using data from reference tributaries to predict coho salmon rearing distribution. All six streams had summer temperatures cooler than the mainstem Klamath River. However, five of the streams have barriers that will restrict coho salmon to within 5 km of the confluence with the Klamath River and two were disconnected mid-summer. Despite these constraints, the tributaries will likely produce coho salmon. Most streams had high IP in their lower reaches, the HLFM model estimated a total capacity of 105,000 juvenile coho salmon, and the occupancy model predicted juvenile coho salmon will rear throughout the accessible reaches. Protection and habitat enhancement for these tributaries will be important for coho salmon reestablishment post-dam removal.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Human-induced habitat alteration is one of the main causes of the decline of freshwater fish populations. The watershed of the River Bidasoa (Spain) is an example of heavily fragmented habitat. The local brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) population is disturbed, with evidence of poor recruitment as well as low adult densities in the main stem. Forty male and female adult migratory trout were tagged with external or internal radio transmitters and released. Fixed stations with data loggers and mobile antennae were used with daily surveys to track fish movements during the migration and spawning period (3 months). Migration distances did not exceed 10 km, and half of the fish never entered a tributary in the study area. Fragmentation because of weirs on the main stem apparently prevented fish from reaching their spawning destination. Fish that entered the tributaries were first confronted with an accessibility problem because of low discharge. However, each fish chose one tributary, without making attempts to run up in other tributaries. Once in the tributary, fish were restrained in their upstream movements by dams. The study area appeared to be isolated from the vast upper part of the watershed. Within the study area, upper parts of tributaries also seemed strongly disconnected from the main stem. This study illustrates the negative impact of river fragmentation on S. trutta migration pattern. Population sustainability can be directly affected through the low availability of spawning grounds for migratory fish. Long-term effects of fragmentation may cause reproductive isolation within watersheds, which in the case of trout also means isolated phenotypic population units.  相似文献   

The reintroduction of beaver (Castor canadensis) into arid and semi‐arid rivers is receiving increasing management and conservation attention in recent years, yet very little is known about native versus non‐native fish occupancy in beaver pond habitats. Streams of the American Southwest support a highly endemic, highly endangered native fish fauna and abundant non‐native fishes, and here we investigated the hypothesis that beaver ponds in this region may lead to fish assemblages dominated by non‐native species that favour slower‐water habitat. We sampled fish assemblages within beaver ponds and within unimpounded lotic stream reaches in the mainstem and in tributaries of the free‐flowing upper Verde River, Arizona, USA. Non‐native fishes consistently outnumbered native species, and this dominance was greater in pond than in lotic assemblages. Few native species were recorded within ponds. Multivariate analysis indicated that fish assemblages in beaver ponds were distinct from those in lotic reaches, in both mainstem and tributary locations. Individual species driving this distinction included abundant non‐native green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) and western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in pond sites, and native desert sucker (Catostomus clarkii) in lotic sites. Overall, this study provides the first evidence that, relative to unimpounded lotic habitat, beaver ponds in arid and semi‐arid rivers support abundant non‐native fishes; these ponds could thus serve as important non‐native source areas and negatively impact co‐occurring native fish populations.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The salmonid Oncorhynchus mykiss tends to inhabit forested or snow-fed streams having cold reliable flows, but in the California chaparral they inhabit rain-fed stream networks with extensive areas of intermittent flow. We hypothesised that hydrological mechanisms in such watersheds tend to spatially segregate spawning and over-summering habitats, and tested the hypothesis using observations from a series of tributaries in a pristine watershed. Consistent with the hypothesis, reaches with suitably sized spawning gravels tended to occur in intermittent tributaries, and also the perennial mainstem (which was too warm for over-summering). In early summer, juvenile O. mykiss (<10 cm) occurred at similar densities in the intermittent and perennial tributaries, but larger fish had greater densities in perennial tributaries. Large wood debris would be expected to mitigate the spatial segregation of habitats somewhat, but was scarce, though stream-side outcrops appeared to partially compensate by forcing gravel bars in high-gradient channels.  相似文献   

Abstract– Habitat use and population dynamics in brown trout Salmo trutta and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied in an oligotrophic lake over a period of 10 years. Previous studies showed that the species segregated by habitat during summer. While brown trout occupied the surface water down to a depth of 10 m, Arctic charr were found deeper with a maximum occurrence at depth 10–15 m. Following the removal of a large number of intermediate sized fish in 1988–89, habitat segregation between the species broke down and Arctic charr were found in upper waters, while brown trout descended to deeper waters. The following year, both species were most frequently found in surface waters at depths of 0–5 m. During the last four years, the species reestablished their original habitat segregation despite another removal experiment of intermediate-sized fish in 1992–1994. The removal of fish resulted in an increased proportion of large (≥ 25 cm) fish in both species. Furthermore, the charr stock responded by reduced abundance and increased size-at-age. The results revealed plasticity and strong resistance to harvest populations of brown trout and Arctic charr. This is probably due to internal mechanisms of intraspecific competition within each population, which result in differential mortality among size classes.  相似文献   

Smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, movement dynamics were investigated in a connected mainstem river‐tributary system. Smallmouth bass moved large distances annually (n = 84 fish, average = 24.6 ± 25.9 km, range = 0.03 to 118 km) and had three peak movement periods (pre‐spawn, post‐spawn and overwintering). Movement into and out of tributaries was common, but the movement between mainstem river and tributary habitats varied among tagging locations and season. In general, a large proportion of fish that were tagged in tributaries moved out of the tributaries after spawning (22/30 fish). Because of the importance of fish movement patterns on population dynamics, the observed individual variability in movement, quantified using a hierarchical model, and the potential for long‐distance movements are important considerations for smallmouth bass conservation and management. In addition, mainstem river‐tributary connectivity appears to play an important role for smallmouth bass during key life history events.  相似文献   

Small, adventitious tributaries (<3 orders of magnitude smaller than the stream it flows into) are a conspicuous feature of many river–floodplain systems, but their value as fish reproduction and nursery habitat is not well understood compared to oxbow lakes and the main river channel (MRC). Moreover, connectivity of tributaries to the MRC is often less impacted by anthropogenic modifications (e.g., dams and levees) compared to oxbow lakes. From April to July 2012, larval and juvenile fish were collected in the Fourche LaFave River (Arkansas, USA) system to better understand fish nursery habitat function of tributaries relative to oxbow lakes and the MRC. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination of juvenile and larval fish genera revealed distinct fish assemblages in MRC and floodplain habitats. Ordination of juvenile fish at the species level resulted in distinct fish assemblages in tributary versus oxbow lake habitats. Tributaries had more unique species and higher abundance of shared species than oxbow lakes and MRC. Additionally, of the 46 species identified, all but six were collected in lower tributary reaches. Connectivity was strongly associated with both ordinations and was important in describing patterns of fish variation among habitats and between tributaries. Of the tributaries sampled, the least fragmented stream had the most similar fish assemblages between upper and lower sections. Findings of this study revealed tributaries are an important, yet overlooked, feature in the river–floodplain model. Especially in years of drought, channel–floodplain connectivity can be limited, but tributaries can be used by fishes for reproduction and nursery habitat.  相似文献   

Migration is a common behaviour among salmonids, but not all individuals within a population migrate, instead becoming residents and remaining in their natal streams. This phenomenon, known as “partial migration,” is well studied among sea‐run and lake‐run populations; however, the lower migratory benefits and costs for mainstem‐run individuals question whether the same mechanisms can be applied for stream‐dwelling salmonids. In this study, we investigated main stem‐run timing and body condition of partially migratory stream‐dwelling Dolly Varden charr (Salvelinus malma) in the Shiisorapuchi River in central Hokkaido, Japan. Based on commonly observed patterns in sea‐run and lake‐run salmonids, we predicted that migration would occur during spring and consist predominantly of age 1 +  females with some small subordinate males. Traps were placed at the mouths of two small tributaries along the Shiisorapuchi River periodically from May to December 2015. Adipose fin samples were taken for DNA to sex the individuals. Consistent to initial predictions, downstream movement occurs only once in the spring, dominated by age‐1 +  females. Trapped fishes (presumed migrants) were slightly longer but slimmer compared to the fish caught in the tributaries (presumed resident), which may be equivalent to smolts in anadromous populations. Regardless of migratory habitat, mechanisms driving partial migration in salmonids may be the same as long as production between natal stream and feeding habitats is significantly different.  相似文献   

Abstract  A spatially based approach was used to analyse the response of fish-based metrics to human impacts in the Iberian Peninsula. A fish-based typology was established that distinguished one salmonid type (fish assemblages dominated by Salmo trutta fario L.), two mixed types ( S. trutta fario associated with different cyprinids) and six cyprinid types (dominated by different species of barbel [ Barbus spp.], nase [ Chondrostoma spp.] or chub [ Leuciscus spp.]). These types broadly correspond to different forms of ecosystem functioning, ranging from the cold, northern and high altitude sections to warmwater, lowland and southern sections. Twenty metrics were identified that responded to disturbance – four to 14 per fish type. The highest correlations were −0.795 for abundance of Squalius sp. and segment (localised) disturbance and 0.754 for abundance of limnophilic specimens and water quality disturbance. Disturbance of segment, habitat and hydrological regime yielded more metric responses in western Iberian fish types, while that of habitat and water quality gave more in north-eastern Iberian fish types. Global (catchment scale) disturbance generally gave more responsive metrics and higher correlations than partial disturbances. All guilds were represented and a number of metrics were responsive across fish types – namely native species, alien abundance, water column (natives), eurytopic and invertivorous (natives). However, several metrics were only reactive in one or a few types, such as benthic and S. trutta fario in north-western mixed fish type. Different trends in metric reaction occurred for total abundance in north-western mixed fish type, and for eurytopic and phytophilic (natives) in the north-eastern fish types.  相似文献   

Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), is an important biological and cultural resource in Alaska, but knowledge about Chinook salmon ecology is limited in many regions. From 2009 to 2012, spawning distribution and abundance of a northern Chinook salmon population on the Togiak River in south‐west Alaska were assessed. Chinook salmon preferred deeper mainstem channel spawning habitat, with 12% (14 of 118 tags in 2009) to 21% (22 of 106 tags in 2012) of radio‐tagged fish spawning in smaller order tributaries. Tributary spawners tended to have earlier run timing than mainstem spawners. Chinook salmon exhibited extended holding and backout (entering freshwater but returning to saltwater before completing anadromous migration) behaviours near the mouth of Togiak River, potentially prolonging their exposure to fishery harvest. Mark–recapture total annual run estimates (2010–2012) ranged from 11 240 (2011) to 18 299 (2012) fish. Exploitation of Chinook salmon ranged from 36% (2012) to 55% (2011) during the study period, with incidental fishery catches near the mouth of the river comprising the largest source of harvest.  相似文献   

We examined the interaction between vertical and horizontal distribution of fish larvae off Mejillones Peninsula (23°S), northern Chile, under conditions of active coastal upwelling. An oceanographic survey covered spatial variability in temperature, chlorophyll- a (chl a ), dissolved oxygen, salinity and water density. Fish larvae were sampled during daytime and nighttime periods through two consecutive days in four stations: two inside and two outside of a well-developed upwelling plume, and at three depth strata: 0–20, 20–80 and 80–200 m. Eighteen taxa were analysed, of which the Myctophidae Diogenychthys atlanticus , Diogenichthys laternatus , and the anchovy Engraulis ringens , were most abundant. Our data showed little evidence for diel vertical migration and larvae were more abundant at depth (>80 m) under low temperature (∼12°C) and low chl a (∼2 mg m–3), below the highly advective upper layer. The exploratory K -means analysis allowed the separation of data into two distinct habitats: upwelling and nonupwelling types. Most taxa were allocated in nonupwelling waters, i.e. outside the cold plume. However, short-term variations (<24 h) in the position of the upwelling plume influenced both horizontal and vertical occurrence as well as abundance of taxa, and caused variability in temperature, oxygen and chl a . These changes in oceanographic conditions, caused by upwelling circulation and the dynamics of the cold plume, may sharply modify the habitat of fish larvae and have an important role in survivorship and recruitment success.  相似文献   

Abstract – Spatial structures can drive population dynamics and persistence. The roles of space and dispersal on dynamics, however, remain largely unknown in wild populations, mainly because of the difficulty in extensive/intensive field surveys at multiple locations. Here, I integrate results of ecological, demographic and genetic studies to elucidate detailed population structure and to identify the mechanisms of population persistence in a stream fish. Spatial structures, such as habitat size and connectivity, are particularly important in river and freshwater networks because such ecosystems are highly vulnerable to human activities. These issues are explored by examining results from a decadal research on the stream‐dwelling Dolly Varden charr in the Sorachi River basin, Japan. More than 100 local habitats (i.e. tributaries) were examined for spatial structure of populations by, such as, species presence, population census, redd counts, analysis of population synchrony and microsatellite DNA analysis. The results indicate that (i) population demography is largely independent in each tributary, (ii) some large tributaries support self‐sustaining populations, (iii) despite small population sizes in most tributaries (<30 spawning females), local extinction is rare, except in human‐influenced areas and (iv) probabilities of extinction are likely reduced by immigration of fish from neighbouring tributaries. The evidence suggests that Dolly Varden in this river system function as a source‐sink or mainland‐island metapopulation structure and that processes influencing these structures vary within the stream network. Overall, local populations may be highly persistent as long as local populations are well connected. I also discuss the vulnerability of stream fishes to habitat alterations.  相似文献   

为进一步了解大渡河金川至丹巴河段干、支流鱼类群落结构及其多样性分布特征,2020年5和9月及2021年7月,对大渡河上游金川电站坝址至猴子岩电站库尾111.5 km干流及区间主要支流进行了系统的鱼类资源调查。结果显示,研究河段共分布鱼类18种,隶属2目6科10属;鲤形目有15种,占总种数的83.33%;鲇形目3种,占16.66%。土著鱼类主要为裂腹鱼亚科、高原鳅属和爬鮡属等适应高山峡谷流水生境、特化程度较高的鱼类;大渡软刺裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis malacanthus chengi)、细尾高原鳅(Triplophysa stenura)和齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)为研究河段的优势种。渔获物统计及多样性分析表明,小金川、革什扎河、东谷河及勒乌沟等支流与干流土著鱼类组成较为相似,但干流与支流以及各支流间鱼类资源及其多样性差异明显。研究表明,金川至丹巴河段鱼类群落组成简单,生态脆弱性较高,且大部分土著鱼类为珍稀濒危和特有鱼类,种群资源一旦遭到破坏将很难恢复。大渡河上游鱼类正面临严重的外来鱼类入侵威胁,需引起高度关注。  相似文献   

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