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利用废革屑制备肽Ca螯合物的工艺探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论文通过水解革屑制备多肽水解液,并将水解液与Ca Cl2进行螯合反应制备多肽-Ca金属螯合物。对水解液进行理化性能进行表征,利用GPC测定水解液的分子量;设计单因素螯合实验及正交试验,考察了p H、温度、时间、肽/Ca质量比等因素对螯合反应的影响,确定了最佳反应条件。通过研究发现不同因素对螯合率的影响大小为:温度时间肽Ca比 pH;对得率的影响大小为:pH温度肽Ca比时间。最佳螯合条件:反应时间90 min,肽Ca比为4∶1,反应温度为70℃,pH为7,最佳条件下的螯合率为86.55%;最后,对肽Ca螯合物进行傅里叶红外光谱、扫描电镜及能量色散X射线光谱仪分析表征,结果表明Ca离子成功螯合到多肽上,得到Ca肽螯合物。  相似文献   

为优化带鱼下脚料酶解物和锌离子的螯合工艺条件,以带鱼加工下脚料为原料,在单因素试验的基础上,采用Box-Behnken中心组合设计和响应面分析法,探讨酶解物与硫酸锌的质量比、酶解物浓度、p H、反应温度、反应时间等因素对酶解物锌螯合反应的影响。结果表明,带鱼下脚料酶解物螯合锌的最适条件为:质量比4.5∶1,p H值6.0,酶解物浓度4%,反应温度50℃,反应时间40 min,在此条件下螯合率达到84.16%,与模型预测值相符。该螯合工艺反应条件温和,锌螯合率高。本研究为锌螯合物的制备以及带鱼下脚料的高值化利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

蛋氨酸锌螯合物中的锌在山羊粪尿中的排泄动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
8只体重为9kg左右的健康浏阳黑公山羊,分成两组,单独关在代谢笼内,分别喂以含65Zn蛋氨酸(65Zn-Met)和65Zn硫酸锌(65ZnSO4)的饲料,比较研究锌蛋氨酸螯合物的中锌在山羊粪、尿中的排泄动态.结果表明,65Zn-Met组在粪中排出65Zn的浓度显著低于65ZnSO4组,日粮Zn的表观吸收率极显著地高于65ZnSO4组(α<0.05).  相似文献   

氮锌配施对不同冬小麦品种产量及锌营养的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
为比较石灰性土壤氮锌配施对不同小麦品种生长及锌营养的影响,选10种本地主要种植小麦品种,进行连续两年的田间试验,测定小麦产量及锌含量。结果表明,在石灰性土壤上单施锌肥和氮锌配施对小麦产量、籽粒锌含量的影响因品种而异。单施锌肥及氮锌配施处理可显著增加土壤有效锌含量,但单施锌肥处理仅增加"西杂1号"、"武农148"、"郑麦9023"籽粒锌含量;氮锌配施增加除"小偃22"外其余9种供试小麦品种籽粒锌含量,增幅为7.3%~54.7%。单施锌肥对小麦锌累积量增加的效果不明显;氮锌配施可显著增加小麦地上部锌累积量,两季分别增加6.5%、29.8%。单施氮肥可显著增加小麦锌吸收,但其主要累积在小麦茎叶部。在石灰性土壤上,单施锌肥虽显著增加了土壤有效锌含量,但对小麦产量及籽粒Zn含量增加有限,氮锌肥配施可取得较好效果。  相似文献   

利用螯合–缓冲营养液对小麦苗期磷–锌关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用螯合缓冲营养液培养技术(Chelator-buffer culture solution),对小麦幼苗植株的磷锌营养进行了探讨。结果表明,高磷条件下小麦出现的缺锌黄化与磷中毒症状之间存在着明显区别,本研究结果支持高磷条件下作物出现的黄化是锌缺乏症状而非磷中毒的观点。与缺磷相比,正常供磷促进了小麦的生长,但过量磷对小麦生长有阻碍作用,而且锌的供应加剧了促进或抑制的程度。正常供应磷、锌条件下,小麦幼苗根系或地上部的磷、锌含量、吸收量及转运率均处于相对较高的水平,其余各处理则因为磷或锌供应量不适宜而使植株的磷、锌营养受到不同程度的影响。另外,磷锌相互拮抗的作用方式及大小程度不同:磷主要影响小麦根系对锌的吸收,而锌对小麦磷营养的影响主要是通过对其从根系向地上部转运的抑制来实现的;磷对锌的影响要明显大于锌对磷的影响,磷素水平在小麦的磷、锌营养平衡中起着更为重要的作用。磷锌拮抗作用只在双方供应不适宜的情况下发生,而且相互作用的方式及程度存在明显差异。  相似文献   

山东省土壤供锌状况及对锌的吸附   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
1977年中国农科院土肥所在山东省进行土壤有效锌普查[1],估算全省缺锌1500万亩,并通过试验,指导锌肥大面积应用.近10多年来,在原认为土壤有效锌含量较高的地区,施锌效果也很明显,实践中锌肥应用方法、数量和后效等问题有待解决.  相似文献   

采用螯合-缓冲营养液培养方法对小麦进行了苗期培养试验,在3个磷水平(0、0.6 mmol·L-1、3.0mmol·L-1)和3个锌水平(0、3μmol·L-1、30 μmol·L-1)的完全组合下对小麦苗期的磷-锌关系进行了研究,以期为提高小麦籽粒锌的生物有效性提供理论依据.结果表明,与正常磷锌供应比较,磷锌的缺乏与过量均不利于小麦生长,缺磷比过量供磷的抑制程度更大,而过量供锌比缺锌的影响更为强烈,缺磷和过量供锌主要影响小麦幼苗的分蘖和地上部干物质的积累.过量供磷时,小麦根部存在明显的磷-锌拮抗,抑制了根部对锌的吸收,但磷的供应却提高了锌在小麦植株体内向地上部的转运;缺锌时,小麦叶片会积累大量磷,而供锌后则会抑制磷在小麦植株体内向地上部的转运.在小麦苗期,磷、锌均处于正常水平时其交互作用有利于锌的吸收和向地上部转运,但抑制了磷向叶部的转运.此外,磷、锌的缺乏均降低了叶绿素SPAD值,而磷的正常供应和锌的供应促进了叶绿素的合成.缺磷胁迫时小麦叶片的SOD和POD活性较高,而CAT活性较低;锌缺乏和过量时叶片SOD活性较低,而缺锌时POD和CAT活性较高,供锌后二者活性降低.总之,磷-锌拮抗作用主要发生在小麦根部,但在其他器官内也会发生;且不仅在二者配比不合理时发生,即使在配比合理时也会发生.  相似文献   

不同白菜品种对锌的响应及锌利用效率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用盆栽试验研究了白菜[Brassica campestris L.ssp.Chinensis(L.)Makino]4个品种对不同浓度锌(Zn 0、1、10 mg/kg)的响应.结果表明,白菜的生物量及体内锌含量随锌水平的增加而增加;但白菜品种对锌营养反应的敏感性不同.地上部锌含量、锌积累量和锌吸收效率均以日本华冠(J...  相似文献   

施用磷和锌对植株体中锌营养及代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A solution culture experiment was conducted to investigate the growth,the accumulation and translocation of Zn,and the metabolic changes of 24 days old plants of corn and wheat with the varied suply of phosphorus(0,0.12,0.6 and 3.0mmol L^-1)and zinc (0.1 and 2.0umol L^-1) under controlled environmental conditions.The results showed the highest dry matter production of both corn and wheat under the moder ate combination of phosphorus(0.6mmol L^-1) and zinc(2.0 umolL^-1) as compared with other imbalance applications of phosphorus and zinc.Excessive P supply significantly inhibited the translocation of Zn from roots of corn to the aboveground part,thus decreasing the content of Zn in the shoots.Application of 3.0 mmolL^-1 P could also reduce the water-soluble Zn in plant tissues,leading to an increase in the cell plasma membrane permeability,a decrease in the dehydrogenase activity in roots and the activity of nitrate reductase in leaves,and a decline in the uptake of nitrate by plants.A similar decrease occurred in superoxide dismutase(SOD) and plasma membrane adenosine triphosphatase(ATPase)activity in Zn-deficient plants.But,with increasing P supply the activity of ATP ase in both corn and wheat increased and reached the maximum at the P-supplying level of 3.0 mmolL^-1.Similar to the effect of high P supply.no or low P(0.12mmolL^-1) supply could be detrimental to dry matter production and physiological functioning of the plants.Corn plants showed a more significant response to the imbalance supply of P and Zn than wheat plants.The possible physiological and biochemical mechanism of phosphorus-zinc antagonistic interaction in corn and wheat might be attributed to decrease in physiological availability and activation of Zn.  相似文献   

添加γ-聚谷氨酸对土壤结构及持水特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为进一步探究γ-聚谷氨酸在农业方面应用,将不同γ-PGA含量(0,0.1%,0.2%,0.5%,1%)施入无团粒结构的砂壤土与粉壤土中,研究了γ-PGA在土壤物理结构及持水特征方面的作用。结果表明:随γ-PGA含量的增加,同一吸力下土壤持水量增加,VG模型中参数α值均大于对照组,n值递减。γ-PGA添加至1%时,砂壤土中容重降低0.087g/cm3,孔隙度增加3.28%,粉壤土中容重降低0.108g/cm3,孔隙度增加4.08%,添加γ-PGA降低了毛管孔隙比例,提高无效孔隙比例,表明γ-PGA对粉壤土物理特性影响大于砂壤土。饱和含水量与γ-PGA含量呈幂函数正相关,饱和扩散率则呈负相关关系,粉壤土中VG模型参数所计算饱和扩散率与水平入渗法计算值间相对误差值小于10%。除凋萎系数外,γ-PGA对其余土壤水分常数影响显著,均随γ-PGA含量增加而增大。土壤中薄膜水、毛管水比例提高,重力水比例显著下降。γ-PGA含量为1%时,粉壤土中有效水比例为64.83%,砂壤土中仅为56.14%。添加γ-PGA有利于改良土壤内孔隙分布,提高持水能力,防止土壤水分的深层渗漏。  相似文献   

Nanofertilizers have received considerable attention due to their increased uptake by plants. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles and also different zinc (Zn) fertilizers (Zn sulfate, Zn chelate) on vegetative and yield traits of two pinto bean cultivars “KS21191” and “KS21193”. This experiment was a factorial based on completely randomized design with 24 treatments (three fertilizer applications and eight levels of Zn fertilizer). The results showed that twice foliar application compared to seed application and once foliar application improved growth and yield characteristics of both pinto bean cultivars. Also, compared to control treatment, zinc nanofertilizers improved vegetative characteristics (such as plant height, internode length, root and shoot dry, and fresh weight), yield (pods number and seed weight) and quality (zinc content in seed) of both pinto bean cultivars. Among the zinc fertilizer treatments, 0.10% and 0.15% of ZnO nanoparticles were as a superior treatment.  相似文献   

基于生态足迹方法的玉米-味精生态农业及产业系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高生态产业研究结果的可比性,以味精产业为例,用生态足迹方法分析了产业过程涉及不同子系统的资源利用和环境污染情况。味精生产由三个子系统构成,玉米生产、淀粉生产和味精生产。计算结果表明,从玉米到味精的生产过程也是生态足迹延长的过程,其中玉米生态足迹占用面积最大,主要是因为耕地和水资源占用大;生态足迹的延长伴随着足迹效益的增加,意味着延长产业链条可以提高资源利用效率;系统的间接能源生态足迹较大,因此应重点考虑降低间接能源的能耗;味精生产系统的能耗最高,空气和水体环境污染最为严重。研究表明,生态足迹是一种很好的衡量复合生态产业不同子系统资源利用和环境污染状况的方法。  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - In the present communication a simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of Zn is described. The method is based on the reaction of Zn with the newly...  相似文献   


Rice grown on a recently water‐leveled Crowley silt loam that contained less than 1.8 μg g‐1 of 0.1 N HCl‐extractable Zn with pH levels ranging from 6.8 to 7.7, responded to Zn application. Each kg ha of applied Zn as Zn chelate, 14.2 % Zn, resulted in increases of +673, +477, and +2026 kg rice ha‐1 at pH 6.8, 7.3, and 7.7, respectively. There was a critically low concentration of Zn in rice plants at the midtillering, first joint, and panicle differentiation stages of plant development when no Zn was applied. A yield response to applied Zn was obtained when the concentration of Zn in rice tissue was less than 15 μg g‐1.

Application of Zn resulted in a significant increase in the uptake of N by rice plants at each of the three stages of plant development. Application of Zn also resulted in relatively large and significant increases in the uptake of Zn from the soil irrespective of soil pH. The uptake of Zn by rice plants at each of the growth stages showed a two‐ to three‐fold increase following Zn application when soil pH was 6.8 and 7.3. Also, the uptake of Zn by rice plants following Zn application showed a four‐fold increase at midtillering, a five‐fold increase at first joint, and a six‐fold increase at panicle differentiation, respectively, when soil pH was 7.7.  相似文献   

猪蹄甲制备氨基酸螯合微肥及其对小白菜生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究以废弃猪蹄甲为原料,通过微波水解工艺,制取复合氨基酸,添加微量元素制得氨基酸螯合微肥,通过叶面喷施于小白菜(B.Chinensis L.),对其肥效和喷施浓度进行研究.田间试验表明,该肥能有效促进小白菜的生长发育,提高产量,并得出该肥适宜喷施浓度为稀释1000倍.  相似文献   

在广东省两个试点进行田间小区试验,水稻施用味精废液有机无机BB肥1000 kg.hm-2,与习惯施肥相比增产320 kg.hm-2,达显著标准;产投比值为2.08,收益明显;土壤有机质、N、P2O5、K2O含量与种植前有不同程度的增加。施味精废液有机无机BB肥,不但能满足水稻对氮、磷、钾大量元素的需求,同时具有改土、培肥地力的作用。该肥作基肥一次施用,能有效节约劳动力投入。  相似文献   

味精尾液对石灰性潮土无机磷特性及pH值的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过恒温培养试验,探究了以味精尾液为原料的土壤调理剂对北方石灰性潮土无机磷特性和p H值的影响。结果表明,施用味精尾液后土壤有效磷(Olsen-P)、Ca_2-P、Al-P、Fe-P分别增加了70%~120%、155%~288%、29%~42%、6%~10%,Ca10-P减少了7%~8%,且有效性较高的Ca_2-P和Olsen-P持续性好;能够显著降低土壤p H值,培养60 d时,与CK相比,p H值下降了1.17~1.27个单位,而且在一定程度上还能减缓施入土壤的磷肥向无效态转化,提高磷肥有效性。在石灰性土壤施用味精尾液后,运用SPSS软件对土壤Olsen-P及各形态无机磷进行相关性和回归分析得出,Ca_2-P和Fe-P是北方石灰性潮土Olsen-P的主要组分,并得出了Ca_2-P、Fe-P与Olsen-P的回归方程:Y(Olsen-P)=-18.724+1.173X_1(Ca_2-P)+0.905X_4(Fe-P)。  相似文献   

钙螯合羊骨胶原多肽的制备及表征分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为制备肽钙螯合物并探明肽钙螯合机理,对羊骨胶原多肽与CaCl2的螯合工艺进行优化并对肽钙螯合物进行表征分析。采用Box-Behnken中心组合设计及响应面分析法,确定了最佳螯合参数:肽钙质量比2∶1,pH值7.66,53℃螯合50 min,螯合率达67.24%。红外光谱、电镜分析及能谱扫描结果表明胶原多肽与Ca2+分别在多肽内部的C=O处及肽链末端的-NH2和-COOH处发生螯合,形成了铵盐和羧酸盐;多肽与Ca2+螯合后由疏松的片状结构变成了致密的小颗粒聚集体结构。红外光谱及能谱扫描同时也证实所制备的胶原多肽中有部分钙螯合肽的存在,说明酶解可使钙由羟基磷灰石形式转变为可溶性离子钙。研究结果可为新型钙制剂生产及畜骨的高值利用提供了参考。  相似文献   

For the preparation of amino acid chelated fertilizer, chicken feathers were hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid (H2SO4; 6M) and potassium hydroxide (KOH; 6M) separately in the presence of different catalysts. Under acidic conditions, the catalyst zinc sulfate, gave minimum ammonium but a maximum conversion rate of organic nitrogen (N) into amino acids (19% higher than control). Under alkaline conditions, sodium sulfide showed maximum amino acid-N and conversion rate (37% higher than control). The catalyst doses showed a continuous increase in the conversion rate and were highest at 12%. The ratio of 1:3 feathers: hydrolytic agent showed maximum conversion rate. Hydrolytic time had a nonsignificant effect under acidic conditions, but under alkaline conditions a hydrolytic time of 14 h gave the maximum conversion rate. The chelation experiment results showed that the ratios (2:1, 2.5:1, and 3:1) showed almost equal chelation rates, except the 1:1 ratio of hydrolysis product to salt. Iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) showed maximum chelation rates under acidic pH, while zinc (Zn) showed maximum chelation rate at an alkaline pH. Temperature and chelation time had a nonsignificant effect on chelation rate. Comparative study results of amino acid chelated Zn and Fe fertilizers, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelated Zn and Fe fertilizers, and zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) and iron sulfate (FeSO4) fertilizer foliar application to upland rice showed that a 1/100 dilution of amino acid chelated Zn and Fe fertilizers increased growth parameters from 22–73%, while EDTA chelated Zn and Fe fertilizers caused an increase of 15–63%, and ZnSO4 and FeSO4 increased growth parameters from 11–35% over the control. After fertilizer application, increase in chlorophyll contents was 11–17%, 3–6%, and 8–12%, respectively, over control. Therefore, amino acid chelated micronutrient fertilizer is used in small amounts, has a low cost, and high rates of return.  相似文献   

建立了通过对茶树叶片进行扫描,利用Photoshop软件同时获得多张叶片及其受害部位的像素值,从而快速计算茶树叶片受害面积以及受害面积百分率的测定方法,并对此方法进行了系统的研究,结果表明:扫描分辨率为150dpi时,扫描时间和存储占用空间较优,测定效果和高分辨率扫描效果基本一致,该方法测定结果与人工测定结果无显著差异,其效率远远高于人工测定。  相似文献   

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