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Performance of continuously stocked Mule ewes nursing Suffolk-cross twin lambs over three grazing seasons, between April and August, was compared on swards of N-fertilized diploid perennial ryegrass (D), tetraploid perennial ryegrass (T) and tetraploid perennial ryegrass with white clover (TC), the latter receiving no fertilizer N. Sward height was maintained by variable stocking rate close to a target of 4–6 cm (constant treatment) from turnout and compared in July and August with a rising sward height treatment (target 6–8 cm). Lambs on TC swards had significantly higher (P <0·001) liveweight gains compared with lambs on T swards by 41 gd-1 in April–June and by 68gd-1 in July-August. Live weight and body condition score of ewes in August were significantly higher (P<0·001) on TC compared with T swards, by 11·3 kg and 0·75 respectively. Rising sward heights in July–August increased live-weight gain of lambs compared with constant sward heights by 102, 39 and 54gd-1 in consecutive years, associated with sward height increases of 0·9, 0·5 and 0·6cm respectively. Rising sward height increased ewe live weight and body condition score by 5·1 kg and 0·3 respectively, compared with results from constant sward heights. Effects of sward height and sward type were additive. T swards had a significantly (P<0·01) 16% greater overall lamb output than the D swards due mainly to a 10% higher achieved stocking rate. Stocking rates of ewes on TC vs T swards were 40, 13 and 12% lower in April-August in successive years. The higher liveweight gain of lambs on the TC swards resulted in lamb outputs of 76, 105 and 101% of the T swards in successive years, showing that grass/clover swards containing over 20% clover could produce similar lamb output ha-1 to grass swards given 150–180 kg N ha-1.  相似文献   

The use of sward height as a criterion for determining the time and extent of stocking-rate changes on continuously grazed swards was investigated over a 2-year period (1985–86) in a sheep production experiment. Swards of three contrasting perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) varieties were established with and without Aberystwyth S184 small-leaved white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) at an upland site (310–363 m) in mid-Wales. From spring (late April) until weaning (mid-July) the pastures were continuously stocked with Beulah Speckled Face ewes and Suffolk cross lambs. During this period sward heights of 4 ± 0.5 cm were obtained and maintained by regular adjustment of animal number on individual paddocks. Grass-only swards received 160 and 200 kg N ha−1 and the grass clover swards were given 80 and 75 kg N ha−1 in 1985 and 1986 respectively.
Differences were observed between the treatments in sward height profiles over the season necessitating contrasting adjustments to stocking rates. Mean stocking rate necessary on early flowering Aurora (22 6 ewes ha−1) was respectively 27% and 17% higher than on late-flowering Aberystwyth S23 and Meltra (tetraploid) ryegrasses; mean stocking rate on grass-only swards was 19% higher than on the grass-clover pastures.
It is concluded that sward height is a useful criterion on which to make adjustments to stocking rates to compare the potential performance of contrasting swards, under continuous grazing. The infrequent adjustments required to maintain a constant sward height, especially on the late flowering diploid perennial ryegrass variety on which many upland pastures are based, suggest that the criterion of sward height could be successfully employed on farms as an aid to efficient grazing management.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in 1992 and 1993 to examine the effect of white clover content of perennial ryegrass/white clover swards on the performance of Limousin × Friesian heifers. Swards with low (L), medium (M) and high (H) white clover contents were established and managed by continuous variable stocking. A compressed sward height of 5·5 cm was maintained using a buffer fence to vary plot areas, with herbage surplus to grazing requirements cut, removed and yields measured. The mean white clover proportions for treatments L, M and H were 0·02, 0·19 and 0·18 in 1992 and 0·13, 0·16 and 0·31 in 1993 respectively. White clover contents of the swards reached a maximum in August and September, and differences between treatments diminished. There was no significant difference between treatments in the content of white clover in the swards in autumn 1993.
Liveweight gains of heifers increased asymptotically with increasing white clover content of the sward. Below a white clover herbage mass of 300 kg DM ha–1, there was little effect on liveweight gain, which was 0·70 kg day–1 over the grazing season. Between 400 and 450 kg DM ha–1 white clover, liveweight gains were 0·85–0·90 kg day–1. While clover content of the sward did not significantly affect utilized metabolizable energy output; the mean output over the grazing season in the two years from liveweight gain and herbage yield was 78 GJ ha–1. It is suggested that, using this grazing system, white clover reached an equilibrium with a mean herbage mass of about 400 kg DM ha–1 over the grazing season.  相似文献   

Four legumes—white clover cv. Blanca, red clover cvs Violetta (diploid) and Hungaropoly (tetraploid) and lucerne cv. Europe—were established as pure-sown swards and with each of five companion grasses: timothy cv. Timo, meadow fescue cv. Bundy, sweet brome cv. Deborah and perennial ryegrass cvs Talbot (diploid) and Barlatra (tetraploid), both ryegrasses being of 'intermediate' heading date. Two 'silage' crops and an 'aftermath grazing' crop were harvested in each of three successive years.
In the first harvest year, total herbage DM production of red clover ranged from 15·03 to 17·01 t ha-1. White clover and lucerne swards produced considerably less at 7·12 to 11·01 t ha-1. In the second harvest year, lucerne swards were the highest producing at 15·54 to 17·14 t ha-1, while DM production from red clover and white clover swards ranged from 6·75 to 11·87 t ha-1. Lucerne swards maintained their production superiority in the third year at 16·48 to 17·87 t ha-1, while production from white clover swards ranged from 6·41 to 10·23 t ha-1. However, red clover swards declined to 3·30 to 5·81 t ha -1; this above-average decline was mainly caused by the onset of red clover necrotic mosaic virus which affected all red clover plots uniformly in the second harvest year, and by winter conditions before the third harvest year. Total herbage DOM and CP yields of the swards were influenced in a similar manner to DM production.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to compare the effects of two compressed sward height treatments, each at two fertilizer nitrogen (N) treatments (0 and 50 kg ha−1 in spring), on the date of turnout and liveweight gain of steers grazing a perennial ryegrass/white clover ( Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens ) sward sited on clay loam in south-west England. The sward height treatments were 6 cm all season, and 4 cm in the spring rising to 6 cm in June; these were maintained using continuously variable stocking with Hereford × Friesian steers. Cattle were turned out on average 11·5 days earlier on the 4-cm sward height compared with the 6-cm sward height treatment. Liveweight gain early in the season was lower on the 4-cm swards than on the 6-cm swards. Liveweight gain ha−1 over the whole season was similar for the two sward height treatments. Fertilizer N did not affect turnout date or liveweight gain.  相似文献   

Results for years 4–8 of a long-term grazing experiment on swards of a diploid perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), var. Contender (D swards), a tetraploid ryegrass, var. Condesa (T swards) and Condesa with S184 white clover (Trifolium repens) (TC swards), direct sown in May 1987, are presented. The swards were continuously stocked with sheep from 1988 to 1990, as previously reported, and for a further 5 years, 1991–95, at a target sward surface height (SSH) of 4–6 cm. Control of sward height was successfully achieved by variable stocking, except in 1993 when paddocks were set stocked and the resulting mean SSH was 9·3 cm. Grass swards received on average 160 kg N ha?1 year?1; grass/clover swards were mainly not fertilized with N with the exception that they were given 30 kg N ha?1 as a remedial mid-summer application during a period of low herbage mass on offer in 1994 and 1995. Mean white clover content of the swards fell from 18·2% of herbage dry-matter (DM) in 1992 to 8·5% in 1993, whereas stolon lengths fell from 120 to 58 m m?2. A return to lower sward heights in 1994–95 resulted in an increase in white clover content to 12·8% by the final sampling in August 1995. Perennial ryegrass content of the grass swards remained high throughout (mean 96·7% in 1995). Perennial ryegrass tiller densities recorded in August 1991, 1993 and 1994 showed consistently significant (P < 0·001) sward differences (3-year mean 16 600, 13 700 and 10 100 perennial ryegrass tillers m?2 for the D, T and TC swards). In 1994, the year after lax grazing, a low perennial ryegrass tiller density (9100 m?2) and low white clover content (mean 4·3%) in the TC swards resulted in a much lower herbage bulk density than in the grass swards (April–July means 72, 94 and 44 kg OM ha?1 cm?1 for the D, T and TC swards). There was a consistent 40 g d?1 increase in lamb liveweight gain on the TC swards over the T swards, except in 1994. In that year there was a reduction in lamb liveweight gain of 33 g d?1 on the TC swards and a significant increase in ewe liveweight loss (117 g d?1) associated with low herbage bulk density despite optimal sward height. Lamb output (kg liveweight ha?1) on TC swards reflected white clover content, falling from a similar output to that produced from grass given 160 kg N ha?1, at 18% white clover DM content, down to 60% of grass + N swards with around 5% clover. A 6% greater output from the T than the D swards was achieved mainly through higher stocking rate. The experiment demonstrated a rapid, loss in white clover under lax grazing, and showed that the relationship between performance and sward height is also dependent on herbage density. High lamb output from a grass/clover sward was only achieved when the clover content was maintained at 15–20% of the herbage DM.  相似文献   

A field experiment with mixed swards of perennial ryegrass and while clover carded out in 1982–83 using small cut plots is described. With perennial ryegrass, lime slightly decreased annual dry matter (DM) production in 1982 (the sowing year) but increased it in 1983 (the first harvest year) by about 1 t ha-1. Applications of N and P produced small increases in DM in 1982 and greater increases in 1983. In the latter season annual DM production varied from an average of 3·5 to about 10 t ha-1 with 0 or 480 kg N ha-1 applied in three equal-sized dressings throughout the growing season. Application of 40 kg P ha-1 in 1982 increased DM production by about 2·5 t ha-1 in 1983 but higher rates had little effect. Fifteen mg extractable P kg-1 soil seemed sufficient to support levels of production normally expected from ryegrass pastures in upland Scotland, Applications of K did not affect DM production. N increased tiller weight and sward height of ryegrass; lime and P tended to increase tiller weight but this effect was not statistically significant. Leaf appearance and tiller number were not affected by treatments.
The white clover content of the pasture was decreased 10-fold by application of N and increased by lime and P (1·45 and 1·46-fold. respectively). The DM response to P was most apparent in limed soil and was also affected by the siting of the plots in the experimental area. Effects of lime and P on growth of white clover were to increase the number of stolon growing points and root nodule numbers per unit area.
The results emphasize the importance of lime and P fertilizer for establishment and growth of pasture in this soil and the differences between white clover and ryegrass in their responses to these.  相似文献   

Diet selection from ryegass-and prairie grass-white clover swards, vertically stratified into three horizons (A > 6 cm, B 3–6 cm, C > 3 cm), was studied using oesophageally fistulated sheep during summer and autumn. Animals grazed for 3-day periods. Apparent herbage intake was calculated from total herbage disappearance. The composition of each horizon and of the diet selected was measured daily.
Herbage mass (DM ha-1) and sward height (cm) prior to grazing were not significantly different between swards in each season, and were 2·0 and 20 in summer and 1·6 and 10 in autumn. In summer, 36% and 5% of the green grass leaf (GGL) for prairie grass and ryegrass, respectively, was distributed in horizons A and B. In autumn 39% and 29% of GGL occurred above 3 cm for prairie grass and ryegrass, respectively. GGL distribution determined which sward horizons were grazed. Sheep grazed horizon C (0–3 cm) of summer ryegrass pasture, and the surface canopy (>3 cm) of all other swards.
In summer, apparent intake achieved by sheep grazing prairie grass swards was 87% higher than that achieved on ryegrass swards. In autumn a greater GGL distribution above 3 cm with prairie  相似文献   

The potential productivity of perennial ryegrass/ white clover swards (GC) under continuous stocking management was assessed by comparing their performance, when grazed by sheep at sward surface heights of 3, 6 and 9 cm, with that of an all–grass sward (G) maintained at 6 cm and fertilized with 420 kg N ha–1 The grass/clover swards received no nitrogen fertilizer. The different grazing treatments had a marked effect on animal performance. In the first year for example, for treatments GC3, GC6, GC9 and G6–420 respectively, mean stocking rates to weaning were 19–7, 14–3, 8–9 and 18–4 ewes ha–1 (plus twin lambs); lamb growth rates were 223, 268, 295 and 260 g d–1and so total lamb live weight gain was 1054, 920, 630 and 1148 kg h a–1. The relative performance of the treatments was similar in all three years. All three grazing treatments had a similar effect on the composition of the grass/clover swards. Clover content increased in 1985, and was sustained in 1986 and 1987 during the main grazing season, although a marked decline in clover content during the winter led to a progressive long–term decline in both the proportion and the amount of clover.
It is suggested that a management based on maintaining a sward surface height close to 6 cm (as in all–grass swards) leads to optimum performance in grass/white clover swards grazed using continuous stocking with sheep. Despite the presence of a small and declining clover content, the output of the mixed grass/clover sward managed in this way was 80%, 80% and 82% of that of a grass sward supplied with 420 kg N ha–1 in 1985, 1986, and 1987 respectively and, similarly, 83% of the output in 1987 of a grass sward receiving 210 kg N ha–1.  相似文献   

Herbage characteristics were monitored over 3 years (1985–1987) in three perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) varieties as grass/only (200 kg N ha−1) and grass/clover ( Trifolium repens L.) (75 kg N ha−1) swards when continuously stocked with sheep. Although mean total annual herbage production was similar from the grass varieties, growth of Aurora, a very early-flowering variety, was higher than that of Aberystwyth S23 and Meltra (tetraploid) late-flowering types in spring. Herbage production from grass-only swards was 15% higher than from grass/clover swards.
In vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD) of Aurora and Meltra was 34 g kg −1 and 26 g kg −1 higher ( P < 0·01) than that of S23. Averaged over varieties, the OMD of grass/clover was 25 g kg −1 higher ( P < 0·05) than grass-only during the post-weaning period. Individual lamb digestible organic matter intake (DOMI) was 22% higher ( P < 0·05) on grass/clover than on grass-only during this period. Water-soluble carbohydrates content of Aurora was 42% higher ( P < 0·001) than that of both Meltra and S23.
Herbage characteristics were related to lamb performance reported previously. Lamb production was positively correlated with DOMI. However, the magnitude of differences in lamb performance between treatments was much greater than the extent of differences detected in herbage characteristics.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to examine the changes in perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) and white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) populations in mixed swards, under different grazing severities over three successive grazing seasons. In year 1, three paddocks were erected on a sward with a low initial content of clover (block 1). Sward heights were measured using a rising-plate meter, and were maintained at overall mean heights of 3·0, 5·5 or 7·0 cm by variable stocking with 8-month-old steers. In year 2, a further three paddocks were erected on an adjacent area with a high initial content of clover (block 2), and were maintained at the same three heights by similar management. Botanical analyses were carded out on samples collected at four times during the season. Maintaining swards at 5·5 or 7·0 cm led to a large proportion of the area being infrequently grazed. Block I paddocks had higher initial tiller densities, which increased as sward height was reduced, while block 2 paddocks, with their lower initial tiller density, showed little effect of sward height on tiller density. Initially, clover stolon growing-point densities and stolon masses increased more rapidly in the taller swards. Later, however, large losses in the clover populations occurred on all paddocks during long wet winters and there was a general reversal in these trends for stolon growing-point densities and stolon masses, 3·0>5·5>7·0. By year 3, swards with differing  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to examine the effect of supplementation on the performance of spring-calving dairy cows grazing swards of differing perennial ryegrass and white clover content. Seventeen heifers and sixty-four Friesian cows in their third to ninth week of lactation were turned out onto one of three pastures with different proportions of perennial ryegrass and white clover. Nine animals on each pasture received either 0, 2 or 4 kg d−1 of a concentrate with a crude protein concentration of 180 g kg−1 dry matter (DM). Prior to grazing, swards contained proportionately 0·01 (L), 0·15 (M) and 0·20 (H) of total DM as clover. During the experiment, grazing pressures were adjusted by movement of buffer fences to maintain compressed sward heights at 6 cm. Samples taken 26 and 68 d after the start of grazing showed little change in the proportion of clover in sward L (< 0·01 and 0·02 respectively), but convergence in the proportion of clover in swards M and L (0·08-0·16 and 0·10-0·15 respectively). Mean daily yields of milk, fat, protein and lactose increased significantly with increased clover content and, even without supplementation, daily yields were 25·4, 0·98, 0·73 and 1·09 kg respectively on sward H. Of the milk components, only protein was significantly increased by increasing sward clover content. The response in milk yield to supplementation was greater on sward L than on swards M and H.  相似文献   

Three replicate paddocks, each of 0·235 ha, containing adjacent monocultures of perennial ryegrass or white clover [50:50 by ground area, 6 cm sward surface height (SSH) at start of experiment] were continuously stocked with three yearling and four mature non-lactating, non-pregnant Scottish halfbred ewes for 12 weeks. Herbage intake, grazing behaviour and dietary selection were measured on seven occasions. Clover SSH declined rapidly over the first 5 weeks then stabilized at 1·2–1·6 cm, whereas perennial ryegrass SSH rose slightly initially, then declined gradually. Animals initially included proportionately c . 0·6 white clover in their diet but, by the end of the experiment, this had fallen to 0·3. Total daily herbage intake declined over the 12 weeks from 1·8 kg dry matter (DM) day–1 at the start to 1·0 kg DM day–1. Total grazing time increased from 561 min day–1 to 649 min day–1 at the end of the experiment. The results suggest that, despite overall herbage depletion and a greater depletion of white clover than perennial ryegrass as a result of the initial partial preference for white clover, the animals traded-off a reduced total intake and an increased grazing time in an attempt to maintain their initial preferred dietary composition.  相似文献   

Changes in the crude protein (CP) concentration of white clover and perennial ryegrass herbage from a mixed sward were determined on six sampling dates from May to October in each of 2 years. The swards were grown without fertilizer N in an organic farming system and continuously grazed by dairy cows during the grazing season. The annual mean contents of white clover in the dry matter (DM) of the sward were 272·3 and 307·0 g kg−1 in Years 1 and 2. The mean CP concentrations of the white clover and perennial ryegrass herbage were 251·6 and 151·9 g kg−1 DM in Year 1 and 271·9 and 174·0 g kg−1 DM in Year 2 respectively. The CP concentration of the white clover increased significantly during the grazing season from 220·0 to 284·1 g kg−1 DM in Year 1 and from 269·0 to 315·5 g kg−1 DM in Year 2. In the perennial ryegrass herbage the CP concentration increased from 112·2 to 172·6 g kg−1 DM in Year 1 and from 142·7 to 239·5 g kg−1 DM in Year 2. The rate of increase during the season in the CP concentration of the perennial ryegrass herbage was similar to the rate of increase recorded in the white clover herbage.  相似文献   

The effects of spatial location of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) within a perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.)/white clover pasture on stolon and petiole extension were investigated in two experiments, where patch size containing white clover (0·5 m, 1·5 m and 4 m diameter), location within the patch (inside and edge) and cutting height (4 cm and 8 cm) were varied. Stolon extension rate was greater on the edge of a patch (12·1 mm week−1) than inside the patch (7·2 mm week−1). Patch size affected both stolon and petiole extension rate, which were both greater in small and medium-sized than in large patches. It is suggested that the fastest spread of white clover in patchy sward environments should occur from small patches, which could double in diameter during a growing season. Manipulating the heights of vegetation within and outside large patches affected light quality (red-far red; R/FR) at ground level, which was greater under shorter than taller swards and greater under the canopy of the grass matrix than the grass/white clover patch. However, the height differences between adjacent vegetation had little effect on stolon or petiole growth. In May only, stolon extension at the patch boundary was greatest when both patches and the grass matrix had a height of 8 cm.  相似文献   

The implications for UK upland sheep systems of reducing nitrogen fertilizer application to perennial ryegrass/white clover swards were studied over 3 years. Sward height (3·5–5·5 cm) was controlled for ewes with lambs until weaning using surplus pasture areas for silage; thereafter, ewes and weaned lambs were grazed on separate areas, and sward height was controlled by adjusting the size of the areas grazed and using surplus pasture areas for silage if necessary. Combinations from three stocking rates [10, 6 and 4 ewes ha−1 on the total area (grazed and ensiled)] and four nitrogen fertilizer levels (150, 100, 50 and 0 kg ha−1) provided six treatments that were replicated three times. Average white clover content was negatively correlated with level of nitrogen fertilizer. The proportion of white clover in the swards increased over the duration of the experiment. Control of sward height and the contribution from white clover resulted in similar levels of lamb liveweight gain on all treatments. All treatments provided adequate winter fodder as silage. It is concluded that the application of nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced or removed from upland sheep pastures without compromising individual animal performance provided that white clover content and sward height are maintained. Resting pastures from grazing by changing ensiled and grazed areas from year to year sustained white clover content over a 3-year period.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the relationship between sward surface height, herbage intake and liveweight gain in beef cattle grazed on pasture. In Experiment 1, two 'animal types' (18 Charolais × Angus steers and 18 Friesian bulls) were continuously grazed for 22 days during the late autumn on replicated swards maintained at sward surface heights of 6, 10 and 15 cm. Herbage intakes, assessed from the faecal concentration of chromium delivered from an intraruminal controlled release capsule and the in vitro digestibility of hand-plucked herbage samples, were curvilinearly related to sward height (r = 0·76, p <0·0·01). Average liveweight gains were 0·02, 0·61 and 1·31 kg d-1 ( P <0·05) and increased linearly ( r = 0·84, P <0·001) with sward height. The maintenance organic matter intakes of the steers and bulls, with initial mean (± s.e.) live weights of 225 ± 15 kg and 172 ± 15 kg respectively, were estimated to be 3·6 and 3·5 kg d-1 respectively. In Experiment 2 (spring) 36 cattle, including 35 of those used in Experiment 1, were reallocated to sward heights of 5, 10 and 15 cm using the same design as for Experiment 1. Average liveweight gains were 0·94, 1·57 and 1·68kg d-1 ( p 0·05) and were curvilinearly related to sward height ( r = 0·093, p <0·05). Maintenance intakes could not be reliably extimated for the cattle in Experiment 2 because few animals had liveweight gains close to zero. These trials confirm that liveweight gain in continuously grazed finishing steers and bulls increases with sward surface height to maximum of 8–10cm with spring ryegrass/white clover pastures while, in autumn, swards of 12–15cm height are required to achieve maximum performance.  相似文献   

Ninety-six plots (3 × 2 m) of well-established perennial rye grass/white clover pasture were mown to heights of 2·7 (Low) or 3·96 (High) cm (rising plate meter) at 14-, 28-, 84- or 112-d intervals in autumn-winter. A 7-, 14- and 28-d mowing interval was superimposed in spring on each autumn–winter mowing interval treatment with the low and high mowing heights altered to 2·92 and 4·80 cm, respectively.
With the low cutting height, accumulated herbage DM was more than doubled (1806 ± 79 kg DM ha-1) compared to a 'high' (754 ± 49 kg DM ha-1) cutting height in autumn–winter and this was due to increased harvesting efficiency rather than growth as estimated by leaf extension. Although defoliation interval had no effect on DM yield, the grass component increased and clover decreased. The composition effect carried over into spring. On average, 3·5 tillers were produced over winter for each ryegrass tiller present in autumn and tiller densities were higher in spring. Tillers produced over autumn–winter contributed more than 60% of ryegrass growth by early spring.
In early spring (16–30 September), the low cutting height increased herbage DM yield, in mid-spring (1–14 October) it reduced DM yields particularly in combination with short defoliation intervals, while in late spring (14 October to 11 November) cutting height had no effect on DM yields.
Over the entire spring period there was a very marked effect of defoliation interval on DM yields.  相似文献   

The expected reduction in the use of fertilizer nitrogen (N) on grassland in the Netherlands has led to renewed interest in white clover. Therefore, the performance of a newly sown perennial ryegrass/white clover sward on clay soil was assessed during 4 consecutive years. The experiment consisted of all combinations of two defoliation systems, i.e. one or two silage cuts per year (S1, S2), spring N application rate, i.e. 0 or 50 kg ha−1 year−1 (N0, N50), and the management system, i.e. rotational grazing and cutting, or cutting only (RGC, CO). The overall mean white clover cover was 30%. All treatments affected white clover cover, which was 8% higher with S2 than with S1, 6% higher with N0 than with N50 and 12% higher with CO than with RGC. The overall mean annual dry-matter (DM) yield (13·1 t ha−1 year−1) was significantly affected only by the management system: in two relatively wetter years, the annual DM yield was 1·19 t ha−1 higher with RGC than with CO, whereas there was no difference in two relatively drier years. Nitrogen application increased the DM yield in the first cut by 7·0 kg kg−1 N applied, but had no significant effect on the annual DM yield. Herbage quality was not affected by the experimental treatments. The average in vitro organic matter digestibility was 0.801, and the average crude protein content was 193 g kg−1 DM. With the expected reduction in the use of fertilizer N, perennial ryegrass/white clover swards should be seriously considered as an alternative option to perennial ryegrass swards on these clay soils.  相似文献   

Replicated plots of Hungaropoly red clover were sown on a sterilized area in May 1975 alone (seed rate 11 kg ha-1) or with one of six cultivars of perennial ryegrass (seed rate 3·5 kg ha-1) viz. Cropper and S24 (early heading), Barlenna and Hora (medium heading) and Melle and Perma (late heading). In 1976 and 1977 primary growth was cut at one of four dates ranging from mid-May to mid-June and thereafter plots were harvested twice each year.
Varying the time of first cut did not have a significant effect on total dry matter (DM) yield in either year despite differences in means of cutting treatments on annual red clover yields of the order of 6–9%.
In some companion grass treatments total DM yield in 1976 was increased and total red clover yield and percentage red clover contribution were reduced relative to swards sown only with red clover. In 1977 a similar but non-significant trend was found. Swards containing early ryegrasses had higher total herbage DM yields but lower red clover yields and contents than all other swards at the first harvest in both years.
Delay in date of taking the first harvest in 1976 reduced DM digestibility in the first cut and increased it in the second in both years.
It is suggested that by cutting early and increasing the number of harvests from three to four per year, differences in the content of red clover between the first and second cut might be reduced, and it is concluded that more benefit is derived from red clover when medium or late heading ryegrasses are used as companion grasses.  相似文献   

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