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Mycotic pneumonia in mariculture-reared green sea turtles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microbiologic examination of 29 juvenile green sea turtles with a buoyancy abnormality revealed pulmonary infection with Sporotrichium sp, Cladosporium sp, and Paecilomyces sp. Histologic examination of the lungs revealed granulomatous lesions containing branching septate hyphae. The diagnosis was mycotic pneumonia.  相似文献   

Nine successive groups of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) were observed in aquaculture during the posthatchling period. During the first 6 months of growth, each group underwent an epizootic of skin lesions, named gray-patch disease. Two types of skin lesions are associated with gray-patch disease: papules and, more characteristically, spreading gray patches which appear 7 to 8 weeks after hatching. In both types of lesions, intranuclear inclusions are found in keratinocytes in the malpighian layer of the epidermis. Electron microscopic examination of scrapings from lesions and biopsies revealed many viral particles, with features characteristic of the herpesvirus group. Transmission of gray-patch disease is possible with bacteria-free preparations of viral particles.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the efficacy of praziquantel as a treatment for cardiovascular flukes in turtles.
Procedure Six green sea turtles ( Chelonia mydas ) spontaneously infected with cardiovascular flukes (Digenea: Spirorchiidae) were treated orally with praziquantel, and necropsied 3 or 7 days later to look for flukes in the heart and major blood vessels. Six similar animals were maintained as untreated controls.
Results Absence of flukes in treated, but not control turtles, indicated that a one day course of treatment at a dose rate of 3 times 50 mg/kg body weight is effective.
Conclusion This result should be of value for preventing disease in wild caught green turtles introduced into farms or aquaria.  相似文献   

Although lungworms are known to infect many mammalian species and a few are known to infect snakes, lizards, and birds, previously none were known to infect chelonians. This study documents the first three known cases of lungworms in loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta. It is unlikely that the lungworms were the primary cause of illness in any of the cases, and they may be only contributory or even incidental. Changes observed in the two cases that died included tracheal and bronchial epithelial hyperplasia and goblet cell hyperplasia. Lesions caused directly by the parasites seem to be restricted to the upper respiratory tree (trachea and main bronchi), but changes in the lungs themselves may be caused by the debris produced by the worms. Although neither case was successfully treated for the lungworms prior to death, it would appear that oxfendazole may be an effective treatment and has been used in the third case that is still undergoing rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Feline herpesvirus associated with interstitial pneumonia in a kitten   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Three cases of skin ulceration in cats are described. Herpesvirus was isolated from the ulcers. Treatment of one case with antibiotics and an antiviral agent was successful. The significance of the viral isolate is discussed.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate causes of ill health and mortality in juvenile wild green sea turtles ( Chelonia mydas ) found along the mid-north west coast of Western Australia between June and October of 1997.
Procedure Department of Conservation and Land Management rangers submitted four dead or dying green sea turtles from separate incidents for veterinary examination, necropsy, and bacteriological, parasitological and histopatho-logical examination.
Results Numerous different species of trematodes belonging to the families Pronocephalidae, Microscaphidiidae and Paramphistomidae were detected in the intestines of two turtles examined, and in all turtles there was severe spirorchid fluke infection including Haemoxenicon sp, Amphiorchis sp and Hapalotrema sp. Histopathological examination demonstrated severe multifocal to diffuse granulomatous vasculitis, aggregations of spirorchid fluke eggs and microabscesses throughout various tissues including intestines, kidney, liver, lung and brain. Cultures and or histopathological examination demonstrated disseminated Gram-negative bacterial infections including salmonella, E coli , Citrobacter freundii and Moraxella sp.
Conclusion Infections caused by salmonellae, E coli and other Gram-negative bacteria should be considered as causes of systemic illness and death in wild green sea turtles infected with spirorchid cardiovascular flukes and other internal parasites.  相似文献   

During an outbreak of abortion caused by equine herpesvirus 1, a neurologic disease characterized clinically by dullness and ataxia occurred in several mares. Equine herpesvirus 1 was isolated from brain and lung of two severely affected mares. Histologically, both mares had disseminated meningoencephalomyelitis characterized by necrotizing arteritis, focal malacia in grey and white matter of brain and spinal cord, and accumulation of lymphocytes and neutrophils in paravertebral ganglia. Eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies occurred in foci of necrosis in thyroid adenomas of both mares.  相似文献   

In a field disease outbreak, 60 female goats died over a 2-3 week period. Necropsies of seven of these does revealed that six had an acute exudative necrotising broncho-pneumonia, and moderate to high numbers of Pasteurella haemolytica were isolated from their lungs. Caprine herpesvirus, identified as Bovid herpesvirus type 6, was isolated from the lungs of two of these does, including one with pneumonia, and from nasal swabs of in-contact goats. Clinical disease was only observed in does, and deaths began 3 weeks after the introduction of a mob of goat hoggets from another farm.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses are associated with lung-eye-trachea disease and gray patch disease in maricultured green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and with fibropapillomatosis in wild sea turtles of several species. With the exception fibropapillomatosis, no other diseases of wild sea turtles of any species have been associated with herpesviral infection. In the present study, six necropsied Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) had gross and histological evidence of viral infection, including oral, respiratory, cutaneous, and genital lesions characterized by necrosis, ulceration, syncytial cell formation, and intranuclear inclusion bodies. Nested polymerase chain reaction targeting a conserved region of the herpesvirus DNA-dependent-DNA polymerase gene yielded two unique herpesviral sequences referred to as loggerhead genital-respiratory herpesvirus and loggerhead orocutaneous herpesvirus. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that these viruses are related to and are monophyletic with other chelonian herpesviruses within the subfamily alpha-herpesvirinae. We propose the genus Chelonivirus for this monophyletic group of chelonian herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Cowpox virus infection in cats is rare and usually leads to cutaneous lesions alone. Pulmonary infection and pneumonia have been documented occasionally but all such cases described to date have been fatal. Although usually affecting the upper respiratory tract, feline herpesvirus can also induce pneumonia. The present report describes the case of a cat that recovered from a pneumonia in which both poxvirus and feline herpesvirus were demonstrated.  相似文献   

A juvenile male green iguana (Iguana iguana) died 5 days following movement to a room 3-5 degrees C cooler than its previous housing. Gross necropsy lesions were limited to thin body condition. Histologically the animal had multifocal, random, moderate to severe, acute hepatocellular necrosis with intranuclear inclusion bodies at the periphery of the necrotic areas. Electron microscopy of the liver revealed icosahedral viral particles approximately 110 nm in diameter, consistent with a herpesvirus infection. Characteristics of the herpesvirus are similar to those described for iguanid herpesvirus 1.  相似文献   

Stomatitis is a common problem in lizards, and the etiologies of stomatitis in lizards are not well understood. Four green tree monitor lizards (Varanus prasinus) from two different collections were evaluated because of proliferative stomatitis. Degenerate PCR primers targeting a conserved region of herpesvirus DNA-dependent DNA polymerase were used to amplify and sequence a product from gingival tissue of three of four lizards (cases 1, 3, and 4). DNA in situ hybridization of tissues from three lizards was positive for herpesvirus in the oral mucosa of all three lizards tested (cases 1-3) and the brain of two lizards (cases 1 and 3). Comparative sequence analysis suggests that this virus is a novel member of the subfamily alpha-herpesvirinae, and is here termed varanid herpesvirus 1.  相似文献   

Brain tissue from 12 aborted bovine fetuses submitted to the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory revealed histologic lesions that consisted of glial nodules and variable degrees of mononuclear inflammation, microhemorrhage, neuronal necrosis, and cerebral cortical cavitation. A diagnosis of Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) abortion had been made in all of these cases through multiple testing modalities. Brain tissue from 8 of the 12 fetuses was immunohistochemically stained with a monoclonal antibody specific to BHV-1, and, in 5 fetuses, there was positive intralesional staining of neurons, glial cells, and endothelial cells. This preliminary data suggested that herpesviral infection of brain tissue led to the described neurologic lesions. BHV-1 was then amplified from brain tissue in all 12 of the fetuses and was confirmed by partial sequencing of the thymidine kinase and glycoprotein C genes. To the authors' knowledge, neurologic lesions have not previously been described in BHV-1-infected fetuses, nor has BHV-1 previously been identified in bovine fetal brain tissue. The neurologic histopathology attributed to BHV-1 infection in these cases overlaps with the neurologic lesions produced by Neospora caninum, a common etiologic agent of bovine abortion. Therefore, when bovine fetal neurologic lesions are found, both etiologies should be considered and then distinguished by using additional diagnostic tools.  相似文献   

A midwestern producer reported high incidence of conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis in a herd of crossbred finishing swine. Complete necropsy was performed on 3 pigs with bilateral mucopurulent conjunctivitis and chemosis; other gross lesions were not seen. Mycoplasma sp was isolated from conjunctival swab specimens obtained from 1 pig; small numbers of streptococci and coagulase-negative staphylococci were isolated from conjunctival swab specimens from all 3 pigs. Neither swine influenza virus nor pseudorabies virus was isolated from conjunctival swab specimens. Histologically, the 3 pigs had chronic lymphoplasmacytic conjunctivitis with lymphofollicular hyperplasia and foci of epithelial and goblet cell hyperplasia. Ultrastructural examination of conjunctival specimens from the 3 pigs revealed large numbers of Mycoplasma-like organisms adhered to superficial conjunctival cells. Mycoplasma-like organisms also were seen in membrane-bound vacuoles in superficial conjunctival cells. Bacteria (including chlamydiae) or viruses were not seen ultrastructurally. The lymphoproliferative nature of the conjunctival lesion and the evidence of adhered and intracellular organisms suggested an etiologic role for a Mycoplasma-like organism in the disease in these pigs.  相似文献   

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