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Abstract: Notwithstanding the existence of considerable intra‐regional trade, the Asia‐Pacific region was slow to catch onto the concept and phenomenon of regionalism. Not many regional integration arrangements were created in the region and the ones that were created did not go far. Over the preceding three‐and‐a‐half decades, the high performing Asian economies adopted outward‐oriented strategies, promoting brisk trade expansion trade and foreign investment. Asia‐Pacific regionalism was essentially market‐led and uninstitutionalised. Regional production networks were the consequence of market‐led economic dynamics in the region. Large corporations, including transnationals, contributed to the growth of a pan‐Asian industrialisation process and trade expansion. This scenario underwent a transformation in the 1990s, particularly during the Asian crisis of 1997–98. Conscious economic and monetary co‐operation with institutional support increased considerably. Asia‐Pacific economies are more committed to regionalism – both economically and institutionally – now than ever before.  相似文献   

Abstract: Most previous empirical studies of migration and remittances ignored possible differences among occupational categories of migrants. Where human capital investment decisions and occupational choices are influenced by perceived prospects for international migration, internationally tradable occupations such as nursing are likely to attract individuals with particular attributes and with a stronger propensity to migrate. We argue that this can also affect the remittance behaviour of such occupational groups, pointing to the need for a disaggregated analysis by occupational category. This paper reports the results of a recent survey of nurses in Fiji, Tonga and Samoa, and nurse migrants from the same countries in Australia and New Zealand. We also report the findings from a re‐analysis of earlier remittance data from Tongan and Samoan migrants in Australia. Nurse household remittance behaviour is statistically different from others, with nurses remitting more generously and consistently over time. The reasons and implications are explored. The impact and volume of nurse remittances emphasise the sustainability of the migration, remittances, aid and bureaucracy (MIRAB) system.  相似文献   

There are several hurdles to ensure sustainable seed production and consistent flow of improved legume varieties in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) and South Asia (SA). The unreliable demand, autogamous nature of most of the grain legumes, and slow variety replacement rate by smallholder farmers do not provide strong incentive for private seed companies to invest in legume seed business. Unless a well thought‐out and comprehensive approach to legume seed delivery is developed, current seed shortages will continue, eroding emerging market opportunities. The experiences reported here are collated through a 10‐year partnership project, the Tropical Legumes in SSA and SA. It fostered innovative public–private partnerships in joint testing of innovative market‐led seed systems, skills and knowledge enhancement, de‐risking private sector initiatives that introduced in new approaches and previously overlooked entities in technology delivery. As new public and private seed companies, individual seed entrepreneurs and farmer organizations emerged, the existing ones enhanced their capacities. This resulted in significant rise in production, availability and accessibility of various seed grades of newly improved and farmer demanded legume varieties in the target countries.  相似文献   

Abstract: Through reviewing South‐East Asia’s recent economic engagement with the global economy, this paper points to profound recent transformations in the scope and character of the region’s development. Foreign direct investment was the key driver of regional growth in the pre‐1997 period, yet currently, the region faces a more difficult and multifaceted economic arena from which to attract such funds. Foreign direct investment is more selective, both geographically and by sector, than was the case in that earlier period. This paper explains the confluence of economics, business practices and politics that are giving rise to these outcomes, and concludes from this that development trajectories in South‐East Asia will become more diverse between the countries of the region, with implications for how we understand regional economic performance.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of international development targets agreed to by members of the United Nations in 2000. The goals aim to improve many of the dimensions of extreme poverty and are to be achieved by 2015. This paper provides an overview of the issues relevant to the achievement of the MDGs in the Asia‐Pacific region. The paper begins by discussing the critiques of the MDGs before assessing whether countries in the region are on track to achieve them. Issues relating to data availability and accuracy are discussed and the need to tailor the MDG targets to the special circumstances of some Asia‐Pacific countries is examined. The paper proceeds by discussing the role of international assistance via international foreign development aid and non‐governmental organisations in the achievement of the MDGs. The paper concludes with some policy implications for the international donor community.  相似文献   

This research reports on empirical findings of remote Pitcairn Island, the last remaining British Overseas Territory in the Pacific. It uses a qualitative methodology to discuss the island's potential for tourism development while recognising the issues and challenges faced by many small island developing states. However, as a sub‐national island jurisdiction Pitcairn presents a number of issues unique to its temporal socio‐political development and its centre periphery relationship with the metropole. The concept ‘decolonising without disengaging’ is posited to argue sub‐national island jurisdictions are places/spaces of innovative, creative and differentiated development processes that offer interesting departures from the conventional realms of sustainable discourse and island development. This concept is posited as a strategy of empowerment whereby autonomy without sovereignty does not necessarily hinder the development of tourism industries.  相似文献   

Abstract: In recent years, dramatically increasing numbers of mainland Chinese women have entered Hong Kong to engage in sexual labour. Public discourses on the threat of HIV/AIDS increasingly locate these women's bodies as sites of danger, colluding with pre‐existing imaginations of mainland rural women as ignorant, desperate and deceptive in representing these women's penetration of Hong Kong's border as a primary means of infection of the Hong Kong body. Drawing on state, media and popular representations, and the narratives of female sex workers themselves, this paper examines the interwoven bio‐medical, gendered, sexual and cross‐border relationships that intersect in the experiences of mainland Chinese sex workers in Hong Kong. I argue that while images of disease and danger have been used to regulate these women's bodies, mainland female sex workers challenge these images by drawing on other popular stereotypes of mainland women as pure, feminine and traditional. Although images of the related but still ‘other’ figure of the mainland Chinese woman are powerful mechanisms for the regulation of these women's bodies, mainland female sex workers skilfully use inherent tensions in those images in resisting that control and in struggling to achieve their own personal and economic goals.  相似文献   

Abstract: Property developers in Penang (Malaysia) were erecting shrines and performing rituals to propitiate a Malay‐Muslim guardian spirit of local sacred places known interchangeably as keramat or Datuk Kong during a period of euphoric economic growth in Malaysia in the early 1990s. Drawing on anthropological approaches, this article explores the symbolic significance of this peculiar capitalist sacralisation in Penang. It argues that keramat propitiation among property developers can be better grasped by understanding how this spirit cult is engendered and acted on by deep historical structures of cultural hybridity, socioeconomic and ethnonationalist transformations in Malaysia. It is with this background that the keramat cult converges with Chinese supernatural beliefs and becomes a potent idiom that expresses and negotiates contradictions inherent in a highly speculative activity and ethnically charged political economy in Malaysia. This conjunction between the keramat cult and property development activities brings to light the centrality of ethnicity and religion in characterising capitalist formations in a new Asian economy and urban environment.  相似文献   

While in recent years much has been written, and even more spoken, about the interrelationships between population and development, and particularly the importance of acknowledging population parameters in development planning and policy formulation, reality in most Pacific island countries and territories falls short of this rhetoric. Long-term development plans and strategic development frameworks are still compiled without due consideration of demographic circumstances, and economic and public sector reform proceeds in many countries seemingly oblivious of contemporary population dynamics. It is not always lack of basic and timely data that accounts for this malaise, as is evident from a myriad of demographic indicators reported by a variety of government agencies and regional and international organisations. However, these often manage to portray quite different demographic scenarios using identical data sources. This paper examines the institutional and methodological context within which Pacific island population data are collected and demographic information is produced. It concludes by discussing ways in which demography and demographers can contribute towards more realistic planning and policymaking in the Pacific.  相似文献   

This study examines knowledge‐based urban development in Beijing with the objective of revealing the impact of the ‘synergetic’ forces of globalisation and local government intervention on knowledge‐based urban development in the context of the coexisting processes of globalisation and decentralisation. The findings in this paper show that due to the rapid growth of the cultural industry sector, knowledge‐based urban development has created various kinds of ‘cultural industry clustered areas’, which were recently promoted by the 2008 Olympic Games. ‘Synergetic’ global and local forces are leading knowledge‐based urban development, with the emergence of a local coalition regime in which local government manages local development, considered as ‘enterprises’ in the decentralisation process, while the State retains a significant influence on knowledge‐based urban development. The central and municipal governments tend to emphasise strategies to ‘facilitate the climate for growth’ rather than the centrally planned control they exerted prior to the 1980s.  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite recent literature pointing to the need for a multidimensional approach to border processes, transport links across borders are usually uncritically associated with cross‐border ‘integration’. This paper focuses on examining the roles played by transport facilities in border processes. It uses case studies of three key transport links at the border between Singapore and Johor, Malaysia. As would conventionally be expected, enhancing these links was often seen in terms of the economic opportunities expected to arise from the easing of bottlenecks. However, the findings also reveal multiple roles for the transport links at this border, many of which cannot be enlisted in any simple conception of cross‐border integration, even when clear enhancement of the links is involved. These roles include: as ‘filters’ (or ‘valves’) used to encourage or discourage certain flows; as ‘gateways’ asserting territoriality; and as ‘bargaining chips’ in the bilateral relationship. A role as ‘collision points’ between policy regimes was also surprisingly important. However, contrary to usual expectations none of the transport links examined appear in the guise of ‘bridges’, contributing towards integrated governance. These findings highlight the complexity of border processes, and underline the contingent interactions between different dimensions of cross‐border processes sometimes simplistically conflated as ‘integration’.  相似文献   

Leaf architecture traits in maize are quantitative and have been studied by quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping. However, additional QTLs for these traits require mapping and the interactions between mapped QTLs require studying because of the complicated genetic nature of these traits. To detect common QTLs and to find new ones, we investigated the maize traits of leaf angle, leaf flagging‐point length, leaf length and leaf orientation value using a set of recombinant inbred line populations and single nucleotide polymorphism markers. In total, 19 QTLs contributed 4.13–13.52% of the phenotypic effects to the corresponding traits that were mapped, and their candidate genes are provided. Common and major QTLs have also been detected. All of the QTLs showed significant additive effects and non‐significant additive × environment effects in combined environments. The majority showed additive × additive epistasis effects and non‐significant QTL × environment effects under single environments. Common and major QTLs provided information for fine mapping and gene cloning, and SNP markers can be used for marker‐assisted selection breeding.  相似文献   

Despite an improving regulatory framework and policies governing compensation and resettlement, the majority of the millions displaced worldwide each year by hydropower dam construction continue to experience marginalisation and impoverishment, suggesting that external financial support must be supplemented by strengthened community‐based resilience. In order to understand more about the innate resources of displaced rural communities, we applied a community resilience approach to two resettled Co‐tu ethnic minority villages in an upland area in central Vietnam to identify their community capitals and their application in improving livelihoods and living conditions. We found that weak human and financial capital constrained the ability of the resettled residents to adopt new livelihoods or migrate to seek employment. Reduced forest and river access also problematised responses to a lack of agricultural land. However, traditionally strong village affinity and social networks were retained. In addition, indigenous skills such as housing construction, honed by a highly mobile traditional lifestyle, allowed residents to construct culturally significant structures like community houses and modify or augment received housing stock. These elements of social and cultural capital eased the process of post‐resettlement adaptation. We conclude that governments should reassess current resettlement policies that prioritise financial compensation and should incorporate awareness of the adaptive resilience and limitations fostered by indigenous knowledge and practices in resettlement action plans.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to analyse the genetic basis of falling number in three winter wheat populations. Samples for falling number determination for each population originated from at least three test environments that were free from the occurrence of preharvest sprouting at harvest time. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis employing falling number values from single environments identified eight, five and three QTL in the populations Dream/Lynx, Bussard/W332‐84 and BAUB469511/Format, respectively. A major QTL common to all three populations and consistently detected in each environment mapped to the long arm of chromosome 7B. The QTL was located to a similar genomic region as the previously described major QTL for high‐isoelectric point α‐amylase content. The T1BL.1RS wheat‐rye translocation and the dwarfing gene Rht‐D1 segregating in Dream/Lynx and BAUB469511/Format were found to be important factors of falling number variation. In both populations, the presence of Rht‐D1b or the absence of T1BL.1RS increased falling number. The results indicate that late maturity α‐amylase, responsible for low falling numbers, has now been documented in German wheat germplasm.  相似文献   

To manipulate the composition of the maize kernel to meet future needs, an understanding of the molecular regulation of kernel quality‐related traits is required. In this study, the quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the concentrations of grain protein, starch and oil were identified using three sets of RIL populations in three environments. The genetic maps and the initial QTL were integrated using meta‐analyses. A total of 38 QTL were identified, including 15 in population 1, 12 in population 2 and 11 in population 3. The individual effects ranged from 2.87% to 13.11% of the phenotypic variation, with seven QTL each contributing over 10%. One common QTL was found for the concentrations of grain protein and starch in bin 3.09 in the three environments and the three RIL populations. Of the 38 initial QTL, 22 were integrated into eight mQTL by meta‐analysis. mQTL3 and mQTL8 of the key mQTL in which the initial QTL displayed R2 > 10% included six and three initial QTL for grain protein and starch concentrations from two or three populations, respectively. These results will provide useful information for marker‐assisted selection to improve the quality of the maize kernel.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the process of migration, some traditions persist while others do not. The Yulan Festival, also known as the Ghost Festival, continues to be observed by different subethnic Chinese migrant groups in Hong Kong for a variety of reasons. Although the festival organisation accentuates subethnic distinctions, paradoxically it also enables different groups to integrate into the larger community. The activities articulate various meanings of ‘place’– as ‘ancestral place’ on the mainland where
the rituals are believed to originate, as the specific locality/neighbourhood in Hong Kong where the festival is held, and Hong Kong as a whole. This article, based on interviews with Chiu Chow and Hoklo participants, shows how they think of the different meanings of ‘place’, which in turn reflects the way they make sense of the process of migration.

Typhoon Yolanda brought major devastation to the local communities and infrastructure and also reshaped social structures and networks in the Philippines. During the immediate recovery process, bridging, bonding and linking social capital have had differential impacts and outcomes on how communities cope with the aftermath of the disaster. This article investigates the interplay between the various types of social capital and their contributions to immediate coping strategies of Typhoon Yolanda communities. This article also evaluates the complexity of defining social capital in a disaster context. In particular, it unpacks the blurring of the bridging and linking social capital at the immediate stage of rehabilitation in a post‐disaster context and its impacts on the social fabric of the communities. We deduce from this case study the social capital strategies necessary for a speedy recovery process both economically and socially for disaster‐affected communities.  相似文献   

The PPR‐B gene is responsible for male‐fertility restoration of the Ogura‐type male‐sterile radish plants, and it is located in the complex Rfo locus in the vicinity of similar PPR‐A gene and PPR‐C pseudogene. The aim of this study was to identify PPR‐B alleles and understand the structure of the Rfo locus in radish breeding lines. Five lines of radish with normal male‐fertile cytoplasm were tested. The entire PPR‐B gene was amplified, sequenced and allelic PPR‐B sequences were identified. The results indicated that the maintainer lines 7, 15 and 21 contained a non‐restoring form of PPR‐B protein. A unique PPR‐B was found in lines 24/15 and 31 that are restorer and maintainer lines, respectively. The substitutions might be responsible for the loss of a restoring function of the PPR‐B‐31 allele. Amplification of the PPR‐A/PPR‐B and PPR‐B/PPR‐C intergenic regions allowed to identify rearrangements within Rfo locus. Obtained results confirm the wide allelic variation within the Rfo locus, as well as high genetic complexity of the fertility restoration mechanism in radish.  相似文献   

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