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近百年来,由于气候变化、环境污染、人为原因等,对森林生态系统产生巨大影响,森林景观破碎,生物多样性下降,使得林业生物灾害年发生面积居高不下,危害严重,林业有害生物种类不断增多,外来林业有害生物入侵扩散,危害加剧。  相似文献   

Global climate change poses new opportunities and challenges for forestry development, and therefore developing multiple-purpose forestry is an important measure to strengthen forestry response to climate change. At present, plantation in China ranks the world first in area, but with relatively low productivity. Constantly expanding forest area and improving forest management for enhancing multiple functions and purposes of plantations are the key measures to upgrade plantation capacity to mitigate and adap...  相似文献   

To study whether, why, and how forestry decision-makers in Southeastern Norway adapt to climate change, we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews in focus groups consisting of non-industrial private forest owners, forest managers, and forest advisors. Our results show that a majority of the participants believed in climate change as a phenomenon, and had experienced events or observed changes that they attributed to climate change. However, we found little evidence of concern regarding climate change impacts on forest ecosystems and forestry among the participants. Instead, the majority regarded climate change more as an opportunity for the Norwegian forest-based sector than a threat. A minority had implemented proactive practices motivated by climate change but in all but one case, the adjustments were adaptation of forest infrastructure. In general, the participants agreed that the uncertainty associated with the effects of climate change and the (economical) uncertainty associated with adaptation of forest ecosystems were too large to change forest management practices at present. However, many participants, in particular the managers, are already adapting in response to experienced problems, such as increased frequency and duration of periods with low carrying capacity of the ground implying reduced or no accessibility within and to stands.  相似文献   

林业在发展低碳经济中具有固碳、改善人居环境、发展旅游经济、促进低碳工业发展等方面的特殊优势,林业是发展低碳经济的必然选择。低碳经济的背景是气候问题,而林业在应对气候变化中具有不可替代的作用和地位。增加森林面积和提高森林覆盖率及森林蓄积量,是控制温室气体减排重要因素之一。应广泛宣传林业在发展低碳经济中的优势,充分调动企业、公众参与植树造林。  相似文献   

As a developing country with a large population and a fragile ecological environment, China is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Beginning with the Rio Conference of 1992 China has played a progressively enhanced role in combating climate change. A series of policies and measures to address climate change have been taken in the overall context of national sustainable development strategy, making positive contributions to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, among ...  相似文献   

中国林业碳汇审定与核查体系的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
林业在应对气候变化进程中的作用正逐渐被认可, 并正成为国际气候变化谈判的重要内容。林业碳汇项目的地位和作用日益上升。更好地促进林业碳汇项目的发展已成为中国林业建设的一项新工作。为了解决林业碳汇项目顺利进入市场的难题, 中国需要大力加强林业碳汇审定与核查体系研究。文中阐述了林业碳汇审定与核查的基本概念, 明确了林业碳汇审定与核查的目的, 提出了林业碳汇的核查依据、核查标准、核查方法及核查流程等内容。  相似文献   

我国南方地区作为国家商品林发展和木材生产的重点区域,在建设生态文明、应对气候变化、 建设现代林业、建设美丽南方中具有重要地位和积极作用。对南方区域内的 115 个地级市与 25 个省直管 市(县、州、林区)的林业发展现状进行分析,采用因子分析法,提取出区域发展因子、森林资源因子、 资源转化因子、林业资源因子、社会发展因子共 5 个主因子,并根据因子得分对各地级市与省直管市 (县、州、林区)进行聚类,划分为低山丘陵用材经济林区、神农架特用防护林区、用材防护林区、沿江 丘陵平原防护林用材区、海南岛防护特用林区、广州深圳防护用材林区 6 个区.  相似文献   

应用森林健康理论分析得出影响三明林区森林健康的自然因素主要是林分结构不合理、林业有害生物和气候异常;人为因素主要是森林火灾、乱砍滥伐和乱捕滥猎等,提出了保护与发展策略:合理改造林分结构,加大扶育间伐力度,严格封锁林区,科学防治林业有害生物,严密监测森林,严防外来林业有害生物的入侵,加强对森林健康经营管理的领导,树立森林健康理念等。  相似文献   

Based on qualitative interviews with Swedish forest owners this study focuses on climate change, risk management and forest governance from the perspective of the forest owners. The Swedish forest governance system has undergone extensive deregulation, with the result that social norms and knowledge dissemination are seen by the state as important means of influencing forest owners' understandings and practices. Drawing on Foucault's concept of governmentality this study contributes knowledge on how forest owners understand and manage climate-related risk and their acceptance of advice. From the interview study, three main conclusions can be drawn: (1) forest owners' considerations largely concern ordinary forestry activities; (2) knowledge about forest management and climate adaptation combines experiences and ideas from various sources; and (3) risk awareness and knowledge of “best practices” are not enough to ensure change in forestry practices. The results of this study show that the forest owners have to be selective and negotiate about what knowledge to consider relevant and meaningful for their own forest practice. Accordingly, local forest management can be understood as situated in a web of multifarious interests, claims, concerns and knowledges, where climate change adaptation is but one of several aspects that forest owners have to consider.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are at the center of any global debate on climate change and sustainable forest management because of their twin roles in climate change adaptation and mitigation and for resilient development. However, in the countries of the Congo Basin forests receive very little attention in national planning and policies. Climate change is not currently considered in decisions and long-term forest management plans in these countries. This paper demonstrates that: (1) Congo Basin forests are needed for adaptation because they can help to decrease human vulnerability to climate change; and (2) Congo Basin forest management practices need to be adapted to accommodate climate change because these forests are vulnerable to climate change. A framework for facilitating adaptation in forestry is discussed and a review of adaptive actions presented. The paper recommends the adoption of sustainable forest management approach that includes a climate change focus. Such management should not only avoid any adverse effects on the forest resources and conservation of biodiversity, but also provides opportunities for greater, more sustainable rural development and poverty alleviation through income generation and employment opportunities.  相似文献   

在我国实施近自然森林经营的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对德国近自然森林经营原则、现实需求和应用现状的论述, 对近自然林业在中国的应用及其适应性进行了分析。  相似文献   

With a changing climate, storm and wind throw is becoming an increasing risk to forest. However, Swedish forest management practices have so far involved relatively little consideration of adaptation to climate change. This study examined resistance and alternatives to “business as usual” forest management, drawing upon material obtained in interviews with individual forest owners who spontaneously identified and discussed storm and wind throw as a risk to their forest. They thereby expressed a logic differing from that of the forest industry in Sweden, which has largely normalised storm risk rather than considering it in climate change adaptation work. The present analysis illustrates the broad and largely concerned position of individual forest owners, in contrast with a more established industry position on storm as an accepted and existing risk. Overall, the study highlights the diversity, agency and power relations within Swedish forestry and the forested landscape – aspects that are vital to better understanding processes relevant to forest and climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

不同森林经营措施对木材产量和碳储量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在应对全球气候变化中, 林业具有特殊地位和重要功能, 以社会、经济和环境可持续发展为目标的森林可持续经营是全球趋势。文中阐述了森林在减缓和适应气候变化中的独特作用; 重点分析了不同营林措施对木材产量和碳储量的影响, 并结合可持续林业的发展趋势评价了不同经营模式框架下木材产量与碳储量之间的平衡; 针对全球气候变化对森林生态系统带来的挑战, 探讨了今后森林经营措施的研究重点和难点, 旨在为制定合理的经营方案提供理论依据。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下的中国林业建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了林业在应对气候变化国际进程中的重要地位,回顾了我国林业在应对气候变化背景下所取得的成就,提出了充分发挥森林碳汇潜力,科学应对气候变化的具体措施.  相似文献   

文章基于CiteSpace软件和科学计量指标,以CNKI与WOS数据库中1992-2018年13 845篇城市森林相关文献为研究对象,对国内外城市森林研究现状及发展态势进行分析。结果表明,年文献量呈指数增长趋势,学科交叉特征显著,与生态环境科学、林学和城市林业3门学科联系最为密切;Urban Forestry&Urban Greening与《中国城市林业》分别是国际、国内城市森林领域的主流期刊;城市森林包含多个研究方向,其中城市森林生境破碎化过程与机理探寻及生物多样性保护、城市森林生态系统服务的监测与评估、城市森林建设实践探索等3方面为关注度较高的研究热点;未来国内城市森林研究的合作强度和原创性需要加强,研究的焦点将主要集中在气候变化、乡村振兴、城市群建设、空气污染去除、城市绿地服务公平性等方面。  相似文献   

By elaborating the functions and effects of forestry in mitigating climate change, introducing the concepts and significance of forest carbon sink, forestry carbon sequestration, and carbon sequestration forestry, and summarizing the practices of carbon sequestration forestry in China, the paper came up with the outline for strengthening the management of carbon sequestration forestry, i.e. implementing the Climate Change Forestry Action Plan, reinforcing the accounting and monitoring of national forest car...  相似文献   

介绍葡萄牙森林资源、林业政策法规、林业机构和管理体制、森林经营、森林保护、林产品贸易、林业科研教育现状, 分析其林业发展存在的主要问题, 在此基础上提出对我国林业发展的3点建议:1)在完善分类经营管理体系的基础上, 划分出适当区域和适当比例的森林作为多功能森林, 并且按照相应的经营管理体系对公益林、商品林和多功能林进行管理; 2)为了降低林产品对外依存度, 维护木材安全, 大力发展用材林特别是珍贵用材林战略储备基地建设; 3)大力培育林农合作组织, 提高森林经营管理效率。  相似文献   

低碳经济倡导以较少的温室气体排放实现经济发展目标, 强调经济发展与环境保护的相互协调。在发展低碳经济、应对气候变化过程中, 森林具有特殊的作用。同时, 发展低碳经济将会对森林和林业发展产生重大影响, 也必将对传统林业管理、林业政策、森林经营等形成新的机遇和挑战。文中讨论了低碳经济与森林的关系, 阐述了林业低碳经济的发展内涵和发展路径, 基于低碳经济发展理念, 提出积极推进森林多功能经营、通过认证助推森林可持续经营以及加强人工林生态环境管理的我国森林可持续经营策略。  相似文献   

气候变化使全球森林资源面临新的、更为复杂的挑战。作为重要的林业大国,加拿大在气候变化中将会受到更大的影响。正确地应对这些挑战、保证森林资源良好地适应气候变化并实现可持续发展,是目前加拿大林业面临的主题。文中以全球气候变化为背景,介绍加拿大林业情况,包括森林资源、森林的价值体现以及林业产业发展,进而说明气候变化对加拿大森林产生的影响以及加拿大为应对气候变化在林业方面所采取的相关措施。  相似文献   

运用 SWOT 分析方法,对韶关市集体林权改革后发展林业碳汇项目的优势、劣势、外部机遇和威胁进行分析,提出韶关市发展林业碳汇项目的应对策略:加强应对气候变化与林业碳汇宣传力度;建立“中国绿色碳基金韶关专项”平台;建立科学合理的方法学;构建基于林农的林业碳汇市场管理机制;建立林业碳汇的保险保障机制;进行科学合理的成本收益核算。  相似文献   

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