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梅(Prunus mume)是我国南方的一种特产水果,用途广泛,为人们喜爱的果品之一。但由于过去对梅的研究较少,栽培粗放,花多、座果少、产量低的现象较为突出。为摸清梅的开花生物学特性,于1984-1985年在大邑县进行了该项观察研究。 大邑县位于四川盆地西部边缘,属中亚热带湿润气候区,年均温16.1℃,最低气温-4.8℃,最高气温35.1℃;无霜期284天;年雨量1095.3mm。 在海拔900m左右的梅产区,选生产上拟推广的白梅、黄梅、青梅等类型的盛果期树各2-4株,定株、定枝观察记载。 一、开花物侯期一般在1月下至2月初为初花期,2月中、下旬达盛花期,3月上中旬…  相似文献   

猕猴桃开花习性与花器特性观察福建省农科院果树所刘舒芹宁德市农业局经作站余泽宁福建省闽西职业大学王在明猕猴桃是我国珍贵的果树资源,在福建省有21个种和良种。其中,中华猕猴桃果实表皮光滑,肉质柔软多汁,酸甜适度,且风味佳,营养丰富,可直接栽培并商品化。而...  相似文献   

灵武长枣开花坐果习性观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过3 a的观察,对灵武长枣花的形态及开花坐果习性进行了详细的描述和总结,并对灵武长枣开花多、坐果少的生产实际问题做了详尽的研究探讨。  相似文献   

本试验通过对伏地尖辣椒不同提纯株系的田间实际调查,证实了辣椒为异交率较低的虫媒常异花授粉作物,其异交率的高低与访花昆虫的数量和种类呈明显的正相关;并在详尽研究辣椒株型的基础上提出与辣椒熟性、产量及其他经济性状有密切相关的两种侧枝类型,即水平侧枝和垂直侧枝的全新概念。  相似文献   

黄秋葵(HibiscusesculentusL.)为一年生草本植物,食用器官为嫩果,嫩果中含有多种人体所需的聚合糖,近年来越来越引起消费者的兴趣,对黄秋葵品质的要求也在不断提高。国内目前栽培的品种主要引自日本。笔者结合黄秋葵新品种选育对黄秋葵的开花习...  相似文献   

我所于2002年3月底引进带根高甜改良型仙蜜果苗800株,其中红肉、白肉种各400株,种植当年8月下旬白肉种有少量幼树开花结果,2003年全田幼树开花结果,二年来,我们对其生长,现蕾、开花结果习性进行观察研究,现将观察结果初报如下:  相似文献   

野牛草开花结实习性初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野牛草[Buchloe dactyloides(Nutt.)Engelm.]对气候条件及土壤条件具有顽强的适应能力,抗寒抗旱力强,繁殖迅速,覆盖度大,在乔灌木蔽荫下可以生长,因此为北京地区有前途的草坪植物之一。自1956年引种栽培野牛草以来,都用匍匐枝或地下部分进行营养繁殖。用此法在大面积草坪施工时,需要耗用较大的成本费和劳动力。为了试探解决种子繁殖问题,于是进行了野牛草开花结实习性的观察。  相似文献   

以6 个菱品种为试材,对花器形态特征、群体花期及单花开花动态、开花时间、柱头可授性、花粉活力、杂交指数 及传粉形式等进行观察测定。结果表明:菱花单生,两性,单花花期15 h,群体花期在5~10 月,盛花期在7~8 月;不同 品种在一天中的开花高峰期存在差异;柱头可授期主要在萼片开裂后2 h 内,结实率在50% 以上;花粉在自然授粉条件下活 力可保持7.5 h;以自花授粉为主,同时存在一定程度的无融合生殖和少量异花授粉。  相似文献   

对芡实花部形态特征、开花动态、传粉形式等进行观察研究。研究结果表明,芡实花单生,两性,单花花期2 d,芡实的花期为80~90 d,盛花期在7月底至9月初。自然条件下其异花授粉结实率与自花授粉结实率接近,均低于自然条件下结实率,表明芡花的传粉受精自交、异交并存,需要传粉媒介。  相似文献   

荸荠研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
着重从荸荠的起源与分布、分类、生物学特性和高产栽培技术、资源与育种、组织培养、生理生化和荸荠球茎的利用等方面对国内外相关方面的研究进行了综述.  相似文献   


Chinese water chestnut is a crop new to Australia. To establish a reputable industry, the influence of both genotype and environment on yield and quality need to be evaluated. To that end, the genetic relationships of cultivated Chinese water chestnut in Australia were investigated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Initial problems with inhibition of RAPD reactions were solved by precipitation of polysaccharides with 1 M NaCl and the subsequent addition of 0.4.mg ml-1 bovine serum albumin (BSA) in RAPD reactions. Nearly all DNA extracts from then onwards were RAPD-amplifiable. Ninety-six RAPD markers generated by 14 primers separated the samples from Taiwan (cv. Shu-Lin), Hangzhou of mainland China (cv. Da Hong Pao), New South Wales of Australia (unknown cv.) and the USA (unknown cv.) from the remainder of the samples from Australia. These remaining samples were too closely related to be differentiated. The dissimilarity observed between these remaining samples (0.78–4.4%) may be due more to scoring errors of undetectable bands and sampling error rather than to real genetic variation. It is therefore suggested that the observed morphological and physiological variations in Chinese water chestnuts produced in Australia (e.g. corm sweetness) are phenotypic and reflect the differences of environment and cultivation rather than genetic diversity.  相似文献   

蓝萼香茶菜水提醇沉液对蔬菜作物真菌的抑制活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用抑菌圈法测定了蓝萼香茶菜水提醇沉液对茄子黄萎病菌、甜瓜枯萎病菌和黄瓜枯萎病菌的抑制作用。结果表明蓝萼香茶菜提取液对这3种真菌均有一定的抑制作用,其最低抑菌浓度(MIC)分别为1/128、1/8和1/128;活性物质的最佳水提醇沉法提取条件是将晾干的蓝萼香茶菜在水中浸泡12h,80%的乙醇进行醇沉。  相似文献   

Almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] is one of the most important nut crops worldwide. It requires chilling during winter to break dormancy and develop fruiting buds. However, late winter chilling and early spring frosts may damage the reproductive tissues leading to productivity reduction. In the present work, we evaluated the frost susceptibility by means of chlorophyll fluorescence in flower buds of almonds cultivated in two different sites in Morocco: Aknoul in the north and Sidi Bouhria in the east. Five widely grown almond cultivars, namely Marcona, Fournat de Brézenaud, Ferragnès, Ferraduel, and Tuono, were involved in this study. Flower buds were incubated in temperatures of –3, –2, –1, 0, and 25 °C during 24 h and thereafter the Fv/Fm ratio was measured at the ovary zone. Combined analysis of variance showed that cultivar was the major source of variability, while site and cultivar by site interaction effects were of lesser extent and explained together less than 20%. At 25 °C, all cultivars displayed higher scores of Fv/Fm ratio. By decreasing temperature of incubation, this ratio decreased proportionally. Kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence in response to the frost treatment followed two patterns: A linear decrease translated by frost susceptibility for late-flowering cultivars Ferragnès and Ferraduel, and quadratic curve with an inflection point at –1 °C indicating a chilling tolerance for Tuono and the early-flowering cultivars Marcona and Fournat de Brézenaud. However, Ferragnès and Ferraduel (with later flowering date) are not likely to be affected by low temperatures at the end of spring when there is no risk of frost.  相似文献   

 以GUS 基因为报告基因, 建立了农杆菌介导的韭菜基因转化体系。研究结果表明, 以预培养4~6 d 的根尖为转化受体, 用OD6000. 6 ~0. 8 的LBA4404 浸染2~5 min , 共培养2 d , 然后在MS + NAA1 mg/L + BA 2 mg/L + Km 25 mg/L + Timentin 400 mg/L + As 100 mg/L 培养基上培养40 d , 后有愈伤组织产生,转入光下培养20 d 后有少量绿色不定芽产生。经X-Gluc 染色、PCR 分析和Southern blot 检验, GUS 基因已经整合到韭菜基因组染色体上。  相似文献   

大白菜DH群体TuMV抗性的QTL定位与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 利用已构建的包含287个标记位点的遗传图谱的大白菜DH群体,采用多模型QTL作图的方法,通过苗期人工接种TuMV-C4株系对来自抗病亲本Y195 93和感病亲本Y177-12的DH群体的TuMV抗性进行QTL分析。共检测到3个QTLs,分别位于R03、R04和R06连锁群上,解释的表型变异在10.5%~21.9%之间,3个QTLs可解释40.0%的表型总变异。其中位于R04上命名为Tu-2的QTL解释的表型变异最高,为21.9%,其余两个位于R03和R06上的QTLs,分别解释10.5%和14.5%的表型变异。  相似文献   

Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees (Acanthaceae), commonly known as Kalmegh is used both in Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicines for a number of ailments related to digestion, hepatoprotection, hypoglycemic, and as anti-bacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vermicidal and antiacene. Ten accessions of A. paniculata from different sources were screened to assess the yield and its components besides andrographolides on three harvesting dates viz. 70, 100, 130 days after plantation corresponding to calendar months of September, October and November. The results revealed its successful growth in the subtropical region of Jammu, with last week of October ideal for obtaining maximum dry herbage (931.3 kg/ha) and total andrographolide yield (61.83 kg/ha), respectively. On the basis of leaf/stem ratio the relative estimates of total andrographolide is higher in October (46%) than September (15%) or November (39%). Accession Acc.1 and Acc.9 have been identified as the best sources for obtaining higher drug yield.  相似文献   


Variation in fruit load, leaf area, and light exposure among almond spurs was used to evaluate whether or not spurs were autonomous with regard to Winter survival and return bloom. Fruiting was associated with reduced spur survival over the subsequent Winter and reduced return bloom in the subsequent year.This resulted in a tendency for individual spurs to bloom and bear fruit in alternate years. Survival was high among all non-fruiting spurs, but survival of fruiting spurs was positively related both to leaf area per spur and specific leaf weight (SLW; an indicator of light exposure). SLW was a much stronger correlate for spur survival than leaf area per spur. The likelihood of flowering varied positively with spur leaf area the previous season on both fruiting and non-fruiting spurs, but was not related to spur SLW. Localisation of leaf area and shading effects within individual spurs created spur sub-populations with differing tendencies toward alternate bearing. The likelihood of flowering on spurs was enhanced when branch-wide carbohydrate demand by fruit was eliminated by early fruit removal the previous season, suggesting that almond spurs are not entirely autonomous with regard to carbohydrate supply during floral initiation and development. Nevertheless, our data are consistent with a high degree of spur autonomy regarding Winter survival and return bloom, with each spur apparently being strongly influenced by the ability of its own leaves to meet its carbohydrate demands.  相似文献   

以蓝萼香茶菜的子叶为外植体,研究诱导愈伤组织不同激素的最佳浓度,建立蓝萼香茶菜的快速繁殖体系。结果表明:蓝萼香茶菜子叶在2,4-D 0.8 mg/L、KT 1.4 mg/L6、-BA 1.5mg/L时最早出现愈伤组织,且愈伤组织长势最好。  相似文献   

Effects of suspension media used for spray pollination on pollen grain viability were investigated in Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.f.) Nakai ‘Kosui’). The suspension media tested in this study consisted of pectin methylesterase (PME) and polygalacturonase (PG) combined with either 0.1% agar or 0.04% xanthangum (XG). We also evaluated the influences of spray pollination on fruit set and fruit quality. Pollen grain viability, as measured by germination and pollen tube growth rates, was maintained in media supplemented with 0.1 mg L−1 PME or 0.1 mg L−1 PG. The level of fruit set after spray pollination using media containing PME or PG in combination with either 0.1% agar or 0.04% XG was almost the same as the level after artificial pollination by hand (hand pollination). The media containing XG combined with either PME or PG seemed to show better results for pollen grain viability and fruit set, although the results were variable from year to year. With regard to fruit size, shape and other parameters for fruit quality, spray pollination and hand pollination gave comparable results, irrespective of the medium composition. The time required for spray pollination was less than half of that required for hand pollination, and the amount of pollen grain required for spray pollination was one-third or less than the amount required for hand pollination. Thus, spray pollination may be a time- and labor-saving pollination system for the cultivation of Japanese pear.  相似文献   

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