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Between 2002 and 2006, a large number of juvenile northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) with central nervous signs were examined. They were aged between 45 and 55 days and had been fed on frozen and thawed day-old chicks. High-performance liquid chromatography showed that the birds had whole blood thiamine levels between 2.2 and 6.0 microg/l; the concentrations of other blood constituents were within their reference ranges. Treatment with thiamine hydrochloride rapidly resolved the clinical signs. Measurements of the concentration of thiamine in 22 free-ranging and captive goshawks showed that they ranged from 45.1 to 200 microg/l.  相似文献   

Digital gryposis syndrome is an acquired abnormal curvature of the digits due to an unknown etiology. Past medical therapeutic efforts have had limited success, with occasional reports of spontaneous recoveries. Unilateral digital flexor tendon hypertension was identified as the cause of the presenting signs in the goshawk reported in this paper. Tenectomy was performed on the flexor perforatus digiti III, flexor perforans et perforatus digiti III, and flexor perforatus digiti IV tendons. A foot cast fashioned from elastic bandaging tape, epoxy, and aluminum wire was applied for 4 weeks. Fourteen weeks after the operation, the goshawk exhibited a normal stance and good coordination.  相似文献   

A comparative study of liver, muscle and kidney specimens from goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) shot in 1966 and 1974 respectively shows that a significant decrease in the mercury levels has taken place. The mean values in the liver specimens have changed from 2.27 mg/kg to 0.50 mg/kg, in the muscle specimens from 0.99 mg/kg to 0.20 mg/kg and in the kidney specimens from 3.06 mg/kg to 0.57 mg/kg. The main cause of this decrease is supposed to depend upon the recommendations since 1969 to avoid alkylmercurials as seed dressing.  相似文献   

Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) was diagnosed in an umbrella cockatoo (Cacatua alba) with severe feather dystrophy and loss. Electron microscopically, the intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies observed by light microscopy were composed of viral particles forming paracrystalline arrays, whorls, semicircles or concentric circles. Recovered viral particles from the skin and feather follicle tracts were icosahedral and 15 to 20 nm in diameter.  相似文献   

Polycystic kidney and liver disease was seen in a stillborn white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn. Bilaterally enlarged kidneys were characterized by severe dilatation of all renal tubules. Glomeruli were sparse, small, and located within a dilated Bowman's capsule. The liver was characterized by marked periportal fibrosis, biliary hyperplasia, and bile duct ectasia with dilated ducts containing inspissated bile. The presentation and morphology of this case are most similar to autosomal recessive polycystic disease in humans.  相似文献   

A 6-mo-old, male African hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) presented with a history of pink urine and demonstrating pink-colored teeth and mild hepatomegaly on examination. Urinalysis revealed no physical, chemical, or cellular abnormalities other than a pink color and fluorescence under ultraviolet light (UV). Also under UV, intense fluorescence of teeth, feet, and spines was noted. Porphyria was suspected. Spectrophotometric evaluation of urine showed extremely elevated levels of copro- and uroporphyrins. Analysis of the urine by thin-layer chromatography showed an abnormal pattern of excreted porphyrin intermediates. Urine high-performance thin-layer chromatography showed that excreted porphyrins were 90-95% of the type-I isomeric form, suggestive of congenital erythropoietic porphyria.  相似文献   

A 5-wk-old female dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) was clinically diagnosed with bilateral corneal dermoids, incomplete congenital cataracts, a left persistent hyaloid artery (PHA), and a ventricular septal defect (VSD). The corneal dermoids were removed by lamellar keratectomy, and vision improved in the left eye. Thirteen months after dermoid surgery, the calf was presented for enlargement of the right eye. Glaucoma was confirmed in the right eye, and corneal fibrosis and cataract were noted in the left eye. Persistence of the VSD was confirmed by cardiac ultrasonography. The calf was euthanized, and necropsy findings confirmed VSD. Histopathologic examination revealed bilateral corneal thinning and fibrosis, cataracts with retrolental fibroplasia, and retinal dysplasia. Additional changes in the right globe were anterior segment dysgenesis, ruptured lens capsule, chronic phacoclastic uveitis, and retinal separation. The PHA was confirmed in the left eye.  相似文献   

Mycotic infection was diagnosed in 6.8% of 6,858 cases of bovine abortion and stillbirth examined during a 9-year period. Aspergilli were associated with approximately 5% of all abortion cases and 71% of 446 cases that were cultured for fungi and diagnosed as mycotic abortion. Aspergillus fumigatus was the most frequent isolate (62%), followed by A. terreus (6.7%), Emericella (Aspergillus) nidulans (3.0%), A. flavus (2.9%), and E. rugulosus (less than 1.0%). Zygomycetes (Absidia, Mortierella, Rhizomucor, Rhizopus) accounted for 21% of the cases. Pseudallescheria boydii and yeasts (Candida, Torulopsis) were each identified in 2% of the cases. Fungi that uncommonly cause infection accounted for 2% of the cases and included Curvularia geniculata, Exophilia jeanselmei, Hendersonula toruloidea, Lecythosphora hoffmannii, Talaromyces flavus var. flavus (Penicillium vermiculatus), T. (Penicillium) thermophilus, and Wangiella dermatitidis. About 10% of the mycotic cases were mixed fungal infections involving A. fumigatus (87%), A. flavus (12.5%), or E. nidulans (12.5%) coexisting with Absidia corymbifera (72%), Rhizomucor pusillus (4.3%), or Rhizopus arrhizus (4.3%). In each mixed infection, both septate and nonseptate hyphae were observed in placental tissues. Twelve percent of the mycotic abortion cases were diagnosed by histologic examination alone because isolation attempts were negative or only formalin-preserved tissues were available.  相似文献   

The Massachusetts population of the northern red-bellied cooter (Pseudemys rubriventris) is listed as federally endangered due to its extremely restricted geographic range and low population. A captive rearing program has been used since 1984 to augment the population. Blood from 30 juvenile specimens from three rearing institutions was collected prior to release, and hematologic and plasma biochemical data were analyzed. Results were generally consistent with previously published data for other species of the family Emydidae. Basophils were the most numerous type of leucocyte. Results for some values varied significantly between institutions, possibly due to unrecognized differences in husbandry at each facility.  相似文献   

Materials suitable for anatomical research of raptorial birds are rare. Bird‐eating raptors show distinct inter‐sexual differences in body size and parental roles. The large females catch larger prey and prepare small morsels to feed their young using their hooked beaks. Here, we investigated the architectural properties of different jaw muscles of the Japanese sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis) and examined whether there is sexual dimorphism in their architectural design. The results showed that musculus depressor mandibulae, the opener of the lower jaw, was characterized by relatively long fascicle length, whereas musculus pterygoideus was characterized by its larger mass and physiological cross‐sectional area (PCSA) in both sexes. Females have the potential capacity to produce rapid and strong bites by their significantly longer fascicle length of M. depressor mandibulae and larger mass and PCSA of M. pterygoideus. For body size‐matched gender, jaw muscles of males had fibres of relatively longer length than females, enabling greater velocity and excursion. Architectural characteristics of jaw muscles, together with the absolute dimorphism (the fascicle length of M. depressor mandibulae, the muscle mass and PCSA of M. pterygoideus) and relative dimorphism in the muscle mass of M. pterygoideus, reflect dietary difference and asymmetric parental roles between the sexes.  相似文献   

There was an increase in the length of the small intestine, caeca and colon when Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)were fed on a diet diluted with fibre. No differences were found in the length of the villi and the thicknesses of the submucosal layers throught the large and most of the small intestine between birds fed on the normal diet compared with those fed on the diluted diet. The birds fed on the normal diet appeared to have more mucous goblet cells and lymph nodes in the caeca than those fed on the diluted diet.  相似文献   

Nephrolithiasis has rarely been reported in marine mammals. During 2004 and 2005, two cases of nephrolithiasis were diagnosed during routine necropsy examination, one in a northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) and one in a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Nephroliths were found throughout both kidneys during necropsy examination, varying in size from 1-10 mm in diameter in the northern elephant seal and from 1-15 mm in diameter in the California sea lion. Necropsy and histopathology revealed nephroliths in association with renal pelvic dilation and pyelonephritis in both animals. In addition, hydronephrosis was noted in the sea lion. Nephroliths were composed of uric acid and ammonium urate in the northern elephant seal and of ammonium urate in the California sea lion. The underlying disease leading to nephrolith formation was not determined; however, it is hypothesized that unknown metabolic derangements due to morphologic or physiologic differences may have played a role. This is the first report of urate nephrolithiasis in the California sea lion and northern elephant seal.  相似文献   

Diffuse hyperplastic goiter was diagnosed by histopathology in 11 perinatal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that died at four separate zoos and aquaria. Thyroid morphology of these animals was compared with the histologically normal thyroids of two stranded wild bottlenose dolphin calves, a neonate and a 2-mo-old calf. Histologic changes included reduced follicular luminal diameter, markedly reduced or absent luminal colloid, hypertrophy of follicular epithelium, and follicular dysplasia. The etiology of the thyroid gland lesion was not identified. Cause of death was not determined for most of these animals, but they were presumed to have died from metabolic derangements associated with the thyroid lesion, drowning, or dystocia.  相似文献   

From 1993 to 1995, approximately 10% of the clinically healthy northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) at The Marine Mammal Center in California exhibited a large unexplained increase in their white blood cell (WBC) count. In these animals, WBC counts ranged from 28,780 to 125,000/mm3, with a mean of 50,087/mm3. Significant correlations between the leukocytosis and weight gain and day of admittance were identified, but no correlation existed between leukocytosis and general state of health, sex, length of stay, or diet. Bone marrow contamination of blood samples, erroneous automated leukocyte counts, and leukogram changes consistent with subclinical inflammation were the major factors contributing to the elevated WBC counts in these apparently clinically healthy animals.  相似文献   

We conducted a field study to investigate the occurrence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) in eggs and nestlings from nests of house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). Forty-three nests were located between the months of April and August 1998 and were followed with one to three sampling efforts. Vitelline membrane of fresh eggs, whole embryos, or swabs from the choanal cleft or conjunctiva of nestlings were inoculated into mycoplasma broth for MG isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. No isolation of MG was made from 39 eggs or 110 nestlings sampled during the study. Pooled choanal and conjunctival swab samples from two broods of nestlings, however, tested positive for MG by PCR. None of the nestlings examined showed clinical signs of conjunctivitis, and no nestling mortality could be linked to MG infection. Serologic tests from 37 older nestlings were negative for antibodies to MG. The results suggest transmission of MG is occurring between breeding adults and their dependent offspring (pseudovertical transmission). Evidence supporting transovarian transmission of MG was not found in these house finches.  相似文献   

1. A study of primary wing feather development rate in guinea fowl revealed genetic control through a single pair of sex‐linked alleles. The allele for slow feathering (K) was dominant over that for rapid feathering (k+)..

2. Wing feather sexing showed 94% accuracy in 10‐d‐old keets.

3. Incidence of rapid feathering allele (k+ ) was higher in the population selected for high body weight compared to the unselected population.  相似文献   

Three sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) were diagnosed as psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD). Histopathology of the feather pulp and follicles showed intracytoplasmic botryoid clusters or granular inclusion bodies in epithelial cells and macrophages. Electron microscopy revealed multiple cytoplasmic clusters of electron dense viral particles corresponding to the inclusions. PBFD virus (circovirus) DNA-specific product was detected from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded feathers by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.  相似文献   

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