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1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), a potent glucosidase inhibitor, is a characteristic constituent of the mulberry leaf. Dietary mulberry DNJ may be beneficial for the suppression of abnormally high blood glucose levels, thereby preventing diabetes mellitus. Although there is considerable interest in the effects of mulberry DNJ, the intestinal absorption and pharmacokinetic profile of orally administered mulberry DNJ have never been characterized. In this study, we developed a method for determining the level of plasma DNJ by hydrophilic interaction chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometric detector (HILIC-MS) to investigate the absorption and metabolism of orally administered mulberry DNJ in rats. DNJ was separated from plasma extract on a TSK gel Amide-80 column, a representative column for HILIC. At postcolumn, DNJ was concurrently detected and identified by MS. The plasma DNJ concentration in fasted rats was below the detection limit [<1 microg (6 nmol)/mL]; however, the concentration reached a maximum [15 microg (92 nmol)/mL] 30 min after the administration of mulberry DNJ (110 mg/kg of body weight), and the DNJ concentration decreased rapidly thereafter. When the rats received different amounts of mulberry DNJ (1.1, 11, and 110 mg/kg of body weight), dose-dependent incorporation of DNJ into the plasma was confirmed. We did not detect any DNJ metabolites in the plasma. These findings indicate that orally administered mulberry DNJ is absorbed as an intact form from the alimentary tract and then is quickly excreted from the body. The developed HILIC-MS method could be applied in determining levels of DNJ in urine and tissues, and therefore, the method would be a powerful tool for studying the metabolic fate of mulberry DNJ as well as its bioavailability.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate digestion by α-glucosidase and subsequent glucose uptake at the brush border are critical for postprandial blood glucose control. Any specific inhibitors are useful as hyperglycemia modulating agents. In this study, it was postulated that an array of active components in mulberry leaf extract (MLE) may provide higher potency in inhibiting intestinal glucose absorption compared to the single component 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), which is recognized as a promising inhibitor of intestinal glucose absorption. Both MLE and DNJ were active in inhibiting α-glucosidase. However, in Caco-2 cells, only MLE showed significant inhibition of 2-deoxyglucose uptake, whereas DNJ was ineffective. For glucose loading, co-administration of MLE resulted in potent inhibitions of glucose responses compared to those by DNJ in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, but this was not found for maltose loading. These novel findings add evidence that the unabsorbed phytochemicals in MLE compete with glucose for intestinal glucose transporters, but DNJ itself does not. We also evaluated the timing of MLE consumption. By administering MLE for 30 min before glucose loading, the incremental area under the curve (IAUC) was significantly lowered in the rats, as compared to a simultaneously administered group. Similarly, cellular glucose uptake was significantly reduced in Caco-2 cells following pretreatment.  相似文献   

Much of animal ecology is devoted to studies of abundance and occurrence of species, based on surveys of spatially referenced sample units. These surveys frequently yield sparse counts that are contaminated by imperfect detection, making direct inference about abundance or occurrence based on observational data infeasible. This article describes a flexible hierarchical modeling framework for estimation and inference about animal abundance and occurrence from survey data that are subject to imperfect detection. Within this framework, we specify models of abundance and detectability of animals at the level of the local populations defined by the sample units. Information at the level of the local population is aggregated by specifying models that describe variation in abundance and detection among sites. We describe likelihood-based and Bayesian methods for estimation and inference under the resulting hierarchical model. We provide two examples of the application of hierarchical models to animal survey data, the first based on removal counts of stream fish and the second based on avian quadrat counts. For both examples, we provide a Bayesian analysis of the models using the software WinBUGS.  相似文献   

Mulberry 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), a potent glucosidase inhibitor, has been hypothesized to be beneficial for the suppression of abnormally high blood glucose levels and thereby prevention of diabetes mellitus. However, DNJ contents in commercial mulberry products were as low as about 0.1% (100 mg/100 g of dry product), implying that the bioavailability of DNJ might not be expected. We carried out studies in two directions: (1) production of food-grade mulberry powder containing a maximally high DNJ content; (2) determination of the optimal dose of the DNJ-enriched powder for the suppression of the postprandial blood glucose through clinical trials. The following method was used: (1) DNJ concentrations in mulberry leaves from different cultivars, harvest seasons, and leaf locations were determined using hydrophilic interaction chromatography with evaporative light scattering detection. (2) Healthy volunteers received 0, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 g of DNJ-enriched powder (corresponding to 0, 6, 12, and 18 mg of DNJ, respectively), followed by 50 g of sucrose. Before and 30-180 min after the DNJ/sucrose administration, plasma glucose and insulin were determined. The following results were obtained: (1) Young mulberry leaves taken from the top part of the branches in summer contained the highest amount of DNJ. After optimization of the harvesting and drying processes for young mulberry leaves (Morus alba L. var. Shin ichinose), DNJ-enriched powder (1.5%) was produced. (2) A human study indicated that the single oral administration of 0.8 and 1.2 g of DNJ-enriched powder significantly suppressed the elevation of postprandial blood glucose and secretion of insulin, revealing the physiological impact of mulberry DNJ (effective dose and efficacy in humans). This study suggests that the newly developed DNJ-enriched powder can be used as a dietary supplement for preventing diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for determining 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), a potent glucosidase inihibitor present in mulberry leaves (Morus alba and Morus bombysis), by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to an evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) has been developed. DNJ was separated from an extract of mulberry leaves on a TSKgel Amide-80 column, which is a representative column for hydrophilic interaction chromatography. During postcolumn detection, DNJ was detected by ELSD and concurrently identified by mass spectrometry. The detection limit was 100 ng. This method is sufficiently sensitive for determining DNJ in mulberry leaves and other related products.  相似文献   

Epidemiological observations and laboratory studies have shown that green tea has a variety of health effects, including antitumor, antioxidative, and hypolipidemic activities. The aim of this study was to examine whether it had an effect on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats. In experiment 1 (in vivo study), rats were divided into two groups: a control group fed standard chow and deionized distilled water and a "green tea" group fed the same chow diet but with green tea instead of water (0.5 g of lyophilized green tea powder dissolved in 100 mL of deionized distilled water). After 12 weeks of green tea supplementation, the green tea group had lower fasting plasma levels of glucose, insulin, triglyceride, and free fatty acid than the control rats. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake of, and insulin binding to, adipocytes were significantly increased in the green tea group. In experiment 2 (in vitro study), a tea polyphenol extract was used to determine its effect on insulin activity in vitro. Green tea polyphenols (0.075%) significantly increased basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake of adipocytes. Results demonstrated that green tea increases insulin sensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats and that green tea polyphenol is one of the active components.  相似文献   

一氧化氮(NO)属于无机自由基气体,作为一种特殊的生物传递信号分子,日益受到生命科学各领域的普遍重视。机体内的NO是由三种一氧化氮合酶合成的,是动物体内发挥多种生物学效应的自由基,是一种重要的生物信使,它几乎对哺乳动物的所有系统都会产生一定的作用。近几年的研究结果表明了NO对动物胚胎发育也发挥着重要影响。本文着重介绍NO对动物胚胎发育和附植过程的影响。  相似文献   

Work in swine and poultry units is associated with exposure to significant levels of organic dust and endotoxins with the highest concentrations found in poultry houses, whereas values found in dairy and in cattle farming are much lower. Corresponding to this is an excess of work-related respiratory symptoms in swine farmers. A dose-response relationship exists between symptoms and number of working hours. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated an accelerated decline of lung function in swine farmers large enough to cause clinically significant disease in some farmers. Because of the large number of people needed in swine farming and the long working hours, swine farming has emerged as the major respiratory problem in farming. Experimental studies indicate that exposure has to be lowered substantially to avoid acute effects and longitudinal studies demonstrate that loss of lung function occurs in non-smoking swine farmers without respiratory symptoms and that accelerated decline in lung function occurs below endotoxin concentrations in dust (100 ng/m3) proposed as a safe threshold.  相似文献   

基于气温估算参考作物蒸散量方法的对比与改进   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为提高基于气温数据估算参考作物蒸散量(ET0)模型的精度,该研究对比分析了基于温度数据估算ET0的Penman-Monteith(PMT)模型、Hargreaves-Samani(HS)模型和改进HS模型,并运用基于气温数据估算实际水汽压和太阳辐射的最新进展改进PMT模型。结果表明:改进HS模型较传统HS模型提高了半干旱区到湿润区ET0的估算精度; PMT模型与改进HS模型估算的各气候区相关系数(r)均值相似,但与改进HS模型相比,PMT模型提高了除湿润区和亚湿润干旱区外各气候区的ET0估算精度,均方根误差(RMSE)和相对均方根误差(RRMSE)均值分别降低0.01~0.15 mm/d和0~0.05,且模型效率(EF)均值提高了0.01~0.06;本文提出的改进PMT模型可进一步改进PMT模型估算除干旱区和半干旱区外各气候区精度,RMSE和RRMSE均值较原PMT模型分别降低0.04~0.12 mm/d和0.02~0.04,r和EF均值更接近于1;并且改进PMT模型估算各站点全局性能指数(Global Performance Index,GPI)值较好,90%的站点GPI值排名第一。因此,建议在仅有气温数据时,使用改进PMT模型作为估算ET0的推荐模型。研究成果可为区域农业水资源管理提供依据。  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants, cultivars Dark Skin Perfection and Laxton's Progress, were grown in perlite wetted with complete nutrient solution containing...  相似文献   

土壤酸性改良不到位是蓝莓定植死亡率过高的主要原因之一。使用薯蓣皂素提取行业的废弃物资源-强酸性皂素废水为原料,建立了液体土壤酸性改良方法,并与传统的硫磺粉改良法进行了对比研究。结果表明,土壤pH调控的准确性和稳定性是影响蓝莓幼苗存活的关键因素。稀释废水、稀硫酸和10 g硫磺粉处理组可以准确稳定地调控土壤pH在5.5左右,127 d试验周期结束时,3组蓝莓幼苗存活率均为100%,而5、30、50、100 g硫磺粉改良组的土壤pH变化幅度过大,幼苗存活率均为0%。土壤pH适合时,硫磺粉处理组的幼苗生长情况优于稀释废水组和稀硫酸组。10 g硫磺粉处理组的生物量、根体积、根长、株高、叶数、分枝数指标约为稀释废水组和稀硫酸组的两倍。3组处理对土壤过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶、磷酸酶活性的影响较小。总之,土壤pH是影响蓝莓定植存活的关键因素,而硫磺粉可能对蓝莓具有显著的营养作用。  相似文献   

The study of individual animal movement in relation to objects in a landscape is important in many areas of ecology and conservation biology. Yet, many of the models used by ecologists do not account for landscape features and thus may not be conducive to analysis of animal movement data. This article develops a set of nonlinear regression models for both move angles and move distances in relation to a single object in the landscape. Our models incorporate the concept of perceptual range from theories of animal movement behavior. We describe numerical methods for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters. For illustration, we show results from both computer simulated data and real movement data collected for a red diamond rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber) via radio telemetry field techniques.  相似文献   

秦岭北麓地区地势复杂、气候多变,生态环境丰富多样,是中国独特的生态宝库之一。而随着经济发展和人口增加,其生态环境也面临着严峻的挑战,保护其生态环境已成为当前亟待解决的问题。为此,该研究提出了一种结合“驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应-管理”(driving-force-pressure-state-impact-response-management,DPSIRM)和斑块生成土地利用变化模拟(patch-generating land use simulation,PLUS)模型来评价秦岭北麓生态环境的方法。首先,基于DPSIRM模型,选取了17个指标对2010、2015、2020年的秦岭北麓生态环境状况进行生态敏感性评价,其次在此基础上运用PLUS模型预测不同情景下2020–2030年秦岭北麓土地利用空间布局情况,最后利用预测的土地利用类型数据作为影响生态环境的因子,预测研究区的生态敏感性空间分布特征。结果表明:秦岭北麓生态敏感区主要分布在中心城区周围,距城区越远,抗干扰能力越强;2010–2020年非敏感性区域逐步增多,从9%增加到了26%,2010年低敏感区占比最多(38%),2015年中敏感区占比最多(28%),2020年低敏感区占比最多(30%),极高敏感区整体占比不高且相差不大(5%~10%),表明随着时间的变化研究区生态环境已得到初步改善且总体状态向好发展;2020–2030年3种不同情景下土地利用类型主要以耕地、林地、草地为主,模拟预测发现以生态保护为前提的保护与开发是较为适应当前可持续发展战略的情景。研究结果可为研究区生态环境保护和可持续土地利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Many disciplines conduct studies in which the primary objectives depend on inference based on a nonlinear relationship between the treatment and response. In particular, interest often focuses on calibration—that is, estimating the best treatment level to achieve a particular result. Often, data for such calibration come from experiments with split-plots or other features that result in multiple error terms or other nontrivial error structures. One such example is the time-of-weed-removal study in weed science, designed to estimate the critical period of weed control. Calibration, or inverse prediction, is not a trivial problem with simple linear regression, and the complexities of experiments such as the time-of-weed-removal study further complicate the procedure. In this article, we extend existing calibration techniques to nonlinear mixed effects models, and illustrate the procedure using data from a time-of-weed-removal study.  相似文献   

Nutrient cycling is of central importance in the health and maintenance of all ecosystems, thus it is argued that greater emphasis be placed on the impact of hazardous materials on nutrient cycling. To investigate this concern, flowthrough aquatic microcosms were used in conjunction with a simple, multielement, mathematical model to initiate the development of a large scale model capable of predicting the effects of xenobiotics on ecosystem nutrient cycling. Potential toxicant effects were imposed on the model to determine whether changes in dissolved nutrient concentrations could be noted. Simulation results demonstrated that toxicant effects on dissolved nutrient concentrations were observable. The model also was employed to study the effect of different aufwuchs C : N : P ratios on dissolved nutrient concentrations. Although experimental data indicated that the aufwuchs C : N : P ratio was not constant, the use of constant stoichiometry in the model did not alter its utility.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to determine the presence of aflatoxin B1 in the urine of animals (including humans) by utilizing commercial immunochemical kits that can be used in the field. Urine is treated with diatomaceous earth and filtered to clarify the sample; 2-3 ppb aflatoxin B1, corresponding to about 300 ppb in the ingested feed/food, can be detected in the filtered urine without further purification. To improve sensitivity, the urine filtrate is passed through a C18 solid phase column to extract the aflatoxin. The column is washed with acetonitrile-water (15 + 85) and water, aflatoxin B1 is eluted with methanol-water (7 + 3), and water is added to the eluate, which is then tested for aflatoxin with the test kit. The limit of detection is 0.2 ppb, reflecting consumption of 40 ppb or more aflatoxin in the feed/food. When the initial sample volume is adequate, purification through the C18 column step is usually sufficient. For limited sample volumes, the eluate from the C18 column is mixed with water, added to an immunosorbent affinity column, and washed with water to remove excess sample matrix and impurities. Aflatoxin B1 is eluted with acetonitrile. The extract is evaporated under nitrogen and the residue is redissolved in methanol-water (25 + 75). At this purification stage, the limit of detection is reduced to 0.05 ppb.  相似文献   

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