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Cover crops (CCs) can improve soil hydraulic properties prior to termination, but their effects on soil hydraulic properties during the growing season are less known. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of no-till CC on the soil hydraulic properties during the commodity crop growing season in Murfreesboro, USA. The CCs included hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), winter peas (Lathyrus hirsutus L.), oats (Avena sativa), triticale (Triticale hexaploide Lart.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). The cash crop grown was corn (Zea mays). Soil samples were collected using a cylindrical core (55 mm inside diameter, 60 mm long) at 0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm depths during April (prior to CC termination), May, June and July. Results showed that soil bulk density (Db) was 23%, 12%, 11% and 10% higher under no cover crop (NCC) compared with CC management during April – July, respectively. This suggests a lower rate of soil consolidation under CC management even after several rainfall events. Four months after CC termination, macroporosity and total porosity were 306 and 50% higher, respectively, under CC compared with NCC management. Therefore, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) during July was two times higher under CC management compared with NCC management and this can affect increase water infiltration and conservation during the growing season. Due to CC root-induced improvement in macroporosity, CCs had 64% higher volumetric water content (θ) at saturation during July compared with NCC management. Cover crops can improve soil hydraulic properties and these benefits can persist for up to four months after termination.  相似文献   

Soil physical properties of afforested and arable land   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The effects of tree crops on the soil physical properties of former agricultural land were compared with those of ley in a rotation with cereals on adjacent sites. Five sites in southern Sweden were investigated focussing on soil water retention characteristics, dry bulk density, macroporosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Three of the sites were on light textured soils and two on clay soils. The tree crops were 30 to 35-year-old hybrid aspen, Populus deltoides , and silver birch, Betula pendula , and the ley crops were one to five years old.
The light-textured soils under tree crops showed bimodal pore size distributions in the macropore region, whereas under ley crops they showed unimodal distributions. Dry bulk densities were generally smaller and the macroporosities larger under tree crops compared with leyicereal crops. Saturated hydraulic conductivities tended to be larger under tree crops. Slopes of the linear regression lines between saturated hydraulic conductivity and each of the parameters dry bulk density, porosity and macroporosity were steeper in the soil under agricultural crops than under tree crops.
Observed differences in physical properties were considered to be an effect of land use, which had brought about changes in aggregate stability, pore size distribution and pore continuity.  相似文献   

有机质含量对人造技术土水分结构性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constructed Technosols may be an alternative for creating urban green spaces. However, the hydro-structural properties emerging from the assembly of artefacts have never been documented. The soil shrinkage curve (SSC) could provide relevant structural information about constructed Technosols, such as the water holding capacity of each pore system (macropores and micropores). The objectives of this study were (i) to evaluate the SSC and water retention curve (WRC) to describe the structure of constructed Technosols and (ii) to understand the influence of organic matter content on soil hydro-structural properties. In this study, Technosols were obtained by mixing green waste compost (GWC) with the material excavated from deep horizons of soil (EDH). The GWC was mixed with EDH in six different volumetric percentages from 0% to 50% (GWC/total). The GWC and EDH exhibited highly divergent hydro-structural properties: the SSC was hyperbolic for GWC and sigmoid for EDH. All six mixture treatments (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% GWC) exhibited the classical sigmoid shape, revealing two embedded levels of pore systems. The 20% GWC treatment was hydro-structurally similar to the 30% and 40% GWC treatments; so, a large quantity of expansive GWC is unnecessary. The relation with the GWC percentage was a second-degree equation for volumetric available water in micropores, but was linear for volumetric available water in macropores and total volumetric available water. Total volumetric available water in the 50% GWC treatment was twice as high as that in the 0% GWC treatment. By combining SSCs and WRCs, increasing the GWC percentage increased water holding capacity by decreasing the maximum equivalent size of water-saturated micropores at the shrinkage limit and increasing the maximum equivalent size of water-saturated macropores, resulting in an increased range of pore diameter able to retain available water.  相似文献   

The large dryland area of the Loess Plateau (China) is subject of developing strategies for a sustainable crop production, e.g., by modifications of nutrient management affecting soil quality and crop productivity. A 19 y long‐term experiment was employed to evaluate the effects of fertilization regimes on soil organic C (SOC) dynamics, soil physical properties, and wheat yield. The SOC content in the top 20 cm soil layer remained unchanged over time under the unfertilized plot (CK), whereas it significantly increased under both inorganic N, P, and K fertilizers (NPK) and combined manure (M) with NPK (MNPK) treatments. After 18 y, the SOC in the MNPK and NPK treatments remained significantly higher than in the control in the top 20 cm and top 10 cm soil layers, respectively. The MNPK‐treated soil retained significant more water than CK at tension ranges from 0 to 0.25 kPa and from 8 to 33 kPa for the 0–5 cm layer. The MNPK‐treated soil also retained markedly more water than the NPK‐treated and CK soils at tensions from 0 to 0.75 kPa and more water than CK from 100 to 300 kPa for the 10–15 cm layer. There were no significant differences of saturated hydraulic conductivity between three treatments both at 0–5 and 10–15 cm depths. In contrast, the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in the MNPK plot was lower than in the CK plot at depths of 0–5 cm and 10–15 cm. On average, wheat yields were similar under MNPK and NPK treatments and significantly higher than under the CK treatment. Thus, considering soil‐quality conservation and sustainable crop productivity, reasonably combined application of NPK and organic manure is a better nutrient‐management option in this rainfed wheat–fallow cropping system.  相似文献   


Biochar has not been adequately used by farmers to improve the clay textured soil productivities in the world. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the co-application of biochar with different rates of phosphorus (P) fertilizer on selected soil physical properties and wheat yield on clay textured soil over two growth seasons. Biochar treatments occupied the main plots at a rate of 0.0 and 10 t ha?1, while the sub-plots were devoted to phosphorus rates at rates of 0%, 50%, 100%, and 150% of recommended P fertilizers. Biochar (10 t ha?1) and P at different rates decreased soil bulk density significantly. Meanwhile, it increased aggregate stability, saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water retention significantly at (p < .05), and it improved the grain yield of wheat. More grain yields in the soil treated with biochar than untreated soil under all P application rates for both years were probably caused partially by more nutrients (N, P, and K) were applied from biochar itself. Grain yield of wheat in the soil-amended biochar and P did not increase significantly between the application at 50%, 100% and 150% P. The results of this study indicate that phosphorus blends with biochar can be used to decrease the bulk density of clay textured soils and to improve crop production in these soils.  相似文献   

The discussion about the effect of repeated short time wheeling on long-term changes in soil structure and pore functioning reveals a great uncertainty. On the one hand it is told that soil structure elements are rigid and do not undergo intense changes in pore functions as a consequence of the short loading interval during each single wheeling. On the other hand, the complete deterioration of the structure elements and pore functions is assumed to occur, which also results in changes of the shrinkage pattern, soil strength including even strength regain. Consequently, the effect of wheeling on soil deformation and stress/strain distribution was investigated in a soil bin which contained Hiwassee clay at the NSDL, Auburn. If the soil is very strong due to aggregation, plow pan formation or dryness, soil stress applied by repeated wheeling results in an increased primarily vertical soil particle displacement in the Hiwassee clay soil while during repeated wheeling (up to 10×) a more pronounced displacement linked with a more intense movement of particles can be proofed. With increasing number of wheeling events, new platy or again coherent structure elements are formed, which create a very different pore system. The more intense is soil wheeling, the smaller is the saturated hydraulic conductivity and the higher is the unsaturated one at a given pore water pressure value. Such changes are the more pronounced the more completed is the rearrangement of the still existing aggregates into new units like plates. Due to shear because of the three-dimensional soil displacement even under dry conditions such aggregates can be redisturbed and a coherent but very compacted soil horizon can be formed. Under those conditions the values of bulk density are even higher than the Proctor density.  相似文献   

Soil Hydraulic Properties: Influence of Tillage and Cover Crops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the effects of cover crops and tillage on soil physical properties is important for determining soil productivity. This study was conducted at Lincoln University's Freeman Center, USA to evaluate the effects of tillage and cover crop management on soil hydraulic properties. The field site included three replicate blocks in a randomized complete block design with each plot measuring 21.3 m in length and 12.2 m in width. Treatment factors were tillage at two levels(moldboard plow tillage vs. no tillage) and cover crop at two levels(cereal rye(Secale cereal) cover crop vs. no cover crop). Soil samples were collected in late spring/early summer from each treatment at 10-cm depth increments from the soil surface to a depth of 40 cm using cores(76.2-mm diameter and 76.2-mm length). Soil bulk density was 13% lower with tillage compared with no-tillage. Volumetric water content was significantly higher at 0.0 and -0.4 k Pa pressures with tillage compared with no tillage. Tillage increased the proportion of coarse mesopores by 32% compared with no tillage, resulting in 87% higher saturated hydraulic conductivity(K_(sat)). Cover crop increased the proportion of macropores by 24% compared with no cover crop; this can potentially increase water infiltration and reduce runoff. As a result of higher macroporosity, Ksat was higher under cover crop compared with no cover crop. This study demonstrated that tillage can benefit soil hydraulic properties in the short term, but these effects may not persist over time. Cover crops may slightly improve soil hydraulic properties, but longer term studies are needed to evaluate the long-term effects.  相似文献   

Tillage management can affect crop growth by altering the pore size distribution, pore geometry and hydraulic properties of soil. In the present communication, the effect of different tillage management viz., conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and zero-tillage (ZT) and different crop rotations viz. [(soybean–wheat (S–W), soybean–lentil (S–L) and soybean–pea (S–P)] on pore size distribution and soil hydraulic conductivities [saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity {k(h)}] of a sandy clay loam soil was studied after 4 years prior to the experiment. Soil cores were collected after 4 year of the experiment at an interval of 75 mm up to 300 mm soil depth for measuring soil bulk density, soil water retention constant (b), pore size distribution, Ksat and k(h). Nine pressure levels (from 2 to 1500 kPa) were used to calculate pore size distribution and k(h). It was observed that b values at all the studied soil depths were higher under ZT than those observed under CT irrespective of the crop rotations. The values of soil bulk density observed under ZT were higher in 0–75 mm soil depth in all the crop rotations. But, among the crop rotations, soils under S–P and S–L rotations showed relatively lower bulk density values than S–W rotation. Average values of the volume fraction of total porosity with pores <7.5 μm in diameter (effective pores for retaining plant available water) were 0.557, 0.636 and 0.628 m3 m−3 under CT, MT and ZT; and 0.592, 0.610 and 0.626 m3 m−3 under S–W, S–L and S–P, respectively. In contrast, the average values of the volume fraction of total porosity with pores >150 μm in diameter (pores draining freely with gravity) were 0.124, 0.096 and 0.095 m3 m−3 under CT, MT and ZT; and 0.110, 0.104 and 0.101 m3 m−3 under S–W, S–L and S–P, respectively. Saturated hydraulic conductivity values in all the studied soil depths were significantly greater under ZT than those under CT (range from 300 to 344 mm day−1). The observed k(h) values at 0–75 mm soil depth under ZT were significantly higher than those computed under CT at all the suction levels, except at −10, −100 and −400 kPa suction. Among the crop rotations, S–P rotation recorded significantly higher k(h) values than those under S–W and S–L rotations up to −40 kPa suction. The interaction effects of tillage and crop rotations affecting the k(h) values were found significant at all the soil water suctions. Both S–L and S–P rotations resulted in better soil water retention and transmission properties under ZT.  相似文献   

Soil compaction and related changes of soil physical parameters are of growing importance in agricultural production. Different stresses (70, 230, 500, and 1000 kPa) were applied to undisturbed soil core samples of eight typical soils of a Saalean moraine landscape in N Germany by means of a confined compression device to determine the effect on (1) total porosity/pore‐size distribution, (2) saturated hydraulic conductivity, and (3) air conductivity to assess the susceptibility towards compaction. Different deformation behaviors after exceeding the mechanical strength particularly resulted from a combination of soil characteristics like texture and initial bulk density. The saturated hydraulic conductivity, as an indicator for pore continuity, was largely affected by the volume of coarse pores (r² = 0.82), whereas there was no relationship between bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Since coarsely textured soils primarily possess a higher coarse‐pore fraction compared to more finely textured soils, which remains at a high level even after compaction, only minor decreases of saturated hydraulic conductivity were evident. The declines in air conductivity exceeded those in hydraulic conductivity, as gas exchange in soils is, besides the connectivity of coarse pores, a function of water content, which increases after loading in dependence of susceptibility to compaction. A soil‐protection strategy should be focused on more finely textured soils, as stresses of 70 kPa may already lead to a harmful compaction regarding critical values of pore functions such as saturated hydraulic conductivity or air capacity.  相似文献   

Tillage action associated with liquid slurry application systems/management practices can modify soil infiltration properties. The degree or nature of such modification will depend largely on the type of tillage implement used, and the soil conditions at time of tillage activity. The specific objective of this study is to evaluate differences in soil infiltration properties, as measured using pressure infiltrometers and Guelph permeameters, resulting from the immediate tine action of two commonly used slurry application tillage implements (Kongskilde Vibro-Flex (S-tine) and the AerWay SSD (rolling aerator-type tine)) over a variety of silt–clay loam soil water content conditions. The results indicated that there were consistent negative correlations between field saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water content for all tine-disturbed and undisturbed soil treatments. For Kongskilde, field-saturated hydraulic conductivity was, on average, lower in tine-influenced furrow bottoms, relative to those measured in undisturbed conditions at similar depths for most water content conditions. Generally, the Kongskilde tine-action reduced macropore-based infiltration in the bottom of the furrow for most soil conditions, albeit, this effect was most pronounced at the higher soil water contents. For AerWay, the tine-disturbed soils had generally higher field saturated hydraulic conductivities than undisturbed soil treatments over the observed water content range. This effect was manifested to a greater degree at higher, relative to lower observed water contents.  相似文献   

Knowledge of hydraulic properties is essential for understanding water movement in soil. However, very few data on these properties are available from the Loess Plateau of China. We determined the hydraulic properties of two silty loam soils on agricultural land at sites in Mizhi and Heyang in the region. Undisturbed soil cores were collected from seven layers to one meter depth to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water retention curves and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (by the hot-air method). Additional field methods (internal drainage and Guelph permeameter) were applied at the Heyang site to compare differences between methods. Soil water retention curves were flatter at Mizhi than at Heyang. Water contents at saturation and wilting point (1500 kPa) were higher at Heyang than at Mizhi. However, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was lower at Heyang than at Mizhi, with maximum differences of more than six orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, the two soils had similar saturated hydraulic conductivities of about 60 cm day− 1. Comparison between the methods showed that soil water retention curves obtained in the laboratory generally agreed well with the field data. Field-saturated conductivities had similar values to those obtained using the soil core method. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities predicted by the Brooks–Corey model were closer to field data than corresponding values predicted by the van Genuchten model.  相似文献   


The effect of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer on soil aggregate size distribution and stability, and associated carbon (C) within aggregates varies greatly in previous studies because of the differences in soil conditions, cropping systems, and management practices. This study was conducted as two field fertilization experiments, with different cropping systems, under a subtropical climate in China. The two field experiment sites were located in Jinhua (established in April 2011) in the Jinqu basin in Zhejiang province and Jintan (established in October 2010) in the low-middle Yangtze River plain in Jiangsu province. Both experiments consisted of four treatments, including unfertilized (CK), mineral fertilizer nitrogen (N)–phosphorus (P)–potassium (K) (NPK), NPK plus straw (NPK?+?SR), and NPK plus cattle manure (NPK?+?FYM) or half NPK plus cattle manure (1/2NPK?+?FYM). Water stable aggregate size classes (>5, 2–5, 1–2, 0.5–1, 0.25–0.5, and <0.25?mm) and associated soil organic C (SOC) at 0–15?cm depth were measured. The mean weight diameter (MWD), geometric mean diameter (GMD), and water stable aggregates (WSA)?>?0.25?mm were also determined. The results showed that aggregate-size distribution varied with soil types. Combined application of NPK and organic matter (straw residue or cattle manure), unlike the CK and NPK treatments, significantly increased the WSA >0.25?mm, MWD, and GMD, while obviously reducing the proportion of <0.25?mm aggregates. However, no differences in WSA >0.25?mm, MWD, GMD, and associated C were observed between CK and NPK at both sites. The addition of FYM to the NPK treatment yielded the highest SOC contents in bulk soil, and showed significantly higher associations of C within all size aggregates at both sites. In contrast, NPK?+?SR significantly increased SOC within aggregate classes (2–5?mm, 0.5–1?mm, 0.25–0.5?mm, and <0.25?mm) at Jinhua and (>5?mm and 1–2?mm) at Jintan compared to the CK and NPK treatments. Overall, the combined application of FYM and mineral NPK was the best sustainable management practice for the improvement of aggregate stability and SOC sequestration.  相似文献   

In the scope of the increasing concern for soil conservation, reduced tillage (RT) agriculture is growing more important in today's agriculture in Western Europe. However, crop rotations often include beets and potatoes, crops that are generally assumed to be less suitable under RT agriculture because they result in a high disturbance of the soil at the formation of the ridges and at harvest. Therefore, the short- and long-term effect of RT agriculture on bulk density (BD), water retention curve (WRC), aggregate stability and field-saturated hydraulic conductivity of silt loam soils with crop rotations including root crops was evaluated. Ten fields at seven locations representing the important RT types, applied for a different number of years, and eight fields under conventional tillage (CT) agriculture with similar soil type and crop rotation were selected. At each location, BD of the 5–10 cm layer was mostly lower in the RT fields (1.42 ± 0.05 Mg m−3 [average with standard deviation]) compared to the CT fields (1.44 ± 0.09 Mg m−3) and the water content at saturation was mostly higher (0.394 ± 0.027 m3 m−3 and 0.382 ± 0.021 m3 m−3 for RT and CT fields, respectively). No differences in BD (1.53 ± 0.03 Mg m−3) or WRC could be found in the 25–30 cm soil layer when comparing the RT with the CT fields. The stability index of the 0–10 cm layer measured by ‘dry and wet sieving’ [De Leenheer, L., De Boodt, M., 1959. Determination of aggregate stability by the change in mean weight diameter. Mededelingen van landbouwhogeschool en de opzoekingstations van de staat te Gent 24, 290–300] was 40% higher under RT than CT agriculture. The mean weight diameter (MWD) [Le Bissonnais, Y., 1996. Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability and erodibility: I. Theory and methodology. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 47, 425–437] was significantly higher even after short-term RT compared to CT agriculture. The MWD after a heavy shower, a slow wetting of the soil and stirring the soil after prewetting was 19%, 38% and 34% higher for RT than CT fields, respectively. The field-saturated hydraulic conductivity tended to be higher under RT compared to the CT fields. Despite the high disturbance of the soil every 2 or 3 years of crop rotations including sugar beets or potatoes, RT agriculture had a positive effect on the investigated physical soil properties.  相似文献   

To evaluate the use of organic amendments as an alternative to conventional fertilization,a 10-year experiment on a loam soil was conducted under a crop rotation system in both greenhouse and outdoor plots applied with chemical fertilizers (NPK) and vegetal compost (organic fertilizer) in the Guadalquivir River Valley,Spain.The effect of these two different fertilization regimes on the soil physical properties was evaluated.Soil organic carbon (OC),soil bulk density (BD),soil water retention (WR),available water content (AWC),aggregate stability (AS),and soil physical quality (Dexter’s index,S) were determined.The use of organic fertilizer increased OC and resulted in a significant increase in AS and a decrease in BD compared to the mineral fertilizer application in both greenhouse and outdoor plots.The outdoor plots showed the lowest BD values whereas the greenhouse plots showed the highest AS values.In the last years of the 10-year experiment the S parameter was significantly higher in organic fertilizer plots,especially for greenhouse plots.At the end of the study period,there were no significant differences in WR at field capacity (FC) between treatments in both systems;the AWC was also similar in the greenhouse plots but higher in the mineral outdoor plots.In mineral fertilizer treatments,a small improvement in the physical properties was also observed due to the utilization of less aggressive tillage compared with the previous intensive cropping system.Physical soil properties were correlated with soil OC.The sustainable management techniques such as the use of organic amendments and low or no tillage improved soil physical properties,despite the differences in management that logically significantly affected the results.  相似文献   

Increasing grazing intensities of sheep and goats can lead to an increasing degradation of grasslands. We investigated four plots of different grazing intensities (heavily grazed, winter‐grazed, ungrazed since 1999, and ungrazed since 1979) in Inner Mongolia, PR China, in order to study the effects of trampling‐induced mechanical stresses on soil hydraulic properties. Soil water transport and effective evapotranspiration under “heavily grazed” and “ungrazed since 1979” were modeled using the HYDRUS‐1D model. Model calibration was conducted using data collected from field studies. The field data indicate that grazing decreases soil C content and hydrophobicity. Pore volume is reduced, and water‐retention characteristics are modified, the saturated hydraulic conductivity decreases, and its anisotropy (vertical vs. horizontal conductivity) is influenced. Modeling results revealed higher evapotranspiration on the ungrazed site (ungrazed since 1979) compared to the grazed site (heavily grazed) due to wetter soil conditions, more dense vegetation, litter cover, and decreased runoff and drainage, respectively. Grazing modified the partitioning of evapotranspiration with lower transpiration and higher evaporation at the grazed site owing to reduced root water uptake due to reduced evaporation and a patchy soil cover.  相似文献   

Aggregate size distribution and pore structure affect many soil functions and root growth. The aggregate structure is associated with soil genesis and management practices applied. In this study the effects of various size ranges of aggregates (<0.25, 0.25–0.5, 0.5–1, 1–3, 3–5, and 5–10 mm) and undisturbed soil from the plough layer (0–15 cm) of two types of soils (Haplic Phaeozem and Eutric Fluvisol) of the same silty loam textural group on water retention curves (WRC) and pore size distribution (PSD) were assessed. A greater bulk density and lower humus content characterized the Eutric Fluvisol as compared to the Haplic Phaeozem. The WRC was determined using standard Richards chambers in drying process and expressed as the degree of saturation. Equivalent PSD was derived from the WRC. Resin impregnated sections from the layer of 0–8 cm showed that the Eutric Fluvisol, compared with the Haplic Phaeozem, had coarser pores and aggregates. The degree of saturation in beds of aggregates <0.25, 0.25–0.5 and 0.5–1 mm compared to beds of aggregates 1–3, 3–5 and 5–10 mm was greater at higher values of pressure head for both soils, and for undisturbed soil it was greater for the Haplic Phaeozem than for the Eutric Fluvisol at lower values of pressure head. The inverse relationship was true at higher values of pressure head. The derivative curves of PSD showed that the beds of aggregates and undisturbed soils exhibited multi-peak PSD. The pore radius peaks within the textural (primary) pore system were more defined in beds of aggregates <0.25 mm than in beds of coarser aggregates, whereas in the case of the structural and macropore peaks it was often the reverse. Greater magnitude and narrower shape of the peaks in the undisturbed Haplic Phaeozem compared to the Eutric Fluvisol indicated a more heterogeneous nature of the pore system in the former. The PSD data are discussed in relation to aggregate size distribution and stability of the soil aggregates. The results of this study can be helpful in predicting storage and transmission functions of surface aggregated soils.  相似文献   

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