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木霉生物有机肥应用于滨海盐土甘蓝种植的生物效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在研究滨海盐土种植体系下,2种木霉生物有机肥与不同比例化肥配施对甘蓝产量、结球品质及土壤理化性质的影响。以甘蓝(Brassica oleracea L.)“绿宝石”为试验材料,分别设置田间试验和盆栽试验,设计8个处理:不施肥对照(CON)、100%化肥(CF)、30%的木霉生物有机肥+70%化肥、60%的木霉生物有机肥+40%化肥、100%的木霉生物有机肥(无化肥),其中木霉生物有机肥分2种,分别由贵州木霉T. guizhouense NJAU 4742和滩涂木霉T. arenarium 1A131菌株制成。施肥处理间总氮、总磷和总钾养分均等。盆栽和田间试验结果均表明,60%木霉生物有机肥+40%的化肥处理,相比于CON和CF处理可显著提高甘蓝的地上部鲜物质量、叶绿素含量(SPAD值)和根系生物量,且30%和60%生物有机肥配施化肥的处理均显著提高了土壤硝态氮和有效磷含量(P <0.05)。同时,田间试验表明,相对于其他处理,60%的木霉生物有机肥+40%化肥处理对甘蓝产量的提高和结球品质的改善(还原糖、维生素C含量提高,硝酸盐含量降低)效果最为显著(P <0.05)。综上,在滨海盐土甘蓝种植体系中,60%的木霉生物有机肥与40%化肥配施为最优配比。该施肥模式下,甘蓝根系生长发育最佳;且与通过施肥引入的养分相比,功能菌木霉在该生物效应中发挥更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

滨海盐渍土土壤物化性质与水动力学性质变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析不同梯度盐渍土土壤的物理性质与水动力学性质变异状况,在江苏沿海连云港市徐圩新区开展了试验研究。对5种不同盐渍化级别土壤进行取样,测定其pH、ECe、容重、总孔隙度、含水率和饱和导水率等,分析不同级别滨海盐渍土壤物化特性参数和水动力学性质变化规律。结果表明:(1)不同级别盐渍土0—50 cm剖面土壤ECe先变小后增大,但40—50 cm剖面ECe明显大于0—10 cm剖面。非盐渍土和极重度盐渍土0—50 cm剖面土壤ECe变化较小,轻度盐渍土、中度盐渍土、重度盐渍土的0—50 cm剖面土壤ECe值变化较大。(2)土壤ECe和容重呈极显著负相关关系,与毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度、含水率、毛管持水量、田间持水量、最大持水量呈极显著正相关关系。土壤孔隙度和持水量呈极显著正相关关系。(3)极重度盐渍土饱和导水率明显小于其他级别的盐渍土,且0—20 cm剖面土壤饱和导水率大于20—50 cm剖面。研究结果可为滨海盐渍土水盐管理和生态环境建设提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

盐碱土壤修复材料对滨海盐渍土理化性质的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
盐渍土是地球上广泛分布的一种土壤类型,是一种重要的土地资源。黄河三角洲盐渍土分布广泛,多数属滨海盐渍土类型,物理和化学性状较差。我们进行了盐碱土壤修复材料对盐渍土理化性质影响的试验研究,结果表明,通过施用盐碱土壤修复材料,土壤含盐量、土壤容重、土壤的pH值都有所降低,土壤的孔隙度增加,土壤速效N、P、K含量和土壤有机质含量提高,证明盐碱土壤修复材料能改善滨海盐渍土的理化性质,达到土壤改良的目的。  相似文献   

Hosseininia  M.  Hassanpour  F.  Naghavi  H.  Abbasi  F.  Bastani  Sh. 《Eurasian Soil Science》2019,52(10):1214-1222
Eurasian Soil Science - Soil salinity is a major problem in Kerman pistachio (Pistacia vera) orchards which caused low pistachio’s productivity in recent years. Farmers excessively use gypsum...  相似文献   

有机物料对原生盐碱地土壤生物学性质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何瑞成  吴景贵 《土壤学报》2018,55(3):774-782
采用连续2年大田试验方法,研究了颗粒型秸秆(KL)、正常秸秆(JG)、牧草(MC)以及羊粪(YF)4种有机物料处理对试验地微生物数量、微生物生物量碳氮、土壤呼吸强度、三种土壤酶活性以及水稻产量的影响,并分析了生物学性质与测产指标的相关性。结果表明:与不施有机物料处理(CK)对比,施用有机物料的JG、MC、YF处理均不同程度提高了微生物数量、微生物生物量碳氮含量、土壤呼吸强度、土壤酶活性以及水稻产量,但差异不明显。同种有机物料不同形态之间差异显著,颗粒秸秆效果优于正常秸秆,颗粒秸秆与CK相比,提高了39.45%的土壤细菌、50.28%放线菌、89.91%真菌数量、63.21%和46.02%的土壤微生物生物量碳氮含量,土壤呼吸强度提高46.22%,过氧化氢酶活性提高18.03%,转化酶活性提高23.22%,纤维素酶活性提高79.32%,增产130.6%。土壤微生物数量(细菌、真菌和放线菌)与千粒重、结实率、每穗总粒数和产量具有相关性,土壤微生物活性(土壤呼吸强度和微生物生物量碳氮)与有效穗数、每穗总粒数、千粒重以及产量具有相关性,土壤酶活性(过氧化氢酶、转化酶和纤维素酶)与穗长和千粒重表现出相关性。结果表明相同条件下,原生盐碱地改良前期,不同种类有机物料对原生盐碱地作用效果相似,但同种有机物料不同形态其作用效果差异显著。  相似文献   

基于室内均匀土柱一维垂直积水人渗试验,分析了入渗水矿化度对滨海盐渍土和棕壤人渗历时、入渗速率、累积入渗量、平均含水率增量的影响.结果表明,相对淡水入渗,咸水入渗显著增加土壤入渗能力,盐渍土和棕壤入渗能力分别在矿化度为12 g/L和3 g/L时最强,到达25 cm湿润锋处入渗历时分别比淡水少32.5%和38.2%.同一矿化度条件下,通常盐渍土入渗能力较棕壤强;不同矿化度条件下,盐渍土入渗能力差异较小.Philip模型对短历时咸水入渗拟合精度较高,偏差在±0.19%范围内.不同矿化度水入渗,盐渍土湿润剖面平均含水率增量为38.22%~38.85%,棕壤为36.64%~37.82%.  相似文献   

Irrigation with wastewater provides the opportunity to solve the problems of its disposal, reuse and water conservation. Freshwater, differentially diluted wastewater and undiluted wastewater (hereafter called wastewater) were used to grow wheat in sandy loam soil under fertilized and unfertilized conditions at the experimental farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Fresh groundwater and wastewater of Mymensingh municipality were used to irrigate a wheat field for three consecutive years to examine the effects of wastewater application on soil properties. In this study, the properties of wastewater-irrigated soil were compared with freshwater-irrigated soil. The application of wastewater reduced the bulk density of the surface soil by 1.92% and augmented the porosity by 5.89%. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention capacity of the soil were improved under wastewater irrigation. Soil pH increased due to wastewater application but decreased, to a smaller extent, due to fertilizer application. Soil electrical conductivity (EC) increased both with wastewater and with fertilizer application; both parameters changed significantly in the 0–20 cm soil layer. However, at the deeper layers, they were not affected by wastewater application. The organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) level of the soils were higher under wastewater irrigation than under freshwater-irrigated soil. The organic C increased by 23.93% under wastewater irrigation in the top 20 cm soil layer. The N content of the soil showed similarities with the organic C contents. Available P and S concentrations were greater in the soil irrigated with wastewater compared with the soil irrigated with freshwater. The exchangeable cations – sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) – also increased significantly with wastewater application. Thus, farmers are advised for irrigation with municipal wastewater to ease pressure on freshwater and to improve soil fertility.  相似文献   

从盐碱土中分离的几株硅酸盐细菌的生物学特性初步研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对从北方滨海盐碱土中分离到的几株硅酸盐细菌(室内编号B44、B47、B73、B74、B75),以及对照菌株胶冻样芽孢杆菌(室内编号B0)进行了形态学和生理生化特征研究。这些菌株均为革兰氏阴性大杆菌,周生鞭毛,产芽孢和丰厚的荚膜,菌落透明隆起,粘性强;过氧化氢酶试验阳性,能水解明胶,M.R试验阳性,V.P阴性,不产生吲跺。除对照菌株B0外,都能在pH值为9.0的培养条件下生长,能耐受3%以上的NaC l浓度。  相似文献   

沈阳地区盐渍土的生态分布、特性及改良利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜勇  张玉革 《土壤通报》2001,32(Z1):124-127
在土壤调查的基础上,对沈阳市盐渍土的生态分布、剖面特性进行了分析;通过近十年对盐渍土中低产田改良利用的试验示范成果,提出了磷石膏、沸石等改良盐渍土的作用和效果,认为水利、生态和化学等综合配套技术应用是改良沈阳市 盐渍土的有效途径.  相似文献   

Application of organic waste to saline alkaline soils is considered to be a good practice for soil remediation. The effects of applying different organic amendments (e.g., cattle dung, vermicompost, biofertilizer) and earthworm inoculations (Eisenia fetida) on saline soils and cotton growth were investigated during 1 year of cotton cultivation. Compared to the control (applied with inorganic NPK fertilizer), applying organic amendments improved soil physicochemical properties. Biofertilizer application improved available nutrient content, reduced short-term soil electrical conductivity, and produced the highest cotton yield, whereas cattle dung and vermicompost applications resulted in higher soil organic matter content. Application of organic amendments significantly increased soil microbial biomass carbon during the flowering period, which sharply declined at harvest. This was especially true for the biofertilizer treatment, which also exhibited lower nematode abundance compared with the other organic materials. Earthworm inoculation following cattle dung application failed to significantly change soil physicochemical properties when compared to the treatments without earthworm inoculation. Results suggest that biofertilizer application to saline soil would improve soil nutrient status in the short-term, whereas cattle dung application would improve soil organic matter content and increase soil organism abundance to a greater extent. However, different strategies might be required for long-term saline soil remediation.  相似文献   

系统分析了脱硫废弃物、专用改良剂和不同量菌肥对盐化土壤的改良效应,结果表明:单施脱硫废弃物对土壤细菌和放线菌数量影响很小,但可以有效增加真菌数量;单施专用改良剂或菌肥后微生物数量增幅相对较大,改良剂效果优于菌肥;脱硫废弃物、改良剂和菌肥同时施用可以显著增加土壤微生物数量;单施脱硫废弃物和菌肥对土壤有机质和养分含量、作物收获后的指标影响很小;3种物料同时施用则可以显著提高土壤有机质和养分含量,向日葵的株高、径粗、盘径、实粒数和百粒重都有显著增加。在施用脱硫废弃物和改良剂的前提下,菌肥施用量为45 kg hm-2的处理对盐化土壤改良效果最佳,但与施用量为30 kg hm-2的处理差异不显著。  相似文献   

Biochar is the term given to biomass subjected to the process of change in the composition by the action of high temperatures. Advantages of biochar in soil quality have been reported, including amelioration of salinity effects. Crambe has great potential to figure as raw material for biofuel, since it naturally contains up to 60% of erucic acid. This study evaluated crambe growth in a soil amended with biochar and irrigated with saline waters. A greenhouse experiment was conducted following a completely randomized design with five levels of biochar, two irrigation water supplies, and four replications. Parameters related to soil chemical properties, crambe growth, oil, and macronutrient contents were evaluated. Biochar presented significance for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), and potassium (K) contents. Crambe growth parameters decreased with the doses of biochar. Oil and macronutrient contents were in accordance to previous studies.  相似文献   

Amini  M.  Ebrahimian  H.  Liaghat  A.  Fujimaki  H. 《Eurasian Soil Science》2020,53(11):1596-1609
Eurasian Soil Science - Inverse modeling is a relatively complex procedure that allows quick estimation of soil hydraulic properties, yielding parameters for both soil water retention and...  相似文献   

[目的] 研究不同土壤调理剂使用量对陕北盐碱地土壤化学性质及水稻生长的影响,为该区盐碱地改良和水稻种植提供科学参考。[方法] 以陕北定边县盐碱地水稻为研究对象,设置不同的土壤调理剂施用量(1 000,1 500,2 000 kg/hm2),在陕北地区开展田间试验。[结果] ①随着土壤调理剂的用量增加,各处理0-40 cm土壤pH值和水溶性盐总量明显降低,各处理较对照降低范围分别为0.89%~5.02%和6.78%~13.56%。②添加土壤调理剂后土壤有机质含量显著提高,但全氮、有效磷和速效钾含量变化不明显。③土壤调理剂添加量为1 500,2 000 kg/hm2时,能较为显著提升水稻分蘖数和水稻株高。④土壤调理剂施加量为1 000~2 000 kg/hm2,水稻产量较对照提高了5.49%~24.77%,土壤调理剂施用量大于1 500 kg/hm2时,可以显著增加水稻产量。[结论] 陕北定边盐碱地种植水稻,综合考虑水稻产量和效益,土壤调理剂的参考适宜添加量确定为1 500 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

咸水灌溉条件下干旱区盐渍土壤盐分变化研究   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
罗廷彬  任崴  李彦  王宝军 《土壤》2006,38(2):166-170
新疆盐渍化土地面积大,在盐渍化土壤上种植耐盐小麦,利用盐化水灌溉具有重要意义。试验采用随机定位、分季节取土样、室内化学分析土壤盐分含量的方法,研究土壤盐分时空变化,其结果为:当土壤盐分含量为5~12g/kg时,盐化水多次灌溉可使土壤盐分减少,尤其在夏季晒垡灌溉后,耕作层土壤盐分可显著降低;土壤盐分降低显著与否,与本身盐分含量无关;土壤盐分变化可涉及100cm深度,但变化达显著水平的仍然是表层。  相似文献   

高昊辰  焦爱萍  陈诚  刘广明  张凤华  王秀萍 《土壤》2021,53(5):1057-1063
盐渍土壤通常因盐分含量大、pH偏高、结构差、水盐运动强烈等原因,植物难以生长。本研究选择聚丙烯酰胺(Polyacrylamide,PAM)、壳聚糖(Chitosan,CTS)、羟乙基纤维素(Hydroxyethyl Cellulo,HEC)等3种高分子化合物,以土壤表面喷洒高分子化合物溶液成膜的方式,研究了高分子化合物膜对盐渍土壤基本物理性质与水分蒸发的影响,结果表明:本研究选择的3种高分子化合物能够不同程度的降低土壤水分蒸发、提高土壤保水性能和显著抑制土壤盐分的表聚,利用主成分分析进行对比发现:PAM 20 kg/hm2、CTS 80 kg/hm2、HEC 80 kg/hm2的用量下的土壤抑蒸控盐效果最佳,盐渍土表喷洒高分子化合物溶液成膜对盐渍土壤改良利用具有确切的正效应。  相似文献   

为了解随粪肥进入农田中的土霉素对土壤生物化学性质产生的可能影响,采用实验模拟方法研究了土霉素污染对土壤微生物生物量碳、土壤酶活性及微生物组成的影响。结果表明,土霉素污染对土壤细菌、放线菌数量和微生物总量均有一定的抑制作用,随土霉素污染程度的提高抑制作用也有所增强;但土霉素污染对真菌的作用较为复杂,一般是低浓度时有促进作用,高浓度时有抑制作用。低量土霉素污染对土壤脲酶和中性磷酸酶活性均无明显的影响,但高量的土霉素污染对土壤脲酶活性起抑制作用。土霉素对土壤微生物生物量碳的影响因土壤类型、土霉素加入量和培养时间不同有所差异。土霉素污染对土壤生物化学性质的影响主要发生在土霉素进入土壤的初期,随着时间的增加,影响逐渐减弱和消失;  相似文献   

选取河西走廊的草甸盐土区域,进行了盐碱土改良材料对草甸盐土理化性质和玉米产量及经济效益的影响研究。结果表明,复合型盐碱土改良材料因素间最佳组合为:A2B3C3D1E2(硫酸铝800g,硫磺900g,石膏4 500g,糠醛渣800g,聚乙稀二醇60g)。盐碱土改良材料施用量与草甸盐土总孔隙度、团粒结构、自然含水量、脱盐率呈正相关,与容重、pH值、EC和全盐含量呈负相关。盐碱土改良材料由0.61t/hm2,增加到1.22和1.85t/hm2,玉米幼苗生长发育、玉米的植物学性状随着改良材料施用量的增大呈上升趋势。盐碱土改良材料施用量由0.61t/hm2,增加到1.22和1.85t/hm2时,玉米经济性状和产量随着盐碱土改良材料施用量的增加而增加。当盐碱土改良材料用量超过1.85t/hm2时,玉米经济性状和产量随着盐碱土改良材料施用量的增加而降低。盐碱土改良材料施用量为1.85t/hm2时,边际产值、边际利润、增产值、利润、产投比达到最大值。盐碱土改良材料适宜用量为1.83t/hm2时,玉米的预测产量为6.29t/hm2,计算结果与田间试验处理4结果相吻合。  相似文献   


During the 2017 and 2018 seasons, two field experiments were conducted on newly reclaimed saline calcareous soil (7.13 dS m?1, 16.9% CaCO3) in the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Demo, Fayoum Governorate, Egypt. The current work aimed at identifying the potential positive effects of applied humic acid (HA) and elemental sulfur (S) on some soil properties and barley plant performance. The results showed that the application of HA and/or S at different rates ameliorated the adverse effects of saline calcareous soil conditions and significantly reduced some chemical properties of the soil (e.g., pH, ECe, and CaCO3%), while soil organic matter (OM%) and some nutrients (e.g., P, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn) contents were significantly increased. In addition, the contents of nutrients (e.g., P, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn) in barley plant and yielded grain, grain content of N and protein (%), and the performance (e.g., plant height, spike length, grain and straw yields, and weight of 1000-grain) of barley plant were significantly increased with the application of HA and/or S. The best results were obtained through the integrative application of 100 kg HA + 400 kg S ha?1 to the tested saline calcareous soil. Therefore, the integrative soil application of 100 kg HA + 400 kg S ha?1 can be recommended for the cultivation and sustainability of crop production in saline calcareous soil, in addition to rationalize the use of mineral fertilizers, which represent a surplus point for the sustainable agriculture system.  相似文献   

浙江嘉兴保护地土壤障碍的农化性状指标研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对保护地土壤pH(H2 O及KCl)、NO3-N、电导率、可溶性盐等性状进行调查分析 ,初步摸清了嘉兴市保护地作物产生生理障碍的土壤因子 ,并拟订提出当地保护土壤农化性状的安全指标、临界指标及严重障碍指标 ,为矫治保护地土壤障碍提供技术依据 .  相似文献   

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