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Plum pox virus (PPV) was first identified in the United Kingdom in 1965. Despite a rigorous eradication policy, the disease spread quickly and established itself in all the main plum-growing areas in England. In 1975, the policy was changed from a blanket eradication campaign to one of containment; retaining statutory control of PPV on propagation material but allowing the industry to control the disease in orchards. As part of the current containment campaign, annual surveys are carried out on propagation material. These surveys show that the incidence of PPV in this material is very low and that only the D-strain is present. The precise situation regarding PPV incidence in commercial orchards is unknown. Given the low incidence in propagation material, it is likely that PPV is uncommon in actively managed orchards. However, some infected orchards probably do still exist, especially older, unmanaged or abandoned ones. Overall, the history of PPV control in the UK is one of unsuccessful eradication but successful containment. The UK experience demonstrates that given the right combination of strain and host, alongside a regular testing regime, it is possible to control PPV through the establishment of a regulated certification scheme and the supply of virus-free planting material.  相似文献   

When the first foci of sharka were discovered in Puglia region (south-east Italy) in the late 1980s, the regional agricultural authorities launched a programme for Plum pox virus (PPV) monitoring and disease eradication. The infecting virus strain was identified as PPV-D. From 1989 to 1993, a strong eradication campaign was successfully carried out involving 13 plum and 2 apricot orchards with different levels of infection. During 1994–2000, besides plum, apricot and peach, monitoring was extended to sweet cherry. At that time, surveys and testing did not reveal any new PPV focus, but the eradication of infected trees continued in a couple of orchards. In 2001–05, particular attention was paid to peach, as devastating PPV-M outbreaks had developed in other areas of the country. A new PPV focus was found in apricot, caused by PPV-Rec, which was promptly eradicated. In the following two years, surveys in the once infected orchard and surrounding peach plantings did not detect any virus spread. The endeavour has taken 15 years making this PPV monitoring and eradication programme the longest in Italy. Its overall results indicate that the fruit tree industry in Puglia region can now be regarded as essentially PPV-free.  相似文献   

Sharka, caused by Plum pox potyvirus (PPV), was first observed in Slovenia in 1987. In the following years, the presence of PPV was confirmed by DAS-ELISA in samples originating from orchards, individual trees and propagation material of stone fruits. In 1998, a systematic survey was initiated to prevent and control the spread of sharka and to establish pest-free production sites. In the first 3 years of the systematic survey, the presence of PPV was also monitored outside production sites for propagating material and their buffer zones, in order to establish the current incidence of sharka in Slovenia. The results showed an overall presence of PPV infection in Slovenia. Since 2000, the survey has focused mainly on nurseries, mother trees and stool-beds. In spite of strict official supervision and eradication measures, the incidence of sharka in propagating material production sites increased until 2002. A significant decrease in the number of PPV-infected mother trees, stool-beds, nurseries and buffer zones was finally obtained in 2002, as a consequence of the vast effort dedicated to containment of sharka in Slovenia.  相似文献   

Sharka disease caused by Plum pox virus (PPV) is present in several areas in France, and its total eradication from the territory is not considered feasible. Although sharka falls under mandatory control measures, the objective is, in the infected areas, to contain the disease in the orchards at sufficiently low levels so that the production remains economically viable. In parallel, official controls are carried out to guarantee that plants for planting, including seedlings, which are moved in trade are free from PPV.  相似文献   

D. Thompson 《EPPO Bulletin》2006,36(2):302-304
In 2000, Plum pox virus (PPV) was discovered in Canada in the provinces of Ontario and Nova Scotia. Delimitation surveys were used to define quarantine areas. An eradication strategy was developed based on a threshold value for virus incidence which triggered removal of the entire orchard block. Each year the threshold value is being lowered until reaching a zero tolerance level. Growers are compensated financially for their losses. A two-tiered certification programme was designed to provide clean replacement trees. Initially, growers planted PPV-tested trees as an interim measure until fully virus-tested stock became available. It is hoped that this eradication programme will eliminate PPV from Canada by 2010.  相似文献   

Plum pox potyvirus (PPV) was introduced into Puglia (IT) a few years ago with infected propagative material coming from nurseries outside the region. Infections were detected in commercial plum and apricot orchards, but not in local nurseries. Extensive surveys were carried out in young apricot, plum and peach orchards to assess the distribution, incidence and spread of PPV infections, with a view to possibly enforcing an eradication programme. Surveys were based on visual inspections of about 300 commercial orchards and nurseries (covering an area of more than 550 ha) in the whole of Puglia, by ELISA and IBM tests, and by biological testing on GF305 of field samples. A total of 23,000 plants were individually checked by ELISA and IEM. The eradication involved 13 plum (35 ha) and 2 apricot (5 ha) orchards showing different levels of PPV infection. Six of the plum plantings showed infection exceeding 30% and were completely uprooted; in the remaining orchards, infection did not exceed 10% and uprooting was limited to infected trees. PPV was never detected in peach. The high incidence of PPV in some plum orchards was due to the heavy initial contamination of propagating material. Secondary virus spread was monitored in apricot orchards and found to occur at a low rate.  相似文献   

Tremendous progress has been made in the research and development of Plum pox virus (PPV) serological reagents and methods in recent years. Two facts have revolutionised the serological detection and characterization of the virus: the development of the ELISA method in 1977, and the later emergence of specific monoclonal antibody technology. The availability of commercial kits has popularised PPV diagnosis, now making diagnosis possible at large scale for quarantine purposes, eradication programmes and control of the disease in nurseries. The use of the universal monoclonal antibody 5B-IVIA, used in DASI-ELISA, is the most accurate system for routine PPV detection. Likewise, the use of typing monoclonal antibodies gives exact characterization of the main PPV types described: 4DG5 for PPV-D, AL for PPV-M, EA24 for PPV-EA, and TUV and AC for PPV-C. There is, in general, an excellent correlation between serological data obtained with PPV specific monoclonal antibodies and data obtained by molecular PCR based methods. ELISA using a single or a mixture of monoclonal antibodies will remain the preferred method for universal detection and routine screening of PPV for years to come. Today, other serological methods and reagents are also recommended in the EPPO Diagnostic Protocol, increasing the number of reliable tests available for PPV detection. These developments have helped to control sharka disease in recent years. International co-operation in this field has been crucial to the improvement and validation of serological tools for PPV detection and characterization.  相似文献   

J. Németh 《EPPO Bulletin》1999,29(1-2):135-144
After the first detection of Erwinia amylovora in Hungary, as a result of an intensive survey started in spring 1996, it was concluded that the incidence of fireblight was highest in a zone 10–30 km wide and 200–250 km long near the southern and south-eastern border. The disease was concentrated in the Békés, Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties. Isolated infection foci were, however, also found in Baranya county. In 1997, further spread of the disease was recorded. Only three of the 19 counties could be considered as free from the disease. The disease attacked nine major host plants, but the majority of infected plants were quince and pear. During the eradication campaign in 1996, more than 60 000 trees were uprooted and destroyed across the country. Eradication was performed partly by special work teams and partly with the participation of growers. The pathogen most probably entered Hungary by aerial drift from Romania or Yugoslavia during the previous 2 or 3 years. In the interior of the country, introduction through nursery stock and possibly infested tools, as well as wind and insect movement, cannot be excluded. Major measures to control the disease are discussed.  相似文献   

The history of North American (USA and Canada) epidemics of Plum pox virus (PPV), as well as hypotheses about the general North American epidemiology of PPV, are summarized. The hierarchical sampling method, combined with reliable DASI-ELISA detection/confirmation procedures, were successfully used for extensive PPV surveys of stonefruit-producing areas in both countries. The influence of epidemiological analyses on eradication policy is described.  相似文献   

Hosts and symptoms of Plum pox virus: ornamental and wild Prunus species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several ornamental and wild Prunus species have been identified as natural and/or experimental hosts for Plum pox virus (PPV). The significance of natural vs. experimental hosts, graft or bud-transmitted infections vs. aphid-transmitted infections in ornamental or wild Prunus hosts, and their relevance in the field situation, are not clearly understood. However, since PPV is aphid-transmitted, any host in the field or nursery serves as a potential reservoir and source of inoculum and must be monitored and controlled in any PPV eradication or management programme.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips ( Frankliniella occidentalis ) invaded Finland in 1987/1988. In the following year, tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) was identified in vegetable and ornamental crops. An eradication campaign was initiated in autumn 1987. Growers were ordered to take measures against F. occidentalis and TSWV and were advised how to avoid these new pests; the import regulations were amended to intensify pre-export and pre-entry control; a research programme was started to develop biological control of F. occidentalis. At present, F. occidentalis occurs only sporadically in a few places and is not a problem for the growers. TSWV has not been identified since 1989. Eradication measures cost the government FIM 1.6 million in 1987/1990. The financial cost of eradication to the industry has been impossible to assess. It has been calculated that 'living with' F. occidentalis and TSWV cost at least FIM 35 million over a period of 4 years. The cost/benefit ratio is thus about 1:20. The eradication campaign has therefore been highly profitable.  相似文献   

In July 2014, leaves showing symptoms of a viral infection were collected from a plum tree serving as a mother tree in a Finnish nursery and found to be infected by Plum pox virus (PPV). A subsequent survey revealed additional infected trees originating from the infected mother tree. This paper provides the first report of PPV, the causal agent of the most destructive viral disease of Prunus, in Finland.  相似文献   

The reasons for using, and the methods used for cost benefit analysis of eradication campaigns against alien pests and diseases in the UK are discussed. Details of the costanalysis for a current campaign against white rust of chrysanthemums ( Puccinia horiana ) are given.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We evaluated the impact of roguing on the spread and persistence of the aggressive Plum pox virus strain M (PPV-M) in 19 peach orchard blocks in Southern France. During a 7- to 10-year period, orchards were visually inspected for PPV symptoms, and symptomatic trees were removed every year. Disease incidence was low in all orchards at disease discovery and was <1% in 16 of the 19 orchard blocks. The spread of Sharka disease was limited in all 19 blocks, with an annual disease incidence between 2 and 6%. However, new symptomatic trees were continuously detected, even after 7 to 10 years of uninterrupted control measures. An extended Cox model was developed to evaluate to what extent tree location, orchard characteristics, environment, and disease status within the vicinity influenced the risk of infection through time. Eleven variables with potential effect on tree survival (i.e., maintenance of a tree in a disease- free status through time) were selected from survey data and databases created using a geographical information system. Area of the orchard, density of planting, distance of a tree from the edge of the orchard block sharing a boundary with another diseased orchard, and distance to the nearest previously detected symptomatic tree had a significant effect on the risk for a tree to become infected through time. The combined results of this study suggest that new PPV-M infections within orchards subjected to roguing resulted from exogenous sources of inoculum, disease development of latent infected trees, as well as infected trees overlooked within the orchards during visual surveys. A revision of the survey and the roguing procedures used for more effective removal of potential sources of inoculum within the orchards and in the vicinity of the orchards would improve disease control suppression of PPV.  相似文献   

Ophiostoma novo‐ulmi, the cause of the current pandemic of Dutch elm disease, is considered one of the 20 worst pests to have been introduced to New Zealand. An attempt to eradicate the pathogen came close to success, but was eventually stopped and replaced by management programmes. These programmes are slowing the spread of the pathogen. If left uncontrolled it is likely that New Zealand will lose 90% of its elm trees. Although elms are exotic trees in New Zealand, the loss of such a large number of popular amenity trees is likely to have numerous social, cultural, environmental and economic effects. It is estimated that this disease could cost public and councils over NZD $350 million in tree removal and replacement costs. Control of O. novo‐ulmi is limited, but biological control using d‐factor viruses has been proposed. Although O. novo‐ulmi was not eradicated from New Zealand, the eradication programme had many successes; in particular, the effective interaction of good management and science in the early years of the campaign. Also highlighted in this review are several tactics and steps that could be applied to eradication attempts for other species.  相似文献   

G. GRÄNSBO 《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(4):499-505
Sweden suffered a heavy invasion of Colorado beetle in 1972, leading to the establishment of numerous infestation foci in the southern part of the country. The central campaign organized in the following years culminated in the eradication of the beetle by 1978. The beetle has the potential to survive and cause economic damage in Sweden.  相似文献   

The isolate BOR-3, collected in Slovakia in 1996, was recently identified as a natural recombinant between an M and D type of Plum pox virus (PPV). Biological assays demonstrated its capacity to be aphid- and graft-transmitted to various Prunus spp. hosts. A study was carried out to determine the further presence of PPV recombinants in two epidemiologically distinct areas – Slovakia and France. Tools based on PPV-M and D subgroup typing, targeting P3–6K1, CI and CP regions of the PPV genome were used for recombinant identification. Closely related recombinant variants were detected in different Prunus spp. during a survey conducted in Slovakia in 2001, but not within a set of selected PPV isolates from France collected between 1985 and 2001. Sequence analysis of the (Cter)NIb–(Nter)CP region of 10 recombinant isolates from Slovakia showed their high homology, reaching more than 98%. All the recombinant isolates shared the same recombination breakpoint situated in the C terminus of the NIb gene. Our study demonstrates that the PPV recombinants are viable and competitive with conventional PPV-M and D isolates. The present work indicates that the occurrence of recombinants within PPV isolates might be more common than previously assumed.  相似文献   

For many years, Plum pox virus (PPV) was considered to be transmissible by seed, increasing the fear of long-distance spread of the disease. In the late 1970s, it was claimed on the basis of biological transmission of the virus to herbaceous indicator plants and the development of serological diagnosis based on polyclonal antibodies, that PPV was seed-transmitted, with a different infection rate according to the plant species and part of the seed which was tested. In the 1990s, PPV was characterized into four different types, and specific monoclonal antibodies were produced for them. These new and more sensitive diagnostic techniques, together with RT-PCR with different sets of specific primers, were used to approach once again the problem of PPV transmission through seeds. The virus was detected in seed coats and cotyledons, but embryonic tissue and seedlings obtained from germinated seeds never showed symptoms, and gave negative results for PPV with both ELISA and PCR assays. No PPV isolate is currently recognized to be seed transmitted, so vertical transmission of PPV from infected mother plants to their progeny does not occur. Hypothetically, the only possibility of seed transmission would arise from a mutation in the helper component of the virus, associated with high susceptibility of the infected Prunus cultivar.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of sharka disease in France   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plum pox virus was first detected in France in the 1960s. Both PPV-D and PPV-M strains are present but epidemics related to the PPV-M strain detected in the late 1980s are the most problematic. The two PPV strains have unequal distributions in peach and apricot orchards and different prevalences. More than 20 different aphid species have been identified as vectors of PPV but most of them do not colonize Prunus species. Thus, aphids involved in the spread of PPV in orchards are essentially visiting aphids. The main sources of inoculum for the vectors are leaves and fruits of infected stone-fruit trees. Spontaneous, wild and ornamental Prunus species such as Prunus dulcis , P. spinosa or P. pissardii are susceptible to PPV isolates found in France but their role as a reservoir in sharka epidemics is probably negligible. The disease spreads rapidly in orchards but the rate of progression may vary according to the identity of the PPV strain and the Prunus species. Analysis of spatial patterns of disease has shown that secondary spread by aphids frequently occurs over short distances in the orchards (aggregated patterns) but also that dissemination at longer distances (of several hundred metres) is a common event.  相似文献   

Experiments evaluating the curative and protective effect of sprays of benodanil, bitertanol, oxycarboxin, triadimefon, triforine and propiconazole, and intensive oxycarboxin fog and triforine spray regimes, against chrysanthemum white rust are described. All treatments reduced the disease when applied before symptoms developed but only propiconazole completely prevented disease development. A single spray of propiconazole applied 4–8 days after inoculation was sufficient to eradicate infection. This fungicide was also found to eliminate symptomless infection from cuttings when used as a dip prior to planting, or as two sprays after planting. When sporulation had occurred, three sprays of propiconazole or benodanil killed the telia, but viable telia were still present after three sprays of oxycarboxin, triadimefon or triforine. When applied as single protective sprays none of these fungicides consistently prevented infection, although levels were considerably reduced when application was made 2–3 days before exposure to the disease. Observational trials indicate that although propiconazole has some growth retardant effect it does not appear to present any significant phytotoxicity problems, either as a spray or as soil residue. As a result of this work propiconazole has been successfully used in a statutory eradication campaign against this rust. To avoid the possible development of resistance, it is suggested that its use should be confined to actual outbreaks, or when it is suspected that plants or cuttings may have become infected.  相似文献   

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