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Electrical conductivity (EC) methods were tested using combinations of surrogate irrigation (SI) waters, soil salinity levels, and soils ground or retaining aggregates. The EC varied in low-salinity soils saturated with SI; the sum of the baseline ECe and SI EC were not equal to the measured EC. The baseline ECe and the SI EC sum in the high‐salinity ground soils were not equal to the any measured ECs. Salt‐removal potential from gypsiferous soils was examined using multiple extractions from the same soil sample. Calcium concentrations remained consistent over 14 extractions, whereas Na concentrations decreased. The ECe decreased from more than 8 dS m?1 in the initial extraction, to approximately 4 dS m?1 by the 9th to 14th extraction. Multiple extraction data suggest that improved leaching will not lower soil ECs to less than approximately 4 dS m?1 because of gypsum and calcite reservoirs in the tested soils.  相似文献   

以石灰性褐土为供试土壤,采用室内土柱淋溶模拟试验方法,研究了相当于山西省太谷县年平均降水量条件下,铜在土壤垂直方向上的迁移转化特征.结果表明:不同肥力土壤中的铜在0-20 cm土层中均有不同程度的迁移转化.淋溶后可交换态铜、有机结合态铜、残渣态铜的含量均有所降低,碳酸盐结合态铜、铁锰氧化物结合态铜的含量均有所增加.有效铜在淋溶后含量增加,有机质含量越高的土壤增加越明显.在淋溶过程中有机质在一定程度上抑制了可交换态铜的转化,促进了有机结合态铜和残渣态铜向其它形态铜的转化,从而增加了土壤中微量元素铜的有效性.为提高土壤中微量元素铜的有效利用或防止铜污染提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(11):1953-1962

Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a yield limiting constraint for wheat production in central Iran. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years (1999/2000 and 2000/2001) to study Zn use efficiency of five wheat cultivars. Two Zn rates were used, i.e., 0 and 40 kg Zn ha?1 applied as zinc sulfate. Significant variation was found among wheat cultivars in relation to grain yield, straw yield, Zn use efficiency and yield components. Based on grain yield and Zn use efficiency across two years, cultivar Cross was most efficient and Dur-3 was most inefficient for Zn use efficiency. Cultivars Kavir, Falat, and Rushan were intermediate in Zn use efficiency. Zinc concentration and uptake were higher in the zinc efficient cultivar Cross, while these values were lowest in the Zn inefficient cultivar Dur-3.  相似文献   

In a laboratory experiment pyrites at the rate equivalent to 75% of gypsum requirement was surface applied and mixed with a sodic black clay soil (Vertisol) at 15, 30, 45 and 60% soil moisture content. The soil samples were then incubated for 60, 120, 240 and 360 hours. A separate set of similarly treated soil packed in permeameters was used to estimate saturated hydraulic conductivity. After incubation, FeS2 was oxidised, soil pH and percentage of exchangeable sodium (ESP) decreased and water soluble sulphate and calcium increased with soil moisture content up to 45% and with time of incubation up to 120 hours. The surface application of pyrites proved superior as compared to mixed with soil. Leaching of the soil following incubation with three pore volumes of demineralised water removed most of the water soluble sodium and thus improved the effectiveness of the pyrites in lowering down the soil ESP. The saturated hydraulic conductivity also increased as a result of improved physico-chemical properties of the soil.  相似文献   

采用外源硒加入土壤中得到硒污染土壤,6种有效硒的浸提剂NaHCO3、KH2PO4、K2SO4、EDTA、AB-DTPA和DTPA+TEA+CaCl2的最佳浸提时间和土液比进行了筛选,并通过盆栽试验对所选择的土壤有效硒浸提剂进行生物学校验,以找出石灰性土壤有效硒提取适宜的浸提剂及其浸提条件。结果表明,NaHCO3、KH2PO4、K2SO4、EDTA、AB-DTPA和DTPA+TEA+CaCl26种浸提剂有效硒浸提量都随着浸提土液比的减小而增大,且随浸提时间的增长而增大。其中NaHCO3和KH2PO4最佳土液比为1/15,振荡时间90min;K2SO4和AB-DTPA的最佳土液比为1/15,振荡时间60min;EDTA和DTPA+TEA+CaCl2的最佳土液比则为1/20,振荡时间30min。6种浸提剂在各自最佳的提取条件下提取的土壤有效硒量与白菜地上部分硒含量达极显著正相关,但土壤有效硒的提取量以DTPA+TEA+CaCl2及K2SO4最少,只占KH2PO4、AB-DTPA及EDTA提取量的14%~48%,故不适用于作为石灰性土壤有效硒的提取剂。NaHCO3适用于土壤硒含量高于5mg·kg^-1的石灰性土壤有效硒提取。KH2PO4、AB-DTPA及EDTA3种浸提剂既可提取土壤中水溶态硒,亦可提取部分的吸附态硒,提取硒数量较多,过程简单,重复性好,都可作为石灰性土壤有效硒提取的浸提剂。  相似文献   

不同淋洗方式下滨海沙性盐渍土改良效果   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
选择对滨海沙性盐渍土进行室内土柱模拟淋洗试验,采用连续淋洗与间歇淋洗2种方式比较不同淋洗方式下沙性盐渍土的改良效果。结果表明,淋出液矿化度随着体积变化急剧下降,直至稳定于很低的水平,连续淋洗与间歇淋洗淋出液矿化度分别从233.8,327.4g/L稳定至2.5,2.2g/L。间歇淋洗单位水量淋洗的盐分要高于连续淋洗。淋出液的各离子随体积变化趋势与矿化度变化相似;淋洗结束后土壤盐分变化显示,随着用水量的增加,淋洗效率逐渐降低,15,20,25,30cm水量下连续淋洗的淋洗效率分别为2.87,2.40,1.98,1.67g/ml;间歇淋洗的淋洗效率为3.10,2.48,2.00,1.68g/ml,间歇淋洗的淋洗效率始终要高于连续淋洗;由于各离子溶脱淋洗速率不同,改变了土壤中盐分离子组成,土壤由原来以Na+-Cl-型转变为以Ca2+-SO24-型。根据淋洗过程中土壤盐分变化与用水量之间的关系拟合出的淋洗曲线效果较好,相关系数分别为0.968和0.970。淋洗试验表明,间歇淋洗具有更高的淋洗效率,节水潜力要高于连续淋洗,由此得出的淋洗曲线可用于指导大田沙性盐渍土改良应用。  相似文献   

This study looks at the ability of organic wastes from different sources to efficiently promote chemical attributes and enhance nitrogen (N) concentrations in an Oxisol Ustox with a sandy texture. This experiment was performed in a randomized design using wastes from pulp mill sludge, petrochemical complex, sewage treatment plant, dairy factory sewage treatment plant, and pulp fruit industry, on 10 different days. Results showed that addition of the wastes to the soil amended their chemical attributes. The different characteristics of the organic wastes seem to have influenced the N mineralization rates during the 112 days. There was a close relationship between the N mineralization and organic waste C/N ratio: blank soil (SP) (Nma = 3.17) < Treated pulp mill sludge (PMS) (Nma = 30.49, C/N 63.6:1) < Organic compost from the fruit pulp industry (FPW) (Nma = 67.6, C/N 11.9:1) < Treated urban sewage sludge (USS) (Nma = 76.22, C/N 7.2:1) = Petrochemical complex sludge (PS) (Nma = 84.0, C/N 7.7:1) < Treated dairy industry sewage sludge (DSS) (Nma = 102.17, C/N 8.4:1).  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区的土壤入渗性能差,且盐分含量高,掺沙可以加速盐渍土块崩解,改良土壤质地与结构,从而改善入渗性能和水盐在土壤运移过程。以黄河三角洲地区盐渍土土块为研究对象,采用室内土柱模拟试验,设置3种掺沙比例:CK (0)、S1(20%)、S2(50%),土块组成:<1 mm (20%),1~2 mm (28%),2~5 mm (34%),5~10 mm (18%)研究积水入渗条件下掺沙比例对相继2次入渗过程中盐渍土土块崩解及其对水盐运移的影响,从而明确掺沙对盐渍土的改良效果。结果表明,在第1次灌水淋洗和水分再分布后,用干筛法和湿筛法测量得到S1和S2土壤> 0.25 mm的土块含量,较对照组分别降低17.92%,15.50%和51.45%,32.00%;不同掺沙比例下,同一时刻的湿润锋和累计入渗量均表现为S2 > S1 > CK,且S1和S2的稳定入渗率在第1次和第2次入渗过程中,较对照组分别增加60.00%,66.67%和400.00%,900.00%;同一土层深度的脱盐率随掺沙比例增加,掺沙比例为50%时,脱盐深度比20%和对照组分别增加33.3%和45.45%,脱盐量分别提高1.19%~19.01%和4.21%~77.52%。综上,盐渍土掺沙可以有效促进盐渍土块崩解,提高入渗速率和洗盐效率。研究结果可为盐碱地改良提供参考依据。  相似文献   


During the 2017 and 2018 seasons, two field experiments were conducted on newly reclaimed saline calcareous soil (7.13 dS m?1, 16.9% CaCO3) in the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Demo, Fayoum Governorate, Egypt. The current work aimed at identifying the potential positive effects of applied humic acid (HA) and elemental sulfur (S) on some soil properties and barley plant performance. The results showed that the application of HA and/or S at different rates ameliorated the adverse effects of saline calcareous soil conditions and significantly reduced some chemical properties of the soil (e.g., pH, ECe, and CaCO3%), while soil organic matter (OM%) and some nutrients (e.g., P, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn) contents were significantly increased. In addition, the contents of nutrients (e.g., P, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn) in barley plant and yielded grain, grain content of N and protein (%), and the performance (e.g., plant height, spike length, grain and straw yields, and weight of 1000-grain) of barley plant were significantly increased with the application of HA and/or S. The best results were obtained through the integrative application of 100 kg HA + 400 kg S ha?1 to the tested saline calcareous soil. Therefore, the integrative soil application of 100 kg HA + 400 kg S ha?1 can be recommended for the cultivation and sustainability of crop production in saline calcareous soil, in addition to rationalize the use of mineral fertilizers, which represent a surplus point for the sustainable agriculture system.  相似文献   

高肥力稻田分次施氮对氮素淋失的影响   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
通过自行设计的渗漏计研究在控水灌溉条件下稻田不同氮肥处理氮素淋失的动态规律,结果表明:在水稻整个生育期间,渗漏水中铵态氮、硝态氮保持较低的浓度,均小于1mg/L,但对硝态氮而言,仍是氮素淋失的主要类型。从总的趋势来看,渗漏水中氮素浓度随施肥量增加而增加。每次施肥后,不同处理渗漏水中的NO3--N浓度均表现为短期内迅速上升、后期逐渐下降的趋势,其中NH4 -N浓度与NO3--N消长规律相似,但表现出峰值超前的特征。各小区渗漏计中NH4 -N、NO3--N及TN累积渗漏量与施肥量之间存在显著相关性,R2分别达到0.933*,0.984**和0.982**。另外从环境和经济角度考虑,建议在土壤质地粘重、基础肥力较高的水稻土施肥量控制在75~150kg/hm2为宜,控制氮素淋失主要时期为施肥后一周内,特别在基肥施后尤为关键。  相似文献   

This trial was carried out to study the evolution of the nutrient parameters of the nutrient solution applied to tomato plants (Lycopersicum sculentum Mill. Forteza) cultivated in Mediterranean greenhouse conditions under different fertigation management models. The dynamic model is based on soil water content, which was measured by tensiometers, and on soil solutions obtained with suction cups (porous ceramic cup water samplers). The local traditional method consists of following technical recommendations, and the classical model requires the estimation of Crop Factor (Kc) and knowing the nutrient extraction. Nutrient solution and water applied are functions of the fertigation management criteria. The water used for fertigation was classified as C4-S3 according to the Riverside classification system. The cultivation period lasted from 15 August to 20 April. The nutrient parameters studied in nutrient and soil solution were pH, electrical conductivity (EC), nitrate (NO3 ?), phosphate (H2PO4 ?), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+), and chloride (Cl?). The pH shows similar trends under the different treatments. Electrical conductivity is in the range of 2.8–4.5 dS m?1. Chloride, sodium, magnesium, and sulfate are exclusively modified by the salt concentration in the irrigation water, so it can be assumed that the three treatments vary equally. Nitrate, potassium, phosphate, and calcium are modified depending on each fertigation management method. Soil solution is modified by the nutrient solution applied. Dynamic management allows low nutrient concentration in the nutrient solution to be maintained and keeps soil nutrient concentration low, reducing fertilizer losses and therefore aquifer contamination.  相似文献   

The changes of soil Eh and pH during decomposition of nitrates at different levels of glucose (0%; 0, 5% and 1.0%) and nitrates (0%; 0,5%; 1% and 2% KNO3) in water saturated soil samples (Ah horizon of a Mollic Gleysol) were examined. It was found that in the presence of 0–2% nitrates and 0,5–1% glucose in the soil with 1–2 days anaerobiosis at 20°C resulted in the increase of reduction processes and a decrease of redox potential up to 500 mV (Eh). Soil pH increased in the range of 2.5 units. The results from the model experiment - implying Eh > 200 mV and pH < 6.5 as range of nitrate stability in the soil studied - can be useful for field conditions both to predict the stability of nitrates in the soil environment and to create proper conditions for the effective use of carbon sources as a main factor of redox transformations.  相似文献   

不同淋洗模式下干旱区盐渍土改良效果分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过开展室外土柱模拟淋洗试验,选择间歇淋洗与连续淋洗两种淋洗模式,分析不同灌水总量和不同灌水频次相互组合条件下盐渍土的改良效果。结果表明:(1)灌水量相同情况下,间歇淋洗滤出液的电导率高于连续淋洗,间歇淋洗的淋洗效果好于连续淋洗;(2)灌水量不同条件下,滤出液体积随灌水量的增加而增多,灌水量越大盐分淋洗效果越好;(3)淋洗结束后,土壤pH值较淋洗前均有下降,与土壤盐分有相同的变化趋势;灌水量越大,脱碱效果越好。在本试验条件下,盐分淋洗效果以15L分3次给水的间歇淋洗方式最优,淋洗效率为11.58g/L,土壤pH值均由8.42下降到8.07。可供制定维持农田水盐平衡的节水灌溉制度以及盐碱地改良参考。  相似文献   

脱硫石膏对重度苏打盐化土中主要离子淋洗的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
通过土柱室内淋洗的方法,研究土壤施加不同量(0g/kg,5.5g/kg,11g/kg,22g/kg,33g/kg)的脱硫石膏后,土壤淋洗液中4种盐基离子(Na~+、Ca~(2+)、CO_3~(2-)、SO_4~(2-))动态变化规律,旨在为大同苏打盐化土改良提供理论依据。结果表明,土壤淋洗液中Na~+淋洗量与时间呈显著负相关(P0.05),CO_3~(2-)淋洗量与时间呈显著正相关(P0.05),Ca~(2+)、SO_4~(2-)淋洗量在30d出现峰值,淋洗液pH与时间呈显著正相关(P0.05),四大离子和pH随时间变化显示了苏打盐化土脱盐的过程。在5.5~22g/kg范围内,30d以前,随着土壤脱硫石膏用量逐渐增加,4种盐基离子的淋洗量均逐渐升高;30d以后,随着土壤脱硫石膏用量逐渐增加,4种盐基离子的淋洗量均逐渐降低。此外,和对照相比,施入脱硫石膏能提高苏打盐化土的导水能力。在试验范围内,22g/kg脱硫石膏用量的改良淋洗效果较好。  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment with four bread wheat [Triticum aestivum L.] genotypes, ‘Rushan,’ ‘Kavir,’ ‘Cross,’ and ‘Falat,’ and a durum wheat [Triticum durum L.] genotype, ‘Dur-3,’ at two zinc (Zn) rates (0 and 15 mg Zn kg?1 dry soil) and four salinity levels (0, 60, 120, and 180 mM NaCl) was conducted. After 45 d of growth, the shoots were harvested, and Zn, iron (Fe), potassium (K), sodium (Na), and cadmium (Cd) concentrations were determined. In the absence of added Zn, visual Zn deficiency symptoms were observed to be more severe in ‘Dur-3’ and ‘Kavir’ than in other genotypes. The effect of Zn deficiency on shoot dry matter was similar to its effect on visual deficiency symptoms, such that shoot growth was most depressed in ‘Kavir’ and ‘Dur-3.’ At the 180 mM treatment, Zn fertilization had no effect on shoot dry matter of genotypes. Genotypes with high Zn efficiency had greater shoot Zn content than genotypes with low Zn efficiency. In the absence of added Zn, the Dur-3, and ‘Cross’ genotypes had the highest and lowest Cd concentrations, respectively. Application of Zn had a positive effect on salt tolerance of plants.  相似文献   


Two field experiments (2000–2001 and 2001–2002) were conducted at two nearby fields in the Qanavat region of Qom province, central Iran, to investigate the effects of zinc (Zn) fertilization on production of sunflower. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with six treatments in three replicates. Treatments were: Zn0 (non-Zn fertilized), Zn10, Zn20, Zn30, and Zn60 (soil application of 10, 20, 30, and 60 kg Zn ha?1, respectively), and ZnSpray (foliar spraying of 0.5 kg Zn ha?1 using ZnSO4). Seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus cv. ‘Record’) were planted on June 20, 2000 and June 15, 2001. At harvest, shoot and seed yields as well as concentration of Zn, iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), sodium (Na), and chloride (Cl) in leaves of sunflower were determined. Addition of 20 kg Zn ha?1 significantly increased seed production and shoot dry-matter yield of sunflower, while other Zn treatments had no significant effect on shoot dry-matter yield, or decreased it. The thousand-seed weight was the yield component most affected by Zn fertilization, while plant height and head diameter did not change. The maximum content of seed oil was achieved under the Zn10 treatment, then decreased at higher rates of soil-applied Zn such that oil content of seed under the Zn30 and Zn60, treatments was significantly lower than that of the control. Seed oil content was unaffected by foliar spraying of Zn. The concentration of Zn in sunflower leaves was increased with an increase in soil-added Zn of from 0 to 60 kg Zn ha?1. The highest leaf concentrations of Zn (162 and 175 mg kg?1 day matter (DM) in the first and second year, respectively) were achieved by foliar application of ZnSO4. Leaf concentration of Fe was significantly increased in the Zn20 treatment compared with the control but decreased at the higher rates of soil-added ZnSO4. Soil addition of different levels of ZnSO4 decreased concentration of Na and Cl in leaves. The lowest concentration of Na and Cl in leaves was observed under Zn20. The results of this study suggest that soil application of a suitable amount of Zn has a positive effect on both quantitative and qualitative yield of sunflower in saline, calcareous soils.  相似文献   


The rate and timing of manure application when used as nitrogen (N) fertilizer depend on N‐releasing capacity (mineralization) of manures. A soil incubation study was undertaken to establish relative potential rates of mineralization of three organic manures to estimate the value of manure as N fertilizer. Surface soil samples of 0–15 cm were collected and amended with cattle manure (CM), sheep manure (SM), and poultry manure (PM) at a rate equivalent to 200 mg N kg?1 soil. Soil without any amendment was used as a check (control). Nitrogen‐release potential of organic manures was determined by measuring changes in total mineral N [ammonium‐N+nitrate‐N (NH4 +–N+NO3 ?–N)], NH4 +–N, and accumulation of NO3 ?–N periodically over 120 days. Results indicated that the control soil (without any amendment) released a maximum of 33 mg N kg?1soil at day 90, a fourfold increase (significant) over initial concentration, indicating that soil had substantial potential for mineralization. Soil with CM, SM, and PM released a maximum of 50, 40, and 52 mg N kg?1 soil, respectively. Addition of organic manures (i.e., CM, SM, and PM) increased net N released by 42, 25, and 43% over the control (average). No significant differences were observed among manures. Net mineralization of organic N was observed for all manures, and the net rates varied between 0.01 and 0.74 mg N kg?1 soil day?1. Net N released, as percent of organic N added, was 9, 10, and 8% for CM, SM, and PM. Four phases of mineralization were observed; initial rapid release phase in 10–20 days followed by slow phase in 30–40 days, a maximum mineralization in 55–90 days, and finally a declined phase in 120 days. Accumulation of NO3 ?–N was 13.2, 10.6, and 14.6 mg kg?1 soil relative to 7.4 mg NO3 ?–N kg?1 in the control soil, indicating that manures accumulated NO3 ?–N almost double than the control. The proportion of total mineral N to NO3 ?–N revealed that a total of 44–61% of mineral N is converted into NO3 ?–N, indicating that nitrifiers were unable to completely oxidize the available NH4 +. The net rates of mineralization were highest during the initial 10–20 days, showing that application of manures 1–2 months before sowing generally practiced in the field may cause a substantial loss of mineralized N. The rates of mineralization and nitrification in the present study indicated that release of inorganic N from the organic pool of manures was very low; therefore, manures have a low N fertilizer effect in our conditions.  相似文献   

Iron(III)(hydr)oxides can dissolve under reducing soil conditions. Simultaneously, oxide-associated inorganic phosphate is released to the soil solution. In this study, the effect of reducing soil conditions on phosphate leaching from transient waterlogging clayey soil is evaluated. We applied glucose solutions (either 100 or 1000 mg glucose-C L-1) at a steady flow rate of 0.63 mm h-1 to a saturated intact column of structured Alfisol (diam. 0.5 m, height 1.0 m). Effluent concentrations of iron(II) and reactive orthophosphate (Pi) increased slightly during 5 d of low glucose application, reaching values of 2.5 mg Fe L-1, and 0.02 mg PO4-P L-1, respectively. During 10 d of high glucose application, the iron(II) concentration increased to 14 mg Fe L-1 and fluctuations in the Pi-concentration between 0.002 and 0.1 mg PO4-P L-1 were observed. The fluctuations in Pi-concentration are ascribed to interactions between progression of the glucose front, and Pi-mobilization/resorption processes at the walls of macropores. The daily P-losses during low and high glucose applications averaged 0.3 mg PO4-P m-2 d-1, and 0.5 mg PO4-P m-2 d-1, respectively. Comparisons with a parallel topsoil study suggest that subsoil exerts a strong control on leaching – probably via resorption – of Pi mobilized in the topsoil.  相似文献   

不同碱性条件对苏打盐碱土无机磷组分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了阐明不同碱性条件下苏打盐碱土无机磷各组分的含量及转化情况,通过室内模拟试验结合室内分析方法,以吉林省西部地区苏打草甸碱土为研究对象,对不同pH条件下土壤不同形态无机磷组分含量的动态变化进行了研究。结果表明,在一定范围内降低碱土pH值有利于增加土壤中Ca2-P、Fe-P、AlP及Ca8-P等形态磷的含量,其中pH值8.3处理比pH值9.2处理分别提高了44.8%,4.1%,45.9%,42.0%;比pH值10.2处理分别提高了81.5%,19.6%,39.3%,103.7%;O-P含量受土壤pH值的影响相对较小,改变土壤pH值短时期内不会导致其含量发生变化;Ca10-P的含量随着土壤中pH值的升高而增加,pH 10.2处理比pH 9.2处理和pH 8.3处理的Ca10-P含量分别提高15.6%和51.4%。研究表明,不同碱性条件可以影响土壤无机磷各组分之间的转化,碱土pH值降低有利于提高土壤中有效态磷组分的含量,但减少了潜在磷源的含量。  相似文献   

The potential use of a layered double hydroxide (magnesium aluminum nitrate (Mg-Al)-LDH) to suppress the leaching of nitrate from a calcareous sandy loam soil and to enhance the nitrogen utilization efficiency of maize was assessed. The results of column studies showed that nitrate leaching efficiently decreased by 24, 46, and 76% compared to control when 2.5, 5, and 10 g LDH kg–1 soil were applied, respectively. Nitrate leaching was also reduced by use of LDH in pot experiments. The hindrance effect of LDH in using ammonium nitrate was higher than urea. Application of 2.5, 5, and 10 g LDH kg–1 soil increased mean nitrogen uptake of maize by 14, 20, and 44% over the control. The studied LDH has a potential to be used as a nitrate-selective exchanger to reduce risks of nitrate leaching. However, the use of Mg-Al-LDH (4:1) can be limited because of its relatively high solubility in soil.  相似文献   

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