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The Panama Canal is inextricably linked to the Watershed which contains it. Effective policy is critical to manage this resource efficiently. Currently, a myriad of divisions along socio-political, organizational and technical lines are hindering integration of practical knowledge and policy experience. This lack of integration is resulting in inefficient management of the natural resources of the Panama Canal Watershed. This paper will rely on the policy sciences framework to describe, analyze and address this problem. It will begin by highlighting important organizations and their efforts in the Panama Canal Watershed, to understand the social context. Next, the trends and conditions which have shaped the problem will be described, to provide a historical context and help make projections for the future. Finally, alternatives will be presented to address the problem. Some of these options include: prototyping exercises to build practice-based experience, workshops designed to teach integration skills and to provide a common experience base for the participants, and an information coordinator to equalize the flow of information between organizations.  相似文献   


Revisiting the history of Oregon politics, especially environmental policy, shows that populist tradition and innovative government are tied together. Political innovation through massive reform led to the Oregon System, a governmental approach that allows a good deal of direct, or participatory, democracy. The degree of direct democracy in Oregon, or at least the threat of voters bypassing the legislature, led to a series of environmental laws passed in the 1970s. Along with similar federal laws, these set a regulatory baseline from which to build a watershed protection strategy. Key to this Watershed Health Program is the role of community-based watershed councils, which provide a good example of local, inclusive, participatory democracy. Utilizing watershed councils as the key component of a state watershed restoration strategy within the context of a regulatory baseline is an example of a hybrid centralized/decentralized approach to environmental policy. This hybrid approach is a political innovation that serves as an incremental response to competing environmental and anti-government populism. This approach will be severely tested by the 1997 Oregon Plan for Salmon and Healthy Watersheds, a state conservation plan designed to head off a listing of salmonid species under the Endangered Species Act. If this approach is successful, community-based ecosystem management groups and states that wish to copy Oregon's example will have new ideas to foster maintenance and restoration of ecosystems through state-administered conservation plans.  相似文献   

文章以流域为单元,在流域尺度上计算其生态足迹,对古蔺河流域的生态足迹和生态承载力进行了计算分析。选取折算后的具生产能力的耕地、草地、化石能源、建筑用地及水域6项指标,在收集了古蔺河流域生产性土地详细资料的基础上,进一步了解流域的生态足迹与生态承载力间的关系,寻找生态足迹较大的指标和导致生态赤字上升的因素,衡量古蔺河流域的可持续发展能力,为流域的可持续发展提供科学的指导依据。  相似文献   

从流域综合治理及系统科学的概念出发,阐述流域生态经济系统的组成要素并分析了流域综合治理中的系统科学的应用问题。  相似文献   

在分析中国水土资源的状况及水土流失危害的基础上,作者介绍了中国山区流域经营的主要经验与措施体系;应用全国各大流域20个典型,分析了流域经营的效益.为了判别流域经营的可持续性,提出了包括社会经济与生态环境两个方面的可持续流域经营指标体系.  相似文献   

通过对敖江流域(罗源段)两岸植被基本情况的调查,初步揭示流域两岸存在的生态问题,确定沿江两岸林地和非林地主要造林绿化树种的选择原则,区分类型选择无林地和退耕还林地的造林树种和造林技术,并确定现有林分的主要经营措施,为福建省流域治理植被恢复工作提供参考。  相似文献   


The Condor Bioreserve Watershed Protection Area is a project of The Nature Conservancy of Ecuador that seeks sustainable management of the Area for both biodiversity conservation and watershed production. The management problem is how to ensure that both these objectives are met while simultaneously meeting the diverse needs of the large and growing populations within and adjacent to the Area. For example, metropolitan Quito, a city of three million, depends on the Area's water. Conflict exists over the use of the watershed and the biodiversity within it. The chief threat is overusing biodiversity-destroying it by turning the watershed into a water factory for urban and agricultural uses. Incompatible interests, present competition and conflict must be ameliorated and foreseeable problems avoided in order to conserve biodiversity while meeting the needs of the human population. In this chapter the (1) Area's biodiversity and watershed issues are introduced, (2) the human context (social and decision processes that make up its management) are described, and (3) three common management options are explored to address problems. The first option is agreement on explicit goals, the second is obtaining and utilizing better science, and the third is using a practice-based approach. These options are evaluated for their potential to reduce conflict and realize goals. A practice-based approach is recommended because it makes the most of the limited human capacity to understand and address very complex problems. This approach can simultaneously address the biodiversity and watershed management challenge, inform and improve decision-making, and help find principles of successful ecosystem management. Unlike the two other management strategies, a practice-based approach incorporates moral, scientific, and practical considerations in management and policy decisions. A practice-based approach facilitates achievement of the dual goals of protecting biodiversity and watershed function and production.  相似文献   

分水岭算法在林业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着遥感技术的发展,无人机以及新型遥感数据的出现,越来越多的高分辨率影像被应用于林业资源监测.图像分割作为影像识别应用的基础,大量研究人员在原有的分水岭算法基础上针对不同的区域、背景、目标和研究方向进行了一定的改进,在林木病虫害监测、木材表面缺陷检测、单木冠幅分割、叶片提取等林业领域发展迅速.文中介绍了分水岭算法在林业...  相似文献   

以湖北浠水县象鼻嘴小流域为研究对象,对该流域生态经济系统健康状况进行了定量评价.首先选择2006年与小流域健康发展相关的21个指标作为参评因子,建立评价指标体系;其次运用层次分析法确定各指标权重,选用模糊隶属函数进行指标量化,并采用线性加权函数法计算小流域生态经济系统的健康综合指数,计算结果表明该小流域综合评价指数为0.63,系统健康等级为差;最后,通过障碍度计算,确定了限制小流域发展的主要因素为植被覆盖率、水土流失治理度,有机肥使用率、劳动力集约度、资金集约度、土地利用率及农用地比例,并针对主要障碍因素提出了小流域健康发展的对策和建议.  相似文献   

在论述异龙湖流域森林植被、水土流失、社会经济及水环境等现状的基础上,对全流域的环境现状进行分析,认为主要的点源污染有城镇生活污水和工业废水,面源污染主要有农村生活污水、渔业生产废水,化肥农药流失和农村固体废弃物.藉此提出了开展防护林体系建设、湖泊生态修复等生态环境综合治理措施和对策.  相似文献   


Increasingly, urban and rural communities across the U.S. are looking at ecological systems as capital assets with values that are diminishing as they are degraded. Investments are needed so they can continue to provide ecological services critical to the environmental, social, and economic well-being of the communities.

This paper explores “reinvestment” as term encouraging the development of mechanisms for sustained and long-term investment in “natural capital,” as well as the other forms of capital on which communities and society depend. It raises important questions on which there are information gaps, such as the value of ecological services, the level of investment needed to restore and maintain ecological systems, the activities to which investment dollars should be allocated, and where public and private investment dollars might come from. These questions are discussed at national, regional, and local scales, focusing on water-an ecological resource with immense value that connects ecosystems and communities at many scales. The paper presents lessons and reinvestment mechanisms from studies in California's Sierra Nevada ecosystem and community-based efforts in its northernmost drainage, the Feather River watershed.  相似文献   

近年来,山西省各级政府虽然实施了一系列有利措施来治理流域生态问题,但是我省8大河流的流域生态问题依然严峻。笔者针对山西省流域生态治理中存在的一些问题,结合实际,提出了以下几点对策:树立流域整体治理的思想,建立省级协调机构,多渠道融资、重视公众参与,提高科技支撑。  相似文献   

文中讨论了为建立流域服务市场进行可行性评估的主要内容和方法, 以期为国家或地方决定是否采取流域服务市场作为保护流域的方法, 以及采取何种形式提供参考。  相似文献   

两缺口模型是20世纪60年代由美国经济学家H·B钱纳里等提出的,用以分析发展中国家投资大于储蓄和进口大于出口的一种经济模型。通过从产业结构的角度对流域补偿进行分析,可以找到流域补偿侧重。欠发达地区对发达地区进行提供生态服务,发达地区对欠发达地区提发展机会,资本的合理流动与利用可以取得"两缺口"模式的优势,取得良好的社会经济效益。  相似文献   

目前,世界各地已经出现各种各样基于市场的流域服务补偿案例。文中总结了现有的流域服务市场的现状,揭示了市场发展存在的约束因素,以及目前存在的解决对策和潜在的解决对策,其中的经验教训对制订中国的流域补偿国家政策具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于分水岭算法的木材缺陷边缘检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获取边缘图像的一种典型方法是利用梯度算法作用于图像,然后对得到的梯度图像做阈值处理,从而得到二值边缘图像.这种方法的缺点是很难选取适当的阈值.如果阈值选得太低,不但会产生假的边缘,而且得到的边缘很厚,必须做细化处理,而细化后的边缘位置往往不是很精确;如果阈值取得太高,许多边缘可能检测不到,或边缘出现过多的断裂部分.  相似文献   

对闽江流域建溪支流两岸300m范围内的植被进行了调查,以物种多样性指标测定了森林群落主要类型的数量特征,结果表明:由于受到人为的破坏和影响,建溪流域植物多样性程度较低,阳性、中性偏阳的植物种类偏多。建溪流域植物群落以杉木、马尾松人工群落为主。天然阔叶林乔木层的物种较2种人工林群落乔木层丰富,且均匀程度也高。3种类型群落的灌木层在物种多样性方面相差不大,表现出一定的相似性,但常绿阔叶林群落灌木层的分布较其它2者均匀。草本层的物种丰富度以两个人工林群落为高,但分布不均,且主要以芒萁为主,表明了群落生境的干旱性和瘠薄性。  相似文献   

在"三江流域"的芒康县不同海拔高度采用不同树种、不同造林处理技术进行植被恢复试验表明:在低海拔的干热河谷进行经济林木植苗造林,成活率可达93%以上,且生长良好;在中山带(海拔3 800~4 200 m)的灌丛林下采用遮荫和自然植被遮荫技术植苗造林可保证一定的保存率,但定植苗木要经过露地练苗。草原鼠危害、苗木质量、牲畜践踏是影响草地上造林成活率的主要因素;在高山带(海拔4 200 m以上至林线)采用常规植苗定植,不采用其它造林技术处理就可使造林保存率达到98%。  相似文献   

森林植被破坏,导致水土流失、土地沙化日益严重,已成为制约我国流域经济发展的根本原因之一。因此,我国政府历来重视流域治理工作。在简要概述流域治理林业生态技术特点基础上,较全面综述了上世纪50年代以来我国在这方面研究工作取得的重要进展。  相似文献   

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