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This paper studied that the significant difference exists among the ten provenances of 9-year-oldFraxinus mandshurica stand. The rule of geographic variation is that dual continuous changes with longitude and latitude, and the provenance in the southwest range grows rapidly. There are positive significant correlation when the tree growth is influenced by ≥10°C accumulated temperature, duration of sunshine and annual precipitation. So it is suggested that Lushuihe and Maoershan provenances should be employed first in Maoershan Forest Farm and its neighborhoods. (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   

IntroductionTheresearchofprovenanceisnotonlythemeansofimprovingafforestationalforestrybutalsoisnecessarybaseforotherbreedingsystem.EverycountryhaspaiduniversalattentiontothiSway.lUFROhasalsoworkedoulthestandardizedrulesofprovenancetrialstodirectdifferentc…  相似文献   

马褂木地理遗传变异和优良种源选择   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
李建民 《林业科学》2001,37(4):41-49
利用设置在福建省邵武市的马褂木全分布区种源试验林(15个种源)8年生测定材料,首次系统研究了造林死亡率、侧枝形成分叉干率、生长、干形和木材基本密度等性状在种源间的遗传差异及其地理分异模式,结果显示,马褂木种源效应非常显著,但由于生境片断化导致的小种群效应和距离隔离效应等,除木材基本密度受产地经度影响外,上述诸性状多呈随机分布,不存在典型的倾群变异模式。通过系统聚类仅可将成马褂木粗略地划分成2个聚类大组和4个聚类亚组,并按照纸浆材和胶合板材不同培育目标,分别选择确定了相应的优良种源。研究发现,马褂木对立地环境反应敏感,种源与立地环境互作显著,在商品林建设时应予充分重视。  相似文献   

Kuangdiancounty,Liaoningprovince,northtoconjunctiveateabetweenMulingandZhixi'Hei1ongiiangprovince,weattotheeastenedgeofShongliaoplainandeasttoJapeneseseashore'larixolgensisoccursgenerallyintheChangbaiMt,ThegeographiccoordinateisNorthlatitude4o"3o,-45"oo'andEastlongitudel26o3o,-l3lo4l'.Inrecentyears,thecultivationofthisspecisshowsthetendencytowardhigher1atitude,eventheintroductionbelow4oOmatthefootofmountaininthesoutheastslopeinDaxinganMt.issuccess.Therefore,astudyongenetictraits,thetenden…  相似文献   

在吴县太湖孤山丘陵进行的55个产地杉木种源造林试验表明,种源间生长柱状、抗性、适应性状有显著的差异。种源选择增产效果显著。11年生时,广西融水,贵州锦屏,福建南平,四川洪雅、荣径,广东乐昌,广西那坡、浦北、信宜等种源丰产性好,适应性、抗性较强,小径材材积比本省对照杉木增加41.16~96.90m3/hm2,表型增益,遗传增益分别达46.5%~109.6%和13.3%~31.3%,可供当地营造杉木短轮伐(12~15年)小径材建材林选用。广西融水种源丰产性最佳,适应性强,是应推广应用的优良种源。  相似文献   

The data of provenance trial onJuglans mandshurica young tree were investigated and studied from different provenance. Analysis methods of variance and correlation analysis were used to analyze these data. The following conclusons were obtained: (1) The difference of growth characters ofJuglans mandshurica is relatively significant among provenances: (2) The result of first trial has indicated thatJulans mandshurica growth trend expresses two-way gradual change trend with different longitude and latitude. but the second trial has no obvious gradual change trend. Height ofJuglans mandshurica is negatively correlated with elevation. (3) The provenance of Shulan. Mao’ershan and Baishishan were selected as superior provenance of afforestational seeds for Mao’ershan and its brink region. Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

On the basis of the results from the geographic provenance test of nine years oldlarix olgensis in Liangshui Natural Reserve of our university, a study on the geographic varition and the primary selection of the best provenance ofLarix olgensis was carried out. The main results are as follows: I.The different provenances ofLarix olgensis have rich and wide genetic variation, and exist a linear correlation with latitude and longitude in collection area. General trends are enumerated below: Provenances at lower latitude and more west longitude have lighter thousand seed weight, short growth period, higher increment, wide branches, rich leaves and crown as well as worst adaptabillity. It is a dual-way variation along with two directions of latitude and longitude, and also embodies a change gradually in climate condition from south to north. The temperatures in seed production site, especially the mean temperature in January and ≥10 °C accumulated temperature, are important factors that produce geographic variation forlarix olgensis. 2. The variation of different provenances in periodic biological phenomena and growth rhythm trends are that: 1 both of the provenances from Changbai Mt. (III) and Dashitou(IV) at low latitude belong to the centralized growth type, and have shout growth period, the difference between these two provenances is that the provenance from Changbai Mt. grows well in all time, Dashitou provennce is well only in later period; 2 the provenance from Baidao Mt. (II) at middle latitude belongs to even growth type and has longer grpwth period, this provenance has higher increment in early and later periods relatively; 3 Xiaobeihu provenance at high latitude is a growth type among II. III and IV provenances and has a general growth period, the provenance grows better in middle time and worse in later time. 3. The best provenance in Liangshui Natural Reserve and its meighbourhood is Dashitou Procenance, which growth in height, diameter and volume has exceeded 16. 28%, 46. 27%, 30. 58%, 78. 20, 82. 00% as well as 392. 00% by comparison with the mean value of the contrast and the worst provenance respectively, The result from the height growth of three, five, seven and nine years oldLarix olgensis by using the method of order correlation analysis demonstrates that it is possible to make early selection of the provenance. Meanwhile, data from juvenile and mature oflarix olgensis plantation also prove the reliability of the early selection. 4. The provenance heritabilities of nine years oldlarix olgensis in Liangshui Natural Reserve are follows: The heritability of the height growth (h2) is 0.79; The heritability of the diameter breast height (h2) is 0.791; The geretic gain is 24.5% and 40.36% respectively.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松种源区划及优良种源选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对兴安落叶松17个种源的树高、胸径和材积等生长性状进行方差分析的结果表明:种源间差异显著或极显著,并通过相关分析研究了兴安落叶松地理变异规律。兴安落叶松的生长性状主要受3个因子的影响。经度和海拔为主,纬度为辅,呈现出水平和垂直双向连续渐变的特点。对生长性状和各种源的地理位置进行聚类分析,划分为3个种源区:大兴安岭南、西、北部种源区;小兴安岭北部、大兴安岭东部种源区;小兴安岭东南部种源区。对各种源的生长性状进行了多重比较,选出乌伊岭和友好种源为帽儿山及其毗邻地区的最佳种源。  相似文献   

收集我国侧柏分布区内的种源71个。据在兰州,正宁,两当,张掖等6个试验点历时14a的试验结果表明,种源间生长性状差异显著,山东泰安,河南确山,河北获鹿等优良种源树高,胸径的遗传增益分别为8.8%和10.3%选用优良种源造林增益明显。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIoNPinussylveslrisvar.mongolic(lLitv.isoneofthemostimportantcommercialco-nifertrees,withsofttimber,straightgrainandhighercraftvalue,iswidelywidelyusedandpaidattentiontoinalltradesandprofessions.TheintroductionareaofthissPecieshasreachednortheast,northwestandnorthChinaandhasbecamemainspeciesforcheckingwindandcontrollingsand,turningthepfoursidesygreen,andornamentingforcourtyard.ThegeographicdistributionofPinussylvestrlkvar.mongolicais:thepurestandfromQiqian,Mangui,Huzhoug,Xinlint…  相似文献   

水曲柳引种育苗试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黑龙江省带岭林科所提供的水曲柳25个家系种子为材料,在建始县国有高岩子林场海拔1700m圃地开展育苗试验获得成功。试验结果表明:各家系在场圃出芽方面差异较大,2a生时,在苗高、地径生长方面存在显著或极显著差异。7807家系苗期生长最为突出。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONLarIkolgcnsis'\"itI1fastgro\`1I1al1dhigI1utiIiza-tion\'aIue,isamainrcforcstationspccicsintl1cnorthcn1mountainofnortl1castpartofCl1il1a.Ductoitsl1igl1ecologlcaldi\'crsity'lndistributio11arca-long-til11cnatu-ralselcctlonandgcncticdiffercl1tiatio…  相似文献   

鹅掌楸属树种种源试验研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以木兰科鹅掌楸属的2个种,即中国鹅掌楸和北美鹅掌楸的17个种源试验林为材料,分析了各种源12a生时的生长量。结果表明:生长量在两个种间差异明显,北美鹅掌楸明显优于中国鹅掌楸;同时,生长量在种内不同种源间也存在显著差异,而种源内个体间差异不显著。对中国鹅掌楸12个种源的生长量与地理、气候因子的相关分析结果表明中国鹅掌楸的生长量有从南至北逐渐增加的趋势,呈现出渐变群的地理变异模式;而生长量与气候因子相关不大。通过聚类分析,可将中国鹅掌楸12个种源分为两大类。  相似文献   

对伊春林区天然阔叶混交林中黄菠萝、胡桃楸和水曲柳3个树种在桃山、南岔、翠峦、上甘岭和新青5个自然分布区内的群落结构的差异显著性进行比较分析,并对其相互关系进行了研究。结果表明:桃山林业局3个树种在树高、胸径因子上占有明显优势;树高与胸径的相关系数是0.875,呈显著正相关;树高与胸径回归方程的拟合优度最高达0.825,回归方程的最佳拟合函数是三次函数。  相似文献   

杉木种源胸径生长地理变异的趋势面分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
陈伯望  洪菊生 《林业科学》1995,31(2):110-115
运用趋势面分析的方法,对全国杉木种源试验55个试点的43个共同种源的生长结果进行分析。结果表明,高次傅里叶趋势面比多项式趋势面更能反映种源的地理变异,清晰地区划出了以湘黔桂交界地区、闽北地区和四川盆地地区为中心的三个杉木高产种源地区和以江浙皖沿海地区、陕豫鄂交界地区和滇西地区为代表的杉木低产区域,减少人为影响,为种源区划分提供了有力的工具。  相似文献   

以水曲柳种子为材料,探索流水冲洗对种子层积处理萌发的效果。结果表明:流水冲洗处理促进了层积催芽过程中水曲柳种胚的发育,提高了种子萌发率。水曲柳种子层积处理前进行流水冲洗96 h可以获得良好的催芽效果。  相似文献   

研究了不同种源水曲柳幼苗的生长特性,并对其差异进行了分析。结果表明,不同种源间水曲柳幼苗的苗高、地径、主根长、侧根数及单株生物量存在显著地差异。综合评价以海林和林口种源的幼苗生长较优。  相似文献   

Bark samples ofMagnolis officinalis were collected from a 7-year-old trial plantation with 13 provenances in Jingning County of Zhejiang Province on June 25, 2000. The contents of magnolol and honokiol ofM. officinalis were analyzed by the method of HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatogram). The results showed that such qualitave traits as the content of magnolol, content of honokiol, total content of key phenol, and the ratio of magnolo to honokiol differ significantly between the provenances. The provenances with a sharpened leaf tip from the western part of Hubei Province has a highest content of phenols, and that with a concave leaf tip from the Lushan Mountain has a lowest content of phenol. All these four qualitative traits were genetically controlled, with a heritability between 0.8342 and 0.9871 in terms of provenance. In addition, both longitudinal and latitudinal geographical variations could be found, with longitudinal variations being dominant. As a result, 3 superior provenances from Wufeng, Enshi and Hefeng of the western part of Hubei as well as 10 high-quality individuals were Foundation Item: This paper was supported by the “Ninth-Five” Plan of Zhejiang Scientific and Technological Commission (No. 961102111). Biography: TONG Zai-kang (1963-), male, Associate professor in Zhejiang Forestry College, Lin’an 31300, P. R. China: and presently doctoral student in Nanjing Forestry University. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the result from the provenance test of eight years oldPinus sylvestris var.mongolica in Liangshui Natural Reserve comprehensively. The main contents include:(l) the geographic variation of the growth characters ofPinus sylvestris var. mongolica, tends to negative change gradually at latitude and has obvious climatic nature, (2) no significant difference exists in the morphological adaptability and resistant characteristics and so on; (3)on the basis of the geographic variation study on the growth characteristics, the provenances ofPinus sylvestris var.mongolica were classified into two geographic populations and two subpopulations as follows: the northern population of the Daxing’an Mountain (I) and the southern population of the Daxing’an Mountain as well as the Xiaoxing’an Mountain (II), which includes Honghuarji subpopulation (II -1) and Kalunshan subpopulation (II-2). (4) the height growth rhythm was analyzed according to the divided population and subpopulation; (5) the best provenance was selected for the Liangshui Natural Reserve and its neighborhood according to the results from SSR test of the growth characteristics (the breast height diameter and height of eight year old trees), the possibility of the early provenance selection was also verified by the method of order correlation analysis on the height growth of three, five, seven and eight years old provenances.  相似文献   

对黑龙江省森林植物园水曲柳风景游憩林林下植被的主要植物种群的生态位宽度、生态位相似比例和生态位重叠分析表明,山丁子、长白忍冬、水曲柳、家榆、糖槭和接骨木生态位宽度值较大,上层林分主要树种水曲柳林下更新苗生态位宽度比其他植物种林下更新苗的生态位宽度较高,水曲柳更新程度较好。林下植物种群的生态位相似性比例值和生态位重叠值相对较低。说明不同种群间对资源的竞争相对不剧烈,可采取人工措施改善树种的配置,促进生态位分离。  相似文献   

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