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深圳梧桐山风景区主要植物群落结构特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全面路线、典型植物群落调查的基础上分析梧桐山山地常绿阔叶林9个主要植物群落的结构特征,结果表明:梧桐山植被保护完好,群落平均高度集中在7~13m,郁闭度为0.80~0.95;结构分化明显,优势种突出,乔木层以黧蒴、短序润楠、浙江润楠、红楠、枫香、鸭脚木、亮叶冬青为主,下木层主要有华鼠刺、银柴、降真香、毛棉杜鹃和九节等.乔灌层植物丰富,但草本层植物种类少,覆盖率低;群落外貌春季变化明显,夏秋冬常绿,景观价值高.  相似文献   

以沈阳棋盘山风景区主要林内景观类型为评判对象,选取了52个典型的景观样本,采用美景度评判法进行评价,每个林内景观的喜好度值以标准化公式进行处理,在此基础上,运用多元数量化理论-Ⅰ的线性模型建立了棋盘山风景区森林林内景观的数量化评价模型。建模结果显示,影响该区域林内景观质量的主要因子依次为林下植被总盖度、树干形态、郁闭度、自然整枝、坡度以及枯树倒木。同时,将所得的数量化评价模型应用于实际评价中,所有景观样本的得分值总和为12.324,表明棋盘山风景区的森林林内景观质量总体上并不高,有必要进行林相的改造和建设。  相似文献   

【目的】对郑州市树木园植物群落景观进行综合评价,以期为提升园林植物群落景观设计效果提供理论依据。【方法】实地勘察查郑州市树木园,选取较为典型的地带树木展示区、濒危树木园区、观果林区、空中花园、绚秋林区、垂直绿化区、乡土树种园、引种驯化区以及化石园为主要调研区域,共选27个代表性植物群落样方作为研究对象。同时,围绕树木园植物群落景观人文属性、环境属性两个层级,构建6个维度18个综合评价指标体系,并采用AHP层次分析法确定评价指标权重,得出不同植物群落适宜性排序。【结果】1)郑州市树木园植物群落景观各目标层权重大小为环境属性(52.54%)>人文属性(47.46%),意味着二者均在植物群落景观设计中占据重要地位;各准则层权重大小为自然度(23.84%)>观赏度(22.31%)>健康度(19.85%)>亲绿度(17.12%)>节水度(8.85%)>和谐度(8.03%),表明在展开郑州市树木园植物群落景观设计过程中,应重点关注植物群落的环境属性,即自然性、观赏性、健康性,并辅以多元人文属性进行植物景观搭配;2)景观综合评价结果分析指出,郑州市树木园植物群落的...  相似文献   

对黄岐山森林公园绿化现状研究分析,结果表明,公园植物景观存在林分类型和绿化树种单调;岩石裸露地影响景观,坟地是一大缺陷等三个主要问题,必须进行改造,本文在对植物景观总体配置的特色要求进行探讨的基础上,根据问题的不同提出相应的改造方案。  相似文献   

AHP法综合评价医巫闾山森林公园景观资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对医巫闾山国家级自然保护区森林公园进行全面调查的基础上,借鉴国内外相关研究成果,文章采用AHP法对医巫闾山国家级自然保护区森林公园景观资源进行了综合评价。结果表明:医巫闾山森林公园景观资源质量较高,环境条件很好,具有开发利用价值,但应着眼于中长期的开发规划,提高总体景观价值,形成各具特色的景点、景观。文章为公园定位、开发建设规模及顺序的确定和景观资源保护、整饰等提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

广州城市河涌景观综合评价研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
河涌是城市水系的重要组成部分。城市河涌的景观整治对改善城市生态环境,提升城市建设品味,提高人们生活质量都具重要意义。应用层次分析法,建立广州河涌景观评价体系,选取水体因素、植物群落景观、环境的协调性为评价要素层。水体因素选取了水质质量、河涌的亲水性、河涌活动的安全性3个具体的评价因子;植物群落景观则由植物物种多样性、植物景观空间多样性、植物观赏特性多样性、植物健康状况4个具体的评价因子组成;环境的协调性包括河涌岸线处理自然性、整体环境的协调性。确定了各评价要素和评价因子的权重,以广州及西面的佛山市共12条河涌为实例,对河涌的景观进行客观定量的评价,为以后的河涌规划设计起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

以柳州市居住区为研究对象,选取其中30个植物景观单元作为评价样方,运用层次分析法(AHP法)进行评价,以构建居住区植物景观评价体系。结果表明,准则层权重值排序为生态功能Y1(0.539 6)>美学功能Y2(0.297 0)>服务功能Y3(0.163 4)。指标层前四位权重值排序为植物间的协调共生性X4(0.244 1)>植物生活型多样性X3(0.172 6)>植物色彩与季相变化X6(0.119 4)>植物观赏特性多样性X5(0.088 6)。30个样方的综合评分值均在6.7~7.9分之间,这表明柳州市居住区植物景观总体较好。基于评价结果,推荐了8个优秀的植物景观配置模式,具有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

城市公园为城市居民提供了休闲游憩的场所,是城市的重要公共空间,是城市绿地的主要类型之一.城市公园植物景观的研究对于城市空间的美化和人居环境的改善具有尤为重要的作用.本文使用层次分析法通过3个准则层因素和16个评价因子对玛纳斯葡萄酒公园的植物景观进行分析评价,发现玛纳斯葡萄酒公园植物群落景观虽然在欣赏层面处于较高水平,但...  相似文献   

以红石林业局为研究对象,建立了长白山林区阔叶林高产大径木收获量和净收益优化模型,其中包括矩阵生长子模型,采伐成本和林木价格子模型。通过大量的省级固定样地资料,对林分生长转移概率模型和进界生长模型进行了参数估计,并对模型进行了比较和修正。林分结构优化模拟时综合考虑了林木最大保留直径(LDT),相邻径级立木株数之比(q),林分保留断面积(RBA)和择伐采伐周期4个因素。模拟结果表明,高产大径木的林分结构参数为:q=1.2、LDT=46cm、RBA≥26m2,采伐周期(C)为10–20年。表9参9。  相似文献   

花山喀斯特风景林群落结构与林内景观质量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面和正确地认识群落结构特征与景观美学质量的关系,对揭示森林景观美学质量的形成机制和进行景观质量提升具有重要意义。采用美景度评价法(Scenic Beauty Estimation,SBE)和回归分析,从林分水平结构、垂直结构和物种组成等群落结构特征层面,分析群落结构特征与景观质量的关系。结果表明:群落结构要素对美景度贡献大小顺序依次为Pielou均匀度指数乔木层密度Shannon-Wiener多样性指数林层数乔木层平均高度;Pielou均匀度指数和乔木层密度与美景度呈负相关关系,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、林层数和乔木层平均高度与美景度呈正相关关系;物种丰富、乔木层密度较小、林层数多、乔木层平均高度较大的林分具有较高的美景度值。根据群落结构和林内景观质量关系得出群落结构优化策略,首先尽可能满足物种多样性和生态系统稳定性的需求,在此前提下从水平和垂直结构等空间配置上,综合运用林分抚育、林下层管理和美学规划等措施,构建出符合生态要求和具有较高美学价值的森林景观。  相似文献   

近年来,生态系统服务价值已成为环境生态学和生态经济学的热点问题。植被生态服务功能越来越受到城市规划及园林景观规划学者的关注(杨小波等,2002;任志远等,2003)。林地是植被最主要的组成形态,其功能与价值正在被深入挖掘。林地  相似文献   

Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) outbreaks affect stand dynamics and successional patterns in pine–oak woodlands of North America's Atlantic coastal plain. Species-poor overstories are dominated by pitch pine (Pinus rigida), black oak (Quercus velutina) and white oak (Quercus alba). Both oaks are preferred food for gypsy moth, and white oak is the dominant late-successional species. We documented, over a 21-year period, the effects of gypsy moth defoliation on forest stand dynamics at Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts. Our goal was to better understand the influence of gypsy moth defoliation on temporal changes in stand composition. Tree species abundance and frequency were measured in 16 stands with varying abundances of pitch pine and oak. Regression of 2-dimesional rates of change calculated from principal components analysis showed that gypsy moth significantly influenced stand dynamics and successional patterns between 1981 and 1992/1993. Defoliation was virtually absent in the 1990s, and analysis of 1992/1993–2002 rates of change showed topographic slope to be the most important factor influencing stand dynamics during this time. For the period 1981–2002 rates of change analysis failed to identify either factor as influencing changes in stand dynamics. We conclude that the 1980s defoliation events had a transitory effect on upland forest composition, but that there exists the potential for significant long-term impact due to recurrent defoliation episodes. Stand composition should be monitored at intervals which roughly correspond to the time it takes for stands to recover to disturbance events, in the case of those we sampled, approximately 10 years.  相似文献   

厦门城市生态风景林树种选择与景观构建技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
文章探讨了城市生态风景林的概念与内涵,分析厦门生态风景林植被现状,提出南亚热带城市厦门生态风景林的树种选择,总结了城市生态风景林景观构建技术。  相似文献   

North American jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands are generally characterized by an even-aged structure resulting from high intensity fires (HIF). However, non-lethal fires of moderate intensity (MIF), which leave behind surviving trees, have also been reported. The objectives of this study were two-fold: (1) assess the concurrent dynamics of live trees, understory vegetation and different types of coarse woody debris (CWD) during succession after HIF; and (2) document how MIF affects stand structure component dynamics compared to HIF. Stands affected by both HIF and MIF were selected. Tree characteristics and age structure, understory biomass, and CWD volume were assessed. Our results suggest that the structural succession of jack pine stands following HIF comprises three stages: young stands (<48 years), premature and mature stands (58–100 years) and old stands (>118 years). Canopy openness and jack pine density significantly decreased with time since HIF, while black spruce density and CWD volume significantly increased. The highest structural diversity was measured in the premature and mature stands. Compared to HIF, MIF increased mean jack pine basal area, decreased average stand density, delayed the replacement of jack pine by black spruce replacement in the canopy, decreased CWD volume, and significantly increased bryophytes mass. MIF increased the diversity of live trees and generally decreased CWD structural diversity. The study confirms the diversity of natural disturbance magnitude and successional processes thereby initiated. Thereafter, it appeared to be relevant for adjustment of disturbance emulating forest-management systems.  相似文献   

In 1996 and 1997 we examined the effects of typhoon disturbance on the understory light environment and sapling dynamics of the Fu-shan Experimental Forest, a subtropical rain forest in northeastern Taiwan. Mean understory light levels were approximately 30% of those in the open immediately following the two 1996 typhoons which affected the forest, yet in 1997, following two more typhoons, mean understory light levels were 10%–20% of those in the open. The decline of understory light levels to those present prior to the typhoons was more rapid in 1996 than in 1997, even though the two typhoons in 1996 were more intense than those in 1997. This difference might be the result of the timing of the typhoons. In 1996 the typhoons occurred earlier in the growing season, before August 1 rather than the middle and end of August in 1997. The regular defoliation caused by the frequent typhoons that impact Fu-shan (average of 1.4 per year) and the low stature of the forest (mean canopy height of 10.6m), results in much higher light levels beneath the canopy (9%–30% of levels in the open) than those found in most tropical and temperate forests. As a result, understory light levels are not limiting the distribution of canopy tree saplings within the forest and there is no evidence that canopy gaps play an important role in canopy tree regeneration within the Fu-shan Experiment Forest. This is in contrast with the pattern reported for some tropical forests. With frequent typhoons impacting northeastern Taiwan, the forests of this region are perpetually recovering from wind disturbances.  相似文献   

森林采伐是森林经营中的一个关键环节。采伐对树木天然更新的影响直接关系到森林的结构、组成及森林的可持续经营。本文以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,对择伐5 年后不同作业迹地(集材道、楞场和采伐后林窗)的幼苗更新及灌木、草本的多样性进行研究,并以没有进行采伐干扰的林地作为对照。共设计样地23 块,在各个小样地内调查幼树的种类、树木、高度;灌木和草本植物的种类、树木、高度和盖度,应用SPSS 软件进行一元方差分析。结果表明,择伐作业影响幼苗的更新,灌木和草本的多样性在作业迹地增加,尤其在林隙处的多样性最高。适当采伐能促进幼苗的更新,特别是阔叶树种的更新。集材道对幼苗密度的影响比对幼苗高度的影响大,幼苗密度在集材道上密度最高;采伐作业对针叶树种有严重的影响,在三种作业迹地上针叶树种的密度都比对照低。为了维持森林的结构和组成,在森林收获和楞场的建立时,必须采取科学措施保护针叶树种。此外,采伐林窗和楞场的面积都应该减小。为了确保采伐迹地建群树种的更新,经营中应该在保护生物多样性的前提下,适当控制过于旺盛的灌木和草本层的生长。本研究结果将为采伐后作业迹地的恢复和森林的可持续经营提供科学的依据。图1 表4 参14。  相似文献   

Forest inventories based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) have already become common practice in the Nordic countries. One possibility for improving their cost effectiveness is to use existing field data sets as training data. One alternative in Finland would be the use of National Forest Inventory (NFI) sample plots, which are truncated angle count (relascope) plots. This possibility is tested here by using a training data set based on measurements similar to the Finnish NFI. Tree species-specific stand attributes were predicted by the non-parametric k most similar neighbour (k-MSN) approach, utilising both ALS and aerial photograph data. The stand attributes considered were volume, basal area, stem number, mean age of the tree stock, diameter and height of the basal area median tree, determined separately for Scots pine, Norway spruce and deciduous trees. The results obtained were compared with those obtained when using training data based on observations from fixed area plots with the same centre point location as the NFI plots. The results indicated that the accuracy of the estimates of stand attributes derived by using NFI training data was close to that of the fixed area plot training data but that the NFI sampling scheme and the georeferencing of the plots can cause problems in practical applications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the beta, Johnson SB, Weibull and truncated Weibull functions in describing the diameter distributions of forest stands in Catalonia. The data consisted of permanent sample plots from the Spanish National Forest Inventory in Catalonia. The empirical data represent left-truncated distributions, as the smallest diameter measured in the field was 7.5 cm. A total of 1,242 plots were used to fit the functions and analyze their performance. The distribution functions were fitted to the diameter distributions of the number of stems (DDN) and stand basal area (DDG). The performance of the candidate functions was compared by means of their bias and RMSE for different diameter sums measuring the difference between the empirical and fitted distributions. The leftmost part (from 0 to 7.5 cm) of the non-truncated functions was ignored in this analysis. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to check whether the results depended on the number of trees measured in the stand, or the main species of the stand. The truncated Weibull function for the diameter distribution of stand basal area appeared to be in all cases the most accurate and consistent function. Generally, functions describing the distribution of stand basal area performed better than functions that described the distribution of the number of trees. Of the basal area distributions, beta and Johnson’s SB were the second best and nearly equally good with each other. The order of precision of the tested functions was: truncated Weibull for DDG, truncated Weibull for DDN, Johnson’s SB for DDG, beta for DDG, beta for DDN and Weibull for DDG, Weibull for DDN, and Johnson’s SB for DDN.  相似文献   

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