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Zou Qi 《林业研究》1994,5(3):56-60
Composition and utilization of nutria fat were studied in this papcr. The results indicated that there were much amount of linolcic acid-necessary for human being and abundant fat-soluble vitamins VA,VE and VK. Nutria oil is tasteless, clear transparent and stable. The nourishing cream made from it had good cold or heat-resistance properties and it is a perfect natural cosmetics.  相似文献   


The quantitative effect of pine-dominated edge stands in southern Finland on the density and growth of pine saplings was addressed in the study. The cumulative effect of a mature edge stand on the development of a pine sapling stand with variable cutblock sizes was also estimated. The data were acquired from 10 study sites with a Scots pine sapling stand with a current dominant height of 1–6 m and an adjoining middle-aged to mature edge stand dominated by Scots pine. Tree level models were constructed to describe and simulate the structure and development of the sapling stands. The results indicated that dividing an average regeneration area (2 ha) into smaller cutblock units (1.0–0.5 ha) appreciably increased the edge stand effect. Total stand volume growth was 6% lower on 1 ha cutblocks, and 31% lower on 0.5 ha blocks, than on 2 ha blocks.  相似文献   

试验结果表明,不同肥料施肥试验地的平均树冠面积和油茶产量均为羊粪施肥>鸡粪施肥>有机无机肥施肥>复合肥施肥,油茶产量2018年度比2017年度有明显增加,树叶、果实病害感病植株数量均为复合肥施肥>有机无机肥施肥>鸡粪施肥>羊粪施肥,而且2018年度比2017年度均有下降。而4种肥料施肥的树高相差不明显。经方差分析,4种不同肥料施肥的油茶产量差异在小年呈显著差异水平,在大年呈极显著差异水平。  相似文献   

枫香树幼林生长节律的观察研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对3年生枫香树幼林10株固定样株的观察调查,初步掌握了幼林枫香树主梢、侧枝的年生长规律。枫香树主梢1个生长周期中有3个较明显的速生期,侧枝的速生期没有主梢明显,但两者均为前期生长最大、持续时间较长,及时认真搞好前期的抚育管理工作,对促进枫香树生长具重要作用。  相似文献   

不同造林技术措施对湿地松幼林生长影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在湖南攸县设置了反映湿地松人工林造林各主要技术环节的试验林体系,以研究不同造林技术措施对湿地松幼林生长的影响。经对试验林固定样地进行连续7年定期、定位观测及统计分析表明:在湿地松人工造林的各项主要技术措施中,立地选择、良种选择和造林密度是影响幼林生长的最重要因素,幼林抚育对湿地松幼林生长有较明显影响,而整地方式与规格对幼林生长无明显影响。  相似文献   

不同坡位对21年生闽楠人工林生长及生物量分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以21年生闽楠人工林为研究对象,调查分析了不同坡位对闽楠生物量及其分配格局的影响。结果表明,不同坡位对闽楠生长及各器官生物量积累和分配均有不同的影响。闽楠生长量及生物量积累表现为下坡位>中坡位>上坡位;就各器官生物量分配率而言,下坡有利于叶、大根和细根的积累,上坡有利于干、骨骼根、中根及小根的积累。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate production performance of minks in growing-furring period with supplementing DL-Methionine (Met) in low protein diet. Seventy healthy male minks were randomly divided into five groups of 14 minks each. The minks were fed in five kinds of experiment diets (HP, LP, LP+M1, LP+M2 and LP+M3). The dietary protein levels, expressed as percentage of dry matter (DM), were 32% (high protein, HP) and 24% (low protein, LP). LP was supplemented with Met 0.4% (M1), 0.8% (M2) and 1.2% (M3) DM. From mid of September to December 10, apparent digestibility of CP (crude protein), N intake and urinary N excretion were decreased with declining dietary protein levels (p < 0.05) and N retained was the highest in treatment LP+M2. No significant difference was found in total serum protein (TP) and serum urea nitrogen (SUN) among all treatment groups (p > 0.05). Skin length of treatment HP and LP+M2 was higher than that of other groups (p < 0.05). Body length, skin weight, length of guard hair and under hair were not affected by different dietary protein levels (p>0.05). The best performance could be observed in treatment LP+M2. In diet, 24% (DM) protein level with 1.54% Met supplementing was enough for minks during growing-furring period. Dietary protein lowered from 32% to 24% with supplementing Met in diets would result in a 37.9% decrease in urinary N excretion. Furthermore, addition of Met in diets for minks would be beneficial in terms of reducing feed expenses and lessening nitrogen emissions to the environment.  相似文献   

对金红苹果3年生幼树进行主枝目伤、树冠留取适量的辅养枝和主枝开角处理,研究树体生长和产量的变化情况,结果表明:上述3种修剪方法是寒地乔砧矮化密植整形修剪的有效措施。处理树短枝数量为90个,占总枝量的50.6%,主干直径为4.5cm,冠径为153cm,分别与对照比差异极显著。处理树平均产量比对照提高50%以上。  相似文献   

为了探明马尾松人工林的生长规律,在桂西北乐里林场设置了3个固定样地,对马尾松人工幼林(4~11a生)的胸径、树高等进行了连续8年的监测研究,得出如下结果:1)胸径逐年总生长为5.50~12.27cm,与林龄的关系式为YDBH/cm=3.9383Ln(X林龄)+3.7132,连年生长和年平均生长分别为0.77~2.23cm和1.10~1.31cm。2)树高逐年总生长为3.53~11.73m,与林龄的关系式为YH/m=1.2186 X林龄-1.5443,连年生长和年平均生长分别为0.73~1.47m和0.88~1.08m。3)林分逐年总蓄积量为6.5~137.8m3/hm2,与林龄的关系式为YV/m3/hm2=0.0932X3.1119林龄,连年生长和年平均生长分别为5.0~25.0m3/hm2和1.6~12.5m3/hm2。研究充分说明,该区马尾松人工幼林生长较为缓慢,林分蓄积量较低。  相似文献   

通过全垦整地、大穴栽植、间种花生与大穴栽植、刈灌抚育两种整地、抚育方式下杉木幼林生长效果的比较,说明在一定的条件下,杉木可作为皖中低山丘陵区一个优良的用材林树种。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of fertilization in nursery soils is to assure production ofhigh—quality planting stock. Therefore,the appropriate information on fertilizers and their use aswell as their effects on seedling growth is important to nursery managers in their nursery practice.Inthis paper,larch seedling growth response to six fertilizers are discussed based on the results ofthree—year studies which were carried out at Dailing Forest Nursery in 1987.  相似文献   

We tested hypotheses on the effect of growing space and biomechanics on tree growth, using data from two field experiments where Scots pine seedlings had been planted in a fixed but systematically irregular pattern. After 16 or 18 years, respectively, stem diameter was measured at 1.3 m (d1.3) and 0.3 m above ground (d0.3). Total tree height, length and diameter of the crown, and height to crown gravity point were also measured. Analyses were split in two parts: influence of growing space on tree and crown dimensions, and biomechanical influence of the crown on stem diameter. The results showed that crown size was closely related to tree height, and that there was a small but statistically significant effect of growing space on both crown size and shape. The biomechanical model explained about 85% of the variation in stem diameter, but growing space had no influence on this relationship, indicating that the wind load absorbed by a given crown size was not affected by growing space. The results were discussed in relation to future growth modelling and new ways of estimating site productivity.  相似文献   

在黑龙江省东南部地区对青海云杉进行不同光照条件引种试验,为青海云杉在黑龙江省作为园林绿化树种引进提供理论基础。试验结果,青海云杉幼苗生长趋于弱光条件,但同时适当的光照可以促进幼树的生长;同一种源的不同个体表现出一定的生长差异,林缘处青海云杉的各项生长指标分布较为平均,变异程度较低。  相似文献   

为了给幼龄油茶的施肥提供依据,采用随机区组设计,设置果满多、上海大颂生物菌肥、希星油茶专用肥、江西绿园油茶有机专用肥、复合肥共5个施肥处理和不施肥对照,对江西奉新县幼龄油茶进行了施肥试验。调查株高、地径、冠幅、梢长、梢直径和叶绿度等指标,并分析了它们之间的关系。结果表明,施加不同类型的肥料与油茶株高、地径、冠幅、梢长、梢直径及叶绿度均呈现一定的相关性,施肥对于油茶的株高、春梢长、春梢直径及叶绿度均存在显著的影响,而油茶冠幅和地径与施肥无显著关系;在对油茶株高、地径、冠幅和春梢长度的促进作用上,以上海大颂生物菌肥为最好;在对油茶春梢直径和叶绿度的影响上,以果满多效果为最好。所以在生产上为促进油茶生长,推荐应用上海大颂生物菌肥或果满多。  相似文献   

不同间作模式对油茶幼林生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同间种模式(间种黄豆、西瓜、花生、松苗和不间种)油茶幼林的生长量情况进行分析比较得出,油茶新造林以间作花生和松苗较好,但是有间作植物的油茶林的成活率及生长量均低于未间作的油茶纯林。  相似文献   

间种不同农作物对杨树速生丰产林幼林的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过间种不同农作物对中林107杨树速生丰产林幼林的影响研究,结果表明,107杨与玉米和西瓜间作对林木生长有促进作用,其原因为间作玉米、西瓜的土壤含水量高;间种玉米和西瓜的施肥量和肥料三要素比例水平,有利于提高杨树的生长量。  相似文献   

The fat production rate in adult healthy masked civet(Paguma lavata) and nutria (Myocaster coypus) oil were measured. The values of iodine, saponification and acid pH, composition of fatty acids of grease were analyzed both chemically and by apparatus. The results showed that acid pH, iodine value, saponification value, and unsaturation point are 1.887 and 0.784, 53.90 and 48.32, 98.80 and 100.23, and 60.05% and 58.85% are respectively for masked civet’s fat and nutria’s oil. Both of masked civet’s fat and nutria’s oil contain a little of Eicosatetraenoic acid (C-20∶4), which is of great significance in nutrition and metabolism for human body. The analysis results indicate that masked civet’s oil is similar to nutria’s oil in iodine value, saponification value and unsaturation point. Both masked civet’s fat and nutria’s oil are steady and have highly nutrition. They can be widely exploited and utilized in health protection and cosmetics made industry. (Responsible Editor: Chai Ruiha)  相似文献   

利用重瓣大岩桐叶片诱导再生植株试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
吴纲 《江苏林业科技》2002,29(3):23-24,33
利用重瓣大岩桐叶片诱导再生植株试验结果表明,采用MS+BA1.5-2.00mg/L NAA0.15-0.20mg/L的培养基配比组合最适宜叶片再生小植株;在相同质量浓度下,用NAA处理好于用IBA处理。  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the introduction of the black-tailed deer to the Queen Charlotte Islands (British Columbia, Canada), we used dendrochronological analyses to understand the consequences of deer browsing on Sitka spruce growth. We compared shape, radial growth, height growth and age of young spruce in three sites. We identified two types of trees growing side by side: (1) stunted and heavily browsed spruce, smaller than the browsing limit and (2) escaped spruce that were taller than the browsing limit but still browsed in their lower part. The compact and heavily ramified shape in stunted spruce was the result of repeated and intense browsing. In escaped spruce this was also the case below the browsing limit (1.16 m±0.07 m), in sharp contrast with the normal shape that escaped spruce resumed above the browsing limit. We show that the release of browsing pressure, once the tree reaches the browsing limit, is characterised by an abrupt increase in radial growth. Before release, trees show a growth stagnation characterized by narrow rings (0.5 mm per year) and small annual height increments (<5 cm per year). After release, trees show a growth stabilisation characterised by wider rings (3 mm per year) and larger annual height increments (20 cm per year). We use this pattern to estimate frequency and age at release and their possible variation over time. Age differences between stunted and escaped spruce are highly significant and indicate that, despite of browsing, most if not all trees will ultimately reach the browsing limit and escape. Heavy deer pressure (30 deer per km2) delays spruce sapling recruitment by about 8 years. This delay varies in relation to site quality and seems to have increased over time, suggesting an increase in browsing pressure.  相似文献   

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