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Solanum okadae Hawkes et Hjert is a wild diploid potato species endemic to Argentina and Bolivia, of potential breeding value. However, no genetic studies have been carried out with this species and its crossability relations with the common tetraploid potato, S. tuberosum L. ssp. tuberosum, are unknown. Furthermore, accessions from both countries differed in their morphological phenotypes. To ascertain the feasibility of incorporating this wild germplasm into cultivated potato, 2n pollen screening was carried out in 10 accessions and families derived from crosses between accessions; also, pollen-pistil compatibility relations were studied in reciprocal interspecific crosses. Plants of four of the 10 accessions produced 2n pollen (0.1 to 5.0%) and 4n pollen (0.0 to 3.0%). Parallel and tripolar spindles at Anaphase II were the cytological mechanisms involved in 2n pollen formation; lack of chromosome migration in both meiotic divisions originated the 4n pollen. Both full compatibility and incompatibility at various sites along the pistil were observed in the S. tuberosum × S. okadae combinations; most reciprocal combinations were incompatible. Compatible genotypes produced 2n pollen. However, only a few seeds were obtained and chromosome counts could not be carried out in the hybrid progeny because seedlings died at an early stage. The pollen-pistil barriers are incomplete and can be circumvented by the appropiate choice of parents. The identification of the post-zygotic barriers will be the focus of further studies.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of germplasm is important for setting objective guidelines for conservation. One common problem found in genebanks is determining the value of populations with insufficient or unreliable data regarding their geographic origin. In this study, a genetic analysis based on RAPD markers was conducted to characterize a `mystery' population of Solanum sucrense, a polysomic tetraploid potato (2n=4x=48), for which adequate documentation was lacking. The comparative analysis of genetic similarities between this mystery population and each one of 30 other S. sucrense populations in the genebank revealed that all populations within this species, including the mystery population, are significantly different from being duplicates, and are therefore worthy of separate conservation. RAPD markers also distinguished the mystery population from closely related tetraploid species S. oplocense, S. gourlayi and S. tuberosum ssp. andigena, suggesting that it is also not a duplicate of a population of these species. If RAPDs can clearly differentiate populations within highly heterogeneous tetraploids like S. sucrense, they should be generally useful for determining germplasm organization within potato species.  相似文献   

RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was performed by the Southern hybridization method using total DNA extracted from eggplant, Solanum melongena L., and six related Solanum species, S. surattense Burm. (i.e. S. virginianum L.), S. torvum Swartz, S. gilo Raddi (i.e. S. aethiopicum), S. integrifolium Poir. (i.e. S. aethiopicum), S. indicum auct. non L. (i.e. S. violaceum Ort.) and S. sanitwongsei Craib. Forty-one fragments were detected by the analysis using 12 combinations of four restriction enzymes and three probes of mtDNA clones from rice. Thirty-four out of the 41 fragments were polymorphic among the species, whereas the other seven were monomorphic. This RFLP analysis of mtDNA is demonstrated to be appropriate for assessing phylogenetic relationships in eggplant and related Solanum species at the interspecific level.  相似文献   

Summary Solanum L. sect. Petota Dumort., the potato and its wild relatives, contains 232 species, according to the latest taxonomic interpretation of Hawkes (1990). Section Petota is distributed in the Americas from the southwestern United States to southern Chile. This economically important group has attracted the attention of numerous taxonomists with various taxonomic philosophies. There are 531 validly published basionyms in the group, plus 67 nomina nuda or nomina dubia, and subsequent transfers to other ranks raise the number of names to 664. The taxonomy of sect. Petota has been dominated in recent years by J. G. Hawkes & J. P. Hjerting (co-workers) and C. M. Ochoa. The near simultaneous and independent publication of three recent books by these workers, treating the Bolivian species of sect. Petota, provides a novel opportunity to compare their taxonomic philosophies. Additionally, a recent independent treatment of all of the South American species by L. E. Gorbatenko provides a new interpretation of affiliations of species to series that is compared to the recent treatment of Hawkes and earlier treatments of S. M. Bukasov and D. S. Correll. These treatments differ in the placement of species into series, species boundaries, rank of infraspecific taxa, and hypotheses of hybridization. Our analysis illustrates the wide differences of taxonomic interpretation possible when independent workers treat the same material. The comparison provides insights into unresolved taxonomic questions in sect. Petota and indicates the need for a practical taxonomic resolution that will benefit plant breeders and other researchers on wild potatoes. Reasons for the discrepancies are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

The common potato, Solanum tuberosum spp. tuberosum (tbr), is a tetraploid species with a narrow genetic base, but with a large number of related species that harbor great genetic diversity for numerous characters of agronomic interest. S. kurtzianum (ktz) and S. ruiz-lealii (rzl) are wild diploid relatives with potential resistance to adverse biotic and abiotic factors. To evaluate if this wild germplasm can be incorporated by conventional crosses into the tbr gene pool, pollen-pistil compatibility relations and seed set in interspecific crosses with tbr were investigated. In 4x tbr × 2x ktz crosses and the reciprocals, 89% and 52.2% of genotypic combinations (respectively) were compatible at the pollen-pistil level. Seeds were obtained from some genotypic combinations in both directions of the cross, suggesting that functional 2n gametes might be produced by particular ktz genotypes. In 2x rzl × 4x tbr crosses and their reciprocals, 35% and 11.7% (respectively) of the genotypic combinations were compatible at the pollen-pistil level, but no seeds were obtained. These results indicate that the reproductive isolation between 4x tbr and 2x ktz is incomplete, and that gene exchange between them is feasible. Moreover, further studies will have to be carried out with rzl to ascertain its crossability with 4x tbr.  相似文献   

Three wild carrot species have been reported in the argentinian flora: Daucus montanus Humb. et Bonpl. ex Schult., D. montevidensis Link ex Sprengel and D. pusillus Michx. There is a discrepancy among authors about the distinctive morphological traits of the last two species; thus, it is difficult to ascertain if they are truly two distinct taxa. Based on the available literature and in the search of a paradigmatic site, four collection trips were carried out in 2004 and 2005 in Buenos Aires and Southern Entre Ríos provinces. Populations were sampled at 30 sites, and local environmental parameters and associated plant species were recorded. Morphological observations and chromosome counts were carried out on 10 plants/population. Three morphological phenotypes were distinguished: one in 18 populations, all with 2n = 2x = 18, and two in the remaining 12, with 2n = 2x = 22 or aneusomaty (2n = 2x = 20, 22). Populations of the first phenotype were assigned to wild D. carota and the rest, tentatively, to D. pusillus (D. montevidensis?), till further evaluations are carried out in test sites to verify this tentative conclusion.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 21 enzyme loci was studied in Aegilops comosa and Ae. uniaristata, the two species belonging to section Comopyrum of Aegilops. In Ae. comosa, the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.00 and the proportion of polymorphic loci was 0.667; in Ae. uniaristata they were 1.19 and 0.143, respectively. The two species were genetically distant from each other (I=0.561) supporting the previously assigned different genome symbols, M and N.  相似文献   

Isozyme variation was studied in 87 plants from 32 cultivated and wild accessions of banana passion fruit (P. tripartita var. mollissima, P. tripartita var. tripartita, P. tarminiana, and P. mixta), rosy passion fruit (P. cumbalensis), tin-tin (P. pinnatistipula), gulián (P. ampullacea), P. antioquensis, P. bracteosa, and P. manicata, from the Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. Six polymorphic enzyme systems (IDH, PGDH, PGM, DIA, PRX, and ACP) revealed 31 zymotypes characterized by the presence or absence of 31 electromorphs. Cluster analysis separated clearly the accessions of P. tarminiana, P. tripartita, P. mixta, and P. cumbalensis from the less typical species of subgenus Tacsonia, which is consistent with morphological evidence. P. mixta showed the highest intraspecific variation and the closest affinity with P. tripartita. The accessions of these two species formed two clusters, one dominated by Colombian genotypes and the other dominated by Ecuadorian genotypes. One of the P. tripartita var. mollissima accessions clustered close to P. tarminiana accessions. The affinity between these three species is particularly interesting for conservation and use of banana passion fruit genetic resources. All the other species formed monospecific clusters.  相似文献   

Seed protein profiles by SDS-PAGE were studied in 72 accessions ofSolanum melongena L. and its related taxa in subgenusLeptostemonum (Dunal) Bitter. Comparisons based onJaccard's similarity and UPGMA clustering revealed interrelationships broadly inconformity with the conventional taxonomic treatments. Thus,S. viarum Dunal (sectionAcanthophora Dunal), S.torvum Swartz (section Torva Nees) andS. sisymbriifolium Lam. (sectionCryptocarpum Dunal) were located on separate branches ofthe dendrogram while all taxa of section Melongena Dunal,except S. macrocarpon Dunal, wereclustered closer together. S.melongena, incanum and insanum,all members of the eggplant complex, were revealed to bear very high similaritywith each other. Most of their accessions had identical band patterns supportingthe contention that these represent an interbreeding complex with limitedgenetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Two hexaploid species of Solanum sect. Solanum are present in Africa: Solanum scabrum and S. nigrum. Solanum scabrum is a widely cultivated species and is used as a leafy vegetable, as a source of medicine and as a source of ink dye. In previous studies a wide range of morphological diversity has been reported in this species and in some studies subspecies have been proposed. Subspecies are also recognized in S. nigrum. However, it has not been established whether or not the morphological differences are reflected at the genomic level. The present study applies AFLPs to study the genetic diversity in S. scabrum and its relationship to geographical provenance, morphological differences and the possible existence of subspecies within S. scabrum and S. nigrum. The data obtained were analyzed with cluster analysis (using UPGMA and NJ). The results indicate that the genetic variation within S. scabrum was higher within accessions than between accessions. Accessions did not cluster according to their geographical provenance, indicating that accessions from different geographical areas were not significantly different genetically. The clustering reflected neither morphological differences nor domestication status (cultivated or wild). The morphological differences exhibited by S. scabrum could be due to selection by farmers for different plant types. The AFLP derived clustering pattern did not segregate the subspecies recognized in S. scabrum and S. nigrum into separate subclusters.  相似文献   

Summary Among the nematodes infesting chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plants in Syria, cyst nematode (Heterodera ciceri Vovlas, Greco et Di Vito) is the most important. It is uneconomical to grow chickpea in fields infested with cyst nematode and to control this nematode with nematicide. Therefore, investigations were conducted at ICARDA, Syria from 1987 to 1991 to identify sources of resistance to cyst nematode in 7258 lines of C. arietinum and 102 lines of eight annual Cicer species including C. bijugum K.R. Rech. (13 lines), C. chorassanicum (Bge) M. Pop. (3 lines), C. cuneatum Hochst. ex Rich. (3 lines), C. echinospermum P.H. Davis (8 lines), C. judaicum Boiss. (18 lines), C. pinnatifidum Jaub. & Sp. (18 lines), C. reticulatum Ladiz. (36 lines), and C. yamashitae Kitamura (3 lines). All lines were grown in a greenhouse at 15–25°C in pots containing soil infested with 20 eggs of the nematode g-1 soil. Nematode infestation was evaluated on a 0 to 5 scale based on number of females and cysts on roots. Resistance was found in one line of C. bijugum, six lines of C. pinnatifidum, and one line of C. reticulatum. No lines of C. arietinum, C. chorassanicum, C. cuneatum, C. echinospermum, C. judaicum, or C. yamashitae was resistant to cyst nematode. Plants with resistance have been recovered in the F3 generation from crosses between the cultigen and C. reticulatum, indicating the possibility of transfer of gene(s) for resistance to cyst nematode from wild to cultivated Cicer species.Joint contribution from Istituto di Nematologia Agraria, ICARDA and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru P.O., A.P. 502 324, India.  相似文献   

Three hundred and fifty three Triticum accessions, several also classified as Aegilops and comprising 13 diploid, tetraploid or hexaploid species, were screened for seedling and adult-plant resistance to Puccinia triticina Eriks. using a mixture of pathotypes UVPrt2, 3, 9 and 13. Seedlings were spray-inoculated with a suspension of freshly collected urediospores in distilled water containing Tween 20® seven days after planting. Infection types (ITs) were scored 10 days post-inoculation (d.p.i.). Fully expanded flag leaves were inoculated and ITs and leaf rust severity were scored 16 d.p.i. One hundred and eighty two of the accessions were resistant to moderately resistant in the adult stage, whereas 126 were resistant or moderately resistant as seedlings to the pathotype mixture. Hypersensitive adult-plant resistance was particularly apparent in lines of T. timopheevii, T. sharonense, T. longissimum, T. searsii and T. turgidum. In T. turgidum, which comprised 272 accessions, approximately 44% of the adult plants were resistant to moderately resistant compared to 28% of the seedlings. The expression of these adult-plant resistances varied between hypersensitive flecking of flag leaves, and small pustules commonly associated with chlorosis and/or necrosis of leaf tissue. Partial resistance, expressed by small pustules without any apparent chlorosis, was observed in species such as T. tauschii, T. turgidum ssp. durum and T. turgidum ssp. pyramidale.  相似文献   

Discovery and incorporation of genes from wild species provide means to sustain crop improvement, particularly when levels of resistance in the cultigens are low and virulent strains of pests and pathogens overcome the host plant resistance. The extent of utilization and the potential of the wild genepool for genetic enhancement were reviewed in five important food crops viz. sorghum, pearl millet, chickpea, pigeonpea and groundnut grown in the semi-arid tropics. Introgression from compatible wild germplasm in the primary gene pool resulted in transfer of new cytoplasmic male sterility systems in pearl millet and pigeonpea, development of high protein, cleistogamous flower and dwarf pigeonpea lines and foliar disease resistant groundnut cultivars. Utilization of wild species in secondary and tertiary gene pools has been generally limited due to sterility, restricted recombination or cross incompatibility. Nevertheless, these species are extremely important as they contain high levels of resistance to several important biotic and abiotic stresses. Several of them, like those belonging to the Parasorghum section and the rhizomatous Arachis species are sources of multiple resistances and hold great promise to sustain crop productivity.  相似文献   

Patterns of variation for the solanidine-based glycoalkaloids have been determined for tuber material of genebank accessions of landraces of the cultivated potato and three closely-related wild species. Total levels were low in the cultivated taxa investigated,S. phureja, S. stenotomum, and the tetraploidS. tuberosum in its two formsS. tuberosum ssp.tuberosum andS. tuberosum ssp.andigena. The only solanidine-based glycolkaloids found in the tubers investigated in this study were-solanine and-chaconine, with one additional related compound, dehydrocommersonine, found in tubers of an accession ofS. canasense. The ratio of chaconine : solanine differed markedly from a mean of 0.98 inS. phureja to 2.28 in ChileanS. tuberosum ssp.tuberosum. The chaconine : solanine ratio was relatively constant within these two taxa, reflecting their relatively narrow genetic bases, but was much more variable within the taxa regarded as ancestral,S. stenotomum andS. tuberosum ssp.andigena. The wild speciesS. sparsipilum has been implicated in the origin of the tetraploid potato,S. tuberosum, but there was no support for this from the patterns of variation in chaconine : solanine ratio. The cline of chaconine : solanine ratios in cultivated potatoes along the spine of S. America does not appear to relate to the influence of local wild species through introgression, but may instead reflect differing selective pressures acting in different parts of the native range of the cultivated potato.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of wild populations, closely related to domesticated species, constitute important genetic resources for plant breeding programs. In this paper, we analysed the variation of eight wild populations of Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme in a common garden experiment for levels of plant infestation by whitefly, leaf trichome density as a defensive character preventing infestation by whitefly, and the effect of whitefly incidence into vegetative and reproductive plant characters. Number of adults of whitefly was recorded in the eight wild populations of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme, one population of the wild species S. habrochaites (C-360), and one of a cultivated variety of S. lycopersicum (Rio Grande). There were significant differences among the wild populations of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme in the average level of whitefly incidence and trichome density. Cultivated tomatoes had the higher incidence of whiteflies ( = 7.50 ± 0.14) followed by plants of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme ( = 2.02 ± 0.92) and plants of S. habrochaites with the lowest incidence ( = 0.36 ± 0.35). Whitefly incidence was negatively correlated with trichome density (r = − 0.38, p < 0.0001), suggesting that trichomes deter or limit the establishment of whiteflies. Additionally, a significant negative effect of whitefly incidence along the growing season upon plant growth rate (number of branches and height) and fruit production was detected.  相似文献   

Detailed karyotypes and 4C DNA amounts have been studied in five cultivars of Cajanus cajan and 20 species belonging to Cajanus, Rhynchosia, Dunbaria, Flemingia and Paracalyx. C. cajan shows intraspecific variability and its karyotype is most similar to that of C. cajanifolius (sect. Cajanus) in the morphology and number of satellite chromosomes and the lack of any correlation between chromosome size within the complement and asymmetry. Karyotypes of C. lineatus and C. sericeus belonging to sect. Atylia are similar with respect to maximum r-index and the ratio of longest and shortest chromosomes in their respective complements. C. acutifolius (sect. Frutocosa) is distinct in having a very low ratio (1.44) between the longest and the shortest chromosomes, while in C. albicans, C. goensis, C. scarabaeoides (sect. Cantharospermum) there is no chromosome pair with r-index >2.0. C. mollis and C. volubilis (sect. Volubilis) show similarity with regard to ratio between the longest and the shortest chromosomes and a distinct chromosome pair with an arm ratio of 2.7 and C. platycarpus is distinct (sect. Rhynchosoides) in having the smallest ratio (1.36) between the longest and the shortest chromosomes. 4C DNA amounts in Cajanus and Rhynchosia vary between 3.28 pg to 11.69 pg and 4.92 pg to 11.13 pg respectively, while in Dunbaria, Flemingia and Paracalyx these vary between 4.70 and 7:06 pg. In the genus Cajanus karyotypic features and 4C DNA amounts agree with the sectional classification and bring out a close relationship between C. cajan and C. cajanifolius. This is supported by studies based on seed protein patterns, isozyme analysis, trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor patterns, RFLP and RAPD data and crossability relationships. A clear relation between DNA amount and abnormalities effecting the extent of pairing and recombination in interspecific hybrids shows the importance of this study in developing future breeding programme involving C. cajan and its wild relatives that are of potential value.  相似文献   

Determination of intraspecific genetic diversity is an important first step for the utilization of genetic resources and canprovide useful information on crop evolution. A living collection of Italian and foreign artichoke varieties and ecotypes is maintained at the Germplasm Institute, Bari, Italy. A total of 32 accessions of cultivated (Cynara cardunculus L. var.scolymus (L.) Fiori), three of wild (Cynara cardunculus var.cardunculus L.) artichoke and two ofcultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus var.altilis L.) were analysed in order to studygenetic variation and relationships within the species, using RAPDmarkers. Cultivated accessions were selected according tomorphological variation and geographical distribution available inthe collection. Fifty arbitrary decamer primers were initially tested, 18 ofwhich showed from 3 to 10 unambiguously interpretable fragments. Anintra-accession analysis using 4 varieties and 8 polymorphicprimers revealed that no RAPD variation was detected amongindividuals. Jaccard's similarity index (JSI) was comprisedamong 1 and 0.693 when all accessions were considered, on the otherhand, within the cultivated artichoke, JSI ranged between 1 and0.817. A UPGMA dendrogram based on the similarity matrix showed thatwild artichokes were clearly separated from cultivated accessions.Moreover, within cultivated artichokes, several groups could bedistinguished.  相似文献   

Molecular and morphological variation of six perennial and five annual species including domesticated chickpea, C. arietinum, were inferred on the basis of RAPD and S.E.M. seed coat features using three outgroup taxa (Lens ervoides, Lathyrus japonica and Pisum sativum). Of the 66 decamer arbitrary primers tested, eight primers revealed 87 informative fragments. Neighbor-joining cluster analysis using Jaccard's coefficient of similarity on the basis of polymorphic fragments indicated a narrow variation in C. arietinum and recognized two major clusters in the genus Cicer. The first one included four species of sect. Monocicer: C. echinospermum, C. arietinum, C. reticulatum and Iranian material of C. bijugum. The second cluster contained annual and perennial species belonging to sections Chamaecicer, Polycicer and Acanthocicer. The character state of morphological and ecological traits on the RAPD phenogram indicated no monophyletic incision. Our results suggested that the high genetic difference between annual and perennial species might be regarded as a rapid speciation of section Monocicer. Reconsideration of traditional classification of sections Polycicer and Acanthocicer is necessary. The Desi and Kabuli types of C. arietinum could not be separately grouped at the DNA level, and the low level of genetic variation of C. arietinum may result from a bottleneck during the domestication process.  相似文献   

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