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黄河  杨柳 《水禽世界》2005,(1):17-19
强制换羽就是采用生物、化学、物理(如饥饿)等方法促使产蛋鸡在短时间停产、失重、脱毛、换羽,并重新恢复产蛋的过程,目前这项技术已在现代养禽业中广泛应用。它不仅可以使在产母鸡生产性能得到提高和复壮,而且有利于企业阶段性调整鸡群产量,平衡企业的生产,解决一时的供需矛盾.同时也利于延长产蛋鸡群的利用年限,达到减少成本,增加产量的目的。目前社会上普遍使用饥饿换羽方法,下面就该法成功实践作如下总结:  相似文献   

强制换羽就是采用生物、化学、物理(如饥饿)等方法促使产蛋鸡在短时间内停产、失重、换羽,并重新恢复产蛋的过程,这项技术已在现代养禽业中广泛应用。目前社会上普遍使用饥饿换羽方法,下面就该法成功实践作如下总结:1强制换羽最佳周龄的选择比较理想的换羽时间是66 ̄68周龄,在实践中我们发现,换羽后鸡群产蛋率和换羽时的周龄有明显的相关性,即周龄越小,换羽的产蛋率越高;反之,周龄越大,产蛋率越低。该特性在鸡群68周龄以后,表现更加突出,因此,换羽周龄一般不超过68周龄。2强制换羽前的准备工作如在鸡群发病条件下进行强制换羽,则将显著增加…  相似文献   

孙洪磊  王刚  王天户 《水禽世界》2007,(11):17-18,24
自然条件下,母鸡经过一年左右的产蛋时间,特别是经过夏季以后,体内营养消耗大,体质下降,到了秋天往往发生换羽而停产。产蛋鸡的这种自然换羽方式,一般需要6个月左右的时间才能全部完成。  相似文献   

进入秋季后,逐渐气温降低,日照减少,产蛋鸡经产一年后,开始进入休产换羽期。产蛋鸡的这种这种自然换羽方式,一般需要6个月的时间才能全部完成。蛋鸡饲养户为了避免蛋鸡在休产换羽期所受到的经济损失,一般都采用在蛋鸡产蛋一个周期结束后,将产蛋鸡全部淘汰,然后再购进第二批雏鸡,进行第二周期的蛋鸡饲养管理。实践证明,这不是最为经济、实用的好办法。最好的办法是一次育雏,利用两个产蛋周期。这样不但可以把两个育雏期合并成一个育雏期,减少育雏时间,大大减少蛋鸡育雏期间的饲养成本,而且还可以延长蛋鸡产蛋时间,从而显著提高蛋鸡饲养的经济…  相似文献   

进入秋季,随着气温降低,日照减少,鸡要进行自然换羽,时间约需6个月。为了避免休产换羽期的效益损失,养鸡户都是在产蛋一个周期结束后将产蛋鸡全部淘汰,继而再购进雏鸡进行第二周期的蛋鸡饲养。这不是最经济实用的办法,最好的办法是育雏一次利用两个产蛋周期,这样可降低饲养成本,增加养鸡经济效益。产蛋鸡全饥饿强制换羽方法,就是在一个产蛋周期结束后,用全饥饿的方法使鸡强制换羽,3周后即可进行第二个产蛋周期。1全饥饿强制换羽方法1.1整顿鸡群强制换羽开始前,病、弱、残鸡注射疫苗,并选择一定数量的鸡只作称重记载(一般一群鸡约称重50只),…  相似文献   

产蛋鸡人工强制换羽技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 目标 提高高产蛋鸡群和优良种鸡群的利用率,节省培育新鸡的费用,改善提高商品蛋的品质和种蛋合格率,调整产蛋高峰使之与市场需求之间实现较佳的契合。  相似文献   

1人工强制换羽的目的自然条件下,母鸡每年秋季换羽而停产,一般从开始到换羽结束,需要3~4个月。在实践中,由于自然换羽时间长,鸡群中换羽程度不整齐,产蛋率低,管理困难,因此人们便通过改变饲养管理制度、投喂化学物质或注射激素等办法强制母鸡换羽,造成鸡体内的新陈代谢紊乱,营养供应不足,而使鸡群同步换羽,然后又能同步重新产蛋。  相似文献   

鉴于有省份已将蛋鸡人工强制换羽列为重点攻关课题。为此,本文着重介绍几种常用的蛋鸡人工强制换羽的方法,并对鸡的换羽机理,强制换羽的效果及其优缺点,应注意的事项等加以简单阐述,以期对各地开展强制换羽这一技术性较强的工作能有所参考和借鉴,并为进一步完善这项技术措施而进行共同探讨研究,取得更好的蛋鸡生产效果和经济效益。  相似文献   

从1997年至今年,我场开展了10多万只蛋种鸡及肉种鸡的人工强制换羽工作,取得了较好的经济和社会效益。现整理如下,供参考。  相似文献   

种鸭自然换羽需3~4个月,而且换羽时间参差不齐,换羽期内产蛋少,种蛋品质下降。为提高产蛋率,生产上主要采取人工强  相似文献   

采用饥饿法先后对744只、615d天府肉鸭种群进行为期8周的强制换羽试验,换羽鸭分别以平均产蛋率73.56%和72.75%与周平上孵合格蛋4.95枚和4.89枚的效果,获得了良好的经济效益.  相似文献   

薛玉华 《广东饲料》2011,20(3):44-44
换羽是一种正常的生理现象,鸡在换羽期脱去其羽毛,并且出现生理停滞期。在换羽期内,鸡因体脂大量减少从而体重大大减轻,采食量明显减少,结果产蛋量也就大大下降。然而,鸡又会长出新的羽毛,体重也会增加,产蛋又会恢复。强制换羽则是一种人工过程,在此期间令鸡在一定的环境下通过采取一定的措施而使鸡停止产蛋。  相似文献   

长江下游的鹅经过秋冬春连续产蛋后,于每年的5月份进入休产期.此时母鹅产蛋逐渐减少,每天产蛋时间推迟,小蛋、畸形蛋增多,大部分母鹅的羽毛干枯,公鹅配种能力差,种蛋受精率低,种鹅淘汰上市价格低.如继续饲养,几乎全群停产,鹅只消耗饲料,并断断续续的换羽长达4~7个月.为了在下一个产蛋期能提前产蛋,并使开产时间较一致,可在夏季休产期对选留种鹅进行人工强制换羽.  相似文献   

应用放射免疫分析法,测定73-76周龄红宝肉用种鸡断换羽期外周血清中甲状腺素,同醇,雌二醇和促黄体素的分泌水平。结果;E2和LH分泌水平在断料的第7,13,21,25d分别降低8.5%,24.1%,25.8%,22.4%和5.7,10.6%,9.9%,18.4%,证实E2和LH分泌水平的降低与卵巢中卵泡的退化相。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of probiotic Bacillus subtilis C-3102 feed additive on quality characteristics including strength, thickness, and weight of eggshells of Boris Brown laying hens. The control group (n=64) was fed a basal diet comprised of maize and feed rice, whereas the experimental group (n=64) was fed a basal diet supplemented with B. subtilis C-3102 (3×105 CFU/g) starting at 49 weeks of age. From 67 to 69 weeks, all hens were induced to molt using an anorexic program; then, the birds in both groups returned to their respective diets (from 69 to 82 weeks). Eggshell strength, measured six times with 60 eggs selected before the molting treatment, was significantly greater in the C-3102 group than in the control group at 51, 59, 63, and 66 weeks (3.45, 3.44, 3.28, and 3.13 kg/cm2; P<0.05, 0.05, 0.01, and 0.01, respectively). Moreover, eggshell strength—measured three times after the molting treatment—was significantly greater in the C-3102 group than in the control group at 73 and 77 weeks (3.79 and 3.65 kg/cm2; P<0.01 and 0.01, respectively). Eggshell thickness was also significantly greater in the C-3102 group than in the control group at 73 and 77 weeks (0.400 and 0.390 mm; P<0.01 and 0.01, respectively). Fecal samples collected from eight hens of each group at 70 weeks of age after forced molting, showed a significantly higher proportion of Lactobacillus spp. in the C-3102 group (8.94 log CFU/g) (P<0.05) than in the control group (8.63 log CFU/g). Clostridium spp. abundance was significantly lower in the C-3102 group (2.92 log CFU/g) than in the control group (4.3 log CFU/g). These results suggest that C-3102 supplementation improves eggshell quality in aged laying hens, particularly after forced molting.  相似文献   

A study involving 7 white-egg and 3 brown-egg commercial layer strains was conducted at the North Carolina Piedmont Research Station to assess the effects cage population 3-bird vs. 4-bird cages and alternative molt programs on performance through 113 wk of age (791 d). The flock was divided into 3 groups; not molted (NM), maintained in continuous production; molted using feed restriction (FR), an industry-type 14-d feed withdrawal molting program initiated at 463 d of age; and molted using a nonfasted/anorexic program (NF), in which an ad libitum supply of a low protein, low energy molt feed was provided. Productivity, egg size, and egg quality were monitored at 28-d periods throughout the test providing the performance data for the white-egg and brown-egg strains with regard to these management factors. Detailed results by strain are available on the following Web site: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/poulsci/tech_info.html#layer. The performance for the 3-bird or 4-bird cage groups for either type of layer was similar, except that birds in 4-bird cages had higher feed consumption in the first production phase than did the birds in 3-bird cages. In the same time period the white-egg birds in the 3-bird cages had a greater percentage of cracked eggs and a smaller percentage of Grade A large eggs than those in 4-bird cages. No differences were observed in egg income for the 2 population sizes for either type of layer. However, due to their higher feed consumption, the white egg birds in the 4-bird cages had higher feed cost per hen for the first cycle, which was offset by the egg income component due to their increased production rate. The molted layers outperformed the nonmolted layers for both types of layers in terms of overall income over feed costs. The FR molted hens, under a program that has traditionally been used by commercial producers, outperformed NF-molted hens, indicating that further refinements are needed to make the NF program economically competitive with the FR molting program.  相似文献   

蟾蜍的人工养殖技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
蟾蜍是一种药用动物 ,本文详细地介绍了蟾蜍的生物学特性和饲养、繁殖方法  相似文献   

蛤蚧属于壁虎科动物 ,又名仙蟾、大壁虎 ,是一种珍贵的野生经济动物。蛤蚧的干制品是驰名中外的珍贵药材 ,是配制“蛤蚧精”、“蛤蚧酒”、“蛤蚧大补丸”等中成药的主要原料。蛤蚧具有补肾、温肺、壮阳、益精血、止喘咳功效 ,可治疗神经衰弱、肺结核、老人虚弱性喘咳、心脏性喘咳、浮肿等疾病 ,是国内外紧缺的一种贵重药材 ,目前市场需求量大、产品供不应求。蛤蚧的人工养殖技术比较简易 ,投资少 ,效益高 ,是脱贫致富的一个好途径。  一、饲养场地和设施蛤蚧喜居山岩坡壁、石洞裂缝 ,居于檐下或树洞中 ,所以饲养场地应选择通风良好、冬暖…  相似文献   

In the commercial egg industry the management practice of using feed withdrawal to induce a flock to molt has been under extreme scrutiny. This is because animal rights groups have voiced their concern about using this practice. Thus, about 5 yr ago, the United Egg Producers (UEP) commissioned 5 universities to conduct experiments to develop alternative molting programs that used nonwithdrawal feeding programs to molt laying hens. The studies conducted to date used techniques ranging from feeding hens without added salt in the diet to using readily available, low-cost feed ingredients to develop molt diets that are low in energy level and protein content. The results of these studies indicated that molting laying hens without feed withdrawal could be done successfully. Research at the University of Illinois found that feeding laying hens diets consisting of wheat middlings, soybean hulls, and corn (low protein and low energy) were successful in providing for acceptable postmolt egg production performance and economic benefit compared with using a standard feed withdrawal method. Therefore, after 5 yr of experimenting with nonwithdrawal molting methods done in several university settings, the egg industry has successfully adopted these methods of molting laying hens. In addition, based on the finding of these experiments, the UEP has revised their recommended molting guidelines to state that only nonwithdrawal molting methods will be permitted after January 1, 2006. Thus, these guidelines will apply to approximately 82% of the US egg industry.  相似文献   

<正>过去10年当中,人工授精技术的优越性越来越被人们所认识,而且它给猪场带来生产效益也越来越被人们所认可。以万头猪场为例,600头母猪的商品猪场自然交配需种公猪24头,人工授精仅需6头,这样除了大大节省了购买种猪的费用外,还可减少大量引种所带来的疾病风险;采用自然交配方法,每窝配种成本为75元,而人工授精只需40元,万头猪场每年需配种1248窝,这样配种费用可节省4.37  相似文献   

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