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海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)是大型浮游动物,在海洋生态系统能量流动环节中起重要作用.文章采用脂肪酸生物标记法和碳、氮稳定同位素技术研究了通州湾养殖水域海蜇的食性及营养级.结果显示,对通州湾养殖水域海蜇共检测出29种脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸(Saturated fatty acid,SFA)10种,单不...  相似文献   

河流溶解无机碳(DIC)是全球碳循环中的重要组成部分。河流DIC的稳定碳同位素(δ13CDIC)已被广泛用于辨识流域内碳的来源和迁移转化过程。本研究综合现有文献,系统梳理了河流δ13CDIC的影响因素和变化机理,论证了该指标能够忠实、敏感反映流域环境特征及各种地表过程,可用于重建流域碳循环体系中的生物地球化学过程。由于河流碳来源及迁移转化过程的复杂性,关于河流δ13CDIC的影响机理仍有较多细节尚未探明。通过收集和分析我国主要河流的δ13CDIC数据发现,在全国尺度上我国河流δ13CDIC呈现出“西高东低”的变化格局,基本反映了我国地质、气候及生态环境的空间分布特征。青藏高原地区河流δ13CDIC值整体上比起其地区明显偏高,关于这一现象的形成机制还有待进一步研究。最后,我们对未来研究工作应重点关注的内容提出建议,以期进一步完善和提升河流DIC同位素示踪理论及其在揭示碳循环过程和机理方面中的应用。  相似文献   

应用稳定同位素技术研究崂山湾夏季鱼类群落的摄食生态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张波  袁伟  戴芳群 《水产学报》2016,40(4):585-594
崂山湾是黄海沿岸众多海湾之一,也是当前增殖放流的重要水域,研究该区域鱼类群落结构及其食物网结构,有着非常重要的生态意义和实用价值。本研究根据2014年6月和8月在崂山湾海域进行的底拖网调查,分析该海域夏季鱼类群落的优势种组成,并通过测定稳定同位素对其摄食生态进行研究。结果表明,崂山湾夏季鱼类群落的优势鱼种共有10种,包括六丝矛尾鳅虎鱼、中华栉孔鳅虎鱼、红狼牙鳅虎鱼、皮氏叫姑鱼、白姑鱼、小黄鱼、绿鳍鱼、短吻红舌鳎、斑鲨和赤鼻棱鳀;夏季崂山湾不同月份鱼类群落的优势种组成差异较大。各优势鱼种间δ13C值存在显著差异,结合胃含物分析结果表明6月鱼类群落食物的主要来源均为底层饵料,而8月鱼类群落的食物来源则更广泛。崂山湾夏季2个月鱼类群落的优势鱼种间的δ15N值均存在显著差异,最大分别相差4.61‰和3.70‰。崂山湾6月鱼类群落的优势种包括了中营养级鱼类和高营养级鱼类,鱼类群落的平均营养级为3.90,主要是底栖动物食性鱼类;而8月鱼类群落的优势种包括了低营养级鱼类和中营养级鱼类,鱼类群落的平均营养级为3.37,包括浮游动物食性和底栖动物食性2种食性类型,以底栖动物食性鱼类为主。线性回归分析表明崂山湾夏季10种优势鱼种除皮氏叫姑鱼、斑鲨、短吻红舌鳎和绿鳍鱼的营养级与体长无线性相关外,其余优势鱼种的营养级均与体长呈显著的正相关。这主要由于它们随着体长的增加,摄食高营养级的饵料增加,低营养级的饵料减少,自身的营养级也随之升高。  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios ( 13C/ 12 C and 15N/14 N) of in situ dominant primary producers and consumers were investigated to assess the impact on a natural ecosystem of a land-based fish farm along the south-western coast of Sicily (Italy). The putatively impacted area close to the farm along outfall was compared with other locations at increasing distances from the outfall. Carbon and mainly nitrogen stable isotopes revealed evidence of widespread aquaculture waste in the study site: benthic organisms collected in the impacted area showed more enriched 15N signatures than those at greater distances from the outfall, suggesting a large contribution of aquaculture waste to the food web. By contrast, both nekton-benthic and pelagic organisms seemed to be less influenced by discharge, probably due to their mobile habit.  相似文献   

随着人们对水产品需求的快速增长,消费者对水产品原产地信息也越来越重视。鉴于以假充真、以次充好的不法行为严重影响消费者和生产者的合法权益,开发更有效的水产品溯源、真伪鉴别及原产地保护体系愈发重要。与此相适应,本文重点综述了基于矿质元素与稳定同位素地理“指纹”溯源技术的基本原理及其在水产品产地溯源中的研究进展,以期为今后相关技术的开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Oil and natural gas (ONG) development can affect aquatic ecosystems through water contamination, water withdrawals and disturbance of soil and vegetation (surface disturbance) from infrastructure development. Research on how these potential sources of watershed and aquatic ecosystem impairment can affect fish assemblages is limited. Fish–habitat relationships were evaluated across stream sites experiencing differing levels of ONG development. Colorado River cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus (Cope), and mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdii Girard, presence and abundance were associated with habitat conditions predominantly found in the less disturbed streams, such as higher proportion of shrub cover, greater stream depths and gravel substrate. Mountain sucker, Catostomus platyrhynchus (Cope), appeared to be a habitat generalist and was able to persist in a wide range of conditions, including degraded sites. Natural resource managers can use habitat preferences of these fish species to establish the development plans that mitigate negative effects of ONG development by protecting the aquatic habitats they rely upon.  相似文献   

应用同位素分析黑龙江中游主要鱼类营养层次   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年5月—2011年10月对黑龙江中游采集的32种鱼类和6种底栖无脊椎动物,运用稳定碳、氮同位素方法进行水生态营养层次的分析。结果显示,鱼类δ13C值为-32.00‰~-17.32‰,相差14.68‰;δ15N值为7.58‰~14.78‰,差值达6.80‰,跨度都很大。底栖无脊椎动物δ13C值和δ15N值的跨度不大,δ13C值为-29.64‰~-26.10‰,相差3.54‰;δ15N值为7.09‰~9.91‰,相差2.82‰。通过δ15N值计算出黑龙江中游32种主要鱼类和6种底栖无脊椎动物食物网营养层次,其中肉食性鱼类鳇(Huso dauricus)占据了黑龙江中游鱼类中最高的营养位置。通过分析初步建立了水体食物网连续营养谱,并结合底栖无脊椎动物同位素数据勾勒出黑龙江中游食物网营养结构图。  相似文献   

Abstract – The trophic ecology of many fish species in cold temperate lakes is often characterized by a generalist or opportunist strategy. In this study, the diets of polytrophic brown trout in Loch Ness, Scotland, have been examined using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to complement gut content analyses and aging by otolith annuli counts. Using the stable isotope ratios, it was possible to trace trout ontogeny from parr development in a natal river to piscivory in the pelagic. Potential dilution of maternal isotope signatures from eggs to parr was also demonstrated. Despite the low productivity of the loch, intraspecific variability in isotope ratios suggested dietary specialization, rather than opportunism, in some individuals.  相似文献   

Abstract  Stable isotope analysis was used to determine trophic position and the relative contributions of terrestrial-derived carbon (TDC) and marine-derived carbon for Chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), pink, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum), and chum, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) salmon fry in near-shore marine habitats. Chum fry were enriched in δ 13C relative to pink fry, and enriched in δ 15N relative to both Chinook and pink fry. Between 5.5 and 39.7% of the carbon in the three species was TDC. The TDC was higher in chum fry (28.7 ± 4% SD) than in pink fry (24.9 ± 4.4% SD), but TDC did not differ between Chinook fry (27.8 ± 9.5% SD) and either chum or pink fry. The fry of these three species of Pacific salmon may form a trophic hierarchy with chum fry occupying the highest trophic position and the three species may also partition resources according to carbon source.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined whether solvent-based lipid extractions, commonly used for stable isotope analysis (SIA) of biota, alters δ 15N or δ 13C values of fish muscle tissue or whole juvenile fish. Lipid extraction from muscle tissue led to only small (<1‰) isotope shifts in δ 13C and δ 15N values. By contrast, ecologically significant shifts (+3.4‰ for δ 13C and +2.8‰ for δ 15N) were observed for whole juvenile fish. Sample variance was not affected by lipid extraction. For tissue-specific SIA, two sample aliquots may be required: a lipid-extracted aliquot for stable carbon isotope analysis when differing lipid content among tissues is a concern, and a nonextracted aliquot for δ 15N determination. Whole organism SIA is not recommended because of the mix of tissues having different turnover times; for very small fish, we recommend that fish be eviscerated, decapitated, and skinned to minimise differences with samples of muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Pacific salmon develop many sexually dimorphic features at maturity, and the extent of development varies among populations. In this study, we compared a suite of traits including body length, body depth, jaw length, tooth size and skin mass in male and female sockeye salmon breeding in beach and creek habitats. Both tooth size and skin mass varied positively with body length. Within each of the breeding habitats, males had longer teeth than females, and within each sex, beach spawners had longer teeth than creek spawners. Males also had heavier skin than females in each habitat but, unlike the case with tooth size, creek spawners showed a much stronger relationship between skin mass and body length than did beach spawners. Tooth length was positively related to jaw length and skin mass among individuals within a given sex and habitat. Taken together, these results suggested that variation in tooth size parallels variation in other sexually dimorphic traits. Males and beach spawners tend to exhibit large trait values relative to females and creek spawners, and 'well-endowed' individuals displayed high values of all traits rather than a trade-off as might occur if investment in one trait compromised investment in others. However, the finding that creek fish tended to have thicker skin for a given body length than did beach fish suggested that factors other than merely defense against conspecifics during battle, such as abrasion and desiccation resistance in small streams, may influence the evolution of skin mass in mature sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

为探讨长江上游珍稀、特有鱼类国家级自然保护区对金沙江下游现有鱼类资源可能发挥的替代生境保护作用,在对金沙江下游鱼类进行多次实地采样调查基础上,结合历史文献记载,梳理了金沙江下游的鱼类名录,并与“保护区”内的鱼类物种多样性进行了对比。结果表明,分布于金沙江下游的鱼类共有194种,其中土著鱼类162种,隶属于5目15科79属;分布于“保护区”内的鱼类197种,其中土著鱼类187种,隶属于6目21科94属。进一步分析显示,既见于金沙江下游又见于“保护区”的土著鱼类129种,反映出两者在鱼类种类组成上有较大的相似性;“保护区”内未能包括的仅见于金沙江下游的鱼类多为金沙江下游支流或附属高原湖泊中生活的种类,“保护区”在一定程度上可以发挥金沙江下游替代生境的作用。  相似文献   

This study proposed the use of the stable isotope technique to track the type of food utilized by pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus larvae during their development, and to identify the moment when the larvae start using nutrients from the dry diet by retaining its carbon and nitrogen atoms in their body tissues. Five‐day‐old pacu larvae at the onset of exogenous feeding were fed Artemia nauplii or formulated diet exclusively; nauplii+formulated diet during the entire period; or were weaned from nauplii to a dry diet after 3, 6 or 12 days after the first feeding. δ13C and δ15N values for Artemia nauplii were ?15.1‰ and 4.7‰, respectively, and ?25.0‰ and 7.4‰ for the dry diet. The initial isotopic composition of the larval tissue was ?20.2‰ and 9.5‰ for δ13C and δ15N respectively. Later, at the end of a 42‐day feeding period, larvae fed Artemia nauplii alone reached values of ?12.7‰ and 7.0‰ for δ13C and δ15N respectively. Larvae that received the formulated diet alone showed values of ?22.7‰ for δ13C and 9.6‰ for δ15N. The stable isotope technique was precise, and the time at which the larvae utilized Artemia nauplii, and later dry diet as a food source could be clearly defined.  相似文献   

Organic fish farming is postulated as a more environmentally friendly activity than conventional activities. However, environmental sustainability as regards waste output has not been addressed. In this respect, the most important environmental problems associated with fish farming are those related with the discharge of particulate wastes. In this study, total nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus digestibility was estimated in a wide size range of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fed a commercially available conventional diet and an organic feed, as a previous step to assessing particulate waste output. Neither fish size nor feed nutrient content was seen to influence nutrient digestibility in either species. The organic diet provided higher carbon but lower nitrogen and phosphorus digestibility than conventional feed in both species. Simulations under real ongrowing conditions resulted in lower values for nitrogen and higher values for carbon particulate wastes when conventional feed was supplied to both species. Particulate phosphorus wastes were 2.6‐ to 3.4‐fold higher for fish fed the organic diet. Restrictions concerning NO the raw materials used for organic diet formulation and differences in nutrient bioavailability between the diets seemed to be the underlying reason for the differences found.  相似文献   

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