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人工饲养环境下斑鳖产卵规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑鳖目前仅在中国和越南的动物园中有4只存活个体,为了拯救这一物种,中国的苏州动物园和长沙动物园开展了斑鳖联合繁育项目。在2008~2011年对斑鳖的产卵时间、产卵窝数、产卵数量和卵的重量、直径等进行了测量。结果表明,雌性斑鳖在夜间产卵,有护卵行为。每年可产卵2—4窝,首次产卵在5月底或6月中旬,最晚在7月中旬结束。产卵间隔变化较大,最短的为12d,最长的达到36d,平均18.4±8.3d。每窝产卵数45~70枚,平均为60.3±7.5枚,年产卵总数在100~200枚之间,年度之间波动很大,在1~136枚之间。卯的重量在19.0-21.5g之间,平均20.1±0.7g;卵的直径在31.5~34.4mm之间,平均为32.6±0.7mm。产卵次数、窝卵数、卯重和大小都会受到运输或环境变化的影响。以上结果表明,目前提供的环境条件和饲养管理符合斑鳖的繁殖要求,但是管理中要注意减少运输应激和环境的改变。  相似文献   

乌苏里貉生长发育规律研究及其生长曲线模型拟合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选取60只分窝乌苏里仔貉,按出生窝别、出生时间、性别、体重分为4组,生长期和冬毛期分别饲喂4种不同的试验E/粮,研究其生长发育规律,拟合其体重和体长生长模型。结果表明:乌苏里貉周平均日增重在8~12周龄和18~24周龄有2个高峰期(分别为40g/d和50g/d),体长生长速度在9~14周龄和20~22周龄有2个高峰期(分别为0.3cm/d和0.2cm/d);体重和体长适宜生长曲线方程分别为:Y=241.47+42.242X+19.041X^2-0.399X^3(R^2=0.994),Y=9.517+3.374X-0.067X^2(R^2=0.992)。  相似文献   

中华秋沙鸭繁殖期的行为   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文通过对繁殖在长白山的中华秋沙鸭的观察,全面的描述了中华秋沙鸭的繁殖行为、发现它们营巢在河流两岸的天然树洞中。繁殖季节成对,偶尔见有一雄二雌结合。求偶期间亦常出现争雌现象、交配在水中进行。窝卵数8—14枚。卵平均大小为63.25×45.91mm,平均重量61.9g。雌鸟孵卵。孵化期35天、每年开始产卵时间的早晚同当年气温回升的快慢有关。  相似文献   

黑天鹅人工繁育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年1~5月,在徐州睢宁对人工饲养的黑天鹅繁殖率进行了研究。研究发现,利用鸟类补卵的习性,人工饲养的黑天鹅可产卵4~5窝,一般间隔20 d可进入下一个产卵期,每窝6~8枚,年产量达30~40枚。施温方案以变温孵化为佳。温湿度分别为:前期(1~10 d)为38.5℃,55%;中期(11~20 d)为37.8℃,60%;后期(21~32 d)为37.8℃,65%;落盘(33~36 d)为37℃,75%。本实验通过对黑天鹅的饲养管理、配对、营巢、捡卵、孵化、育雏等研究,摸索了一套提高黑天鹅繁殖率的科学方法,为今后进一步提高黑天鹅人工繁育技术提供了重要的理论和实践方法。  相似文献   

通过对871(AXB)、872(A×B)的雌蛹体重与产卵数、腹存卵及造卵数的相关分析研究得出结论;871(A×B)、872(A×B)的雌蛹体重与产卵数、造卵数有极显著相关性,与腹存卵相关性不显著,并分别得出蛹体重与产卵数的回归方程:y=22.1379+403.6463x(sy.x=38.2921)和y=217.1278+282.8174x(sy.x=42.009)。  相似文献   

于2015年4月在四川省凉山科华水生态工程有限公司水产良种场使用LRH-A2+DOM分2批对来自黄河水系的24尾(以雌鱼计)野生花斑裸鲤亲鱼进行人工催产。雌鱼在挤卵前死亡5尾,1尾未产卵,平均催产率为75.5%;18尾雌鱼共产卵14.3万粒,受精卵13.1万粒,受精率为91.6%;获初孵仔鱼10.2万尾,孵化率77.9%。研究结果表明,在非产区进行花斑裸人工繁殖是可行的。  相似文献   

孔海苏 《当代畜牧》2006,(11):45-46
经过对石鸡人工驯养及繁殖试验,在相同饲养管理条件下所饲养的20只母石鸡在1个产蛋周期共产卵362枚,平均每只产卵18.1枚,平均卵重19.8g,平均大小39.6×30.7mm。入孵种蛋3批313枚,受精率96.5%。第22d开始出雏,24d出雏结束,共出雏191只,出雏率61.0%;育活101只,育成率为52.9%。其孵化出雏时间比家禽长2~3d。  相似文献   

为研究温度及密度对大蜡螟生长繁殖的影响,在相对湿度60%±10%RH条件下,设置25、 30、 35℃3个温度梯度,40、 60、 80、 100、120粒(64 cm3体积内) 5个卵密度梯度饲养大蜡螟。(1) 25、30、35℃条件下,大蜡螟世代周期及各虫态历期均随温度升高呈减小趋势。大蜡螟幼虫体重和体长、蛹重和蛹长、雌雄蛾体重及体长均随温度升高而升高。雌蛾产卵量30℃最高,其次为35℃、25℃(P>0.05)。3个温度下温度越高越有利于提高大蜡螟卵孵化率。10头大蜡螟幼虫7 d内取食人工饲料量随温度升高而增加(P>0.05)。(2) 25和30℃时,大蜡螟卵孵化率随密度增加先增加后减小(80粒时最高),35℃时密度40粒孵化率大于密度60 (P>0.05),80粒时最高,随后依次递减。小于0.100 0 g幼虫数随密度增加而增加;0.100 0~0.200 0 g幼虫在25℃密度60、 80粒时最多,40、100、120粒时减少,30、35℃时随密度增加先增加后减少(30℃80粒时最多,35℃60粒最多);大于0.200 0 g幼虫数随密度增加而减少。温度对大蜡...  相似文献   

2018年4~6月,在武汉市黄陂区境内对青头潜鸭的繁殖行为进行了初步观察,以了解青头潜鸭在该区域的繁殖生境、繁殖行为及繁殖受胁情况等。采用定点观察法观察繁殖前期行为,对2巢青头潜鸭采用录像监控法记录孵化行为及出雏情况。测量了2巢及卵特征参数。发现青头潜鸭4月中旬开始分群,求偶交配,5月初基本完成配对,6月下旬出雏。巢为圆形碗状水面浮巢,巢材主要为草叶及草茎,巢内径(13. 5±7. 78) cm,巢外径(35. 5±6. 36) cm,巢高(21. 5±4. 95) cm,巢深(9. 5±0. 71) cm,窝卵数8~9枚,平均(8. 5±0. 71)枚(n=2);平均卵重(37. 32±4. 82) g,卵长径(50. 94±1. 75) mm,卵短径(37. 32±1. 41) mm(n=17)。孵卵期23~27 d,孵化率为17. 6%。青头潜鸭繁殖受人类活动干扰威胁较为严重,应当加大保护力度。  相似文献   

麻点璃眼蜱生活史的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在实验室条件下,将麻点璃眼蜱(Hyalomma rufipes)幼蜱至若蜱置于牛体或兔体、成蜱置于羊体摄食;若蜱蜕化、饱血雌蜱产卵和孵化在28℃、相对湿度约80%的培养箱中完成。在此条件下,对从甘肃省永靖县羊体获得的麻点璃眼蜱在实验室进行了生活史研究。试验证实,该种蜱为二宿主蜱,一个生活周期需要经过幼蜱、若蜱、成蜱和卵4个发育阶段。幼蜱5-7d饱血,蜕化为若蜱后不离开前一变态期蜱的寄生部位,继续在宿主体上叮咬吸血,经14-24d若蜱饱血脱落。若蜱蜕化期为18-63d,平均40.5d。雌蜱饱血需8-16d,平均12.0d。雌蜱产卵前静止期6-43d,产卵期16-29d,平均22.5d。卵经20-41d孵出幼蜱,平均31.5d。该种蜱在实验室完成一个生活周期需要91-226d。  相似文献   

In an 18-month study the domestic fowl in 42 households in three traditional management systems were recorded to determine reproduction, growth and mortality parameters. There were significant differences for all systems combined in the number of clutches started per month with the lowest number being laid in the cool dry season of January and February. Mean number of eggs per clutch was 8.8; the number of eggs increased significantly throughout the career of the hen but there were no significant systems differences. Egg weight was 34.4g there being no significant differences due to age of hen or system. Intervals between clutches were 92 days, annual egg output was 35 per hen (assuming that birds were present in the flock for a year) equivalent to about 118% of mean adult hen body weight: hens actually in the flocks during the study had produced 2.1 clutches on average. Hatchability of eggs was 69.1% there being significant seasonal and systems differences in this parameter, lowest hatchability being in the hot dry season (March to June) and in the rainfed millet system. Mortality rates to eight weeks were 56% of chicks hatched. Growth to 10 weeks averaged 4g/d. Mature cocks weighted 1.60 kg and mature hens 1.02 kg: hen weights were significantly affected by reproductive state, laying hens being heavier than both incubating hens and those rearing chicks, while those rearing chicks were heavier than those incubating. Suggestions for improving productivity are made.  相似文献   

为研究拉萨白鸡种蛋蛋重和蛋形指数(纵径/横径)对孵化效果的影响,在相同孵化条件下,选用3世代47周龄拉萨白鸡种蛋,按蛋重分组进行孵化,Ⅰ组(≤45.0 g)蛋形指数为(1.27±0.05),Ⅱ组(45.1-50.0 g)蛋形指数为(1.27±0.05),Ⅲ组(50.1-55.0 g)蛋形指数为(1.27±0.05),Ⅳ组(55.1-60.0 g)蛋形指数为(1.28±0.05),Ⅴ组(〉60.0 g)蛋形指数为(1.31±0.05)。结果表明,种蛋的蛋重越大,其纵径均值、横径均值、蛋形指数均值、受精率、入孵蛋孵化率、受精蛋孵化率和雏鸡初生重越大,即Ⅴ组(〉60.0 g)种蛋的蛋重均值、纵径均值、横径均值、蛋形指数均值、受精率、入孵蛋孵化率、受精蛋孵化率和雏鸡初生重均最大,分别为(61.03±0.82)g、(58.13±1.68)mm、(44.59±0.79)mm、(1.31±0.05)、98.15%、85.19%、86.79%和(42.48±1.98)g;Ⅱ组(45.1-50.0 g)的健雏率最高,为96.09%;Ⅰ组(≤45.0 g)的雏鸡初生重占入孵蛋重的百分比最大,为(69.91±2.71)%;蛋重与纵径、横径、蛋形指数呈极显著正相关(P〈0.01)。因此,蛋重和蛋形指数对拉萨白鸡种蛋的孵化率影响较大,应选择较大种蛋(〉45.0 g),蛋形指数的范围则较宽,在≥1.27时即可以达到较理想的孵化效果。  相似文献   

2009~2013年,连续5 a在北京动物园收集堆巢(Dump nesting)和弃巢(Drop nesting)的鸳鸯卵共计254枚用于人工孵化和育雏研究.其中受精卵218枚,受精率85.83%;出雏205只,受精卵孵化率94.04%.采用恒温孵化法,孵化机温度(37.6±0.2)℃,湿度50%~55%;落盘后移至出雏机,温度(37.0±0.2)℃,稍低于孵化温度,湿度70%~75%,稍高的湿度有利于雏鸟出壳.鸳鸯卵的鲜卵重(48.09 ±4.02)g,卵长径(53.09±1.43)mm,短径(39.95±1.62) mm,卵形指数为1.33±0.06.平均孵化期(29.10 ±0.32)d,孵化期间的平均失重率(16.13±1.27)%.卵重与孵化天数存在显著负相关关系.线性回归方程:y=-0.279x+ 48.06,其中x表示孵化天数,y表示卵重.人工育雏满45 d的青年鸳鸯体型已接近成鸟,活力旺盛,觅食和躲避天敌的能力较强.经过兽医体检、放飞前评估和林业主管部门审批后全部在北京地区放归野外,并进行野化放飞后的跟踪监测.其中,2009年野化放飞18只鸳鸯,2010年放飞14只,2011年放飞47只,2012年放飞16只,2013年放飞100只,连续5 a共野化放飞鸳鸯195只.鸳鸯重引入项目的实施,可以壮大北京地区野生鸳鸯种群数量,实现北京动物园野生动物移地保护的重要职能.  相似文献   

2011年4—5月,对徐州金桥禽业发展有限公司养殖的赤麻鸭所产的44枚卵进行了人工孵化研究。其中43枚卵受精,出雏35枚,4枚在孵化中期死胚,5枚为27d落盘后啄壳困难而死亡,受精卵的孵化率为81.40%。孵化温度前期为38.5℃;中期为38.2℃;后期为37.8℃,落盘后温度降为37.5℃。赤麻鸭卵鲜重为(79.80±6.72)g,长径为(66.10±2.53)mnq,短径为(46.40±1.45)/mm,卵形指数为1.43±0.06,出雏后的卵壳等剩余物质重(12.60±1.07)g,新生雏鸟重占鲜卵重的(67.20±3.71)%。卵总失重率为17%。孵化期间的卵重(Y)与孵化天数(x)之间的线性方程为Y=一0.9071x+81.019(R2=0.9997,P〈0.01),根据卵失重方程可以比较准确地推算出赤麻鸭卵的孵化天数。  相似文献   

(1) This research was carried out to investigate changes in egg production and hatchability as influenced by age and breeding season of 10 trios (two females, one male) of ostrich (Struthio camellus) during 1998 to 2002. (2) Breeding season affected number of eggs laid per female per season, average egg weight, length of laying period and clutch sequence. (3) The number of eggs laid per female per season was 25 in the first breeding season and 57 by the fifth breeding season. The laying period lasted 169 d in the first season whereas it was 210 d by the fifth season. The breeding season became longer year by year. (4) The number of clutches was two in the first season, three in the second and 4 in the later breeding seasons: the mean interval between cycles was 9 to 10.6 d and the mean number of eggs in one cycle varied from 12 to 14.4. (5) The breeding season affected the hatchability of fertile eggs, chick weight at hatching, hatchability of total eggs, fertility, malpositioned embryos, deformed chicks and assisted chicks during hatching. The first 4 variables increased and the last three decreased, with each breeding season. (6) Weight loss of eggs and length of incubation were unaffected by the breeding season. Hatchability which was 64.3% in the first season increased progressively and reached 73.1% in the fifth breeding season.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential of the native Muscovy ducks in Congo, a trial was conducted with closed housing, commercial feeding and veterinary care. The characterization included reproductive performance, daily weight gain, live body weight, feed conversion ratio, body live weight productivity, and meat productivity. The experimental genetic stock was bred under natural mating and natural incubation. The number of eggs recorded per female and per clutch was 14.6 ± 3 eggs with 2 clutches per year. The average (±SD) hatchability was 75% ± 3% and the average egg weight was 72 ± 8 g. The sexual dimorphism for body weight appeared after 3 weeks (p < 0.05). The maximum daily weight gain in males reached 55 ± 8 g/day and occurred at 5 weeks, whereas in females it occurred at 4 weeks and reached 35 ± 5 g/day. The carcass yield was 70% ± 5% and 51 ± 8% in males and females, respectively. The meat productivity was 26.7 and 11.5 kg/m2 per year in males and females, respectively. From these findings, it can be concluded that the incubation by mother duck is preferred in the small farming duck and that males should be raised for meat and females for egg production. Further studies including local poultry-related issues are needed to optimize the performance of the native Muscovy duck in Congo Brazzaville.  相似文献   

The biology of Rhipicephalus bursa has not been thoroughly studied. In the present study R. bursa was bred in the laboratory and its biology worked out.Larvae, nymphs and adult Rhipicephalus bursa ticks were fed on sheep and were held at 28+/-1 degrees C and 89+/-1% relative humidity (RH) in a darkened incubator. The average weight of engorged females was 0.676g (range 0.353-1.128). The average weight of eggs laid by females was 0.344g (range 0.146-0. 554g). The average number of eggs laid was 7527 (range 6263-8860) and this was significantly correlated with the weight of the females. The index of Reproduction Efficiency (number of eggs per g weight of female) was 8469.6. The index of Conversion Efficiency (weight of eggs per weight of female) was 0.5037.Peak daily oviposition, at an average of 840 eggs per female, occurred on the 6th day of oviposition. After Day 6, the rate declined steadily. The average duration of the preoviposition period was 5.1 days (range 4-7 days). The oviposition period averaged 16.5 days (range 12-21 days), and was significantly related to both the weight of the female and the number of eggs laid. The average pre-hatching period was 31.2 days (range 24-45 days). The average feeding time of larvae and nymphs of this two host tick was 15.2 days (range 14-18 days). Female ticks fed for 5.9 days on the average.Heavier nymphs produced females and a shorter premoult period was noted for lighter male nymphs. The males/females ratio was 1.38:1. The time taken to complete the life cycle was on average 142.45 days (range 99-254 days).  相似文献   

蛋形和蛋壳指数通常作为蛋的孵化、性别鉴定、产蛋性能和蛋品新鲜程度等研究.选取防护林散养鸡150日龄、225日龄及300日龄草鸡蛋作为研究对象,对蛋壳和蛋形指数进行研究,结果表明:蛋形指数中长径、短径在早、中期与后期比较差异显著(P<0.05);蛋壳平均厚度在0.40mm以上,早期与后期比较差异显著(P<0.05);蛋壳重在产蛋后期最大,平均壳重达到5.62g,与早-中期比较差异显著(P<0.05);早-中-晚三个产蛋期的蛋壳平均强度在3.8~4.1 kg/cm2,差异不显著(P>0.05).对蛋品异地销售运输,规模养殖选蛋很有意义.  相似文献   

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